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ay, ASSIGNMENT / SS WFU UNI WORLD PEACE TEST BOOKLET dent's Name Pa Maheshwari : TTY..B Teta... coivision RAL con Rot No.-PAOB....:--Aeademic Year: 20-20 bee on RDSP. subse eet 6. RPE: O bn bate: 2B) F122... PLEDGE solemnly affirm that | have writen this Assignment/Test based on my own prepat or given it to others for coping. | know that this is to be submitted as a part of m ration. | have neither copied it from others, yy submission at the end of the term Signature of the student ruNno | 1] 2/3) 4] 5] 6|7 | 8 | 9 | 10] Total arksIGrade i Name & sign of the faculty Member (Please start writing assignment test from here) —ROSP Expemment 0! itle: ee c ackivakion Stem niith actualer 4 Dim: Sere motor achivathon Circuit iirectional Motor Crrcuik | ir s -s a draulic motor ton Circus |Mulkiple activation vaulic. roe ee ___|boestabli Series “of devices , to ele cartel aves cloumbes wae Pavamebers ant Os Speed i temperature, eke» ¥ www.mitwpu.edu.in is MIT WORLD PEACE ‘ASSIGNMENT / | MIT-WPU | UNIVERSITY |r TEST Page No. The activation of multiple ybeeuulic oa | ali ei cate ie Re I proup £1) , in @hich a ¢ Vindew C. =ieame - Goidk hich moves atiskon oo thawi a q la Sing le Conduck (0). the Chamber— ing ’ 0 spy (), Lending “Lp the Volulnebric_ _lineread) ees oN ae mean S| oF Pistorfy - = “The piston (s) Lravels Sin oppasite— irection - _lfakes Place by means oF Sewer {S). Fram | Whe mobo» (3 Convenient “Gisted on the = sen eee eye oP o— ay ee TA aa aS ieee ines ale exisk eae duit s ee cone of Tale ee es hydra dratilic Fluid —_ Yeservoir (13). —_|plso, the multiple hydvauli eg Beal fos") C21") each bo cing assiste ees a Valve (18) bo C3 it) &Cra) ih ee Ninea, of Valves C4) fi) Rai —____|miero ony. (2s). WN NN | Lee — www. mitwpu ae * =) lie Sypben, d: : — - N ole —— [Every activati hydraulic. Glinde-r (21) hese Teeth a [piston positiondd NE while dn the Othew side is hydraulic Fluid yeceiver. Gontisting of reli —{Sprin} (22) 2. rod (24) .APLex opening 0 cS nt electric Values the Flu intl ; Seeburg bo the Main cylindex (#) or +o the reP ill —|WesexVoi + Gln presen we SenSor (12) Serr —HHn_a main line Cy acl ee ipfexmation bo Pg eee The Computer Ar BE —jACLivate. re. 9 tae piston Co") 4 fae ease the Nalve Cis) wil) be Send £ Valve Lis) will be closed. Accardiz| ite ie ce el {mn Manner. ixechona | Molor Civcuit: : fi —— Operation OP a Bi-dixectional motor is done —_USing 4/2Dev. A Bi-dixectiona| De moter allows Jus Bh “Enckeh the drveelioe of the Current is through which enables — enn Spellieeceetine alte etl ate spel ate =~ aN cee TEST Page. ah ; Assia / bales iT WORLD PEACE at Sait WORLD peace | tesrPse wa UNIVERSITY» Miro | University === {Bidiveetional moter circuit with breaking: [AS we tnow then wekeep lever of 4/3 Dev ———}ke mil- pesition motor will Skop-There ave + jtwo issued 5 [Mote ma+ run due to over Seunnigs loaad a ee t P-Mekow due bo inertia, Conbinwed -bo wekebe fer Considerable Gmount of hime beCave jp re —- to edt. —_s Bie ond this brave Values 848, Ave used in Circuit. Tn First position of 4/3 Dev, oi) Me pots fran Pte A Gat ol iepre py _f fruos_in frvwaxd divection.—on Second _ Iensisten at 48 Dew oi| Pls Cram Pog ¢_ eam hence trediar une in reverse divection i + middie position of 4/3 Dew, all ports ay. yt Veen use TE motor is loaded yailes oven. a ning leads _brete Values ove nob, uded, the» ——|loaa “wit Pall this brake Valve sill allow | Flow Prom moter if fony it there is PrreSsuxe | Gk inlet of motor. TP 5 “IS nak Supplicd bo ——inleh of mobor, tne oublel yyill nok open? — moter Shalt is loved. ‘ror itp. in TESTP age No. ‘assionnent/ | >) b MIT WORLD PEACE MIT-WPU UNIVERSITY TW. Bech ROA codec Yow Semester v LABORATORY CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT RUBRIC couse RDSP pare 25/2122 Shravan Mahesh: souno PA O& datailed explanation tional onélusion: 1s in this _eXpes ere Studied odors. Cireuik Wilts ament_ different mokor_ civ breaking & wee Cuies wills Give k diagram A Gf the Chreuite diageann.— a | ay.) MIT WORLD PEACE (Sate D ALy/ MIT-WPU | UNIVERSITY |r TEST BOOKLET Student's Name cae estas class © TY. BTEC .csndiision:.... R&A Roll No PA.O8. ‘Academic Year: 20-20 Subject: ... RDSP. AesonmertTetno.: Fxpk.o2.......oae:.0M 0822, PLEDGE | solemnly affirm that | have written this Assignment/Test based on my own pre Ror given it to others for coping. | know that this is to be submitted as a part of my submission at the end of the term, aration. | have nether coped trom others} Signature of the student eps est | a ES a | Total | Matte Name & sgn ofthe faculty Member _ (Please start witing assignment test rom here) ae | ag ee eee TYG Experiment -©: Oye Title -(Co-ordineking motion oP_preumatic actuators. linn “Ip Sundexctand the Cos es | __muiliple_Pneumahic actuators “ina desired. a Pees, 3 E Pyles? 2 Cy index: wa Preumatie Cylinder is a peers ee | Comerts. Compressed aii ur ene’ inko avreciprocahng | Nneax_motion. eo ctcki Nace» Uses Compressed air to Move _o SEL A, out, while a ce __ackin kes Comp eEaatt air For one? amlest. tre a 2 neta Shing Pow the Other. wrw.mitwpu.edu.in G- PreSSuuwe gage =] Lever} : =e ies *eetubakor} Contrel —— Compre Sey Mer reek or Nalve — a D| Pheumertic_clamping Cylinder ie — They ore tools used £5 grip 4 hald_ equipment E —orcnakerials. the Clamps are reat Fv quick — = Clamping. in. oduckion_operatns » fore Setuniy —— | jBhe—octuatot Tod ina Verkical Position —( ——+| Uses aT _|& eating it Prom webracking., eohich is —— Fthese use air actuated cylinders bo operate 4h, —irliakncatepa operator Sufehy.\ They have — Action. Clampinn Gjlinder-s Secure. ey.ipret Fepoirs ote. plo) ‘i ai —|Spring like mechanisms thot tre. in _on — 5 z at esibion by the Pressure. in the preumy—— jen being handled The ox = ee IF_ad¥op in! pressure Occur. a nee is cere: a oleate the Clamps willl Snap clased & Secure —— | manubachiriag industries ¢od_until the dir Pressure. is normalised. — aim sae Machinin Galinders — — — —________ e_Oukput i up ported, b Self -lubricabed ey flanking Principle. —— Fae _|Weass “Smooth movement Gan Mewase the —|freumdlic clamps abilize the theora op ch ex. The pistan polis = Clamping mechanism With lever prinviple +o Sa ing-The oukpud Sha — foe aay aieete oe the Cane an b. aa avoid_ony— iprocaling motion of the piston ved. When es Wi & Gylinder_wall— i fed pthe gas_will enber the deamp 4 i . = Re a = q Compr eSs, aly Wil] exer. re on{- ie Canhing ial Vena se ‘wvmuniowpuedn AN a i Unive teen — ‘TEST Page No, Mieco Universe = : (seen “The piston red is tea a eee intact ; stabli i : - eae Cotacls Bstiaiches with He | Convesox: i Comuesting System USeS 1 Series of [Pipelines hat move Products ey Purnping civ. These erat : eae typically Consist. oP Rowden © renules ___|eylinder — - es.e-Saskems Runckion_by moving materials —_—_|— Cylinder wall Yareugh”a_combinakion of Qiflow by another Hype BP gas 2 Prassuxe. operators Can Contesl Positive dx negative Pressure of airflow bo. Smoothly tran’Pex products without iomrginy About damage Loss. te win het ne ae A Sir. rei bal ic {Movi ulk_ goods wi Oo Bix ax A enclosed 2 Baca aks —— dgpe_o6-mator nibich dees — conveging fipliines the pliner} Principle of pb ond Oe: -pneumabic. re . fae: | | note Conv: sexe, the ci movement — mechani expanding Compressed airs Preuces ean s-= Nes et Lak eee Peeler a coon is ee gerne thy ees ie = oD, n ; ! i Mechanical work through either hnear —o* pele Ip scope sltcraat eS nie linea mobidin Can Come Prax ¢ith— are Floning Convey im Or_ Piston ackuato~, while. arokerg applied by either _avane ype alae ~~ __|wnper. hea Trotey, air bivbine Or gen B |. 0 3 fen (1s | esac sicnnent/ | —— contro Valve ae a aT ; | = Supporbes seamen Ls 3 ot et nu noiaiun. ube T= meni ‘| a) ld cyelone Sepacrabo>— ae Weckex os 4 a a i a peewee amtMiagta autlanen 26 asalla > an ae gamepad Taiz Camrenn teipas Ob these alae pabtcseel ba —Teeels Brat _osre used in industapy “oclide — lentes, hailing 4 stapling qua ®, grinders ae eee - : —_frivding gue gy runilers Auairencbos So I cape Pindglen! Wabi ce thot ot ae Rue Shie Wels ane pomered by ex thal’s — Mpgpieslefedelivered_Bxohn_an ol \Compressons — __The“Aiv is Senk throu: ue, El ____ at Set ko Trespiived & Se ae ‘i mo =a i rat (oy ae fet aT Powers PPh ke eed i —| _faivertor: ee Ll ia eww it 1% retracki on of erated Valve: 282 Valves Pilok oy ‘Hiesa ty z A Nahe, hy, Siqnal an iv pressure lawever. instead ye. Shall a it, OF an_elechric be used bo di -|dosed or aia B a Duick Exhaust Valve: {The}-cisce_ installed ok the od ox blind end of freumakic_ Cylinder bo Provide aquict ecension a mi ee equipment. Duick exhaust jalves Operab increasing the Speed of pneumalie Cylindee rod. ean expel “the —echqust air at tne Port ot the cylinde» ldivechly i Pa i" Berra thew. Re Reburn Pork C2 to cinder “ Pe men Pork. E- Exhaust Pork PPR tba Gglindes ‘wuniopuedule Tt (eax —| ‘Test Page. oS Leanne wir worto Peace Mirweu UNIVERSITY "7 U rym MIT WORLD peace UNivERstry Lin Switches. Valve * vole _acsiatow liek. Sulkcle js. device thak ig designed 40 ade curverneke Signed Lo tre Con, [gtadtdn, also Known as Plc or Des, %es ardiag 4. | Nal e_Pasition. Ofken Ofen.ox closed: re Seu Gan_belused fax Conteellin enachinerey Os Pork. Peale et J Sofeky inter lock | be oras a Cou ne Pang? course RDgp PAE ONGI22. wero PA OR C=) iment, we hop understood the co-ordinaking polio’ aol mhalkiple Pneumatic _ackuator ina cecil ae We have Studied about tre eumakic System 4 i 5 j eee eg oem | Concluding een Si ASSIGNMENT / Di. Vswanat Kara MIT WORLD PEACE MIT-WPU UNIVERSITY | pure us) -[l) de eee en steelers sseeestance “ tas :...4.¥ BT Ch.....pivision RAB... Rot No:.PA.O$.....-Academic Year: 20-20 Subject... RDSP.... sesnsanedASsignment Test No. expt.s.% onbate:, 22-108.) 2.2 PLEDGE | solemnly affirm that | have written this Assignmenl/Test based on my own preparation. | have neither copied it from others Nor given it to others for coping. | know that this is to be subrritted as a part of my submission at the end of the term. Signature of the student 10 | Total Name & sign of the faculty Member (Please start writing assignment test from here) —_ ROSP Experiment Wo: 3 __ as yeast ie Theory [Deive: ___|The_ackions o chins of Aheindvidual pinks aa —_|Conbrolled dex ko Pex Fas tn 4 ___|Movemenk. This eed _by He dyive = \use Ate powe- the x. robot. The joints are rac —_ Othualors powered by a PaxHeulas Form oF gos, Sasxe <4 m; ohemely worwitwpueduin _ J] Beckie Prive a Wadvaulie Prive 2] Pneumatic Drive [Pneumatic Drive Fp sbaghie rater : ¢ eS a bs pomunshia_Aaiva Systeme Hin sets TS irs lalieds inexpecan ae ne See jhe ee ila SN ee Sian a CaskeBRective Pees al a a ic Tosulticient to | —#{Disahaataaccl Pee me ide the needed Saree. For the work | ——A| The disad\Shabones of the pacamalis auc SoS sya ea pumy Can be added include toe fal wig fal okey mee at Ao ste. Systern tahich vtiy inoreate the oir ——jloa loading “The grskesting is sequined bet ve wreSSuve ok Ye S4Skem ____— —|—— = ger sy Te pads oa pactinnliai dca agen ae fT Appiations + Materiad handling. aceslre CarmpreSsiax, preumakic CoVindews py ——}Sriligy,, Sersing, Filing» Packersing, Clamping [sina es Nala Pte nese i: Shitting 2Oke. Ohre Some of 4 | Volumes. A! Reliable “Preumebr'e [6cs + Pneumatic $: durable 4 relieble. ee. pada. tba eS Supply air Fae Jue. preduclion of Compress jGonbxal aix, eee raed ta tange ——j = Ee mS are Cxbrem | 4 — Ling jenesral applications of the Pneumatic System i “fires hak Tees clea ea |e Pee eclensid Velues fae acluntish “AP anc! Aixection iS Called electra. =pne: sumatr ce _ “sysh e vo Components. Por pea Restate Morhohala Sensots) bgt b | beta Le inal S ater F Specie dened EP [2 | Peckalter | | | Sapa OF Circutk By, PA eal $i a = oA Control Voie - Cleckepne ic Reciprocation of re Canaing. One_Altey 6ylinde sine Fie index sing Plo: Sere Meade _in tie the obher in ie Jom belt Mowe, the. end. Clete inedlea He use pps, 4o_pexfSxm the tes. inde Using PLe“wit, ae de ere iS hime , delay — Fype of basi a Tiree Gagtip peace jar WORLD PEACE (Gbsenvalhon: Emayes attached ak the end lof Bae Ascument~ A (Conclusion - \84 Conducting is practicable ioleteeeo lee 1 Understand 4 resis Yhe_Pneumalic deve Zleckropneumalé dive. Se us igystem, fue ‘Lransition Prom manual +o ple — iciveuid- tate Weve also bo different ed in preumali.c {bape s of. Components us te Circuit ys a =I 4 eleclro- pre —$ Ain ime dela eee 1d if ny : - | 4 (i ca dpa" Rocipsocatiaraebeyial2 0m | sig Bc motoris_a widely used device that —_|translatec electrical pulses into mechanical movement. In applications Such as disk drivers,det malria printers Vobotics , the Stepper motor is used Per position Control. Every Stepper motor has a permanent magnet yokor Surround d oy 0 Stator the most Common Stator motors have | Pohx Stotor windings that ave Paired wilh Center stepped Common as skown in Pigure - wow mitwpucedu.in (gear | —~] —~ OMIT-WeU Univ Larry) ee c= o ——— [This type of Stator motor is. ee cis E re OF Shepper Mobor: is bap > Motor-Nobice 7 tate pete toe ee Rae ae Freely, {There ce. 8 main Spee OF steppe meters the yam: while a Cnven! eee tenererner es fh Pemmanenk magne Stepper [oe she re ae which_allowsone to — _ he ie Syoch Sano. Stepper Yepeak. = - prscis.e position Sa 18. Variable Freluckance Skepper move it to A dest — — - - $= — {t-—__—. ee (raha net Stepper Motoy J se —— Bl Bivataa cee Inet motors. US 4 Permanent Yo =e =e ln oe Cm inthae oben Bapenate On the al ett | Coarsqel minim le repulsion belitcen Hie robe aa] ale Sos praia ee M hte Saboe “elechromasnete cm aes A8leypes Valo ——Naviabla lchonce Steppes nego — Sean —seeppes M Variable rel = D windings & . uckance motors have plain [-———_—______D_ ; ible_as ap ——|iton tober bo ereite based on the ple fIhis repeatable Pied Mavemenk is pass: Pe etiminionan.! luckance occurs yity, _|wesult oF basic m dic theory here Poles st OF the Same polarity repel Gpposites alts — dicie P Rater Tasks doeule of Ue Caveat is Changed, the — ies er we acts —Polomity is also changed causing tne vveree ' Re Se ee rae Mees ee ——fration— OF the robot Vas Poe equen ca. oF LL q fie ane Power is applied 0 each Skealoy wiadin a (ae hoes pe i ai (PMN a aie yeni abun ei 6 fies reluctance Cua) bechnioul teacher. widely us, Sequences & cach has a difteren Fi he er ee pelt pee fa fee eee aa esa sees — ee PD ew be = | | [ASSIGNMENT / TEST PagenNo. j Ge sksppistlakayé 20 pegel i ee a PoE She ipte tage ~Towapartional_bothe— inp 2 al : 7HieTreetos bes Pal torque dt Skondstil oS — 3. eer Trespans.e- bo Starkin, eps — Heest65t= [Brew wesligode waendoulars Selerea BNI) ; aa [othe Pres ago ss a #1! A plicerkions: ee 2h trial Machines = a —|Skeppe~. i Live ef OF Ask26 before Comeck; 4 = maclan sales a: iS, Y [Press the Fl beppex tnobar equipment a ed dered £0) 9h ee ea a 2)Securite New Suvillin ce products Pox ———| Connection _(ormectny aoe ee teria industry» sabe LiedrHe ee ee TS, Se ee 21 Medeal : Stepper motors are Used inside ——| UN Tapa CA) mnere k oe ee framers, 4 Samplers 4 alse eons) tout gre pes ie e digital. dental Proboyephy, Pluid SNe ae ne a ieecte Tespirakors e eae or Lopullh.cp) es 2 ee 4, iF nSurner Elecderonies ‘Stepper motors in Camee ~~ 19 = At P4 —__ For automatic digital Camera Pocus Geum funbfe—_||20 — Zagat WN sv B0Vat ernie — ANN cn GND ——— a); a | la F Pree Motion aha Sheppen moken i : UID Rca nim a Bopp Motor a a aie i SPE tee ecre nies ah 4 See ia Hielude Cotes Sigal Same ae = See SBE fa see de eal Ps alia OPA ag = eat ae a Sbit buzzer aia a mas oe aa [aus Tvs St [Void delay Aa A Void delay C5. ——— 7 oe — pete oe soca ede, eS ere ae ine tasea Ne pinks oped eee eel | Chevy = eae a (Dakal] = Lox0a,0x06 Ox 80, \xAo, Oxre On: | DataTI=fox0A, Oxos, Ox82:0X6 0, OXA0, 0X20, _ ——_|paMdour=OxFe; pase mas onscaifs d OX22,,0x 029; ——_|buzze~=0; 8 ___| Pampour = oxFe; - while C.) _ buzzer = 0; = re “fyieti> 3 pertissi Bie) _ = eee =o; T<: wee el Pe — \- Stepper <7 Dera Lil; | flere tape a ara ae detegOs fished ogg SUSI alae oe Fe sans ; +f mg bast mle Lala!) Sone ee ESS Wie = Nem Te cio Bub) | —fhiakinns spe eeersariba ds Seay St eee for S25 Ong el nd Lib siv ee Cts | BO [<3 ania ee OES ee +R x(n =03n<5e0;n¢4)) 2a\op lez Shravan Maheshwari Roun pA of MIT WoRLD Peace MiTWeU UNiversiry 23. semesterv RIC exrtno. 4 wma | any | witb | me | Samat date shark Signet | 9 a - rebic wee | ote i i wie learnt about the Stepper motor bits worei ! rindi ple we ose Studied obooul the Lyons ne Skepper Motors — eet| Kadvankaget Keupplitations. Wwe did tne hardware Connection Ldil ine | inbexfaicinr of Stepper maloy on. CBOSIF340. aie | ASSIGNMENT / MIT WORLD PEACE MIT-WPU | UNIVERSITY | pur TEST BOOKLET students Name: Qhrrev. 0 Maheshwari crass TSB. Met bac onohisons RA... wo:.PA.OB......Academie ear: 20-20 sabi DSP oor nson-Asiguren oso: FARES... doe S18 2.0. PLEDGE | solemnly affirm that | have written this AssignmenUTest based on my own pref nor given it to others for coping. | know that this is to be submitted as a part of pparation. | have neither copied it from others} ‘my submission at the end of the term. Signature of the student fan [+ ]2[s]a|s]e[7] es] e[s| tom (Please start writing assignment’ test from here) Lal paggpam, Cooma -basic Pg pam . www.mitwpu.edu.in BLISS sarees rence MIT-WPU UNIVERSITY. el PI VAL was Fish Written in 1125 4 Was te a Prag Famming largely based on the Wave Prpyrann i SitaiEscie Awana Structural Amodulay Copability, i)}VAL-Ir_is One OF Ye mass Commons usead ers! Ino w " ee Sey leamed lenguoge. ly gl eae cee Sn =e i ing the Sutcesdor of VAL=T, i Conpudes a. ‘noid resjecto that Permits Compl < at Perm lex mobions to be executed quick ya attri ee SySkem Orennosy & reduction inaveral) NY Systeno Complexiky , WDE cto Sioaulancoudly intesa dain ill 2 BOD lopeatunl San achat atealin rc te Ole pep ran AER E + __ ita Sph eee ROE eo —ivUnli¢e VAL-T, ibis Moduler, Structured & has dno fives Cumvent position of en mes: Oily to use aries of Theinipulalion reidines is = eV iv) Rated cateratte a ead ee mia - = WHERE 5 a a Pee ae lb oe Jew preSenk in grippers, joints, thie e sic ee pee p—leceouatig te betes Glee ap shi Se aca A el east cnieead ella —_|fdts Speed_as 6e ips Cinches/see) mT Eevee a 7. os MOVE From Current laced ba _foink Pl. __ i. = ares pacar, fi Mavs ees fa — Executes progam, LMove Prom Current location to Pljbub ina Lgl Wi ee Seine Gil. {Straight line. on ae | —#{ Aor Sean ap Move p 1 Po = = — “i Stor the Cieent executing Preyram: : SR pin) Hosa Prada, | ne es ea paeeen prs UO ‘ i [Kine Cer Commands coe Sirilay bo vAlc4 J Mowe. ae P, but Wibh an offset of fo units From bh a worn Pte oink jn z-div eclion « = cpaeT 6 SU eee Ge reader than Or equal to p ead Prom_tacrrent levabionby-meving | jr rises eons ——elony 2 aris by Hmm > fle less than ox equal te ae jm ea | = Leyicel AnD wy WO OPEN close aime woe sie ie Se Rxiar Tue ee the gripes ducing frecubion [Nor = Lage Compliment. co lot next motionY =e ETS heat ee oe aA 4 preg zane Ror Bion Splace operation tn VAL: —_vi) oPewx [closet F 1 jiteelAlelteseg0) MME smeinnd a\Ptaeahinhaadboda glindsical eet | [past of tomm- diameter Prom machin pasitonal =) Gp 4 jah paint Pi hload the part on Machine 2 positioned vii) poe oe immnediabely & Checks Whe Hee Taba the speak ot robok mation is 40 ips. [inns Sl, is less i i 0 al gt ak —)|Stonm aan — Code: rt a ignet Pram ofp porta ciate ae. eee See el Ag OST a he oy SSiliertio a Zs a ae pnt ta gob Sipe inline lobo be ON. __Tappeo Piso +— ree) od | __|speen tes = H | tejical operators: —|Move P1 a eee —__|GRASPIos105 Re ey. are mn sia S19 a 5 —_| Depart PI,50 v= \N a eae FNS Sel 18 0919 Soo-cotps ff _\ \\ senna [eet NN =F SS == = ee te stinhramihe MIT WORLD PEACE Mirsweu | University oe | MIT WORLD Peace "O UNIVERSITY 2 YY | PPPRO P2,5o [the adbeve.dicgrana is tre VAL Struchune SPEED lOTPs or con Pobole Les x. —Initi ins with Code, MoVE_ Pa. JOperubions is done data is colleNa, casting BELow done Pinal output is diverted bo OPENT bo €— manipulate . ABOVE | md DEPART P2,50 = # |Corelusion : Communi cukien links| [Fo_this_expesimend, we learn Obout He | Le otrer Fackory fciegeae lean pages like vaL-T var h | their Conran Ys “Used in Line languages Wwe : also learnt Chow tie logic Operators we dig) O—Praprem fox pick & pice Operalien robot _ | ae a —[van_rebor languege: Shruckwre . a . soap MIT WORLD PEACE MIT-WPU. TY. Bech R&A UNIVERSITY ‘Academic Year: Semester V LABORATORY CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT RUBRIC course’ DSP pare S\Q\22 suet Shravan Maheshwor! exetno. 5 rouno PA 0& SCORE DIMENSION, = 7 7 2 3 a eroemed ane ‘ond Performes Regularity Did not submitted | Performed en | onschedule, | Performed and and rertorm) | laterthan | Schedule, | bmircea’ | submited as punctuaity | subme | seneduied | S¥ mitted two] Spe week | per schedule ate wth Tate permission Neither shows any ang | uaderstends understandin | csseecene | Canoniystate | Qnderstend | onjective and Understanding | "gaftne | States the | He objective | Qhective Bat | Convelatest to theobjectve | coiecinenor | betwee” | wetsows poor | Gamma es mG ‘canrelatet | veauel understanding | ', appropriate to sc dae ‘theory topic the theory lows gH] — Follow aight Cannot follow Ce ae Understanding | othe fotow tne | procedure-but | Procedure, can | procedure, cx of procedure | procedure nat | Eannet analyze | spetyze data | analyze date, procasure | mradvany | “heoncay ate ba cannat ere | work A interoretit ‘3 ate Performs forms the forms retermeane | “Sperment | exsermant on | Sxperment on experiment ie i ‘own without Does not only with the Seeman (cere TEE ‘supervisor's: iywith the | supervisory | supervisor's ae Experiment | parcpatein | “hep rom | heir forgets | lp records | q(t ng ils the | supenorfaners | Pele forgets | hep reco aaa | Ly experiment | andis | reading, Is readings | property Keeps wused ond | confused and | property but a | gre, Meet untidy. pet lean and tidy. Proauces Completes Produces his theresuts | Completes the ‘own result dnalysis anatyss with | resutanaiyss | 2025 ‘nolysis onus tne | ato tom” | amin netptrom | tM | tatty and etnies | resutstrom | Sires but_ | “others and ay ‘owns up the one forgets to | acknowledges | inadequacy | results without acknowledge | ““thehein. | adequacy, any the help es ‘manipulation examination Total 20 reacher's Signature with Date StudOHTESIghature with Date ASSIGNMENT / Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT WORLD PEACE MIT- iT-WPU UNIVERSITY | Student's Name Causa “Mah eshwar \ Class 2a aleclwe. «Jani R&A pot No:..PAOB......academic Year: 20-20 pate 4,112.2 Subje0t oo RBSP... assignment Testo: EMPEAE - TEST BOOKLET PLEDGE a iits (Sloan fe a nave wlan t AScgrmard os seo ay co prepara. Unawe anlet on a rs or Vu oon doe ca Uieoy ct sw be gas am pant gy sisi wt het oe Signature of the student ] QNo [1/2/3/4/ 5] 6/7] 8] 9 | 10] Total Name & sign of the faculty Member MarksiGrade (Please start writing assignment test from here) E RDSP Experiment : & erliiec fihnel nameshe ee. a Extensive px: Flow mer — |g Goprascions SM “Orr Hamn < Wa —_h) Wendling of Chalaias 2 wwwmitwpu.edu.in = cae , - r Abra | strain rence MIT-WPU UNIVERSITY \"" " { L Syntax: : lads: jak datatype identities; : i | RAPID. date . |e eaexp:s Persistent Variables: . | =e See Eeok Neriable is Similar 4, | ry = Keraet diferent. data types |Noriable , bak with one Sjyibcent fal ral dake pes. = | Frayrer bas been Lerminaled agp ee 6 cf Prin Scratch, the last Valle assed Saree Deserip: ’ Koo_persistent \aviable is remembered, a oes dP Sse resteoa numbbee= The kejuiord_"' Peas integer 44 Num S_used bo declare a_ On_initial Value must = ime OF declaration: —_|pexsisPink Variable, & allocated at Ye 4, 7 ps. PERS num nbax:= 1; envy ? at = — a abe) Pema lPrre queer 2 = Hello | — Asterix bent linda —) TAS Sty Z 0 60 Charackers. Can We represent numerical _ _ — | dab (J Reed's Gnstants: ocean eee suble. Beal Ar Omat ants, Vio Nomiable, has.o Value, howevew face A losica | Coclean)veriable. es Fee ees dlags assy Late at and ta B Vale Only Tre jt 2 ees detains cont bested | “False can be Td eine = Constant functions Similarly — — | esp ogram, With tne exception See Bandon | fp elspa Propet These three. ee cine the —jthat it Cannek e gu ae oe fee a Ah = 7 |} ——th, Word“ Const”™ is_use. 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Sauare: i nel i | EISELE answer» 2 THEN Zz drrow_triangle; : a : ae! Eise_ | Phorm (ode 2 [ic ; an + Enpre Enorroc. PERS tooldaka Hen L62,0,139,01, |L0,0,0,0, 4, 9E4 PERS num Cound : Bal Change Popes | Reseb Count Count: 203 _ENDIE ENDpROC Mooute_MeinModule— 2,0,0),0,0,0)]5 | 41 fo, Tabbartet plo 2LCé0, ~leo,8a0],Lo-0 ‘Const e “a7, 461, 9615961 A003 Te_Counh > lo THEN = rently off 1 ave 1) = Ereve JE. £200,0,30J,L1,0.% a ~ bp Onclusion: i 2,0 Wwe _lecern RAPED language. +-la_Preqrarming a an We Studied venous ———|ConSkaWis . VaWables, move instyuctions , - = pfeseadate RyStemns oF RAPID lanquctes Qiks applications vuritpedt MIT WORLD PEACE UNIVERSITY TY. BTech R&A Academic Year 2022-23 semesterv LABORATORY CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT RUBRIC course; DSP ExXPTNO: & pare 14) 22 STUDENT: Shravan Metheshweiri ROLLNO. PA O% ae Sexe — scone DIMEN : ; ¢ = , Parone cn rertormed Regularity Did not ‘submitted Laer et co ‘on schedule, Performed and ‘and Perfermy | later than ecg | submitted submitted as punetuality| submit scheduied | Submitted two | one week per schedule seneduied | Sfrgeiate | one.ne permission wather stows shy Understands Understend understandin Con ony state cect and Understanding g of the omaes _ the objective | Cblective but. | con relate it to ‘the objective | objecuve nor | EVE Very | put shows poor | nad Drotessi lor) —— PSS 2eC) sone, Fe todo neh wedebeicPt a) So ere oil se ele allt ~ {Gu Asse instrvetions: _ Bee tne, then the next __—| “Top unc and Tomas bo specitied label jak ete ie SEP the Gtetement js jC Beamplel Tumpe, ! snd) —. oan next Command_js Sipped,4 beset) any gp OTT at ar ——|Palse, then the a | —|@) Mave the (ussor 4p dhe tine imoediabe fy E {AML Continued. ea iat Bake | the line there phe TuMp is tone ifocted : SS Press Tnfown List Sele, 4 TTUMP in Contre! Commend Pia yoo teat net tae (2) Move the_Cursor to instruction Selec = ed lec oboe Levent at Assi) Bee poe in_exewaple Sedo : ‘anclion]. Colle the Specified Toh Liste” cover, PiistPile™=9 vid] i aE Beemplel Cats Ja: HD ON 7 4a 4a ibe hdaba_sebs To = B16) Press Totorn list, Selech CAL in the Control JP, - —— —{Gommand d disp la, pee a Barn lie. : Aira Ke) sleet sop ——jfdjpe Te Prilaamel2 @sicet a Tob 40. call Prom ToB LEST window = (ek eae f ~ Press SeleAis {| = aa vo @'Press INseer 4 ENTER. enn | ee =}———_\\. wos | Can Tos is inserbed — = = ue gi pe Ital pao pig sae re a Sola ——|Pick¥P : Suge CPaRT__DATA, TRIES): —— Move (RT PPER , DIAMETER (PART. [Move (é1,2.3> %gjz—POs ion (PAR. ~——fTRy._ PL cep CPART— DATA TRIES); —Enp ss Nt / Sy estrogen, | eae } Frey Placve :Su8eCPART— DATA AMES Peel Deis Sarees Lr TREN —— me ml Return CtNo Parr’); —— —— Pet = QMovE C3,-.0)5 ——— S t hsp ds — Oi pL Man METER PRET DATA) = No Pree Thay % s eee prccu? 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Dr. Vishwanath Karad ASSIGNMENT / MIT WORLD PEACE MIT-' T-wPu UNIVERSITY | Pune TEST BOOKLET Student's Name : Shravan Maheshwari = : z class: TY. B.Tech LDvision:... R&A, Roll No. PAOY.......Academic Year :20 -20 Subject RDS Pe ca |. 5 cobbeeasene abies Expk.&........0. 26 14leo. PLEDGE 3 | solemnly affirm that | have written this AssignmenY/Test based on my own preparation. | have neither copied it from others Nor given it to others for coping. | know that this is to be submitted as a part of my submission at the end of the term Signature of the student Total Name & sign of the faculty Member (Please start writing assignment/ test from here) ee Se ecorrneb he | T Pick, lace program operations Onrabob Aim = To understand pick Bheecion Be a eke ae cet liieam oe | oF ached example. , ” _@)Algorithrn of Code usePul Por pice ee eae ee es —— When are a de —— of Biex 4 the Code, Q Sequente EIS nblaasony to be famed. www.mitwpueduin = Ay, shri iT WORLD Peace iareweu Univenstey es Ay ; dietrinls MIT WORLD PEACE Mirswru Universi Flowchart necessory Fo, extemal ‘envix, [Step 2: Soicrias [euild [Environment Nelerme | P I | __denlify ports & [pie Belectinn of ape rahere ot place ther Ipreved & Checkipg ot fate ae = r Esl Classify ree 7 pcabiae OF pick ad camer (ie ene : SPS Propping oft of tee hy hs Ports {Panky —frequired placed © Objeck at ty, Ot Yequived 2S ition [ep F: Redurni ny back lt. Ee PeSition otter Lat es 20 deachpendanh petal he Yetta, POP erations on Yasrawa sipoacticn pair spens ond $2 Uederskand the piex {place opeShtion Steps. ee | Step wise Algpnithnn ob Free A place ie Operation » = (gems) NY, | svrceme eeace chefs | MIT WORLD PE Mirweu | University MIT WORLD Peace MIT-WPU University’ EAC! ) T O14@_ Home po: | o® © Objeee ot i} at rake 0.0 phizet dhrSpris ne Make Cont eee ae Cae Sep 4 Movy gust of Hoe gripes L the chen 2. five Lifk Le Object in ord to stard Push, Ce m lex. ert Punth er nt | dona 5 Ipeadie Paton ie Sequence Of Operations ie S: Mov vr 220-6 | : 4 olacia Robob [We move ous 4 i ok pice 4 place } a mt bo Lae tEion OF Nees pesibion O66. Haopaing i abject ot tne eect pe esis | f as Mov. 169.9 P ——fintedrop Hie obs ck Ln @ rs | Pp ch 2 d pla fend effector ee a pesitite linen Shep 3: -MoVLy = 160, * ——ffnd_eftector Shere. Procedure of debting back Jo ee [Onyinat Position | 4 = d {Shep 8: Moy vr = Bo-o ——]——Rebatic arm back to __|Movt wr = 20-00 ° od bela Ii tine 5s Ot ee ksi] OES Eee —- Motor Used Type of tmtor usedin ‘the operabione boii] Mov\isV_-3! [gp] $9 i aa -| - 4OF qyoskawa Motamin} ave Sexvo motors with | } — 5 Mout VI 2 Borage Ui J feb Polte ws Assurai ie Me Te i pcoe a aoe ae Mavy- Vi 2|0-¢9 == oli Movi vie: fa-plsed saineissA: = 4 12 | MoVL__\ = [50-0 ol a6 hacae Pasition pF Atal latnabton oF all Steps of Pra Cran BS Wz tos inte —t0pla toe end elecdoy in ( —fihe Pace tb tne object to be piceed Specificahions 4 Servo, | Pred, © _ConStruction of to miniTn Seme other modds I rotors are Jars KO oy devs ave alse ——Step 2: MovT VTS 199: 56 a ——fnte move link wit 30° an aS a ee —___| Fow bringing end elector Mean objeck ys = some it WORLD Peace (siamo iirwro Universite ca rset | uit WORLD PEACE PU UNIVERSITY ee _athe_yRe looomicre Contrelley | Step = Pitch © Controller used re te ae YRC1200 miere Step 2 ~ Pitch |is_used_in gestae | moter 2 vobok : Step 3 ~ pitch alba Compas re precises this Microtont le | Shep 4 - Pitch |contvolle as space hope ig Step 5 = Roll | mininnizes_insballen or ait Poodprink rc Skep 6 ~ Pitch jis pesferonance al Por Pectories uti th igh Skep = h | ik i = Liga ch oe Maher Controle atebres | Bkep & — Roll eae, Ca ae iGonclusion : =f —|we performed different pict L place erations { Pick «pl oe ma duxingCatomand: | moving dus scimanpus sl -| lon robotic = ee ea ee —flanguare sed be mraqram the robs of Yaskamia Ma} — the cholication it Gree 4 place. operation jhte“Stadied ditterent movements ace, around fore three ot ek namely voll, pitch Ya... Eales. bensek Hck: eaetrerniatn i Abspasiian sl ale Bo saplacs 2 5 TAHA Mila => 2a rscuernaat babe |. as lace S = Pitch movement bake s—place __ es = potas Fi Ghepwise each ie i ee . Stand thot jn —____— (1S = LES. j — SS eee FP eee ee Serevs joink B With Yarstew a wey Lecschs Pendent MIT WORLD PEACE MIT-WPU UNIVERSITY >< TY. BTech R&A Academic Year 2092-2 % Semester v LABORATORY CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT RUBRIC course RDSP EXPTNO: & vate 26\4lo2r STUDENT Shravan MaheShwart RON. PA OZ SCALE ‘SCORE DIMENSION 7 2 3 2 5 Performed hn Performed on | Performed Regularity vig not | submittea | Performed on | on cchedule, | Performed and and pertorm | ‘aterthan | Schedule, | Submitted’ | “submitted as punctuality submit schedules | S¥mHed two T Soe week Der schedule date with late permission Neither shows any nderstena | Understands undersondn | sister ene | Canonlystate | Understand | Scere ong gofthe "| statesthe | ‘the objective | Obiectve Dut | conreiate it to the objective | objective nor | PIE YerY | put shows poor | cannot place t en ‘can relate it vaguely | understanding | "context of? | appropriate eS theory topic the theory , Fallows rant] Follow nan Cannot follow Follow right yecainue, coh a ! Understanding the Follow the | procedure but | Proctwure, can | procedure; can oF procedure | precede hat | Cannot anayze | Apayze data | analyze data” Procedure | anddoany | "heartedly data interpret ‘wth work peereh it justification Performs storms the | Performs rertorms tne | "Siperiment” | expeninent on | *x2erment on ‘experiment with some | “own without” | oN without Does not | only with the | supervisory | Supervises | Supervisor's Experiment. participate in. ‘help from help, forgets: help, records Seen skills the superaroters | rBEE | help records | seconds athe experiment | "ends reading, readings readings » contused and | contused and | propery but | POBetY Keeps ty. untidy. is untidy. been clean and tidy. Produce is own completes resut Produces hi the resuits | Completes the | fe=ult ‘own result, ccopiestne | anairsiswith | resutanayss | 2notyais E. hes help from." | with hep from faithfully ana etnies | results trom blames others 0 sults ctners but | “others ana — ‘owns up the forgetsto | ackrowiedges | n,%.2"" | ut vate acknowledge | theneip. | qadequac ay ‘the help. the"? | manipulation, ‘examination , a toa Dm Teachers Satur with Date = Signature with Date I geiaocaarr Ay. MIT WORLD PEACE Ss MIT-WPU | UNIVERSITY | use Wem | Rey RENO CHL ANTENA students Nome :.. Shravan... Maheshwiar i lass fn. BéT Ch... division: . REA. Rot No:s.PB.OF. Subject... KDSP. TEST BOOKLET Academie Yor:20 20 Assignment 05 No: EXPE. natn OOL 22. PLEDGE | solemnly affirm that | have written this Assignment/Test based on my own preparation. | have neither copied it from others nor given it to others for coping. | know that this is to be submitted as a part of my submission at the end of the term, i Signature of the student Q. No. 1] 2] 3/4] 5] 6]7 | 8] 9] 10] Tota MarksiGrade Name & sign of the faculty Member (Please start writing assignment test from here) Everman OEM's OPLen provi nN ha Boe ee apna i nae a __ [Tn welding a x_must plan where — ES —ka_pasitio a ing wohok joins 4 arm — ment ko accas ne Changes. ares 4 joint angles. Man veldiag wesults Ymust be bested L by Lora | error, requiring expensive Master www.mitwpu-edu.in aot a ‘ssicwent/ | TestPage ne | gy wird | it wei LO PEA MIT-WPU UnivensttY nace ] |robot Preepsumming - } a Flow chart : | No ‘Pepe m_Stert (Welding Start Tmage linearization bubed on rightness ing Oriel image! et Soatinage | YansPorming Porte oF weld Spotbe + Ary | MIT WORLD Peace sifrouniversiry | Agprithrn: ~| weldin: Operation S. F Rie Neat Critical fenatlesee goed Performance 2 wel] ual’ =| Prepareslion phase is. when ty: feets ap the Parks to Le wlicip heres With Poirameter s iy Peaks | * ships of gas Lelectved rere the abot Prorat rishl only need minn nig Fer GlibsabeSl penton Alias a Si ion of the Process. : = = one wihere $4skeen Should be Capable OF maintaining a Orientals, Weesed Baca Sly rn ie eine Pro pravemning io Teathpendank : =| Be opening weld line Leble info on ine wielding {Sellen —Co¥nmand be Shown on the Prosgrammin — pendant where vaelbing Condition spledJcan be asi) * t tastruction Gnsick af Mov, ARGON ARCOF, linsdruckion if _o TIMER instruction is Bae in Welding Section: The instruction Will alse Skaun In__welWJ \ine able - (assicamenr | iT Wont peace PU UNivERStY Breet. | Tab name, line no, Step no 2] Welding point a)toead Ung Acteal im on 4] Estimate. engi, estimate tim. SJ Weld line. no, line no. J File no 4] Current, Voltaqe b | Meloci aL Veen Sta naan type ne. ie, Nalizeye a al food |operaling Weld asdldila — by pull Windows — » Opening. weld. liacstaretd finteon! ames se eran ing_Shi ms log press _ShiP e+ AUX. then Selec . mls, « Od cao ral lina f | ic 2 MOD 98 .— of aes _ » Filving in ined line Lable move ai c kern_to he modified. —laselec A nadi€ the Value. ———_|+ Eiher Conbieny” noise Slep 2: Fay displaying estimate Volues press Be cain. time mec? BE. Estimate length iad ee ats | ave Shown . = Ds | eras: iF Woo peace Mir-weu Univensiry 22° | (Step4: For Clean {RESEr Luba, Ng the Phective Nelle Pres « | Step 5: Press ay, © SA ji |onkents of 4. ve biton be Save | 4 tel lime deble a | Pri20) mane! Poca oe | 0000. = Noe f990l__--b0a1 Mov 26 {0002 0992 oy Mov T ey 0203 003 PX MOVE yrs tae eS {2204 m704 65 —Movi Vz 183 EI poss 0295 op bevy \J2.50 pe: 0006 _ 9996 00 MovT VI = 26.06. i — {000 4 Motorised a a 6 Lo—Motox wil) Operate as Past as jy feeds —inordes ba Shake Oe maven ——Lurcent pasition to desired —j1s_Shopped ak ig? 1.08.0? _pasitton the ——|to Qt there = 1 | Relea position AP @ Servo. Pesition but neede te be mot'on votake. quickly [la ratiiace iivweo Universite ss [ * |Conkroller used + Hn order 40. Perforne welding task.s_the. [welding vobot eed to be able to move Indepetdenty iw longibudina) & rensverse direction - Lengthly rotor Power Lele & | motor entode¥a Cable are vequired behweer, | Bre Conkroller 4 the robot Toten | Mion | Range ot hope of asia | eplainabic.n play Speed Pal 2 F = = gee bar's Start | Vs O-0lvilooy | _| —| £2 the _Mov3 Conclusion The practi, F Tiittestar mh Ess Werall bina led robotic aamn wd.ncPerttions pexfart es) fea fincas eile Peed rs Adaphabileg win ioe Hay proces dye ess : cca ena 7 a Sere ind SLE sathing | Movin: |Vs0.1u0|Saommbee BARA Velw4eo mmfcee | WV L SERVOON aq 5 fe) ra fo) TY. BTe course ich RBA LABORATORY CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT RUBRIC RDSP MIT WORLD PEACE UNIVERSITY Academic Year 2022 - 2% semester v pate: \o\\o\22 sTuPENT Shaver Maheshwar} EXPT NO. G ROULNO. PA OB SCALE ScORE DIMENSION i z 3 a 5 Patored ond termed on | Performed Regutrty | oid not | submites | Performed on | crethadute, | Performed and and Perform) later than on ‘submitted ‘submitted as punctuaity | Submit | senedutea | submited two! SoeTNec | perschadule “ote th ‘ate Tater shows 209 Understands Understena understancln Can ony state | Understand | cprective ond Undertanding | “"gatthe | ,Sttesthe | Re cojeawe. | biecvebut | cite gto theobjective | objective nor | SPECIE YEY | aLtchows poor | cnet place i an canreiaten | Ye0vely | Understanding | MOM oF? | somopriate to cory topic. | Seopa the teary Fallows ght] — Foon Fhe oannot ftw Follow she sant | oll ah Understanding | "the Follow the | procedure but | Procedure, can | procedure, cr or procedure | precede malt | Comet analyse | apaivze dot) | "anaiyze dots” Procedure | anddoony | “heartedly ata a merece ke = Sareea it justification Performs storms the rms verte ne | Taforms the | pertrms | | expenment on experiment | “withsome | “ann without | etwtheut Secs | cniyatnite | pewter, | swmmateut | Siprvsrs fxperiment | parccpatein | Pheiptrom. | guzewsory | supervsors | nin se Bree | Seamgimes | Somes! | Mate | weaeatine | experiment | "and ie emg crucal | ath readings confused and sae 15, | property Keeps vntiay. | <2Rfused and | propery bute | PUTT Te . clean ond tidy Produces Completes tis own Produces his theresuts | Completes the | "ul own result anaiysis with | reaue anatyss | 272086 snatsis copies the help from | with help from | yputoePers | faithfully and Ethics | resutsfrom | cthersbut_| “others and” | ames o ovens Up the others forvetsto | ackrowiedoes | QQ". | razuks mthout acknowiedge | “therein. | ,nadeauecy, oy the help. a mmanulton examination Total 19 Be student Signature with Date ee Tea MIT WORLD PEACE res ae UNIVERSITY | rue ue MIT-WPU Ree 0 stents Name: Shawano... MelhneShweer i ee cies: TBAT Ca 0s: RAP... Rote PAOB, Academic Year: 20-20 pet RDSP ee edmignnst Tete. pr 10... AED. PLEDGE | solemnly affirm that | have written this Assignment/Test based on my own preparation. | have neither copied it from others} nor given it to others for coping. | know that this is to be submitted as a part of my submission at the end of the term. Signature of the student ano |1]2/ 3/4] 5] 6/7] 8] 9] 10] Tota SD) ersionte lr Name & sign of the faculty Member (Please start writing assignment test from here) pt et Ete mentanlO A 2,8 of Bos bane = Fox perFormi \ Pic _esppli corbin Usie | mee) ry aretha eee Various Sensors, —__[The rebo z plications include pice’ Place ot the. Object, Bh ao part ne fst) ‘A Now appeal - hs core bernseal ko Proyrarmn Vrobots = C/cFt > Patron sTovea Geb Pern ore-used with Pe’s. PEACE MireeU UNIVERSITY aS MIT-WPU | UNIVERSITY i | : sng Creates intelligence in # Case Studs Foy cola : Robobi «_ preqrame cee spiinplernentn, | 4 > Robot with mag. lapplications: Lye robot SPox sel resco (na ey Cae Vers like to PED to mave sinks, y f Precessing is o, a of ane Eee aes Tcreatigy robots vision | foie ie ordeS) y> Copa Memes Cmerieny | a a | Ockrace ee + Petre the ime e |e aaa kt Of information usd 4 Sie ib taken Minas based where inmges ore the Pasition of a oll flaOux Case hid we have |Preject under Consideration I ISoPLWave used to pupam Bobo ts + lave Aken by Camera 2 “fabhnase CRas Vr Roba opexattin cat Stee: Be colt itera 2 : =a Collection o& SoPlwave Coloured “object is eta, Oy is a middenBre = Col t I sched out of tne t Puore development. | ——\Yeu Can Change ~imare. Cramewerks Far pbox Sal oe ¥ Oe Bind see Code for Ane Clouse tha e =e a eisai a <—Prgqram Fox tne robot is written ine —Heeyege sig Feil Gmples dae bes Fie fis’ Parggrramthed 10 the microContealle Chip “| Robok Control Software * es ~ |p Robot Control Sottwaxe Fox conkrolliin: robok is the Se% of Coded Commands Haat Lelie Hie machine What tasks to perform auton omoudly-—__ ms a2 ——|vithe_aS sei bbls Pregame. applica eee pnivag On ae er to interprel the eae a mee sea P a oe "o “fees: Sl eee Seats ined OY. —__,___— <8 —ising* MATIAB The application Uses dine —ddebiion Olgorithm Lo dekect the Coloured! Object £ US} Pad out it's C-ouindte be —ldtkect Yne Position. Colour detection olen —Ta_Colour er en_alsoriti , the Prins xy Colour Cred, green A blac objects Con be debecked ensiky a Se eownineetit fy Anil MIT WORLD PEACE —) farwed university =o sins MT WORLD PEACE Miv-WU _UniveRsity == [The algorithm used for tolows detection JENIA EN axe Connect, Jackal) works in Seperate Steps. af Rll. jGdways enabled td Vee. to keep Te Take tne. Snapshot Cimage) Prom real {The Application sand of On the 1 ning on the Com Video meet = [2 Conver that Original. Sinepshot hegory ; |eomrespentin Comma checesk aa ikerprts Ib. Extract the red Yoloured_componenths. fs ewe nt be Lees ee [Pram Hae cris inal Snespshek. jtne-Prmnt 22 Cosputee’s Ge sade *'S Camera, old ae, |4-Nlow Subbradh the red Coloured Component — Prom he Original Snaps hod» 15. Convert Hae Filbered ji into binary _ limoge & youll get an imaye thot eS [brisht ck tne place of xed“ objeck = __ |. f.Then Pind tne Co-ordinates of Bre bright — jfalewred diced in Wis hand M raises hand ‘ A-raises handup, Prine i MATLAB apelication “runnin instne Compute ae f Noure d_okj {i ends Ca” Lo ve Serial port The ae -matrrarnmed bo rave t 2 toe Seal pac edt tes ! Sin bly, far olin, Pasilisns, the lattes ole sted non a *e Sent through Moe Sevied Bork te Toba, | Working hs 2 pil PartOF Ye Computex is Connected to the robot trough ASB to Sexial Converter. [Goatrelling Comm to that robot axe Sent fia SexiBil_post Sianal_levels aa eee —Hinko SV _TIL/ (tos tipe by Tes these Signals [axe direct aislnetatal ~aller Tei Fo SC ontwolling Iaptors M1 kM2z bo move the Tbs in all divecions Ports Pins Plo through PLS JOP Tet ave Connected’ to tre inputs of DN | —___ Prvough Ty of Teo, respectively bo give divit| ~ af he \. NSE ‘inputs. - on } vewmiepu sin wemae!| tis Seid: i woRLD PERC iarewey University | ‘Circuit [bes ay - i fine | Mit WORLD PEACE fires Universiry [nthe above civeuis, the Microcontyell lis PeavsRoe Cre,) 3 Fecieves Serial dake So [the Compu ter Hhrough driver Te MAY «239. e Free). the received dake is Onalysed bo tine micxeptrolle Kei Line moras are cori [Perowyh mokor driver Te laas0 Goadhe power [SUPPLY oF the robots Come Prom a ay bakters which fis. related tosy boy 7 ulate 3205 CEe4) ats alse [Connected Lo Pin B for, for the motors i | {MBTLAB. (Tam | The pufel First initialines & slarks tne video by ~——jbsiing tite Functions mentioned below: — j MES Videoput Cwinvides', | “ya 320x240"), | Sek Ovid, “Crames Pex Trigger’, Tat); | Bek Cwid) ‘Returned Glorspace ‘rgb { Wil Seecgeatea call aes Skart (vid) jSeme important Punctions used in the Program joe, ae . - - - Hidaka = etSnapshot (vid)- This Function lenmedi abel retude sigs image Prem the Video inpub Object « —s d= ght grey (ata) Converts He true - Colour < area Seote intendigy donsye ne = se iia pial dota C:,!,1) Extracts all the red Coloured Coraponents _E-com. Ane reat! _imagpe- Canclision— zs Th Bie expesiment we were. able be generate MatiAa Code which helped us to rae (ssi | resrPoene oloured objects CRed) Awere ble to locate thal _particular object dons hy the ii aos Xobok Srepean a sii ec _\2000 kp Plaid Pow through Hoe moko+ expresse 4 Prestures es Ao beams of gallons per minute Or oj ke a Units. Fluid Viscosihy Le measure of “I ae iid Viscosity te oVaittance Consider 4 aie en 2S cm ImpoStant Tacks» | Sees PxPp $2 Etbicieneg + Tho efficienciek axe to he = rae Considered Pon Select the hydraulic ae sts 2 motos. 1) Volumetric dii) Mecharn' ced ePidency. i Geser eee Q4] A Wbcoule tetow vesiueh alos sak g aT Tes 42 Wo aba Pressure Of 2000 ep. TP the moter spebdis 800 pei, delerm'ine the |Actet torque delivered ly the moka. lena the effi engy too vf the Ackwot torque iS 1.g8 Noo if A_hadeoval.¢_mobex has —a loo (m3 Oa «_dlisplae aa = : er = 3 ho bas ive hie. pene m3/S_Yha Plows woke Pucap. o» | Given: Qa s 42 Lpaa { N 5/00 wpm i Pressue= 12000 kPa. — A ze * } Speed Torque — eee Aduad orgie s 2 b As Fa LPM given = baxieS m/s sewn Q;-= Voxn Qool= looxloXn + 4 init bleep or Ora BI Theorebions torque ‘ = : Te > -Pevp . MoxioS Ylos x107§ = oT yr =2229.82 Nm c] The rebeal Kw Porras pes Or xe - Ooo) ms X ito x10% Nm? 2 14000 yw 2 hy shy OR {Posie ne = eX Ld ae 2 X10 42 TT oT Ell 2660-0 Oi es ams = = lew = P 7 = a 2 www. mitwpu.eduit Aoypva, Jo oanjeuiiig pus ourey, Juapnyg Jo aunjeudig pue owen, “# aR Fae ou jnound kin sau snowy smpeop | 919 L rprpund 99 Aung su supe esa nog xem | sopsnaans se tinensnng Thon oa Supine sna posueumin peepee someon iow aaa asda aOT sod wan AO rion ow uora | agearsuo episod ane seopuas ou ia PRaITe pamogy PaO = Pasar S esou qu pasnsoe ee oar i ssnsee Sansa, gas ensue agus urea are uno weoaddy seaoT oF ‘suutod autos 0} ‘simod aso 4 snp ot z a sy sited warauyes i 309509 W>q123 ‘uN poH.09 ww2qu09, s , 21095 NoIswaiia aos { JUSWUBISSY 80 Ud :ontiou Leo my say UPMOLUS suapmsjoawen US\OZ saved 1d Y9AL GAL:SSe}J_ UOReWOINY pue s>1;0Goy:asino> 214aNY LNAWSSASSV SNONNILNOD SLNAWNDISSY SSV1D Buys20U1Buy je>}UeYy>aW Jo }ooYy>s Auzioatun a2ved PIO LW iueyseulas — £Z0Z~ ZZ0T “seaA DWEpeIY VEY “pesey ureuemyss J F Vishwanath Karad D | MIT WORLD PEACE esa, mje | UNIVERSITY [rine ont: ae tee eae Mahes hralern... ae fe si) BTech......civision PBB cocennRoll No PA. O$......Academic Year:20 20 (0 a : Assignment | TestNO. 2 -w Date :.. élyloo. PLEDGE preparation. | have neither copied it from others gery afrm that | have written this Assignment/Test based on my WF | OPneumabic Solenaid Val set devices that Controle LACIE electromed, : of aby Process Gas kare used f, pas ene ed fox Control, L ney Premade @ The Function of Pneurnalie Solenoid Nalveiuge a {control Pluids by allowin amas A 4 24 Plow ox wes tri chin ps ex lotea ex gece Can titutk Ainwvan Fox Coonecling dua Bileso)> i Nalue twit We miceatonbvolles Une ne Selenaid ‘The. Classification of elecbric motors are as Pollons: Ac motors 2)De motors tus know deneral]y too tapes oF Motoxs Ache Ae motors Chee leSibie Fox Speed control 4 demand low Power during Sbart-On tne Other hand ,De motors ae widely ueh due to ine inal Cos} Flow — ower _Umres is less Compared ta Ae ccan be eusily es Le ee - i) Undey AC motors “there cre. kyo apes. of motors vith ores |) Synchronous motor ‘Ln this tepes Speed Temeins \ConSteint The Supply Current Prequengy + $ychronied eh tokor Tobabion . — ———___ 2 a ‘L)Asgncenonaud Cndction) motor -Tnis motor Works on Ridodal tit [the Pmndiple. of eleckramggnekic nduckion which in electxopneumakc| lis produced Prom maqnele Field io rotor. the Condo |. Onl with ltwle types of inducish axe: te fa ap Pee pen ne Prepare fins! aa hale Used Pay houehold_applical ons ce! alts abr ough delay, iPox tne Sake of cae hake =Used Pox Indubtri al” phi cakions.. — iv) Under De motors there are two types of motors: i) Brushed :In this dypesthe brushes crre Connected ro a) Which poate bebween the. Permanen® nana MIT WORLD PEA MIT-WPU UNIVERSITY oe {)),. wir wonLo PEACE tens inverse Brushless : Thes : Ps : lAscian £ Wave a | realacts hae ASimpley higher applications! These mp eee Used 5. jim speed 4 pasition applications. Used t Stops When | we creburns to normal. ____|speads Ehe tempere juve & Changes “res istsnce _—}actardiiag ro -berapera ture mSb+————__ | position. rg +6N ie P figehextnel | ty =e + vite. ————| ¥ vivollev] Chduine) T

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