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There are so many problems that people experience, especially us Filipinos. One of it would be the
waste or garbage that is already part of our lives. It is inevitable to prevent the increase of waste in our
surroundings because the number of people continues to increase. According to the World Bank, “Waste
generation rates are rising worldwide. In 2020, the world was estimated to generate 2.24 billion tonnes of
solid waste, amounting to a footprint of 0.79 kilograms per person per day. With rapid population growth
and urbanization, annual waste generation is expected to increase by 73% from 2020 to 3.88 billion tonnes
in 2050.” One major waste that we have in our surroundings is plastic bottles. Plastic is the most difficult
and longest to decompose. Thus, this waste can lead to various problems like contamination of water
resources, floods, and many more.

Another issue that we Filipinos face is an increase in our electricity prices. Electricity prices have
continued to rise, putting consumers in a difficult position. According to Jephraim Manansala, Chief Data
Scientist at the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), the Generation Charge accounts for the
majority of our payments on our electricity bills, accounting for around 55% of the charges that we pay.
Unfortunately, some people do not have any electricity because their home is in a remote place where an
energy connection cannot be obtained. According to APEC Party-list Rep. Sergio Dagooc, during the
plenary deliberation on the Department of Energy's proposed 2021 budget, "there are 17,379 un-energized
sitios across the country." Moreover, there are ways where people can decrease their electrical bill through
solar panels. However not all people can afford to purchase solar panels because it is too expensive.

However, these two problems can somehow be resolved through the Liter of Solar light. Liter of
Solar Light is a combination of plastic bottle and a solar light fixture. This product can serve as a low-cost
alternative to costly solar panels. It harnesses solar energy to provide light, helping users decrease their
electricity bills or provide light in areas without electricity access. In this product, the solar light fixture will
be installed inside the plastic whereas the plastic bottle will serve as the protection or house of the fixtures.
This product will resolve the issue of waste by using plastic bottles as part of its design. The product
contributes to reducing the number of plastic bottles in our surroundings, as well as reducing the electricity

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