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3학년 시곡중학교 1학기 기말고사


1. zb1) 각 단어의 설명이 옳지 않은 것은?

violently : slowly and carefully 4. zb4) 다음에 이어질 대화를 <보기>에서 골라 바르게
배열한 것은?
determine : to decide something
achieve : to reach a goal by working hard B: What is that? It looks nice.

crawl : to move on one's hands and knees G: This is a magic cup. I carry it everywhere with me.

smash : to break something into many pieces B: What's special about it?
G: It's awesome. It tells me to drink water every two
B: Really? I'm surprised that it can talk to you.
2. zb2) 어법상 옳은 문장을 <보기>에서 모두 고른 것
은? < 보기 >
< 보기 > a. That's amazing. I should buy one!
a. You can buy the thing what you want. b. It even asks me questions like "Aren't you thirsty?"
b. The restaurant selling pasta became popular. c. That's so cool! But why are you trying to drink more
c. I had never eaten pho until I visited Vietnam. water?

d. He has been watched the movie for two hours. d. Because drinking a lot of water can increase your
energy and help your blood flow.
e. It's surprising to see him dancing on the stage.
a -b- d- c b-a - d- c
a, c b, c
b- c- d- a c- d- a -b
a, b, d b, c, e
c -b- d- a
a, d, e

3. zb3) 글의 흐름상 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은

5. zb5) 빈 칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말은?

것은? - I'm not sure _________ he will arrive on time.

Have you heard the term body image? It means "the - _________ you want, I will go there with you.
way you see your own body." A lot of teens have a if (If) when (When)
negative body image. They think they're too fat or too since (Since) because (Because)
thin compared to others. However, I want you to build a
although (Although)
positive body image. Accept your body as it is and give
yourself praise every day. Remember, there is only one
you, so don't compare yourself to others.
___________________ can make a big difference and
you'll get much happier.

Loving yourself
Exercising every day
Accepting others as they are
Comparing yourself to others
Having a negative body image
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
6. zb6) 빈 칸 (a), (b)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
No More Subtitles!
King : Make the most beautiful clothes for me. Then I
DREAM4 is back! I'm so excited ⓐto see my favorite
will ____(a)____ you a lot of money.
Korean boy band perform. Their singing and their
Men : We made these magic clothes for you. They can
dancing are just perfect. I want to understand their
____(b)____ only by wise people.
songs without subtitles or translations though. Any tips?
King : Such beautiful clothes! I will put them on right
- Marisa, 14
(a) (b)
You should find friends ⓑwho are interesting in
give see
DREAM4 and start a club. In my club, we motivate one
give be seen
another. We translate songs and sing together. ⓒDoing
give are seen these things are fun and really improves our Korean!
be given see - Lori, 15
be given be seen

Follow DREAM4 on social media. (A)그들은 종종 그들

이 어떻게 지내고 있는지에 대해 짧은 메시지를 게시한
다. They also post pictures with the messages, so you
can understand the posts more easily.
7. zb7) 다음 글에 이어질 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은?
- Aishah, 14
Why Do People Learn Foreign Languages?
Many students learn new languages because of school
I recommend watching Korean dramas. I've been
requirements. Many others learn them for fun. In any
watching Korean dramas for a year, and they're really
case, students everywhere have found interesting ways
interesting! You can use Korean subtitles for help with
to study new languages. Let's meet these students and
listening. It's also a good idea to print out the subtitles
listen to their ideas.
and read them first.
새로운 언어를 배워야 하는 이유
- Brandon, 16
학생들이 배워야 하는 언어의 종류
새로운 언어를 공부하는 흥미로운 방법
What Works for You?
새로운 언어를 배우면서 경험하는 어려움
ⓓThere is hundreds of good tips out there, but
학생들의 개인차에 따른 언어 습득 능력 차이 everyone has their own way of learning. ⓔFind that
keeps you motivated; then you will enjoy learning more.
Remember, every language is hard at first, but a new
language can make your world much bigger!

8. zb8) ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 옳은 것은?

ⓐ ⓑ
ⓒ ⓓ

9. zb9) 밑줄 친 (A)의 우리말을 영작하여 완성할 때, 다
음 순서상 3번째 올 단어는? 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
We all know that a diet (a) containing / contained a
They often post short messages in Korean __________
variety of foods keeps our bodies healthy. But
__________ __________ __________ __________.
sometimes we are not sure which foods are good for
are how
which body parts. Nature, however, gives us a big ⓐ
about they clue. Look at the following examples. Each of these
doing foods not only looks like a certain body part but (b) is
/ are also good for that body part.

10. zb10) 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

I Love Soccer Since open a tomato and compare it with the human
I'm a big fan of a Spanish soccer team. I want to heart. You will see that they look ⓑsimilar. They both
understand interviews with my favorite players. However, have multiple hollow spaces and are red. Researchers
it's not easy because I don't know Spanish that well. say that the chemicals that make tomatoes red are
How can I improve my Spanish? good for your heart and blood. In addition, eating
tomatoes can ⓒincrease your risk of heart disease.
- Owen, 16

The best way to learn a new language is to practice Look at the shape of a walnut. Do you notice
it every day. I have changed the language of my phone anything? Yes, it's very similar to the shape of the
to Spanish, and I have been writing my shopping lists in human brain! A walnut is divided into two parts, just like
Spanish! the brain. Walnuts also have wrinkles, (c) what / which
the brain has too. Studies show that walnuts help our
- Julie, 15
brains stay healthy and ⓓactive. They are also good for
ⓔpreventing Alzheimer's disease.
I suggest watching Spanish movies often to become
familiar with the language first. It will help you get used
11.z b11) (a), (b), (c)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 것끼
to the sound of the language. If the people talk too fast,
리 바르게 연결한 것은?
try watching Spanish children's movies first.
(a) (b) (c)
- Inho, 14
contained is what
contained is which
Some words are used only in soccer, not in everyday
life. Learn some soccer vocabulary and memorize it. contained are what
Also, why don't you try writing a review of a match in containing is which
Spanish? It will help you improve your writing skills. containing are which
- Rohan, 16
Owen은 스페인 축구 선수들과의 인터뷰를 직접 하고
싶어 한다.
언어 학습의 가장 좋은 방법은 영화를 매일 보는 것이
12.z b12) ⓐ~ⓔ 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 알맞지 않은 것
스페인 영화를 보는 것은 스페인어를 빠르게 말하도록
돕는다. ⓐ ⓑ

일상생활 어휘를 연습해야 축구 관련 어휘를 향상시킬 ⓒ ⓓ

수 있다. ⓔ
스페인어로 경기 후기를 써보는 것은 쓰기 능력을 향
상시키는 데 도움이 될 것이다.
13.zb13) (A)~(E) 중 글의 흐름과 관련이 없는 문장은? 15.z b15) ⓐ~ⓔ 중 가리키는 것이 옳지 않은 것은?

Here is another example to show that which food is ⓐ : Vitamin A

good for which body part. Let's look at the ginger. ⓑ : Cutting onions
(A)What body part comes to mind when you see it?
ⓒ : an onion
(B)Doesn't it look like a stomach? (C)You may not like
ⓓ : foods that are good for your stomach
ginger's strong taste or smell, but these come from a
special chemical that prevents you from feeling sick and ⓔ : some foods mirroring the body parts that they are
throwing up. (D)On the other hand, going to bed early good for
can improve your memory and help you be more
productive. (E)For this reason, ginger can be good for
your stomach.

(A) (B)
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
(C) (D)
One night in February, after I had gone to bed, an
(E) earthquake hit. I woke up suddenly because my bed was
shaking. I heard the mirror on my desk fall to the floor
and break into pieces. My mom shouted that it was an
earthquake and ran into my room. Since it was my first
time experiencing an earthquake, I didn't know how to
다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. react. I just kept saying, "What should I do?"
A slice of carrot looks like the human eye. Carrots
My mom pulled me out of bed. We ran to the kitchen
have some chemicals that can make vitamin A that
and crawled under the table. I could see the light
improves your ____(a)____. ⓐIt helps your eyes process
swinging terribly and books were falling to the floor. Our
light and send a clear image to the brain. So if you
family picture dropped from the wall and the glass
want healthy eyes, eat carrots.
covering it broke. A cup rolled off the kitchen table. I
started to worry that the building would collapse.

Cutting onions is not fun because ⓑit makes you cry.

But try slicing ⓒone anyway. You can see that the 16.z b16) 윗글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
inside looks a little like a human cell. Scientists say that
How To Avoid Earthquake
onions contain vitamin B that helps make new, healthy
cells. Earthquake Drill Guidelines
Why Do Earthquakes Happen?
Damage From Natural Disasters
Isn't it amazing that some foods mirror the body parts
My First Earthquake Experience
that they are good for? Interestingly, there are many
other ⓓsuch foods. Find as many as you can and try to
eat a variety of ⓔthem.

14.zb14) 문맥상 빈 칸 (a)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

17.z b17) 윗글에 나타난 글쓴이의 심경이 아닌 것은?
taste vision
scared nervous
height hearing
worried confused
18.zb18) (A)~(E) 중 글의 흐름과 가장 어울리지 않는 문 19.z b19) 빈 칸 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 말을 <보기>에서 골라
장은? 순서대로 배열한 것은?

(A)We hurriedly made our way down the stairs and < 보기 >
outside. I looked around. Parts of buildings had fallen a. Team Builders b. Quiet Supporters
and had smashed several cars. (B)We went to an open
c. Strict Directors d. Hand Off manager
space to avoid more falling pieces. How could all this
a-b-d a-c-b
have happened in a few minutes?
b-c-d c-a-d
Although I had done many earthquake drills in school, I
had never thought I'd experience a real earthquake.
(C)Since I was curious about how often floods had
occurred in Korea, I did some online research. I still get
scared when I remember that night. (D)I can't forget the
panic I felt when the furniture was shaking and things
were falling to the floor. After that night, I began to take 20.z b20) 빈 칸 (D)에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은?
earthquake drills seriously. (E)I realized I should always
Ask questions to others
be prepared for the earthquake because it can occur at
Do not try to control others
any time.
Allow others to work on their own
(A) (B)
Accept others' opinions and try to follow
(C) (D)
Deal with tasks differently from others

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 21.z b21) 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

GREEN LEADERS : "______(A)______" 주황색 리더는 정확한 일 처리를 선호한다.

- Ensure that the team feels valued 녹색 리더는 사람들의 요구를 잘 들어준다.
- Create a positive environment 노란색 리더는 친절하며 필요할 때 충고를 잘해준다.
- Are friendly and easy to talk to 파란색 리더는 팀원들에게 모범을 보이며 솔선수범한
ORANGE LEADERS : "______(B)______" 노란색 리더는 효율적 업무 수행을 위한 긍정적인 환
- Make everyone's role clear 경을 조성하고자 노력한다.

- Make sure everything is finished on time

- Ensure each step is done properly

YELLOW LEADERS : "______(C)______"

- Lead by example
- Let the team members shine instead
- Meet the team members' needs

BLUE LEADERS : Creative Thinker

- Approach problems in new ways
- Come up with fresh ideas
- ______________(D)______________
22.zb22) 글의 내용과 가장 일치하는 것은?

Brian : The election is coming up. Why don't you run for
class representative, Yumi?
Yumi : No way. I'm not the right person for that position.
I've never thought about running.
Brian : Why not?
Yumi : Come on, Brian. Leaders have special qualities. I
don't think a person like me can be called a
Brian : What do you mean? You're really friendly and
outgoing. You also help people get along. I have
no doubt that you will be elected if you run.
Election is going to happen next week.
Brian thinks Yumi can be a good leader.
Yumi feels confident of winning the election.
Yumi is sure that she can be called a leader.
Brian advises Yumi to help people to be a good

23.zb23) 글의 흐름상 빈 칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은


I was curious what qualities are needed to be a good

leader. While I was doing research online, I was
surprised that there are actually many different
_________ styles and I realized the reason.

We belong to many different groups, and many

different situations can come up in our lives. They all
call for different _________ styles. Each group's unique
situation determines the best _________ style. After
reading everything, I became more confident. I
discovered that I have some of the qualities of a "green
leader." If my classmates think a green leader style
would make our class better, they might pick me to be
class representative! Okay, let's try it!

1) [중]

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