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cing_Paion. 00 ; Each and enemy oxganication aapired fox optimal ublizadion of tls limited Seance wekoupcer like men, money , motenialA: machined , methods and He to teach dhe danxges, The wesults auve gener tesma o prfits losses , vebuxn on mor _ To achiewe there vetulls ! snee tmeasuned in ‘ipvedted , de. vahe decision maker haa te have ugh knowledge about the datks os jobs and the TUabonshipe aunong them . Ams Techniques , LPP is Wid "4 dhe Ppopwlar OR Vechwique developed toh ured mathematical mo ddling ep dedsion makers . TH is uted to aocate SCaxce rehowrcesh In an! ablimal Way so trod the allocator can optimise the ~eaulls erthex by tmanicnising dhe profits os riaimising the cost: The word ‘linda refers te the acdlakionshi bebaeen the variables hich can he -sepreserded ep by shag Vine jes xd aton ships awe of the form Yo a 40x. Which rreand theve is divect ~elationthip amsng too OF mese VNamables. The word "Prgramming’ velurce to the process of determini O pach eax plan of arkon| fsore gives adesnadives os Vimited wedourced- €-g- Profi} toaximisation bated om conilvaints like aNailability af vereurcees and stoving capacity « D Forse choosing Crops +o cultivate bared on hapvedl , seatona) variation , ceeds, Lestlisers , ete. ! i TTT - Limited supply of renourced en defined abjedive function Tntenveladed and mum meqah ve Sediakey sae Conttraints ab Vineax Alternat vvatama ov inequaliieh wuxse of attion “4 ¢ aes OMe objedive, fundion —) The objedive fundion of LPP ic ex eased In Kercrns of of dedsion Vardables +0 optimise the cdlerion of optimality such ‘od it, weds nwenenue , distance ,ede- The idoKooship amang Noniablea must be linear), , ® Decision variables — | | ‘hey epraent the extent of which eoth adivi ie performed ‘These axe reaented bi Wi Ayray “IA! LEP, al decision Variables axe continuous, cenivollable 2 nen -negodive ® Conshoials - These axe always limitations ox mexteick ond on udoge of \imiled verouxced - Such canatyoints must be expressed as \ineax equalities os linear \nequalibes Wo the forrm of decision variobles. The sel of cemmtsounts vepvesent the conditions Bich rust be salishied Bhile determining Valuer eq. Max Z = ay + 3% y Objeative fund Subject to, Bu, + 4%, 7% '0 \—> conatval Sx, + 8%r Slr ht Ls, %_, BO ahexe 9% and *, are dedsion variables: + Mothernatical Model of LPP Let LPP with nn decdsian variables and mm constraints can be ~eprerented wn the fom Optimize Croanirsise] micirise) & = G+ Qurte... +Onry : Subjed 4 linear constraints, OU eaten, = yen Ay XM + Oya te. +45, 2, (ee Omi Om, + Onn te, Cf =, 25 bm Rip Aree » Ay BO to cernpadt foxm A carn be written ot, . eae Z = 3 Sy ja Subjed te, 3 BY CS, =, by Veta m S and M7 5 Je Agius a 5 Where, i, me res, Am axe decision Varxiakles D c's ane coefficients vx resenting dhe por unit Untabution of decision variable a) to the value of the objedive chon . D ai's ane called echnological coefficient om input - oudpul cpeflicient , TF Beprerents -the mount of ‘ounces Condumed pen unit of yaniable- Obi, represent the total availability of TY constraint Dthe expression (<, = 1,2 PPEOMA Ahat each Constraint may dake only one of dhe three possible forms (o) les than ov equal to (<) GY equal 4 C=) ©) greater thon ox equal +e ¢>) é 6) x Rea means Ahat ay's ane ‘Ren-negodive - * Mathematical fosmulation of LEP We need 4o convert Verbal deseri pion of fouen and numerical dato into math ematical expression which ail help us to obtain the rourn Solution to the prvblern TH will beded on the relationship among decision Variables , objective function and constraints: Steps in foxmulation of LPP - Sept — Identify the problem te be defined in deems of parsarn eters of dedsion Naniakle- Step Eo — Define dedsion variables eluant te problem and designate them by syrobols 24 Getva,--) Step M - Tdentify aij's Cinpad ~ ocdpat coefficients) , Onajlable ~wedournces oF RHS ie. bi's ; canstoinis and express them ou linear inequalities or wakionk , LHS of Which vase linea functions of decision vawablen. Sy Ww - Taensify st ~welFidents gs and objective, fundion tobe tmaimnised ox rinimieed” ang fourm ate expression fox Objective fondion . | Slep T — Mention the nen —n aki vety tondition arsoci- | = hed ith the decigion Variables hegre.

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