CV Assignment

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+92 3028334875


An AI and Web enthusiast with professional experience of more than four years. Seeking a position where I can culminate my
technical abilities and aptitude to create value for stakeholders at all levels. Designing web and machine learning powered
products that can solve real-world problems is my passion and has a proven track record of solving technical challenges, meeting
deadlines and managing diverse teams. Advocates a result-oriented approach to management in order to push boundaries and
deliver excellence.
Machine Learning Deep Learning Natural Language Processing Computer Vision System Design SQL

Data Cleaning and Analysis Code Refactoring and Optimization ML-OPs Version Control Data Visualization

Scrum and Agile Process Implementation Training and Mentoring Project Quantitative Feasibility and Risk Analysis

Django Rest Framework Django Channels Django ORM Django Signals Redis Celery Third Party App Integrations

Tools and Languages Python, Git, R, SQL, LATEX, Docker, JIRA
Frameworks TensorFlow, Pandas, Pytorch, Caffe, Django, OpenCV, Seaborn, Statsmodels, Sklearn, Pytest
Algorithms Linear and Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, K Nearest Neighbours, K Means Clustering, Deep Q-
Learning, Convolutional Neural Nets, Recurrent Neural Nets, Support Vector Machines, Gaussian Mixture
Models, PCA and LDA, Lemmatization and Stemming , Topic Modelling, Keyword Extraction, Knowledge
Graphs, Words Cloud, Named Entity Recognition, Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization, Bag of Words,
OS Windows, Linux
Professional Certificates Professional Tensorflow Specialization (Coursera), GANs Specialization (Coursera), AI in Medicine Spe-
cialization (Coursera), ML-OPs (Coursera – In Progress)

AI Developer - II January 2022 — Present
siParadigm Pvt. Ltd. Islamabad, Pakistan
• Design machine learning algorithms with mathematical and business context
• Optimize machine learning models for real-time deployment scenarios
• Do regular code reviews
• Assist web application team in designing solutions powered by machine learning/deep learning
• Develop prototypes for projects
• Design system architecture with DBA and systems analyst
• Take care of day to day ML-Ops
• Gather and analyze architecturally significant requirements
• Develop and train machine learning algorithms
AI Developer July 2019 — December 2022
siParadigm Pvt. Ltd. Islamabad, Pakistan
• Design machine learning algorithms with mathematical and business context
• Optimize machine learning models for real-time deployment scenarios
• Collaborated with a team of more than a dozen developers working on more than 5 different projects
• Do regular code reviews
• Develop prototypes for projects
• Help DBA and system analyst in developing system architecture, data diagrams, workflows and views
• Develop and train machine learning algorithms

Cognitive Character Recognition (English and Urdu)
siParadigm Pvt. Ltd.
• Trained deep learning model for text classification
• Implemented document classification using Siamese network with triplet loss
+92 3028334875

• Designed ML-Ops pipeline for continuous training

• Developed adaptive workflows for varying levels of intelligent document analysis
• Designed the system architecture alongside system analyst and solution architect
• Contributed to data flow and data design
• Conceptualized algorithms for reading English and Urdu text based on Transformers with CTC loss and LexRank with modified
inverse document frequency
Morphological Cell Analysis
siParadigm Pvt. Ltd.
• Detected and classified cells using a combination of deep learning and support vector machines
• Used regression analysis to predict risk of disease based on cell tally
• Designed end to end data flow pipeline
• Written algorithms to systematically decode JPEG2000 images and prepare them for analysis in HSV space
AI Based Automatic Gating for B-Cells in Flow Cytometry
siParadigm Pvt. Ltd.
• Trained deep learning models for cell detection
• Wrote generic (can be used to track any object) real-time multi object tracking framework in python
• Optimized model to infer one million data features under 1 second on 2080Ti GPU
Human Resource Management and Information System (HRMIS)
siParadigm Pvt. Ltd.
• AI based facial recognition being used for attendance
• Developed backend with Django rest framework based on test driven development (TDD)
Facial Recognition System
National University of Science & Technology (NUST)
• Designed and trained deep learning models
• Refactored code to search thousands of identities under 200 ms
Image generation from Scene Graphs
National University of Science & Technology (NUST)
• Designed and trained deep learning models
• Modified existing pipeline with context awareness and adversarial immunity
• Refactored code to search thousands of identities under 600 ms
Other Projects
National University of Science & Technology (NUST)
Contributed to at least 5 other projects, but cannot detail them due to contractual obligations
MS(Robotics & Intelligent Machine Engineering), 3.8/4 , National University of Science & Technology (NUST) 2018-2022
BS(Electrical Engineering – Power), 3.82/4 , COMSATS University Islamabad, Attock Campus 2014-2018
AI Based Automatic Gating for B-Cells in Flow Cytometry
Submitted in ISCAS 2022 (Conference)) Daegu,Korea
In this paper, we present two deep networks for counting cells in blood streams aka blood volume estimation. Unlike existing
approaches that are based on object detection and tracking, we propose deep networks to learn spatio-temporal features that can
directly estimate blood volume. In one approach, spatial features extracted by a time-distributed convolutional neural network are
temporally aggregated by recurrent neural networks to predict blood volume. In the other approach, 3D convolutional neural
network extracts the spatiotemporal features across the input frames and predicts the blood volume. Also, it automatically gates
the extracted volume of blood easily with high accuracy upto 98 percent.
Languages English (Fluent) , Urdu (Native)

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