2nd Day Speech

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As a delegate of Republic of Italy , I would like to speak to the great threat of AI going rogue in the

context of cyber warfare.

Cyber warfare is already a major threat to global security, and the rise of AI is only making this threat
more acute. AI can be used to develop new and more sophisticated cyber weapons, and it can also
be used to automate cyber attacks, making them more difficult to defend against.

If AI were to go rogue, it could pose a serious threat to international peace and security. A rogue AI
could launch cyber attacks against critical infrastructure, such as power grids and financial systems,
causing widespread disruption and damage. It could also launch cyber attacks against military
targets, escalating tensions and increasing the risk of conventional warfare.

Italy is one of the many countries that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. We have a highly developed
digital economy and a critical infrastructure that is heavily reliant on information technology. We are
also a member of NATO, which makes us a target for cyber-attacks from hostile states.

Italy is taking a number of steps to address the threat of cyber warfare and the potential threat of
rogue AI. We are investing in cybersecurity technologies and capabilities, and we are working with
our allies to develop international norms and standards for responsible AI development. However,
we recognize that there is more to be done, and we call on all countries to work together to address
this global threat.

Here are some specific steps that Italy is taking to address the threat of rogue AI:

Investing in research and development on AI safety and security.

Developing national guidelines for the responsible development and use of AI.

Working with international partners to develop international norms and standards for responsible AI

Promoting public awareness of the potential risks of AI and the importance of AI safety and security.

Italy is committed to working with the international community to address the threat of rogue AI and
to ensure that AI is used for good. We believe that AI has the potential to improve the lives of billions
of people around the world, but only if it is developed and used responsibly.

Thank you.

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