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1.[poor] The financial gap between the two poles brings about social happiness. For example, the
wealth gap arising from power and corruption is certainly unfair and needs to be gotten rid of, and only
in that way can social satisfaction be achieved. But then, there are those who have become very rich
because of their hard work and perseverance.

2. The focus should be on raising the standard of living, and opportunities for the very poorest of
society. If this were accomplished, the gap between rich and poor would indeed be reduced, and it
would be extremely welcome. The poorer sections should be taken care of by the government in every
way - given jobs, housing, and welfare for all medical and social needs. This gives people comfort and
reduces anxiety.

3. Another important factor in the creation of inequality is variation in individuals' access to

education. Therefore, if education facilities are provided to the have-nots, then they can raise their
standard of living and the gap will automatically come down. Education provides knowledge and an
introspective attitude, and thus life is enriched with more and possibly higher purposes. When the whole
society is equipped with education, happiness is ensured.

Finally, a better living environment makes the public happier. Environment is the very basis on which
life is maintained, and happiness is achieved. However, as technology is evolving, the living environment
is being harmed and pushed to the edge of endangering lives. People are suffering from many diseases
because of pollution. So, pollution needs to be controlled for a happier society.

*82. City and rural

1. There would be less traffic because of fewer people in the city centre, and this would obviously be
highly desirable. ln addition, there would be less strain on the services offered by the city - banks, public
transportation, restaurants and the like. This would mean a reduction in queues and faster customer

2. Housing would also become affordable. it is generally seen that because of too many people wanting
to live in the city, land prices and even rents of houses start touching the sky.
3. Relocating businesses to rural areas may upset many households. Children also may have to
change schools. So it would not be practical to do so. Transport and accommodation problems in cities
need to be sorted out by connecting the villages and cities with very efficient public transport so that
people come to work in the cities and live in rural areas.

4. People offering services would spring up - restaurants, shopping centres and other businesses
would be needed to serve the increasingly larger numbers of people who moved to the area. ln addition,
the rural area may not be able to provide the enormous quantities of housing, electricity and raw
materials required to run a huge company.

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