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Pilates: how does it work and who needs it?

June Kloubec tal beds to support the patient’s limbs while he worked
them and he and the doctors noticed that the patients
Bastyr University, Kenmore Washington, USA seemed to recover more rapidly (1). Unique at the time,
Pilates’ method allowed and encouraged movement
early in the rehabilitation process by providing needed
Corresponding author: assistance. His experiences led to the development of
June Kloubec his distinctive method of physical and mental conditio-
Bastyr University ning, which he brought to the United States in 1923 (2).
Department of Nutrition and Exercise Science Pilates has been used for rehabilitation purposes in-
14500 Juanita Dr NE Kenmore WA 98028 creasingly over the last twenty years. Although there are
425-602-2931 some differences, in general, Pilates uses a combina-
Email: tion of approximately 50 simple, repetitive exercises to
create muscular exertion. Advocates of this system of
exercise claim that exercises can be adapted to provide
Summary either gentle strength training for rehabilitation or a stre-
Pilates uses a combination of approximately 50 sim- nuous workout vigorous enough to challenge skilled ath-
ple, repetitive exercises to create muscular exertion. letes (1). The exercises are designed to increase mus-
Advocates of this system of exercise claim that cle strength and endurance, as well as flexibility and to
exercises can be adapted to provide either gentle improve posture and balance; the exercises are relati-
strength training for rehabilitation or a strenuous vely easy to initiate and maintain and fit well with the gui-
workout vigorous enough to challenge skilled athle- delines set forth by the U.S. Surgeon General and the
tes. The exercises are designed to increase muscle American College of Sports Medicine (3).
strength and endurance, as well as flexibility and to All Pilates exercises flow from the “five essentials” –
improve posture and balance. There is cautious breathing, cervical alignment, rib and scapular stabiliza-
support for the effectiveness of Pilates in improving tion, pelvic mobility and utilizing the transverses abdo-
flexibility, abdominal and lumbo-pelvic stability and minis (4). Each exercise is initiated by stabilizing the co-
muscular activity. Stronger support cannot be given re musculature, which includes the abdominal, gluteal,
at this point in time primarily due to the limited num- and paraspinal muscles in particular, and then proceeds
ber of studies and the lack of sound methodology in through a controlled range of motion. Many traditional
the published research. However, current research methods of muscle conditioning require participants to
does indicate that there may be applications for this perform maximal voluntary contractions. In Pilates, the
type of intervention in certain clinical populations focus is on the most effective recruitment of motor units
that are worthy of continued investigation. which places the emphasis on energy efficiency and
quality of performance. Each exercise is repeated a few
Key words: pilates, muscles exercises times, usually three to five, rarely more; so the body is
constantly being exposed to new muscular and kines-
thetic challenges (4).
Introduction Pilates exercises can be performed both on a mat or on
specialized equipment called a Reformer. In the mat
The purpose of this article is to provide a brief history class, participants typically sit or lie supine or prone and
and overview of Pilates and to review the published lite- use gravity to help stabilize the core. On the Reformer,
rature regarding Pilates, its components and its effecti- a sliding horizontal platform within a box-like frame upon
veness in selected aspects of training and rehabilitation. which a person sits, stands, kneels or reclines; varying
resistance to movement is provided via light springs at-
tached to the moving platform and through a simple pul-
History and Overview ley system (5).
Body weight is the main resistance that is used throu-
Plagued by asthma and rickets as a child, Joseph Pila- ghout the series of Pilates mat exercises. Changes in
tes created an exercise method which sprang from his body position occur (i.e., longer limb levers or increased
determination to strengthen his frail and sickly body. He extension) in individual exercises and changes in the le-
studied yoga, martial arts, Zen meditation and Greek ver lengths of limbs can continue to challenge partici-
and Roman exercises. During the latter part of World pants as their fitness levels increase. The additional
War I, Pilates served as an orderly in a hospital on the psychological element of Pilates is evident in the addi-
Isle of Man, where he began to therapeutically move the tional focus on breathing and concentration during the
non-ambulatory soldiers. He attached springs to hospi- execution of these exercises (5).

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J. Kloubec

Does it Work? Utilizing electromyography researchers had 20 physical

education students perform twelve different abdominal
Even though it has a long history, few empirical research exercises. They discovered that the standard curl-up eli-
studies have been done on Pilates. Many of the suc- cited the lowest muscle action potential (MAP). Eleva-
cesses that were claimed by early Pilates enthusiasts, ting the lower limbs with the body supported by the
such as improving core strength, and increasing flexibi- hands with extended and also flexed the knees on an in-
lity, circulation and balance have been slowly finding clined plane elicited the highest MAP for the rectus fe-
support in the completed research on the movement moris (13). Studies have also demonstrated that indivi-
principles found in the Pilates exercises. duals were able to alter the automatic patterns of abdo-
minal muscle activity by specific, cued exercise inter-
Transversus Abdominis ventions, resulting in more effective utilization of those
The transversus abdominis muscle located inferior to abdominal muscles (14,15). For example, one study
the umbilicus in the lower abdomen is specifically cued showed that with minimal instruction subjects were able
prior to the initiation of each Pilates movement. The sim- to volitionally alter the relative activity of the oblique and
ple action of “pulling in” the lower abdomen has a multi- rectus abdominis muscles when performing trunk curls
tude of consequences. The transversus abdominis mus- (12). These both have the potential to be contributing
cle is primarily a postural control muscle and is consis- factors during Pilates exercises, as these more challen-
tently the first muscle activated in relation to any limb ging body positions are replicated in the series of exer-
movement (6). It is hypothesized that the transversus cises and muscular actions are well cued throughout the
abdominis is activated independently at a subconscious movement series.
and submaximal contraction, as part of the motor plan, Many of the exercises used in Pilates have been consi-
to provide trunk stiffness during dynamic movement (7). dered by some in the fitness professions to be contrain-
The transversus abdominis is recruited preferentially to dicated, such as double leg lowering and straight-legged
the superficial muscle layers of the abdominal wall du- sit ups. However, there is evidence that when the sug-
ring breathing (8). The transversus abdominis normally gested Pilates exercises are performed properly, they
contributes to respiration when expiration is increased do have a place within the abdominal exercise regimes
voluntarily by forcing expiration (as is done in the Pilates for healthy populations. In fact, variations in the pelvic
method breathing) or involuntarily by breathing in and trunk positions in the knee stretch exercises chan-
against an inspiratory load. In contrast, during normal ge the activation pattern of the multifidus, gluteus maxi-
relaxed breathing the transversus abdominis does not mus, rectus abdominis, and oblique muscles. The lower
seem to be activated (7). level of activation of the rectus abdominis muscle sug-
In clinical settings it has been observed that a normal gests that pelvic stability is maintained in different body
cognitive contraction of the transversus abdominis is ac- positions (16).
companied by a contraction of the lumbar multifidus The maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) of the abdo-
and, conversely, a normal cognitive contraction of the minal musculature attained during Pilates exercise is
lumbar multifidus accompanied by a contraction of the speculated to be similar to other simple therapeutic
transversus abdominis (9). Along with the transversus exercises (17). One study demonstrated between 10-
abdominis and multifidus, the pelvic floor muscles and 20% of MVC in the multifidi and external obliques while
the diaphragm also contract, which likely maintains the performing Pilates on a Reformer (18). Whether this re-
intra-abdominal pressure at a critical level, allowing the presents a large enough stimulus to enhance muscular
greatest spinal support. strength or endurance or simply creates opportunity for
enhanced neuromuscular action remains to be shown.
Abdominal Exercises However, another example is the side bridge exercise, a
The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (rectus ab- position similar to the side bridge exercise in Pilates,
dominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and trans- and activation of the quadrates lumborum. When sup-
versus abdominis) play a fundamental role in providing ported with the feet and elbow the quadrates closest to
stability to the trunk. Ideally, the objective of any abdo- the floor appears to be activated up to about 50% of
minal exercise is to challenge the abdominal muscles maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and the obliques
while imposing a minimal load to the lumbar spine. Un- experience a similar challenge (19). It may be hypothe-
fortunately, many exercises designed and used to in- sized that it is the exposure to multiple exercises and
crease muscular strength to improve lower back stabili- body positions that is of the greatest value in creating
zation provide only minimal development of maximal vo- muscular strength or endurance as a result of perfor-
luntary contraction of the abdominal musculature. This ming Pilates.
may be appropriate for clinical populations, but does not Research by Porterfield and DeRosa has suggested
elicit enough contraction to train the musculature in a that proper breathing techniques during exercise also
healthy population. Therefore, a variety of exercises to ensure generating sufficient intra-abdominal pressure,
promote abdominal musculature endurance are needed. to aid in stabilizing the lower back (20). Training subjects
Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance to breathe properly, particularly emphasizing the expira-
and efficacy of using a varied program of exercises to tory muscles, can also reduce the sensation of fatigue
develop and maintain abdominal strength and enduran- and the sensation of effort during exercise (21).
ce (10-12). One of the strengths of the Pilates method is
the variety of abdominal exercises included in the routi- Body Position/Posture
ne. The core musculature is challenged in a variety of Pilates encourages the slight forward flexion of the cer-
ways to theoretically achieve the best result in improving vical vertebra, the stabilization of the scapula, the
both strength and endurance. “connection” of the rib cage to the hips and the posterior

62 Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal 2011; 1 (2): 61-66

Pilates: How Does it Work and Who Needs It?

pelvic tilt (4). Shirado, et al. showed that a similar posi- evidence to date is testimonial or in the form of uncon-
tion provides the most optimal posture for decreasing trolled case series, a few randomized controlled studies
lumbar lordosis and for activating trunk flexors and ex- do exist regarding the effects of Pilates on patients with
tensors most effectively (22). The best circumstances nonspecific CLBP (chronic low back pain) (5).
for trunk muscles to produce maximum EMG activity are Rydeard and colleagues sought to determine the effica-
when the thoracic cage is fixed and the cervical spine is cy of utilizing Pilates as a therapeutic exercise approach
maximally flexed and the pelvis is maintained in a neu- in a population with chronic low back pain (CLBP) (28).
tral, stabilized position (22). Efficient organization of Subjects in the study participated in a 4-week program
head, neck, and shoulder girdle as cued with each exer- on Pilates equipment and noted a significantly lower le-
cise, allows the Pilates participant to coordinate the pla- vel of functional disability and average pain intensity at
cement of the lower body to achieve maximal muscular the end of the intervention. Perhaps of greater interest
contraction. to clinicians is that the individuals in the specific-exerci-
A recent study sought to determine the effect of a Pila- se-training group reported a significant decrease in
tes training program on arm-trunk posture, strength, CLBP and disability, which was maintained over a 12-
flexibility and biomechanical patterns. Nineteen subjects month follow-up period. Rydeard, et al. concluded that
(9 controls, 10 experimental) were assessed twice, 12 treatment with a modified Pilates-based approach was
weeks apart, during which the experimental group per- more efficacious than usual care (defined in this study
formed Pilates training for two 1-h sessions per week. as consultation with a physician, other specialists and
The results indicated that the Pilates training program healthcare professionals, as necessary) in individuals
was effective in improving abdominal strength and up- with chronic, unresolved LBP (28).
per spine posture, as well as in stabilizing core posture In 2006, forty-three patients completed a study by Don-
when shoulder flexion movements were performed. Sin- zelli, DiDominica, Cova, Galletti and Giunta (29). Sub-
ce deficits in these functional aspects have previously jects had suffered from nonspecific low back pain for
been associated with symptoms in the neck-shoulder re- more than three months and performed either usual
gion, these results support the use of Pilates in the pre- treatment (Back School) or Pilates exercises. The Pila-
vention of neck-shoulder disorders (23). tes group showed better compliance and subjective
In another recent report, researcher’s recruited 34 response to treatment and also demonstrated results
adults aged 60 and over to participate in a study inves- which were similar to usual treatment, suggesting that
tigating saggital spinal posture after Pilates-based exer- Pilates could be utilized as an alternative approach to
cises. Results of their training indicated that immediate- treatment for those with chronic low back pain.
ly after the Pilates-based exercise program, older adults In 2008, La Touchea, Escalantea, and Linares published
stood with slightly decreased thoracic flexion and sat a review article on Pilates and treatment of low back
with slightly increased lumbar extension. The authors pain (30). Only three studies met the criteria for inclu-
concluded that the individually designed Pilates-based sion of the review, however the authors noted that the
exercise program was feasible for healthy older adults, results of the studies demonstrated positive effects,
and the high attendance rate supported the suitability of such as improved general function and reduction in pain
the exercise program over a long period (24). when applying the Pilates Method in treating non-speci-
fic CLBP in adults (30). Further research is required to
Low Back Pain (LBP) determine which specific parameters are to be applied
By far the most published research has centered on Pi- when prescribing exercises based on the Pilates, howe-
lates and treatment of LBP. The Pilates method utilizes ver, the limited number of studies which have been com-
principles of various accepted rehabilitation methods pleted suggest that Pilates has beneficial effects in
that have scientific support for LBP, including core terms of decreasing pain and disability in patients with
strengthening. This is important since core weakness nonspecific CLBP (5).
has been increasingly recognized as a biomechanical A more recent research study by da Fonseca, Magini
deficit in patients with LBP (5). and Freitas, evaluated the influence of pain on vertical
The principle of stabilization and axial elongation is tho- ground-reaction force (VGRF) in patients with low back
roughly integrated into all Pilates exercises. Axial elon- problems and the effect of the Pilates method on the gait
gation is thought to organize the spine in its optimal of these patients (31). The results of this study suggest
orientation for efficient movement, thus avoiding resting that patients with low back pain can develop strategies
or working at the end of range, which can place undue to attenuate the amount of force imposed on their body
stresses on the inert and contractile structures of the and showed that after 15 sessions of Pilates the sub-
trunk and extremities. Studies demonstrate that the jects improved their weight discharge in gait and redu-
transversus abdominis, multifidus, diaphragm, and ab- ced their pain compared to non-intervention subjects.
dominal oblique muscles are key organizational mus- Medical practitioners often make the decision regarding
cles of movement in healthy individuals with low back whether or not a patient with LBP should pursue an ac-
pain (21, 25, 26). Porterfield’s motor control studies and tive or passive rehabilitation. Physical therapy directed
theories of trunk organization and stabilization show that programs including core stabilization components have
subthreshold contraction of global stabilization muscles been shown to be effective in the treatment of low back
(such as those cued and used in Pilates exercises) can pain. Although more research is necessary, the best
provide safe movement throughout daily activities (27). available evidence suggests that a core strengthening
The Pilates method has been increasingly applied for its program may be beneficial in reducing pain scores,
therapeutic benefits, however little scientific evidence functional disability and recurrences of acute low back
supports or rebukes its use as a treatment regimen for pain episodes (32). A Cochrane review concluded that
musculoskeletal diagnoses including LBP. While most exercise therapy appeared to be effective at decreasing

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J. Kloubec

pain and improving function in adults with chronic low- ther study which investigated responses of adult, novice
back pain. In acute low-back pain, exercise therapy practitioners (n = 9) to an 8-week traditional mat Pilates
was concluded to be as effective as either no treatment program resulted in improvements in sit and reach,
or other conservative treatments (33, 34). There is, ho- shoulder reach, curl up, low back extension, as well as
wever, no evidence that one particular type of exercise reduced relative body fat and circumferences at the
therapy is clearly more effective than others (34). A re- waist, chest and arm (52). More research needs to be
cent meta-analysis showed that Pilates was superior to conducted to determine if Pilates might prove to be a
minimal intervention in the treatment of LBP (35). Yoga, useful means of increasing activity and thereby curbing
which incorporates many similar elements to Pilates, the obesity epidemic.
has also been shown to be an effective treatment for
LBP (36).
Additional Uses
There is also strong patient and clinician interest in the There is considerable interest by trainers and clinicians
use of Pilates for postoperative rehabilitation. This has to be able to adopt Pilates into physical training and re-
led to the development of safe and modified exercises habilitation schemes. Although Pilates exercises have
for patients undergoing orthopedic procedures, such as been utilized for almost ninety years there is little empi-
total hip or knee arthroplasty (37). While Pilates exerci- rical research to definitively support the claims made by
ses would conform to these standards and appear safe early practitioners. There is cautious support for the ef-
and effective anecdotally, further controlled trials are ne- fectiveness of Pilates in improving flexibility, abdominal
cessary to prove its validity. and lumbo-pelvic stability and muscular activity. Stron-
Fall prevention in the elderly is a primary concern for ger support cannot be given at this point in time prima-
many health care providers. After completing 10 Pilates- rily due to the limited number of studies and the lack of
based exercise sessions a significant change in dyna- sound methodology in the published research. However,
mic balance was found in the functional reach test mean current research does indicate that there may be appli-
scores in the exercise group of health adults (38). Twen- cations for this type of intervention in certain clinical po-
ty-four subjects aged 65 to 81 completed the ten week pulations that are worthy of continued investigation. The
training program in which they were randomly assigned theoretical mechanisms of how and why Pilates are ef-
to a traditional strength plus flexibility group, a Pilates- fective appear to well established, therefore, it is sug-
based-training group and a no exercise control group. gested that work in the future should center on docu-
Results of the study indicated that Pilates was effective menting the application and success of Pilates a wider
for improving static or postural balance in elderly adults variety of training and rehabilitation milieus.
(39). A small pilot study assessed subjects 66–71 years
old who participated in Pilates twice a week for eight
weeks. The results showed that a training program of Pi- References
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Pilates: How Does it Work and Who Needs It?

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66 Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal 2011; 1 (2): 61-66

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