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4 September 2023 PN1 / PN2

Dear Parents,

Re. Term 4 Enrichment Program

We will be collecting the Term 4 fees for the following enrichment program.

Attached is the Term 4 reply slip, kindly fill in and return with payment with cash or paynow ($75.60) by
Friday 8 September. Thank you.

Thank you.

Lee Ching

Reply Slip (To be returned by Friday 8 September)

Name of child ___________________________________

I would like my child to join in the following program for Term 4 2023.

Gym Program @ $75.60 w/GST per term

Payment method:

Enclosed cash payment $___________ as payment for the above.

PAYNOW $ _____________ via UEN 200416155C (Eileen’s Learning Centre Pte

Ltd) Date of Payment: ______________

Parents Name :

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