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Cristine Kate M.


A Detailed Lesson Plan 9

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students must be able to do the following with at least 80%
level of success:
A. Identify the characters in the story;

b. arrange a set of given events in the story in logical order;

c. show teamwork in group activities;

d. value the importance of the story.

II. Subject matter


The Death of a Salesman


A Journey through Anglo American Literature, Grade 9 Learners

Pages 453-490

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
 Prayer
Anyone who wants to lead the (Students will lead the prayer)
prayer? Let us pray.
 Greeting
Good Morning class. Good Morning ma’am
 Checking of Attendance
Who is the absent for today? None ma’am
B. Recall of the Past Lesson
Do you still remember our Yes ma’am
previous lesson?

What is it all about? It is all about the Voice.

What are the two voices of Passive and Active Voice.


Very good.
C. Motivation
Let’s have a short activity!

I will divide you into 4 groups,

every group will have a 5

Here is my instruction, look at

the following jumbled letters.
You will re-arrange the
jumbled letters. The clue for
this activity is that this words
are the characters of the story.
Now, the fastest group will do
the activity will be the winner.
Cristine Kate M. Apalis

Yes maam
Is that clear?
D. Presentation of the Lesson
Let us proceed to the unlocking

I have 5 sentences here and

you are going to find the
following meaning of the
underline words.

1. Willy is a good salesman

and you know it.
a. A person whose job is
to sell things.
b. A person whose inlove
c. A person who gives
2. He could not tell if what he
was seeing was real or if it
was a hallucination.
a. Injured things
b. Something that seems
real but does not
c. A lazy person
3. My communications
capability is limited.
a. Being so rude
b. Scary
c. The ability to do
4. Horses and pig are largely
lived in a ranches.
a. A farm for animals.
b. A bottle full of water.
c. Causing someone to
feel hgappy.
5. I would like to travel in
a. To make feel happy.
b. To go on a trip.
c. Liking someone
E. Lesson Proper

I have a story about A Death of a

Salesman by Arthur Miller. Arthur
Miller is the author of this story. He is a
American playwright.

Before we proceed to the story, I will

show some pictures. The text below
the picture will be the events of the
story. Now, you must first choose a
picture that will appropriate in the

Is that clear?
Cristine Kate M. Apalis

The story begins on Monday evening at

the Loman family home in Brooklyn,
Willy a sixty-three years old travelling
salesman returned home early from a Yes maam
trip. He has a wife name Linda. She
gets act of her bed and greet Willy. (the picture will show)
Linda ask why if he got in accident but
Willy irritated replied that nothing

Class do you think that Willy is a good (the students will choose a picture)
husband to Linda?


No maam
Okay. Let’s see.

To continue the story Will has a two Linda just cared about her husband but
adults son, biff and Happy are visiting, Willy got easily irritated.
before We left that morning, Willy
criticized Biff for working at manual
Labor on farms and horses ranches in
the west. The argument are still
unresolved. Willy says that his thirty-
four-year-old son is a lazy Bum. Shortly
thereafter, he declares that Biff is
anything but Lazy, willy’s habit of
contradicting himself becomes quickly
apparent in his conversation with

In this situation will you describe Willy?

What else?

Thank you.
Willy is not a good father.
Do you know that Willy starts to have
hallucinations about his life. Before he
began to fall apart Willy thinks about Willy is a strict father.
his two sons, he remember Biff and
Happy achievements when the are in
high school. That moment, Willy is
really proud of Biff and Happy. (Picture will show)

In this situation, Do you feel the

tension of a father and a son (students will choose a picture)

Willy and his two son has a rough

relationship because they did not line
up to their expectation of their father.
Yes maam
Willy got fired at work. Will Loman is a
man caused between the real world of
his imagination because he is
disappointments by his life and the
Cristine Kate M. Apalis

lives of his sons are living. He commits (Picture will show)

suicide to ensure his family has the
financial stability that he can’t provide.
(students will choose a picture)
Do you have any questions?
(Picture will show)
F. Application
Name the Characters.
Match the name of the characters in (students will choose a picture)
column A with their descriptions in
Column B. Write the letter of the
answer before the number.

1. Willy a. Willy’s None maam
patient and
loving wife.
2. Linda b. The eldest
of the
boys who
finding a
stable job.
3. Biff c. One of the
boys who
has ignored
when the
two boys
growing up.
He was not
4. Happy d. Willys
who was
at a young
5. Ben e. A salesman
worked for
years with a

G. Generalization
Do you understand the story? Yes maam

what have you learned from Maam I learned that, even you are in
the story? difficult situation killing yourself is not the
Cristine Kate M. Apalis

IV. Evaluation

Go back to your previous group and we will have an activity.

Directions: read the selection carefully. Arrange it in chronological order by numbering


Willy starts to have hallucinations about his Life. Biff and Happy observe some
weirds things that their father doing. Willy thinks about his two sons, he remembers
Biff and Happy achievements when they are in high school. That moment, Willy is
really proud of Biff and Happy.
Biff upset with his father because Willy discriminate him and Happy for not being
successful in business. Willy and his two son has a rough relationship because they
did not line up to their expectation of their father.
Monday evening at the Loman family home in Brooklyn, Willy a sixty-three years old
travelling salesman returned home early from a trip. Before he left that morning,
Billy criticized his son Biff for working on a manual labor on farms and ranches. The
arguments stay unresolved.

Willy got fired at work. Willy Loman is a man caused between the real world of his
imagination because he is disappointments by his life and the lives of his sons are
Willy commits suicide.

V. Assignment

For your assignment, answer the following questions.

1. Who is the protagonist in the story, the one who undergoes some sort of change
throughout the play?
2. Who is the antagonist? He/she could be one or more of the characters that provide the
obstacle(s) for the protagonist.
3. From among the characters, who do you like best? Like least? What values does she/ he
have drawn you to him/her?

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