Essay - Pandemic Covid 19

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Corona Virus also known as Covid-19 has come as a huge threat to us, and with
very short time, it has brought chaos and changes, and even challenged our attitudes
and behaviours radically. Two years have passed since the start of its existence. It was
an enormous shock for the government, administrative agencies, businesses, and even
us, ordinary people. It became an immediate threat to public health. The Covid-19
produced substantial economic and social stresses, as societies introduced measures
to restrict the spread of the virus.
As what I’ve heard and observed, the government took measures and actions as
soon as the virus broke out but all of it was a step too late. As they implemented
protocols, the cases were already significantly high. As the cases increase, protocols
were also getting more strict. The Philippines’ response to Covid-19 has been described
as being one of the longest and strictest lockdowns in the world. Entire province and
cities were put into lockdowns, mobilities were restricted, and the wearing of face mask,
face shield, and physical/social distancing were strictly enforced. Any violations were
set with punitive actions, such as paying money for any travel violations. The
government relied heavily on the police and the military to ensure that the order was
maintained and all health protocols were followed.
This is not to blame the government because of the late actions and precautions,
but to emphasize that even a step too late may endanger the citizens. The government
may be at fault but, we are also partially to be blamed. All selfish and careless actions
may bring predicament to our situations. The measures and actions that the
government enforced kept us safe during this pandemic. The fight against Covid-19
have caused great devastation and even caused many sacrifices.
It is an undeniable fact that the governments’ actions were indeed helpful during
this pandemic. The government assured our safety. The government may not have fully
earned the peoples’ respect and trust, they are still the one’s that did the most
contribution in mitigating the virus. The lives of the people that risk their lives for our
safety may not brought back, the people are still grateful for what they have done to
ensure our well-being. We all know that as of this moment, the government is doing its
best to win this battle against this menacing virus which is bringing chaos and
misfortune, and for that, is to ensure our safety.

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