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Holger Benedict Seidelin & Raimonda Žiūkaitė

Digital Nomade
We are interested in exploring human desire in the context and setting of loneliness.
Through this we will work with the stories of "digital nomads". People who travel around
the world to various exotic locations to work on their computer. We are interested in
working with their posted Reddit stories, to generate a narrative based dance and music
piece that takes place in the claustrophobia of a white cube scenography. There is an
interest close to our heart. Why do you put yourself in a situation of solitude, far away
from your community, to then post picture of your beautiful location and write long letters
on the internet of your difficulties in this set sphere. To us, the digital nomade’s life
descriptions carry so much body, desire for the greatest life and music.

Project Description
Perfection and loneliness often go hand in hand when it comes to making the most of the
life we have been given and the characteristics of our society. The rigid way we view the
connection between time, body and mind is fascinating as it will naturally create conflict.
The brain has discussions with itself. Can you do enough? The body discuss itself, or so
thinks the brain. The brain can manipulate the body. That's obvious. Based on Reddit
conversations from the "Digital Nomad" community, we will explore the goals and
sharing of images that people in these environments share with the world. The desire is to
put body on the things we see and read on the internet. People who exist, a different way
of viewing life.
We would like to work with 3 dancers in business clothes, dancing in a white cube. Inside
the white box is a white door. The door leads to the air behind the door. Our working
method will move through different phases. The first phase is collection. We collect
material such as images, audio, and text conversations from these Reddit communities.
Then we will examine what qualities are present in the images. We will focus on how we
can translate that into dance and music. From that, our work will be exploring dynamic,
morphed/twisted body positions, breaks and adaptation and conversation with the
musical side. We want to develop a very dynamic piece, that feels like narrated, story-
based, creating a story with the dancers and musician. The proces will turn around
developing language through improvisation, a process based on techniques that will be
created from the source of the digital nomad community. It is an experiment, and we are
therefore very willing to take a chance to create body and musical language.

Projektplan (quick overview)

July August September Oktober November

1st-10th Dancers are Detailed project Rehearsal Rehearsal for Rehearsal on

being asked. plan is send out period starts. Stage- stage. 4 Days
to the team. Artistic rehearsal. rehearsal.
Brainstorming, language for
sending the show is
material to each generated and
other.. developed
11th-20th Dancers are Brainstorming Dancers join 20 minutes is
found. Team is qualities, the rehearsal. done, music is
set. music, feelings done. Premiere
and themes
from the
material we
20th-30th The whole team Writing visual/ Working with Stage
is informed by audiable and the door and rehearsal.
the concept, choreographica music Music and
the ideas and lly sentences. elements. choreography is
some strategies Working stage done, so
for rehearsal. clothing. exibility and
nal touches
Music and can be worked
Choreography on peacefully.
is nished.
Note: A detailed
project plan will
be produced in
start august,
when the
dancers are

Name Amount

Props 300 €

Salery Dancers (3 2700 €

Door (hfs) 0€

White walls (Hfs) 0€

Total 3000 €

Stage Design

Here we see a primitively drawn white cube

that is supposed to represent the framework
for the performance with dimensions given on
the drawing. This gives an idea of the
claustrophobia we want to work with. There
are ways to express the desire and illusions of
the performers. These illusions that we keep
selling and consuming to each other.
Associated to the project:
Soli - UdK Stage Design

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