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A Policy Proposal to Increase Access to Quality Education in the Philippines

Boyboy, Geraldine A.

Cebu Technological University- Main Campus


I. Introduction

The Philippines has many challenges in providing quality education to all

Filipinos. One of the biggest challenges is access to education. Many children in the

Philippines, especially those from rural areas, do not have access to schools or quality


This policy proposal outlines a plan to increase access to quality education in the

Philippines. The proposal includes the following key components:

 Building new public schools, particularly in rural areas

 Providing financial assistance to students from low-income families

 Improving teacher training and compensation

II. Background/Overview

Equitable access to quality education remains elusive throughout the years of

formal education in the Philippines. Many Filipino children miss out on opportunities to

learn. The number of children accessing education, the quality of education they

receive, and the condition of their learning environment are causes for concern.

The number of children out of school has reached 2.8 million. Only half of

children 3 to 4 years old are enrolled in day care, and only 78 per cent complete basic

education. The illiteracy rate in the Philippines is 20%, and it is even higher in rural


This policy proposal aims to address the remaining challenges to access free

quality education in the Philippines. The proposal includes specific measures to

increase access to quality education, improve the quality of education, and reduce

financial barriers to education.

III. Rationale

Education is a fundamental human right that is why it is essential to increase

access to quality education in the Philippines. The 1987 Philippine Constitution

guarantees the right to quality basic education. It is essential that every Filipino child,

whatever their circumstance, has access to learning that offers a quality, inclusive and

relevant curriculum. Increasing access to quality education in the Philippines is also

essential for national development. A well-educated population is more productive and

can greatly contribute to economic growth.

IV. Stakeholders

The following are the key stakeholders in this policy proposal:

 The government: The government is responsible for providing funding for the

construction of new schools, financial assistance to students, and training for


 Schools: Schools will need to be prepared to receive more students and provide

them with quality education.


 Parents: Parents need to support their children’s learning and to be involved in

their education.

 Students: Students will need to be involved in the process of improving

education. They are the main beneficiaries of free quality education.

 Teachers: Teachers are the implementers of free quality education. They need

to be well-trained to teach in overcrowded and resources-poor setting and need

to be motivated to provide quality education to their students.

V. Costs/Resources

The cost of implementing this proposal will be significant. The government will

need to allocate funds for the construction of new schools, financial assistance to

students and training for teachers. The government will also need to provide resources

for schools such as textbooks, computers and other facilities.

The following are some of the resources that will be needed to implement this

policy proposal:

 Physical resources: The government will need to construct new schools and


 Financial resources: The government will need to allocate more funding for


 Human resources: The government will need to recruit competent and train more


VI. Potential Obstacles/Challenges:

There are several potential obstacles and challenges to increase access to

quality education in the Philippines. These include:

 Financial constraints: The government will need to find a way to allocate the

necessary funds for education.

 Lack of community support: Parents and communities may not be supportive of

this policy proposal.

 Bureaucratic inefficiency: The government bureaucracy may be slow to

implement this policy proposal.

VII. Conclusion

This proposal outlines a plan to increase access to quality education in the

Philippines. It is a complex and challenging plan, but it is essential for the development

of our country. The government, schools, teachers, students and parents will all have a

role to play in making this proposal a success.

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