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The teaching profession is one of the noblest jobs, people in the field of

education are formally trained with the pedagogical principles and practices including

the objectives, content, methods, and assessment. The quality of a society is anchored

on the quality of education, thus success in education depends on the quality of

teachers and their effectiveness in teaching (Ayua, 2017). In the 1987 Philippine

Constitution Article XIV one of the goals of Philippine education is the development of

creative and critical-thinking skills among learners. The emerging 21st century thrust the

system into four goals: collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity.

And several research and innovations have taken place just to address this purpose.

The K-12 curriculum observes honing the 21st-century skills for 21st-century learners.

Adapting this system is believed to be effective especially if it is used properly and fits

the local situations of the Philippines like the number of manpower and facilities

(Embalsado, 2018).

One of the key factors in education is the teacher where he or she imparts the

skills, knowledge, and beliefs to the students. A teacher can adapt, modify or develop

teaching and learning strategies (Rajagopalan, 2019). Content, communication, and

feedback are the major components of teaching, and these could positively affect the

students. The teaching and learning process can be done in many different ways,

according to (Chetty,, 2019) that the teaching style matches the learners’

response depending on their ability to perceive and interpret the information provided.

The teaching style is the teachers’ ability to convey the message and behavior in
delivering the instruction, while the learning style is the students’ preference in

responding to different learning situations. Teaching methods play a key role in

addressing the need for belonging in the classroom, which in turn affects the motivation

and performance of the student (Lasala, 2023). Different teaching approach by different

teachers provides a different learning experience for the students (Baba, 2016).

According to (Abdul Gafoor and Haskar Babu, 2012) it is the teachers’ preference in

solving problems, implementing tasks, deciding the teaching process, and how they

interact with the learners based on their personal behaviors, philosophies, standards,

and moods. It is the teachers’ unique personal qualities and practices regardless of

whom they taught and the subject they taught (Baba, 2016). A good teaching style is

when a teacher can communicate effectively with the students, builds rapport, set

expectations, and respect commitment (Raba, 2017). Healthy interaction and

environment between teachers and students can increase participation and overall

academic achievement; since students clearly understand what is the expected output

and the learning tasks and outputs are well defined, thus they can control their behavior

(Inayat and Ali, 2020). As cited by (Hayati, et. al., 2021) style is the nature of a person

that is influenced by environmental, and natural factors, such as features. It is a trait that

is carried out by an individual in performing activities. Fundamentally, teaching aims to

lead students to achieve the pre-planned objectives, and the teaching behavior shown

by the teacher is very varied. The diversity of teacher behavior in teaching will gain an

overview of the general interaction patterns between teachers, content, or learning

materials and learners. A teaching style is a form of teacher appearance when teaching,

both curricular and psychological, that is tailored to the goals and characteristics of
certain subjects are curricular teaching styles. Teaching styles that are psychological in

nature are tailored to student motivation, class management, and learning outcomes

assessment. The style of teacher teaching is observed when delivering content in the

classroom teaching and learning process. Teaching is defined as an interaction that

aims to increase the knowledge and skills of particular and predetermined students. At

least seven aspects are included in the sequence of this teaching, namely motivating

students, explaining what is learned, helping students remember previous knowledge,

providing teaching materials, providing guidance and feedback, testing comprehension,

and providing stimulus and recovery. Teachers who are good at educating make it

easier for students to understand a concept or ability, while teachers who do not

perform well will make it difficult for students to understand a concept or ability, instead

it will make teacher teaching boring on the students’ observations, which imposes a

problem in the classroom and this indirectly boomerang to the teacher. The choice of

strategy, including the wrong strategy for learning control, will be a factor that will cause

learners to lose interest and feel bored. In order to realize awareness of their respective

responsibilities, teaching and learning practices in the classroom today need to undergo

a change of educational practices that are more creative and productive, critical and

innovative, including those of aspects of psychology between teachers and students.

Teachers who believe in teaching will be more interested in establishing good student

relationships. The teaching and learning process is made easier and more enjoyable by

a good relationship between teachers and learners because there are no distractions or

disciplinary problems carried out by students in the classroom. There are aspects that

are frequently associated with teaching style namely: The dimension of teaching - the
concept of intellectual pleasure and behavior of individuals, the characteristics of a great

teacher - the personal characteristics of teachers, such as teachers who have been

successful in teaching before, the selected teaching strategy is employed in the

classroom, the general actions of the teacher, the position of the teacher in the class is

the teaching consequence in the classroom, the personal character of the teacher, the

focus of the teachers, students, educational content and concentration on teaching, and

forms of teaching. Now when the teaching and learning process takes place, teachers

must be intelligent and skilled in creating an atmosphere that is fun and actively

involved with students. And in order to encourage the students to be interested in

learning a subject, teachers also need to manifest inquisitiveness among students, as

well as teachers need to develop different ways to maintain the attention and interest of

students in learning.

Another factor that affects teaching is the diversity in every classroom where

there are distinctive perspectives and characteristics of young individuals willing to

learn, and teaching diverse students has always become a challenge to teachers. In the

Philippine educational system, it is observed that most of the time the teacher thinks

they are using a differentiated approach but in fact, the teacher has been using a

traditional teaching strategy has been used where a single lesson is designed for

everyone. Thus, the teacher needs to be attentive in order for the students to learn at

their best and satisfy their diverse needs, which is a great challenge for the teacher that

needs to be developed and enhanced (Palamara, nd).

The 21st century encourages educators to engage and deal with the current

issues with the 21st learners by determining their learning styles and how it could affect
their academic performance (Embalsado, 2018). Although the teaching style focuses

more on the teachers’ methods and approach, the learning process also depends on

the learners’ abilities, intelligence, behaviors, and environment (Njoku, 2013). The

teacher and the students are two inseparable factors since the teachers carry out the

knowledge and instruction, teaching style, mode, and behavior which predominantly

influence the learners’ motivation, processing, and effectiveness (Huang and Zheng,

2022), and identifying the teacher’s teaching style influences the learners to

communicate easily (Asfihana, 2021). Different learning styles of the students such as

Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic will also be considered so that the teaching style and

learning style match for a positive outcome in learning (Chetty, 2019). Visual

learners are students who are good at spelling and grammar, can comprehend charts

and graphs quickly, are able to convey ideas visually, good at sign language and other

visual communication, and are creative as they enjoy art or writing (Fleming, 2019).

According to Magulod (2019), there is a positive association between writing skills and

the academic achievement of the student, it shows that improved writing skills and

attitude are directly proportional to academic performance. Having the student write

explanations, ideas, concepts, diagrams, and figures gives them a better understanding

and memory of the information, thus writing is a tool that develops academic

performance. Auditory learners are students who learn best when listening to the

information, have a good memory for spoken information, good public speaking abilities,

possess strong listening skills, prefer spoken directions, excel in oral presentations and

exams, are skilled at telling stories, they are easily distracted by background noises or

silence, enjoy conversations, they are confident in voicing out their thoughts, good at
understanding and processing changes in tone, can explain ideas well, possess strong

communication abilities, have difficulty in written directions, enjoy music, they whisper to

themselves while reading, enjoy listening activities, talk frequently to self and to others,

enjoy lectures and discussions, and express emotion by the tone and volume of the

voice (Bay Atlantic University, 2022). Kinesthetic learners are students who have

excellent coordination between their hands and eyes, have high levels of energy, and

have fast response time, they are adept in putting things together such as models,

puzzles, or furniture, they are great at conducting experiments, they have excellent

muscle memory where they can repeat action after performing it once, they become

restless and will look for activities to engage when they are sitting for a long period of

time, they exhibit gestures while talking, exercise to retain focus, they like to try new

things and enjoy manipulate objects, and like to watch adventures as cited by University

of Potomac (2022). The learning style has acquired great influence in education; and is

frequently encountered at different levels from kindergarten to graduate studies

(Pashler, 2008). Recognizing one’s own learning style helps the learning process to be

faster, more enjoyable, and more effective. Teachers who use a single teaching style

throughout the class might affect the low level-learners who are just started learning so

they should be careful to avoid disappointment (Awla, 2014).

The interaction between teachers and student impacts the student’s academic

performance (Ganyaupfu, 2013) since teaching style greatly influences the student’s

engagement in the classroom and motivation (Inayat, 2020). Most of the time the

teaching style is mismatched with the learner’s learning style, although the students

accepted what the teacher offered in her teaching, and they did not necessarily suffer,
this should not be tolerated, and assumed that students would never resist the

mismatch. In that case, determining the learning style of the students, and diversifying

the teaching style will give students freedom and opportunity to explore and work with

their needs (Ph’ng, Ming and Nambiar, 2015). According to (Durmus and Guven, 2020)

the teaching style is an important factor in the students and learning style of students in

lower education levels like primary and secondary. Students acquire knowledge in

different manners, they take in and process information by listening, seeing, analyzing,

note-taking, reasoning, and asking questions. Teachers also differ in their teaching

strategies and personalities which can be a contributing factor in students’ learning.

How much a student attains in their learning is based on the teacher’s teaching style

and the student’s learning style compatibility. Teachers should continuously discover

the dynamic and diverse learning styles of the students so that they can adjust and

modify their teaching style to accommodate and address the needs of the students. It is

also stated that teachers who are informed about the learning style of the students can

be in the position to adapt and match the learning style of the students and invent

techniques that could coincide with their needs, thus will result in the improvement of

their attitudes toward learning and an increasing number of students that have better

academic performance (Cabaguing, 2019).

Anthony Grasha and Sheryl Hruska-Reichmann developed the Grasha-

Reichmann’s Teaching Styles Inventory to identify the teachers’ expressions and how

they respond to the student’s behavior, capabilities, and needs. These five teaching

styles are identified as Expert, Formal authority, Personal model, Facilitator, and

Delegator. In this study, the researcher will only discuss four teaching styles.
Formal Authority

Formal authority is where the teacher has the right to control and direct students

to a particular context (Spacey, 2019). This teaching style is teacher-centered where the

teacher holds the authority and control based on the set rules and regulations within the

learning environment; and gives feedback and strategies (Ahmed, 2020) which is highly

influenced by classical education philosophies (Beyhan, 2018). In this approach, the

teacher used visual aids to discuss theories and principles. The teacher does most of

the talking, while the students are listening, and during activities, the students worked

alone, hence teacher’s involvement is encouraged to maintain positive social interaction

and active engagement in learning (Abanador,, 2014). In this approach, the

teacher set goals to make students acquire and recognize what is being taught, the

teacher delivers the content to the audience and is more focused on the content than on

the participant, and subject matter and delivery expert. Formal authority concentrates on

individual conduct, and self-learning through self-inspection and a guided set of rules.

The teacher is the primary manager of the class session and determines how much

information the student learns. The teaching method is more like a lecture style that

prioritizes concepts and theories, and more likely there is less interaction between the

teacher and students and skill development. The students are expected to be obedient

and where are responsible for being exact on timetables, and routines, and bring to an

end work (Wagle, 2019). This style is acceptable for higher education and large groups

but not for children since there is little interaction between students and teachers (Gill,

2020). In the study of (Aldajah,, 2014), they discussed that formal authority is the

primary teaching style used in mechanical engineering students along with the personal
model and delegator, and used the facilitator teaching style as secondary. The

combination of teaching styles is a good strategy for giving instructions, knowledge, and

skills however, it can be intimidating to less experienced students. If formal authority is

strongly applied, managing the students and their concerns could be less flexible, too

rigid, and standardized.

Since formal authority had been influenced and used by the teachers for a long

period of time and is still practiced today (Balansag, 2018), Magulod (2017) found that

the main factors the elementary preservice teachers exhibit better in formal authority

teaching style are their personal epistemologies along with stability with knowledge.

(Faruji, 2012) also stated that the most dominant teaching style in teaching English

subjects by young and novice teachers is Formal authority, maybe because they want

more control inside the classroom and to avoid chaos. However, with the increasing

awareness of the students in regard to the passive response of this method they

become less interested in attending school, thus teachers are gradually diverting from a

teacher-centered to a learner-centered approach. Still, effective teachers do not use a

single method to impart knowledge instead they strategize, innovate, and integrate the

new approach into teaching. And in the study conducted by (Apaydin and Cenberci,

2018) where they ranked the most preferred to the least preferred teaching style of

prospective Mathematics teachers, and it resulted in the facilitator being the most

preferred followed by the expert, personal model, delegator, and formal authority as the

least preferred, this implies that teachers do not limit their teaching approach to rules

and standards, but they exert effort by diversifying to deliver a quality lesson.

Demonstrator or Personal Model

The role model teaching style is a student-centered teaching approach where

students directly involved in learning and the teacher will only supervise and

demonstrate to impart learning to students (Ahmed, 2020) or more like a coach that

shows the students what are the things they need to know (Gill, 2020). This approach

concentrates on the performance of an academic procedure. The teacher defines the

steps in the field would use to accomplish tasks as well as define standards that would

indicate mastery in applying the said procedures, then develops situations that allow

students to perform the tasks and observe (Frunza, 2013). This teaching style is highly

influenced by contemporary education philosophies (Beyhan, 2018). According to

(Samad,, 2019) business studies students prefer a personal model teaching style.

In the study of (Pangaribuan,, 2022) where they conducted research on Grade 2

students with a low understanding of the Natural Science lessons. They integrated two

cycles of demonstration teaching method – the first cycle is demonstration teaching on

the students and was given with post-test and the second cycle was another

demonstration teaching on the same group but with corrections from the mistakes in the

first cycle. Post-test was given with the same difficulty and they found that the use of a

demonstration teaching method could improve the learning outcomes of the students. It

was also found that there is a significant difference in the secondary students who were

taught using the demonstration method compared to the conventional teaching method.

Students in the experimental group receiving a demonstration teaching style have

higher academic performance compared to those receiving a traditional teaching

method. Thus, it is recommended that teachers should effectively employ the

demonstration teaching and learning method (Ekeyi, 2013). It is also said that
demonstration is an effective method for enhancing the student’s understanding,

motivation, and interest in chemistry subject (Basheer, et. al., 2016).


The teacher as the facilitator allows students’ active involvement. The students

are responsible for developing the tasks, participating in learning strategies, and

collaborating with each other. The teacher only asks questions, gives options, and

inspires them to let students improve their knowledge (Ahmed, 2020). According to

(Chetty, 2019) that most teachers preferred the Facilitator teaching style where they

guide the students by asking suitable questions, providing options and alternatives, and

helping them develop criteria to make good choices. However, this style is challenging

for the teacher since it needs interaction and focuses on the students to help them

discover (Gill, 2020). In this learner-centered approach, the teacher is not the conveyor

of information but the students did the effort and are active recipients of knowledge. The

teacher gives autonomy and responsibility to the students to learn on their own. The

teacher uses highly engaging core content that meets the needs of the students, gives

feedback to help students improve, and uses multiple teaching techniques appropriate

for students’ objectives (Darsih, 2018). According to (Wagle, 2019) facilitation sets the

concentrated efforts on the students and the teacher only simplifies when the student is

struggling, it is student-centered and is dedicated to learning, the teacher acts as a

guide who moderates the discussion, asks questions, encourages participation, and

engages students in different activities, it concentrates on group dynamics, the facilitator

assists students to learn together and achieve their goals together, and the learners

determine and reflect their own way of learning. This approach allows everyone to
express their feeling and opinions without feeling they are left out of the group, the

students take responsibility for their lives, encourage, are self-directed, self-aware, and

allied with the teams, and helps connect new knowledge with experiences.

Lagura (2016) conducted a study and found that activity-based learning such as

game shows, quiz bees, talk shows, and drama has a significant effect on the student’s

performance in the classroom. Students were assessed based on their enthusiasm,

level of interest, lesson learned, comprehension, and adaptability before and after the

study, and it was found that there is an increase in their knowledge and skills based on

the pre-test and post-test. According to the findings of Lumanog (2016) there are forty-

four percent (44%) and twenty-eight (28%) of visual and auditory learners prefer a

facilitator teaching style, and the average of the students are fine with the teaching

style. This means that the teaching style would match the diversified learning style of

the students and cater their needs.


The teacher who practices a delegator teaching style has a tendency to place the

control and responsibility for learning on a student or group of students; often gives

students a choice in scheming and implementing their own learning projects and will

only act as a consultant. This approach is more like a Laissez-fair style where students

or group members have complete freedom in making decisions, the leader secures

materials needed for the activity but depends on the member how are they going to use

the materials, the problems related to the planning of activities for distributing tasks are

done by the members and not a responsibility of the leader, the leader will not
participate in the activity but will provide assistance, information or express an opinion if

needed, the leader will evaluate the work of the group, but the identification of criteria

and set of standards are done by the members, the activity is marked frequently during

confusion or misunderstanding, and the communication of the group is predominantly

horizontal (Frunza, 2013). This modern teaching style is best suited for activities that

require a process or step-by-step progress, and giving feedback. This discovery and

inquiry type of approach allows the teacher to observe their progress (Gill, 2020). The

teacher prefers to structure class and instruction based on projects and presentations

run by the students, the students pretty much teach each other, set of individuals or

groups of students will typically set up their classrooms by allowing students the

freedom to design and implement a series of complex assignments while more or less

acting as a consultant with each other. As these students work independently or in

groups, they are expected to remain self-motivated throughout the project, since the

more complex the assignment is the more freedom is given to them. This teaching

approach, students learn the importance of working individually and within the group as

well as enhancing their interpersonal skills and roles in the group (Gonzales, 2022).

(Syguia,, 2020) found out that Senior High School in Academic Strand students

enjoy hands-on group activities, where they could utilize learning materials and be more

interested and attentive compared to classroom discussions and lectures. Also,

(Cardino and Dela Cruz, 2020) stated that cooperative learning where students were

paired or grouped will discuss and share their insights in Mathematics posed a

significant improvement in their academic performance. This teaching style may

compromise the students’ readiness when it comes to autonomous work since some

may get anxious when given independence (Aldajah,, 2014).

One of the key skills that a teacher must in using a delegation type of teaching is

communication and empowerment. Communicating your visions and expectations and

empowering by delegating effectively the responsibilities to others by giving them the

authority and accountability to act on the teacher’s behalf. A teacher needs to trust

others, be honest with themselves and others, and communicate their needs as they

move on to the making of the project. There are four parts to the delegation, first is to

assess, and the teacher would ask questions such as what tasks I am responsible for,

what tasks should I delegate, who is the most effective person to get this task done,

what are my expectations on this task, and how will I know if the project is done properly

or how will I evaluate the person. Second is assigned, the teacher would ask these

questions as how will I select to whom I delegate the task by taking the show of hands,

asking for volunteers, passing around a sign-up list, appointing someone, or assigning a

task to a committee, and how will I inform my expectations on the project to the person.

The teacher needs to follow up with the individual and ask them to coordinate with the

task or project. Third is availability, the teacher should make herself or himself available

when the students have questions, strengthen communication by reminding the

students or peers that they can come to you when they need help, and if the answer is

not available within the group or to the teacher they can always seek for answers and

assistance to those who know. And lastly is affirming, the teacher follows through with

expectations; and praises the students when the task or project is done properly, and
addresses the mistakes in a proactive manner using constructive criticism, and

evaluates if the task gets done and how could they improve in the future (Rahman, nd).

Academic Performance

The success for students is not merely determined by grades received, but also

by how those grades were obtained—whether the students showed interest in the

material or simply learned it for its own sake (Lasala, 2023). It is said that one indicator

of effective teaching is the quality of the academic performance of the students.

Remarkably, poor academic performance results from ineffective teaching; and the

desired outcome of the student’s academic performance is fundamentally linked with

good teaching strategies (Ganyaupfu, 2013). In the study of (Abiodun, 2015), it is

suggested that new approaches in teaching should be considered to connect with the

student’s learning and to minimize the dropping out of school. Moreover, a student-

centered approach is recommended for high school students as it results in higher-level

learning compared to a traditional teacher-centered environment. And the selection of

teaching style should not be biased to areas they exclusively excel as well as create a

conducive learning environment because it improves the academic performance of the

high school students. Same also with primary school students where teachers use a

variety of teaching styles. In the study of Villena and De Mesa (2015) question and

answer, demonstration and lecture are the common teaching strategies they would use

in class. Homework is often used to supplement the learning of the student and more

often a game is administered in the class for group activities.

According to (Chetty,, 2019) that some students have positive feedback in

all teaching styles, some were fine with two modes, and others were good with one

teaching, thus there is a mismatch in teaching style and learning of the students.

Lumanog (2016) also found out that college students preferred a student-centered

teaching style which is the teacher is a facilitator, although students are fine with all the

teaching styles, matching the student’s needs and diverse teaching styles should be

considered. Students with active-reflective, intuitive-sensor, and visual-verbal learning

styles most of them preferred a mix of an expert, formal authority, personal mode, and a

delegator teaching style (Aldajah, et. al., 2014). (Ahmed, et. al., 2020) ranked the most

common teaching style by teachers, the topmost was the role or personal model,

followed by formal authority, facilitator, delegator and last was the expert. Students also

observed that female teachers use formal authority, demonstrator or personal model,

and facilitator teaching style than male teachers. The Personal model has a weak

positive correlation, formal authority, and facilitator have a moderate positive correlation,

and the delegator teaching style has a strong positive correlation on the class level. In

the study of (Carbonel, 2022) on the preferred teaching style of Science, Technology,

and Mathematics (STEM) students in the New Normal, it is stated that the students

strongly preferred the facilitator and personal model teacher styles, while they

moderately prefer the expert, formal authority, and delegator teaching styles. (Aranda

and Zamora, 2016) found that using differentiated instruction in Filipino subject to Grade

10 students significantly improve their academic performance in response to their

learning styles, they become more participative, creative, self-efficient, and more open

to different instructional approach. It is also important to identify the learning styles of

the students at the beginning of the school year so that the teacher could prepare a

suitable teaching style and activities for the students, however, this is quite challenging

to implement especially in the Philippine education set-up where there is a large

population in each classroom. (Kamuche, 2011) had the same findings in the research

that the learning style of the students need to be identified at the beginning of the class,

so they could create a suitable teaching style for the students, and it was found that

there was an extremely high correlation on the student’s learning style that matches to

teacher’s teaching style, and a high correlation in their academic performance to their

learning style that matches to the teacher’s teaching style. (Tindog and Celestial, 2021)

stated that the dominant teaching style of English teachers in Puerto Princesa City is a

student-centered approach, as well as the students, and there is a significant correlation

between the teacher’s teaching style and student’s learning style to their academic

performance. (Listano, 2011) in their research on the teaching style and

personality of nursing instructors and its implication to the student’s academic

performance stated that the most common teaching style used by the instructor is the

expert with a common personality of extrovert-introvert, feeling, judging. And teaching

style is not the only factor that could influence on the student’s academic performance.

The school, self-efficacy, attitude, motivation, gender, and competence were some of

the variables that needed to be considered.

However, according to (Cimermanova, 2018) learning style and teaching style

have no significant effect on academic performance. In the study of (Alog, 2012),

intermediate students at Central Philippine University Elementary School are auditory

and visual learners having satisfactory academic performance in English, Mathematics,

Science, and Filipino. It is found that there is a significant relationship between

Mathematics and their perceived teaching style but not in English, Science, and Filipino.

English and Mathematics have a significant relationship with their learning style and

perceived teaching style but not in Science and Filipino. It also found that their

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has a significant relationship with their academic performance

in all subject areas meaning this will be considered a predominant factor regardless of

their learning style and perceived teaching style. Ereje and Ambag (2020) assessed the

teacher’s performance and the student’s learning outcomes and found that there is a

significant relationship between the teachers’ performance to the pedagogical

approaches specifically the constructivism, collaborative, and inquiry-based. However,

there is no significant between the teachers’ performance to the learning outcomes on

the students’ periodical examination. Englis (2019) recommended that teachers should

develop and implement enhancement programs to help link with the student’s learning

style towards excellent language learning, even though there is no significant

relationship between teacher’s teaching style and their learning style; in his study, the

students are more of visual learners while the teacher exhibited a bodily-kinesthetic

aspect to the students. (Khalid, Akhter, and Hashmi, 2017) added that learning and

teaching style have no significant effect on the student’s academic performance.

Matching the teaching style of the teachers to the learning style of the students did not

show a considerable effect on their academic performance, hence, students who are

independent learners seem to be more reliable and confident in their learning abilities

compared to dependent learners which shows a significant effect on their academic

performance. Independent learners prefer to work alone in their classroom activities

such as projects or assignments, and they like to filter important learning materials

which they can really use. They also prefer a facilitator teacher whom they can call for

help with their learning when needed.

Developing an effective teaching style for each area of expertise requires time,

effort, a willingness to experiment with different teaching strategies, and an examination

of what is effective in teaching the subject. Teaching styles represent a constant

concern in the area of education and communication and teaching behaviors are

designed to create an atmosphere of competition, and reliable and productive

cooperation within the teaching staff. It is interesting to see how possible teacher

behaviors possibly develop and structure and what relevant features with a greater

impact on the teaching communication process may have (Frunza, 2013). According to

(Mallillin, 2021) strategies in teaching place the foundation of why and how to conduct

classes and help set expectations, creating a shared culture throughout the class where

students take more responsibility and action for their class participation. The trend in

teaching shows that blended or multimodal learning of students directs the teacher in

more directed activities for students. Method of teaching shows to make up the learning

process from various stages, acquiring knowledge, asking questions that led to more

complex questions in a more complex and pedagogical approach, and modern

technologies are introduced for educational materials by the students. Techniques in

teaching should encourage students to work together by introducing various class

activities to enhance the learning process in the new normal learning perspective of

teaching. Parsons,, (2014) cited that student achievement is associated with

student engagement. Engagement is one strong predictor of student learning, grades,

achievement test scores, retention, and graduation, as reading engagement is one

factor of a student’s reading achievement. And because engagement is highly

associated with achievement, teachers should make an effort to develop engaging

activities. Moreover, students are not naturally engaged or disengaged, but rather they

are flexible and dynamic. Their engagement is more likely affected by the context and

situation like their learning environment. With this, the teacher can create an engaging

classroom that is cooperative and efficient by showing students that the teacher cares

about them; and maintaining positive social interactions with established policies and

routines. Engaging classroom contexts have similar characteristics such as authentic

tasks where activities are relevant to their own lives and imitate real-world situations. It

is also collaborative as it enhances their understanding, confidence, and regulation of

learning; and students have control over their choices and their learning. Lasala (2023)

stated that some of the most effective teaching techniques let teachers provide material

in a clear, concise manner while also guaranteeing that students will remember it for a

long time. Students can apply their knowledge and skills to their personal life and future

occupations if they can deeply absorb facts and practice skills in the classroom, and can

offer chances to engage students in learning and inspire them to like it. They support

instructors in carrying out their duty to direct the social and emotional growth of

students. Teachers can promote respect, empathy, and cultural sensitivity in their

students by employing the appropriate teaching methods. They also employ

instructional techniques to get students ready for assessments. The teaching

preferences, the mission statement of the school, the subjects, and other considerations

may all influence the teacher’s classroom philosophies and principles. It is also found
that numerous studies have identified a relationship between teaching styles and

academic success. A significant but moderate connection between a teacher's teaching

approach and the academic involvement of their students. The degree to which a

teacher's method corresponds with the way a student prefers to study new content also

affects the student's capacity and eagerness to learn. Student engagement may also be

impacted by psychological investment and the culture of the school. Generally, student

engagement is a significant indicator of academic success. The more actively

committed and invested students are in their studies, the more successful they are likely

to be.

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