SOFISTIK - DESIGN NOTE 09 - Basic Guidance For Slab Design

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[AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 DESIGN NOTE 09 BASIC GUIDANCE FOR FLAB DESIGN USING SOFISTIK 1.0 Introduction This design note is intended as guidance for Design Engineers who are using Sofistik for the analysis and design of RC flat slabs. It is not a specific guide on the use of Sofistik. This guide assumes:- 1. That you have a proficient working knowledge of Sofistik 2. That you have an understanding of Flat Slab design to BS8110/ 3. That a preliminary sizing of the slab has been carried out by other means. This can be by one of the following (but not restricted to):- + Preliminary hand design to BS8110 and/or IStruct€ Green Book + By adopting design charts from the “Economic Concrete Frame Elements’ design guide, published by the Reinforced Concrete Council + Via reference to other AKT projects with similar grid spacing and loading criteria (see AKT Options Study Library, stored in “AKT Virtual Office’. 2.0 Why Use SOFISTIK and When? BS8110 suggests frame analysis to determine the moments and forces within a flat slab, and gives advice as to the proportion of moments that are to be divided into "column strips” and “middle strips”, This frame analysis can be done by hand/computer analysis. Alternatively, the moment coefficients in BS 8110 and the IStruct€ Green Book can be adopted. One of the major limitations of using these basic methods is that they rely on the column grid and spacing being reasonably uniform. Where these methods are used in non-regular slab arrangements, the moments and forces calculated could quite easily be over conservative, or worse still, non-conservative or un- safe, Where the above techniques cannot be adopted, BS 8110 suggest other techniques for determining the moments (the Hillerborg Strip Method to name one), of FE say. SOFISTIK is a powerful finite element analysis package, with added applications which will design both bending and shear reinforcement in accordance with BS8110. FE splits a plate into discrete elements, and calculates the unknowns along all the elements edges. It does not rely on many of the assumptions/simplifications that are used in the more empirical BS8110 techniques (e.g. simple frame and sub-frame analysis techniques). It is Visionary design engineers PAGE 1 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 therefore, in theory, able to model a slab much more closely to how it really behaves. Hence SOFISTIK has become a very valuable tool within the office to enable us to analyse many of the non-regular and often complex slab layouts we are asked to design. 3.0 ULS V's SLS The final depth of a flat slab will be dictated by either ULS or SLS issues. As a guide, the following issues are likely to dictate, but this list is by no means exhaustive: Principal ULS Issues + Hogging moment over column supports (mid-span sagging moment usually not critical to determining slab depth). + Punching shear at column and wall faces. Note shear stress limits in BS 81110 cls 3.6.4 (cannot be reinforced for if allowable stress exceeded), + Permissible moment transfer to edge columns + Localised stresses (bending and shear) induced by openings. Principal SLS Issues + Total long-term creep deflection + Imposed load and remaining creep deflection and interface with finishes + Slab edge deflection and interface with cladding elements 4.0 SOFISTIK Issues to be Considered The following are issues related to SOFISTIK, or tools and actions that should be always considered, when analysing and designing with SOFISTIK:- Drawing/Span Orientation If the global coordinate system of the drawing file when imported is not orientated with principal spans in the X and ¥ directions (Z is vertical), then rotate before you do anything else. This will ensure when Sofistik designs the reinforcement, itis orientated in the correct direction. The default principal direction is in the X. Column and Wall Rotational Stiffness In the “modify supports” menu, you can tell Sofistik to consider the stiffness of the supporting columns or walls under, and of those above. The benefits of this are:- 1, You get an accurate figure for the moment thrown into the columns, based on the relative stitfnesses of the slab v's columns. NOTE:-This happens in reality whether modelled in Sofistik or not, so needs considering for one way or another. Visionary design engineers PAGE 2 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 2. By adding in additional stiffness into the model (as opposed to modelling the slab on a purely pinned support), calculated deflections can be reduced accordingly. Conversely, the potential disadvantage is:- 1. Ifyou have an edge column, you may not in reality be able to transfer the amount of moment into the column that Sofistik assumes. If this is the case, the potential reduction in deflection obtained (as described above) may not be obtainable, and the deflection analysis is inaccurate. The model needs be modified, and the analysis must be re-run in this instance to rectify this issue. When inputting the parameters of the supporting columns, the remote end fixity is requested (between 100% fully fixed, and 0%, purely pinned). In reality it is unlikely either extreme will be achievable, but if the column/frame construction remains monolithic, there will be a definite proportion of fixity. (Note: - 100% fixity may be achieved where a column is supported off a deep raft foundation say). In choosing a figure for the fixity, one needs to consider the effects of adopting figures at either ends of the scale: 100% fixity. This will increase the relative stiffness of the supporting columns, which in turn will lead to higher moments attracted to the columns (conservative for column design), but add stiffness to the slab (un- conservative for slab design in terms of span sagging bending and deflections). 0% fixity. This will have the exact opposite effect to column moments and slab moments/deflections to 100% fixity. What will also change the effects of the column remote fixity is the relative stiffness of the column to slab. Column length and section effect it's relative stiffness. If the column has relatively little effect on the slab effects, the remote column fixity may be an academic issue. If on the other hand the columns are short and stocky, and the slab has a large span/depth ratio, then the effects of remote fixity will be more significant. In summary, all the above need considering on a project by project basis before the end fixity can be chosen. A quick sensitivity check can be carried out by re-running the analysis with varying degrees of fixity. It may prove to be of negligible effect in some instances. When obtaining the support moments, the moment indicated in Wingraf is the total moment transferred to the support. This moment must be applied to the columns in their design. If upper and lower column stiffness has been modelled, the total support moment needs transferring between the upper and lower column proportionally depending on their stiffness and length Visionary design engineers PAGE 3 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 Punching Shear In the “analysis parameters” window (2-D version), there are options to chose wart. punching shear checks and design. Sofistik will in theory carry out the following:- No Check: Sofistik will not do any design, but will give some error/warning messages in the analysis dialogue (winsp) if it detects shear failure. All punching shear is required by hand. But see important notes below. Punching Check: Sofistik will check the shear stress at the columns and wall perimeters and compare to the allowable shear stress vc It will not increase reinforcement or add links to resist the shear. The analysis dialogue (winsp) may indicate that further shear design is required. But see important notes below. Punching Shear Design: Sofistik will carry out a full BS8110 design check to all necessary shear perimeters, and output the area of links required in the necessary shear perimeters. It will also increase the tension bending reinforcement locally to increase vc if this will alleviate the need for links. The extent to which this increase is carried out can be set in the pre-analysis dialogue box. But see important notes below. Important Points to Note re Punching Shear Design There are occasional errors that occur whilst Sofistik carries out shear checks and/or design. The main problem that we are aware of is it can inaccurately calculate the effective shear force Veff that one should design for (the calculated shear should be increased to account for out of balance moments over columns (see BS 8110 3.7.6), and the extent of increase will depend if the column is internal, edge or corner). This is believed to be the case for the shear check and the shear design options. The shear force displayed in Wingraf is NOT the effective shear force Veff but only the column reaction. Therefore do not use this figure for hand checks. The only way to see how Sofistik has generated the value of Veff is to look in the Ursula text file. Recommendation: Due to the aforementioned potential problems with the Sofistik shear check and design, it is recommended that all punching shear is calculated by hand or by other separate software packages. Calculation of deflections (non-linear analysis) Visionary design engineers PAGE 4 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 Arealistic determination of deflections of concrete slabs is possible only if the Non-linear material behaviour, i.e. the cracking of the concrete is considered. This is due to the fact that the stiffness of the cracked section is in general considerably lower than the stiffness of the uncracked concrete section. The differences between a linear and a non-linear FE-analysis can be summarised as follows: Unear analysis: + Inalinear analysis the stiffness of all parts of the structure is determined only once in the beginning of the calculation Deflections are determined based on this initial stiffness and the specified loads. + Deformations are linearly dependent on the loading, + The reinforcement of concrete, no matter how much is put in, has no influence on deflections/deformations since the stiffness is determined by the uncracked cross section of the concrete alone. Non-linear analysis: + The load is applied step by step in increments until the given total load is reached The stiffness of the system is calculated at the beginning of each increment. During each increment the stresses are calculated based on non-linear stress-strain relationships. For each increment, the deformations are iteratively found such that there is equilibrium of forces in every node of the finite element mesh. + From the beginning of the calculation, the stiffness of both the concrete and the reinforcement are taken into account. As soon as the tensile (bottom) side of the slab cracks, the stiffness of that zone relies to a great deal on the stiffness of the bottom steel reinforcement. A relatively small contribution to the stiffness is provided by the concrete blocks between the cracks (‘tension stiffening effect’) + Before starting a non-linear calculation it is therefore mandatory that the reinforcement has already been determined; ie. the slab has first to be designed in ULS before the deflections can be checked The effect of non-linear vs linear calculation of deflections shall be demonstrated by the example of a simple 300mm thick, 8m x 8m square slab (Fig 1). The slab is pin supported at the comers and has a centric beam (500mm x 200mm) along the 4 edges. The dead load is 8 kN/m2 and the live load is 4 kN/m2. Visionary design engineers PAGE 5 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 Concrete C35 Steel S460 thickness = 300mm) ‘edge beam 8 200mm x 500mm oO dead load = 8.0 kNim? five load = 4.0 kNim? pinned supports at the comers Fig, 4: Example square slab with edge beams As usual, the two load cases (DL, LL) have been calculated linearly and the slab has then been designed for the ULS combination. Thereby the minimum. reinforcement has been defined according to BS 8110 as 0.13% of the concrete section, i.e. 3.90 cm2/m crosswise, top and bottom. Fig. 2 shows the results of a linear calculation and a non-linear calculation considering cracking of the concrete. Long-term effects (see section below) have not been considered; ie. the creep and shrinkage parameters have been Set to zero. Visionary design engineers PAGE 6 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 Load [kN/m'] a 2 2 40 & © 7 8 oO 100 Deflection [mm] Fig 2: Linear vs nonlinear calculation Normally, when you use Sofistik you'll get only a single value for the deflection that relates to your specified load. Each graph shown in Fig. 2 has been created from 60 separate calculations with different loads, giving a better feel for how loading effects the deflection. For the given example, up to a load of about 5 kN/m2 the linear and non-linear calculations result in the same deflection, because the concrete remains uncracked under these loads. In the non-linear case a further increase of the load leads to cracking; thus at 6 KN/m2 the deflection increases quickly. From a deflection of about 17mm no more cracking occurs, and from that point the behaviour of the tensile zone is determined by the linear stress-strain behaviour of the reinforcing bars only. Hence, the deflections increase linearly as well. Important to note is that, in this example, cracking has already an influence on the deflection under the self weight of the slab only (0.3m x 24 kN/m3 =7.2 KN/m2) Long-term e-dependent) effects: There are two important effects, namely creep and drying shrinkage, that occur to concrete over the time, which is why these are referred to as long- term. 1. Creep of concrete Creep means the increase in strain under a constant stress. This effect takes place over a period of many years. The amount of creep of concrete depends on Visionary design engineers PAGE 7 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 + The age of the concrete when the load is applied. The earlier the load is applied the larger the additional creep-strain. + The thickness of the section. Thick sections creep less than thin sections. + The relative humidity. In a dry climate (indoors) there is more creep than in a humid environment (outdoors). The amount of creep is characterised by the creep coefficient », see BS 8110- 2, Fig 7.1 or the appendix of this document. The additional (not the total) creep strain under a constant stress can be calculated by a= ex (equation 20, BS 8110-2) Sofistik is not able to perform a time dependent analysis which would, in theory, be necessary to correctly account for creep (it can do calculations with certain time steps’ using the “construction stage manager”, but this is beyond the scope of this design note) Therefore, an analysis can only refer to a distinct point in time, normally 30 years from the date of construction. Thus we can directly use the 30-year creep and shrinkage values from BS 8110-2. The Sofistik default creep value is = 2.0. This value is representative for example: - 150mm thick section, with outdoor exposure (during curing), and loaded at 28 days or - 300mm thick section, with outdoor exposure (during curing), and loaded at 7 days, If itis felt the exposure and/or age of loading is likely to be dissimilar to the above scenarios, then BS 8110-2 should be consulted, and the effects of modifying the creep coefficient explored By the creep factor » the stress-strain relationship of the concrete is modified. Sofistik just multiplies the strain values on the x-axis by the factor (1+@).In other words, the stiffness of the concrete is reduced by the factor 1/(1+9). This adjustment is done before the calculation and kept ‘throughout. Fig, 3 shows the effect of creep (9=2.0, as per default) for our above example. Under small loads, i.e. within the uncracked elastic range, the deflections of the slab are about 3 times higher due to the creep. This is as expected, Visionary design engineers PAGE 8 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 because (a) as long as the section is uncracked only the concrete stiffness is important for the behaviour of the slab and (b) The concrete stiffness has been reduced by 1/(1+9)=1/3. Within the cracked state, the effect of creep is smaller. Roughly, the short- term deflections are doubled by the creep. For example, under an assumed permanent load of DL + 25% LL (=9.0 kN/m2) the additional deflection due to creep is 72mm-36mm=36mm. The effect is smaller because in the cracked state the reduced concrete stiffness is only relevant for the compression zone of the section whereas the stiffness of the tensile zone relies on the steel which does not creep. 18 14 8 12 4 10 Creep deflection under the permanent load (9.0 kN/m”) Load [kNim? 0 10 2 30 40 50 6 70 8 9 100 Deflection fmm] Fig 3: Effect of creep on the deflections 2. Shrinkage of concrete The drying process of concrete leads to a contraction which is referred to as shrinkage. The process continues over many years; however most of the shrinkage occurs in the early stages of the curing process. For more detailed information see BS 8110-2, section 7.4. The numbers for the shrinkage you find in BS8110-2, Fig. 7.2 or in the appendix of this document mean a negative strain, although given as positive. There are two principal factors for determining the coefficient, being: + Ambient Relative Humidity + €ffective Section Thickness The values given in BS8110 are for plain concrete, with no admixtures, and an original water content of 190L/m3. If the default Sofistik value (-0.0003 when using SSD, -0.00035 when using SofiPlus) is deemed unsuitable for your case, Visionary design engineers PAGE 9 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 BS 8110 should be consulted and the effects of modifying the shrinkage coefficient explored. Ifa shrinkage s is specified in Sofistik, it will be treated as a pre-strain of the concrete. That is, even without any external loading (just try a non-linear calc with zero DL and zero LL) you will see in the results (Wingraph) that the concrete has contracted. The effect of shrinkage on our example slab is shown in Fig. 4. The diagram contains four curves showing the deflections for the following combinations: a) No creep, no shrinkage b) No creep, shrinkage = -0.0003 ©) Creep = 2.0, no shrinkage d) Creep = 2.0, shrinkage = -0.0003 The following effects of the shrinkage can be observed (a) Already in the elastic range, before cracking, there are some additional deflections due to shrinkage. In the case “creep and shrinkage” this additional deflection is about 2.5mm. It can be explained by the restraint of the contraction of concrete by the bottom reinforcement which results in a curvature of the slab; see Fig. 5. Visionary design engineers PAGE 10 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 Load [kNim*) deflection due to ‘shrinkage (~10mm) = =inear $row near, no ereep, no shrinkage = += :moninear, no creep, snnnkage =-0.0003 —now-inear ereep: 20, no sharkage === -nonvinear. creep: 2.0, shrinkage = 0,000 5060 Deflection [mm] Fig. 4: Effect of shrinkage on the deflections -~ gontraction of the concrete ——, | curvature x |= chine section Ni ha wl y \— contraction is restrained —/ by the reinforcing bars Fig. 5: Curvature of a slab in uncracked state due to shrinkage a) The cracking load is reduced by the shrinkage. This is due to induced tensile stresses in the bottom of the slab which are in equilibrium with the reinforcing bars (see Fig. 5). As a result the additional external load necessary to crack the concrete is lower. b) After cracking, the deflection due to shrinkage is about LOmm in this example. This value is approximately independent of whether creep is considered or not. The larger effect of the shrinkage after cracking compared to the non-cracked state is because the shrinkage now works only in the compression zone of the concrete. In the tension zone, the shrinkage results in bigger crack widths but not so much in an overall shortening of the tensile zone; Visionary design engineers PAGE 11 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 See Fig 6. curvature tc of the section concrete blocks between the cracks shorten leading to larger crack widths, but the overall shortening of the tensile zone is small Fig, 5: Curvature of a slab in cracked state due to shrinkage Loading and deflection limits BS 8110-1, § suggests to limit the deflections of a slab to a. span/250 under the total load b. span/SOO or 20mm whichever is lesser after construction of finishes and partitions The calculation of the deflection under the total load, i.e. 1.0 x DL+1.0x LL requires a relatively complex procedure that is given in BS 8110-2, section 3.6 and in the next section of this document. It is complex because the live load normally contains a permanent part that causes creep, e.g. partitions, and an only temporarily acting part (eg. people) that does not cause creep. However, in case your structure is not very sensitive on deflections or you must strictly meet special requirements, it is usually accurate enough just to take into account the permanent part of the live load only. A value of 25% of the live load is commonly deemed appropriate to be applied, However, if the imposed load you have input makes allowance for partitions (which are permanent), the percentage figure should be adjusted to allow for this (i.e. the percentage will increase). Plant and permanent storage load should also be considered at 100%. In general cases it is sufficient to check whether criterion (a) is ful led. The check for the requirement (b) makes sense only using the rigorous method described next. Rigorous method according to BS 8110-2, section 3.6 Visionary design engineers PAGE 12 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 To account for permanent, creep-generating loads, as well as non-permanent loads the following procedure may be adopted according to BS 8110-2, The procedure is shown by means our example assuming a Permanent load of 1.0 x DL + 0.25 x LL = 9.00 kN/m2 and a total load of 1.0 x DL + 1.00 x LL = 12.0 kN/m2 Thus 3 kN/m2 are acting temporarily only. 1. Calculate the instantaneous deflection under the total load; see point A, Fig. 6. 2. Calculate the instantaneous deflection under the permanent load, point B. Calculate the long-term deflection under the permanent load, point C 4, To Cadd the difference between A and B; results in point D. 5. To D add the shrinkage deflection, result is point €. This is the long-term deflection under the total load w ey deflection under ay — the total load e including creep ey and shrinkage oq Lead (him) | near {| = non near, no creep, no srnkage snonanear, no eres, strrkage = 1.0003 | ——nontnear, creep: 20, no shnkage ‘ nondinear, ceep. 20, shenkage =-0 0003 0 © m % 4 50 80 7 89 90 100 Deflection fmm] Fig, 6: Calculation of the deflections with rigorous method When using Sofistik, it is recommended to take the following shortcut: Include the shrinkage shrinkage in calculation 1. Point A is then moved to the right (parallel to the x-axis) to the black dashed line (non-linear, no creep, shrinkage = -0.0003). Step 4 (adding the difference between A and B to C) results then directly in Point € (the sought long-term deflection under the total load), Step 5 is then not applicable. In order to check for the criterion (b) on the previous page one probably needs an additional non-linear calculation determining the short-term deflections under the self weight, finishes and partitions. Prescribed Reinforcement and its Effect on Deflections Visionary design engineers PAGE 13 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 In the design parameters menu, the minimum reinforcement considered during non-linear analysis can be modified. This is referred to as the "prescribed reinforcement”. As the default when Sofistik carries out these non-linear calculations, it assumes the reinforcement calculated for ULS in the programme "BEMESS" is, present, unless the prescribed minimum reinforcement input is higher (in which case it adopts this for the calculation). Note-See Appendix 2 for a more detailed and element specific method of modifying prescribed reinforcement. In some cases, if the deflection check does not work using the reinforcement required by ULS and minimum reinforcement (0.13 %) one can try (within economical limits) to specify a minimum reinforcement that is higher than the actually required one. In our example the required bottom reinforcement is T16 @200mm. Fig. 7 shows how the deflections are limited by overriding this by specifying a minimum bottom reinforcement (crosswise) of T20 @150mm, Reduction of| deflections Load (ktm? 0 1 2 % 4 5 GD 7 8 9 10 Deflection fmm] Fig. 7: Influence ofthe prescribed reinforcement on the deflection In this example, the long-term deflections under the permanent load of 9 kN/m2 could be reduced by about 12mm with the increased prescribed reinforcement. Itis important to note that when obtaining graphical output results in Wingraf, the design load case reinforcement shows the reinforcement designed at ULS only. Therefore, if deflection is critical, and it has been necessary to input the prescribed reinforcement that is required to control deflection, it is imperative that the design Engineer follows this prescribed reinforcement through to the RC detailing process. If the reinforcement needed to control deflections becomes excessive, then the slab depth should be increased or span reduced accordingly. Stiffness of Beams Visionary design engineers PAGE 14 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 The non-linear calculation with Sofistik cannot treat the cracking of beam elements such as the edge beam in our example. It is however possible to input an estimate of the stiffness of the cracked section of beams. This is done giving a proportion of the elastic stiffness, which will be equal for all beams in the system. Sofistik suggests values between 0.4 and 0.6 of the elastic stiffness, depending on whether you are using the Structural Desktop (SSD) or you are directly working from SofiPlus. A conservative value is 0.4 However, given the accuracy of the whole calculation, any value between 0.4 and 0.6 would be fine, Fig. 8 shows the influence of the beam stiffness for the example. The factor has been varied between 0.25 an 0.75. For the permanent load of 9 KN/m2 the difference in the deflections is about 24mm. The influence is quite big, because in this particular case the slab stiffness relies pretty much on the perimeter beams. For more real structures the effect should be smaller. Load pein’) Det Fig, 8: Influence of the the beam stitiress on the Other Issues to Consider + Age of loading, particularly loading applied to slabs by back-propping during the construction process. + Time at which the long-term deflection occurs, and what proportion of the deflection should be considered for cladding and partitions detailing. Further Reading + BS 8110 part 2, section 7 + Sofistik & BEMESS user manual + Concrete Society Technical Report No 58: Deflections in Concrete Slabs and Beams (copy in Library) Visionary design engineers PAGE 15 OF 18 Appendix 1 Creep & Shrinkage Variables from BS 8110 Part 2 BS 8110-2:1985 Section 7 Where calculations of deflection or deformation are to be made, the reliability of the estimate of the static modulus of elasticity will depend on the precision required from the calculation. Where deflections are of great importance, tests should be carried out on concrete made with the aggregate to be used in the structure, In other cases, experience with a particular aggregate, backed by general test data, will often provide a reliable value for Ko, and hence for E, 2s, but with unknown aggregates, it would be advisable at the design stage to consider a rango of values for £, 9s, based on K, = 14 kN/mm? to 26 KN/mm?, as given in Table 7.2. For lightweight aggregate concrete, the values of the static modulus in Table 7.2 should be multiplied by (wi2400)? where w is the density of lightweight aggregate concrete (in kg/m®). Table 7.1— Strength of concrete Grade | Characteristic strength fo, Gabe sizength at an age of days | Smonths | Smonths | months ‘year ment [Nim [Ni Nena tinea timex 20 120.0 13.5 l22 23 24 25 25 125.0 16.5 27.5 29 30 a1 30 180.0 20 38 35 36 87 140 140.0 28 44 45.5 47.5 50 50 50.0 [36 54 55.5 57.5 [60 Table 7.2 — ical range for the static modulus of elasticity at 28 of Tye normal-weight conerate ty ab 28 days Fou,28 Fo.08 ‘Mean value "Typleal range Nam? iNiamt Nima l20 l24 118 to 80, 26 125 19 to 31 30 l26 120 to 82 l40 l28 122 to 84 50 30 24 to 86 60. 32 [26 to 38 ‘Where it is more convenient to use the dynamic modulus method of test to obtain an estimated value for the static modulus of elasticity of natural aggregate concrete, the following equation may be used: | %=125H,-19 equation 19 where Eq is the dynamic modulus of elasticity. Such an estimate will generally be correct within +4 kNimm?. 7.8 Creep ‘The final (80 year) creep strain in concrete &, can be predicted from equation 20 E, is the modulus of elasticity of the concrete at the age of loading t, @ ia the creep coefficient, 46 © BST 07.2001 Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor k4 Section 7 BS 8110-2:1985 Indoor utd 30 year creep coefficient! ieee Sutsoor 1 inthe UK. t ' ' i { { t { ' t 10 os 4 cr a a ee er) Ambient relative humidity % Figure 7.1 — Effects of relative humidity, age of loading and section thickn« upon creep factor The creep coefficient may be estimated from Figure 7.1. In this Figure, the effective section thickness i defined, for uniform sections, as twice the cross-sectional area divided by the exposed perimeter. If drying is provented by immorsion in water or by scaling, the offective soction thiclmoss should bo talon as 600 mm. Suitable values of relative humidity for indoor and outdoor exposure in the UK are 45 % and 85 %, when using Figure 7.1 for general design purposes. It can be assumed that about 40 %, 60 % and 80 % of the final creep develops during the first month, months and 30 monthe undar load repectvay, when concret is exposed fo conditions of constant Creep is partly recoverable with a reduction in stress. The final creep recovery after 1 year is approximately 0.3 X stress reduction/E,, where E, is the modulus of elasticity of the concrete at the age of unloading. It is stressed that these statements provide only general guidance and are based primarily on laboratory data. Judgement, based on experience, is essential in interpreting these data in individual cases; as with elastic deformation, this will depend on the importance of the estimate and why it is needed. It may be advisable at the design stage to consider a range of values to bracket the problem, since an overestimate may be just as bad as an underestimate, In particular, it should be noted that where detailed calculations aro being made, stresses and relative humidities may vary considerably during the lifetime of the structure and appropriate judgements should be made. © Bst 07-2001 aT Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor le BS 8110-2:1985 Section 7 7.4 Drying shrinkage An estimate of the drying shrinkage of plain concrete may be obtained from Figure 7.2. Recommendations for effective section thickness and relative humidity are given in 7.3. 30 year shrinkage x 10° Sten inchoets Outdoor a Indoor exposure 50 | 300 [600 exposure inthe Uk T TTT sol t Li oo 100 +350 i 4 ' rt 3501-399} 250 - iy t Wifi | 300- 1 250200] 1 250: 1 | L200 pt ao} tsof ? [t 150 i 1501 Lagp | 100: + 0 i ft ' 0 | i 50 0 t TY] Hast s iy it afore Loto+e Hae dade: ' | i ofztae} | || LL Nba} fo 20-3040 5060 70 80 90 100 ‘Ambient relative humidity % Figure 7.2 — Drying shrinkage of normal-weight concrete Figure 7.2 relates to concrete of normal workability made without water reducing admixtures; such coneretes will have an original water content of about 190 Lm’. Where concrete is known to have different water content, shrinkage may be regarded as proportional to water content within the range 1150 Lim® to 230 Lim’, The shrinkage of plain concrete is primarily dependent on the relative humidity of the air surrounding the concrete, the surface area from which moisture can be lost relative to the volume of concrete and on the mix Proportions; it is increased slightly by carbonation and self-desiccation and reduced by prolonged curing. Aggregates having a high moisture movement, such as some Scottish dolerites and whinstones, and gravels containing these rocke, produce concrete having a higher initial drying shrinkage than that normally expected. Further information on these is given in reference [7], for consideration in using the data given in Figure 7.2. Aggregates with a low modulus may also lead to higher than normal conerete shrinkage, and this should also be borne in mind when using Figure 7.2 for estimating drying shrinkage for design purposes. Concrete exposed to the outdoor climate in the UK will exhibit seasonal cyclic strains of + 0.4 times the 80 year shrinkage superimposed on the average shrinkage strain; the maximum shrinkage will occur at the end of each summer. 48 epsto7-2001 Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor Section 7 BS 8110-2:1985 ————— An estimate of the shrinkage of symmetrically reinforced concrete sections may be obtained from: iq _is the shrinkage of the plain concrete; ° is the area of steel relative to that of the concrete; K is a coefficient, taken as 26 for internal exposure and as 15 for external exposure. For non-symmetrically reinforced sections, the influence of the reinforcement on shrinkage, and hence on curvature and deflection is more complex. The procedures outlined in 8.4.6 of BS 8110-1:1997 take account. | of this for most normal cases. Where calculations of deflection are deemed necessary, reference should be made to section 8 of this Part. ‘The general remarks in 7.8 on creep apply equally to shrinkage. Such estimates may be required in allowing for movement (see section 5 of BS 8110-1:1997), in estimating loss of (500 4.8 of ‘BS 8110-1:1997) and in the assessment of differential shrinkage effects (see of BS 8110-1:1997). In all cases judgement, based on experience, is essential. 7.5 Thermal strains ‘The information given in this clause is intended only for the estimation of movements and of deformation. Thermal strains are calculated from the product of a suitable coefficient of thermal expansion and a temperature change. The temperature change can be determined from the expected service conditions and climatic data, Externally exposed conerete does not respond immediately to air temperature change, and climatic temperature ranges may require adjustment before use in movement calculations. ‘The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is dependent mainly on the expansion coefficients for the aggregate and the cement paste, and the degree of saturation of the concrete. The thermal expansion of aggregate is related to mineralogical composition (see Table 7.8). Table 7.3 — Thermal expansion of rock group and related concrete ‘Agaregate type “Typical coefficient of expansion (Goo BS 812) ax 10-40) Aaeregate Conarete |Flint, quartzite Tr az [Granite, basalt 7 0 [Limestone e e ‘As with all the other factors dealt with in this section, the information given provides only gonoral guidance. These coefficients can vary, this variation being least for flints and quartzites and greatest for ‘limestone. However, the above coefficients will be adequate for design purposes; it is only if the estimate of deformation is exceptionally important that it will be necessary to examine the aggregate actually to be used. Cement paste has a coefficient of thermal expansion that is a function of moisture content, and this affects the concrete expansion as shown in Figure 7.3. It may be seen that partially dry concrete has a coefficient of thermal expansion that is approximately 2 10-6 /°C greater than the coefficient for saturated concrote. ©SI 07-2001, 49 Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor ke} BS 8110-2:1986 Section 7 vy Portially wy wry Coefficient of thermal expoanon = 104 par °C Figure 7.8 — Effect of dryness upon the cocffictent of thormal axpansion of ‘hardened cement and concrets ovat ro Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 Appendix 2 Specifying Minimum Areas of Reinforcement within Specific Zones of a Slab for long term Non-Linear Analysis Visionary design engineers PAGE 16 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 Sofisitk Design Note Jonathan Onslow 15/08/07 Specifying Minimum Areas of Reinforcement within Specific Zones of a Slab for long term Non-Linear Analysis This is a method to manually override the amount of minimum reinforcement applied to a slab in Sofistik in the non-linear design module to reduce long term deflections in susceptible areas of slabs. This method allows you to modify the reinforcement in more specific locations than the standard slab panels, as described in the main design note text. Principles See the main design note section “Prescribed Reinforcement, and it's Effect on Deflections” for modifying prescribed reinforcement to model panels. Method Process must be performed using Sofistik Structural Desktop (SSD) In SSD, + Open Animator showing desired slab + Toolbar ‘Selection’, ‘Select Element’ + Select desired area by highlighting the zone in the animated slab that requires increased reinforcement + Toolbar ‘Selection, ‘Copy Selection to Clipboard’ In the Design Area Elements Tree + Greate a Non-Linear Analysis task for the slab (should be last task in design tree) + Convert Non-Linear Analysis to ‘User Task’ + Open the TEDDY program for the non-linear task and insert the following code at the end of the SEPP module REIQ LCR 1 FACT 1.0 LCRS 99 REI2 NOEL AST=40 ASTT=40 ASB=20 ASBT=20 dHEEHHPASTE IN SELECTED ELEMENTS OFF THE CLIPBOARD HERE#####it#t #enddef include ASE parameter tc1001 €ND Visionary design engineers PAGE 17 OF 18 [AKT DESIGN NOTE Rev No, 04 Date:jan 2013 The numbers after AST=,ASTT=, etc, refer to the amount of reinforcement in cm2/m and can be changed to the desired value of reinforcement required. (These inputted values must be greater than the values already calculated by Sofistik in DC2 otherwise the values will not be overridden). Visionary design engineers PAGE 18 OF 18 ‘Whore calculations of deflection or deformation aro ta be meds, the relisbility of the estimate af the static modulus af slestieity will depend on the procision required trom the calculation. Whare deflections are of great importance, testa should be carried out on concrete made with the aggrogate to be used in the etzuctare, In other cases, with e particular aggregate, backed by general tact data, will often, provide a rolisilevalus foe ‘and hence far E. ag but with inknown aggregates, it would ba advisable at fh docign stage to omeider a range of vainna fir 29, based on K, = 14 KN/mm to 96 kNmm, ax given ‘For lightweight aggrogate concrete, the values of the tatie modulua in Tabla 7.2 should be multiplied (orsaboyr whore wo the analy of lightweight aggregnis conaroia Ga Let, » ‘Table 7.1_— Strength of concrete Goals | Character viraaat Fo, Gabe sicsagih an age aE aes | Summits | ements | duane | iyer wom pam mt pee [Nima zo 20.0 B86 a8 ae lag las ‘35.0 16.8 2a isa Bt so 30.0 fan 5 ae 87 lao 40.0 12a ab. 47.6 50 0 50.0 Be 65.5 7.8 leo ‘Table 7.3— Typical range fue the static modulus of elasticity at 25 daya of Fou Rus Maas vais Typial range Wat Biant Sam? 18% 30 19 to 81 120 a2 a2 to 84 124 86 2@ tn 88 he dynamic modalna method of tet to obtain an eetimated value for mggregate concrete, tha Sallowing equation may be used: ‘equation 19 Regis tha dynamin modulie of elasticity. ‘Soeh an eotimats will gensrally be oamect within 4 kN/mn, 7.8 Creep ‘The finel (80 year) creep strain in comarato _ oan be predicted from oe equation 20 whore inthe modulus of elastictty of the concrete at the aye of loading ¢. @ inthe crecp coeffident. 48 @ BT 07-9001 Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor Lt Section 7 BS 8110-2:1988 o 0 of Antent rulattea umldity % Figure 7.1 — Mffocts of relative humidity, egy of loading and vootion thickness g te ieee mm. Buitabla values of relative eeiity bride sc odo poe the UE are 45 % and 88%, Thea tuning Pogue 7.1 Sx posal dongs yon = = {Bean bo aamumod that about 40 %, 60 % and 80% of the fina! croup dovelop during tha fret month, 8 month and 20 months under loud rerpoctivly, when concrete ia expwoed to conditions of constant Cran span rerorable wth ezadcation nou ‘Tha fal crenp araep recovery after 1 yoer is approximately 0.8 * stress rodtuation/#,, where Z, ia tha modutus of elasticity of the cancrate at tha age of tmloading. Tein atreased that these statemanta provide only general guidance and ure based primarily an Ishoratary dite, Judgement, bused on enperianes is eayentiel in interpreting theoe dun in inividual oases ao with advisable at the denign atugo ta sonaider 2 range of values to ‘an overeatzmamte may be just as bad aa an underestimate. In perticular, it should be noted that where: arel straeses and relative humiditien may vary the lifetime ofthe steustame and fudgemsnis should be made, ORS or-sn a Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor kt BS 8110-2:1985 Section 7 TA Drying shrinkage fn estimate of the drying shrinkage of plain conarate may be obtained from Figure 7.2, Rewmmendations fir etfective nection thicknesa and relative baidity are given in 72, ee TO ‘Anblent relahve hunldity % igure 7.2 — Drying dhrinkage of normal-welgtt; conarsts i brinkage, and this chould elao be borne in mind whan uking Figure 7.2 for eetimating drying shrinkage for dealgm ‘Purposes, Gueete exposed to the cutie climate in the UK wil exit: sensonal epuostrane of 0.4 tintos the ‘90 year shrinkage superimposed on the avarags shrinkage rtrain; the maximum shrinkage will occur at the end of each summer, 8 onsror.2001 Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor ki Section 7 An ostimate of the shrinkage of symmetrisally reinforeed concrete sectinna may be obtained from: Take where Sy _ isthe shrinkage of tho plain concrete; pe {a the aren of steel relative to that of the conerete; zx {on coefficient, tuken os 25 for intarnel exposure and as 1S for artarns] exposure, ‘For nowsymmetcically reinforced sections, the influence of tha reinforeament on. shrinkage, ‘curvature and deflection ia mare complax. The procedares outlined in 4.4.8 of BB 8110-1:1997 take acount | BS 8110-2:1985 ——————— , and henoa on of this fir most normal casos, Where calovlations of deflection sre deemed neceseary, refarence ahould he made to section 3 of this Part. ‘Tho gonaral remarks in 7.8 on creep apply. all cases judgement, based an experiance, ia egwantin). 78 Thermal strains allowing for movement (208 Saf BS 61 88D. evtinmting len of cctnee Ghat section 10-1199), i preatreas 1B 6110-1:1907) und in the assoasiuent of differential sbrinknge effects (p00 of BB 8110-1:1997). In ‘The infarmation given in this clanso ie intended only far the estimation of movements and of deformation. ‘Thermal strains are calculated from the product of e suitable coofficiant of thermal expanclon and & ‘temperature change, The temperatere change can be determined from the expected service conditions and ‘Simatde data. Haternally exposed cunerote does not reepond immediately to ir tamperafure change, and slimatie temparature ranges may require adjustment hafore uee in movement calculations. ‘The coefficient of thermal expansion af camarste is dependant mainly aggrogate and the cament paste, and the degree of eaturation of the concrete. The tharmal expansion af aggrogate is related to mineralogical composition (eae Table 7.2). ‘Table 7.8 — Thermal expansion of rock group and related conorete ‘Aaerenie Pe Topline] cosfficiant efexpansion, (ooo BB LE) x10 oo Conroe ‘quartalte ar i basalt 7 ao ‘As with all the other factora dealt with in thie section, the informatian given provides only general {fidimce. Those coaficimén can vary, thia variation being loa for fits and quartaites and greataa for ‘Hmeatone. Howerer, the above ooafiaionta will be adequate for denigm purposes; it ia anly if the estimate of defarmaticn is exceptionally important that it will be necssaary to examine the agyreyate actually to be ‘uped, Cament pasta has a cosfficiest of thermal, expansion that ia 2 fonction of moisture content, amd this atiecta the concrete expansion as shown in Figure 7.2. 1t may be can that partially dry concrete hea a coefficient of thermal expansion that is sppraximately 2 x 10-* °C greater than the coefficient for eaturated concrete. ‘oparoraon: Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor ki} “oo BS 8110-2:1985 Section 7 Goctficeat of thermal expoanon x 104 par °C ° Fy a a C7 ET Anbant ralatren humadity, % Figura 7.4 — Effect of dryness upon the coefficient of thermal expansion of hardened cement and eonerata wo ener er.soo. Barbour Index - printed on 08/07/2005 by steve toon Adams Kara Taylor |},

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