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Cross Cultural Communication verbal and nonverbal communication skills in interaction with

those who are culturally different from one's self. teamwork the ability to work in culturally
diverse groups toward a common goal. Listening the intention and ability to attend to what others
are saying. you can expand your horizons by learning different communication skills and
approaches while interacting with people from around the world. However, working in a
multicultural workplace does require a certain amount of tact, diplomacy and a willingness to
learn, adapt and compromise. In conclusion, in today’s globalized world, many organizations
employ people of various cultures, which require a special set of people skills. With awareness
that differences make an organization stronger, practice managing a multicultural team with a lot
of grace, empathy, and inclusiveness. skills and knowledge that we need to improve is to
become multicultural literate is First, trust yourself, be trustworthy, and be honorable. Be honest
while also being polite and tactful to earn respect from others. Trust and honor are two universal
values that all cultures appreciate, so be a person that embodies them. Second, find and declare
similarities instead of differences. Unite instead of divide. We all are human beings, and we have
thoughts and feelings. Happiness, sadness, anger, and humor exist in all cultures. Be creative in
finding similarities and sharing yours. Third, be grateful and express thankfulness. Learn how to
say “thank you” and “you are welcome” in as many languages as possible. Use them to break the
ice whenever you meet people of different cultures. A sincere smile and a caring tone of voice
are also great as icebreakers. With your followers, expressing thankfulness is a sign of humility
and being honorable. Fourth, be accepting and inclusive. Whenever there is an opportunity to
include others, do so. Use an “open door policy” when dealing with team members of various
backgrounds. Encourage them to come to you at any time and include them in your activities. Be
as democratic as possible. Fifth, be a good listener and a compassionate talker. Listen to what
people say and see the world from their eyes. Pay close attention and relate to what they say by
reciprocating sincerely. Sincerity, empathy, and compassion are signs of big-heartedness, which
people appreciate and would reciprocate.

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