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● PART 1
It’s true that for some years the planet has been affected by the pollution caused by human
beings. Nowadays life is much more polluting than our ancestors because cars, heating in our
homes among others had become necessary for our comfort.

I always wonder what things we can do to reduce all these non-renewable energy resources
called fossil fuels. The most known option is to recycle and although it is true that more and
more people have started to recycle it is checked that is not enough. That’s why I think that
the population is uninformed of how to recycle properly so I would like to ask the
government to do campaigns explaining the correct form of recycling. They algo could be
also get introduced in schools organizing competitions to see which school is the most

On the other hand, one of the most used and at the same time most polluting resource is the
petrol but, how could we live without it? Most of the people have cars to travel, go to work or
even to go shopping. A good option is to use public transport but in many cities, on journeys
of ten minutes by car you expend one hour on public transport, so it is important that the
government invest money on improving public transport because increasing the taxes of it,
the only consequence we are going to have is only to expend more money, no stop using it.

● PART 2
Hello Paul, how are you?
My name is Gema and I have always lived in a city and I love it. Here you have many
facilities that may be in your village that you don't have, for example go anywhere in the city
by bus in less than ten minutes.
Normally, in cities you have more job opportunities and as you said in your blog, you had just
left school so it is the perfect time to search for a job if you want to work. But if that is not
your case, you could continue your studies in a good University where you can live nearby,
going even walking.

I’m not going to deny you that sometimes the city is a bit stressful because most of them are
crowded and it is very different from the calm you may have in your village at any time of
the day. And also, if you want to enjoy nature, you might have to travel a little far.

Nevertheless, despite these drawbacks, I recommend you to move to a city as soon as you can
because if you don't, you might never do it and repent during all your life. The city may have
some good opportunities for you, try it! What can you lose?

We are waiting for news about your choice.

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