Case Studay 1&2

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(Open Books/Open Notes)

BANOG, PAMELA 10/08/2023


I. Miss Wang Lo Ma was found in bed with a large wound on the head
Examination revealed that she has been abused. Her skull was broken. Her
nightgown was torn and had some stains. The walls and the Floors leading to
the back door has red stains. A niece and a houseboy were leaving with Miss
Wang Lo Ma. She was also known to have a boyfriend who visited her
regularly. On investigation, a heavy lead pipe with red stains was found in her
garden. A hammer with red stains was taken from her boyfriend’s car.
1. Collect at least five (5) specimens to be gathered in the crime scene.
 torn nightgown
 stains
 a heavy red pipe with red stains
 a hammer with red stains

2. Give your observations on each of the following Laboratory findings.

a. Red Cells of Miss Wang Lo Ma did not agglutinate anti-A and anti-
B sera:
 This indicates that Miss Wang Lo Ma had blood type AB.
b. Red Cells of the boyfriend were agglutinated by anti-A serum
 The boyfriend has blood type A.
c. Red stains on floors and walls turned blue with Benzidine test,
crystals with Takayama test, and were positive to the Precipitin
Test. On grouping by absorption technique, the A Cells and the B
Cells were both agglutinated:
 Based on these findings, it appears that the blood found at
the crime scene belongs to an individual with blood type AB.
d. The serum of the houseboy agglutinated Red Cells A only:
 Suggests that the houseboy has anti- A antibodies in his
 Also suggests that he has blood type A or AB.
e. The red stains on the lead pipe gave the same findings as in
letter (c) observation:
 The blood on the lead pipe is consistent with the blood found
on the floors and walls, indicating a mixture of blood from
Miss Wang Lo Ma and another individual with both A and B
blood group antigens.
f. The red stains on the nightgown of Miss Wang Lo Ma gave
crystals with Florence Test, and spermatozoa were found in the
 Suggests that this is evidence of sexual activity involving
semen on Miss Wang Lo Ma's nightgown.
g. The hammer with red stains in the car of her boyfriend reacted
and gave a blue color to the Benzidine test, as well as crystals
with the Takayama test, but the stain gave a negative result with
the Precipitin test:
 The blood on the hammer matches the same blood type as
Miss Wang Lo Ma (AB), but it does not show any reaction to
the Precipitin test. This suggests that the blood on the
hammer may not belong to the same individual as the blood
on the floors, walls, and lead pipe.
h. Since the boyfriend and the houseboy were found to be
SECRETORS, the stain on the nightgown was subjected to
absorption method of grouping. The test results were The B Cells
gave a negative (-), and B Cells gave a positive (+) result:
 This means that the blood on the nightgown likely contains a
mixture of blood from both Miss Wang Lo Ma and the
boyfriend. Miss Wang Lo Ma’s blood type is AB (A positive),
and the boyfriend’s blood type is A (A positive).
i. Who was the attacker/perpetrator to the crime in this case?
 Based on the evidence, it appears probably that the
boyfriend, whose blood type is A, could be the perpetrator in
the case. This is supported by the presence of A antigen in
the stains on Miss Wang Lo Ma's nightgown. Furthermore, if
there was indeed a sexual intercourse between the boyfriend
and Miss Wang Lo Ma, indicated by the presence of
perpetrator. It is conceirable that his proximity to her
nightgown and the amount for the presence of blood on it,
providing a possible explanation. However, further
interruption would be needed to establish a clear link
between any individual and the crime.

Four women were in the delivery room when a fire broke out in one portion of the
hospital building. Due to the evacuation the newly born babies were not yet tagged. To
determine the identity of the babies, test on the fresh blood of the parents and babies
were made. The results are



Father : + : - : + : - : A : M

Mother : + : - : + : - : A : M


Father : + : - : + : + : A : MN

Mother : - : + : - : + : B : N


Father : - : - : + : - : O : M

Mother : + : - : - : + : A : N

Father : - : + : + : - : B : M

Mother : - : - : + : - : B : M

BABY A : - : + : + : - : B : M

BABY B : + : + : + : + : AB : MN

BABY C : + : - : + : - : A : M

BABY D : - : - : + : + : O : MN


1. What are the blood group and blood type of the parents and babies?

Parent 1 (Father: AM, Mother: AN):

 Baby A: ABMN (Both parents contribute an M and an N

allele, resulting in the MN phenotype)
Parent 2 (Father: AMN, Mother: BN):

 Baby B: ABMN (Both parents contribute an M and an N

allele, resulting in the MN phenotype)
Parent 3 (Father: OM, Mother: AN):

 Baby C: AM (The father contributes an M allele, and the

mother contributes an N allele)
Parent 4 (Father: BM, Mother: BM):

 Baby D: O (Both parents contribute an M allele, resulting in

the MM phenotype)

2. Using the Criss Cross method of blood inheritance, match the parents and

Ex. Parent 1: BABY B etc.

So, based on the Criss Cross method of blood inheritance:

 Parent 1 is matched with Baby A.

 Parent 2 is matched with Baby B.

 Parent 3 is matched with Baby C.

 Parent 4 is matched with Baby D.

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