INS Paper

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Sion (W), Mumbai 400022.
Semester End Examination 2022-2023
30 to lo.Bo
Semester: V Date: (2 (|onOTime
(Information and Network Security)
Class: TYBSC. Sub: Computer Science Paper-Elective Duration 2 Hrs
Course Code: SIUSCS54 Total Marks: 60

1. Allquestions are compulsory.
2 Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks
Attempt the following (any THREE): (12)
Q1. (A) | Choose the correct answer key.
i) For p= 11 and q = 19 and choose e-=17. Apply RSA algorithm
where message=5 and find the cipher text.
a) C=80 b)C=92 c) C=56 d) C=23

ii) How many types of taxonomy of attacks are there with relation to
security goal?
a)Four b) Threec) Five d) Six
iii) Dormant phase of virus operation where it
a) Waits for trigger event b)Replicates program c) Executes payload
d)Terminate operations
iv) Network layer firewall works as a
a) Frame filter b)Packet filter c) Content filter d)Session header
(B) Fill in the Blank.

i)Anattempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended

users is called

i)Kerberos authentication protocoluses for authentication.

iii) In ciphers each occurrence of same character may have a

different substitute.

iv) Traffic padding means insert data

(C) Answer in ONE line.
i)What is active attack?
ii) What is stream cipher?
iil) List two advantages of IDS.
iv) What is DDOS?
Q2. Attempt the following (any THREE): (12)
(A) Explain the following cryptanalysis attack,
i)Known-cipher text
ii)Chosen plain text
(B) Encrypt the mesage "The house is being sold tonight" using Autokey
cipher with key-6. (Ignore space between the words). Decrypt the

message to get the plain text.

(C) Alice and Bob need to encipher plaintext made of both letters (a-z) and
i. If she uses an additive cipher, what is the key domain? What is
ii. If she uses multiplicative cipher, what is the key domain? What is
the modulus?
(D) Encrypt the message this is an exercise" using affine cipher. Ignore
the spaces between words. Key pair (15,20)
(E) Explain 'RSA' algorithm.
F) Explain the strengths of AES.
Q3. Attempt the following (any THREE): (12) k io
(A) Explain following security attack -Spoofing
(B) Explain the Information associated with cryptographic keys in Key
v(C) | Compute the following keys using Diffie Hellman Key exchange M 2
algorithm if users A&Bagrees on Prime number q-353 and a-3 and
the random secret key for A is 97 and B is 223.
i) Compute public key of A and B
ii) Compute shared key.
(D) What is dispute resolution in Message authentication? Explain any two
properties of message authentication code(MAC).
Discuss the problems associated Keyed Hash function.
(F) Write short note on Direct Digital Signatures.

04. Attempt the following (any THREE): (12)

(A) What are the functions of SIMIME?
(B) Explain working of tunnel mode VPN.
(C) What are the typical phases of operation ofa virus?
(D) Explain the following fields of SSL architecture,
i)SSL Change Cipher spec
ii)SSL Handshake
(E) Discuss rule-based detection approach to Intrusion Prevention System.
F) Write short note on hardware firewall.

Q5. Attempt the following (any THREE): (12)

(A) Using hillcipher encrypt the text "University" using key
2 4
9 2 1
3 17 7
(B) Explain the following services i)Masquerading ii)Authentication
(C) Differentiate between second generation and third generation antivirus
(D) Explain the fields of X.S09 (Version 3)Certificate.
(E) Encode message 'ARE WE SAFE NOW' using additive cipher with

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