Om Q1 Week5

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Department of Education ORGANIZATION AND
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1ST SEMESTER -1ST QUARTER
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding the importance of planning concepts in business success.

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to formulate effective plans for a specific business endeavor.
*Discuss the nature and levels of planning and types of plans:
a. Identify and describe the nature and levels of planning in business organizations.
C. Learning
b. Explain the importance of planning and its impact on organizational success.
c. Differentiate the various types of plans, including strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency plans.
d. Analyze real-world planning examples and evaluate their impact on organizational success.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
The teacher will ask the students if
The teacher will ask students to
they have ever experienced planning
recall the previous lesson's content
in their lives, and what the benefits Ask students if they remember the Ask students to recall the importance
about the importance of planning in
1. Reviewing previous lesson or of planning are. The teacher will different levels of planning in of planning and the different types of
business organizations. If it is a new
presenting the new lesson then introduce the concept of organizations discussed in the plans discussed in the previous
lesson, the teacher will introduce the
planning in organizations and its previous lesson. lessons.
topic and explain why planning is
importance in achieving
essential in business organizations.
organizational success.
The teacher will explain to the a. Introduce the new topic:
students the importance of differentiating the various types
The purpose of this lesson is to Introduce the new lesson by stating
identifying and describing the nature of plans used in organizations.
2. Establishing the purpose of explain the importance of planning its objective: to analyze real-world
and levels of planning in business b. Discuss the importance of
the lesson in organizations and its impact on planning examples and evaluate their
organizations. The teacher will understanding different types of
organizational success. impact on organizational success.
provide an overview of what the plans for effective
students will learn in the lesson. organizational management.
3. Presenting The teacher will present real-world The teacher will provide examples of Provide real-world examples of a. Show examples of successful
examples/instances of the examples of planning in business organizations that have successfully different types of plans, such as and unsuccessful planning in
different business organizations,
such as the launch of a new
strategic plans used by companies to product, expansion to a new
organizations, such as creating a
achieved their goals through achieve long-term goals, operational market, or response to a crisis.
marketing plan or a financial plan.
effective planning, as well as plans used to guide day-to-day b. Provide data and statistics that
new lesson The teacher will discuss how
examples of organizations that have activities, and contingency plans demonstrate the impact of
planning is used to achieve business
failed due to lack of planning. used to address unexpected planning on organizational
goals and objectives.
situations. success, such as revenue growth,
market share, and customer
a. Discuss the factors that
contribute to successful
planning, such as setting clear
objectives, considering different
scenarios and risks, involving
The teacher will explain the nature The teacher will discuss the meaning stakeholders, and monitoring
a. Define each type of plan and
and levels of planning in business of planning, its components, and its progress.
discuss their differences and
organizations. The teacher will importance in achieving b. Analyze the impact of poor
4. Discussing new concepts and discuss the different types of organizational success. The teacher planning on organizational
b. Ask students to identify
practicing new skills #1 planning, such as strategic, tactical, will also discuss the different types performance, such as missed
examples of each type of plan
and operational planning, and how of plans that organizations use, such opportunities, wasted resources,
and explain how they are used in
they are used in business as strategic, operational, and and reputational damage.
an organization.
organizations. contingency plans. c. Provide examples of
organizations that have
successfully recovered from
poor planning, and identify the
strategies and actions that
helped them to do so.
The teacher will provide examples of a. Provide case studies or scenarios a. Divide the class into small
different levels of planning, such as that require students to identify groups and provide each group
long-term, short-term, and which type of plan would be with a real-world planning
contingency planning. The teacher The teacher will facilitate a most appropriate in a given example.
will discuss how each level of discussion on the impact of planning situation. b. Ask each group to identify the
planning is used in business on organizational success, including b. Ask students to work in groups objectives, stakeholders, risks,
organizations and its importance in its role in improving decision- to create examples of each type and potential outcomes of the
5. Discussing new concepts and achieving business goals. making, increasing efficiency, and of plan for a fictional business. planning example, and to
practicing new skills #2 reducing risks. The teacher will also evaluate its effectiveness based
encourage the students to share their on the factors discussed in the
thoughts on how planning can previous section.
benefit organizations in different c. Have each group present their
industries. analysis to the class and
facilitate a discussion on the
similarities and differences
between the examples.
6. Developing Mastery The teacher will divide the class into The teacher will conduct an activity a. Engage students in an a. Ask each student to individually
where students will work in groups
groups and provide them with a case to analyze a case study of an
analyze a real-world planning
study of a business organization. organization that has experienced
interactive activity, such as a example of their choice and
Each group will identify the nature success through effective planning.
role-playing exercise, where evaluate its impact on
and levels of planning used in the The groups will be given a set of
they must create and implement organizational success.
organization, discuss their questions to guide their analysis,
a strategic plan to achieve a b. Provide feedback and guidance
importance, and present their such as the type of plan used, the
specific goal. to each student on their analysis,
findings to the class. The teacher will impact of planning on organizational
b. Provide feedback and guidance and encourage them to apply the
provide feedback and facilitate a success, and the challenges faced
as needed. concepts and skills learned in
discussion on the effectiveness of the during the planning process. After
the lesson.
planning used in each case study. the group discussion, each group will
present their findings to the class.
a. Ask students to identify
planning examples in their
The teacher will ask the students to
personal lives, such as preparing
reflect on their own lives and
for an exam, organizing a party,
The teacher will ask the students to identify instances where planning
Discuss how the concept of planning or saving for a purchase.
7. Finding practical applications identify examples of planning they has been important in achieving their
can be applied in students' personal b. Discuss the similarities and
of concepts and skills in daily have used in their daily lives, such as personal goals. The students will
lives, such as creating a study differences between personal
living creating a study plan or a budget share their experiences and discuss
schedule or planning a vacation. and organizational planning, and
plan. how planning can also be applied to
encourage students to apply the
achieve success in their future
concepts and skills learned in
the lesson to their personal
a. Facilitate a class discussion on
the general principles and
The teacher will facilitate a
The teacher will facilitate a concepts of planning that can be
discussion on the importance of Ask students to reflect on the
discussion on the importance of applied across different contexts
planning in achieving personal and importance of planning in
8. Generalizing and abstractions planning in different industries and and situations.
professional goals. The students will organizational management and how
about the lesson how it can be used to achieve b. Ask students to identify the
generalize the concepts learned in it can contribute to the success or
success in various organizational most important takeaways from
the lesson and apply them to their failure of a business.
settings. the lesson and how they can
apply them to their future
studies and careers.
a. Assess student learning through
a written assignment or an oral
presentation that requires them
The teacher will ask the students to to analyze a real-world planning
write a short reflection paper on the example and evaluate its impact
9. Evaluating Learning importance of planning in on organizational success.
organizations and how it can b. Provide feedback and guidance
contribute to their future success. to each student on their work,
and encourage them to apply the
concepts and skills learned in
the lesson.
For students who need additional
practice, the teacher will provide  Assign homework where
them with additional case studies and students research and present
ask them to identify the nature and real-world examples of how
levels of planning used in each different types of plans have
10. Additional Activities for
organization. For advanced students,  impacted organizational success. 
Application or Remediation
the teacher will ask them to research  Provide additional resources for
and present on a specific type of students who may need extra
planning used in business help understanding the concepts
organizations, such as crisis planning presented.
or succession planning.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by :
SHS Teacher Checked by : MARVIN M. ANTIQUESA

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