Che Boludo

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ihe Boludo! ‘When your Argentine frend shows A gringo's guide to understanding the Argentines Uplate to me you ants you Che chabon, no sabés! 90 cagé fa ‘chal enla loma del oto y nos ‘quedamos en boas!” Do you wish yuthac paid more attention in Spanish dase? No worst ‘wouldn't nave helped you anyway. This book wil. Argentines speak a diferent type of Cast-shh-ano that can leave even the most fluent of ‘gtingos stugoing to keep up. "Che Bolu” wil not ony provide afew laughs butrealy help you Understand just what al ofthese chamuyeros ae taking about James Bracken (he Boludo! | Che Boludo! ‘gigs tet understanding ha Apennes A ngs lot unertansiog he penn ‘hd clin 10208 ‘PSicon ns iia Soerimaon Cet (to ake Te 2980 eT on oarsmen ‘ine a el igre Siemon C12. Bors Aes renin eer seats rme 4) ae [at Mase com ent et pit ue aa ey 1.72. ie de ei eins reopen tei don = psratragncemecee ates SS ane Svieeencnnesnaceamn Dingjosde ape ier Main Chilo ‘Tengo que decir... muchismas gracias a Alicia y Kevin por prestarme las maquina. Muy buena onda! ‘También, un abrazo fuerte al Cepitin, Gabi, Tomés, Nico, Silvia, Gatto, mis viejo, el clan Frey y locos pa- tagénicos. Todos son “re aparates” y los quiero mucho! Gracias Martin por los dibujs buenisimos...y Bar= loche lshero...¥ vos, corazéa de aro, la maesta ‘ns hermose ene planeta, Tu pacencia no tiene fondo -y nolo podria abet eco sin vos, Jaime ProLoco Argentines Tove to talk They communicate directly, ‘openly ad often loudly. Ta Argentina there so taboo inthe wse of foul language. A respectable old woman ‘will swear like slor and no one bats an eye. Fools are not suffered lightly and anyone behaving ina pretentions ‘or obnoxious manner wil be sharply reprimanded, some. times with just a simple gesture ofthe hands. Political ‘omrectness doesnot exist i Agena because it would ily impede getting Your point across. Ifyou area litle ‘overweight your nickname mightbe ‘el Gordo, or ifyou have a dark complexion they might call you "Negro" ot if you happen to be of Polish descent, “el Polaco’. No ‘offense is intended, none is taken and thre is no false ‘morality to confuse the isucs. Is evident when Argen- {ines communicate with one another tha their freedom of speech’ rel. Althougs Argentines are extremely ati- ‘cand wil ot hesitate to tell you that their county has ‘he tallest mountains, the tastiost beef, the most beautiful ‘women, the finest wine and the best soccer players in {he word, they wil also be quick to point out thst their country isan by corrupt polittins ands fll of bullshit- ters and crooks. The uh is “which comnty isn? but Argentine in pariclarakways sem tobe just as aare ‘of thir own shortcomings as well as they ar of other's ‘This Keen sense of discemment i iustrated by the vast quantity of words used to accurately describe an idiot. & broggar,& liar, a scam or the quality of anything from personal charactcr to houschold appliances. The Argen- tines use these words with such fequency and passion ‘that the unsuspecting foreigner will eventually have 10 ‘ask “what is a “boludo’ and why can't I find it in my Spanish dictionary?” “The unique form of Spanish spoken in most of Argen- tina today is most accurately called Rio Platense. Rio Piatense is commonly identified by its use of the pro- ou “vos” instead of tr ested’ as Well as a sh ora Sof j sound when pronouncing lor y (eg. pollo-posho, yetba-sherba), Rio Patense is named forthe Rio Pata Which, as it drains into the Atlantic Osean, borders the province of Buenos Aires and defines the most popu- fated part of Argentina. Uruguay is located on the other side ofthe Rio Plata from Argentina and is lso home to Rio Platense Spanish. Although geographically a mas- sive eouniry with an incredibly diverse population, Rio Patense has had the strongest cultural and lingual influ fences in most of Argentina due sole tothe sheer number fof those who speak it. The majority ofthis population is descended fom the huge influx of immigrants that ar- ‘ved, from all parts of the world, tothe port of Buenos Ales inthe early 200 century. ‘The particular language ‘and slang that evolved inthe streets of Buenos Ales at this time is referred to as Lunfardo and is iret related to Tango music and culture, Lunfardo has its own vo- cabulary and wordplay such a syllable inversions (pizza ~ zap, cfe-fea) that some say originated as a way for folks to communicate beyond the understanding of the police and prison guards. Much Lunfardo reflects ie fof crime and could be why most Argentines appear to be sostrectwise when speaking their native tongue. Al- though a great deal of Lunfardo has found a permanent place inthe Argentine vocabulary, “Che Boludo!” is not 8 dictionary of Lunfardo but a comprehonsive guide to understanding the slang, expressions, gestures and Rio Platense Spanish that is used throughout most of Argen- tinn today. Everyone fiom the celebrated Tango singers {o the infamous gauchos tothe youth of today has made ‘their contibutons. Many words and expressions vary from province to province and person to person. To cov: ‘ertbemall would be impossible as language is constantty ‘erossing borders apd evolving through the generations. Inany case, itis important that this book is used wisely and you are among good fiends before you go spouting out its contents. Certain colloqualisms are only appro- priate in certain situations anda failure of good judgment could likely result in embarassing yourself or, worse yet, offending someone and promptly reosiving a trompada. “Vos” With the exception oF few other specific pars of CColembis, Bolivinand'Cenival Amerie, Rio latense is ‘unique in is use of the pronoun tvs" (you). Whether or not vas" comes from Portuguese *viee’ om Expatol ‘Yosotros or an antiquated form of addressing Someone ‘of the upkmast importance such 2 god or the King ts place in Rio Plotonse is accepted, by those who speak 4 as letinate Castellano. Tn Rio Platense, “vas” also has its own form of conjugation, The only differences between the convaion of Vos" ane “tu” are found in ths imple present tense and imperative form and are sumally only @ matter of an sccented sylable. If yoo speak using “Vos instead of tn or ‘usted, however, i is important that you recognize thase conjapations and tse thers accordingly. ‘The examples given are to lus- trae the cievences between conjugating "tu" and vos. Rio Plater like coasmon Spanish, also uses ‘usted? in cases where respect is shown sch a= when speaking 2 ameldery with whom one isnot intimate 0 verb vos tu imperative or vossos tare, st (Go be) eter vosestis testis est obe) ‘eaminar —voscamintstucaminas_caminé! (owalky tener vostenés — tutieses tenet (ohave) querer wos qustés mi guiewes quot (to wa) subir vos bis wsubes suit (to z0un) venir vosvenit tvienes vent! (tocome) pensar vos pensés tm plensas —_pensil (othink) decir vos desis tudices dei! (omy) contar vos comtés cuentas conti! (otell, to count) 4 iiisiciiaaiaiiiliiaiaals:taapeiaiesiictiaaiiiaiinss Diccionario aes [ilemios eae Web Ta aiecive ands) as by dr gnerations [excl] ocamaton Tove sismetad [Gin] dinite etn meni te wend “abrochar [x lit to butts ups to fuck (vulgar) abollad [a)) lit dened: someone who appears toe in Tough shape or abused achaparrada {agi} short and stubby, used to describe vegetation ‘afanar (v] 10 steal, to rob; to over charge; 10 win by a large eitference 8 calm [ra] Arabic in origin, from al-qawwd sic ‘means "wer; 1) nar, informer to police: 3) tale tale; someone not to be tuted with Secret 3) fantiquted] pimp: aleahuetear [v1 10 hota a secret, tobe ata ale aamarrele [ma hagglet, «cheapskate aparato (ma li apparatus; areal character of a persons ‘a strange, escentic person apolitar (x) to sleep. *fom 2 pobila moth) sleeping in te eoe008 | atorrante [m1] 1) someone who is worthless, a lazy bam storm originated inthe arly pat ofthe centiry ‘when large drain pipes, manufactured by the ‘company Torcaat, were used hy the homeless as & place to sleen; 2) sometimes used affectionately formen orchildeen; 3) whorish woman Dabosola {adj} drooling: ysed to deserbe someone who slusty, with sexual desire "very hor” Ipabosear (y] 1 drool wi desire baci fu] someone with expensive tastes, who lives Iunurously and enjoys de fince dings in ite Iaqueteado {eda reamed musket; worn out, used to te point of Scepair Dagayo (eo) 1) an ualy person, a dog of « woman; 2) baguage, ugsaee 6 bajom (i lita dectine, a drop; ‘downer’, disappointment ora bummer ‘banana [} someone who thinks they’ are relly wool bat ‘is never ken seriously by others bbuncar[¥}1) tolerate to bear, toascept 2) 1 support, ‘oho to support financially Dbaranda f}lit- ceilings «stench, a foo! smell Dbérbaro/ [ad exc!) 1) excellent, great; 2) “que tisharo!™ “wow!” Dard {m) chaos; a crazy, annoying ot problematic ‘Siuation, bardear[¥] “to make bardo” to couse ‘rouble Darul {on} a noisy disoption bicho {on} lit» bug, « small animal, @‘oiter” “mal Dicho™ “bad bug’ used in reference tp Argentina's oer politicians Die [mi apetseak; a slap in dhe face Drea (1) ltatian} bose bizarrola [ong] bizare, strange hrocha (} large quantiy of something bocho/a 0) smut, quick wited 15 bola [) it, ball; testical “also “dar bola” to give Sd ixsccasicix wacncaten ‘he ball” 10 pay alletion 1; eg. “no me dan hhola™ ‘hey don’t give me the all they don't pay | endo [ad] to be dizzy enti tome “his probably comes from soceet, CGewumber ovesport in Argsnting also: “romper — | oleta{] li ese; ie Tas bolas” “to break one’s balls’ “hinchar las ‘olay “io sell one’s balls’ to be annoying, 2 | eto {mplita ticket (bus, plane, et.) ‘pain in the ats. en bolus” “io be in ball” to be sos aleto” “you're dead” faked; fo bein bad situation without protection, tif you were naked and exposed lide (2) an automobile Doliea [0 derogatory fora Bolivian | | Doludo/a m,f] lit one with large testicles but rot used todescribe someone wioisbrave or “balsy"; used lke for mea, women and chien; 1) fo, idiot; 2) same definition tut also used casually among fiends thus “‘ehe bolude!™ could be anything from ‘you idiot” to “hey buddy" depending om the context ofthe situation “historical fac: “beludos” fr “pelotudos” were ‘cannon fodder, the fist ‘100s fo be sent ino battle and thus the first lobe kulled_*see: pelotudo ‘hacerse el boludo” (v} to pay dumb, wo actasif you don't know Dboluder {f} any maior oxy to solve, something thatean be done by any bohide Dbuenudo/a (ad) serncone who i kind of dur or naive but a good person Dombacha {f} 2 taditionally bugey pante worn by the Argentine. yauchos;. bombacha. is. now more ‘eoramonly used for women's panties ‘ehabomba [hunfardo} “no me dan bola” 6 2 ‘bombo [mi]. Iie a big drum; an vnexpected andor ‘undesired pregnancy, a big belly ‘bombs {ng} lit candy, usualy chocolate; They gorgeous!, a ttractive man of woman Donat [mm] public bus * this word comes from the English “bonds” that were used: to fund the installation ofthe famous trams, called “bondes’, of Riode Janeito, Bruit Domete[m) it apointed hat “del Donete™ crazy bosta [f] Torseshit; someone or something that if ery uly borvego [a] akid see: pide ‘olin (mf) it 2 burton; ttle tle. [antiq} potice: informer tothe police *see: cbs ‘brasuen fac) « Brazilian; sometimes devogatory Anrutal adj xel] it rata; gret, awesome; “wow!” bucks (m]_ ttle tale; an informer to polices “nare™ ‘type: aleahute Dulin on} it the used in a plastr wal; room or place used to have sex ‘ule fm lit package; penis and testicals Duzarda jf}. big belly dba (f] a gesture that brings gond luck, eg An old Italian eradition stil observed by olde gencrations Jn Argentina so eat gnoccis onthe 29 of every ‘oth tis a edb to prt coins under the pes ‘of the gnoccis © aber {¥} ik to fit into; w ike someone, to get along el] with someone, eg. me eabe el ehabsn” ‘Trea like shat gy" cachengue {m]_ great party, usally with good music snd lots of dencing «acho (mf piece oF chunk of someshing “un excho ‘de-earne can ojos” ‘2 picce of meal with eyce" ‘an idiot: [dinij “eachito” a small quantity of Something “a tiny bit™ ‘achucha [9] a vagina fachuso/a [adj] something or someone that functions poorly oris awed agar [v] lit t0 shit; -o weesk, ein ot fll spar to ‘screw someone over area (Hunfardo] someone ‘who setews people over ‘agarse (¥] 10 break down, to fall pact also: “estar agado” lit to be shied’; to have big problems, tobe fhcked agar a palos” lit. to shit othe stick’; a beat he sit out of ry eniqut” to ve aiaid™ » agar Ia frata” li, shit the fait to dic rm cagaso™ it to have a huge shit; to be very scared “cayn” it big shits a coward cag de rsa” ica shit of laughter, hilarious cagar de fio” litt sit fom cold; to bs fezzing your sss off “ean [1] 1) police: 2) jail ceanshero (m)__» smooth talker, «know it all "from “camcha” the horse tracks, a eachera sould be serncone who knows “the tacks thus which horse vo et on eaio {mit pipe, w ube; 1) pipe used to smoke ‘marian of also marijuana cigaret; «joi 2) dar com un eno” lit, “hit with pipe; to desk Someone heavy verbal blow. to publicly criticize ‘9 denounce someone such 35a polities; S)apistot canuto/a [a] exginally a Tock pick wsed by thieves, something hidlen” eneanutar [v] w hide some hing, generally ict capoin mf] 1) & popular person, someone who is wel liked due ta generous nsture; 2) bos, chief, someone that has control on the sitation careta a Ii. “wearing a mask’; pretentious, snobbish ed to daseribe fashion conscious. peop expensive restaurants and acighborboods [ug] careton caretear [9] toast falsely carach (a) a good looking person caxcote [ad lita pioce of stone: someone who is ard headed thus slow to lea ceatrasca [f] “cagada tras eagada” lit ‘one shit afer ‘noir’; one taste afer ante, a klutz catrera [f} a bed cabar[y lit to choke te carburetor ofan ant; fo serve ‘ates, eo: mate culture ] 2 pistol hupamedlias [mali 2 ck sucker ass kiser, own ‘ose, boot licker hupar [¥] Tit to sack; to drink alcohol, generally in Tage quantices 2B oper” 6 raj) abegens a bum ‘coger [x lit-w ga, to get: to collect to fuck ‘olgarse [9] lit wang one's sli; 10 be spaced out, to beleky orasaeker to hang out and do noting; to concentmte heasily on something “camerse[v lic o;at;usedto describe ones involvement {na suation, generally wi negative connotations such as: “eomerse una pellewa” ‘to ext yourself ail tobe tivolved ina complicated station, tevcrallyncpative. “comerse la enbeza” to cat Your Hea; to be worried or have problems ‘comes [i shel, vagina; pussy, cunt ‘conchada-{f] a cunt of a worn, ‘expressions “la concha de tu madre!” “your other's pissy’ “la couche de ta lors” the ‘paoro's sry” (inthe old daye prostitutes were alle Maras") these are used as generalists oF ‘exelamatioas suchas “godéammit {Wuoferdo} chacén ‘copaidole (ad) x cool fendly person; anything dts eno) oe nprecable cotorra {f] li parshoot; vagina, pussy. plear Ie ‘eorra® Tt to have an itchy parakeets when a ‘woman s sexually stimulated or horny orehlto/a [mf lit litle cor short person a cortado [i] # coffer expresso with a shot of milk ‘cosa {flit thing: sed as ‘eatchamacallit’ or “whats- his-name, sha her-mac” cornude/a fad] Hit t ave hors; used for someone ‘who's partner is sleeping around on them, alse sed as heavy insult cerepar [9] to di, to pass away cenalquiera (ext; adj] lit. whatever; used to describe ‘someone or something that 1S mol vo be taken setiously, Kind ofridietous cevero {mi} it eather ‘stcar ef enero’ (o lak badly hind somenne's back, to gossip call (mass, buttocks [phrase] que eulo!” “what Tak" ‘eulindo [on] reciever of anal sex; used as an expletive, as ‘an insult oF amon frends to addres one another wre en} 9 seam of fangs ‘eurrar [0 Scam: to ear big by work ‘often in reference 10 politicians hie, ceursi [ed] in bad taste, cheap, gonerlly refers 0 curtir [VJ it to fan hide doto leather; 1) (0 use aveordingly to sell nto a good situation or place; 2) toate of sleep with someone; 3) 0 stea! 2 densa‘ fa} it dense, thiek; someones whois boring ‘the point of being annoving, deriva [adi] lit to be adsif “a la deriva" to be ‘vandeeing, without direction; usually implies a ~ slate of happiness inet a otek ‘an eortado” » Aesaparecidos [im] the disappeared oes; Thisrefersto the victims of past sitary eeximes in Argentina ‘Themostrecett and bortfc period ef human hs violations occured batween the yeack of 1976: 1983 in which more than thirty thousand students, ‘nelleetals and actvinis were kidnapped, tortured fand ridered. These desaparecios are fur from forgotten and many of heir families currently continue seeking ther justice ae _falopera fo [fm] a drug addict ‘eatarina | sitar; know i al 4 firciness, laziness: to have Face isto feel ke nothing at all embroiled ay Maro ote eas despelote [im] a mess, disorder; see: quilomivo ipujado [a], to be deawn, tobe pained to be in ‘foreign situation of out of your element, 10 be visibly soned trom smoking pot aso; pintado ‘psinted) sole truth; [exe] absohuely? diego fm} ten petos worth of marijuana, ‘dime bag" ehinsed, dead tired cembole[n] something hat very borne “Mas ex} coat, awesome! fashearse [x] to bow ones © ind asl 3 posve sense engancharse [y] to hook Yount got wappedup | ina sition ere (1 lit-protectve cover; 1) coudom, prophylactic enrosear (v] lit to acre 1) t0 be confsed, to have essere problems, to have isuee; 2) to Be caught pn 2 sation “franelear [x lito potish witha flannel elo; 10k caressa show of alfeeGon between lovers 10 ‘ensitiar [] {o sade up; to change the yerba in dhe mate ‘wten i begins to taste diluted, offen just a portion of tie yerba is changed "sce: mate culture = fil nist} a To be very bay. w te 2 i vomethig, to be complet, aso ass = ike ally or tly fia Os ssubiar [6] to intoxicate with alcool » a fgalin [o] winner, ladies man tanga. (lunféol someone who sinks they are a ladies man but is really fool ‘gauba [f] (alan) log; “moter la gamba” “to putin the leg’ lomake a mistake, to sew upasituation “ucer ka yamba”to help someone out . the point sguecha [7] someting that really sucks; ag from garehar (y] to fuck (vatgar) Hc ret simtony, extreme hunger euhing smoking marijuana, ‘te munchies’ Gardel [a] lit famous singer who broapht Tango from the underground 10 the mainstream; the best, 8 mlorda phrase} i, made of sit broken, shea. Sos Garde “You're tie man!” up, screwed, exhausted, depressed or general hd |—__ sie Yalso "hecha percha” li. made tikes nat ‘garrén [ma bummer, pain inthe ss en afi (v1 it to pall the tigger, to pay tbe bil, to (sacrificial viet; the wer eaten as the spend money rapidly Ny aflmuge or excessive proportions sil fo] an ot; “gl de goma” a complete idiot ‘nuevos (a) it eggs: testicals | t3ls0huevénv/a [m} toe, idiot; see: bolude: fuampuidoa [ad] tobave hors; *see: eormudo eva (7 random aed useless object grasa flit. grease; cheesy, of poor taste and quality ‘groncho/a [adj] 1) derogatory for negro; 2) cheesy ‘proso [m} (Portuguese) lit, lege: an important person, | laburs Someone ousanding ii ldeg. “MickJogper | 5 greso!” ra [f] scum, bottom feeder, lowlife: refers to the | character ofa penon rather than Encl or social zach [f} it omphaas 1) son of « ite 2) aio sed affectionately "que guacho tat aca” 2 s tastrar (1 (cat is larva [f} larva; wontledsly lzy, someone who does nothing tnvado fa) lit, washed; used to describe the late of the ‘mate when the yerba has become diluted snd no Tocger desirable *3ce: mate culture Teneja ac] i lentil stow tora Renta (lnsfardo] jatemte enzo [om] pants jaf). sandpaper, hunger ‘tengo una ja tervible!” “Um starving!” mado‘ [oj] Tit filed, dulled, someone who is burned foot or slow witted, usually from excessive drug locacht {aij} abit crazy fom toca Yompa 1} pants ono [rl net of bet, i sl to deserbe ance body wea 1} an amount of one thousand, usually money Tungo/a (ad) tall and cin person; any; also “hacer Tungo” tobe annoyinely slow tmacana [f] 8 mistake, an enor "also: “que macama!” “hata shame" 4 affine ca dra fom «ho ‘the size of an apple. ‘The guourd is thet sind ho water and then dra through cli a bombil’ tht hes Eller onthe Gh. Mates ca be fashioned out of anhing rom wood {ws balls how and striatly omated with iver an adil carvings: a cosiion guousd or small metal “cis mn monly ved Up it glace, a mate testo oan sop fhe some sort of tbl dra it ‘fw uninformed pings have even ben know to it ai sake the amen the rite when ray. Mates, lke coc orcs inmost other "fe dancin the moming 0 hep wale up 2s “Well 6 anytime of the day between frieuds who want 16 tla and speak frankly abou matter. Ie me ist ‘sae clear tht mate i the drink elf a wel the goa sdk fom. The actual het placed se the yer Not herb nor mate, but yerba or verb © Ths geri grown in the nothem, warner td ene rovinees of Argetina such as Corscaes ‘and Misiones Mate customs vary from peru 0 per St and place t place bo woe fuadamental practices “ie nypottat, Thee is one eerver(cebador) who must ake charge of seeing the mates. Its eaditonaly ee chore of the youngest person present to serve te elders “the mass. The eer mst ben by het the wer n te Kel (pava) anc Sling the mate with an approprite portion of yerba Iti portant hat the water does nt tench a boil Most experts gre that 82 C is optima w ‘tomiando unos mates” 6 ‘Once the water is properly heated the server will pour Ihimself the Sirs a fo be suze i is sitable for consump tion. Sometimes the server will spit ut the His few a8 they tend to be quite bitter. Some servers will place a spoonful of sugar in the mate to carb the bizerness and ‘Swoeten the yerba, this depends en the personal tastes of those drinking the mates, The mate is then passed from, person io person. Each person drinks the entire contents tf the mate and passes it back. to the server who refills the mate and passes ito the nent. Often the yerba wil ‘povome diluted or washed” avado) before the Ket i cmmpty and it willbe necessary to change « portion (em sill) o¢ all ofthe yerba in the mate, Wheu the kee is drain the entire process is repeated and continues fr until the Jat person decides that he or she has drunk fenough mates. This can sometines last dhe zood past fof aday. Serving mates is a big esensibility and it important tha the server i lente w the quality of the mates as well asthe continuity and uty oftheir ser Vice. One wil be sharply reminded that the mate no «8 lum mvcrofonol” if he or she bangs cn wo i for f09 long, ‘while prophetiizing about this ot that. Mate is serious ‘business in Argeatina feat] quiet, don’t say 2 word!” thie ‘exclamation comes fiom a secrst it gnoce; someone who earns money ‘working, onthe job bur worst "hie came into we ater the cicovery of ‘alanis fat had been eran rker ating huteilet th checks hocks were eccived on tho 2h of every sane day that esis ao raters imilonga ((] atype of Tango with a faster best, sing ()[luntido} lady; lacks respect sminga!(exel] no wey! oF couse etl ek yout mocazo {on} lit lage snot, 1) a big mistke; °) sometimes des to adress children a onda (i lit waves vibes og: micro onda “microwaves somebody or something with “buena onda” ‘woud be rally coo! and with good vibes; to do Something “de onda” “is to do someone 1 Iavor, “irar una onda? st help somebody out 4 a a ‘expressions 1) Scagara ‘orto [i] ass, buttocks; 1) “aqme orto” ‘wat god Inek!” shit fart’, to sco, o erate; ‘or hat tee as! depending on the context 3 ieee of timo, money 2) “cara de orto” lit ‘oss face’, a sous fee “3) fen pedo" Lit. ‘in farted", to be 3} “alaloma del orto” i Cshilofthe as te eo be drink “al en ped” “no way’, riddle ofrowhere wa unk’, 4)“de pedo! by chencs: dey" Hi. (o he Birt to go very fs, 6) = pedorro li, “ay, shill of poor gualisy poe Z sda regidn por los pedon ie ruled by fs pachanguear [v] to party; pashanga (1) 3 fiewa ppachorra (2) Iaziness, to fel Ike doing noshing paerota [2.f] a jackof; from “hacer Ia paja™ io ‘make straw; 19 masturbate paertofa {anf} an idiot ‘palo (o Bit stick “al palo “tothe stick, wo have a et ealdo’ it fart with broth” to ft, “raw a plo vere (i it «prem stick; milion dlls ppapear [¥} 1)to alk sit; 2) fo cat apelin [ox] an embarrassing situation ps dar pelota™ “give the ball’; to tention i "hineha las pelotas lit. 1 swell pari [v] lit to give binds; 1 struggle incredibly as if Riise wrote srancy «ton -pin giving bin ry ptoviea {ma weight iter, body yuan or bouncer a “no me hinchés as pelotas™ a pelotudofa {ons} lit one with big balls; "sce: bolude idiot or foo ‘peluea flit wig; cottonmouth received from smoking ot, as i'you had swig in your mouth pendejo fs [sf] pubic air, an adolescent, a youth also: pendevieja (7) ftom pendejo; an older ‘woman wlio ies t0 keep up wid youthful fisbions pep {f] 4 pil, ahitof LSD pesadofa (ad) it-beavy: boring, ansoying escadofs [mt] lit fish; an ion pesto [mi] wind rain, snow, threatening weather tar (9) 40 fall part physically or mentally: ‘petado (adi in a bad state sce: hecho mierda pibera fn) 2 kid «guy pillar [y] tomakembig mistake “ptfiate!™ “you really erewed up” piotero/s[o.0} a cheupsate,« hageler plas (41 i. boneres; this refers to the eneray of a person, someone “muy pilas™ would be motivated fnd positive “ponete las pls!” "put in your Datteries!', get going! “sacate las pilas™ “ake ‘you batteries ou!" chillout, take i easy e plleha {1} clothes pintar [x] Til to paige; (© appear situntion oF ‘oppertnity, to come up inl, appearance “que pinta!” “it ooks good” plata jad 1) clove, intelligent; un aprecable person. 2) Sauedarse piola” to ang owt and do noth, pintadova (ac) it pained; ertzy plpén {a} oe ful from overeating lear [v] to go crazy plrado [ad be crazy irwcholn a rary plturrear ¢) te smoke a joint pom in} tit ead; someote or something that is very boring poga (f} rat's hole, a dnty and disgusting place porngeo [mi] zit; ftom “por no enger™ ‘by not icking’ zits ws if recieved due to wack of sexta activity 4 pporonga [1] penis; someone or something tha rally nicks : oreo [m} marijuana, a joint “ 6 neato” | calnga [a Rotinens in reference tothe Raling Stones edavgetine'sockand cl yout wc sony Fewer wit ih Stoner famoya,batboy ie Th Rang S's tanh te Sd one canbe eon Crvghot Argentina fon Tesh, ats, sicker, and graffi Sieadoia fad) i removed; intensy erazy, a sate of Snsanity, as ial reason has been taken (sneado) from from your mind salam (man iio, a foo! samata [f] an embellished and exagersied story that i ‘gengraly fi fom the teh Ssupape [m} asap in the face sorste i} a turd, afog of hit acato [mi] a cheapskate, someone who slways haggles fara bargain taco fi) the high lieel of 8 shoe; to do something ‘al neo’ isto doit with ease and flair as a footall player would score goal witha touch of his hee! tanoia {man talian pers fa] 1) modest Rowse; 2) in ruins, abandoned {ipo i ufo} man, «uy ‘toque in} it atouchs “alte bi’; “al toque” quickly, instantly He get may ith omen. o sip ossrpale not petbicay ‘ernilia {m] lit sews cold “que tornitlo barbarot™ *it's damm cold!” Se ‘weigh anchor and so tortilera [f] lesbian, aso: tort [f] ‘he norm or accepted Tims, ‘ransar(¥} 1) 0 french kis; 2) tome on egal ‘or agreament crate) a8 raves fin} a uanvestte fra) promises woman ‘rol a boosersl man romps [0] mouth trompad [fa punch inthe mouth ‘ruchoa (a) littrout fake, false of poor quality fubazo fm) a tlephoge call twbe {i} lit. 2 tube; 1) telephone; 2)a big bicep vist [ex] past tense of the verb ver, “did you se= ‘ned frequently ike “you know?” or mesninges Snteyection ‘yapa [f] amonetay tip, ‘de yapa" besides, also yt (1 [ania] police y say que pagar!” you rms pay’ Los Dicnos “alas chapas™ to go very last “estar en el horno” ft to be inthe oven, 10 be higly stressed ori «bad situation, “me quema Ia eabera” it itburn my heads it makes ‘me crazy, used mostly in the negative sense. “tirar para aretha” it fo thoy inthe at; to have an excess of something, ‘un pelo de fa concha tir més que una yunta de bbueyes” ‘one pussy hae pulls more than a tm of oxen’ een Polvo” Jil a tow a dust to fuck. “chiva'como puto nuevo swe ikea new fg “renegué como puta muevo” "complain lke «nsw fag", “tirae las ehaneletas™ lit. throw offthe sandals; use for ‘women who arw on sexval rampage “irr la casa por Ia ventana” ‘to throw the hovse out the window”; to g9 wild and out ofeontol = “tirame la yom” ‘pall my rubber’; suck my dick 3 “4mojar la chaueha” "to get the peapod wets t0 get nid ‘meter Ia mala” “a por in the the mule; to wick someone, rip someone off “eetando putas” “throwing out the whores; 10 g0 very fast a atris” “to go backwards’; used for someone ar something thai disfunction “ta sacaste barat wih murder, ‘you gor it cheap’; you got away ‘could have been worse, “te faltan alga players’ jugadores” “he's missing some 129 bit ersay of dumb, 0s con alamibre™ “we tet with wir’; 10 jer: ‘gil, to get the job done with whatever resourocs seat hind, “hasta Ing manos” “up to the hands, to have your ‘hands full also ‘hasta tas bolas” eallenta ta pava pero no eeba los mates” ‘he/she heats the Kettle but doesnt serve the mates”; he! she's a prick tease “al pedo como tetu de monja” “uscless lke tis on a — mun" 4360: pedo “Ia noche esti en paflales™ “the night isin disper’; “ihe night is young” : qué te pasa?” “what's your problem?!" ‘wbat's up with that 3 2 “‘marea canén!™ ‘cannon brand’, used like ‘totally’ “fomstelat™ “media naranja” ‘al orange’; affectionate for one’s lover, spouse or partner ‘tomatslé!™ “ake i’; get out of here!, fuck you! “mandar fruta” to send fruit’ to ie, totalk sit sce: ‘chamnuyar “ener como peludo de regalo” “to fl like the gift ofan armadillo’; supe visit by an undesired guest, “tener una vena” “to hve a vein’ to be pissed aff ‘angry a if the veins in your neck and head were showing “ponerse ta camiseta® “to put om the jersy's to Be a team player or ‘company guy" comerse un huesito™ “10 eat a litle bone’; to seep ‘witha heautifal wonan ‘hacer wna yaqulta” “io make 2 lle cow's (© put ‘money ina cormsnal pot “nu da “it doesnt give’; unacceptable, “at doesn’t fly" 2) the opportunity isnot given “nla ganchos?” ‘not even by the hooks; no wayt “ala patos!” “not oven by the sticks"; n0 way! “cerrado como eulo de mufeea” ‘close like dat's “que parte Ia tierra!" “how the earth splits!" “what a beaurifal woman, x8 if the earth parts beneath hor feet “moco de pavo™ ‘urkey snot’ something very easy to rn “nae Mega agua al tanque” “water doesn't get to his ‘ak’; someone who i hic dim, “te fuistew Ia malcrda™ “you went tothe sit; ‘you've tone too fa", ‘you oudid yourself cabeza cabezin chabin acova gordo jefe ocala morecho/a negrola papi pelado vieja Satoh out for se Gente Argentines sometisaes have inferesing ways of eret- ‘ng each othe or refecing t someone, ‘These are ofl sed affetionsely refering to someone's appearance or 18 whatever comtent with no significance atl, They ae not ment tbe offensive an thus not taken personally ‘nea (also davogatory for te poor) bighoad aw skinny fay boss crazy ‘one with «dark complexion black one fiber Daldy ‘old oman (used by guys) 9 A EDTORAL cALEUCHE Algunos Thule Pubicadas CConicn Hiren del Nabl Vag Toponinin de! Pargue Nacional Nabe! Huai Dioeionane Mpuche-speol Mate Anti: dexoubrends el oatnents blsco I Gran Lago ELCabo Savina Foray Faun Pingus ‘Meurinin Bik eo Blache {is Monnaie de Builoche Peacundn Trchae 1 Cover des Cage Andino Paagénicns snes, pias yen Te Soja yet Tots Talat Aninismey Esq ae Patagonia 2005 (374 esi) Pategonin Aural Patagonia Credo de ls Playas Sale FINeroese LaRiole Mitra Le Costa Verde Argention Planar y Vila Gell PhhyasPatagonis Rutas Argertno-Chileoas (Anino-Patgnica) Parque Nacional Uo Glacies ‘Maps Paagonia st

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