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Green energy is important for the environment as it replaces the negative effects of fossil

fuels with more environmentally-friendly alternatives.

Even when the full life cycle of a green energy source is taken into consideration, they release
far less greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, as well as few or low levels of air pollutants. This
is not just good for the planet but is also better for the health of people and animals that
have to breathe the air.

Importance of Shifting to green energy: (Environmental, and economic impact)

• Economic

Job Creation- Investing in green energy creates job opportunities and stimulates economic growth.
The development of renewable infrastructure requires skilled labor for installation and
maintenance. Additionally, it opens avenues for research and development in clean technologies.

Poverty reduction- Access to affordable and reliable electricity improves living conditions for
millions of Filipinos living in remote areas without electricity or relying on expensive alternatives
like diesel generators. Electricity enables access to education through lighting schools at night and
facilitates communication through electrification of rural areas.

Reduced Energy Costs- Switching to renewable energy is an excellent way for residential,
commercial, and industrial energy customers to save money on their bills. Installing solar panels
on your property allows you to generate your own electricity, theoretically giving you the ability
to reduce your energy bill to zero.

Energy Independence- the ability to meet energy needs domestically, thereby reducing dependence
on foreign nations and susceptibility to changing overseas energy prices.

Stable Energy Prices- The Philippines currently imports a significant amount of its oil from other
countries, which can be costly and leave the country vulnerable to price fluctuations. By
transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, the Philippines can r educe
its reliance on foreign oil and increase its energy security. This can lead to cost savings for both
individuals and businesses, as well as greater stability in the energy market.

• Environmental

Climate Impacts- The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as
rising sea levels and extreme weather events. By shifting to renewable sources like solar, wind,
and hydroelectric power, the country can significantly decrease its carbon footprint and contribute
to global efforts in mitigating climate change.
Green energy promotes sustainable development- Unlike fossil fuels that are finite resources,
renewable energy sources are abundant and can be harnessed indefinitely. This ensures long-term
energy security for the Philippines without depleting natural resources or causing environmental

Green energy helps protect natural resources- Fossil fuel extraction often involves destructive
practices such as strip mining or drilling in sensitive ecosystems. This leads to deforestation,
habitat destruction, and water pollution. In contrast, renewable energy technologies have minimal
impact on the environment during their operation phase.

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