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Unit: Intercultural Exchanges

Look at the two pictures and with a partner discuss the following questions.

 What do the pictures show?

 How are people in the pictures
 Can we communicate with people
from different countries online?
 According to you, what are the
benefits of global communication?

Match the following words with their definitions.

Words Definitions
a. Communication 1. The act of giving and receiving.
b. Exchange 2. Support or encourage the progress of something.
c. Internet 3. The act of expressing and exchanging ideas with others.
d. promote 4. The ideas, customs and traditions of a given group.
e. culture 5. A global computer network.
Fill in the gaps in texts (A-B-C) with the words that precede each of them.
Exchange – communicate- ideas – different
People nowadays …………………………… with other people from ………………………………….parts of the
World. They ……………………………….thoughts and …………………………….about a variety of topics.
Promotes – exchanges- the internet– communication
………………… a modern means which facilitates ………………………….…among people. It also………………..
Fast – world- Twitter– easy
Social media such as Facebook and ……………………………have transformed ……………………into a small
village making communication both ………………………..and …………………….

Your Turn

Unit: Intercultural Exchanges

Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Listening and Speaking

Look at the following pictures and match them with their labels.


4 5

Look at picture and answer the following questions.

a. What does the picture show? List them?

 Picture 1 shows ………………………………………………………….

 ………………………………………………………………..............................
b. What do we use social media for?
c. Do you have a Facebook account? Is it easy to create one?
d. List orally the steps to create a Facebook account?

Reorder the following sentences to get the steps of how to create a Facebook account then listen to the
dialogue to check your answers.
a. Switch on the computer __________________
b. Click on ‘ Sign up’ __________________
c. Enter your personal information (name, email, phone number, password……..) __________________
d. Go to __________________
e. Click on create a new account __________________
f. Open your verification email and activate your account __________________
Use the sentences above and sequencers: first, then, next, after that, finally to write a coherent
paragraph about how to create a Facebook account.
In order to create a Facebook account, you need to do the following…………………………………………….
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Listening and Speaking

Consider the sentences below and answer the questions
that follow.

a. Press this button to switch on the laptop.

b. Don’t spend too much time on social media.
c. Don’t give your password to anyone. You may be hacked.
Complete the following tip box on the basis of the previous examples.

Tip Box Complete the following sentences with

the appropriate verb.
 An imperativesentence is formed download - install- use –search
with a ………………..without a subject.
a. Don’t ………………….this application. It takes too
 Negative form: much storage space.
b. ………………….… anti-virus. Otherwise, your
 We use the imperative to give
PC will be damaged.
……………………... ,.............……………..and
warnings. c. …………………….in other websites. You may find
more interesting things.
d. Don’t……………your mobile while it’s charging.

What would say in each of the following situations? Write a sentence using the imperative.

a. A child up late at night playing video games.

b. A student looking for a good study Facebook page/ group for high school learners.
c. Someone sharing too much of his personal life on social media.
d. You want to encourage your friend to continue working on his YouTube channel.
e. Someone wants to change his Facebook profile picture but doesn’t know what to do.
Helen: I want to create a Facebook account, but I don’t know how to do it. Can you help me,

Anna: Sure. Let’s do it together on the PC. First, switch on your laptop and make sure you are
connected to the internet then go to

Helen: Um, wait a minute………..…’s done. What next?

Anna: Now you have to click on this icon here ‘create a new account’ and a new information
box appears on the screen.

Helen: Yeah, I can see it. SO, what shall I do here?

Anna: It’s simple. Just, enter your information. I mean your name, phone number, email and
password. Once finished, click on the sign up icon here.

Helen: Oh, I am really excited. I can’t wait to start using my Facebook account.

Anna: You are still left with one step. Open your verification email and activate your account
and that’s it.

Helen: Awesome. It’s really easy. Thank you so much Anna for your help.

Anna: you are most welcome

Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Listening and Speaking

Complete the following words with the missing letters.

____NT___RN____T CO____P____T___R V___R ___S ____H___T
C___M___N____CA___ ___ M___US___ O___L___N___ W___F___
Classify the words above into the following table according to their number of syllables.
One Syllable Two Syllables Three Syllables More than Three
......................................... ……………………………... ………………………………… …………………………………..
…………………………… ……………………………... ………………………………… ………………………………….
…………………………… ……………………………... ………………………………… …………………………………

Consider the words given and answer the questions that follow.

 How many syllables are there in the

words given?
 Which word category do they fall to?
a. Nouns/verbs
b. Nouns/ adjectives
c. Verbs/ adverbs

Now listen to your teacher and mark the stressed syllable in the words above. What conclusion do you
Let’s Practise
Mark the stressed syllable in the
following words:

mobile – message - delete

receive - hacker - upload

Let’s Have Fun Help both Lilly and Sara find their way out of the maze by drawing a line
between words which have the same stress pattern.

Cultural exchange communication send screen

Smart channel explore receive subscribe

Cursor reply live streaming Program restart

Connect Media Vlog tablet fan camera

Share correspond Hashtag post like trend

Laptop mouse internet YouTube spam private

Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Must – Mustn’t – Don’t have to/ needn’t

Unscramble the following words to get coherent sentences.

a. go to / You / to create/ have to/ Facebook homepage/ a new account
b. Kids/ too much/ spend/ mustn’t/ time/ social media/ on
c. You/ accept/ his/ don’t have to/ friend/ request.
You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Consider the sentences above and complete the following tip box.

Tip Box Complete the following sentences with

the appropriate modal.
 Must/ have to, mustn’t, don’t
a. Your password………………….contain more than
have to/needn’t are ……………………. four characters to keep your account safe.

 Must/ have to express ……………… b. You……………….forget your username and

 Mustn’t expresses ………………………
c. You ………………..write your real name to create
 Don’t have to/ needn’t express a Facebook account.
d. The teacher said that all students …………………
join the class group to receive his emails.

What would you say in each of the following situations? Write a sentence using the appropriate modal:
must- mustn’t- don’t have to/needn’t.
a. A friend wants to buy an old used mobile but you think it’s expensive.
b. The application is free. You can use it without paying.
You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
c. A friend wearing headsets and listening to music at high volume.
d. Someone’s PC is not working appropriately. It needs reparation.
You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Work in small groups to write some school rules under the three headings below.

Must Mustn’t Don’t have to

 ………………………………  …………………………………  …………………………………

……………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………
 ………………………………  …………………………………  …………………………………
……………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………
 ………………………………  …………………………………  …………………………………
……………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Expressing Preferences

Look at the picture and answer the questions that follow.

Which social media do you

I prefer to use most often?
use............  What does the picture show?

 What’s the topic of the interview?

 According to you, which social media

platform does the interviewee use

most often? ( Make guesses)

Now read the following conversation and check your answers to the previous task.

Journalist: Hello. I am a John Croff. I am a journalist. We’re doing a survey about

social media preferences. Can I ask you few questions, please?

Mark: Yes, sure.

Journalist: First, what’s your name?

Mark: My name is Mark.

Journalist: Ok, Mark, can you tell me how often do you use social media?

Mark: Well, I use social media very frequently.

Journalist: Which social media platform is your favourite and why?

Mark: Personally, I prefer to use Facebook because it’s (easy) …………………………………

and (fast) ……………………………………the other apps. With only few simple steps, you can
create an account and get connected to millions online.

Journalist: Interesting. How would you respond to those people who claim that
Facebook is old-fashioned and (practical)………………………………………Instagram?

Mark: I totally disagree with that. Facebook is more popular and more practical than
Instagram. You can use Facebook to chat, to share pictures and videos as well as to
react to others’ posts.

Journalist: All right. Besides Facebook, do you use other platforms?

Mark: Of course I do. I most often watch videos on Youtube. I think it’s (beneficial)
………………………………………… and (entertaining)…………………………………………TikTok.

Journalist: It was nice talking to you Mark. Thank you for your time.

Mark: My pleasure.
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Expressing Preferences

Complete the dialogue above putting the adjectives between brackets into the appropriate form.
What are the rules related to comparatives of adjectives. Complete the tip box that follows.

Complete the following sentences with the

correct form of the words between brackets.

a. Emails are (fast) ………………………………….letters.

b. Teenagers are (addicted)……………………………to the
internet than old people. .
c. Ali always scores high on video games. He is (good)
…………………… than Karim.
d. Eline is (sociable)………………………….. her sister who
spends most of her time on the net.

Write a short paragraph in which you answer the following questions:

 What’s your favourite social media platform?
 Why do you like using this platform?
 What’s special about the platform? (Compare it with the other platforms)
 Use comparatives of adjectives and the following expressions:
 I prefer to use …………………………………………………………………………………………...
 My favourite social media platform is ………………………………………………………..
 I like to use ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Expressing Purpose

Match clauses in column A with those in column B to get coherent sentences.

Column A Column B
1. We use the internet a. to protect your PC against all malwares.
b. in order to communicate with people worldwide.
2. You need to install this anti-virus
c. visit Egybest website.
3. You need to click on “save”
d. so as not to lose the changes you have made on
4. To watch free online movies your document.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Consider the sentences above and complete the tip box below then do the activity that follows.

Tip Box Complete the following sentences with the

appropriate connector from the previous tip
 In order to _ so as to _ to are box. There are many possible answers.
used to express ……………………………… a. …………………… create a Facebook account, you
need to go to Facebook homepage.
e.g: I work hard in order to pass my b. You need to enter your phone number
exam. …………………….....restore your Fb account.
c. ………………………….. forget your password, you need
 The negatives are: so as not to _ to save it on your PC.
……………………………, ……………………………… d. You have to pay 5$ ………………… use this application.

Join the pairs of sentences using one of the connectors between brackets. Make the necessary
a. Share her drawings and art work with all the world b. Anna created a YouTube channel (to / not to)
a. I sent my friend a message b. congratulate her (so as not to/ in order to)
a. To be hacked b. You shouldn’t give your password to others ( in order not to/ so as to)

With your partner, act out short dialogues as shown in the example.
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Say it in Writing

Discuss the following questions:

 How much time do you spend on social media?

 According to you, is social media beneficial or harmful? (Express your point of view)
 I think/ I believe that social media ……………………………………………………………………….
 In my opinion/ As far as I am concerned……………………………………………………………….

With your partner discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media and complete the
following diagram with any relevant ideas.

Social Media

Advantages Disadvantages

 ......................................................................  ......................................................................
 ......................................................................  ......................................................................
 ......................................................................  ......................................................................
 ......................................................................  ......................................................................
 ………………………………………………………………….  ………………………………………………………………….

Use the notes from the previous task to write a short paragraph in which you discuss the advantages
and drawbacks of social media.

Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Reading and Writing

Look at the picture below and match icons (1- 7) with their functions (a- g).


6 2
3 1
3 7
2 3
1 2
a. Received emails.............. b. The receiver's address ....................
1 C. to write a new email...............

d. The topic of the email ......... e. Click to send the email........... F. Emails sent...............
g. emails written but not sent.........................

Skim the text below and complete the table that follows.
Dear Amel
I've found your email on the internet. I am writing because I The sender: .................................
want you to be my keypal. (1§) The receiver: ..................................

My name is Kirsi. It is a name quite common in Finland. I am The topic: .......................................

sixteen years old. I am a student at high school. I like both Maths
and English. In the future, I want to be a doctor. (2§)
Say whether the following
On weekdays, I always get up early in order to prepare myself sentences are True of False.

for school which a little bit far from my home. I often go there by a. Kirsi is from Finland. …………….
bus. I have classes from 8:00 to 12:00. I have lunch either at the b. She is 17 years old. ………………..
school canteen or at a fast food restaurant. In the evening, I c. On weekdays, she doesn't get
usually revise my lessons and watch TV. At weekends, I rarely go up early. ………………………….
out because I prefer to relax at home. (3§)
Answer the questions
according to the text.
I live in Finland in a tiny village called Tikkakoski. It is very nice.
It has only 4000 inhabitants and we all know one another. a. What is Kirsi’s job of dreams?
Finland is situated in the North of Europe. It's famous of its
saunas and lakes. Winter is terrible. It's always freezing but b. How often does she go out at
summer is fairly cool. (4) weekends?
That's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon. C. What is Finland famous of?
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Reading and Writing

Read the Third paragraph on the email and answer the following questions: 100%
 What does Kirsi speak about in the paragraph?
 Pick out from the paragraph some examples of kirsi’s routines (daily activities)?
 …………………………………………………………………………..........................................................
 …………………………………………………………………………..........................................................
 I am always cheerful.
 Consider the examples above and answer the following questions.
always-often-usually–sometimes- never- rarely are...........................................

 Arrange these adverbs of frequency on the line given.

 Complete the two sentences below on the basis of the examples above.

a. Adverbs of frequency come ……………………………………………………………………….. 0%

b. Adverbs of frequency come ………………………the verb …………………………………..

Rewrite the following sentences using the Fill in the blanks with the verb in the
adverbs of frequency in brackets. simple present and the adverb of
a. Amin listens to music. (often) frequency in the right place.

b. Sarah gets tired. (rarely) a. Amel ......................................adventure books.

c. I smoke. (never) (always- read)

d. Paul and Tom are in a bad mood. (rarely) b. He home on Sundays.
e. She is polite. (always) (usually- not stay)
f. Sally drinks tea. (sometimes) c. Eline ............happy when she gets presents.
g. Suzan is late for school. (usually) (always- be)
d. I ……..................movies. (often- watch)
e. Sally and Anna ..............................swimming.
(not go- often)

Imagine you were a journalist and you interviewed a student about his daily
activities (routines). Write down the dialogue then act it out to your classmates.
Use the notes below.
 What’s your name?
 How old are you?
 When do you get up?
 I get up at ………………………………..
 How do go to school? By bus- by car- on foot
 What do you do after school?
 After school, I ………………………………………………………….
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Reading and Writing

Read the text below and fill in the table with the appropriate information.

Hi. I am Sara. I am 16 years old. I study in high

school. I like both English and Maths. I neither
watch TV nor listen to music. I prefer to spend my
time reading books. You can contact me either
on Facebook or on Instagram.

Read the sentences below and tick the right answer.

1. Sara likes ........................... a. only English b. only Maths c. the two English and Maths
2. Sara doesn't .................. a. watch TV and doesn't listen to music b. watch TV only c. read book

3. To contact Sara, you can use ................... a. Twitter b. Facebook or Instagram c. Gmail

What conclusions can you draw about the use of correlative conjunctions: “both….and”, “neither….nor”
and “either….or”.

Fill in the blanks using the appropriate words 'both....and’, 'neither...nor’, 'either ....or'.
a. ……………… Anna……………….. Eline prefer Facebook to Instagram.
b. Social media is ……..…………….good ………………….bad. It depends on how you use it.
c. You can …………………download the movie ………………..…….watch it online.
d. I …………………use Instagram ……………….Twitter. Facebook is my favourite social media platform.

Join the pairs of sentences using 'both....and', 'neither...nor', 'either ....or'. Make the necessary changes.

a. Mozilla Firefox is an internet browser b. Google Chrome is an internet browser

a. I don’t have a PC b. I don’t have a mobile
a. You can contact me by email b. You can contact me by phone
Write a short paragraph about yourself (Sara’s paragraph as a model) using correlative conjunctions
then read it aloud to your classmates.
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Reading and Writing

Write a short reply to Kirsi’s email following the plan below.

a. Thank Kirsi for her email

b. Introduce yourself (name, age, hobbies, job of dreams……)
c. Describe your regular activities using adverbs of frequency.
d. Introduce your country briefly. (Location, traditions, language……..)

Dear Kirsi
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Developing Skills

Match the following pictures with their labels.

Graduation party – House warming- Game party - Birthday party

......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................

Match the words given above with their definitions.

Words Definitions
1. House warming a. A cerenomy of successfully completing a university degree.
2. Game party b. A party given by someone who has moved to a new house.
3. Graduation party c. A party to celebrate someone's birthday.
4. Birthday party d. Spending the night with friends playing games and eating.
Imagine you are going to celebrate your birthday party next week. You want your friends and
your teachers to come to the party, what would you do?
Read texts (1-2-3-4) and match them with messages (a-d) that follow.

February2nd, 2021 1 March 22nd, 2021 2 a. A formal

Dear Peter, Dear Mr. George invitation
We will celebrate Anne’s graduation Thank you very much for your
invitation. It will be a real pleasure for
on Thursday, February 06th, from 6 to
me to meet you again.
9 p.m. Come and share with us the b. An informal
I am looking forward to seeing you on
celebration. refusal of an
Friday at 8 p.m.
Regards Yours faithfully invitation

Sam John Smithson

April 15th, 2021 4 c. A formal

March 12th, 2021 3
Dear Mr& Mrs Johnson acceptance of
Dear Nora
an invitation
We would like to invite you to our
Thank you for your invitation. I am
afraid I can't come to the party house warming on Saturday 20th April
because my mother is ill and I have to from 7 to 9 p.m.
attend to her.
We look forward to showing you our d. An in formal
I hope you have good time anyway.
new house.
With love
Yours Sincerely
Thompson Family
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Developing Skills

Compare texts (1-3) and texts (2-4) then tick in the right box in the following table.

Language Style Texts ( 1-3) Texts ( 2-4)

Opening greeting:
Dear + surname
Opening greeting:
Dear Mrs/ Mr/ Miss + surname
Full sentences / using polite requests

Short sentences/ using the imperative

Closing greetings: Best wishes- With love-

Closing greetings: Yours faithfully- Yours
Informal letters
Formal letters

Imagine you are celebrating an occasion (e.g: birthday party). Write formal and informal invitations to

other people. Exchange invitations with your classmates and write acceptance or refusal letters.
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Consolidation and Extension

Read the text below and tick the right answer in the sentences that follow.

Pizza Hut
1. The text is.....
A Part Time Job a. an ad b. an invitation c. a letter
Looking for young and energetic high school students 2. The advertised item is...........
to join our team.
a. a holiday b. a job c. books
Job Requirements
3. The advertiser is.........................
 Age: 16-20
a. Good Taste b. Arts school c. Pizza Hut
 The person should be serious- hard working
and cheerful. 4. To get the job, the person must ……………..
 Work time: Friday and Saturday from
a. be aged 16-20 b. lazy c. speak English
8 to 4 p.m.

Pizza Hut- Freedom Street –Batna- Algeria

Imagine you have read the advert and you want to get the job. What would you do?
Now read the text below and do the activities that follow.

............................... Flowers Street- Batna

December 30th 2020

....................... Match the headings
Pizza Hut- Freedom Street- ..... ........ below with the item they
Batna- Algeria
............................... correspond to in the
Re: Part Time Job
Dear sir, ...............................
1. Salutation
I have seen your advertisement on the internet and I would like to 2. Topic
apply to the job. ...............................
3. Reason of writing
I am a high school student. I am 17 years old. I am an energetic and 4. Sender's address
hard working person. I like meeting people and I get along them
5. Closing+ sender's
easily. I can work both on Friday and Saturday. ............................. name
I truly believe that I am suitable for this job since I’ve already worked 6. Qualifications
in a Fast Food restaurant before. Also, last summer, I had a cooking
7. Receiver's address
training for more than two months.
8. Experience

You may contact me on my email: Amin2003@ gmail. com 9. Date

I am looking forward to hear from you.

Yours faithfully
Amin Sellmi
Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Consolidation and Extension

Fill in this resumé (CV) with information from Amin's letter of application on the previous page.

Name: .............................................
Age: ..................................................
Address: ...........................................
Education: .........................................
Qualifications: .......................................................................................................................

Previous Work Experience: .....................................................................................................................................



Make your own résumé (CV). Then write a letter of application in response to the advert given
below. Use Amin's letter of application as a model.

The Future Kindergarten

A Part Time Job

A job opportunity as ' children assistant'. We are
looking for young people aged between 16-20 who can
deal with children. The candidate must be good at
drawing, singing and can speak English.

Work time: Friday and Saturday from 8 to 3 pm.

The Future Kindergarten6- Auress Street- Batna

Unit: Intercultural Exchanges Assessment

Read the text below and do the activities that follow.

Dear Yasmine,
I have found your address on the internet and I am so pleased to correspond with an Algerian
keypal. I am eager to know more about you and your country. But I have to introduce myself first.
My name is Eliza. I am fifteen. I am a first year student at Nelson Mandela High School. I am quite
tall. I look a bit like my father. I have got his fair hair and dark brown eyes, but I have got my mother’s
On weekdays, I always wake up early in the morning. I often take my breakfast at seven. After
finishing breakfast, I get dressed and I go to school. I generally take the bus because it is a little bit far. At
school, we practise different sports. We sometimes play handball matches.
I live in Johannesburg, the richest city in South Africa. Johannesburg has about 710,000 inhabitants.
The city is well-known for hosting the Earth Summit 2002 and the FIFA World Cup 2010. I am looking
forward to hear from you soon, keep in touch!

Eliza Sincerely,
A/ Comprehension: Eliza
1. Circle the letter which corresponds to the right answer.

The text is...................................... a. a letter of application b. an invitation c. an email

2. Complete the table below with information from the text.

The sender The receiver Topic

..................................................... ........................................................ .......................................................

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. How old is Eliza? ................................................................................................................................................................................

b. How often does Eliza play handball?


c. Is Johannesburg a rich city? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. What/ who the underlined words refer to in the text.

Your (1§) ⤍ ........................................... my (2§) ⤍ .........................................

B/ Text Exploration:
1. Find in the text words which are synonymous with the following
get up= .................................................(3§) famous for= ..............................................(4§)

2. Reorder the words below to get coherent sentences.

a. stay - on - I - Saturdays - home - never – at

b. Cheerful - Eliza - always - is


c. yourself- take- of - care

3. Join the pairs of sentences using the words given.

a. Yasmine speaks English b. Eliza speaks English (both ...........and)

a. To arrive to school on time b. I take the taxi (so as to)
4. Mark the stressed syllable on the following words.
receive - media - letter - invite

Part Two: Complete the following dialogue.

A: Hi. I am a journalist. I am doing a survey about students ‘routines. Can I ask you few questions?

B: Yes, sure.

A: First, what's your name?

B: .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

A: My second question is How old are you?


A: At what time do you get up?

B: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

A: What do you do next?


A: What do you usually do after school?

B: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

A: Thank you for your time

B: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Class: ................................................................

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