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10/13/23, 10:23 AM


Cash and Carry

Detail Informasi Cash and Carry

Status Transaksi : Berhasil Dijalankan

SO Number : 4026552721

No Referensi Transaksi : 20231013084130807865

Rekening Pengirim : 300059000 / WIRA BANGSA BUANA PUTRA PT

Rekening Penerima : 000006464006400

Mata Uang : IDR

Organisasi Penjualan : 2201 - C&T Fuel Retail

Saluran Distribusi : 10 - AGENT/DISTRIBUTOR

Produk : 04 - FUEL

Depot : 1405-Depot Kotabaru

Dijual Ke : 750630 - PT. WIRA BANGSA BUANA PUTRA

Dikirim Ke : 898810 - PT. WIRA BANGSA BUANA PUTRA

Kantor Penjualan : 2216-Rtl Fuel Kalimantan

Grup Penjualan : QDO-SBM Fuel 2 Kalsel

Material Trip Kuantitas per Trip Unit Tanggal Pengiriman Transportir Confirm Cofirm
Qty Date

A040900077 - DEXLITE 2 5 KL 14-Oct-2023 144039 10 14-


Detail Harga

Net Price 141,951,270.00

PPn 16,291,138.00

PPBKB 11,107,596.00

PPh 370,254.00

Total Nominal Gross Price 169,720,258.00

Transfer Fee IDR 5,000.00

Total Biaya IDR 5,000.00

Total Nominal Debet IDR 169,725,258.00

Cetak Tutup 1/1

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