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Received: 15 February 2022 Revised: 25 July 2022 Accepted: 18 September 2022

DOI: 10.1111/jtxs.12724


Effect of food portion on masticatory parameters in 8- to

10-year-old children

 mez-Zúñiga 1
Roberto S. Go | Ana Wintergerst 1,2

Graduate School of Dentistry, Universidad
Nacional Auto noma de México, México City, Abstract
The objective of this study was to explore differences in bite size and the amount of
Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, intraoral processing of four different foods between a reference and a double portion
México City, Mexico in 8- to 10-year-old children and, also to explore if there were differences depending

on the child's weight status. The study was undertaken in 8- to 10-year-old children
n de Estudios de
Ana Wintergerst, Divisio (n = 89). Body mass index was determined, and weight status was established based
n, Facultad de
Posgrado e Investigacio
Odontología, Universidad Nacional Auto noma on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) guidelines. A reference (half a
de México, Av. Universidad, 3000, Ciudad de banana, half a large peeled carrot, a slice of loaf cake, and half a salami stick), and a
Mexico C.P. 04510, Mexico.
double portion of each food were offered to children in a randomized order in two
different sessions. Three consecutive bites were taken and averaged. Variables in this
Funding information
Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de
study were bite size (g), number of cycles until swallowing, sequence duration as well
n e Innovacio
Investigacio n Tecnolo
gica as cycles/g. Comparisons were performed with Mann–Whitney, Kruskal–Wallis, and
noma de
(PAPIIT), Universidad Nacional Auto
México, Grant/Award Number: IN-231320 Wilcoxon tests, regressions and correlations were run. Bite size was ≈13% larger
with the double portion (p ≤ .05 for salami, banana, and loaf cake). Cycles/g
decreased for all foods with the double portion, although only significantly for
banana and loaf cake. Normal and obese children had larger bite sizes (p ≤ .05) of
banana than overweight children, while only obese had larger bites of loaf cake with
the double portion. In conclusion, the bite size of foods in 8- to 10-year-old children
increases (13%) when the portion size is doubled and the larger bite size leads to
fewer cycles/g (8%). These effects differ among foods. These parameters do not
depend on weight status.

bite size, children, mastication, masticatory parameters, obesity, portion size effect

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Keller, 2015). This effect has been studied since portion sizes of many
individual foods and meals have increased over the years (Piernas &
The portion size effect corresponds to a larger intake when food por- Popkin, 2011; Steenhuis, Leeuwis, & Vermeer, 2010).
tions increase; it is observed across different food types, environmen- When the portion size is doubled in adults, there is a 35%
tal conditions, and study populations (English, Lasschuijt, & increase in the amount of food consumed (Zlatevska, Dubelaar, &
Holden, 2014) and consequently energy intake rises (Steenhuis &
This article was published on AA publication on: 22 September 2022. Poelman, 2017). This effect has also been reported in children (Fisher,

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Texture Studies published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

J Texture Stud. 2023;54:67–75. 67


Rolls, & Birch, 2003; Rolls, Engell, & Birch, 2000). Fisher, Liu, Birch, 2 | M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
and Rolls (2007) reported that the total consumption of a child
increases with a larger portion size; energy intake increases as well 2.1 | Design and study participants
(Fisher et al., 2007; Mooreville et al., 2015). Some of the studies on
portion size effect have found that this effect is stronger in obese Bite size depending on the portion size was tested with a within-
adults (Hill & McCutcheon, 1984; Zijlstra et al., 2011) and obese chil- subject crossover design, the comparison of the bite size based on
dren (Smethers et al., 2019). weight status was performed as a cross-sectional study. Participants
Obesity is a complex multifactorial disease, a serious global in the study were 8- to 10-year-old children from two primary schools
health problem and an important cause of morbidity and mortality. of the same socioeconomic level of the same city. Children were
There is a high incidence of obesity among children (WHO, Global excluded if they had any diagnosed systemic disease, dental pain,
Health Observatory data repository, n.d.). Among many factors large cavities or a very loose tooth, evident craniofacial abnormalities,
influencing weight status, there are: food sources and the quality a severe malocclusion (such as a clear class III or a posterior crossbite),
of nutrients, frequent snack eating, ample screen time, less physi- behavioral problems that could complicate the testing procedure, an
cal activity, an incorrect parental perception of the child's weight allergy or a definitive aversion to any of the foods.
status, social, behavioral, or psychological factors, birth weight We performed convenience sampling; 84 children would allow
and commercial advertising (Aljassim & Jradi, 2021; Lee & detecting an increase from 1.68 ± 0.82 (Wintergerst, Garza-Balles-
Yoon, 2018; Parsons, Power, Logan, & Summerbell, 1999). It is teros, & Garnica-Palazuelos, 2016) to 1.93 ± 0.8 g (15% increase) in a
difficult to sort out the relationships between potential factors. bite of salami between the two portion sizes (80% power, alpha of
Genetic factors are also known to play a role in determining an 0.05, one-tailed paired t test) and aimed for 30 children per group to
individual's predisposition to being obese (Lin & Li, 2021; Singh, detect a 0.65 effect size in bite size between nutrition groups (80%
Kumar, & Mahalingam, 2017); however, children may also power, alpha of 0.05) (G*Power 3.1) (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, &
“inherit” parental dietary behaviors and food practices (Larsen Buchner, 2007).
et al., 2015). This study was conducted in conformity with the ethical guide-
The mechanisms of the portion size effect are not clear (English lines of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki and
et al., 2015). Some of the possible drivers that have been suggested was approved by the Ethics Committee of the affiliated institution of
are visual cues, anchoring and adjustment, learning, and reward, as the authors (CIE/0810/11/2018). Written informed consent was
well as previous experiences/expectations (English et al., 2015; obtained from all the parents before the study; children gave their
Steenhuis & Poelman, 2017). One of the facets of the portion size written and verbal assent.
effect that has received little attention is the relationship between
variations in food portion size and intraoral processing (i.e., size of
the bites, number of chews needed to prepare food for swallowing, 2.2 | Test foods and portion sizes
and chews/g). The scarce information on the influence of portion
size on bite size has reported that when portion size is doubled in The foods used for this study were banana (Tabasco), loaf cake
adults, their bite size is larger (Burger, Fisher, & Johnson, 2011). In a (Panque Marmoleado Bimbo), raw carrot, and a salami stick (Peperami
study that only included overweight women increasing the portion Zwan) (Figure 1). These foods were chosen because of their different
size led not only to a larger bite size but also to a faster eating rate texture: two hard foods (carrot and salami) and two soft ones (banana
(g/min) (Almiron-Roig et al., 2015). To the best of our knowledge, and loaf cake). These foods are eaten as a snack, for lunch or during a
information is practically nil in relation to the effect of a larger bite full meal. The data on the bite size was obtained over two different
size on intraoral processing in children. Two studies did not identify sessions, 1 week apart, with portion size (“reference” vs. “double”)
differences in chewing cycles performed over 15 min with a larger randomized (Dado, Atheris Apps). When an odd number, the portion
portion size (Fisher, 2007; Fisher et al., 2003). A recent study in chil- size was “reference” (half a banana, 54.1 ± 10.9 g; half a large peeled
dren chewing two different portions of an artificial test food carrot, 36.5 ± 10.1 g; a slice of loaf cake, 31.5 ± 4.0; and half a salami
reported that food breakdown is less with a larger bolus size since stick, 10.5 ± 0.9 g). When the number was paired, the portion size
less chews per gram are performed (Wintergerst & Go was “double” (a whole banana, 105 ± 13.1 g; a large peeled carrot,
Zúñiga, 2022). 67.0 ± 16.0 g; two slices of cake, 65.4 ± 6.0 g; and a complete salami
Because more information on bite size and to a greater extent on stick, 20.5 ± 1.4 g). The order of the foods was set as salty foods first
other parameters of intraoral processing related to the portion size and then sweet ones since this is the way food is generally offered in
effect are needed in children, the objective of this study was to a meal, but the order of the foods was randomized. When an odd
explore differences in bite size and amount of intraoral processing of number the order was carrot, salami, banana, and cake; when an even
four different foods with a reference and a double portion in 8- to number the order was salami, carrot, cake, and banana. Portion sizes
10-year-old children and, also to explore if there were differences were determined based on the results of a prior study in 8- to
depending on the child's weight status. 10-year-old children (Wintergerst et al., 2016). In this study, we define

was registered and after the child took a bite (no specific instructions
on the bite), they would then return the food to the plate and the new
weight was registered. The subtraction of the weights was used as
the bite size. Children were asked to chew normally when instructed
to start and to lift their hand at the moment they had swallowed the
food completely. The sequence was filmed with a cell phone (iPhone
11 Pro). Bite size (for each food and portion size) was determined as
the average of three consecutive bites. Children could rest between
repetitions if they requested to when asked. The testing time lasted
approximately 10 min per session. At the end of the session, the unea-
ten portions of food for each child were placed in a bag with the name
of the child and given to their teachers so they could give it to them
at the end of the school day.
The first author was standardized by the second author in the
counting of the chewing cycles with natural foods. Reliability between
and within researchers was established over 15 chewing sequences
with each test food (intraclass correlation coefficients, two-way mixed
effect model, absolute agreement, means of raters). There was excel-
F I G U R E 1 Test foods in the study. The reference portion
lent between subject reliability for carrot, salami, and banana
consisted of half a carrot, half a salami stick, half a banana, and a slice
(.960–.998) and good reliability with cake (.858); within-subject reli-
of loaf cake
ability was excellent (.972–.998). A chewing cycle is described as a
cycle with an opening and closing phase as in typical cycles eliminat-
portion size as the amount of food offered to the children (Fisher, ing those clearly used to only shift or conform the bolus (e.g., long
Goran, Rowe, & Hetherington, 2015). cycles with the tongue pressing the cheeks or lips; 0–2 cycles per
To determine the number of cycles required by the children
2.3 | Experimental procedure before swallowing as well as sequence duration, the videos were
downloaded to a computer. Software VLC media player (VideoLAN,
Sessions were undertaken between 1 and 3 hr after either breakfast version 3.0.11) at a reproduction speed of 0.50 was used to analyze
or lunch to avoid a possible hunger effect. The project was pre- and count the number of cycles. Sequence duration was determined
sented to parents of 412 eight- to ten-year-old children during par- by running the video at a normal speed. The number of cycles/g of
ent/teacher meetings; 318 of them agreed to their child's the test food was determined by dividing the number of chews by the
participation and signed the informed consent forms. Since parents child's average bite size of each test food.
had given their informed consent in a parent-teacher meeting, we
first verified that the children met the selection criteria. After
screening for selection criteria, only 91 children were included. Chil- 2.4 | Statistical analysis
dren then watched a 79-s video of a girl explaining the experimental
procedure so that they would feel comfortable and understand the Data was captured in an Excel sheet and later analyzed using IBM
procedure. If they gave their assent, children were weighed with SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 28 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY).
light clothing using a portable electronic scale (Tanita, BF-689) to Descriptive statistical procedures were performed. Data distribution
the nearest 0.1 kg. Height was measured with a tape attached to the was assessed by inspecting skewness and kurtosis. BMI was normally
wall while children were standing straight, looking forward with their distributed, but the other variables were not consistently normally dis-
backs to the wall, with no shoes and heels touching the wall. These tributed for all food, portion size, or weight status. Data are expressed
parameters were used to determine body mass index (BMI) [body as mean ± SD or as the median and interquartile range (IQR) of three
weight (kg)/height squared (m2)]. Children's weight status was deter- repetitions. Data were compared (portion sizes, weight status) using
mined according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nonparametric tests (Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, Kruskal–Wallis, or
(CDC) guidelines (Kuczmarski et al., 2002): obese (≥95th percentile), Mann–Whitney tests). Spearman correlations between BMI and bite
overweight (85th–94th percentile), and normal weight (5th–84th sizes as well as with cycles/g were assessed, and linear regression
percentile). models were tested (with BMI as an independent variable (I.V) and
Before starting the experimental procedure, children cleaned their bolus size/ reference and double portions, as well as cycles/g as
hands with alcohol gel for 60 s. Children were seated on a chair with dependent variables (D.V.), with bolus size with the reference portion
no head support and in front of a table. The experimental procedure as the I.V. and bolus size with the double portion as the D.V., and with
consisted in children taking the food placed on a plate on top of a bite size of each food as the I.V. and cycles/g as the D.V.). Statistical
scale (BEB, 120 g  0.001 g, BOECO, Germany). The initial weight significance was set at p ≤ .05.

3 | RESULTS groups (data not shown); there was only a significant difference for
bite size with banana in obese children (3.95 g IQR 6.3 vs. 1.3 g IQR
Characteristics of the study groups are found in Table 1. Medians for 6.2, p = .023, and .61 g IQR 2.7, p = .004, Mann–Whitney, normal,
the reference and double portions for bite size, sequence duration, and overweight, respectively).
number of cycles needed to reach swallowing threshold, and cycles/g Correlations between BMI and bite size and cycles/g with both
are presented in Tables 2–5. Bite size was larger with the double por- food portions were not significant except for bite size with the refer-
tion for all foods although the difference was statistically significant ence portion of banana ( .240). Linear regressions with bite size with
for salami, banana, and loaf cake (15%, 20%, and 9%, respectively) the double portion as the dependent variable are presented in
(Table 2). Sequence duration was only longer for banana (1%) Table 6. Variance explained by the small portion increases from carrot,
(Table 3). Cycles/g decreased for all foods, but the difference was only to salami stick, to banana and is highest with loaf cake (53%). The
statistically significant for banana and loaf cake (10% and 9%, respec- regressions with bite size of each food as the independent variable
tively) (Table 5). The values for the different nutritional groups for the and cycles/g as the dependent variable were all significant and only
different variables tested are also presented in Tables 2–5. Normal slightly higher for the double portion than with the reference portion,
and obese children had statistically larger bite sizes of banana with but the variance explained was less than 30% for all foods (data not
the double portion (14% and 40%, respectively), while only obese chil- shown). Linear regressions indicate that the variance in bite sizes with
dren had significantly larger bite sizes with loaf cake (24%) (Table 2). the two portion sizes cannot be explained by BMI (data not shown).
Only obese children had significantly longer sequence durations with
salami stick and banana (22% and 8%, respectively) as well as less
cycles/g with banana (31%) (Tables 3 and 5). Obese children had less 4 | DI SCU SSION
cycles/g with the double portion of loaf cake than the normal and
overweight children (Table 5). Differences between the reference and The results of this study indicate that portion size influences bite size
the double portions were also compared between the nutritional in 8- to 10-year-old children and that the 13% larger bite size with a

T A B L E 1 Sample population by sex

Nutritional status group based on body mass index (mean ± SD)
and nutritional status based on their
Normal weight (16.29 ± 1.39) Overweight (19.11 ± 1.32) Obese (22.25 ± 2.42) body mass index
Boys 17 11 21
Girls 17 10 13

TABLE 2 Medians and interquartile ranges (in parenthesis) for bite size for the different foods for the reference and double portions

Food Group Reference Double p=

Carrot Overall 4.65 (3.51) 5.04 (3.71) .309
Normal 4.74 (3.67) 5.17 (3.65) .521
Overweight 4.02 (3.37) 3.86 (3.86) .768
Obese 4.58 (3.51) 5.14 (4.14) .235
Salami stick Overall 1.78 (1.24) 2.04 (1.70) .037
Normal 1.95 (1.27) 2.11 (1.52) .209
Overweight 4.02 (3.37) 3.86 (3.86) .259
Obese 1.60 (0.01) 1.99 (1.88) .228
Banana Overall 10.439 (5.68) 12.532 (9.00) <.001
Normal 11.65 (6.27) 13.27 (9.06) .033
Overweight 10.00 (7.02) 11.05 (4.19) .274
Obese 9.69 (4.68) 13.27 (10.72) <.001
Loaf cake Overall 4.532 (2.42) 4.924 (2.92) .004
Normal 4.62 (1.97) 4.94 (3.00) .191
Overweight 4.53 (2.54) 4.60 (2.41) .205
Obese 4.16 (2.33) 5.15 (3.66) .017

Note: Bite size is expressed in grams. Values with statistical differences between the reference and double portion (Mann–Whitney) are in bold. When
comparing each variable between nutritional groups, for example, bite size with the reference portion between normal, overweight, and obese, no
statistical differences were found.

T A B L E 3 Medians and interquartile ranges (in parenthesis) for double portion of food leads to less intraoral processing (i.e., fewer
sequence duration for the different foods for the reference and cycles/g). Contrary to what was expected bite size did not vary
double portions
consistently between children of different weight status.
Food Group Reference Double p= Different factors affect bite size. The type of food is one of these
Carrot Overall 23.38 (20.06) 25.57 (18.04) .191 factors; in the current study bite size was different for all foods. Bite
Normal 24.38 (23.62) 25.72 (15.76) .817 size was largest for banana followed by carrot; Hiiemae et al. (1996)

Overweight 22.78 (10.85) 23.06 (14.40) .543 found a larger bite size for banana, than for apple or biscuit in adults.
The correlations found between bite size with the reference and dou-
Obese 22.95 (21.07) 29.77 (20.24) .118
ble portion reveal that children with larger bites with the reference
Salami stick Overall 23.97 (13.90) 24.88 (15.20) .069
portion also gave larger bites with the double portion. The weight of
Normal 25.50 (16.25) 25.75 (13.49) .533
the bite of each food with the reference portion explains variance
Overweight 23.54 (10.36) 22.50 (8.95) .958
with the double portion. For example, for each gram of the loaf cake
Obese 20.88 (15.17) 25.51 (19.73) .041
with the reference portion, bite size with the double portion increased
Banana Overall 10.51 (4.59) 10.66 (6.45) .019
by 0.81 g (r2 = .53). Bite size of three of the four test foods increased
Normal 9.60 (3.38) 9.46 (8.12) .804 with the larger portion size. This increase was largest for banana and
Overweight 10.71 (4.66) 9.83 (3.17) .848 not statistically significant for carrot, perhaps due to its texture or pal-
Obese 10.70 (6.04) 11.59 (8.34) .001 atability. This result coincides with a study in which when larger por-
Loaf cake Overall 14.75 (9.30) 14.88 (7.61) .487 tions were served to children, they ate greater amounts of all food
Normal 14.60 (10.14) 14.70 (9.36) .765 types except vegetables (Smethers et al., 2019) and another study
Overweight 14.87 (7.85) 13.63 (6.74) .931 where 5- to 6-year-old children were offered the same amount of

Obese 15.04 (11.10) 15.32 (8.33) .228 pasta with a normal or double amount of applesauce, broccoli or car-
rot as side dishes; the intake of the fruit side dish increased but not of
Note: Sequence duration is expressed in seconds. Values with statistical
the vegetable side dishes (Kral, Kabay, Roe, & Rolls, 2010). Children
differences between the reference and double portion (Mann–Whitney)
are in bold. When comparing each variable between nutritional groups, for often link vegetables to negative sensory experiences, and they prefer
example, sequence duration with the reference portion between normal, the taste of fruit or junk food to vegetables (Krølner et al., 2011).
overweight, and obese, no statistical differences were found. The average increase in bite size for all four foods was 13%. This
increase is similar to the results of the few studies available in children,
although they tested with a soft composite food item. In 3- to 5-year-
T A B L E 4 Medians and interquartile ranges (in parenthesis) for old children, Fisher et al. (2003) reported that the bite size of macaroni
cycles needed to reach swallowing threshold for the different foods and cheese when given in a reference and double portion increased by
for the reference and double portions
12% with the double portion. Fisher (2007) evaluated bite size in 2- to
Food Group Reference Double p= -9 years olds with the same setup and foods and found that bite size
Carrot Overall 31.33 (26.33) 33.33 (22.67) .525 was 22% larger overall with the double portion of the entrée, although
Normal 33.67 (25.25) 33.67 (21.67) .959 the effect was smaller in the 8- to 9-year-old children.

Overweight 32.33 (16.17) 29.33 (13.33) .715 This trend is similar in adults. Bite size of obese women was eval-
uated with different portion sizes of chili-con-carne sauce with rice.
Obese 30.33 (27.75) 37.17 (30.17) .322
The finding was that for every 100 g increase in the portion, bite size
Salami stick Overall 28.67 (20.67) 30.33 (16.00) .180
increased by 10%; although in that study, subjects were asked to fin-
Normal 33.83 (20.33) 31.50 (13.49) .811
ish all the food on the plate (Almiron-Roig et al., 2015). Another study
Overweight 26.67 (17.33) 28.00 (15.00) .543
in adults eating a reference and a double portion of pasta reported
Obese 26.33 (23.00) 26.67 (24.92) .142
that bite size increased ≈18% with the double portion (Burger
Banana Overall 9.00 (6.00) 9.33 (6.00) .306 et al., 2011). Among the possible explanations that have been pro-
Normal 9.50 (6.17) 10.17 (7.17) .647 posed for the so-called portion-size effect are visual cues (English
Overweight 8.87 (5.17) 7.67 (3.50) .673 et al., 2015). In this study, adults were evaluated with both portion
Obese 9.00 (6.83) 9.67 (5.67) .303 sizes under two conditions: seeing the food and blindfolded; unex-
Loaf cake Overall 14.00 (8.33) 13.67 (7.00) .911 pectedly, bite size increased with the larger portion sizes in both test
Normal 15.00 (10.67) 15.00 (9.58) .578 conditions.
Overweight 14.00 (8.17) 12.67 (4.67) .945 The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy

Obese 13.17 (7.92) 13.33 (8.50) .607 imbalance between the calories consumed and those expended
(WHO, 2021), thus the interest in studying a possible association
Note: When comparing each variable between nutritional groups, for
between portions, bite sizes, and energy intake. When portion size is
example, number of cycles to reach swallowing threshold with the
reference portion between normal, overweight, and obese, no statistical doubled, the amount that children consume increases by 20% on
differences were found. average (Zlatevska et al., 2014). While total energy intake increases

TABLE 5 Medians and interquartile ranges (in parenthesis) for cycles/g for the different foods for the reference and double portions

Food Group Reference Double p=

Carrot Overall 7.18 (3.34) 6.74 (3.41) .367
Normal 7.78 (3.48) 6.94 (2.54) .242
Overweight 7.21 (3.11) 7.09 (3.71) .958
Obese 6.88 (4.53) 6.46 (5.09) .765
Salami stick Overall 15.94 (8.94) 14.59 (8.60) .629
Normal 16.69 (11.04) 14.50 (6.55) .457
Overweight 14.73 (9.49) 14.59 (7.79) .520
Obese 14.91 (6.60) 14.29 (11.32) .808
Banana Overall 0.80 (0.52) 0.72 (0.53) .004
Normal 0.78 (0.49) 0.79 (0.42) .144
Overweight 0.88 (0.57) 0.72 (0.57) .434
Obese 0.91 (0.73) 0.63 (0.64) .007
Loaf cake Overall 3.39 (1.89) 3.07 (1.60) .049
Normal 3.45 (1.49) 3.44 (1.81) .614
Overweight 3.26 (2.15) 3.04 (1.06) .205
Obese 2.91 (2.23) 2.45 (1.36) .108
Differences between groups Kruskal–Wallis, p = .050; Mann–Whitney, p = .025 normal vs. obese

Note: Values with statistical differences between the reference and double portion (Mann–Whitney) are in bold. When comparing each variable between
nutritional groups, the only differences found between the reference and double portion were for banana.

TABLE 6 Linear regressions with the bite size with the double portion as the dependent variable

Dependent variable Independent variable Gradient Intercept R2 Pearson's r p≤

Carrot Bite double portion Bite reference portion .519 2.745 .203 .451 .001
Salami Bite double portion Bite reference portion .763 0.716 .321 .567 .001
Banana Bite double portion Bite reference portion .766 5.283 .352 .593 .001
Loaf cake Bite double portion Bite reference portion .810 1.428 .529 .727 .001

with increased portion sizes, it does so mainly because of high energy reported a tendency toward preschool children with a higher BMI to
dense food, and weight status does not appear to drive this effect have larger bite sizes regardless of the portion size but they did not
(Mooreville et al., 2015). Most studies evaluate the portion size effect find the same effect in their 2007 study using the same test food in 2-
basically over a single meal, but in a study including all meals over to 9-year-old children. In a study that included 4-year-old children sta-
5 consecutive days in a childcare setting, Smethers et al. (2019) identi- tistically significant differences in bite size (1.8 vs. 2.2 g, p = .002)
fied that children's body size is positively related to consumption of were found between normal and overweight children (Fogel
larger portions, even after energy needs are taken into account. The et al., 2017). However, the testing procedure they used was different
increased energy intake from the larger portions persisted over the since they included 9 foods in a buffet with children serving them-
entire 5-day period and the increase was mainly due to a higher con- selves freely; they counted the bites over the whole meal giving them
sumption of high energy density foods and less low energy dense a better opportunity to detect a difference, which we could not iden-
foods. In our study, bite size increased more with the high than with tify with specific food items and only 3 bites.
the low energy dense foods. The relationship between bite size and nutritional status is also
Very few studies have evaluated the relationship between bite unclear in adults; some studies have not found an influence of weight
size and children's nutritional status consequently the effect of a status on bite size (Burger et al., 2011; Spiegel, 2000), while others
larger bite size in obese children is unclear. We sought to analyze if have (Hill & McCutcheon, 1984; Zijlstra et al., 2011). Mattfeld, Muth,
heavier children have larger bite sizes or if they are more susceptible and Hoover (2017) reported an increase of 0.20 g in bite size per BMI
to the portion size effect. We did not find differences in bite size for point increase in a cafeteria setting with adults freely selecting the
any of the foods between the three weight groups and the linear amount and type of food from more than 300 different foods.
regressions indicate that the variance in bite sizes with the two por- We did not find the expected differences in sequence duration or
tion sizes cannot be explained by BMI. Fisher et al.'s (2003) study number of cycles to reach the swallowing threshold between the

reference and double portions or among the different nutritional sta- the gastrointestinal tract is faster for these children than for normal
tus children. Differences were found in these parameters when these weight children (e.g., cycles/g for cake with the double portion). It was
same children were tested chewing two different bolus sizes of an interesting to find that under careful inspection there are more signifi-
artificial test food but the increase in bolus size was larger (25% cant differences for the obese children which were not seen in the
instead of 13%) although likewise, no differences were found for other nutritional groups, this leads us to think that there are differ-
these two variables among the nutritional groups (Wintergerst & ences in the way obese children eat, but we were not able to detect
 mez-Zúñiga, 2022).
Go important differences with our study design. In adults, it has been
The reasons suggested for the portion size effect are many reported that as obesity increases, bite size and eating rate increase
(Steenhuis & Poelman, 2017; Zuraikat, Smethers, & Rolls, 2019). One (amount/second), although body size is also an important contributor
possibility is that we assume that the food on the plate is what we are (Hill & McCutcheon, 1984). On the contrary, White et al. (2015)
expected to eat or should eat (appropriateness mechanism according matched overweight or obese (adults) with normal BMI participants
to Steenhuis & Poelman, 2017), especially as children. Food-related and based on EMG activity chewing rate did not differ between high
parenting practices definitively influence the way children eat and normal BMI participants while eating two rice and one pizza
(Laessle, Uhl, & Lindel, 2001; Loth, 2016). An evolutionary theory indi- meals. The rheology and palatability of the food items used in differ-
cates that one should eat when food is available (Kersbergen, German, ent studies definitively influence study results.
Westgarth, & Robinson, 2019). If we assume that we should enhance We acknowledge the limitations for the current study. The most
intake when there is more food available, a strategy to try to finish important one may be that we only studied three consecutive bites
the food probably over the same time period could be to increase bite for each child under standardized conditions. Other studies have eval-
size and try to finish the food eating faster, which would necessarily uated the portion size effect over a whole meal with mixed or amor-
have an effect of reducing oral processing. This speculation would go phous foods, or over several meals, although this allowed us to have
along with our findings: a larger bite size with children performing less data for each individual food. The study was performed at a school,
chews per gram with the double portion size, although the difference and despite not a home environment, children habitually eat their
was only significant for banana and loaf cake. In relation to chews/g, lunch at school so we considered that the setting was more appropri-
the smaller the ratio, the greater the rate at which food is delivered as ate than if the study would have been performed in a laboratory.
a source of metabolic energy to the gastrointestinal tract (Lucas & Overweight and obesity are among the main factors that contrib-
Luke, 1984). Two studies in children reported no differences in bite ute to non-communicable diseases. Because larger portion sizes lead
frequency (chews during 15 min) between the reference and the dou- to more daily total energy intake in children (Fisher et al., 2015), the
ble portion sizes (Fisher, 2007; Fisher et al., 2003). A study in adults, development of healthy food portion sizes is considered to be central
did find that portion size and eating rate (g/min) were positively corre- to obesity prevention in childhood (WHO Technical Staff, 2014). It is
lated (Almiron-Roig et al., 2015), indicating that oral processing time surprising that there is scarce research relating the microstructure of
per amount eaten is reduced as in our study. It is important to men- eating to the portion size effect, particularly bite size, chewing rate,
tion that when these same children chewed on two different portions and amount of intraoral processing in children. Consequently,
of an artificial test food, chews/g decreased as the bolus size although complex, there is a need for further research in this area with
increased and the effect of less cycles/g lead to a larger particle size many factors to consider such as rheology, palatability, energy dense-
mez-Zúñiga, 2022).
at the moment of swallowing (Wintergerst & Go ness, and so forth, without neglecting the important role that market-
Therefore, although we did not evaluate the median particle size of ing and parents play in establishing portion norms early in children's
the chewed food at swallowing threshold, we can assume that the lives.
median particle size was larger with the double portion because there
were less chews/g for all foods with the double portions and this
effect was present for all nutritional groups. 5 | CONC LU SIONS
A fast-eating rate is significantly associated with greater risk of
being overweight in children (Garcidueñas-Fimbres, Paz-Graniel, Nishi, The bite size of food for 8- to 10-year-old children increases 13%
, & Babio, 2021) and is associated with increased adipos-
Salas-Salvado when the portion size is doubled. The results of this study contribute
ity in adolescents (Fagerberg et al., 2021). Fogel et al. (2020) reported valuable information on the portion size effect on cycles/g, which is
that the association between risk factors for obesity and adiposity at an important variable for the microstructure of eating. The 13% larger
6 years of age was moderated by eating behaviors such as bite size bite size leads to 8% fewer cycles per gram which indicate less
and eating rate and in their 2017 study they identified that intraoral processing. These effects differ among carrot, salami stick,
overweight children ate faster (g/min). We did not find that obese banana, and loaf cake. Bite size and oral processing did not vary con-
children eat faster, although when we compared the differences in sistently among children of different weight status; larger sample
cycles/g for the reference and double portions for the three nutri- sizes or different methodologies might be needed to further explore
tional groups, we identified that cycles/g were slightly less for the if they are truly not different in obese children. Further research is
obese than for the overweight and normal weight children. Thus, the needed in relation to the portion size effect and intraoral processing
delivery of each gram of food with its potential metabolic energy to in children.

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Fisher, J. O., Goran, M. I., Rowe, S., & Hetherington, M. M. (2015). Fore-
 mez-Zúñiga: Data curation (equal); formal analysis
Roberto S. Go fronts in portion size. An overview and synthesis of a roundtable discus-
sion. Appetite, 88, 1–4.
(equal); software (equal); writing – review and editing (supporting).
Fisher, J. O., Liu, Y., Birch, L. L., & Rolls, B. J. (2007). Effects of portion size
Ana Wintergerst: Conceptualization (lead); data curation (equal); for- and energy density on young children's intake at a meal. American
mal analysis (equal); funding acquisition (lead); project administration Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 86(1), 174–179.
(lead); software (equal); writing – original draft (lead); writing – review ajcn/86.1.174
Fisher, J. O., Rolls, B. J., & Birch, L. L. (2003). Children's bite size and intake
and editing (lead).
of an entrée are greater with large portions than with age-appropriate
or self-selected portions. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77(5),
This study was supported by a grant (IN-231320) from Programa de Fogel, A., Goh, A. T., Fries, L. R., Sadananthan, S. A., Velan, S. S.,
Michae, N., … Forde, C. G. (2017). A description of an ‘obesogenic’
n e Innovacio
Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigacio n Tecnolo
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(PAPIIT), Universidad Nacional Auto greater adiposity in 4.5year-old children: Results from the GUSTO
would like to acknowledge the authorities, parents, and teachers of cohort. Physiology & Behavior, 176, 107–116.
mez-Zúñiga would like
the two schools that participated. Samuel Go 1016/j.physbeh.2017.02.013
Fogel, A., McCrickerd, K., Aris, I. M., Goh, A. T., Chong, Y. S., Tan, K. H., …
to thank CONACyT for the scholarship during his Master's program.
Forde, C. G. (2020). Eating behaviors moderate the associations
between risk factors in the first 1000 days and adiposity outcomes at
DATA AVAI LAB ILITY S TATEMENT 6 years of age. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 111(5), 997–
Data may be accessible upon a reasonable request. 1006.
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How to cite this article: Go
Public Health Nutrition, 13(6), 852–857. A. (2023). Effect of food portion on masticatory parameters in
8- to 10-year-old children. Journal of Texture Studies, 54(1),
Steenhuis, I., & Poelman, M. (2017). Portion size: Latest developments and
interventions. Current Obesity Reports, 6(1), 10–17. 67–75.

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