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Welcome. ta the Weald of Lteatuce ~ Sig/ReAoins Focus An allegory — ig 2 sto tor ry astact oF Moral concepys”” "Which the characters, stings, and events stand f and events stand for bods An Epic In Pro Form; bomen spect eae | Divine Com, | gle The structure of the poem, likewise, is ikewise, is qué complex, with mathematical and numerological patterns, The poem is fen lauded for Is parulary human qualities: Dante's skilful delineation f the characters he encounters in Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise; his bitter denunciations of Florentine and Jalan politics; and his powerful poetic imagination. = “Anyi Kecer Dante called the poem "Comedy" (the adjective “Divine” was added later inthe 14 century) because poemsin the ancient world were classified as High (Tragedy’) or Low ("Comedy’) wien Dante is thity-ive vgs 018, los in 2 dark woag (understood 35 sin il beasts (a liom 2 leog ind a st ether fashionable courtly eve aston Inferno Dante and Virgil begin their journey the underworld ic the Inferno reP oe it three xs of sin: the self-indulger we Nae ae ee eo ho rete ie the viglent, and the malCOUS | Fe ei, conteining four indulgentsins (us. main divisions Of Dante's + the sins of violence, and Circles 8 and 9 Tpatrony, avaice, 203 Co | eachen). Added onto these ae two ule lice (frat for the sins of malice 191 Wome ta the Wald of Lluatn Circle 1, contains the imbo, within % fore etn cial ps Ct ey eta jean ee ng te Soe es an sete th re Ciacco and other glut steisminssinnsdeiad coco cacesohr gus dre punished for tei apettes and Cie 6, contin

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