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Developing Person Through the Life Span 10th Edition Berger Test Bank

Developing Person Through the Life Span 10th

Edition Berger Test Bank

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1. About ____ percent of babies cry “excessively,” defined as more than three hours a day,
for more than three days a week, for more than three weeks.
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20
D) 35

2. Tang is a 3-month-old infant. Which of the following behaviors has probably just
A) distress
B) laughter
C) social smile
D) fear

3. Which of the following emotions is the last to develop in an infant?

A) fear of strangers
B) anger
C) pride
D) curiosity

4. Andrew has recently begun to display the emotion of anger. Andrew is most likely ____
A) 3 weeks old.
B) 3 months old.
C) 6 months old.
D) 9 months old.

5. Roseanne is several hours old. Which of the following emotions is already apparent?
A) social smile
B) reaction to pain
C) embarrassed crying
D) fear of strangers

6. Which behavior develops around 6 weeks of age?

A) anger
B) laughter
C) fear of unexpected sounds
D) the social smile

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7. At 6 weeks of age, baby Jessica's newest emotional reaction is MOST likely to be
A) fear of strangers
B) a wide-eyed look of surprise
C) a social smile
D) a squeal of delight at her favorite toy

8. An infant's anger is usually triggered by _____.

A) sadness
B) fear
C) frustration
D) shame

9. Baby Chang participated in a research study in which the researcher restrained Chang's
arms for two minutes. Which emotion did Chang likely experience?
A) sadness
B) fear
C) anger
D) shame

10. Increased levels of cortisol are associated with an infant experiencing _____.
A) sadness
B) anger
C) well-being
D) secure attachment

11. Separation anxiety and stranger wariness are two kinds of ____ in infancy and
A) sadness
B) anger
C) fear
D) regulatory strategies

12. When a baby acts upset because a caregiver is leaving, the baby is exhibiting _____.
A) general anxiety
B) separation anxiety
C) solitary fear
D) fear of isolation

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13. An infant's distress at seeing an unfamiliar person is called “_____.”
A) stranger wariness
B) extrafamilial fear
C) fear of the unknown
D) separation anxiety

14. Which statement about infants' emotional development is true?

A) The social smile in response to another person first appears at about 12 weeks old.
B) Very young infants seem incapable of expressing distress and contentment.
C) A 5-month-old baby is likely to display fear of strangers and separation anxiety.
D) An 11-month-old baby may show separation anxiety when her mother goes into
another room.

15. If separation anxiety remains intense after age 3, impairing a child's ability to leave
home, go to school, or play with other children, it is considered a(n) ______.
A) red flag for maltreatment
B) normative, as anxiety is common up until the age of 7
C) emotional disorder
D) indication of severe cognitive impairment

16. Four-month-old Tammi and 13-month-old Dawn are left with a babysitter. How will
they react?
A) Tammi will be more upset than Dawn.
B) Dawn will probably show more distress than Tammi.
C) Both Tammi and Dawn will be experiencing separation anxiety.
D) Neither girl is likely to show distress.

17. Which emotion requires an understanding of social awareness?

A) fear of strangers
B) anger
C) pride
D) curiosity

18. Which characteristic must be present before an infant can experience pride, shame, or
A) social awareness
B) social skills
C) stranger anxiety
D) embarrassment

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19. The new emotions that appear toward the end of a child's second year are _____.
A) joy, distress, fear, and anger
B) pride, shame, embarrassment, and guilt
C) joy, fear, shame, and guilt
D) pride, shame, joy, and anger

20. Which statement about emotional development in toddlers is true?

A) Toddlers will universally feel proud of themselves.
B) Emotions like pride and humility are dependent on cultural values.
C) Toddlers are naturally humble.
D) Toddlers are no longer distressed when separated from their parents.

21. If we place a dot of rouge on a 20-month-old girl's nose and stand the child in front of a
mirror, she may then touch her own nose. This indicates that the child has some _____.
A) dynamic perception
B) perceptual constancy
C) social referencing
D) self-awareness

22. Researchers placed a dot of rouge on babies' noses and then had them look into a mirror.
On average, at what age did most babies touch their own noses when they saw their
A) 3 months
B) 6 months
C) 9 months
D) 18 months

23. Tremal, 20 months, recently started using first-person pronouns. His mother is
somewhat concerned that Tremal constantly asserts his rights to objects, shouting,
“Mine!” Even when playing with his brother, Tremal doesn't want to share toys, instead
insisting that everything is “mine.” What does Tremal's behavior show about his
emotional development?
A) Tremal has developed a sense of self-awareness.
B) Tremal's anxiety has become a source of anger.
C) Tremal is being selfish and his mother needs to discipline him.
D) Tremal is trying to establish that he is the “boss” at home.

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24. Eight-month-old Tiffany's parents often fight and scream, which has escalated to
physical violence on multiple occasions. What effect might this environment have on
her brain development?
A) Her hypothalamus may grow more slowly than normal.
B) Her prefrontal lobes will be overdeveloped.
C) Her dendrites will likely overdevelop.
D) Her anterior cingulate gyrus will be damaged.

25. Research has found that a person's temperament is _____.

A) highly variable from one country to the next
B) determined almost entirely by parenting
C) linked to biological patterns that appear in infancy
D) created during early social interactions

26. Cry variations in early infancy correlate with later _____.

A) attachment
B) intelligence
C) temperament
D) language skills

27. Which of the following statements about temperament and personality is true?
A) They are different terms for the same concept.
B) Personality is biologically based, while temperament is shaped by the environment.
C) Both temperament and personality are present at birth.
D) Temperament is not the same as personality.

28. Experience connects the ____ and the ____, and it helps infants connect their feelings
with those of other people.
A) hippocampus; limbic system
B) frontal lobes; brain stem
C) amygdala; prefrontal cortex
D) brain stem; amygdala

29. Adam is playful but sometimes moody; fussy but generally tolerant; and sometimes
quiet and at other times boisterous. His temperament would be categorized as “_____.”
A) easy
B) challenging
C) difficult
D) hard-to-classify

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30. According to the New York Longitudinal Study, at what age can infants' temperaments
first be classified?
A) 1 month
B) 3 months
C) 6 months
D) 12 months

31. What are the four categories of temperament suggested by the New York Longitudinal
A) easy, difficult, unregulated, hard-to-classify
B) easy, insurgent, slow-to-warm-up, hard-to-classify
C) easy, difficult, slow-to-warm-up, hard-to-classify
D) mellow, tense, shy, indeterminate

32. Contemporary researchers believe that there are three dimensions of temperament, each
of which affects later personality development and school performance: ____
A) easy, slow-to-warm-up, unclassified
B) secure, insecure, disorganized
C) easy, secure, difficult
D) effortful control, negative mood, exuberance

33. According to a longitudinal study on temperament, which followed participants into

adulthood, which infant is most likely to change from infancy to age 4?
A) Yolanda, who is exuberant and easygoing
B) Michaela, who is inhibited and fearful
C) Nellie, who is fussy and unpredictable
D) Paulette, who is sometimes positive and sometimes fearful

34. Which young boy is MOST likely to be strongly affected by his mother's
A) Kim, who is anxious and difficult
B) Jerry, who is easygoing
C) Trenton, who is a hard-to-classify child
D) Ko, who is a slow-to-warm-up child

35. The coordinated interaction between caregiver and infant is called “_____.”
A) scaffolding
B) synchrony
C) symbiosis
D) interplay

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36. The crucial aspect of synchrony is _____.
A) infants observing adults
B) infants imitating adults
C) mutual interaction
D) unilateral imitation

37. Victor and Rosa want to enhance their synchrony with their 6-month-old daughter. They
can best do this by _____.
A) imitating her vocal and facial expressions
B) watching her imitate their mouth movements and smiles
C) listening to her vocalizations
D) including her in their conversations

38. Jimmy's dad comes home from grocery shopping, sees Jimmy sitting on the sofa, and
says, “Where's that boy of mine?” Jimmy gives his dad a smile that spreads across his
entire face, and his dad responds with an exaggerated surprised look. This is an example
of _____.
A) psychosocial scaffolding
B) symbiosis
C) polarization
D) synchrony

39. Synchrony depends on _____.

A) attention span
B) stable mood
C) responsiveness and timing
D) breast-feeding

40. In one study, mothers were instructed to interact with their infants by copying their
babies' facial expressions, and then, on cue, to show no emotional reaction at all. This
procedure is called the “_____ technique.”
A) facial mimicking
B) emotional expression
C) still-face
D) social response

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41. Mary is playing with her infant daughter Rosalie. Mary responds to Rosalie's facial
expressions by mimicking and exaggerating the same expressions. All of a sudden,
Mary's face becomes blank and she does not show any emotion. How is Rose likely to
A) Rose will probably frown, fuss, drool, or look away from her mother.
B) Rose will be glad for the break and will probably fall asleep.
C) Rose will exaggerate her mother's facial expression.
D) Rose will smile and coo even more to try to get her mother to respond.

42. The lasting emotional bond that an infant forms with a caregiver is called “_____.”
A) temperament
B) attachment
C) unionization
D) synchrony

43. “Proximity-seeking” and “contact-maintaining” behaviors are displays of _____.

A) love
B) fear
C) attachment
D) friendliness

44. Based on many decades of research, attachment appears to be _____.

A) based on cognitive theory
B) stronger in mother-son pairs than father-son pairs
C) universal around the world
D) limited to Western cultures

45. Which of the following children is illustrating characteristics of a secure attachment?

A) Xu is willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver.
B) Morgan refuses to let other children play with his toys.
C) Valerie clings to her mother in a new environment.
D) Chad mimics his mother's expressions in a familiar environment.

46. Secure attachment makes a toddler _____.

A) willing to explore
B) self-centered
C) cling to the mother
D) want to talk a lot

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47. Baby Carrie's father is holding her. She is smiling at him one minute and then,
unexpectedly, she slaps his face, which is typical for her. Carrie frequently engages in
other odd behaviors, such as freezing in place and pinching herself so hard it leaves
bruises. Carrie is demonstrating characteristics of _____ attachment.
A) insecure-avoidant
B) disorganized
C) secure-detached
D) insecure-resistant/ambivalent

48. Jerome clings to his mother and refuses to leave her lap. When she walks into another
room, Jerome throws a huge temper tantrum. However, when his mother returns, he is
not relieved. Instead, he cries and hits her. When she puts him down, he throws another
fit and puts his arms up to be held. Jerome is exhibiting characteristics of _____
A) insecure-avoidant
B) insecure-resistant/ambivalent
C) secure
D) disoriented

49. Nine-month-old Taran explores new environments when his mother is present but
shows distress when his mother leaves the room. However, when she returns, Taran
stops crying and greets her with a hug. Taran is exhibiting characteristics of _____
A) secure
B) insecure-resistant/ambivalent
C) insecure-avoidant
D) disorganized

50. A sign of secure attachment is when a child _____.

A) refuses to let go of the caregiver's arm
B) plays aimlessly without interacting with the caregiver
C) shows extreme fear and anger
D) maintains contact with the caregiver while exploring

51. Which child is demonstrating characteristics of secure attachment?

A) Jennifer, who ignores her father while sitting in a corner
B) Jaron, who expresses fear at the sight of his mother
C) Chase, who makes contact with his mother after she re-enters the room
D) Emily, who refuses to let go of her father when he attempts to place her on the

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52. Ruby does not notice when her mother leaves the day-care center and ignores her
mother when she returns. Ruby's behavior is characteristic of _____ attachment.
A) insecure-avoidant
B) insecure-resistant/ambivalent
C) secure
D) disorganized

53. ____ developed the now-classic laboratory procedure called the Strange Situation.
A) Erikson
B) Freud
C) Skinner
D) Ainsworth

54. The Strange Situation measures how a child _____.

A) responds to a stranger
B) plays with a parent
C) responds to separations and reunions with a caregiver
D) plays with toys he or she has never seen before

55. In the Strange Situation, a sign of insecure attachment might be _____.

A) smiling at the mother when she returns to the room
B) crying and unable to be comforted when the mother returns
C) seeking contact with the mother when reunited
D) playing happily as long as the mother is present

56. In the Strange Situation, a sign of secure attachment is _____.

A) smiling at the mother when she returns to the room
B) crying and not being comforted when the mother comes back
C) ignoring the mother when she returns to the room
D) being reluctant to leave the mother to play with new toys

57. Harry's mother left him for a few minutes. When she returned, Harry climbed into her
lap and then resumed playing. Harry is probably a(n) _____ attached child.
A) insecurely
B) securely
C) timidly
D) disorganized

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58. Josh is 15 months old. His parents are happy in their marriage and financially stable.
Most likely, Josh's attachment type will be _____.
A) insecure-resistant/ambivalent
B) insecure-avoidant
C) disorganized
D) secure

59. According to research on Romanian orphanages, children who were adopted before
____ months of age fared best.
A) 6
B) 30
C) 36
D) 41

60. According to research on Romanian orphanages, children who were adopted after 18
months tended to score ____ points lower on intelligence tests than the statistical norm.
A) 5
B) 10
C) 15
D) 20

61. A baby searches the faces of her parents to see how to respond in unfamiliar situations.
The baby is illustrating the concept of “ _____.”
A) separation anxiety
B) social referencing
C) stranger anxiety
D) uncertainty checking

62. A parent and a toddler meet someone who makes the parent nervous. If the toddler
observes the parent's face, she will probably _____.
A) act anxious
B) smile and reach for the person
C) start crying and hit the person
D) not show any reaction

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63. Abed is 12 months old, and his uncle Frank is visiting for the first time in 6 months.
Frank is delighted to see his nephew, so as he enters the room, he booms, “There's my
little man!” Abed looks to his mother, who is smiling broadly at her brother Frank, and
crawls to her to be picked up. Abed is demonstrating _____.
A) attachment disorder
B) social referencing
C) a slow-to-warm-up temperament
D) insecure attachment

64. Rodney was raised on a farm in Utah and enjoys the taste of beef liver cooked with
onions. Sarah was raised in New York City and would never think of eating beef liver,
but she very much enjoys sushi. What explains their differences in food preference?
A) differences in attachment styles
B) biological differences in their taste buds
C) behavioral reinforcement
D) social referencing

65. Compared to mothers, fathers are more likely to make their infants _____.
A) stop crying
B) laugh
C) go to sleep
D) say “please”

66. When playing with their children, mothers are more likely than fathers to _____.
A) engage in physical play
B) help children to become less fearful
C) engage in noisy play
D) play peek-a-boo and patty-cake

67. Geoffrey enjoys spending time with his 1-year-old son. Compared to his wife,
Geoffrey's interaction with their son is likely to be _____.
A) more actively playful
B) less noisy and boisterous
C) more involved with basic care
D) less active and energetic

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68. When playing with their children, fathers are more likely than mothers to _____.
A) read stories
B) engage in physical play
C) show them how to play with their toys
D) give them food rewards

69. A child's typical activity during the oral stage is _____.

A) sucking on a pacifier
B) toilet training
C) feeling a blanket using the fingers
D) playing peek-a-boo

70. According to psychoanalytic theory, the child's prime focus of pleasure in the first year
of life is the _____.
A) anus
B) stomach
C) hands and feet
D) mouth

71. According to Freud, the second stage of psychosexual development is called the “____
A) phallic
B) anal
C) trust versus mistrust
D) oral

72. Freud claimed that during the anal stage, _____.

A) infants often find urinating and defecating to be painful
B) toilet training leads to positive mother–child interactions
C) infants find pleasure in stimulating and controlling the bowels
D) infants strive to develop a sense of trust in the parents

73. How do people become “fixated” in a Freudian stage?

A) They experience excessive emotions.
B) Their normal developmental urges are frustrated.
C) Their mother is not their primary caregiver.
D) They fail to undergo a normal cognitive metamorphosis.

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74. A child fixated in the oral stage may become an adult who____
A) eats too much.
B) is excessively neat.
C) tends to be introverted.
D) has intense fears.

75. Freud would attribute an adult's fingernail biting and overeating to problems during
which childhood developmental stage?
A) sensorimotor
B) oral
C) anal
D) phallic

76. Annalise is an adult who requires predictability and regularity in all aspects of her life.
She eats the same breakfast every day, organizes her clothes by color in her closet, and
gets distressed when the milk is put on the wrong shelf in the refrigerator. Annalise
appears to be fixated at the _____ stage.
A) sensorimotor
B) oral
C) anal
D) phallic

77. According to Erikson, the first crisis of life is _____.

A) obtaining oral gratification
B) controlling bodily functions
C) learning pain and pleasure
D) learning trust or mistrust

78. Erikson's second stage of psychosocial development is called “_____.”

A) attachment versus self-awareness
B) pride versus shame
C) trust versus mistrust
D) autonomy versus shame and doubt

79. According to Erikson, if a child develops a sense of trust, he or she will ______ as an
A) explore the social world
B) become dependent on others
C) overcome a difficult temperament
D) not experience any mental health problems

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80. A toddler in Freud's anal stage would also be at Erikson's _____ stage.
A) autonomy versus shame and doubt
B) oral
C) trust versus mistrust
D) object permanence

81. According to Erikson's theory, what holds true for most toddlers?
A) They want to depend on their caregivers to meet all of their needs.
B) They want to gain a sense of control over their own bodies.
C) Toilet training is only a minor step in learning a sense of autonomy.
D) They need to have guilt and shame in order to strengthen their sense of autonomy.

82. Another term for self-rule is _____.

A) governed
B) synchrony
C) autonomy
D) controlled

83. According to Erikson, failure to develop autonomy over one's own actions is most
closely identified with _____.
A) mistrust
B) synchrony
C) the oral stage
D) shame and doubt

84. The autonomy versus shame and doubt crisis involves the child _____.
A) exhibiting a sense of trust
B) asserting control over his or her own actions
C) developing a sense of worthiness
D) getting along with other children

85. The Western value of independence is clearly exhibited in _____.

A) Erikson's stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt
B) Freud's oral stage
C) Piaget's sensorimotor stage
D) Bandura's social-learning theory

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86. Huan is 20 months old, and his mother is in a hurry. She wants to put his shoes on, but
Huan rejects that by squirming and declaring, “No! Me!” It takes him five minutes,
and his shoes end up on the wrong feet, but he proudly skips out to the car when he's
done. Huan is in Erikson's _____ stage.
A) trust versus mistrust
B) autonomy versus shame and doubt
C) anal stage
D) oral stage

87. According to traditional behaviorism, personality is _____.

A) molded by one's parents
B) due to nature
C) in the unconscious mind
D) unchangeable

88. Which theorist stated, “Failure to bring up a happy child, a well-adjusted

child—assuming bodily health—falls squarely upon the parents' shoulders”?
A) Erikson
B) Skinner
C) Freud
D) Watson

89. _____ learning takes place by observing others.

A) Cognitive
B) Psychoanalytic
C) Social
D) Developmental

90. Developmentalists have found that social learning takes place through _____.
A) early childhood
B) middle childhood
C) adolescence
D) life

91. Margarita and Roberto are warm, nurturing parents who hold their baby often. They are
exhibiting _____ parenting.
A) proximal
B) distal
C) authoritarian
D) autonomous

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92. When Caitlin falls and hurts herself, she cries and runs to her mother. Rather than
comforting Caitlin, her mother offers her a toy to distract her. Her mother is probably
a(n) _____ parent.
A) proximal
B) distal
C) authoritative parent
D) slow-to-warm-up parent

93. Distal parenting tends to produce children who are _____.

A) compliant
B) cooperative
C) clingy
D) self-aware

94. Proximal parenting tends to produce children who are _____.

A) self-aware
B) compliant
C) competitive
D) independent

95. In the study comparing children in rural Cameroon with children from urban Greece,
which children were observed spending the greatest time being held by their mothers?
A) 3-month-old Cameroonian children
B) 3-month-old Greek children
C) 18-month-old Cameroonian children
D) 18-month-old Greek children

96. According to cognitive theory, infants use their early relationships to develop a set of
assumptions that become a frame of reference that may be used later in life. Such a set
of assumptions is called a “_____.”
A) referential hypothesis
B) working model
C) schematic plan
D) work-in-progress

Page 17
97. A working model, according to cognitive theory, _____.
A) can never change
B) is final
C) can be reorganized
D) is irrational

98. Evolutionary theory stresses two needs: ____.

A) survival and reproduction
B) food and socialization
C) food and shelter
D) familial and social

99. Allocare refers to the care of children by _____.

A) their biological parents
B) foster parents
C) siblings
D) people other than their biological parents

100. When Birgitta gave birth, her mother moved in with the young family to help care for
the newborn. This sort of caregiving by someone other than the baby's parent is called
A) kangaroo care
B) allocare
C) kinship
D) humanism

101. In the United States, about 20 percent of infants are cared for _____ throughout their
first year of life.
A) exclusively by their mothers
B) by a grandparent
C) by professionals at a day-care center
D) by a professional in a family day care

102. Center-based day care is common in countries like France, Israel, and China, where
A) parental policies are highly variable by location and employer
B) there is no maternity leave
C) it is heavily subsidized by the government
D) most people are opposed to allocare

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103. Which is NOT an essential characteristic of high-quality day care?
A) encouragement of language development
B) experienced, professional caregivers
C) cleanliness routines and accident prevention
D) a ratio of one adult to three infants

104. The care of children by people other than the biological parents is called “ ____.”
A) center day care
B) allocare
C) decentralized day care
D) extrafamilial day care

105. Day care in which several paid, trained providers care for many children in a space
designed especially for the purpose of day care is a type of _____.
A) allocare
B) decentralized day care
C) non-familial day care
D) extrafamilial day care

106. According to research, children in the United States generally benefit from maternal
employment, for all of the following reasons EXCEPT _____.
A) reduced parental depression
B) increased family resources
C) mothers finding worthwhile work
D) less interaction between mother and child

Page 19
Answer Key
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. A
24. A
25. C
26. C
27. D
28. C
29. D
30. B
31. C
32. D
33. B
34. A
35. B
36. C
37. A
38. D
39. C
40. C
41. A
42. B
43. C
44. C

Page 20
45. A
46. A
47. B
48. B
49. A
50. D
51. C
52. A
53. D
54. C
55. B
56. A
57. B
58. D
59. A
60. C
61. B
62. A
63. B
64. D
65. B
66. D
67. A
68. B
69. A
70. D
71. B
72. C
73. B
74. A
75. B
76. C
77. D
78. D
79. A
80. A
81. B
82. C
83. D
84. B
85. A
86. B
87. A
88. D
89. C
90. D

Page 21
Developing Person Through the Life Span 10th Edition Berger Test Bank

91. A
92. B
93. D
94. B
95. A
96. B
97. C
98. A
99. D
100. B
101. A
102. C
103. D
104. B
105. A
106. D

Page 22

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