Scene 3 and 4

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Matilda the Musical Script

Scene 3:

Miss Honey: Now, who would like to polish off what's on the board?

Kids: Me!

Miss Honey, Me!

Miss Honey: Matilda, How about you?

Miss Honey: We'll discuss how...

Miss Honey: Matilda, what are you doing?

Matilda: Well, I'm polishing it off. Like you said.

Miss Honey: Oh.. No, I meant to polish it off. Is.. that correct?

Matilda: Well, yeah. And then I thought I may as well do the rest.

Miss Honey: The rest?

Matilda: You know, the prime numbers. Where the X is the square of AB reoccur. So, I
realized they must have done it knowing it was part of a sequence.

Miss Honey: Is math your favorite thing?

Matilda: It's okay. But what I really like is reading.

Scene 4:

Miss Honey knocks on the door

Trunchbull: Enter

Trunchbull: Don't just stand there like a wet tissue, get on with it.

Miss Honey: Yes, yes, Sorry.

Miss Honey: So, Miss Trunchbull, there is in my class, a girl called Matilda Wormwood

Trunchbull: Matilda Wormwood, daughter of Mr. Harry Wormwood. Excellent man. He

warned me about that brat though said she's a real.. wart.
Miss Honey: No, Headmistress, I don't think-

Trunchbull: No. No, you do not. What is the school motto Miss Honey?

Miss Honey: Bambinatum est Maggitum

Trunchbull: Bambinatum est Maggitum, "Children are maggots"

Miss Honey: It is my opinion that she should be placeed in the top form with the 11-
year-olds. Immediately.

Trunchbull: But, what about the rules, Honey?

Miss Honey: I believe that Matilda Wormwood is an exception to the rules.

Trunchbull: An exception? To the rules? In my school?

Song: The Hammer

Trunchbull: Look at these trophies

See how my trophies gleam

In the sunlight, see how they shine

What do you think it

took to become English

Hammer-throwing champion


Do you think in that moment

When my big moment came

That I treated the rules

With casual disdain


As I stepped up to the circle

Did I change my plan? Hmm what?

As I chalked up my palms
Did I wave my hands? I DID NOT!

As I started my spin

Did I look at the view?

Did I drift off and dream

for a minute or two?

Do you think I faltered or amended my rotation?

Do you think I altered my intended elevation?

As the hammer took off did I change my grunt

From the grunt I had practiced for many a month?

Not a jot, not a dot did I stray from the plot

Not a detail of my throw was adjusted or forgotten

Not even when the hammer left my hands

And sailed up, up above the stands

Did I let myself go?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

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