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Conemnty Seles Sal ‘August 14, 2028 DELIVER BY EMAIL: ric Eric Jonsson, Chait ofthe Board of Directors Out of the Cold (076) Community Association PO Box 36180 15675 Spring Garden Road Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 989 Dear Mr. Jonsson Re: Out of the Cold Community Association (OTC) -Issues of Concern ‘The relationships we hold with our service provider organizations are key to the sucessful delivery of ciical services funded through the Department of Community Services (DCS). We remain commited t supporting the success of these relationships, including the work undertaken by the Out of the Cold Association (OTC). However, there are very serious allegations and ‘concerns that have been shared with DCS related to the Halifax and Dartmouth modulas that must be addressed immediately. Given the seriousness of the conoems brought forward and the lack of accaptable resolution to date on key issues discussed with OTC, the department rogues specific actions be undertaken immediately by the Board of Directors for OTC to address the issues detalles below. ‘As you are aware, DCS and OTC have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in place with aterm of January 1, 2022, to Dec 31, 2024, outning specifies regarding funding for modular ha.sing in Dartmouth and Halfax, fora total of 64 units, Following significart communications from MLAS, Councilors, service providers, Department of .lustice, Halfax Regional Police, Halifax Regional Municpally staff, and community members, DCS has identified numerous concems regarding compliance with the SLA and unlawful activities suspected to be taking place atthe modular sites. If these concems are not adcressed, t could result inthe end of turther funding and early termination ofthe SLA (per SLA Schedule F, Section 12, Termination, This letter is meant to communicate our concems, referencing SLA sections as applicatle, and provide the Board an opportunity o respond. 2 SIGNIFICANT CONCERNS 2 3) SLA Schedule A ~ Services, Section 2. Service Provider Responsibiltios ‘This section references safe, dignified housing, slong with harm reduction programming and other similarly themed service requirements related to sefety of individu, ‘+ Italso references the requirement to be responsive and address any complaint raised with respect to the Halifax and Darimouth sites, including complaints by the general public and other community partners. + Councilors, MLAS, community members, Halifax Regional Police, and others have raised numerous concems to DCS about criminal actviles such as drug traficking. ‘and potential trafficking of individuals. + OTC staff have obstructed police responses to emergency calls at the modular sites, including 911 calls by modulars residents. + OTC has not taken steps to mitigate and address the noted risks in a meeningtul manner. SLA Schedule F ~ Torms and Conditions, Section 2, Service and Service Standards ‘+ This section indicates the Service Provider (OTC) warrants it has the personnel, ‘experience, qualifcations and other resources to provide the Services in accordance with the requirements of the SLA. ‘+ OTC has not made acceptable efforts with community partners to increase supports fn site, and access staf training. DCS has conoams OTC staff are nat appropriately trained to manage the complexity of residents, SLA Schedule B ~ Evaluation, Outcomes & Reporting ‘+ This section requires speciied reporting due at SLA signing, and on an annual bass. It states that submission of reporting documentation is necessary for DCS t> have ‘assurance terms and conaiions are met. tfunher indicates tna late SuDMISsien, Inat hhas nat been approved, can result in held payments, ‘+ OTC has not provided the reporting outlined in the SLA, and DCS has not aparoved late submissions. FUNDING CONDITIONS/ REQUIRED ACTIONS BY OTC ‘As a focus of intervention to address the above concoms, the Board wil need to action the following items in the timelines noted. This is necessary to ensure the safely of residerts and ‘other parties, and to comply withthe SLA. In doing so, the Board will work with Board Governance ‘consultant Judy Heer. Ms. Hefforn will support the Board in meeting the below requirements ‘and provide feedback to both OCS and the OTC Board. AA) On Letter Dete (immediate) ~ cease intake at both the Halifax and Dartmouth sites to allow for a circuit breaker at both sites. Intake will only be resumed when OTC can satisfactory display to DCS that significant matters have been addressed. Achievement ofthe folowing items B-1 wil be contributory factors for DCS when considering resumption of intake, 8. 8B) Within 1 week from Letter Date — implement and enforce a strict no-guest policy CC} Within 1 week from Letter Date - develop a plan fr onsite 24/7 security forthe rerroval of rnon-residen's, and appropriately respond to any criminal activity identified, Security wall be contracted by DCS and wil be responsible for providing dally reporting to the Homelessness and Supportive Housing Division. 1D) Within 1 week from Letter Date - cease all supports to non-residents through drop-in services (Exception: people revistering for services). E) Within 2 weeks from Letter Date - develop and present lo DCS a protocol and training for staff relaing to collaborative responses with Halifax Regional Police. F) Within 3 weeks from Letter Date - submit a plan to provide staf training on working with clients experiencing mental health crisis and substance use. ) Within 4 weeks from Letter Date — submit polices, procedures and practices of OTC's harm reduction model and organization's vision and mission related to harm reduction services and supports H) Within 4 weeks from Letter Date — submit outstanding reporting documentation outined in Schedule Bof the SLA, | trust Board membsrs understand the seriousness of the above concerns and are committed to ‘the required actions. OCS recognizes addtional nancial support may be neaded for one er more: ff the above actons. Please contact Meredith, Executive Lead, Homelessness and Supporive Housing, if you have speciic questions regarding the requirements outined In closing, | express my appreciation forthe contributions of the Board fo your community, DCS 's eager to suppor this work and achieve positive outcomes forthe individuals served. Sincerely, ; soy Knight Executive Director, Employment Support and Income Assistance ccc: Brandon Grant, Executive Director, Strategic Operations and Innovation Meredith Cowan, Executive Lead Homelessness Ryan DeCoste, Director, Service Provider Supports

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