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Test A

1. Read the text. Complete the gaps with these words: spring – cornflakes- penicillin

2. Read again and answer

Who was slinky invented by?


How much was the first slinky sold for?


Have you ever played with slinky?


When were the first packs of cornflakes


Who discovered penicillin?


3. Complete the gaps with passive voice (present or past) of the verbs in brackets.

Disease is one of man’s greatest enemies. Between 1347 and 1351, about 25
million people in Europe (1) _______________________________(kill) by the
Black Death. Before vaccines, people (2) __________________________(not
protect) from disease. The first vaccine
________________________________(make) in about 1800, but the theory
________________________________(not understand) for another 50
years. Today, vaccines (5) ____________________________(give) to most
children in developed world, but more vaccines(6) _______________________________ (need)
in poorer countries.
The first vaccine (7)________________(create) by an English doctor named Edward Jenner in
1796. He saw that people who (8)____________________ (infect) by the mild disease called
cowpox rarely got smallpox, which is more serious. Experiments (9)__________________ (do) to
find out why. He scratched material from a cowpox sore into the skin of a healthy boy. The boy
got cowpox. Then, material from a smallpox sore (10)_______________________ (scratch) into
the boy’s arm. The boy stayed healthy. The cowpox material was a vaccine against smallpox.

Test B

1. Read the text. Complete the gaps with these words: spring – cornflakes- penicillin

2. Read again and answer

When was slinky invented?


What happened when it was pushed?


Why was the corn toasted?


Where were cornflakes invented?


Have you ever had cornflakes for breakfast?


3. Complete the gaps with passive voice (present or past) of the verbs in brackets.

Who doesn’t like sweets? Sweets (1) ____________________________ (love) by

people everywhere–and not only by children. At our house, a sweet dessert
______________________________ (enjoy) by the whole family after every
meal. My favourite dessert (3) _____________________________ (invent) many
years ago – by mistake!
One day in 1905, a drink (4) ___________________________ (leave) outside by an
eleven-year old boy named Frank Epperson. The drink had a mixing stick in it. It
was very cold that night and the drink froze. When the frozen drink (5)
_____________________________ (take) out of the cup, it stayed on the stick. That’s how the
first ice lolly ____________________________________ (create). Of course, ice
lollies __________________________________ (not sell) in shops
immediately. After all, their inventor was only a boy! But eighteen years later, Frank Epperson
opened an ice lolly factory.
Today, millions of his sweet creations (8) ________________________ (eat) worldwide.
However, ice cream is much older. The first commercial ice-cream factory
(9)_____________________ (establish) in 1851 by Jacob Fussellin Baltimore, Maryland. The
industry grew and developed in all parts of the United States. The ice-cream soda
(10)____________________ (introduce) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1874, and the ice-
cream cone appeared in 1904 at the world’s fair in St. Louis, Missouri.

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