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Discover how to live
the life you have always wanted
with passion and purpose

Discover how to live
the life you have always wanted
with passion and purpose
First edition: February 2022

Published by Alicia Carrasco Rozas

To Marc,
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be
reproduced, incorporated into a computer system, or Thank you for being my guide,
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, my North, my unconditional companion
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) and my lover in this life.
without the prior written permission of the copyright Thank you for being the witness of each
holders. The infringement of these rights may constitute and every one of my days.
an offense against intellectual property. I would walk this and a thousand more lives with you
always at my side.
Note: The opinions expressed in this book are those
of Alicia Carrasco Rozas, who is not acting as a doctor,
I Love You.
psychologist or any other type of health professional.
This book is to be used as a source of general information
and should not be used to diagnose or treat any health
problem. The information presented in this book is not
to be used to replace a professional medical treatment.
Please consult with your doctor if you have any specific To Marc Jr and Brianna,
health needs before making changes to your lifestyle or
diet. Thank you for showing me
what it means to feel pure and unconditional love
Copyright © Alicia Carrasco Rozas, 2022 right from the day you were born.

Cover, design and DTP: María José Díaz Villarroel

English translation: Simon Davies

Printed in the United States

ISBN: 9798837294549
Discover how to live
the life you have always wanted
with passion and purpose



Introduction 13


Chapter 1 · Understanding who you are 19

Chapter 2 · You attract what you want 31

Chapter 3 · Your internal responsibility 43


Chapter 4 · Your thoughts and your

physical well-being 51

Chapter 5 · The self-healing ability of your body 57

Chapter 6 · Movement and internal balance 65

Chapter 7 · A holistic approach

to your health 71

PA R T 3 | YO U H AV E A L I F E P U R P O S E

Chapter 8 · Your inner truth 91


Chapter 9 · The path towards

your purpose in life 97

Chapter 10 · Free Goodwill 125

Chapter 11 · Happiness 125



Chapter 12 · Habits and goals 135

Chapter 13 · Create your life vision 145

Chapter 14 · Align your habits and goals

with your life vision 159

Conclusion 169


Imagine for a moment that you are able to live

a life in which you have everything you have always
wanted. A life in which every morning when you wake
up you feel a tremendous urge to leap out of bed and
get on with doing everything that you plan to do with
your day, because it fills you with excitement, passion
and motivation. A life where there are no worries, stress
or obligations. A life that fills you with energy, one that
makes you feel more alive, more capable and happier day
after day, because you have perfected the art of making
smart decisions that are in line with who you are and
what your purpose is here on Earth. A life where you feel
everything happens exactly as it should.
Imagine feeling such self-confidence that you
are able to achieve everything that you set your mind
to, including your most fantastic dreams. Imagine that
you are capable of achieving this with the tools that you
already have within you.
It may seem impossible to achieve, but it is not.
And the best news of all is that you can do it by simply
being true to who you are inside, and I mean your real
internal and most pure “I”, not the “I” imposed on you
externally by the roles that you play within society.


Normally, when we define ourselves, we use our

name, where we live, what we do, our character traits,
etcetera. However, this definition of who we are is a
definition that simply focuses on the superficial aspects
of our being. Going beyond that and defining ourselves
at a much deeper level; really understanding who and
what we are is a much more complex task.
This internal discovery is what I propose in this
book. And how by taking responsibility for your thoughts,
emotions and actions, you can shape the life that you
have always wanted.
If you are prepared to live a life of passion and
purpose, then you are in the right place. I feel honored
that you have decided to read these pages and let me
help you on this journey of self-discovery in which I
am going to share my most inner experiences and the
things I have learned which have helped me understand
life from a much broader and liberating perspective. I
hope that these pages you are about to read contain
the small treasures that revive the flame of your real self
within you.
Let us begin.

P a r t O n e

Chapter 1
Understanding who you are

Chapter 2
You attract what you want

Chapter 3
Your internal responsibility
C h a p t e r 1


Who am I? All of us at some point in our lives ask

ourselves this question seeking a much deeper meaning
in the answer than simply our name, surname, where we
were born, where we live, what we do, etcetera.
And in spite of being what seems to be a very
simple question, in reality it is very complex to answer, and
very often -especially if you have never really stopped to
think deeply about it- we go straight to the obvious and
respond according to the established social parameters.
Normally, this definition that we create of ourselves
is usually an external definition of ourselves, in other
words, a definition that others have created for us based
on what they think, value and see in us. And it is based
on this external definition that we gradually believe our
internal concept of who we are and what our position in
this world is.
This is what we learn from the moment we are
able to think for ourselves and begin to understand the
world around us. From the first time, at the age of around

YOU ARE ENERGY Understanding who you are

two, when you consciously looked at the mirror, pointed your life. It can be a fairly daunting task to understand who
at yourself and the adult standing next you said that you really are, if you continuously base how you define
the image was you and associated it with your name. At yourself on the color you see through your glasses.
that moment, the actual identification of who you were To understand who you truly are deep down,
commenced with that image, that body that you saw perhaps you need to dig a bit further to discover that
reflected in the mirror and that name they had given you something which is constant and unchangeable within
from outside. you. This task is the most intense and most gratifying
That is the first conception we have of ourselves, journey that any person can take in their life, because
and far from being the only one, it is not until you are understanding who we truly are is where the longed-for
little older when you begin to understand that you are answer to our challenges, problems and difficulties that
not just Alicia, John or Mary, but you can also be many we associate with the path of life lies.
other things at the same time, sister, husband, father,
responsible, chatty, shy, distracted, good at math, naughty YOU ARE THE OBSERVER
and a long etcetera of adjectives and roles that end up
defining who you are and your personality. Each one of us is formed by a body, mind and soul.
So, without realizing it, you grow and you build your To a great extent, your body corresponds to the visible
vision of the world and your experiences based on these part of yourself in this physical dimension, the mind and
beliefs that you unconsciously construct about yourself. soul, to your invisible partner.
Beliefs which in reality are only based on thoughts created Generally speaking, we normally identify ourselves
in your mind time and time again about who you are and firstly with the most obvious part of our being: our body.
how you perceive the world. However, although we are linked to our body in this
But how real are these beliefs and thoughts? Can physical dimension of reality, we are not this body. In
they be totally different for each person? The answer is fact, your body is more a temporary vessel that you have
that they are only real in the mind of who has them. And been given to enjoy and experience the sensations offered
they function as if you were wearing glasses tinted with by the visible world in which you live but it is not who
a specific color through which you see yourself and the you are in reality.
world around you. And this color that you can now see can So, are you your mind? Are you your thoughts? Are you the
change totally depending on how you evolve and grow in voices that are constantly in your head? While hundreds of

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YOU ARE ENERGY Understanding who you are

thoughts swarm around your mind every day, you are not the mechanisms of consciousness, logic, survival, etcetera,
really those thoughts, but rather you are the observer of making it possible for us to understand the world from a
those thoughts. In other words, on a much more internal richer perspective and be aware of it at the same time.
level, you are the person observing those changing and Your mind is the most powerful computer to exist and as
volatile thoughts. such is capable of achieving extraordinary things.
This concept is extremely important: you are the Your mind is capable of overcoming behavior or
observer of your thoughts. negative thought patterns that you had in the past and
Its importance is such that if you accept that you are imprinting new and positive ideas if you are capable of
merely an observer within yourself of these thoughts and giving it the appropriate instructions. As Robin S. Sharma
emotions that are constantly generated in your mind, so eloquently stated, “the mind is a wonderful servant,
you suddenly have the power to decide what thoughts but a terrible master”.
to create and which ones not to create, which thoughts It is perhaps interesting to visualize your mind as
to pay attention to and which ones to ignore. if it were a pretty garden, and it is your task to look after
You go from being a victim of your thoughts to it, to give it the compost it needs for the flowers and
leading them and being responsible for each and every plants to continue growing stronger and stronger, and
one of them, actively deciding what to believe and what to prune the branches and remove the weeds that grow
not to believe. which could choke the new flowers that wish to bloom.
Once you understand this from a profound Being the gardener of your mind, for want of a better
perspective, and as you put it into practice every day, description, is the most important task of your life.
you are capable of beginning to understand the infinite The mind has the ability to adapt to anything that it
potential you have within yourself. A potential that lies perceives as truth or reality, but at the same time is unable
hidden and dormant the majority of the time behind to decide for itself what that truth or reality is. So, when
that turmoil of thoughts and emotions that our mind is we are watching a romantic film and the heroes at the
constantly creating. end of a fantastic adventure reunite and give each other
The key is understanding that your mind is another that long-awaited kiss, we become emotional, laugh or cry.
part within you. An extremely important part because it But we know that it is just a simple film, right? Even so,
is your most powerful tool in order to walk throughout our mind perceives it as real and automatically produces
the world. As human beings, it is what provides us with all a series of chemical reactions in our body which end up

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YOU ARE ENERGY Understanding who you are

generating this sensation of happiness or even the tears Jews “Ruach”. Each one of them an attempt to express
in our eyes. what it is that gives us life, that energy behind everything,
The mind does not know what is real and what that animates everything and causes the universe to be
is not. Our mind only understands and acts based on in constant growth. It is the energy that surrounds it and
the stimuli that we give it, and your thoughts are the creates everything.
main stimuli that your mind constantly receives, as it is When one begins to think about this in the deepest
through the thoughts that you choose to have, which manner possible, truly meditating on this question of
forms your view of life in general, or yourself and each whether everything is energy, it is difficult to go back to
situation in which you find yourself. contemplating reality from a separatist perspective -full of
The mind, as the mere servant that it is, works opposing ideas and comparisons- because suddenly you
on the basis of the stimuli that it receives -good or understand that essentially, we are all the same. We are
bad- and processes them so that your perception of the essentially the same life energy expressed in different
world is aligned with those thoughts, while at the same forms, deep down, we are not so different from the trees,
time attracting situations and people to your life who an ant, a bird or a flower.
are on this same wavelength, or as they say in energy We are all interconnected in this immense network
terms, vibration. of energy that emits vibrations. And as human beings, this
energy is the energy that inhabits this body and mind for
YOU ARE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY a limited time with the aim of growing and evolving until
reaching its maximum potential.
In the deepest part of your being, you are this Your soul is precisely this creative energy and it
observer of your mind and body, you are ultimately the came into this world with everything it needed in order
vital energy that has made it possible for your body and to grow, learn and fulfill its purpose here and experience
mind to be created and begin to function in this dimension the world in this physical dimension of reality. However,
of reality. your soul knew that when it entered your physical body it
This vital creative energy has received different would be pushed into the very background of your being
names over the centuries depending on the culture: the and perhaps even be forgotten. Which is why, from time
Japanese call it “Ki”, the Indians “Prana”, the Chinese “Chi”, to time, it reminds you that it is still there.
the Iroquois Indians of North America “Orenda”, and the Most of the time it reminds you with a simple

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YOU ARE ENERGY Understanding who you are

whisper that you hear sometimes telling you about your of clay began to fall loose and he discovered that it had
deepest wants and desires; and on other occasions, it been concealing a beautiful statue of Buddha made entirely
screams for your attention to be heard and listened to, in of solid gold.
the form of anxiety, nerves, depression, malaise, constant From underneath this clay disguise, Buddha
bad mood, restlessness, insomnia, and so on. All of this, is appeared, three meters high and weighing five and a
nothing more than your soul seeking attention; after all, half tons and made out of solid gold. The statue is now
it came here to fulfill its purpose, YOUR purpose on this in the Wat Traimit temple, today known as the Golden
Earth, and it is in the very bottom of your being, buried Buddha Temple.
under the thoughts, expectations, problems and external When investigating the origin of the Buddha, it was
obligations that do not help in the development of your discovered that several hundred years ago, the monks
true potential. decided to cover the statue with clay to prevent it from
There is a true story that illustrates this very well. being stolen by invaders that were heading towards
The famous story of the Golden Buddha. A group of monks Thailand. After the invasion, all the monks from that
decided to move a large clay figure of Buddha to another temple were murdered and no-one had been left to reveal
temple, due to some works that were going to destroy the what was hidden underneath the clay Buddha. And so it
temple where the sacred statue was currently located. To remained totally unnoticed for hundreds of years until
carry out the task they used a huge crane and they had 1957, when this great hidden treasure was discovered.
just started to move the statue when it slipped and fell to This is a true and very visual story, from which we
the floor. The figure lay on the floor outside the temple can extract a clear moral. In one form or another, we all
covered with a tarpaulin until another crane could come have this Golden Buddha within us. We have all come to
and help to move it. this world with a purpose, and that is to shine and be
That night, there was a heavy rainfall and one of who we must be. And it is only when we dare to leave
the monks, being concerned about the condition of the aside those multiple layers of clay, which we ourselves
statue, went out to check it and cover it so that it would and others gradually cover us with from the outside,
not get too wet. Imagine his surprise when he arrived to can we begin to understand what our treasure really is.
discover that through one of the cracks in the surface of Finding out what this treasure within you is and living in
the clay there was a flash of light. Slowly, he began to alignment with it is your birthright. This is the reason why
gently tap the statue with his hammer until more pieces you are here.

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YOU ARE ENERGY Understanding who you are


When you are young, you create a vision You are the vital energy that resides in
of yourself based on what others think, the deepest part of you, the energy that
value or see in you. made it possible for your body and mind
to exist in this dimension of reality.

The beliefs that you have about yourself

make you see the world in a specific Your soul is this creative energy. It is
manner, as if wearing color-tinted glasses in the deepest part of your being and
and seeing the world and yourself in only it guides you towards the life that
that color. you have really come to live here, but
it is normally hidden behind all those
thoughts and emotions that your mind is
Meanwhile, hundreds of thoughts run constantly forming.
around in your head day after day, you are
not those thoughts, you are the observer
of those thoughts. We have all come to this world with a
purpose, and that is to shine and be who
we must be.
The mind is unable to distinguish what
is or is not real. It only understands and
acts based on the stimuli it receives: Finding out what this treasure hidden
your thoughts. within you is and living in alignment with
it is your birthright.

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C h a p t e r 2


Discovering the reason why you are here, who you

really are and what your infinite potential is, is a process of
awakening. It is a process that involves gradually chipping
away at those layers of clay, like in the story of the Golden
Buddha, to discover the Inner self that is hidden in the
deepest part of each one of us and which is excited
about getting out and enjoying life in its most pure and
true form.
The awakening process is something marvelous,
but it is also a long and painful path on many occasions
because it means having to face the fears, wounds,
frustrations, and so on, that you have been hiding within
yourself, denying and even ignoring them.


In my case, I vividly remember the day when for

the first time in my life (at the age of 32) I realized that all
the problems I had had in my life had been caused because

YOU ARE ENERGY Yo u a t t r a c t w h a t y o u w a n t

I was insecure. And it was this insecurity that had led me that insecurity began to crumble and I discovered an inner
to be defensive, to be prideful, to feel internal anguish, strength that is with me today, making me more aware of
to self-sabotage, to be afraid of every decision, to not the patterns I used to fall into during my daily life -such
accept my defects or weaknesses, to feel guilty about as becoming annoyed, getting into a bad mood or giving
everything, etcetera. Apparently, I had always appeared defensive answers- helping me to get out of them faster
to be a person who was very secure and confident, but when certain situations occur or even avoid falling into
nothing was further from the truth. them before they happen.
Personally, it took me years and a great deal of Gaining this awareness and clarity requires an
effort to grow internally, until I realized that nothing was ongoing awakening. It requires a daily commitment
going to work if I continued running from that sensation to yourself -through routines that calm the mind and
of insecurity that I had deep down inside of me. It was a increase your vibrational energy- and to continue working
part of myself that I sincerely hated. I did not understand in that direction of internal honesty and kindness, without
why I had to feel that way all the time, so without realizing judging or sabotaging yourself, allowing yourself to be
on a conscious level, I decided to cover up that feeling who you really are, in spite of what the subconscious
that made me feel so bad. patterns acquired throughout your life or the outside world
It was not until I sat down in front of that insecurity tell you.
and looked it in the face, that I began to gain an internal Creating this level of change in your life also
clarity and feel an inner force like nothing I had ever felt requires a certain responsibility.
before. So, rather than turning away from that insecurity, Responsibility for each one of your thoughts,
I embraced it and tried to understand, from the bottom experiences and feelings. This means gaining total
of my heart, the reason why it was there, what it wanted control of how you react to everything, given that the
to tell me and what I had never listened to. Without only thing you can control in any situation is how you
judging, and from a place of utmost kindness and humility, perceive it, in other words, your reaction to it. This
I made my peace with this feeling, understanding that it involves taking responsibility for your life, facing your
had been there all that time just to help me awaken and fears and understanding that your happiness is only under
evolve internally like I had never done before. your control.
From that moment onwards, the unconscious The key to commencing this process of internal
blockages that had been built within me through fear of discovery, is to simply begin, even without knowing where

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YOU ARE ENERGY Yo u a t t r a c t w h a t y o u w a n t

it will take you. You do not need to have the whole path and undeniable happiness within you.
laid out for you. You just need to take the first step, then When you reach this point of internal discovery,
the next, and so on. Once you start to do this, the path you understand that living only makes sense if you
will begin to open up before you, like magic. are undeniably you. More and more social rules and
expectations disappear about what you should be or do,
FINDING BALANCE and with this inner strength you advance in the world, from
a higher vibrational energy, which without you realizing
The vast majority of people spend their lives living affects everything and everyone around you, because you
out of sync with their inner self, where their deepest wishes have begun to live in balance with your soul, with your
and aspirations live, and the daily life that they lead. This deepest Inner self.
imbalance may display itself at its most critical points, in But what does it mean to begin living with a higher
the form of illness, anxiety and digestive problems, for vibrational energy and how does this affect everything
example. Or it may simply manifest itself in a subtle form and everyone around you? We all know of people who
in your day-to-day life, or even in recurring dreams, as if it have a special light or even transmit peace and happiness
were an irritating travel companion, whispering that you when we are around them, and vice versa. Quite often
are ignoring something. Making it obvious to you that we use the term good vibrations or bad vibrations to refer
there is a sensation of longing for something that you to that feeling that this person gives us, or even certain
are destined to be, that there is a more important agenda situations, etcetera.
waiting for you and that your way of life and reason for It is no coincidence. We use these terms because
being are not at all in balance. in reality what we are referring to is precisely that each
Gandhi wisely once said that “Happiness is when one of us is energy living in a constant and infinite energy
what you think, what you say, and what you do are in field where everything is interconnected.
harmony”. In other words, when one returns to their To explain this and to understand it a bit better, we
natural balance, by being true to oneself in every act and need to talk about the quantum field. Quantum physics
thought. And this is precisely when you really begin to appeared in 1925. A physics that came to explain certain
listen to that whisper and pay attention to that sensation principles of Newton’s traditional physics that had been
of longing, when you begin to regain that state of natural the norm when explaining the universe until that moment.
internal balance that produces that feeling of constant This new physics said that there was an invisible energy

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YOU ARE ENERGY Yo u a t t r a c t w h a t y o u w a n t

field that forms and surrounds everything, something beings emitting energy field vibrations that connect
that Newton’s physics had not taken into account at all. everything in the Universe.
This meant the beginning of a new way of conceiving the The truth is it is not necessary to perfectly
universe and ourselves as interconnected elements in this understand the concept of quantum physics to be able
network of invisible energy. to work with it. Just the simple fact of being open to the
To understand it in a more specific manner, if idea that you are energy existing within a universe of
you were to look deeply into your hand, you would find energy, allows you to begin to understand the implications
cells, and within the cells you would find your DNA at this has for unlocking the infinite potential that you have
the center of each one of them. Within the DNA you inside you.
would find atoms, and within these, if you look really
closely you would find that there is nothing, only protons, YOUR ENERGY FREQUENCY
neutrons and electrons, and 99.999999 % empty space.
Let’s make it something we can relate to: if the proton
were the size of an apple, the electron would be the size
Within this energy universe, the frequencies of one
of a grain of salt and it would be 2 km away from the
type attract more frequencies on the same level. What
proton. In other words, all this space in the atom would be
this means is that whatever the energy that emanates
completely empty.
from your being, this will attract the same energy towards
Protons, neutrons and electrons are particles
you. If you begin to think negative thoughts and focus on
that essentially emerge from what is called the quantum
problems, then this is what you will receive in your life.
field, and deep down, these particles are energy waves,
Whereas the opposite will happen if you concentrate on
literally energy vibrations. In other words, something
positive thoughts and abundance. In fact, we all know of
that is apparently solid and permanent is in actual fact
people who seem to be very unlucky, because bad things
something changing and almost empty.
always happen to them, and it is interesting that when
This conception of reality tells us that absolutely
you talk to them, you realize that they are full of negative
everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, are all
thoughts and internal blockages that do not allow them
energy. We are an apparently solid mass with volume due
to progress towards changing their mentality, therefore,
to the grouping of the atoms, but inside, in the deepest
they continue attracting more of the same in their life.
reaches, we are energy vibrations. We are energetic
The Universe functions under this law of attraction,

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YOU ARE ENERGY Yo u a t t r a c t w h a t y o u w a n t

in which similar frequencies are constantly attracted to or thoughts. Otherwise, the only thing you will be doing is
one another. As an energetic being, the invisible energy to remain in the loop of negativity which will do nothing
of your mind, your thoughts, are key elements in your else other than decrease your energy further.
relationship with the surroundings, because it is your mind Stopping this internal war is your function as the
with its incessant thoughts that is constantly interpreting observer of your thoughts and emotions. Normally, when
the environment. Your thoughts do not control your you find yourself in constant loops of negativity, this is
reality, but they define how you see it. mainly because you are acting on automatic pilot, in other
Like the energy they are, when we send negative words, you are allowing your subconscious mind to direct
thoughts into the universe, without realizing, we are your days using certain patterns of action and thought
creating blockages in the infinite energy field surrounding acquired throughout your life.
us, where we are all interlinked. We are sending a low Stop, breathe and consciously examine these
vibrational frequency outwards which will attract these negative thoughts, their cause, and take active responsibility
same low frequencies into your life. Here are some to change them. It is your duty to regain your natural
examples of things that cause low vibrations to perpetuate: internal balance and increase your vibrational frequencies.
constantly complaining, feeling hate or rage, maintaining By doing this, you are placing yourself in charge of your life,
toxic relationships (friendships, partners), constantly no longer being a victim of your thoughts and environment.
reliving problems or situations from the past, feeling Everything in life changes, nothing lasts forever and you
jealousy, guilt, being unable to forgive, constantly living certainly cannot forecast what is going to happen within
with fears, eating processed food, the list goes on. an hour, however, your great strength resides in taking
There are people who spend all their lives control and actively deciding what to do with whatever
trapped in these low vibrational frequencies, and all of happens to you, whether for good or bad. This is your
us at some point or another in our lives have been there deepest responsibility.
or are there now. It is also essential to understand that When you do this analysis exercise, you will find
negative thoughts are also part of our mind, and on many thoughts and emotions that perhaps you find difficult
occasions, they are necessary to be able to awaken and to leave behind, and they constantly repeat themselves,
see our reality from a new perspective. It is important to such as rage, anguish, fear, frustration, for example. In
understand so as not to blame yourself or to always feel these cases, it is important to do an in-depth introspective
bad about yourself every time you have negative emotions exercise to find the cause behind them and dare to see

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YOU ARE ENERGY Yo u a t t r a c t w h a t y o u w a n t

what it is they are trying to tell you, even though whatever KEY POINTS OF THE CHAPTER
you find on the other side may be very painful. In fact, We are energetic beings emitting energy
if you do not resolve these internal blockages, it will be field vibrations that connect everything
difficult for you to increase your vibrational frequency, as in the Universe.
you will still be out of sync internally, and that is where
the vibrations you emit to the Universe come from.
When you are capable of taking control of your The universe functions under the law of
internal balance, living according to your deepest hopes attraction, in which similar frequencies
and dreams, this is when you suddenly begin to discover are constantly attracted to one another.
new options, opportunities, etcetera, and you begin to
create with the universe helping and working with you on
your path towards reaching your objectives and sending As an energetic being, the energy from
what you want and believe into your life. your mind, your thoughts, are the key
As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or when it comes to interacting with your
you think you can’t – you’re right”. Here Ford was very wisely environment. Your thoughts do not
highlighting this great creative power that we have with control your reality, but they define how
our thoughts, for better or worse. When you find yourself you see it.
in this state of internal balance, you begin to use your
mind and thoughts from a perspective of possibilities
and options that give you a very strong internal power When you act in alignment with your
to reach that objective by aligning those thoughts with deepest Inner self -with what your soul
your actions. desires and wishes to be- is when you
begin to see new options, opportunities
and solutions presenting themselves in
your life, attracted by the same high
vibrational frequency.

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C h a p t e r 3


In order to reach the point of co-creation with

the universe, attracting the opportunities, people and
situations that you really want into your life, it is necessary
to realign your internal world with the pure energy of
creation. To do so, everything begins by learning to
love yourself and accepting yourself internally, just
the way you are, defects and all.
It is important to do this deep internal exercise
to prevent the subconscious blockages of the patterns
acquired throughout your life from continuing to
interfere between what your life is now and how you
see yourself, and the life that you really want to have
and the version of yourself that you want to become.
Many people spend years of their lives repeating
affirmations to themselves and trying to have positive
thoughts every day, but even so, they continue to be
trapped in the same old downward spirals without
managing to attain what they really desire or becoming
that person they want to become. Metaphorically

YOU ARE ENERGY Yo u r i n t e r n a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y

speaking, this occurs because in some way or another the darkest layers of your inner self, to be reborn as a new
they have been putting Band-Aids on a wound that has person who transmits love to themselves at all times and,
not yet healed, with the wound being the blockages that by extension, to everything and everyone around them.
the person has in the deepest part of their being. These And just like that, a domino effect begins to occur in the
normally relate to fears, frustrations, negative beliefs energy field. Gandhi is often quoted as saying “Be the
about oneself and the world around them, lack of self- change you want to see in the world”, in other words, be
esteem, and so on. the transmitter of love to yourself to everything that you
The real change in your life begins when you are do in your life and everything and everyone with whom
capable of sitting down and talking to yourself, discovering you have relationships, and these opportunities that you
your deepest defects, forgiving them and forgiving yourself longed for so much in your life will begin to happen as
for them, turning the blame or rage that these have been if by magic. It is the most profound expression of the
causing you into self-love and kindness. And above all, universe’s law of attraction.
accepting yourself just the way you are, loving every part of Your greatest inner responsibility is to carry out
yourself and loving yourself and your deepest being -your those internal exercises of understanding, kindness,
soul. It is here, at this precise moment, when everything friendliness and self-love in order to take back that
changes, because you begin to live life from the highest internal power that you have inside of you, thus
vibration of the universe: unconditional love. reclaiming total responsibility for your happiness.
This unconditional love for yourself, this internal By understanding that the responsibility for your
well-being, this acceptance of who you are at that life, your thoughts, actions and decisions, is completely
precise moment, acts as a catalyst for the remaining yours alone empowers you in such a way that you begin
thoughts and actions in your life, because suddenly to understand life from a perspective in which you
it is no longer worth getting angry, feeling rage or hate, and only you are the constructor of your happiness,
criticizing or complaining. You feel invincible and powerful, it does not matter what the circumstances are, you are
with a sense of gratitude and abundance for everything ultimately responsible for what you are going to do with
that you have and already are. those challenges, losses, problems, illnesses, ups and
This feeling of unconditional love, gives you downs, and so on. You are responsible for creating your
a power that was already yours from the beginning, destiny, day after day, thought after thought, action after
but it was necessary to find it again it by traveling through action and decision after decision.

44 45


Loving yourself and accepting yourself
internally just the way you are is an
essential step in raising your vibrational
energy and beginning to live life from
the highest vibration of the universe:
unconditional love.

The internal well-being that causes this

feeling of self-love acts as a catalyst for
all your thoughts and actions of your
life feeling gratitude and abundance in
everything that you do.

It does not matter what the circumstances

are in your life, you are ultimately
responsible for what you are going to do
with those challenges, losses, problems,
illnesses, and so on. You are in control of
your happiness.

P a r t T w o

Chapter 4
Your thoughts and your physical well-being

Chapter 5
The self-healing ability of your body
Chapter 6
Movement and internal balance

Chapter 7
A holistic approach to your health
C h a p t e r 4


Your body is the physical part of your being designed

to experience the world through our senses, feelings and
emotions. Your body allows you to live within this physical
dimension of reality and it is directly connected to your
mind and soul. So much so, that having a healthy body
to a large extent depends on your state of mind and that
of your soul, and vice versa.
To attain the highest possible state of well-
being, you need to achieve consistency and balance
between your body, mind and soul. When this occurs
and you have positive thoughts about yourself, your body
and your life in general, without you realizing it, your body
feels reinforced and activates mechanisms that make it
healthier. The same happens with exercise and physical
movement, as we will see in the next chapter. When we

YOU ARE YOUR BODY Yo u r t h o u g h t s a n d y o u r p h y s i c a l w e l l - b e i n g

activate our body and move it -whether this is walking, vividly create in your mind a very negative situation that
running, jumping, dancing, skating, etcetera- this sends you have experienced in the past, or simply a negative
a series of chemical responses to our brain which causes situation that you imagine could happen in your life in the
a sensation of pleasure and well-being, which to a large future (the loss of a loved one, an accident, illness, losing
extent helps create a calmer mind and avoids or reduces your job, a very stressful moment, etcetera.). Make it real
problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. in your mind, visualize it, live it, let the feelings that come
It has been proven that your thoughts can cause flow. Keep your eyes closed for a few moments with this
you to become sick. Problems that are common in today’s image in your mind and analyze the sensations you can
society, such as stress, depression or anxiety, are proof feel in your body for a moment. The most likely is that you
of this, and can easily result in physical problems in our will notice a general sensation of tenseness, maybe faster
bodies such as muscular pains, ulcers, eczema, autoimmune palpitations of your heart, perhaps nerves or anxiety in the
diseases, digestive problems, and a long list of diseases chest or stomach area, you may even feel like you want
that have their roots in our very thoughts, or our mind. to cry. All these physical sensations have been created
Depending on the information that you send your from something that does not exist, simply the act of
mind through the perception you have of the world and thinking about these situations that were or will never be,
of yourself, your mind interprets this and sets into motion but even so, they have the capacity to physically affect
mechanisms in the brain to coincide as closely as possible you in the now, in the present, affecting your body and
with that external perception you have. So, every thought health should you hold onto them for too long. If you try
you have physically causes a direct chemical reaction in the same exercise but by bringing positive situations into
your body, always. If your perception and your thoughts your mind that make you feel joy, happiness, kindness,
are negative, certain neurotransmitters in the brain activate affection, etcetera, the physical responses that you will
and conduct the information to your body causing certain obtain will be totally different.
negative physical reactions such as palpitations, stomach A simple exercise like this shows how effective the
pain, muscular pain, headaches, general malaise, diarrhea, power of our mind, our thoughts, can be. It is enormous
shivers, etcetera. In other words, your thoughts effectively when making ourselves healthy and filling us with energy
have the power to make you ill. and vitality or totally the opposite. In fact, your constant
To prove this, you can do a simple visualization thoughts are those that reflect the current status of your
exercise. Close your eyes, take several deep breaths and physical health, as well as your daily nutrition and exercise

52 53
YOU ARE YOUR BODY Yo u r t h o u g h t s a n d y o u r p h y s i c a l w e l l - b e i n g

regime. However, quite often we are not fully aware of Every thought that you have physically
the huge amount of negative thoughts that we have in causes a direct chemical reaction in your
our mind and how they are negatively affecting our body. body, for better or worse, depending
They can even be acquired beliefs and thought patterns on whether this thought is positive
that have been functioning for years on autopilot in your or negative.
mind, and this causes a continuous internal imbalance
which is only possible to unveil with a conscious attitude
and by carrying out daily exercises to calm the mind and Your constant thoughts are those that
train new neuronal connections that send a message of reflect the current status of your physical
love, friendship, respect and compassion toward you and health, as does your daily nutrition and
your body. exercise regime.


To attain the best possible state of well-
being, you need to achieve consistency
and balance between your body, mind
and soul.

When you activate your body, this sends

chemical responses to your brain that
cause well-being and pleasure.

54 55
If you’d like
to keep reading
get your copy HERE
We tend to think that the perfect life does not exist and we assume that it is
a complicated path full of unexpected moments that prevent us from being
able to take control. We tend to think that our dreams are just that, dreams,
and we get used to walking through life knowing that what we would have
really liked to achieve is not possible, because somehow, we are victims
of life.
Without realizing it, by doing this, you empower your environment and ex-
ternal circumstances to decide for you. You forget that in reality You are
already everything you need to live a life in which you feel truly fulfilled and
happy. You just need to remember it and take control.
You are already everything you need invites you set out on this path of
self-discovery and continuous awakening through techniques, examples
and exercises that will guide you on this journey towards a life that is perfect
for you. A life in total harmony with your deepest desires and that energizes
and thrills you day in and day out.


Alicia Carrasco Rozas left her job as
an English teacher in 2015 and in less
than 3 years she started her entrepre-
neurial journey with her husband, Marc,
that led them to move to another conti-
nent starting from scratch -with literally
five suitcases. In 2016, together with her
husband, they co-founded the online
film music education school called Ci-
nematic Composing that had a seven-figure turnover in less than two years
and more than 15,000 students… and growing.
Alicia also used to run a Spanish blog on sustainability and slow lifestyle,
Green And Trendy, that became one of the most-read blogs in both Spain
and Latin America in 2015. Also, she actively collaborated as a writer in
several publications, trained as a yoga teacher and became the mother of
two in 2018 and 2019.
In 2022 she started a personal development and
slow life platform and a Youtube channel whose mission is to uplift humanity
by teaching the art of living in alignment with your inner self.

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