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actual test 9.

Part 3.
You will hear some conversations between two people.
You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each
Select the best response to each question and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet.
The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test
Times 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation.
Hi there, where can I take you this evening?
To the airport.
My flight leaves in an hour so I'm really pressed for time.
If you could hurry I'd really appreciate it.
Well the shortest route is through the city, but traffic is bad right now.
It might be faster if we take the highway.
That's fine, let's take the highway then.
As long as I don't miss my plane, I'm all right.
Number 41.
Where does this conversation most likely take place?
Number 42.
Where does the woman want to go?
Number 43.
Why is the woman in a hurry?
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.
Leslie, have you hired a new assistant yet?
I heard you were looking for one.
No, not yet.
I put an ad in today's newspaper.
I'll start interviewing people next week.
What sort of candidate are you looking for?
I need someone with a degree in graphic design and at least three years of
practical experience.
Number 44.
What does Leslie want to do?
Number 45.
When will she start the interviews?
Number 46.
What most likely is Leslie's job?
Go on to the next page.
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation.
I have a really sore tooth, it started hurting last night and it's been bothering
me all
I see.
Would you like me to book you an appointment with Dr Greer?
Is he available at the moment?
I'm sorry, I'm afraid he isn't.
He's busy until two but you can see him then.
Number 47.
Where does the woman most likely work?
Number 48.
Why does the man want to see the doctor?
Number 49.
When can the man see the doctor?
Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.
Mrs Johnson, are you aware that the whole building is having problems with the
pressure and hot water?
There's barely a drip coming out of my faucet and there's no hot water.
I'm well aware of that and I'm sorry.
I phoned a plumber and he's working on the problem right now.
Apparently there's some problem with the water tank and the water heater.
The plumber said it will take a few hours to fix but hopefully it should be up and
by the end of the day.
I really hope so.
The other tenants and I are outraged.
Some of us can't brush our teeth or wash our face.
We can't even flush the toilet.
We don't want to go to bed in these conditions.
Once again I'm truly sorry.
I'll talk to the building owner and ask if he can make any small allowances for
rent on account of this grievance.
Number 50.
What does the man complain about?
Number 51.
What's the main problem with the plumbing?
Number 52.
How does the woman offer to compensate for the inconvenience?
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation.
Hey, did you hear about Louise striking it rich in the stock market?
Yeah, I spoke to her yesterday as a matter of fact.
She invested in a software company about two months ago and made about $50,000.
That's great.
What's she going to do?
Has she got anything special planned?
She said she would like to take a trip to Africa this summer.
It's not easy to take some time off though.
Number 53.
How did Louise make her money?
Number 54.
How much money did Louise make?
Number 55.
What does Louise want to do with the money?
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.
Hi there.
I'd like two tickets to the eight o'clock showing of Spider-Man, please.
I'm sorry, sir.
All the tickets for that show have been sold.
We have tickets for the nine o'clock show or there are still seats available for
at 8.15.
I think I'd rather wait until nine o'clock.
Alright then, sir.
That'll be $12.
Number 56.
Where does the woman most likely work?
Number 57.
What movie does the man want to see?
Number 58.
What time will the man see the movie?
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation.
Hi, is this Angelino's restaurant?
I'm calling about an ad I saw in the paper today.
It said you were hiring.
That's right.
We have openings for two cooks and one waiter.
Which position were you interested in?
I'd like to apply for the cooking job.
When can I drop off my resume?
Tuesday between 4 and 5.30 come to the service entrance in the parking lot.
Number 59.
Where did the man see the ad?
Number 60.
What job does the man want to get?
Number 61.
When can the man drop off his resume?
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.
Do you know when the department meeting is supposed to start?
I got two memos with different times on them.
Are you in marketing or accounting?
Well, now that it's a quarter to four, you have 15 minutes left.
You must have received a memo from the accounting department by accident.
Number 62.
Which department does the man work in?
Number 63.
What time is the man's meeting?
Number 64.
What mistake was made?
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation.
Have you met the plant's new safety inspector?
Not yet, but I heard he's going around and looking at everything really carefully.
He's talking to management at the moment, but he'll be on the assembly line
The people here are pretty careful.
I don't think you'll have much to complain about.
Number 65.
What is the inspector doing right now?
Number 66.
When will the speakers probably meet the inspector?
Number 67.
Why is the woman confident?
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.
I wish we had enough to buy some new chairs for the reception area.
It's looking pretty tacky in here.
I know.
Everything in this room looks faded and worn.
Do you think it would help if we rearranged some of the furniture?
We can't move anything.
Those chairs are covering the holes in the carpet.
Number 68.
What is the problem?
Number 69.
What does the man suggest?
Number 70.
Why aren't they able to move furniture?
Go on to the next page.

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