Ubuntu for coding: I. Introduction (Bảo)

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Ubuntu for coding

I. Introduction (Bảo)
Brief overview of Ubuntu's suitability for coding
Significance of choosing the right development environment

II. Ubuntu Basics (Bảo)

Definition and history of Ubuntu
Philosophy of usability and accessibility

III. Development Tools (Phúc)

Built-in programming languages and tools
Package management with APT
IDE compatibility

IV. Software Ecosystem (Quốc Anh)

Ubuntu repositories and Software Center
Snap and Flatpak for application distribution
Development-specific software available on Ubuntu

V. Terminal and Command Line (Nguyên Anh)

Benefits for developers
Introduction to Bash scripting

VI. Community and Support (Ân)

Ubuntu developer community and resources
Support channels for Ubuntu users

*Remainder: How the topic you present related to coding stuff

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