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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
Do Apolinar Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City

Research in MAPEH 10
The Negative Effect of the Covid-19 Quarantine and Stay-at-
Home Scheme to the Social Health of the Students in Grade 10-

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Table of Contents
Vocabulary of Terms……………………………………………………………………………….Pp 2
Abstract…………….…….……………………………………………………….………….……..Pp 3
Part I……………………………………………………………………………………………..….Pp 4
Part II…………………………………………………………………………………………….….Pp 5
Part III
Problem Statement…………………………………………………...………………..….Pp 6
Purpose of the Study…………………………………………………………………..….Pp 6
Academic Inference…………………………………………………………..………...…Pp 6
Part IV
Research Design……………………………………….……………………………….…Pp 7
Research Methodology…………………………….……………………………….…..…Pp 7
Part V
Research Setting……………………………….……………………………………..……Pp 8
Participants…………………………………..………………………………………..….…Pp 8
Sampling Method……………..…..……..…………………………………………..…..…Pp 8
Part VI………………………………………………………………………………………..………Pp 9
Part VII…………………………………………………………………………………….…………Pp 12-16
Data Gathering Documentation……………………………………………………………………Pp 17
Conclusion…………………………………………………………..……….………………Pp 18
Recommendation…………………………………………….……………….………….…Pp 19
References…………………………………………………….………………………………….…Pp 20

Vocabulary of Terms
Anticipated - regard as probable; expect or predict

Correlation - the process of establishing a relationship or connection between two or more measures.

Crucial - decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

Detrimental - tending to cause harm.

Elicit - evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions
or questions.

Intervention - the action or process of intervening .

Particularly - so as to give special emphasis to a point; specifically.

Profound - (of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight.

Significant - having a particular meaning; indicative of something.

Utilize - make practical and effective use of.

In the late 2019, In December, there was a virus that quickly spread. That virus was a serious one.
It took hundreds or thousands of life globally and forced to a worldwide home quarantine. The name of
the Virus is Covid-19.

The aim of this study was to identify the negative effect of the Covid-19 Quarantine and Stay-at-
Home Scheme to the Social Health of the students in Grade-10 Rhinestone. The researcher intends to
discover the negative effect of the quarantine and stay-at-home scheme to the social health of the
students in Grade 10-Rhinestone.

Survey questions will be given to Grade 10 Rhinestone, and the results will be used to create
data information.

The researcher requested participants to read the instructions respond as completely and
honestly as they could to the brief survey’s questions. The pupils were thanked for taking the
questionnaires after submitting them.

Will be the period during which they are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Stay-at-
Home scheme.

The indicted participants will be the whole Grade 10-Rhinestone class.

Thematic analysis and coding, a six-step method, will be employed for the data processing and

Part I
In the late 2019, In December, there was a virus that quickly spread. That virus was a
serious one. It took hundreds or thousand of life globally and forced to a worldwide home quarantine.
The name of the Virus is Covid-19.

Social Health is particularly important when it comes to socializing especially among students
because most difficulties can only be overcome with friends. Whether you like it or not, facing life’s
challenges alone is not the greatest option. In almost everything humans require company to push their
limitations further. However because of the decline in social interaction brought on by Covid-19,
people’s social health is compromised. To further understand the social state of the people and Grade
10-Rhinestone after the pandemic.

Part II
Review of Related Literature
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the social health of students in grade
10, particularly those in the grade 10-Rhinestone. The quarantine and stay-at-home measures
implemented by governments around the world have resulted in a significant disruption of students
daily lives and routines, leading to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and isolation.

Research has shown that prolonged isolation can have a negative effect on mental health,
with studies finding higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among quarantined
individuals. The lack of social interaction and in person contact with friends and family has also been
found to be a significant contributor to these negative mental health outcomes.

Part III
Problem Statement, Purpose of the Study, Academic Inference
Problem Statement

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to widespread quarantine and stay-at-home measures,
which have had a significant and detrimental effect on the social health and well-being of students in
grade 10-Rhinestone. These measures have resulted in a lack of in person social interactions,
leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness, and the closure of schools and other social institutions
has limited oppurtunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities, form friendships and
develop a sense of community.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the specific ways in which the quarantine and
stay-at-home measures have affected the social health of students in grade 10-Rhinestone and to
identify potential interactions that can mitigate these negative effects.

Academic Inference

The researcher anticipated that the Covid-19 quarantine and stay-at-home restrictions would
have a negative influence on the social health and well-being resulted in lack if in person social
interactions, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness, and the closure of schools and other social
institutions has limited opportunities for students to engage in extracullicular activities, form
friendships, and develop a sense of community. Furthermore, students have been facing disruptions
of their daily routines, increased stress levels, and difficulties in adjusting to remote learning, which
have further aggravated the negative effects on their social health. The statement also highlight the
negative impact on the mental health of students such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness, which
can have a long term negative impact on their overall development and future prospects. Therefore,
it's important to consider the impact of quarantine and stay-at-home measures on the social health
and well-being of students, and to develop strategies to mitigate these negative effects and support
the mental health of students. This can be achieved by providing mental health support and
counseling, implementing programs to promote social connections and community building, and
finding ways to make remote learning more engaging and interactive.

Part IV
Research Design and Methodology
Research Design

The study will use a qualitative research design, as it aims to measure and analyze the
negative effect of the Covid-19 quarantine and stay-at-home scheme on the social health of students
in grade 10-Rhinestone. The study will use a survey method to collect data from the participants. A self-
administered questionnaire will be used to gather information on the participants experiences during
the quarantine and stay-at-home period, as well as their current social health status. The survey
questionnaire will include questions on the participants social activites and interactions before and
during the quarantine, their mental health and well-being, and any negative effects they experienced
as a result of the quarantine and stay-at-home scheme.

Research Methodology

The tool for gathering data is a questionnaire, which is used to get information from students.
In order to gather statistics, questionnaires with eight questions and choices will be distributed to
students in grade 10-Rhinestone. Following data collection, the researcher performed a survey of the
entire class. The information gathered was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. To collect data for this
study, the researcher first requested permission from the class adviser via a permission letter.

Part V
Research Setting, Participants, Sampling Method
Research Setting

This study will be held in Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School is located in
Northern Mindanao, Philippines in Cagayan de Oro City the City of Golden Friendship at Don Apolinar
Velez St. The Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School is a public school which provides
the students with the education and development of skills to prepare them for college. The location was
chosen by the researcher to gather the essential data because the researcher knew someone who fit
the topic.

Research Participants

The respondent from Grade 10-Rhinestone was chosen for the study because the researcher
knew that the participants from this class would have been impacted by the Covid-19 Quarantine and
Stay-at-Home. In this class there are 12 male students and 23 female students, for a total of 35
students. These students, according to the researcher’s observations, are rather sloppy in their actions
yet quite effective at expressing their own opinions. Because there are some students who have social
anxiety, lack of confidence in socializing

Sampling Method

Each chosen respondent will receive a survey, respondents must be from Grade 10-
Rhinestone. The researcher will administer the survey in order to determine who was negatively
impacted by the Covid-19 Quarantine and Stay-at-Home Scheme on the social health of the students
in Grade 10-Rhinestone. By distributing survey forms to the students who freely agreed to participate
in this study by responding to these survey forms

Part VI
Research Instrument
For the data collecting method, the researcher will utilize a suitable instrument to collect data
and provide answers to the researcher’s questions. The first instrument utilized in this study will be a
survey method to collect quantitative data. The second instrument used by the researcher will be an
interview method to acquire qualitative data that will lead to a conclusion.

The first instrument is a survey method. The survey method is the technique of gathering data
by asking questions to people who are thought to have desired information. A formal list of questionnaire
is prepared. The researcher will use this method because it suits the research topic. In the survey
method the researcher will give a questionnaire with check box options. The researcher choose this
method because it is the easiest way of gathering data from group of people.

The second instrument that will be used is interview method. And interview is generally a
qualitative research technique that involves asking open-ended questions to converse with respondents
and collect elicit data about a subject. The researcher choose this method because it is more easier
and also a good combination when gathering data.

Survey Questions

1. Did the Covid-19 quarantine and Stay-at-Home Scheme affects your social health?
Yes No
Reason: To identify who is suitable for this study.
2. Have you felt more isolated from your friends since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Yes No
Reason: This question aims to assess whether students have felt more socially isolated from
their friends since the pandemic began.
3. Have you missed out on important social events due to the Covid-19 pandemic?
Yes No
Reason: This question aims to identify whether students have missed out on
important social events and whether students have felt more socially isolated from their friends
since the pandemic began
4. Have you experienced increased conflict with family members since the start of the Covid-19
Yes No
Reason: This question aims to assess whether students have experienced more conflict with
family members since the start of the pandemic.
5. Have you had to cancel or postpone plans with your friends due to Covid-19 restrictions?
Yes No
Reason: This question aims to assess whether students have had to cancel or postpone
plans with friends due to restrictions related to the pandemic?
6. Have you felt more lonely since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Yes No
Reason: This question aims to asses whether students have felt more lonely since the start
of the pandemic.
7. Have you find it harder to maintain social connections with friends since the start of the
Yes No
Reason: This question aims to asses whether students have found it more difficult to
maintain social connections with their friends since the start of the pandemic.
8. Have you noticed a change in your social life since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Yes No
Reason: This question aims to assess whether students have noticed any changes in their
social lives since the pandemic began. It can provide insights into the broader impact of
quarantine and stay-at-home measures on student social health.

10 | P a g e
Interview Questions

1. How has the Covid-19 quarantine and stay-at-home scheme affected your social life? Can you
provide specific examples?
Reason: This question aims to explore the overall impact of quarantine and stay-at-home
measures on students social lives. It can provide valuable insights into the specific ways in which
social health has been affected and allows the student to share their personal experiences.
2. What specific social activities have you been unable to engage in due to the quarantine and
stay-at-home scheme?
Reason: This question can help identify the specific social activities that students have missed
out on during the pandemic, which can help inform future interventions aimed at promoting social
health. The student can also provide additional insights in the activities that they miss and the
social value they bring.
3. How have you maintained social connections with friends and family during the Covid-19
Reason: This question aims to explore the ways in which student have adapted to social
distancing measures and maintained their social connections. It can provide insight into the
coping mechanisms and strategies that students have used to preserve their social health during
the pandemic.
4. Have you experienced increased feelings of isolation or loneliness during the Covid-19
pandemic? How have you coped with these feelings?
Reason: This question aims to explore the emotional impact of quarantine and stay-at-home
measures on student’s social health. It can provide insight into the students mental health and
the ways in which they have dealt with difficult emotions.
5. Have experienced increased conflict with family members or friends during the Covid-19
pandemic? Can you provide specific examples?
Reason: This question can provide insights into the ways in which quarantine and stay-at-home
measures may have affected interpersonal relationships. Additionally, this question allows the
students to share their own experiences of conflict.
6. Have you noticed changes in the dynamics of your social groups or relationships during the
Covid-19 pandemic?
Reason: This question aims to explore the ways in which quarantine and stay-at-home measures
may have impacted the social dynamics of the student’s relationships. It can provide insights
into changes in the students social life and the effect of these changes on their social health.

11 | P a g e
Part VII
Data Interpretation and Analysis

Survey Results

The researcher will carefully evaluate the data gathered from the respondents in this phase, the
interpretation and analysis portion, and provide a clear explanation of what the data means. This
analysis will aid readers in comprehending the findings and assisting the researcher in forming
conclusions based on the data. The researcher, for example, may detect patterns and trends in the
data, show correlation between variables, and highlight any notable findings. They may employ
graphs,charts, or statistical analysis to graphically display data and make it more understanding to

This chart shows the responses of the participants from Grade 10 Rhinestone about the COVID-19
quarantine and stay-at-home scheme affected their social health.



5 10

This chart shows the responses of Grade 10 Rhinestone participants regarding whether they felt
more isolated from their friends since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.




10 21

5 10

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This chart shows the responses of Grade 10 Rhinestone participants regarding whether they have
missed out on important social events due to the COVID-19 pandemic





5 10
0 1

This chart shows the responses of Grade 10 Rhinestone participants regarding whether they have
experienced increased conflict with family members since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic

8 15
10 10
YES:15 NO:10 NO

This chart shows the responses of Grade 10 Rhinestone participants regarding whether they had to
cancel or postpone plans with friends due to COVID-19 restrictions

10 20
5 10
YES:20 NO:5 NO

13 | P a g e
This chart shows the responses of Grade 10 Rhinestone participants regarding whether they have felt
more lonely since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic



5 10
YES:18 NO:7 NO

This chart shows the responses of Grade 10 Rhinestone participants regarding whether they find it
harder to maintain social connections with friends since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic

10 22

5 10
YES:22 NO:3 NO

This chart shows the responses of Grade 10 Rhinestone participants regarding whether they have
noticed a change in their social life since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic

5 10
0 1
YES:24 NO:1 NO

14 | P a g e
Interview Results

In this part, interview interpretation and analysis entails analyzing the responses provided during an
interview to pinpoint significant themes and insights. Making judgments and suggestions is added by
expertise. The procedure entails transcription of the interview, coding of the data, and analysis of the
findings to gain knowledge that can be applied to decision-making
1.How has the Covid-19 quarantine and stay-at-home scheme affected your social life? Can you
provide specific examples?

“Well quite bad it affected me really like how I can’t talk with someone I know or don’t know
how to start a convo”

In the first question, when the respondent was asked if he was affected by the Covid-19
quarantine and stay-at-home scheme in his social life, and can they give some specific examples, the
respondent stated that Well quite bad it affected me really like how I can’t talk with someone I know or
don’t know how to start a conversation. This implies that the Quarantine has a great impact on the
respondents which is why the reason that the respondent ended up social anxiety.

2. What specific social activities have you been unable to engage in due to the quarantine and stay-at-
home scheme?

"Conversation, talking to give information, and how to understood another's feelings"

In the second question, when the respondent was asked What specific social activities have the
respondent been unable to engage in due to the quarantine and stay-at-home scheme, the respondent
said Conversation, talking to give information, and how to understand another's feelings. This implies
that the respondent was unable to engage face to face conversion due to stay at home.

3. How have you maintained social connections with friends and family during the Covid-19

"I couldn't really hold a connection with any friends during the pandemic since we suffered of
the pandemic but due to stay at-home I was able to keep relationship with my family"

In the third question, when the respondent was asked how did he maintained social connections
with friends and family during the Covid-19 pandemic, the respondent stated that He couldn't really
hold a connection with any friends during the pandemic since we suffered of the pandemic but due to
the stay at-home he was able to keep a relationship with his family. This implies that the respondent
was still able to keep his relationship on his family even during pandemic which is why he couldn’t have
a courage to communicate with his friends.

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4. Have you experienced increased feelings of isolation or loneliness during the Covid-19
pandemic? How have you coped with these feelings?

"Yes, I talked with someone a while and I spent my time playing with them"

In the fourth question, when the respondent was asked if he experienced increased feelings of
isolation or loneliness during the Covid-19 pandemic and how have he coped with those feelings, the
respondent said Yes, He talked with someone a while and he spent his time

5. Have you experienced increased conflict with family members or friends during the Covid-19
pandemic? Can you provide specific examples?
"Yes, Arguments and Financial problem"
In the fifth question, when the respondent was asked if he experienced increased conflict with
family members or friends during the Covid-19 pandemic and can he provide specific examples and
the respondent said Yes, Arguments and Financial problem. This implies that during the pandemic,
financial problems are being formed due to the rising price in everyday needs. Due to these problems
arguments are commencing in the household consisting of family members.
6. Have you noticed changes in the dynamics of your social groups or relationships during the
Covid-19 pandemic?
"Yes, some don’t like to talk that much personally but talks much on online"
In the sixth question, when the respondent was asked if he noticed changes in the dynamics
of his social groups or relationships during the Covid-19 pandemic, the respondent said Yes, some
don’t like to talk much personally but talks much on online. This implies that the Pandemic has a
negative impact on the respondent’s groups because the respondent said some of them don’t like to
talk that much personally but talks much on online.

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Data Gathering Documentation

17 | P a g e
Conclusion and Recommendations


Conclusion The Covid-19 pandemic has presented young people with challenges in terms of
their social well-being. A study titled "The Negative Effect of the Covid-19 Quarantine and Stay-at-Home
Scheme to the Social Health of the Students in Grade 10 Rhinestone" was conducted in a local setting,
specifically at MOGCHS, Diel Building, focusing on Grade 10 Rhinestone students. The purpose of this
study was to examine the negative consequences of quarantine on the social health of students. Among
the anticipated detrimental effects of quarantine on young people's social health is a decrease in
confidence. To achieve this study's objectives, the researcher employed a combination of survey and
interview methods to collect necessary data. The survey method was utilized to gather quantitative
data, while the interview method was employed to gather qualitative data. The researcher presented
graphs to aid in the interpretation of the study findings.

During the survey, out of all the total students only some of the students responded in the
survey papers. Of all the total students, some of the students have reached the age of fifteen, and many
of them reached the age of sixteen. And there is one student reached the age of seventeen and
eighteen. In the survey, the respondents are asked if they have been affected by the pandemic and
every single one of the students, many students picked the answer "yes". Additionally, more of the
students reported that they experienced more isolated from their friends because of pandemic. Due to
the pandemic, many students had missed out on their important social events. Some of the students,
had experienced increased conflict with their family members. Many students, reported that they had
to cancel or postpone their plans with their friends due to pandemic. Furthermore, some of the students
had felt more lonely since the pandemic started. More of the students, claimed that they found it harder
to maintain their social connections with their friends. More of the students stated that, they had noticed
a change in their social life since the pandemic started. Although the students experienced the negative
effects, all of the students still succeeded in completing their assigned task. In addition, only some of
the students claim that the pandemic affected their social health. Now let's move on to the interview
data gathered. Based on the collected data, the researcher had the opportunity to interview only three
out of the ten eligible students from Grade 10 Rhinestone who participated in the study. Among the
twenty-five students who responded to the survey, a majority of them reported experiencing negative
effects. The data suggests that some respondents are more comfortable expressing themselves online
rather than in person, leading to difficulties in interacting with acquaintances and initiating
conversations. One participant mentioned struggling with engaging in conversations, conveying
information, and understanding others' emotions. It is evident from his statement that the effects of
staying at home have adversely impacted his social well-being. The study highlights the significant
influence of the negative consequences of stay-at-home measures on students' ability to hold
conversations, convey information, and confidently engage in normal social interactions.

Throughout the pandemic, students have faced prolonged isolation, limited social interactions,
and disruptions to their education. These challenges have had a significant impact on their well-being.
As social beings, students rely on face-to-face interactions, peer support, and a sense of belonging to
succeed academically and emotionally. Unfortunately, the quarantine measures have deprived them of
these crucial social experiences. Consequently, the students have experienced heightened feelings of
loneliness, anxiety, and depression as a result of the pandemic's effects on their social lives.
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The participant one advises that he would like to recommend a free chat group on a platform
where are one can talk on another person during google meet. The researcher advise to other student
who are negatively affected their social health due to covid-19 quarantine is to try to socialize and make
friends that can understand the students. The ability to socialize is a great move to make friends and
can develop great confidence and try to open up with your friends, and family members. Don’t be afraid
to share your thoughts, socialize with other people, and try new things.

The researcher suggests that teachers should possess a comprehensive understanding of

young individuals. It is important for educators to establish an environment where students feel secure
and protected. It is highly recommended to cultivate an atmosphere characterized by kindness, love,
and empathy, thereby creating a nurturing space resembling a home where students can experience
safety and ease.

The researcher encountered initial challenges while conducting the study, primarily concerning
the timely completion of the research. The researcher humbly advises that it is crucial to finish the
research portion as soon as possible, without waiting until the deadline approaches. Another obstacle
faced by the researcher was a limited timeframe due to a lack of active listening during discussions
with the teacher. Instead, they relied on their classmate's progress, hindering their understanding of the
research process. The researcher now suggests actively listening to the teacher during discussions
and resorting to internet searches to comprehend and complete the research tasks. In terms of future
research, the researcher recommends investigating the adverse effects of COVID-19 quarantine and
the stay-at-home scheme. This topic is both easily accessible and significant since numerous students
have experienced its negative impacts.

19 | P a g e
Effect of the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown on mental health among post-secondary students in
the Grand Est region of France: results of the PIMS-CoV19


The impact of COVID-19 on student equity and inclusion: Supporting vulnerable students during
school closures and school re-openings

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Table of Contents
Vocabulary of terms…………………………………………………………………………….……Pp 2-3
Abstract…………………………………………………………………….…………..……….….…Pp 4
Part I……………………………………………………………………………………………….….Pp 5
Part II……………………………………………………………………………………………….…Pp 6
Part III
Problem Statement……………………………………………………………….…...…….Pp 7
Purpose of the Study……………………………………………………………….…….…Pp 7
Academic Inference…………………………………………………………………………Pp 7
Part IV
Research Design……………………………………………………………...………….....Pp 8
Research Methodology……………………………………………………………..………Pp 8
Part V
Research Setting………………………………………………………………………..…..Pp 9
Participants…………………………………………………………………………………..Pp 9
Sampling Method ………………………………………………………………………......Pp 9
Part VI………………………………………………………………………………………………...Pp 10-14
Part VII………………………………………………………………………………………………..Pp 15-22
Data Gathering Documentation…………………………………………………………....Pp 23
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………Pp 24-25
Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………....Pp 26-27
References…………………………………………………………………………...……………...Pp 28

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