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Source Title: Policy Innovations and Rationale for Sustainable Energy

Transition in the UAE

What trends did you find in this Hydrocarbons rich regions:

article? Name and describe each The justifications for converting to renewable
of these trends. energy in regions with a high hydrocarbon content
material vary from nation to nation, as do the cost
of doing so and the seriousness of such a
transformation. The Gulf region contains a wide
range of renewable energy potential. The United
Arab Emirates (UAE) has nonetheless developed
into a regional leader in the advancement of
renewable energy technology.
The transition to clean energy:
A number of interconnected variables and
motivations, including economic transformation,
energy security, and environmental concerns, are
said to be behind the UAE's move to clean energy.
The relevance of the social, economic, and political
effect of the transition in the nations that export
hydrocarbons, like the UAE, is still underrated,
according to data gathered from in-depth expert
interviews and secondary sources. The article
makes the case that it is necessary to reconsider
what constitutes a smooth transition.

Point of Manifestation Social

 Which STEEP areas are The Emirates benefits socially from optimal
driving the growth of the circumstances for using clean energy sources,
trends? including 1,400 hrs annually of comprehensive,
 Explain why strong wind and high levels of solar radioactive
contamination during daytime hours. Because there
Mention at least 3 STEEP areas is an average of 9 hours of sunshine per day, there
is little rain, there is little cloud cover, and there is
plenty of open ground, the UAE government has
placed its bets on solar energy as the main
alternative energy source.
Ever since industrialization of hydrocarbons in the
70s, the energy sector has been the backbone of the
economy in the United Arab Emirates. It contains
about 6% of the world's proven oil reserves
(Ministry of Energy and Industry, 2019:33). In
terms of production, it ranks as the 7th largest
manufacturer and exporter of oil and other liquids
The UAE government predicts that innovators in
innovation and sustainable sources will prevail in
the near future, while conventional hydrocarbon
producers who refuse to adapt will miss out. The
climatic conditions of power industries and
decreasing trends in the cost of gas and oil have
opened a "window of opportunity" for a petroleum
nation to switch to environmental sustainability and
clean energy.

Point of Origin The UAE officials have set high standards and
 Important value changes becoming a leader in the Gulf countries for
(What recent changes in human advancements in renewable energy, in line with the
values/beliefs are driving this decreasing political affirmation of fossil fuels in
trend?) favor of sustainable energy in the state's energy
 Give reasons/explain your policy bag. The UAE presently seeks to broaden its
answer electricity production through a number of
initiatives and strategies in order to achieve
Mention at least 2 value changes economic development.

The government has initiated its "Energy Strategy

—2050" in 2017, which lays out a plan for getting
to a varied mixture by 2050 with renewable fuel
making up 50% of the 44 GW increased power
balanced. Officials also anticipate a 70% reduction
in the environmental impact of power generation
and a 40% increase in energy usage effectiveness.
Point of Impact NOW
 what effects does this Positive
have now? Growing dangers in the early 2000s, such as
 what effects may this increasing numbers of people and rapid
have in future? urbanization, economic downturns, energy
instability, and global warming, compelled several
List at least one positive and one nations to take the switch to green power industries
negative effect for each trend. and renewable energy sources carefully. The move
to renewable energy is seen as primarily a way for
the renter UAE to seek worldwide recognition and
maintain regime credibility.
The benefits of renewable energy for the UAE are
discussed in this article in the following major
categories, together with the requirement to meet a
quickly expanding fuel and electricity consumption
driven on by as well as population growth: lowering
the nation's carbon footprint; the efficient use of
energy supplies through the separation of
desalinization from energy production. Economic
diversity will not be achieved through the
establishment of new work opportunities just
outside of the petroleum and coal sector.
In the UAE, energy has always played a significant
role in economic expansion. Several studies show a
direct correlation between rising energy use and
rising GDP. As a result, the shift to environmental
sustainability and renewable energy sources will
spur future economic growth. By gathering
information from 40 industrialised and developing
nations, it studied the effects of both indigenous and
imported energy on environmental sustainability.

Annotated Bibliography
Source information (in APA format - Author, URL/DOI, etcetera.)

1. Source information of the Aminjonov, F. (2020). Policy innovations and

article (in APA format - rationale for sustainable energy transition in the
Author, URL/DOI, UAE. Social Science Quarterly, 101(7), 2398-2412.
2. Components of your Summary
Annotated Bibliography
The article illustrates the rationale behind the switch
Include: to a renewable energy resource in one of the largest
- Summary – 2 to 4 oil and gasoline producers globally. It also provides
sentences (main a full analysis of the possible dangers associated
arguments/topics and a with the UAE's transition from a hydrocarbon-
description of the dominated to a sustainable power-driven economic
resource) structure.
- Evaluation – 1 to 2
sentences (Who? What? Evaluation
When? Where? and It is crucial for the UAE to implement policy
Why?) changes that would promote engagement from
- Reflection - 1 to 2 stakeholders outside of the government and make
sentences (How helpful the system resilient to potential geopolitical and
was the source? Did it technological challenges.
change the way you
think? Was it too easy or Reflection
too hard? What did I like Reinforcing connected patterns of links among the
about the source?) nation and society is one of the secondary goals of
the transition to a diverse strength zone. Since that
it is easier for the government to manipulate
renewable energy, the UAE has implemented
Information above taken from: governmental measures to support it. Massive
Rasmussen University application projects that are focused on state-funded
Library & Learning strength breakthroughs increase the kingdom's
Services (2018, May 3).
influence on the economy and politics. But,
How to write an Annotated
Bibliography [Video] evidence shows that the UAE will soon wish to
YouTube venture outside of its familiar surroundings. The implementation of renewable energy initiatives
SY requires the development of policy changes that
encourage participation from all stakeholders,
typically residential and commercial users. It is
necessary to use the market to persuade investors
both domestically and internationally.

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