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Class 7 Computer

Ch. 3 – Functions in Excel

A. Tick the correct option.
1. Sqrt( )
2. Formulas
3. Two
4. Relative
5. $
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.
1. Fill handle
2. Count( )
3. Cell reference
4. Conditional Formatting
5. Filtering
D. Match the following.
1. (b)
2. (e)
3. (a)
4. (d)
5. (c)

E. Answer in short.

1. What is a cell Range?

Ans. A cell range is a rectangular block of cells, consisting of a group of
one or more cells. It is referred by writing the cell address of its first cell
and the last cell separated by a colon. For example, A1: D4
2. Name the three types of cell references.
Ans. The three types of cell references are- Relative Reference, Absolute
Reference, and Mixed Reference.
3. What do you mean by formula? Give an Example.
Ans. In Excel, a formula is an expression that is used to perform
calculation on data. A Formula is made up of data values or cell
Class 7 Computer

references and mathematical operators( +,-, *, / or ^). A formula

always starts with an = sign. For example: =A1+ B2.
4. What do you mean by function?
Ans. A Function in Excel is a predefined formula used to perform a
particular operation quickly. A function must begin with an = and
is followed by a pair of parentheses ( ). It may contain one or more
arguments within the ( ). For Example: =Sum(2,8)
5. Name the option used to format cells according to a specified
Ans. Conditional Formatting
6. What is the use of conditional formatting?
Ans. Conditional formatting is a feature of Excel that enables us to
highlight cells that satisfy a condition. It automatically applies
formatting like specific colours to one or more cells based on their
7. What is the use of filter drop buttons?
Ans. Filer drop buttons are used to filter the records with certain data
values in a particular column.
F. Answer in detail.
1. How do you select a range?
Ans. To Select a single cell: Just click on it.
To Select a rectangular range of cell: Point the first cell of the range
and drag the mouse over the range.
To Select a row: Click the row header.
To Select a column: Click the column header.
To Select a single cell: Click on the cross-section of row and column
2. What is the difference between relative and absolute reference.
Relative Reference Absolute Reference
Relative reference changes when Absolute reference remains
a formula is copied to another cell. constant wherever a formula is
It is combination of row number Here, $ sign is added before row
and column name without any $ number as well as column name.
sign. Ex: A1 Ex: $A$1
Relative reference is the default Absolute reference is not default
cell reference in Excel in Excel.

Class 7 Computer

3. Explain the types of cell references in brief?

Ans : The 3 types of cell references used in Excel are:
a.Relative Reference: Relative reference, in the formula when copied
from one cell to another cell, changes with respect to the new cell
where it is copied. For example, a formula =A1+A2 entered in a
cell A3 is when copied to cell B3, cell references automatically
change to =B1+B2.
b. Absolute Reference: Absolute reference in the formula become
fixed and does not change when copied to another cell. In absolute
reference a $ sign is added before both column name and row
number. For example, = $A$1 is an absolute cell reference, and it
will not change when formula is copied to any other cell.
c. Mixed Reference: In mixed reference, either column name or row
number of the cell is made fixed by adding a $ sign, but not both.
For example, consider a formula =$A1 + A$2. In $A1 the Column
name is fixed but not row number. In A$2, the row number is fixed
while column name will change when the formula is copied to
another cell.
4. Write steps to rename a worksheet:
Ans : To rename a worksheet:
Step 1: Either Double Click the sheet name in the sheet tab or Right Click
the sheet tab and select ‘Rename’ option from the shortcut menu.
Step 2: Sheet name is highlighted. Type a new name and press Enter key.
5. Write steps to name a range.
Ans : To name a range of cells:
Step 1: Select a range of cells.
Step 2: Right click and select ‘Define Name’ option from shortcut menu.
Step 2: In ‘New Name’ dialog box, Type a name for the range and press
‘OK’ button.
6. What is sorting? What are two types of sorting available in Excel.
Ans : Sorting means to arrange data in a particular sequence either
ascending or descending order. In Excel data can be quickly sorted
by ‘A to Z’ or ‘Z to A’ command on single column; or it can be sorted
on multiple (one or more) columns by ‘Sort’ command.
7. How do you remove a filter?
Ans : To remove the filter: Select any cell in the range, Click on ‘Data’
Tab -> ‘Sort & Filter’ group ->’Filter’ option. Filter drop buttons will
disappear and hidden data will appear.
Class 7 Computer

8. Write steps to add a worksheet.

Ans : To add a new worksheet in a workbook, click on ‘Insert
Worksheet’ button on the Sheet Tab. A new worksheet gets added at
the end.
Application based question.
Ans: 1. =Average(C4:E4)
2. =Sum(D4:D5)
3. =Max(C4:E5)

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