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Part 4
Read the text and answer questions 25 to 34.

Why I Love Horror Films

by Muhammad Amin bin Ahmad

I sometimes hate horror films, but I can’t stop watching them. What is it about horror
films that makes them so enjoyable?
I think we love watching horror films because it’s like doing an extreme sport like
bungee jumping. You do it for the excitement that comes from being terrified. I’m really not a
fan of rollercoasters, so watching horror films is my way of experiencing this kind of fear and
excitement. I enjoy them because they don’t make me feel too anxious!
I watch most films with my brother but he doesn’t like horror movies at all. Usually my
sister and I watch these together because she’s a lot braver. Sometimes I keep a cushion close
by, just in case things get too scary!
The other day, I sat down by myself and watched a film called ‘The Strangers’. It’s about
a family that goes on a vacation and stays in a hotel filled with ghosts. They get trapped and
have to find a way to escape. It was almost as scary as ‘The Visitor’, which gave me nightmares!
I had to stop watching ‘The Strangers’ at one point, and checked my phone for a while, just to
calm myself down. I know some people read books and magazines but I don’t find this helps.
Some scenes in horror movies are unforgettable. I once woke up in the middle of the
night because I heard something ticking under my bed. I remembered a similar scene in a horror
movie where something was knocking under the bed and a ghost suddenly appeared! However,
it turned out to be my clock which I accidently dropped and I was scared for nothing.
The more I watch horror films, the more I enjoy them. Whenever a new one is released,
I’ll be the first to watch it – just not on my own!

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Questions 25 - 32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

25. Unlike scary films, the writer says he doesn’t like _______________________________.
[1 mark]

26. The writer usually watches horror films with his ________________________________.
[1 mark]

27. What does the writer usually keep with him while watching horror movies?
________________________________ [1 mark]

28. ‘The Strangers’ is about a family which has to

from a hotel. [1 mark]

29. Which one of the movies mentioned did the writer find more frightening?
________________________________ [1 mark]

30. While watching ‘The Strangers’, the writer looked at his __________________________
to feel less frightened. [1 mark]
31. One night, the writer woke up because he heard a ________________________________
sound under his bed. [1 mark]
32. The thing that made a sound under the writer’s bed was a _________________________.
[1 mark]
Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word

33. worried [1 mark]

34. bad dreams [1 mark]

[10 marks]

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Part 5
Questions 35 - 40
You are going to read a newspaper article about sports.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit
each gap (35 - 40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
For each question, mark the correct answer (A - H) on your answer sheet.


My parents encouraged me to play lots of sports while I was growing up. I was far better at
some than others!

When I was five years old, my mother signed me up for tennis classes. 35. During my
first lesson, the coach sent a tennis ball flying into my cheek by mistake! hat was when I started to
have a fear of tennis balls. That ended my mother’s dream of seeing me become a tennis star.
When I was seven, my father bought badminton rackets for my brother and me.

36. Despite my best efforts, I just couldn’t get my serve right. It was no surprise that the
practice sessions ended shortly after that.

37. I tried another sport, netball. It was one of the few that I really enjoyed
playing. I even got selected for the school team at the age of 11. From there on, I spent hours
learning the correct way to pass and catch the ball.
Even though I was very short, I played in ‘goal defence’ position in competitions. At one
competition, I tried very hard to block an extremely tall goal shooter. 38. This defeat
made me question if netball was the right sport for me.
The only sport that I’m interested in now is taekwondo. I was 12 years old when I first
joined my taekwondo club. I was the smallest in the class, but I enjoyed the activities every week.

There were times when I got injured and hurt my ankle during training sessions. 39. I
attended all the weekly taekwondo classes and passed all the tests.
With time and effort, I finally received my black belt and managed to win several prizes in

competitions. 40. I hope one day I’ll be able to join the Malaysian team and make my
country proud.

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A He took us to a nearby sports centre to learn the basics.

B I can never forget those scary experiences.
C Instead of giving up, I decided to train even harder.
D But my search for a sport was far from over.
E But I don’t want to stop there.
F It wasn’t easy and we lost the game.
G She thought it was a great idea, but she was wrong.
H It took a long time to recover.

[6 marks]



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