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Contract of Fellowship 2022.

Date: 3 March 2022

Dear Lordwick,
The Illume Foundation is pleased to offer you, Lordwick Sejamitlwa, a place in our 8 weeks
Fellowship Program commencing on 7 March to 29 April, subject to the terms set out in this

This exciting fellowship program will provide you with the opportunity to develop your
entrepreneurial skills while gaining practical experience through your placement.

To avoid doubt, this is a contract of Fellowship. You will be provided a separate contract
from your host company for the placement or employment.

Please sign and return this letter if you, the trainee (“Fellow”) agree to accept the offer and
participate in the Program in accordance with the following term and conditions:

1) You will follow the Fellowship educational program and guidelines and all other
applicable Illume Foundation policies and procedures at all times. These policies
and procedures will be provided to you at the time of commencement of the
Program and are available to access during the Program.

2) The Fellowship Program is an 8-week program where you will be required to commit
at least 20 hours per week for placement (learning experience) or as required by
your course if this is part of Course Credit internship, in your host company in
addition to weekly sessions at Illume (the sessions can be 2-3 hours per week). In
addition to this, you will also meet your program manager regularly, keep track of
your progress and undertake any developmental work required for the program
such as mentorship.

3) Any changes to your timing for placement should be consulted with your
manager/sponsor of the host organisation and made known to Illume.

4) Training and mentoring time at Illume shall not constitute work or employment,
hence you will be unpaid hours.

5) The Program starts on 7 March and will finish on 29 April 2022. Placements can be
extended to meet the required hours towards your course credit or between mutual
agreement between the company and yourself.

6) While the placement can be virtual or in person (please confirm this with your host
company), all sessions with Illume Foundation will be conducted remotely.
7) You will provide valid identification (driver’s license or passport), evidence of right to
work in Australia.

8) You will sign and return the attached Fellowship Contract prior to commencement
of the placement.

9) You agree to abide by the Illume Foundation’s and host company’s policies during
the company placement at all times.

10) You agree by accepting this offer that you are contractually obliged to complete the
8 weeks Program.

11) You acknowledge and agree that your participation in the program may be used by
Illume in marketing (website, promotion), case studies.

12) You acknowledge and agree that the training provided as part of the Program and
the work experience placement opportunity with a company is a valuable service.
The fee for this Program including training and mentoring, course content and
materials tuition costs is $3500. Illume provides you with 100% scholarship for the
program. You do not need to pay this amount.

13) Should you be offered paid internship/placement/job engagement during or after

(within 12 months) the fellowship from the host company or company referred by
Illume, an engagement fee of $1500 will be payable to Illume Foundation at the of
the appointment.

14) The Illume Foundation has the right to claim payment of the training fee of $1500
(plus GST) from you and this amount will become a debt immediately payable by
you to Illume Foundation if
a) you are removed from the Program by The Illume Foundation for any behaviour
or misconduct or any unlawful conduct that may affect Illume’s reputation, bring
Illume into disrepute or
impact upon its legal obligations, or
b) you decide to leave the Program before completing the full two-month
program, or
c) you refuse to make up any work or training hours that you have missed during
the Program, or
d) you do not attend the Fellowship training or work at the company placement on
the days and times during the Program as required and communicated to you in
advance, except due to illness or other special circumstances and where you
have agreed with the Illume Foundation in writing for the period of absence, or
e) you have provided false or misleading information to gain acceptance to the
Program, or
f) you do not have the right to work in Australia, or
g) you do not show sufficient skills, aptitude, or enthusiasm during training and
while during the placement at the host company, or
h) you do not comply with the host company’s or Illume Foundation’s policies
and/or reasonable and lawful instructions and directions, or
i) you do not participate in the interview process as arranged for company
placement; or
j) you do not sign any non-disclosure, confidentiality agreement and/or
Intellectual Property assignment agreements as required by the company or
Illume Foundation, or
k) you breach any terms of this offer letter, or any terms stipulated in the contract
of the host company

1) You are obliged to communicate your progress during the company placement to
the Illume Foundation program team and seek assistance if you are unable to
complete work tasks or assignments or if you have any issues or concerns in respect
of the company placement or training.

2) You are obliged to communicate to Illume Foundation any circumstances

concerning and/ or affecting you, the Program or your placement at the company,
including bullying, harassment of any sort, or any other matter that may cause you
stress, embarrassment or impinge on your rights or ability to perform your work or
training to the best of your abilities.

3) Illume Foundation has the final decision on which company you will be matched
with for the two-month work experience period. Illume Foundation will use its best
endeavours to find a company placement for you. Illume will arrange an interview(s)
with host companies prior to the start of the program.

4) Illume Foundation does not guarantee a job at the end of 2 months fellowship.
Illume Foundation will do its best to assist you to find employment, but it is your
sole responsibility to seek employment.

I accept the offer to participate in the Illume Foundation’s Fellowship Program on

the terms set out above in this letter:

Illume Fellow

-------------------------------- --------------------------------
Full Name:

Illume Fellowship, Program Director

-------------------------------- --------------------------------
Full Name: Laxmi Pun
Date: 3 March 2022

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