Oath Script

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When you think of the word “responsibility”, what is it that comes to your mind?

Getting your school assignments done on time?

Helping your family with the daily chores?

Watching out for your siblings? Or maybe all of it altogether.

Responsibility actually means something more too. Responsibility is about looking inside yourself and
doing all you can to be the best person possible. And trying to see what you can do to help others. It
wouldn’t be wrong to say that, when you practice responsibility, you’re on your way to making your life
the very best it can be! But then, this very term responsibility doesn’t only confine to a certain group of
students. It applies equally for us all, at all places.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed parents, Honorable head mistress Ma’am Komal Sarmad, Respected
teachers and my dear fellow students. This is Maaz Zahid, your escort for today’s event the ‘Investiture

We commence the programme with a walk past of all the council members.

(after the walk past)

Our School is our second home, a place where we are cared for tenderly, nurtured with knowledge and
taught things with a totally different perspective. And this doesn’t end here. Our school makes sure we
have an exposure, a proper positive approach to new and diverse learnings, innovative dimensions of
understanding, integrating and blending them with curriculum and extra curricular activities. From
amongst us , the students and teachers have a chance to elect certain representatives , not for
monitoring us, but to be exemplars that model out how events are organized, how it is that we engage
ourselves in wholesome activities and how we work as a team for our holistic development. A
prefectorial council also ensures maintenance of an atmosphere of friendly cooperation, peace,
discipline and unity in the School. They also serve as counselors to junior students. Being elected as
members of a council gives the opportunity to develop leadership skills and have significant influence on
the daily life of the school. Respected Principal, teachers and honorable parents.

We gather here today to attend the oath taking ceremony of the prefectorial council 2023-2024. We
extend our gratitude to the parents for taking out time from their busy schedule to grace this occasion.
Thank you very much for your presence. We officially begin the programme with the recitation of the
Holy Quran by Sahbaan of 11 T


We request you all to pls rise in honor of the national anthem and school song. Thank you everyone.
Please be seated.

We take pride in calling on stage our head mistress Ma’am Komal Sarmad, the driving and propelling
force of GCA who has steered the cruise of the campus so well. She has been our constant motivation
and ensured that we all strive and thrive to be leaders.

Ma’am, we request you to pls come and grace the audience with your precious words.

(after the address)

Thank you ma’am for your kind words. We will now be distributing the gowns to our prefects followed
by the oath taking ceremony.

(after the distribution of gowns)

We now request the head boy Abdur Rehman and the deputy head boy Shahmeer Zia to come on stage
to take the oath for their designations.

(after the oath ceremony)

We’d like to request our head boy Abdur Rehman to say a few words.

(after head boy’s address)

As we head towards the end of the event, we would like to convey a little message to you all. We as
responsible human beings do not need someone to monitor us all the time, but we do need to have
positive people to look around for motivation, positivity and examples. Not only this, we need to be that
helping hand that pulls its peers towards success and achievements. For that we do not need any tags or
designations, we only need that feeling of ownership, of empathy and care that we have to render to
people around us, as students and as refined and aware citizens of our country.

This is Maaz Zahid, your host signing off

Thank you and Allah hafiz

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