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Long Quiz in Philo 101


I. Multiple Choice:

1. This can be defined as the standards that an individual or group has about what is right and wrong, or
good and evil.
a. Ethics
b. Morality
c. Philosophy
d. Things that are probable
2. A being capable of moral agency is one who possesses the means of ---
a. Judging rightly
b. Power to react accordingly
c. Ethical action
d. None of the above
3. A moral agent is an intelligent being who has the following characteristics except:
a. Power of choosing
b. Scope to act according to his choice
c. One to whom the Supreme Governor has given a cognizable law, with its proper sanction, by
which to regulate his volition and actions
d. Who is placed in circumstances which present no physical obstruction either to obedience or
4. Philosophy means ---
a. Love of Material thing
b. Love of wisdom
c. Goals
d. All of the above
5. Aristotle discusses that “only a certain kind of agent qualifies as a moral agent and is thus properly
subject to ascription of responsibility, namely, one who possesses --- “
a. Capacity for decision
b. Capacity of reason
c. Will
d. None of the above

II. Identification:
1. This branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of social and political systems
2. Which branch of philosophy explores the nature of values and ethical principles?
3. This branch of philosophy examines the nature of human knowledge and understanding.
4. Which branch of philosophy investigates the concept of free will and determinism?
5. This branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of space, time, and causality.
6. Which branch of philosophy studies the nature of meaning and interpretation?
7. This branch of philosophy explores the nature of consciousness and subjective experience.
8. Which branch of philosophy deals with questions about the existence of God?
9. This branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of human perception and sensation
10. Which branch of philosophy investigates the nature of reasoning and logic?
11. This branch of philosophy examines the nature of art and artistic expression.
12. It is an informal public system applying to all rational person, governing behavior that affects others, and has
the lessening of evil or harm as its goal.
13. It is a being that is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.
14. He was the first person to discuss moral responsibility.
15. It refers to the norms which we have about the types of actions which we believe to be morally acceptable
and morally unacceptable.
16. Rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.
17. It is a conflict in which you have to choose between two or more actions and have moral reasons for
choosing each action.
18. It is derived from the Latin word “cultura” which means care or cultivation.
19. It is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of
one’s own culture.
20. It is defined in a provisional way, as the scientific study of moral judgments.
21. It means “love of wisdom”.
22. This branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of knowledge and justification
23. Which branch of philosophy studies the nature of causality and scientific explanation?
24. This branch of philosophy explores the nature of social interactions and institutions.
25. Which branch of philosophy examines the nature of human emotions and affective experiences?
26. This branch of philosophy deals with questions about the nature of consciousness.
27. Which branch of philosophy investigates the nature of meaning and truth in language?
28. This branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of human freedom and responsibility
29. Which branch of philosophy studies the nature of historical interpretation and understanding?
30. This branch of philosophy explores the nature of personal identity and self-hood.
31. Which branch of philosophy deals with questions about the nature of knowledge?
32. Which branch of philosophy focuses on the study of knowledge and belief?
33. This branch of philosophy deals with the nature of reality and existence.
34. Which branch of philosophy examines the principles of right and wrong conduct?
35. This branch of philosophy explores the nature of beauty and aesthetics.
36. Which branch of philosophy investigates the nature of mind and consciousness?
37. This branch of philosophy delves into the nature and origin of moral principles.
38. Which branch of philosophy studies the nature of language and communication?
39. This branch of philosophy examines the relationship between mind and body.
40. Which branch of philosophy deals with questions about the nature of truth and deception?

III. Enumeration:
1. 6 Characteristics of Moral Standards
2. 2 Standards in Morality
3. 5 Key Features of Morality
4. 2 Branches of Ethics

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