Activity Book Stud

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Ex. 1. Fluency training. Shadowing.

Learn the following English tongue twisters by heart and repeat after the
speaker in shadowing mode.

1) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

2) Whether the weather is cold, whether the weather is hot,

we’ll be together whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

3) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
The woodchuck would chuck as much as wood
As a woodchuck could chuck wood.

4) Betty Botter bought some butter;

“But,” she said, “this butter's bitter!
If I put it in my batter
It will make my batter bitter”.
So she bought some better butter
Better than the bitter butter,
When she put it in her batter,
It made her batter better.
So, it was good that Betty Botter
Bought some better butter.

5) Unique New York, New York Unique.

Unique New York, New York Unique.

Ex. 2. Fluency training. Shadowing.

Learn the following Ukrainian tongue twisters by heart and repeat after the
speaker in shadowing mode.

Кит кота по хвилях катав, кит у воді, кіт на киті. А тридцять три
кораблі лавірували, лавірували та не вилавірували. Затвердили що на дворі
трава, на траві дрова: раз дрова, два дрова, три дрова. Дрова вшир двору,
дрова вздовж двору. Не вмістить двір дров, треба видворити дрова на
дров'яний двір. Однак орел на горі, перо на орлі, гора під орлом, орел під
пером. А ще королева Клара суворо карала Карла за крадіжку коралів. Ну а
горох у городі виріс небувалий, горобці город пограбували. Нараз в банці
цілющий сік квітки нарциса, він зцілює тіла м'язи. Цигани цінують цей
засіб і лікують цим засобом з дитинства. У червень в четвер четвертого
числа в чотири з чвертю години чотири чорненьких, чумазеньких чортеня
креслили чорними чорнилами креслення. Надзвичайно чисто, надзвичайно
чітко. Нагадаємо, віз Сенька Саньку з Сонькою на санках. Санки скок,
Сенька з ніг, Саньку в бік, Соньку в лоб, всіх в замет. Проте, не той,
товариші, товаришу товариш, хто при товариші товаришу товариш, а той,
товариші, товаришу товариш, хто без товариша товаришеві товариш. Тим
часом, ховрахи хотіли хліба, ховрахам давали рибу, ховрахи халви хотіли,
та просити на уміли, хто нам може підказати, чого ще їм треба дати?
Заболіло горло у горили, бо горила багато говорила. Женя з бджільми не
дружив, завжди Женя бджіл дражнив, Женю бджоли не жаліли, та
дражнила нажалили. Нагадаємо, їхала Хима до Максима візком-
тарадайкою, тарадайка торохкоче, сива кобила везти не хоче. Ну а бурі
бобри брід перебрели, забули бобри забрати торби. У жахливу зливу під
кущем дуже змокли жук з джмелем, а от черепаха чаплю в вечорі

пригощала чаєм з печивом. Миші в шафі шаруділи, шість шарфів

шерстяних з’їли. А ще дідусь Панас нам купив ананас. То ж приходьте до
нас почастуємо й вас.

Ex. 3. Fluency training. Shadowing.

Learn the following Russian tongue twisters by heart and repeat after the
speaker in shadowing mode.

Истерического конституционалиста Константина Константиновича

Константинова нашли протрезвившимся в революционно-
конституционном Константинополе и с проявившимся достоинством
изобретающим усовершенствованный маневрирующе регулирующий,
вздрагивающе- протягивающий, тонизирующе-анализирующий,
вмешивающийся, свешивающийся, естественно елейный , языково-
ехидный пылепневмомешковыколачиватель, ввернутый вволю ввысь
ввиду происшествия, произошедшего в четверг четвертого числа в четыре
с четвертью часа, когда четыре черненьких чумазеньких чертенка, три
красных распрекрасных поросенка, двести двадцать два леща, собравшись
вместе, трепеща укомплектовывали, закольцовывали, заковывали,
утрамбовывали вспомогательно - воспроизведенную, спровоцированно -
сбалансированную, всемирно-вспаханную, всецело - повсеместную рубо-
глазо- выковыривательницу с переподвыподвертом, которую впоследствии
впопыхах, впотьмах взаправду выкрал то ли Карл, то ли Клара, то ли Лавр,
то ли Лара, то ли Фофан в землю вкопан, то ли Мила мылом мыла, в
общем выкрали не видя, что за ними наблюдают три японца: Як, Як
Цидрак, Як Цидрак Цидрак Цидрони; три японки: Ципи, Ципи Дрипи,
Ципи Дрипи Лимпопони. Их японские детишки: Шах, Шах Шахмат, Шах
Шахмат Шахмат Шахмони, и конечно, командир - друг подполковника и
подполковницы, подпоруччика и подпоруччицы, дровокола, дроворуба,
дровосека, дровоноса, дровопила, дрововоза, ввезшего дрова на двор
вдовы Варвары, которые впоследствие два вора своровали, водовоза,

везущего воду из-под водопровода, Феофана Митрофаныча, трёх сынов

Феофанычей, трех дочек, восьми внучек, двух пр авнучек плакучих, Сенек,
Санек, Сонек в санках, Франца Францевича-панка, Милы, Нила, Клима,
Фрола, Прова, Глеба да Прасковьи. Наблюдают и проговаривают,
выговаривают и приговаривают, что не тот товарищи товарищу товарищ,
кто при товарищах товарищу товарищ, а тот товарищи товарищу товарищ,
кто без товарищей товарищу товарищ! А ты и поговори скороговорочку за
скороговорочкой и тогда так заговоришь, словно реченька зажурчишь!

Ex. 4. Fluency training. Shadowing.

Repeat after the speaker in shadowing mode.
Pronounciation Poem

Ration never rhymes with nation, Time when work is done is leisure,
Say prefer, but preferable, Fill it up with useful pleasure.
Comfortable and vegetable. Accidental, accident,
B must not be heard in doubt, Sound the g in ignorant.
Debt and dumb both leave it out.
Relative, but relation,
In the words psychology, Then say creature, but creation.
Psychic, and psychiatry, Say the a in gas quite short,
You must never sound the p. Bought remember rhymes with thwart,
Psychiatrist you call the man
Drought must always rhyme with bout,
Who cures the complex, if he can.
In daughter leave the g h out.
In architect ch is k Wear a boot upon your foot.
In arch it is the other way. Root can never rhyme with soot.
Please remember to say iron
In muscle, s and c is s,
So that it'll rhyme with lion.
In muscular, it's s k, yes!
Advertisers advertise,
Choir must always rhyme with wire,
Advertisements will put you wise.
That again will rhyme with liar.

Then remember it's address. Sew is just the same as so,

With an accent like posses. Tie a ribbon in a bow.
G in sign must silent be, When you meet the Queen you bow,
In signature, pronounce the g. Which again must rhyme with how.

Please remember, say towards In perfect English make a start.

Just as if it rhymed with boards. Learn this little rhyme by heart.
Weight's like wait, but not like height.
Which should always rhyme with might.

Ex. 5. Fluency training. Shadowing.

Repeat after the speaker in shadowing mode.
The Chaos

Dearest creature in creation, Cloven, oven, how and low,

Study English pronunciation. Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
I will teach you in my verse Hear me say, devoid of trickery,
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse. Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore,
I will keep you, Suzy, busy, Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy. Exiles, similes, and reviles;
Tear in eye, your dress will tear. Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer. Solar, mica, war and far;
Just compare heart, beard, and heard, One, anemone, Balmoral,
Dies and diet, lord and word, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel;
Sword and sward, retain and Britain. Gertrude, German, wind and mind,
(Mind the latter, how it's written.) Scene, Melpomene, mankind.
Now I surely will not plague you Billet does not rhyme with ballet,
With such words as plaque and ague. Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
But be careful how you speak: Blood and flood are not like food,
Say break and steak, but bleak and streak; Nor is mould like should and would.

Viscous, viscount, load and broad, Liberty, library, heave and heaven,
Toward, to forward, to reward. Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven.
And your pronunciation's OK We say hallowed, but allowed,
When you correctly say croquet, People, leopard, towed, but vowed.
Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Mark the differences, moreover,
Friend and fiend, alive and live. Between mover, cover, clover;
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,
And enamour rhymes with hammer. Chalice, but police and lice;
River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb, Camel, constable, unstable,
Doll and roll and some and home. Principle, disciple, label.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Petal, panel, and canal,
Neither does devour with clangour. Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal.
Souls but foul, haunt but aunt, Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,
Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant, Senator, spectator, mayor.
Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger, Tour, but our and succour, four.
And then singer, ginger, linger, Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge,
Sea, idea, Korea, area,
Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age. Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
Query does not rhyme with very, Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean.
Nor does fury sound like bury. Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth. Compare alien with Italian,
Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath. Dandelion and battalion.
Though the differences seem little, Sally with ally, yea, ye,
We say actual but victual. Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key.
Refer does not rhyme with deafer. Say aver, but ever, fever,
Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer. Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver.
Mint, pint, senate and sedate; Heron, granary, canary.
Dull, bull, and George ate late. Crevice and device and aerie.
Scenic, Arabic, Pacific, Face, but preface, not efface.
Science, conscience, scientific. Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.

Large, but target, gin, give, verging, Won't it make you lose your wits,
Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging. Writing groats and saying grits?
Ear, but earn and wear and tear It's a dark abyss or tunnel:
Do not rhyme with here but ere. Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale,

Seven is right, but so is even, Islington and Isle of Wight,

Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen, Housewife, verdict and indict.
Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk, Finally, which rhymes with enough?
Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work. Though, through, plough,
Pronunciation -- think of Psyche! or dough, or cough?
Is a paling stout and spikey? Hiccough has the sound of cup.
My advice is give it up!

Ex. 6. Fluency training. Shadowing.

Repeat after the speaker in shadowing mode.
We've all heard of Peter Piper and the pack of pickled peppers that he
picked, but we never found out what happened to those peck of pickled peppers
that Peter Piper picked. That's not acceptable. We must know what happened!!
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
The people of Pepperopolis were puzzled and proceeded to ponder the
possibilities! Perhaps Peter Piper packed the peck of pickled peppers, per proper
packing practices?
Or perchance the peppers proved putrid and Peter decided the peck of
pickled peppers were too pitiful for packing? (sneakily)

But probably, prior to packing, Peter Piper pinched the peck of pickled
peppers by putting them in his pockets! (evil chuckle) Perplexed, the people
petitioned the Pepper Police to puzzle it out.
I’m pleased to proclaim that the Pepper Police pledge to place this pepper
perpetrator in prison. Providing the Pepper Police procure proper proof proving
Peter Piper positively pinched the peck of pickled peppers, punishment
procedures will be proposed, pronounced, and performed publicly and proudly!
Presently the prosecution proposes Peter Piper purposefully stole the peck
of pickled peppers for purposes of pigging out.
Peter Piper pleaded and protested that his process was pure. But Peter’s
protests were put down and passed over by the prosecution. Peter would be
punished in prison. Poor, poor, Peter.
But then, the perfume of pickled peppers permeated the proceedings. The
people were perplexed, and pondered. What person has presently partaken of
pickled peppers?
The prosecution was puzzled, how could puffs of peppery perfume
persist when peppers haven’t been present in these proceedings? Then Peter
pointed at Percival the Pirate, popularly pegged as Pirate Purplebeard, and
"I proclaim pepper piracy from that peppery perfumed person, who
partook of the peck of pickled peppers! It was Pirate Purplebeard who stole
the pickled peppers that I picked!" (gasp!)
Percival the Pirate, provoked to passion, plunged past people, pursued by
Pepper Police and popped poor people with peppers in his path. Peter too
plunged forward, picked up a pike, and poked it at Percivel, parting Pirate
Purplebeard from his prized peck of pickled peppers!
The Pepper Police imprisoned Percival promptly! Peter’s purity in proper
pepper picking and packing is proved! Yes, we promptly proclaim Peter Piper to
be pure in pepper picking purpose.

And Pirate Purplebeard, professional pepper thief, has publicly been

proved to have procured the peppers improperly. Pickled Peppers were
protected, and Peter’s participation in petty thievery was proved pure
Peter Piper was presently promoted to Premier Picker of Pickled Peppers
in Pepperopolis.Ahem...So children, the moral... Pass up the pitfalls of being a
Pirate and pick up your peppers properly. Period. The end.

Ex. 7. Fluency training. Shadowing.

Repeat after the speaker in shadowing mode.
Look Up
I have four-hundred-and-twenty-two friends, yet I'm lonely,
I speak to all of them every day, yet none of them really know me.
The problem I have sits in the spaces between,
Looking into their eyes or at a name on a screen.

I took a step back and opened my eyes,

I looked around and realize.
That this media we call social is anything but,
When we open our computers, and it's our doors we shut.

All this technology we have is just an illusion,

Community, companionship, a sense of inclusion.
Yet when you step away from this device of delusion,
You awaken to see a world of confusion.

A world where we're slaves to the technology we mastered,

Where information gets sold by some rich greedy bastard,
A world of self-interest, self-image, self-promotion,
Where we all share our best bits, but, leave out the emotion.

We're almost most happy with an experience we share,

But is it the same if no one is there?
Be there for your friends and they'll be there too,
But no one will be if a group message will do.

We edit and exaggerate, crave adulation,

We pretend not to notice the social isolation.
We put our words into order until our lives are glistening,
We don't even know if anyone is listening.

Being alone isn't a problem let me just emphasize,

You read a book, paint a picture, or do some exercise,
You're being productive at present, not reserved or reclused,
You're being awake and attentive and putting your time to good use.

So when you're in public, and you start to feel alone,

Put your hands behind your head, step away from the phone!
You don't need to stare at your menu, or at your contact list,
Just talk to one another, learn to coexist.

I can't stand to hear the silence of a busy commuter train

Where no one to talk for the fear of looking insane
We're becoming unsocial, and no longer satisfied
To engage with one another, and look into someone's eyes

We're surrounded by children, who since they were born,

Have watched us living like robots, and now think it's the norm.
It's not very likely you'll make world’s greatest dad,
If you can't entertain a child without using an iPad.

When I was a child, I'd never be home,

Be out with my friends on our bikes we'd drove.
There were holes on my trainers, and graze up my knees,
We'd build our own clubhouse, high up in the trees.

Now the parks are so quiet, it gives me a chill,

See no children outside and the swings hanging still.
There's no skipping, no hopscotch, no church and no steeple,
We're a al’sation of idiots, smart phones and dumb people.

So look up from your phone, shut down the display,

Take in your surroundings, make the most of today.
Just one real connection is all it can take,
To show you the difference that being there can make.

Be there in the moment when she gives you the look,

That you remember forever as 'when love overtook'.
The time she first holds your hand, or first kisses your lips,
The time you first disagree and you still love her to bits.

The time you don't have to tell hundreds of what you've just done,
Because you want to share this moment with just this one.
The time you sell your computer, so you can buy a ring,
For the girl of your dreams who is now the real thing.
The time you want to start a family and the moment when,
You first hold your little girl and get to fall in love again.
The time she keeps you up at night and all you want is rest,
The time you wipe away the tears as your baby flees the nest.

The time your baby girl returns with her boy for you to hold,

The time he calls you granddad and makes you feel real old.
The time you take in all you’ve made just by giving life attention,
And how you’re glad you didn’t waste it by looking down in some invention.

The time you hold your wife’s hand, sit down beside her bed,
You tell her that you love her, lay a kiss upon her head.
She then whispers to you quietly, as her heart gives a final beat,
That’s she’s lucky that she got stopped by that lost boy in the street.

But none of these times ever happened, you never had any of this,
When you’re too busy looking down, you don’t see the chances you miss.

So, look up from your phone, shut down those displays,

We have a finite existence, a set number of days.
Don’t waste your life getting caught in the net,
As when the end comes nothing’s worse than regret.

I’m guilty too of being part of this machine,

This digital world, we are heard but not seen.
Where we type as we talk and we read as we chat,
Where we spend hours together, without making eye contact.

So, don’t give into a life where you follow the hype,
Give people your love, don’t give them your like.
Disconnect from the need to be heard and defined,
Go out into the world, leave distractions behind.

Look up from your phone, shut down that display,

Stop watching this video, live life the real way!

Ex. 8. Fluency training.

You will hear telephone numbers, names and positions in the company. Put
down the given information, reproduce it in English using your notes, and
interpret it into your native tongue.
a. +44-876-047-96-55 John D. Rockefeller, CEO
b. +38-098-735-11-98 Jacqueline Parkinson, Сhief Information Officer
c. +44-709-298-05-85 Michelle Odenn, Finance Director
d. +78-732-875-88-13 Adam O’Brian, Director Design Engineering
e. +44-632-564-21-64 Emily Finewill, Head of Criminal Law Department
f. +65-875-209-87-35 Samuel Nicklaw, Senior Manager
g. +44-409-228-27-05 Oref Tin, Chief Audit Executive

Ex. 9. Fluency training.

You will hear telephone numbers, names of departments in the company. Put
down the given information, reproduce it in English using your notes, and
interpret it into your native tongue.
a. +49-219-568-49-62 Production Department
b. +24-171-123-45-67 Research and Development Department
c. +19-192-689-54-30 Purchasing Department
d. +72-898-229-00-09 Marketing Department
e. +53-647-258-82-55 Human Resource Management Department
f. +62-375-564-14-24 Accounting and Finance Department
g. +35-758-001-23-96 Sales Department

Ex. 10. Short-term memory training. Snowball.

Listen, memorize and repeat the following information after the speaker in a
snowball mode.


1) Bookcase 1) Frog

2) Armchair 2) Scorpion

3) Cupboard 3) Spider

4) Garden bench 4) Pigeon

5) Eagle
5) Antananarivo
6) Penguin
6) Lamp
7) Lobster
7) Mirror
8) Knife
8) Porch swing
9) Shark
9) Rocking chair


1) Sofa 1) New Zealand

2) Table 2) Bora Bora

3) Waterbed 3) Rome

4) Tea cart 4) London

5) Rug 5) Tokyo

6) Kitchen 6) Barcelona

7) Living room 7) Bicycle

8) Crocodile 8) Bali

9) Bathroom 9) Dubai


1) Reptiles 1) Disneyland

2) Worms 2) Eiffel Tower

3) Molluscs 3) Colosseum

4) Mammals 4) Statue of Liberty

5) Insects 5) Machu Picchu

6) Fish 6) Acropolis

7) Kindergarten 7) Taj Mahal

8) Birds 8) Washing machine

9) Amphibians 9) Stonehenge

Ex. 11. Short-term memory training. Snowball.

Listen, memorize and repeat the following English sentences after the speaker in
a snowball mode.
1. Sydney McLaughlin took Olympic gold medal.
2. The USA's athlete Sydney McLaughlin took Olympic gold medal.
3. The USA's athlete Sydney McLaughlin took Olympic gold medal at the
Tokyo Games.
4. The USA's athlete Sydney McLaughlin smashed her own world record as she
took Olympic gold medal at the Tokyo Games.
5. The USA's athlete Sydney McLaughlin smashed her own world record with a
sensational run as she took Olympic gold medal at the Tokyo Games.
6. The USA's athlete Sydney McLaughlin smashed her own world record with a
sensational run as she took Olympic gold medal in the women's 400m hurdles at
the Tokyo Games.


1. Attack on the Afghan defence minister's house in Kabul has left at least eight
2. An audacious attack on the Afghan defence minister's house in Kabul has left
at least eight dead.
3. An audacious attack on the Afghan defence minister's house in Kabul has left
at least eight dead as it was the first major bombimg for nearly a year.
4. An audacious attack on the Afghan defence minister's house in Kabul has left
at least eight dead as it was the first major bombing by militants in the city for
nearly a year.

1. The pressure is on to achieve the government's target of having the entire
population vaccinated.
2. The pressure is on to achieve the government's target of having 80 to 85
percent of the entire population vaccinated.
3. The pressure is on to achieve the government's target of having 80 to 85
percent of the entire population vaccinated by the end of the year.
4. School students are getting the jab, but the pressure is on to achieve the
government's target of having 80 to 85 percent of the entire population
vaccinated by the end of the year.
5. In several Chinese provinces school students are getting the jab, but the
pressure is on to achieve the government's target of having 80 to 85 percent of
the entire population vaccinated by the end of the year.

1. Doctor Abbas Khan was murdered by the regime.
2. Doctor Abbas Khan, who travelled to Aleppo in 2012, was murdered by the
3. Doctor Abbas Khan, who travelled to Aleppo in 2012 to provide care to
Syrian civilians, but was murdered by the regime.

4. Sarah Spike was inspired by a doctor Abbas Khan, who travelled to Aleppo in
2012 to provide care to Syrian civilians, but was murdered by the regime.
5. Sarah Spike was inspired to study medicine, after learning about a doctor
Abbas Khan, who travelled to Aleppo in 2012 to provide care to Syrian
civilians, but was murdered by the regime.

1. Beirut was rocked by explosions.
2. Beirut was rocked by one of the largest non-nuclear explosions ever.
3. On 4 August 2020 the city of Beirut was rocked by one of the largest non-
nuclear explosions ever.
4. On 4 August 2020 the city of Beirut was rocked by one of the largest non-
nuclear explosions ever, yet no one has been made accountable.
5. On 4 August 2020 the city of Beirut was rocked by one of the largest non-
nuclear explosions ever, yet a year later no one has been made accountable.
6. On 4 August 2020 the city of Beirut was rocked by one of the largest non-
nuclear explosions ever, which killed more than 200 people, wounded
thousands, yet a year later no one has been made accountable.
7. On 4 August 2020 the city of Beirut was rocked by one of the largest non-
nuclear explosions ever, which killed more than 200 people, wounded
thousands, and devastated swathes of Beirut, yet a year later no one has been
made accountable.

1. The Chinese authorities hope to put into practise a zero-Covid strategy.
2. The Chinese authorities hope to put into practise a zero-Covid strategy by
keeping observers in huge bubbles.
3. The Chinese authorities hope to put into practise a zero-Covid strategy by
keeping the media, athletes and observers in huge separate isolation bubbles.

4. The Chinese authorities hope to put into practise a zero-Covid strategy by

keeping the media, athletes and observers in huge separate isolation bubbles
which incorporate transport links.
5. The Chinese authorities hope to put into practise a zero-Covid strategy by
keeping the media, athletes and observers in huge separate isolation bubbles
which incorporate not only housing and event locations but also transport

1. French President Emmanuel Macron wanted to make life difficult.
2. French President Emmanuel Macron wanted to make life difficult for
unvaccinated people.
3. French President Emmanuel Macron has been accused after he used a slang
term to say he wanted to make life difficult for unvaccinated people.
4. French President Emmanuel Macron has been accused of using divisive,
vulgar language after he used a slang term to say he wanted to make life
difficult for unvaccinated people.

1. Harry Potter first cast its spell.
2. It is 20 years since JK Rowling's Harry Potter first cast its spell.
3. It is 20 years since JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
first cast its spell on readers across the globe.
4. It is 20 years since JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
first cast its spell on readers across the globe, but creation wasn't entirely
5. It is 20 years since JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
first cast its spell on readers across the globe, but Rowling's fantastical
creation wasn't entirely make-believe.

1. Children influence us even before they are born.
2. Children influence us even before they are born, but babies direct our moods.
3. Children influence us even before they are born, but babies direct our sleep
and, as a side effect, our moods.
4. Children influence us even before they are born, since we adjust our lives to
welcome them, but babies direct our sleep and, as a side effect, our moods.
5. Children influence us even before they are born since we plan for their
arrival and adjust our lives to welcome them, but babies direct our sleep and,
as a side effect, our moods.

1. Anti-government protesters have stormed the mayor's office.
2. Anti-government protesters in Kazakhstan's main city, Almaty, have stormed
the mayor's office.
3. Anti-government protesters in Kazakhstan's main city, Almaty, have stormed
the mayor's, which lead to a state of emergency in some areas.
4. Anti-government protesters in Kazakhstan's main city, Almaty, have stormed
the mayor's office on a second day of protests, which lead to a state of
emergency in some areas.
5. Anti-government protesters in Kazakhstan's main city, Almaty, have stormed
the mayor's office on a second day of protests over fuel prices, which lead to a
state of emergency in some areas.

Ex. 12. Short-term memory training

Listen, memorize and repeat the following Ukrainian sentences after the speaker
in a snowball mode.
1. Андрія Клюєва звинувачують у «відмиванні» коштів та зловживанні

2. Колишнього голову Адміністрації Президента Андрія Клюєва

звинувачують у «відмиванні» коштів та зловживанні владою.
3. Суд відмовився знімати арешт із майна колишнього голови
Адміністрації Президента Андрія Клюєва, якого звинувачують у
«відмиванні» коштів та зловживанні владою.
4. 4 серпня 2021 року суд відмовився знімати арешт із майна колишнього
голови Адміністрації Президента Андрія Клюєва, якого звинувачують у
«відмиванні» коштів та зловживанні владою.
5. 4 серпня 2021 року Шевченківський районний суд столиці відмовився
знімати арешт із майна колишнього голови Адміністрації Президента
Андрія Клюєва, якого звинувачують у «відмиванні» коштів та зловживанні

1. В Україні завершується період бета-тестування ковід-сертифікатів.
2. В Україні завершується період бета-тестування ковід-сертифікатів, що
були доступні користувачам додатку “Дія”.
3. В Україні завершується період бета-тестування ковід-сертифікатів, що
були доступні для пробного завантаження користувачам додатку “Дія”.
4. В Україні завершується період бета-тестування ковід-сертифікатів, що
були доступні для пробного завантаження користувачам додатку “Дія” на
початку липня 2021 року.
5. В Україні завершується період бета-тестування ковід-сертифікатів, які
обіцяють більше свободи під час пандемії, що були доступні для пробного
завантаження користувачам додатку “Дія” на початку липня 2021 року.
1. Біля села Урич проходить один із головних фестивалів літа на
2. На території скельного заповідника «Тустань» біля села Урич
проходить один із головних фестивалів літа на Львівщині.

3. На території скельного Державного історико-культурного заповідника

«Тустань» біля села Урич проходить один із головних фестивалів літа на
4. На території скельного Державного історико-культурного заповідника
«Тустань» біля села Урич проходить один із головних фестивалів літа на
Львівщині, який об’єднує реконструкторів і поціновувачів середньовіччя з
усієї України.
5. На території скельного Державного історико-культурного заповідника
«Тустань» біля села Урич проходить один із головних фестивалів літа на
Львівщині, який триватиме упродовж тижня та об’єднує
реконструкторів і поціновувачів середньовіччя з усієї України.

1. Промоція України не враховує специфіку Східної та Південно-Східної
2. Посол нашої країни в Японії Сергій Корсунський заявив, що промоція
України не враховує специфіку Східної та Південно-Східної Азії.
3. Під час виступу на форумі «Україна 30. Імідж України» посол нашої
країни в Японії Сергій Корсунський заявив, що промоція України не
враховує специфіку Східної та Південно-Східної Азії.
4. Під час виступу на форумі «Україна 30. Імідж України» посол нашої
країни в Японії Сергій Корсунський заявив, що промоція України не
враховує мовну і культурну специфіку Східної та Південно-Східної Азії.
5. Під час виступу на форумі «Україна 30. Імідж України» посол нашої
країни в Японії Сергій Корсунський заявив, що промоція України,
розрахована на європейця та американця, проте вона не враховує мовну і
культурну специфіку Східної та Південно-Східної Азії.


1. У Дніпрі мешканці відкрили власний пункт приймання побутових

2. У Дніпрі мешканці багатоповерхівки по вулиці Запорізьке шосе, 56,
відкрили власний пункт приймання побутових відходів.
3. У Дніпрі мешканці багатоповерхівки по вулиці Запорізьке шосе, 56,
відкрили власний пункт приймання побутових відходів, який
розташований у підвалі житлового будинку.
4. У Дніпрі мешканці багатоповерхівки по вулиці Запорізьке шосе, 56,
відкрили власний пункт приймання побутових відходів, що обробляє
майже 40 видів побутових відходів, та розташований у підвалі житлового
5. У Дніпрі мешканці багатоповерхівки по вулиці Запорізьке шосе, 56,
відкрили власний пункт приймання побутових відходів, що обробляє
майже 40 видів відходів таких як пластик, картон, скло, метал тощо, та
розташований у підвалі житлового будинку.
6. На сайті Дніпровської міської ради повідомляється, що у Дніпрі
мешканці багатоповерхівки по вулиці Запорізьке шосе, 56, відкрили
власний пункт приймання побутових відходів, що обробляє майже 40 видів
відходів таких як пластик, картон, скло, метал тощо, та розташований у
підвалі житлового будинку.

1. Роздрібна торгівля на території села може здійснюватися без
застосування касового апарату.
2. Роздрібна торгівля на території села може здійснюватися без
застосування касового апарату за умови використання ними
розрахункових книжок.
3. Внесено зміни до постанови №1336, якими передбачено, що роздрібна
торгівля на території села може здійснюватися без застосування
касового апарату за умови використання ними розрахункових книжок.

4. Звертаємо увагу, що 23 грудня 2021 року внесено зміни до постанови

№1336, якими передбачено, що роздрібна торгівля на території села
може здійснюватися без застосування касового апарату за умови
використання ними розрахункових книжок.
5. Звертаємо увагу, що 23 грудня 2021 року внесено зміни до постанови
№1336, якими передбачено, що роздрібна торгівля на території села
фізичними особами-підприємцями може здійснюватися без застосування
касового апарату (за умови використання ними розрахункових книжок).
6. Звертаємо увагу, що 23 грудня 2021 року внесено зміни до постанови
№1336, якими передбачено, що роздрібна торгівля на території села
фізичними особами-підприємцями, які сплачують єдиний податок,
може здійснюватися без застосування касового апарату (за умови
використання ними розрахункових книжок).
7. Звертаємо увагу, що 23 грудня 2021 року внесено зміни до постанови
№1336, якими передбачено, що роздрібна торгівля на території села
(крім підакцизних товарів) фізичними особами-підприємцями, які
сплачують єдиний податок, може здійснюватися без застосування
касового апарату (за умови використання ними розрахункових книжок).

1. Оптимістичний побратим зверне увагу на наявні в них свідчення
людської стійкості.
2. Оптимістичний побратим зверне увагу швидше на наявні в них
свідчення людської стійкості та кінцевої справедливості світо устрою.
3. Оптимістичний побратим зверне увагу швидше на наявні в них
свідчення людської стійкості та кінцевої справедливості світоустрою, які
можуть зміцнити наше внутрішнє переконання.
4. Дехто з глядачів може вирішити, що опис не надто налаштовує на
святковий лад, проте його оптимістичний побратим зверне увагу швидше

на наявні в них свідчення людської стійкості та кінцевої справедливості

світоустрою, які можуть зміцнити наше внутрішнє переконання.
5. Дехто з глядачів може вирішити, що опис, який можна побачити у
січневих стрічках, не надто налаштовуює на святковий лад, проте його
оптимістичний побратим зверне увагу швидше на наявні в них свідчення
людської стійкості та кінцевої справедливості світоустрою, які можуть
зміцнити наше внутрішнє переконання.
6. Дехто з глядачів може вирішити, що опис сучасної цивілізації і
нагадування про історичні трагедії, який можна побачити у січневих
стрічках, не надто налаштовує на святковий лад, проте його оптимістичний
побратим зверне увагу швидше на наявні в них свідчення людської
стійкості та кінцевої справедливості світоустрою, які можуть зміцнити
наше внутрішнє переконання.
7. Дехто з глядачів може вирішити, що опис сучасної цивілізації і
нагадування про історичні трагедії, які можна побачити у січневих
стрічках, не надто налаштовують на святковий лад, проте його
оптимістичний побратим зверне увагу швидше на наявні в них свідчення
людської стійкості та кінцевої справедливості світоустрою, які можуть
зміцнити наше внутрішнє переконання.
8. Дехто з глядачів може вирішити, що опис сучасної цивілізації і
нагадування про історичні трагедії, які можна побачити у січневих
стрічках, не надто налаштовують на святковий лад, проте його
оптимістичний побратим зверне увагу швидше на наявні в них свідчення
людської стійкості та кінцевої справедливості світоустрою, які можуть
зміцнити наше внутрішнє переконання, що 2022-й стане для нас більш
щасливим, ніж попередній рік.

1. Заява викликала не надто жвавий інтерес преси та політологів.

2. Заява п’яти ядерних держав викликала не надто жвавий інтерес преси

та політологів.
3. Заява п’яти ядерних держав-постійних членів Ради Безпеки ООН
викликала не надто жвавий інтерес преси та політологів.
4. Заява п’яти ядерних держав-постійних членів Ради Безпеки ООН
(США, Китай, Франція, Великобританія та Росія викликала не надто
жвавий інтерес преси та політологів.
5. Заява п’яти ядерних держав-постійних членів Ради Безпеки ООН
(США, Китай, Франція, Великобританія та Росія) про зниження
стратегічних ризиків викликала не надто жвавий інтерес преси та
6. Заява п’яти ядерних держав-постійних членів Ради Безпеки ООН
(США, Китай, Франція, Великобританія та Росія) про недопущення
війни між країнами та зниження стратегічних ризиків викликала не
надто жвавий інтерес преси та політологів.
7. Заява п’яти ядерних держав-постійних членів Ради Безпеки ООН
(США, Китай, Франція, Великобританія та Росія) про недопущення
війни між країнами, що володіють ядерною зброєю та зниження
стратегічних ризиків викликала не надто жвавий інтерес преси та
8. Заява п’яти ядерних держав-постійних членів Ради Безпеки ООН
(США, Китай, Франція, Великобританія та Росія) про недопущення
війни між країнами, що володіють ядерною зброєю та зниження
стратегічних ризиків викликала не надто жвавий інтерес преси та
політологів, хіба що, за виключенням Росії.

1. Наказ Міноборони №313 породив у соцмережах безліч обговорень.
2. Наказ Міноборони №313 породив у соцмережах безліч обговорень,
пересудів та жартів.

3. Наказ Міноборони №313 породив у соцмережах безліч обговорень,

пересудів та жартів, більш того з’явилася петиція.
4. Наказ Міноборони №313 породив у соцмережах безліч обговорень,
пересудів та жартів, більш того з’явилася петиція з вимогою скасувати
5. Наказ Міноборони №313 про розширення переліку спеціальностей та
професій, породив у соцмережах безліч обговорень, пересудів та жартів,
більш того з’явилася петиція з вимогою скасувати наказ.
6. Наказ Міноборони №313 про розширення переліку спеціальностей та
професій, який передбачає взяття жінок віком від 18 до 60 років на
військовий облік як військовозобов'язаних, породив у соцмережах безліч
обговорень, пересудів та жартів, більш того з’явилася петиція з вимогою
скасувати наказ.
7. Наказ Міноборони №313 про розширення переліку спеціальностей та
професій, який передбачає взяття жінок віком від 18 до 60 років на
військовий облік як військовозобов'язаних, породив у соцмережах безліч
обговорень, пересудів та жартів, більш того на сайті президента
з’явилася петиція з вимогою скасувати наказ міністерства оборони.
8. Наказ Міноборони №313 про розширення переліку спеціальностей та
професій, який передбачає взяття жінок віком від 18 до 60 років на
військовий облік як військовозобов'язаних, породив у соцмережах безліч
обговорень, пересудів та жартів, більш того на сайті президента
з’явилася петиція з вимогою скасувати наказ міністерства оборони, яка
набрала 25 тисяч голосів.
9. Наказ Міноборони №313 про розширення переліку спеціальностей та
професій, який передбачає взяття жінок віком від 18 до 60 років на
військовий облік як військовозобов'язаних, породив у соцмережах безліч
обговорень, пересудів та жартів, більш того на сайті президента
з’явилася петиція з вимогою скасувати наказ міністерства оборони, яка
всього лиш за чотири доби набрала 25 тисяч голосів

10.Наказ Міноборони №313 про розширення переліку спеціальностей та

професій, який передбачає взяття жінок віком від 18 до 60 років на
військовий облік як військовозобов'язаних, породив у соцмережах безліч
обговорень, пересудів та жартів, більш того на сайті президента
з’явилася петиція з вимогою скасувати наказ міністерства оборони, яка
всього лиш за чотири доби набрала необхідні для розгляду понад 25
тисяч голосів.

1. Цей рік розпочався міжнародними прибуттями на Марс, а завершився
найочікуванішим запуском.
2. Цей рік розпочався міжнародними прибуттями на Марс, а завершився
найочікуванішим запуском – у напрямку своєї наукової орбіти врешті
рушив космічний телескоп.
3. Цей рік розпочався міжнародними прибуттями на Марс, а завершився
найочікуванішим запуском – у напрямку своєї наукової орбіти врешті
рушив космічний телескоп імені Джеймса Вебба.
4. Як підсумовує укрінформ, цей рік розпочався міжнародними прибуттями
на Марс, а завершився найочікуванішим запуском – у напрямку своєї
наукової орбіти врешті рушив космічний телескоп імені Джеймса Вебба.
5. Як підсумовує укрінформ, цей рік розпочався міжнародними
прибуттями на Марс: на Червону планету потрапив американський
«Персеверанс», а завершився найочікуванішим запуском – у напрямку
своєї наукової орбіти врешті рушив космічний телескоп імені Джеймса
6. Як підсумовує укрінформ, цей рік розпочався міжнародними
прибуттями на Марс: на Червону планету потрапили американський
«Персеверанс» і китайський «Чжужун», а завершився найочікуванішим
запуском – у напрямку своєї наукової орбіти врешті рушив космічний
телескоп імені Джеймса Вебба.

7. Як підсумовує укрінформ, цей рік розпочався міжнародними

прибуттями на Марс: усього за перші десять днів лютого на Червону
планету потрапили американський «Персеверанс» і китайський
«Чжужун», а завершився найочікуванішим запуском – у напрямку своєї
наукової орбіти врешті рушив космічний телескоп імені Джеймса Вебба.
8. Як підсумовує укрінформ, цей рік розпочався міжнародними
прибуттями на Марс: усього за перші десять днів лютого на Червону
планету потрапили американський «Персеверанс» і китайський
«Чжужун», а на орбіті лишилася «Надія», а завершився
найочікуванішим запуском – у напрямку своєї наукової орбіти врешті
рушив космічний телескоп імені Джеймса Вебба.
9. Як підсумовує укрінформ, цей рік розпочався міжнародними
прибуттями на Марс: усього за перші десять днів лютого на Червону
планету потрапили американський «Персеверанс» і китайський
«Чжужун», а на орбіті лишилася арабська станція «Аль-Амаль» або
«Надія», а завершився найочікуванішим запуском – у напрямку своєї
наукової орбіти врешті рушив космічний телескоп імені Джеймса Вебба.


Ex. 1. Long-term memory training.
Memorize the following European geographical names.
Countries & Capitals of Europe
Country Capital city

Albania Tirana

Andorra Andorra la Vella

Armenia Yerevan

Austria Vienna

Azerbaijan Baku

Belarus Minsk

Belgium Brussels

Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo

Bulgaria Sofia

Croatia Zagreb

Cyprus Nicosia

Czech Republic Prague

Denmark Copenhagen


Estonia Tallinn

Finland Helsinki

France Paris

Georgia Tbilisi

Germany Berlin

Greece Athens

Hungary Budapest

Iceland Reykjavik

Ireland Dublin

Italy Rome

Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan

Kosovo Pristina

Latvia Riga

Liechtenstein Vaduz

Lithuania Vilnius

Luxembourg Luxembourg (city)


Malta Valletta

Moldova Chisinau

Monaco Monaco

Montenegro Podgorica

Netherlands Amsterdam

North Macedonia
(formerly Macedonia)

Norway Oslo

Poland Warsaw

Portugal Lisbon

Romania Bucharest

Russia Moscow

San Marino San Marino

Serbia Belgrade

Slovakia Bratislava

Slovenia Ljubljana

Spain Madrid

Sweden Stockholm

Switzerland Bern

Turkey Ankara

Ukraine Kyiv

United Kingdom London

Vatican City (Holy See) Vatican City

Ex. 2. Long-term memory training.

Memorize the following Asian geographical names.
Countries & Capitals of Asia
Country Capital city

Afghanistan Kabul

Armenia Yerevan

Azerbaijan Baku

Bahrain Kuwait

Bangladesh Kyrgyzstan

Bhutan Thimphu

Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan

Cambodia Phnom Penh

China Beijing

Cyprus Nicosia

Georgia Tbilisi

India New Delhi

Indonesia Jakarta

Iran Tehran

Iraq Baghdad

Japan Tokyo

Jordan Amman

Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan

Kuwait Kuwait City

Kyrgyzstan Bishkek

Laos Vientiane

Lebanon Beirut

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Maldives Male

Mongolia Ulaanbaatar

(formerly Burma)

Nepal Kathmandu

North Korea Pyongyang

Oman Muscat

Pakistan Islamabad

Palestine Jerusalem (East)

Philippines Manila

Qatar Doha

Russia Moscow

Saudi Arabia Riyadh


Singapore Singapore

South Korea Seoul

Sri Lanka Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

Syria Damascus

Taiwan Taipei

Tajikistan Dushanbe

Thailand Bangkok

Timor-Leste Dili

Turkey Ankara

Turkmenistan Ashgabat

Vietnam Hanoi

Yemen Sana'a

Ex. 3. Long-term memory training.

Memorize the following American geographical names.
Capitals of North American Countries - Mainland
Country Capital city

Canada Ottawa

United States of America Washington D.C.

Mexico Mexico City


Belize Belmopan

Guatemala Guatemala City

Honduras Tegucigalpa

El Salvador San Salvador

Nicaragua Managua

Costa Rica San Jose

Panama Panama City

Capitals of North American Countries - Caribbean Countries

Country Capital city

Antigua and Barbuda St John’s

Bahamas Nassau

Barbados Bridgetown

Cuba Havana

Dominica Roseau

Dominican Republic Santo Domingo

Grenada St George’s

Haiti Port-au-Prince

Jamaica Kingston

St Kitts-Nevis Basseterre

St Lucia Castries

St Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown


Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain

Capitals of South American Countries

Country Capital city

Argentina Buenos Aires

Sucre (Judicial) and La Paz


Brazil Brasilia

Chile Santiago

Colombia Bogota

Ecuador Quito

Guyana Georgetown

Paraguay Asuncion

Peru Lima

Suriname Paramaribo

Uruguay Montevideo

Venezuela Caracas

Ex. 4. Long-term memory.

Match the names of organizations to the corresponding description. Memorize
names of the following International organisations and their abbreviations
The organizations with an international membership, scope, or presence, then
that organisation is called International Organization. These organizations might
be label as International non-governmental organizations (INGOs), Inter-

governmental Organisation, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that

operate internationally.
List of International organisations and their abbreviations

Abbreviation Tasks

UN is committed to maintaining international

peace and security; developing friendly
United Nation UN relations among nations; promoting social
progress, better living standards and human
rights. Year of foundation – 1945.

It settles legal disputes between member

International Court states and gives advisory opinions to
of Justice authorized UN organs and specialized
agencies. Year of foundation – 1945.

UNICEF works across 192 countries and

United Nations territories to reach the most disadvantaged
Children's UNICEF children and adolescents and to protect the
Education Fund rights of every child in the world. Year of
foundation – 1946.

Food and FAO The Food and Agriculture Organization of

Agriculture the United Nations is a specialized agency of
Organisation of the the United Nations that leads international
United Nations efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition
and food security. It was founded in October
1945. The FAO is composed of 197 member
states. It is headquartered in Rome, Italy, and
maintains regional and field offices around

the world, operating in over 130 countries.

Aim is to foster global monetary cooperation,

secure financial stability, facilitate
International international trade, promote high
Monetary Fund employment and sustainable economic
growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
Year of foundation – 1945.

International ITU is the United Nations specialized agency

Telecommunication ITU for information and communication
Union technologies. Year of foundation – 1865.

United Nations UNESCO encourages international peace and

Educational, universal respect for human rights by
Scientific and promoting collaboration among nations. Year
Cultural Organisation of foundation – 1945.

Founded in 1948, WHO is the United

Nations agency that connects nations,
partners and people to promote health, keep
World Health
WHO the world safe and serve the vulnerable – so
everyone, everywhere can attain the highest
level of health. WHO leads global efforts to
expand universal health coverage. – 1948.

World Trade WTO The World Trade Organization deals with the
Organisation global rules of trade between nations. Its
main function is to ensure that trade flows as
smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

Year of foundation – 1995.

The largest and the most representative

business organization in the world. It has
International over 45 million members in over 100
Chamber of ICC countries. This NGO deals with every sector
Commerce of private enterprise. The main activities of
ICC are rule settling, dispute resolution and
policy advocacy. Year of foundation – 1919.

It allows the free flow of goods and people,

except for random spot checks for crime and
European Union EU drugs. The EU transmits state-of-the-art
technologies to its members. Year of
foundation – 1993.

Responsible for proposing legislation,

European implementing decisions, upholding the EU
Commission treaties and managing the day-to-day business
of the EU. Year of foundation – 1958.

The CIS encourages cooperation over

economic, political and military aspects and
Commonwealth of has certain powers in coordination of trade,
Independent States finance, lawmaking and security. It has also
promoted cooperation on cross-border crime
prevention. Year of foundation – 1991.

World WMO WMO is dedicated to international

Meteorological cooperation and coordination on the state and
Organisation behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere, its

interaction with the land and oceans, the

weather and climate it produces, and the
resulting distribution of water resources.
Year of foundation – 1950.

The EBRD was created in April 1991 to

European Bank for 'foster the transition towards open market-
Reconstruction and EBRD oriented economies and to promote private
Development and entrepreneurial initiative'. Such financial
support should be worth some €21 billion.

The Security Council has primary

responsibility for the maintenance of
international peace and security. It has 15
United Nations
UNSC Members, and each Member has one vote.
Security Council
Under the Charter of the United Nations, all
Member States are obligated to comply with
Council decisions. Year of foundation – 1945.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization also

called the North Atlantic Alliance, is
an intergovernmental military
alliance between 28 European countries and
North Atlantic
NATO 2 North American countries. NATO
Treaty Organisation
constitutes a system of collective security,
whereby its independent member states agree
to mutual defense in response to an attack by
any external party. Year of foundation – 1949.

Organisation of OPEC OPEC is a permanent intergovernmental

Petroleum organization of 13 oil-exporting developing

nations that coordinates and unifies the

Exporting Countries petroleum policies of its Member Countries.
Year of foundation – 1960.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation

and Development is an international
organisation that works to build better
Organisation for
policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape
Economic Co-
OECD policies that foster prosperity, equality,
operation and
opportunity and well-being for all. We draw
on 60 years of experience and insights to
better prepare the world of tomorrow. Year
of foundation – 1961.

1. Legal disputes – судові розгляди
2. Authorized - уповноважений
3. Disadvantaged children and adolescents – знедолені діти та підлітки
4. Random spot check – вибіркова перевірка
5. State-of-the-art technologies – передові технології
6. Policy advocacy - пропаганда політики
7. Propose legislation – вносити законодачу ініціативу
8. Uphold treaties – дотримуваись домовленостей
9. Cross-border crime - трансгранична злочинність
10. State and behaviour of the Earth’s atmosphere – стан атмосфери Землі
та зміну у ній
11. Foster the transition towards – сприяти переходу
12. Entrepreneurial initiative – підприємницькі ініціативи
13. Comply with decisions – виконувати рішення

14. System of collective security – ситсема загальної безпеки

15. Mutual defence – взаємна допомога в обороні
16. Foster prosperity – сприяти процвітанню
17. Draw of experience and insights – покладатись на досвід

Ex.5. Cultural awareness

Mach names of the countries to the corresponding business customs.

It is common in XXX to expect their guests to

engage in Noraebang, or karaoke. If you join
your Korean colleagues for dinner, you might
find yourself at a karaoke establishment, and
you will be expected to sing.

South Korea Don't worry if you're not a great singer,

though. These karaoke establishments
generally have private rooms, and it will just
be your group that you have to perform in
front of. XXX will also often skip songs after
the first verse and chorus to get through more
karaoke during their allotted time.

If you don't speak XXX language, that's OK, but

you are expected to apologize for your lack of
fluency before engaging in further
conversation. If you don't have time to learn
France XXX language before doing business there,
learning a few phrases or greetings can serve
as a show of good faith.

Also, be prepared for lengthy meals in XXX.

Lunch can last up to two hours long.

Germany XXX often respect direct communication and

err on the side of being blunt in business

dealings. The more straightforward, the better

when in XXX. It's also wise to remain serious
and devoid of humor, as jokes are not
appreciated in a business context.

Don't expect to get down to brass tacks

with XXX. In XXX, business is often personal
and relationship driven, so expect to spend a
significant amount of time getting to know
your Italian business partners and developing
Italy a relationship with them. If you relax and put
business on the backburner instead of
focusing your efforts on forming a foundation
based on trust and friendly communication,
you'll find more success in Italy than a hard-
driving, all-business, all-the-time approach.

Set your alarm early when doing business

in XXX. Punctuality is absolutely key when
meeting to discuss business. If you're not
going to be precisely on time, then you should
arrive a bit early. Otherwise, you could be
Australia perceived as rude or unorganized by your

Don't lose a deal because you were five

minutes late. While that might be acceptable
in the various countries, it will certainly be
noticed when you're down under.

Being on time to a business meeting in XXX is

of the utmost importance. At least for one
party, that is. While some people are
expected to arrive not a second after the
meeting's scheduled time, XXX may show up
as late as they desire and are unapologetic
about it. The move is designed to test the
patience of their foreign counterparts.

People working in XXX better have a gift ready

when they show up for a business meeting.
However, don't expect it to be eagerly
China accepted. In XXX, the customary tradition is
that gifts are refused up to three times before
being accepted. It is important to continue
offering your present until it is finally taken.

While the business card has declined in

importance in the U.S., that is far from the
case in XXX. When doing business with the
XXX, you should be armed with stacks of your
business cards, which should be printed in
both English and XXX.

The business card is held in very high regard in

Japan XXX. When presenting your card, it is critical
to pass it out with both hands, with the XXX
side facing up. When receiving a business
card, you should accept it with both hands
and thank them while doing so. In addition,
the business card should never be written on
or played with during the meeting, as both are
signs of disrespect.

Expect a complete invasion of personal space

if doing business in XXX. While it could be
considered impolite in the U.S., in XXX it is
customary to stand extremely close and use
Brazil lots of physical contact while talking. While
the normal reaction might be to back away,
those who do risk losing out on a potential
business relationship, since it is considered

United Arab Emirates Left-handers may have some trouble doing

business in the XXX. In ХХХ countries, the left
hand is considered unclean and used strictly

for bodily hygiene. It is important to eat,

shake hands and pass documents with the
right hand only. Using the left hand to do any
of those activities is a serious insult.

When at a business dinner in XXX, you better

be careful what they order. Those looking to
make a good impression should refrain from
digging into a juicy steak or hamburger during
India the dinner. Since the cow is considered a
sacred animal in ХХХ, some can consider it a
sign of disrespect to order any type of beef
dish – or wear any type of leather – during a
meeting or dinner.

While deadlines are usually considered firm

dates in the U.S., the same can't be said in
XXX. In XXX, deadlines are viewed more as a
Spain guideline and not something that is frowned
upon if missed. You shouldn't be insulted by
this, but instead should schedule potential
delays into any timelines.

While some people are used to doing business

in plenty of locations outside the office –
restaurants, golf courses, etc. – they probably
aren't as comfortable holding a meeting in a
Finland In XXX, enjoying a relaxing sauna is an
honored tradition. To help build the
relationship, you shouldn't decline the invite,
as it is considered a sign of hospitality and
that the meeting is headed in a positive

Belgium Be prepared to spend some time just saying

hello and goodbye when in business meetings
in XXX. While a handshake will suffice as a

greeting in the U.S., the XXX prefer the kiss —

or the "air kiss," to be more precise.

While strangers will shake hands at first, XXX

business professionals greet each other with
three air kisses once a relationship has been
established. Protocol calls for the kisses to be
given on the right cheek, then the left cheek
and back to the right cheek. Not giving the
kisses, or not following the right order when
giving them, are both considered disrespectful
when dealing with XXX.

When doing business with XXX professionals,

you shouldn't feel as if a game of charades is
breaking out when the XXX start tapping their
nose. Rather than a fun game, the tapping
United Kingdom indicates that what is about to be discussed is
private and confidential. It is important to look
for that signal, or you risk sharing something
the XXX had intended to keep secret from

Ex.6. Cultural awareness

Match the following proverbs and sayings to their Ukrainian equivalents. Learn
them by heart.
1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. a. Старе, як світ

2. It goes without saying. b. Любов править світом.

3. As old as the hills. c. У чорта на кулічках.

4. It is love that makes the world go d. Ще молоко на губах не обсохло.


5. As you sow, so you reap. e. Не було б щастя, так нещастя



6. It rains cats and dogs. f. Яблуко від яблуні не далеко падає.

7. At the ends of the earth. g. Договір дорожчий від грошей.

8. Just out of swaddling-clothes. h. Сльозами горю не допоможеш.

9. A fly in the ointment. i. Камінь, що котиться, мохом не


10.Like father, like son. j. Як би не зурочити!

11.A bargain is a bargain. k. Друг пізнається в біді.

12.It is no use crying over spilt milk. l. Дощ ллє, як з відра.

13.A blessing in disguise. m. Ложка дьогтю в бочці меду.

14.Keep your fingers crossed! n. Само собою розуміється.

15.A rolling stone gathers no moss. o. Що посієш, те й пожнеш.

Ex.7. Cultural awareness

Match the following proverbs and sayings to their Ukrainian equivalents. Learn
them by heart.
1. Bad news has wings. a. Ні риба, ні м’ясо.

2. Baker's dozen. b. Хорошого - потрохи.

3. Bear and forbear. c. Із двох бід вибирають меншу.

4. Before one can say Jack Robinson. d. Напад - кращий вид оборони.

5. Before you know where you are. e. Сам живи й іншим не заважай.

6. Best defense is offence. f. Погані новини передаються


7. Better a little fire to warm us, than a g. Рибак рибака бачить здалеку.

great one to burn us.

8. Better be born lucky than rich. h. Не встигнеш і оком моргнути.

9. Better one-eyed than stone-blind. i. Вік живи і вік вчися.

10.Better a lean jade than an empty j. Краще вмерти стоячи, ніж жити на
halter. колінах.

11.Betwixt and between. k. І охнути не встигнеш.

12.Birds of feather flock together. l. Чортова дюжина

13.By hook or by crook. m. Не родися красивим, а родися


14.Better die standing than live n. Всіма правдами і неправдами.


15.Live and learn. o. На безриб’ї і рак риба.

Ex.8. Cultural awareness

Match the following proverbs and sayings to their Ukrainian equivalents. Learn
them by heart.
1. Cat-and-dog life. a. Одного поля ягоди.

2. Cat's concert. b. Не плюй в криницю - прийдеться

води напитися.

3. New lords, new laws. c. Правда очі коле.

4. Cut from the same cloth. d. Проти лома нема прийому.

5. Custom is a second nature. e. Розділяй і владарюй!

6. Rain at seven, fine at eleven. f. Сім раз відміряй, один раз відріж

7. Cross the stream where it is g. Менше слів, більше діла.


8. Deeds, not words. h. Не хлібом єдиним живе людина.

9. Divide and rule! i. Що у п'яного на язиці, те у

тверезого в голові.

10.Nothing hurts like the truth. j. Сім п'ятниць на тиждень.

11.Do not kick against the pricks. k. Не знаєш броду, не лізь у воду.

12.Don't make a mountain out of a l. Жити як кішка зі собакою.


13.Second thoughts are best. m. Дорога ложка до обіду.

14.Don't quarrel with your bread and n. В гостях добре, а вдома - краще.

15.Don't strike a man when he is down. o. Копійка гривню береже.

16.Drunkenness reveals what soberness p. Звичка - друга натура.


17.Slow help is no help. q. Нова мітла по-новому мете.

18.Dry bread at home is better than roast r. Хто в ліс, хто по дрова.
meat abroad.

19.Man does not live by bread alone. s. Лежачого не б'ють.

20.Minutes make hours. t. Не роби з мухи слона

Ex.9. Cultural awareness

Match the following proverbs and sayings to their Ukrainian equivalents. Learn
them by heart.
1. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a a. Як прийшло, так і пішло.

man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

2. East or west, home is best. b. На все свій час

3. Easy come, easy go. c. На чорний день.

4. Still waters run deep. d. Цей номер не пройде.

5. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. e. Хто рано встає, тому Бог дає.

6. Every bullet has its billet. f. Заборонений плід - солодкий.

7. Every law has a loophole. g. Не сунь носа в чужі справи.

8. The pot calls the kettle black. h. Не всі вдома.

9. Everything is good in its season. i. Він і мухи не образить.

10.Tastes differ. j. Чи я би корова мичала, а твоя би


11.Fools rush in where angels fear to k. Всюди добре, а вдома найкраще.


12.For a rainy day. l. Багато шуму із-за нічого.

13.Forbidden fruit is sweetest. m. Клин клином вибивають.

14.To have rats in the attic. n. Про смаки не сперечаються.

15.Go home and say your prayers. o. Дурням закон не писаний.

16.Great boast, small roast. p. Їж вволю, а пий в міру.

17.Habit cures habit q. Не помиляється той, хто нічого не


18.That cock won't fight. r. В тихому болоті чорти водяться.

19.He can't say "boo" to a goose. s. Закон - як дишло, куди повернеш -

туди й вийшло.

20.He that never climbed never fell. t. Кожному своє.

Ex.10. Cultural awareness

Memorize the following Latin expressions and their Ukrainian equivalents.

● A contrario — аргумент «від протилежного»

● Acta non verba — Не словом, а ділом

● Ad infinitum — до безкінечності. Example: The talks lasted аd infinitum

● Ad multos annos — Многая літа!

● Alma mater – університет

● A priori – теоретично

● Carpe diem — Насолоджуватися моментом

● Circa — близько, приблизно

● Confer (cf.) — Порівняйте (пор.). Використовується в наукових


● Contra spiro, spero — Проти надії сподіваюсь

● Cor ad cor loquitur. – Від серця — до серця

● Cum laude — з відзнакою. Example: He got diploma cum laude

● Curriculum vitae (CV) — біографія чи резюме

● De facto – фактично

● De jure — як має бути

● Dominus vobiscum — Господь із вами!

Ex.11. Cultural awareness

Memorize the following Latin expressions and their Ukrainian equivalents.

● Ergo —тобто. Example: Сogito ergo sum — Думаю, отже існую

● et cetera (etc.) — та інше

● Exempli gratia (e.g.) — наприклад

● Extra omnes — «Усі геть!» Заклик лунає на конклаві перед таємним


● Honoris causa — почесне університетське звання, наприклад,

професор honoris causa

● Іbidem (ibid.) — там само

● Іd est (i.e.) — тобто, іншими словами, а саме

● In absentia —заочний розгляд кримінальної справи; дослівно — за


● In vino veritas — Істина — у вині

● Inter alia — між іншими; серед іншого

● Nota bene (N.B.) – Важливо!

● Opera citato (op. cit.) — цитований твір (у наукових працях)


● Ora et labora. – Молися і працюй!

Ex.12. Cultural awareness

Memorize the following Latin expressions and their Ukrainian equivalents.

● Per aspera ad astra — Крізь терни — до зірок.

● Per diem —на день, денна норма

● Per se — по суті

● Persona non grata — «небажана людина», у дипломатії особа, що має

офіційну заборону на перебування на території певної країни

● Post hoc ergo propter hoc — «після» не означає «внаслідок»

● Post meridiem (P.M.) – по опівдні

● Аnte meridiem (A.M.) – до опівдня

● Prima facie — на перший погляд

● Quid pro quo. Ти — мені, я — тобі

● Requiescat in pace (R.I.P.) — «Спочивай у мирі!»

● Tabula rasa — «чиста дошка», щось цілком нове й нінащо не схоже

● Tempus fugit — час летить

● Post scriptum (P. S.) — після написаного


Ex. 13. Background knowledge.

Memorise the following email characters. Than prictise noting down and
spelling the given emails.
@ - at : - colon
. – dot ; - semi-colon
_ - underscore # - hashtag
- hyphen ABC – capital / upper-case
/ - forward slash letters
\ - back slash abc – lower-case letters

Task A. Note down the given email addresses:


● john/




● Hello@my\\





Task B. Spell the given email addresses:

● fhussein@arabian\

● fellah@b/

● reservations:hotel;spa@beach//




● nawaf.sharif@aec/


● Sorley\\


Ex. 14. Background knowledge.

Memorise the following basic Math symbols. Than prictise noting down and
spelling the given information.

Symbol Name Example

5 = 2+3
= equals sign
5 is equal to 2+3

≠ not equal sign
5 is not equal to 4

x ≈ y
≈ approximately equal
x is approximately equal to y

> strict inequality
5 is greater than 4

< strict inequality
4 is less than 5

x ≥ y
≥ inequality
x is greater than or equal to y

Symbol Name Example

≤ inequality
x is less than or equal to y

+ plus sign
One plus one equals two

− minus sign
Two minus one equals one

× multiplication
Two multiply by three equals six

: division
Six divided by three is two

2 × (3+5) = 16

() parenthesis Two multiply by open parenthesis

three plus five close parenthesis
equals sixteen

[1+2] ×4 = 12
[] brackets braket open one plus two braket close
multiply by four equals twelve

a2 square a2 +b3= cn
a3 cube A squared plus B cubed equals C
an power powered N

√9 = ±3
√a square root
Square root of nine equals plus or
± plus or minus minus three

2/3 common fractions (simple 2/3


Symbol Name Example

two thirds


one half

2 1/4

two and a quarter (two and a forth)


two point twenty five


six point seven eight five

2.25 decimals 0.75

nought (zero) point seven five


nought (zero) point nought


50% per cent
three point five per cent

Task A. Note down the given information:

● √7×(1093 -99.0) ≠ 49 - 0.01%+1.395 3 - 2.666

● 5.578% : √9 ± 3178.09

● 73+42 = 178.09

● 3 ¼ × [1+17%]= 876.24

● (903 : 2) ≈ 0.56

● [4 1/3 + 2,7%] ×4 ≤ 12

● 0.0098:812 > 123.09%

● 3½ × [6x2 – 10] = (2x2 + 16x) – √18.

● 89.83% ≠ 12.735+4.982

● 98½ + 12 ¾ ≥ 3.568:0.0013

Task B. Spell the given information:

● 433+6 4/6 = 178.09

● (223 : √92) ≈ 0.846

● 4 5/6 × [6z3 – 53.67] = (2x2 + 55) – √0.

● 0.83% ≠ 5.708+4.6772

● 5. 8% : ± √3178

● [4 1/3 + 2,7%] ×4 ≤ 12

● 12 ¼ × [1+1%]= 876.24

● 98 2/3 + 12 ¾ ≥ 3.76:0.0077

● 7.67×(3033 -99.0) ≠ 3.908


● 0.0 8:5512 > 1567.09%

Task С. Spell the given information:

● 8⅛ - 6⅗( 2⅞ + 9,275) ≥ 3,25 : (8,725 + √169)

● b 2 + a 3 – 7[ √a + √b ] ≠ 4( 8,632 + 5,25)

● [(a 16 + b 16 ) + (a 8 – b 8 )]: 6,25 ≈ 5,677

● 3 6 + 2 2 - 5( 2,25 + 5,78 ) = 4⅔ + √6

● √16n + (1:2² - 3.71+2.18)≈ [3³:17.024]+⅔

● 15 ¼ : [658 + 36.15%] ≥ ⅔ - (1-5⁸) ≠ 333.555

● 98n - (2 56 -76%+√70) ≈ 66 3 :3-√21 ≥ [12 5 +√13]

● 324 -(56√3+4%)= 663 :3-√21 ≥ [125 +√13]

● [7 ¾ + 5, 2 %] × [9 y2 – 3] = (3y 3 + 6 2/3) - 27

● 56-(78,345÷4,5%)×(34,7+6√16)=93

Ex. 15. Cultural awareness

Interpret the following geographical names. Name 5 toponyms or facts which
are associated with the given name.

⮚ Tbilisi ⮚ Colombia

⮚ Indonesia ⮚ Norway

⮚ Washington ⮚ Shanghai

⮚ Venezuela ⮚ Morocco

⮚ Cairo ⮚ Canada

⮚ Sydney ⮚ Abu Dhabi

⮚ Budapest ⮚ Uganda

⮚ Hanoi ⮚ Barbados

⮚ Manila ⮚ Switzerland

Ex. 16. Cultural awareness

The picture below shows billboard advertisement, which was popular around
the globe except for a group of particular countries. Where and why did it fail?

Speech Compression
Speech compression is a way of reduction of syllabic size of the text
without causing essential damage to a communicative task of the speaker
(Yeskindirova, 2017). Compression becomes possible due to the natural
redundancy of speech and is widely used in simultaneous interpreting
(Алексєєва, 2001).
The most typical methods of compression:
1.Synonymic replacement of phrases and sentences with more concise
phrases and sentences;
2.Replacement of full name of organizations, States, events, etc. with
acronym or abbreviation (USA - США);
3.Replacement of verb constructions with verbal nouns into a verb
denoting the same action, process or condition (to render assistance – to assist -
4.Omission of linking elements in the phrase (the policy pursued by the
European Union – політика ЄС);
5.Replacement of subordinate clauses with participial constructions
(When I met them – Зустрівши їх).
Remember that structure of utterances according to communicative
criteria (Theme VS Rheme) varies in different languages. The theme is often
understood as “known” or “presupposed” information and, in Ukrainian
language, is usually presented at the beginning of the sentence. While the rheme
is defined as “new” information and is normally given at the end of the
utterance. In the process of interpreting mind the fact that, as a rule, theme-
rheme structure of the English sentence is reverse:
A few students of our university (rheme) were reported to take part in the
competition (theme). – Як було повідолено (theme), у конкурсі прийняли
участь декілька студентів нашого університету (rheme).

The use of different methods of speech compression as well

asconsideration of theme-rheme structure of the utterance and language
peculiarities, can reduce a target text by 30% compared to written translation of
the same text. Study the example:
I STEP – Identify redundant information (italics)
З дотриманням прав людини погано не лише в Україні, але і в
багатьох інших країнах світу - цю гірку правду визнають зараз ті, хто на
запрошення президента Франції прибув до Парижа на урочистості з нагоди
річниці прийняття ООН Загальної декларації прав людини 10 грудня 1948
року. У столиці Франції розпочалися урочисті заходи, які триватимуть
протягом тижня: прийоми, демонстрації, концерт зірок рок- і поп-музики.
«Нам дуже потрібне це свято, - заявила напередодні офіційного
відкриття Мері Робінсон, колишній президен Ірландії і нинішній
Верховний комісар ООН з прав людини. – Нам потрібно нове сприйняття
ситуації ». Пані Робінсон зізналася, що була вражена результатами
дослідження, згідно з яким тільки 7% населення планети знають про
існування Декларації. Вона переконана, що якби люди знали про свої права,
які належать їм, а не державам, вони змогли б їх відстоювати.
Крім держав, порушниками прав людини все частіше виступають
екстремістські групи і корпорації, що володіють величезною владою.

II STEP – text compression

Права людини: погано не лише в Укр., а й у інших країнах. Гірка правда –
запрошення президента (річниця ООН ЗДПР 10.12.1948). Париж тиджень:
прийоми, демо, поп-рок шоу.

Перед прийомом М. Робінсон, єкс. през. Ірландії, ВКом. ООН ПЛ:

«Потрібне свято», «Нове сприйняття ситуації»

Вражена – дослідження: 7-8% людей – Декларацію. Якщо знають: права на

їхні, а держави – краще відстоювали.

Порушники: держава, єкс. групи, корпорації все частіше.

III STEP – compression to “key notions”

Права людини – Укр, ін. країни

Париж, річниця През. Франції (ООН ЗДПР 10.12.1948) урочистості.

М. Робінсон, єкс. през. Ірландії, ВКом. ООН ПЛ: «Потрібне свято, нове

Шок – 7-8% = Декларація. Якби – права їхні, держава – краще захищали.

Порушники: екстремісти, корпорації

IV STEP – interpreter’s note-taking


NOTA BENE. Note-taking is meant to help, not to distract!


Note-taking is writing down the main ideas and any necessary connectors
of the source text, in a manner that facilitates memory support when reproducing
the text in the target language. It is important to remember that the interpreter
should only take down ideas or concepts, not words, and that the notes should
serve as memory triggers, but never a substitution.
Although it is more common for interpreters to develop their own note-
taking systems based on their own experience and needs, certain common
principals as well as certain frequently used symbols exist that generally make it
easier to take notes in an efficient manner.
Thus to aquire good note-taking skill future interpreter will have to tackle:
techniques (How do I do it) which are you become your second nature, and
symbols – your basic tool which ought to be used
without thinking.
To make note-taking easier it is advisable to:

● use a medium-size steno-pad with a red line in the

middle and a hard cover

● use the technique of


● obey the middle red line

● use the “Done” line

● use only the front side of the page

● use a rubber band to fix the used pages

Note-taking is a very flexible system wich is ment to be tailored to

interpreter’s individual needs. Although it has to be very selective! Thus it is
more important to learn what not to write, what should be left out. Remember

that writing distracts from listening. Interpreter’s brain has to be able to restore
the data using the notes.

The basic rule of interpreter’s note-taking is Verticality & Shifting, which

means any time you give additional information – you go to the right. If you stay
in the same categoty – you write below. When the new idea is presented – you
go back to the left side of the paper. Study the example below:

For connectors it is advisable to use symbols in order to save time and

space. Normally after the connector a new idea is presented, so it shoud be
written on the left side of the paper. Study the example below:

We can use a “Recall line” to avoid writing information which was

already mentioned again. The Recall line is the only case when you and cross
the middle red line and move between different sides of the paper.

In note-taking tenses are usually marked with curved arrows (forward

curved arrow – future tense, backward curved arrow – past tense). It is advisable
to use curved arrow instead of regular one, not to confuse them with the symbols
which stand for the verbs “to go”, “to come” etc. To denote action which is in
progress it is reasonable to add “ing” to the sigh of an action.

Nagatives and emphasis are marked by crossing out or underlining

symbols. For the words “don’t”, “didn’t”, “won’t”, “hate” you can cross out the
symbol of the respective action. To emphasise something it is advisable to
underline symbols.

In order to make notes as short as possible it is advisable to:


1) write down the prefix or first three letters of the word;

2) omit middle vowels;
3) superscript suffix.
Yet we need to make sure that you can easily decipher the notes. Study the

_ize = z _ive = v
Monopolize = monopz Exclusive = exclv
Criticize = critz Executive = execv
_(t)ion = n _ity = y
Instruction = instn Activity = acty
Construction = constn Sensitivity = sensy
_able= b _ment = t
Understandable = undrstb Government = govt
Recyclable = recycb Establishment = estbt

Although the system of symbols used in note-taking is unique, individual

and depends greatly on the discourse, there are some standard and widely used

Normally a symbol has variety of different meanings and can be

interpreted in numerous ways, still it denotes a single concept.

Sight Interpreting

Ex. .1 Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Basic Rules of Adequate Interpreting
1. Convey ideas, not words.
2. Never panic or lose control. Be cool, sound assertive, but not aggressive.
3. Concentrate and be quick to react and shift from one language to another.
4. Always try to jot down digits, terms, dates and names and other key info.
5. Be careful not to omit important content or inadvertently add anything. Be
impartial and calm.
6. Speak loud, clear, not too fast or slow. Watch your movements.
7. Make eye contact, smile, create an easygoing impression and pleasant
8. Ask for clarification if in doubt, but not too often, if ever.
9. Learn basics of note-taking at least for precision information.
10.Complete your sentences and do not correct yourself in midspeech. Use
appropriate intonation of completion and certainty.
11.Interpret in the first person singular.
12.Remember that you have no control or responsibility for what the Principal
says, but you are:

● professionally

● ethically

● legally responsible for the adequacy of your translation.

13.Do not disclose any insider information.

14.Make friends with your Principal.
15.Ask for permission to correct your Principal, if he/she ever makes an
obvious mistake, gaffe, or if you feel it is a slip of a tongue.
16.Get ready for any event – talks, interviews, formal or informal, and ask for
advance information on “who, what and how”.

17.Learn by doing. Learn something new every day. Check up the latest news
both local and global.
18.Discuss your performance with your Principal, ask for feedback and
19.Compile your own glossaries of relevant terms.
20.Remember - mistakes do happen. Take them in stride.

1. sound assertive – говорити впевнено
2. jot down – занотовувати
3. inadvertently – недоречно
4. be impartial – бути неупередженим
5. interpreter’s note-taking – перекладацький скоропис
6. precision information – прецизійна інформація
7. disclose insider information – розголошувати конфіденційну інформацію
8. slip of a tongue – обмовка
9. learn by doing – вчитися на практиці
10.take them in stride – сприймати спокійно

Ex. 2. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Nike is giving its head office staff a week's break
Staff at Nike's corporate headquarters in Oregon have been given a week
off to support their mental health, ahead of the return to the office in September.
From today until Friday, the US firm will "power down" to give employees a
rest after a tough year.
"Take the time to unwind, destress and spend time with your loved ones,"
the firm's head of HR department Matt Marrazzo said in a message to staff. It
follows similar moves from dating app Bumble and Linkedin.
A growing number of employees have reported feeling burnt out as the
pandemic drags on and many continue to work from home. Big US firms such

as Apple, Uber and bank Wells Fargo have also delayed plans for staff to return
to the office as infections surge across the US.
Making the announcement on Linkedin last week, Mr Marrazzo told Nike
staff: "Do not work" - adding that the past year had been "rough" and they were
"living through a traumatic event".
"In a year (or two) unlike any other, taking time for rest and recovery is
key to performing well and staying sane.”
"It's not just a 'week off' for the team... it's an acknowledgment that we
can prioritize mental health and still get work done." According to reports, it
also reflects the fact Nike has had a successful year, with sales up and its stock
gaining 20%.
Bumble, the dating app where women are in charge of making the first
move, told its 700 staff worldwide to switch off and focus on themselves back in
June. LinkedIn also gave its workers a week off in April while Citi Group said
in March it would have "Zoom-free Fridays" to combat pandemic fatigue.

1. Power down – пригальмувати
2. Unwind and distress – розслабитися та відпочити
3. Pandemic drags on – пандемія продовжується
4. Live through a traumatic event – пережити травматичний досвід
5. Stay sane – зберігати здоровий глузд
6. Stock gained 20% - прибутки зросли на 20%
7. Intuit a burnout– попередити вигорання
8. Pandemic fatigue – пандемічна втомлюваність

Ex. 3. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Four in 10 young people fear having children due to climate crisis
Global survey finds most 16-25 year olds worry a lot about the future, and
many feel failed by governments. Four in 10 young people around the world are

hesitant to have children as a result of the climate crisis, and fear that
gover3ыы22nments are doing too little to prevent climate catastrophe, a poll in
10 countries has found.
Nearly six in 10 young people, aged 16 to 25, were very or extremely
worried about climate change, according to the biggest scientific study yet on
climate anxiety and young people, published on Tuesday. A similar number said
governments were not protecting them, the planet, or future generations, and felt
betrayed by the older generation and governments.
Three-quarters agreed with the statement “the future is frightening”, and
more than half felt they would have fewer opportunities than their parents.
Nearly half reported feeling distressed or anxious about the climate in a way that
was affecting their daily lives and functioning.
The poll of about 10,000 young people covered Australia, Brazil, Finland,
France, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, Portugal, the UK and the US. It was paid
for by the campaigning organisation Avaaz.
Young climate activists said feelings of anxiety over the climate were now
widespread among today’s youth. Mitzi Tan, 23, from the Philippines, said: “I
grew up being afraid of drowning in my own bedroom. Society tells me that this
anxiety is an irrational fear that needs to be overcome, one that meditation and
healthy coping mechanisms will ‘fix’.” At its root, our climate anxiety comes
from this deep-set feeling of betrayal because of government inaction. To truly
address our growing climate anxiety, we need justice.”
It is now common for young people to worry about having children,
according to Luisa Neubauer, a 25-year-old climate activist, who is co-organiser
of the school strike movement in Germany and helped achieve the court victory
that has forced the German government to re-evaluate its climate policies.
She said: “I meet a lot of young girls, who ask whether it’s still OK to
have children. It’s a simple question, yet it tells so much about the climate
reality we are living in. We, young people realised that just worrying about the
climate crisis won’t stop it. So we turned our individual anxiety into collective

action. And now, we are fighting everywhere: on the streets, at the courts, in and
outside institutions across the globe. Yet governments are still failing us, as
emissions are rising to record levels. The appropriate answer to this study would
be governments to start acting like they promised they would.”
Earlier this month, Unicef found that children and young people around
the world were bearing the brunt of the climate crisis, with 1 billion children at
“extreme risk” from the impacts of climate breakdown.
The study, entitled “Young People’s Voices on Climate Anxiety,
Government Betrayal and Moral Injury: A Global Phenomenon”, has been
released on a pre-publication basis, while it is under the peer review process, by
the scientific journal Lancet Planetary Health. The survey was conducted and
analysed by seven academic institutions in the UK, Europe and the US,
including the University of Bath, the University of East Anglia, and the Oxford
Health NHS Foundation Trust.
The poll adds to previous surveys, which have also found high levels of
anxiety about the climate crisis around the world, including fears about having
Caroline Hickman, from the University of Bath, Climate Psychology
Alliance and co-lead author on the study, said: “This study paints a horrific
picture of widespread climate anxiety in our children and young people. It
suggests for the first time that high levels of psychological distress in youth is
linked to government inaction. Our children’s anxiety is a completely rational
reaction given the inadequate responses to climate change they are seeing from
governments. What more do governments need to hear to take action?”
Francois Hollande, who was president of France when the Paris
agreement was forged in 2015, urged governments meeting in November in
Glasgow for the Cop26 UN climate summit to take note. “Six years after the
Paris agreement, we must open our eyes to the violence of climate change, to its
impact on our planet, but also to the mental health of our youth, as this alarming

study shows. We must act urgently and do everything we can to give younger
generations a future,” he said.

1. Feel failed by governments – почуватися ошуканим урядом
2. Climate anxiety – занепокоєння змінами клімату
3. Affect daily lives and functioning – мати негативний вплив на
повсякденне життя та працездатність
4. Healthy coping mechanisms – здорові механізми виживання
5. Government inaction – бездіяльність уряду
6. Re-evaluate policy – переглянути політику
7. Bear the brunt – нести тягар
8. Climate breakdown – кліматична катастрофа
9. Release on a pre-publication basis – оприлюднити до офіційної публікації
10.It is under the peer review process – бути у процесі колегіального огляду
11.Co-lead author – провідний автор дослідження
12.Forge and agreement – підписати угод

Ex. 4. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram back after outage
Social media services Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram are back up
and running after an outage that lasted almost six hours, Facebook says. The
company says the cause was a faulty configuration change.
All three services are owned by Facebook and could not be accessed over
the web or on smartphone apps.Downdetector, which tracks outages, said it was
the largest failure it had ever seen, with 10.6 million problem reports around the
The services went down at about 16:00 GMT with users beginning to gain
access to the sites at around 22:00.In a statement on Tuesday, Facebook said that
the faulty configuration change affected the company's internal tools and

systems which complicated attempts to resolve the problem. It added that there
was "no evidence that user data was compromised as a result of this downtime".
Earlier, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg apologised to those affected
by the outage.
Some people also reported problems using Facebook's virtual reality
headset platform, Oculus, and apps which require Facebook logins were
affected, including Pokémon Go.
An outage of this scale for such a long time is rare. A disruption in 2019
left Facebook and its other apps mostly inaccessible across the world for more
than 14 hours. Several other tech companies, including Reddit and Twitter,
poked fun at the social media giant's predicament - prompting responses from
the affected apps. The disruption comes the day after an interview with a former
Facebook employee who leaked documents about the company.
Frances Haugen told CBS news on Sunday that the company had
prioritised "growth over safety". On Tuesday she will testify before a Senate
subcommittee in a hearing titled "Protecting Kids Online", about the company's
research into Instagram's effect on the mental health of young users.
Many outages get resolved fairly quickly. They are often localised too,
with some people unable to open a website that can be viewed in another
country. The length of time it was off grid is also unusual. There were reports of
"mayhem" in Facebook headquarters, as technicians scrambled to fix the
Interesting too that the outage hampered Facebook's ability to tackle the
crash - bringing down internal tools needed to remedy the problem. It should
also be said that Facebook's statement is carefully written. It doesn't rule out foul
play. The week had already started off badly - after the whistleblower in the
"Facebook Files" revelations revealed herself on Sunday. But a bad week has
become a terrible one for the social network.


1. Back up after an outage – відновити роботу після збою

2. Faulty configuration change – невірна зміна конфігурації
3. GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) – час за Грінвічем = UTC (англ.
Coordinated Universal Time, фр. Temps Universel Coordonné) – всесвітній
координований час
4. Compromise data – загрожувати безпеці даних
5. Virtual reality headset platform – гарнітура для платформи віртуальної
6. Poke fun at predicament – підшучювати над скрутним становищем
7. Testify before a Senate subcommittee – давати свідчення у підкомітеті
8. Mayhem - хаос
9. Hamper ability to tackle the crash – обмежити можливість усувати
10.Remedy the problem – вирішити проблему
11.Not rule out foul play – не виключати вірогідність умисного злочину
12.Whistleblower revelations – викриття інформатора

Ex. 5. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
EU rules to force USB-C chargers for all phones
Manufacturers will be forced to create a universal charging solution for
phones and small electronic devices, under a new rule proposed by the European
Commission (EC).
The aim is to reduce waste by encouraging consumers to re-use existing
chargers when buying a new device. All smartphones sold in the EU must have
USB-C chargers, the proposal said.
Apple has warned such a move would harm innovation. The tech giant is
the main manufacturer of smartphones using a custom charging port, as its
iPhone series uses an Apple-made "Lightning" connector.

"We remain concerned that strict regulation mandating just one type of
connector stifles innovation rather than encouraging it, which in turn will harm
consumers in Europe and around the world," the firm told the BBC.
It added that it aims to make every Apple device and usage carbon neutral
by 2030. Most Android phones come with USB micro-B charging ports, or have
already moved to the more modern USB-C standard.
New models of the iPad and MacBook use USB-C charging ports, as do
high-end phone models from popular Android manufacturers such as Samsung
and Huawei. The changes would apply to the charging port on the device body,
whereas the end of the cable connecting to a plug could be USB-C or USB-A.
Around half of chargers sold with mobile phones in the European Union
in 2018 had a USB micro-B connector, while 29% had a USB C connector and
21% a Lightning connector, a Commission impact assessment study in 2019
The proposed rules will apply to: smartphones, tablets, cameras,
headphones, portable speakers, handheld video game consoles
Other products including earbuds, smart-watches and fitness trackers were
not considered for technical reasons linked to size and use conditions. The
proposal also standardises fast charging speeds - meaning devices capable of
fast charging will be charged at the same speeds.
Preventing waste
EU politicians have been campaigning for a common standard for over a
decade, with the Commission's research estimating that disposed of and unused
charging cables generate more than 11,000 tonnes of waste per year.
In the European Union, around 420 million mobile phones and other
portable electronic devices were sold in the last year. The average person owns
around three mobile phone chargers, of which they use two regularly.
In 2009, there were more than 30 different chargers, whereas now most
models stick to three - the USB-C, Lightning and USB micro-B. "Having one

common charging standard would be a victory for common sense in the eyes of
consumers," Ben Wood, an analyst at CCS Insight said.
"Although Apple has made a strong argument for keeping its Lightning
connector, given the one billion active iPhone users, some of its products
including Mac and iPad now support USB-C. "Hopefully it will eventually
become a non-issue if Apple keeps adding USB-C to more devices." It may be a
number of years before the proposals come into effect.
The legislative proposal, known as a Directive, will be debated by the
European Parliament and national governments. MEPs and member states may
suggest amendments to the proposal. Only once the EC has agreed these
amendments, will the directive be enacted.
The EC hopes that will happen in 2022 - after which member states
usually have two years to enact the rules into national law, and manufacturers
will have 24 months to change their charging ports.
"We gave industry plenty of time to come up with their own solutions,
now time is ripe for legislative action for a common charger. This is an
important win for our consumers and environment and in line with our green
and digital ambitions," Commission Vice President Margrethe Vestager said.

1. Force manufacturers – зобов’язати виробників
2. Universal charging solution – універсальні зарядні пристрої
3. Custom charging port – спеціальний порт зарядки
4. Stifle innovation – перешкоджати інноваціям
5. High-end models – провідні моделі
6. Impact assessment study – дослідження з оцінки впливу
7. Common standard – єдиний стандарт
8. Disposed of and unused – викинуті та невикористані
9. Common sense – здоровий ґлузд
10.Become a non-issue – перестане бути проблемою

11.Legislative proposal – законопроект

12.MEP (Member of European Parliament) – депутат європейського
13.Enact directive – директива вступить в дію
14.Time is ripe – час настав

Ex. 6. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Americans are desperate to visit Hawaii – but apparently not enough to get
Those travelling to the sun-kissed islands have allegedly faked negative
Covid test results or vaccine records. If you’re an unvaccinated American
headed to Hawaii, and you want to avoid quarantine, you’ll need to provide the
state with a negative Covid test. Alternatively, you could attempt to fake out
authorities – and get arrested for it.
A pair from Los Angeles have apparently opted for the latter. A 33-year-
old woman and 34-year-old man were recently arrested after allegedly faking
negative Covid test results in hopes of dodging Hawaii’s travel requirements.
According to a police statement last week, they uploaded false results into
the state’s system, which flagged the documents and prompted an investigation.
The travelers were arrested in Hawaii and sent back to California, with a court
date pending.
The pair are the latest to join in the strange tradition of falsifying Covid-
related documents, an issue that appears to be particularly acute among travelers
to Hawaii. It seems the prospect of a sun-kissed trip warrants skirting the law –
but not going to Walgreens to get a free injection that could save your life.
A Chicago-area woman who visited the state in August
allegedly uploaded a false vaccine record in a bid to skip quarantine. One big
tip-off: she spelled “Moderna” on the card as “Maderna”. The same month,
another California duo, this time a father and son, were charged after allegedly
attempting to pull off a similar maneuver. A couple from Florida also allegedly

sought to escape a Hawaiian quarantine using fake vaccine cards – including

cards for their children, who weren’t old enough to be vaccinated in the first
Falsifying the cards carries a penalty of up to $5,000 or a prison term of
up to a year, Hawaii News Now reported. Stories like these are just the latest
pandemic frustration for residents of Hawaii. In March 2020, the governor,
David Ige, instituted a mandatory quarantine for visitors; by the end of the
month, tourism had plummeted. But the islands have still faced an influx of
remote workers and tourists whom residents accused of treating their home as a
“playground” at a dangerous time. Even as restrictions have loosened over the
summer, Ige urged visitors to stay away as cases and hospitalizations rose.
Meanwhile, headaches over fake documentation continue across the
US. False cards have also turned up on Amazon and Etsy; others accused of
falsifying cards include a California bar owner, a CVS employee and Vermont
state troopers. And last week, a Michigan nurse was arrested after allegedly
selling vaccination cards for $150 to $200 each over Facebook Messenger.

1. Allegedly – імовірно
2. Fake vaccine records – підробляти сертифікат про вакцинацію
3. Opt for the latter – обрати останній варіант
4. Dodge travel requirements – ухилятись від офіційних вказівок для
5. Flag the documents - відмітити документи
6. With court date pending – в очікуванні дати судового засідання
7. Issue that appears to be particularly acute among – питання, яке особливо
8. Warrant skirting the law – спонукає обійти закон
9. In a bid to skip – намагаючись уникнути
10.Tip-off - підказка

11.Pull off a maneuver – виконати маневр

12.Carry a penalty – призвести до штрафу у розмірі
13.Institute – запропонувати
14.Influx of remote workers – наплив працівників з інших регіонів
15.Loosen restrictions – ослабити обмеження
16.CVS (Pharmacy) – мережа магазинів аптечних товарів та товарів першої
необхідності у США
17.State troopers - an influx of remote workers - патрульні поліціанти

Ex. 7. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Google Maps to show the lowest carbon route for car journeys
Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai said the initiative could save 1m tonnes of
carbon dioxide a year. Google Maps is to offer drivers the lowest carbon route
for their chosen journey as part of the search company’s new environmentally
friendly policies.
Motorists will be able to select the route with the lowest carbon emissions
once factors such as traffic and road inclines are taken into account. The new
product launches in the US on Wednesday and in Europe next year. Where the
comparable journey times are broadly the same, Google Maps will default to the
lowest carbon option.
Google’s chief executive, Sundar Pichai, said the initiative could save 1m
tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, or the equivalent of taking 200,000 cars off the
road. “Travelling by car is one of the more carbon-intensive choices people
make on a daily basis. Starting [Wednesday] in the US, and in Europe in 2022,
Google Maps will let you choose the route with the lowest carbon emissions if it
isn’t already the fastest one,” said Pichai.
Google added that it will make it easier for online car shoppers to see
hybrid and electric vehicle options, and to compare them against exclusively
fossil fuel-powered models.

Other green initiatives announced by the tech company include putting

emissions information on its airline fares search engine, Google Flights. From
Wednesday, users around the world will be able to see the carbon emissions per
seat for every flight and lower carbon flight options. Hotel searches will also
include information on hotels’ sustainability efforts.
Google also revealed changes to shopping searches. Where users look for
energy-intensive devices such as dishwashers or water heaters, suggestions in its
shopping tab will help steer buyers to sustainable options.
Google announced in 2020 that it aimed to be powered exclusively by
low-carbon energy by 2030. “Climate change is no longer a distant threat,” said
Pichai. “It’s increasingly local and personal. Around the world, wildfires,
flooding and other extreme weather continue to affect our health, our economies
and our future together on our planet. We need urgent and meaningful solutions
to address this pressing challenge.”

1. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – виконавчий директор
2. Lowest carbon route – маршрут з найменшим рівнем викидів вуглецю
3. Motorist – автомобіліст
4. Road incline – нахил дороги
5. Broadly the same – майже однаковий
6. To default to – обирати за замовчуванням
7. Take off the road – прибирати машини з доріг
8. Carbon-intensive - вуглецевомісткий
9. Exclusively fossil fuel-powered models – моделі, що працюють виключно
на викопному паливі
10.Airline fares search engine – пошукова система тарифів авіакомпанії
11.Energy-intensive device – енегроміский пристрій
12.Shopping tab – вкладка «Покупки»

13.Steer buyers to sustainable options – спонукати покупців обирати

екологічні варіанти
14.Pressing challenge – нагальна потреба

Ex. 8. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Air pollution likely cause of up to 6m premature births
Global analysis of indoor and outdoor pollution also finds link to low
birth weight. Air pollution is likely to have been responsible for up to 6 million
premature births and 3 million underweight babies worldwide every year,
research shows.
The analysis, which combines the results of multiple scientific studies, is
the first to calculate the total global burden of outdoor and indoor air pollution
combined. Indoor pollution, mostly from cooking stoves burning solid fuel such
as coal or wood, made up almost two-thirds of the total pollution burden on
pregnancies in 2019, according to the latest findings. This is especially true in
developing areas, such as in some parts of south-east Asia and sub-Saharan
“At an individual level, indoor air pollution exposure appears to carry a
much higher burden compared to outdoor levels,” said Rakesh Ghosh, an
epidemiologist at University of California, San Francisco and lead researcher on
the paper, published in the journal Plos Medicine. “So, minimising household
pollution exposure, to the extent possible, should be part of the message during
prenatal care, especially where household pollution is prevalent.”
Air pollution is usually measured according to exposure to particulate
matter smaller than 2.5 microns: once inhaled, the minuscule size of these
particles allows them to be absorbed deep into the bloodstream,
potentially causing far-reaching health problems.
More than 92% of the global population lives in areas where the outdoor
air quality is below recommended limits set by the World Health Organization,
and about 49% are exposed to equally high levels of indoor air pollution.

Regions such as south and east Asia are the most polluted, with Bangladesh,
China, India and Pakistan home to 49 of the 50 of the most polluted cities
worldwide. In recent years wildfires, agricultural fires and dust storms have also
caused extensive air pollution.
The cost of air pollution to the global economy is estimated at more than
$2.9tn each year, in addition to serious damage to public health. For this study,
Ghosh’s team examined 108 research papers on indoor and outdoor pollution in
correlation with four main pregnancy risks – gestational age at birth, reduction
in birthweight, low birth weight, and premature birth – for 204 countries.
After controlling for risk factors such as pregnancy weight, smoking and
alcohol use and nutrition, the researchers found air pollution was a leading cause
of low birth weight and premature birth. The latter is a main cause of the 15
million newborn deaths worldwide each year. The findings build on previous
research by Ghosh and colleagues, which calculated that air pollution
contributed to the deaths of 500,000 newborns globally in 2019. By minimising
air pollution in south-east Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the study calculated that
the number of premature births and babies with low birth weight could be
reduced by almost 78% globally.

1. Low birth weight – низька вага при народженні
2. Premature birth – передчасні пологи
3. Total global burden – загальна кількість у світі
4. Pollution burden – шкода від забруднення
5. Pollution exposure – вплив від забруднення
6. To the extent possible – до максимально можливого рівня
7. Prenatal care – батьківська опіка
8. Particulate matter – дисперсні частинки
9. Minuscule size – мініатюрний розмір
10.Far-reaching problems – довгострокові проблеми

11.Public health – здоров’я суспільства

12.In correlation with – відповідно до
13.The latter – останній фактор (контекст.)

Ex. 9. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Shenzhen becomes first Chinese city to ban eating cats and dogs
Shenzhen has become the first Chinese city to ban the sale and
consumption of dog and cat meat. It comes after the coronavirus outbreak was
linked to wildlife meat, prompting Chinese authorities to ban the trade and
consumption of wild animals. Shenzhen went a step further, extending the ban to
dogs and cats.
The new law will come into force on 1 May. Thirty million dogs a year
are killed across Asia for meat, says Humane Society International (HSI).
However, the practice of eating dog meat in China is not that common - the
majority of Chinese people have never done so and say they don't want to.
"Dogs and cats as pets have established a much closer relationship with
humans than all other animals, and banning the consumption of dogs and cats
and other pets is a common practice in developed countries and in Hong Kong
and Taiwan," the Shenzhen city government said, according to a Reuters report.
"This ban also responds to the demand and spirit of human civilization."
Animal advocacy organisation HSI praised the move. "This really could be a
watershed moment in efforts to end this brutal trade that kills an estimated 10
million dogs and 4 million cats in China every year," said Dr Peter Li, China
policy specialist for HSI.
However, at the same time as this ruling, China approved the use of bear
bile to treat coronavirus patients. Bear bile - a digestive fluid drained from living
captive bears - has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine.
The active ingredient, ursodeoxycholic acid, is used to dissolve gallstones
and treat liver disease. But there is no proof that it is effective against the
coronavirus and the process is painful and distressing for the animals

Brian Daly, a spokesman for the Animals Asia Foundation, told AFP:
"We shouldn't be relying on wildlife products like bear bile as the solution to
combat a deadly virus that appears to have originated from wildlife."
A wildlife market
In February, Chinese authorities banned the trade and consumption of
wild animals. The move came after it emerged that a market in Wuhan selling
wild animals and wildlife meat could have been the starting point for the
outbreak of the new coronavirus, providing the means for the virus to travel
from animals to humans.
News of this led the Chinese government to crack down strongly on the
trade and on the markets that sold such products. There are now close to one
million confirmed cases of the virus worldwide, and more than 47,000 deaths,
according to a Johns Hopkins University tally.
In China alone, there are 81,589 confirmed cases and 3318 deaths, said
the National Health Commission. Scientists and researchers are still no closer to
finding out what the source of the virus is and how it could have spread to

1. Animal advocacy organisation – організація з захисту прав тварин
2. Praise the move – підтримати рішення
3. Watershed moment – переломний момент
4. Bile – жовч
5. Digestive fluid – травний сік
6. Dissolve gallstone – розчиняти каміння у жовчному міхурі
7. Crack down on – боротись з

Ex. 10. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
"Volcanoes are life": how the ocean is enriched by eruptions devastating
on land

The eruption of the volcano on La Palma is a reminder of the destructive

power of nature. It is bad for everything on the land, but good for marine life.
On Tuesday night when the lava reached the sea, every marine organism that
was unable to swim out was killed. Research shows that unlike on land, marine
life returns quickly and in better shape.
A study looked at the after-effects of a volcano that erupted underwater in
2011. The eruption caused extreme changes in temperature, acidity and
chemical composition of the water and life was wiped out in that area.
However, the researchers found that within three years the volcano was
covered with life and not just basic life forms, but different organisms. The
biomass of phytoplankton was bigger than before the eruption but there was a
decrease in biodiversity.
“The lava is rich in iron, magnesium and silicates that supplies nutrients
to the water,” says an oceanographer at the University of Las Palmas in Gran
Canaria. "This happens immediately. The lava fertilises the water and the area
recovers in a short time.”
"It’s like a forest fire that destroys everything, but provides nutrients for
growth. The difference is that marine life recovers faster than a forest.” The
concentration of iron near the volcano’s cone was nearly 30 times the normal
level. The waters were rich in carbon dioxide, which helps microorganisms to
absorb the iron. Iron oxidises quickly in water and forms other compounds.
However, the volcano continued to emit iron.
Another factor occurs when lava forces nutrient-rich water to the surface.
In La Palma, the lava is 8km from a marine reserve that covers 3,500 hectares of
sea. It is home to many organisms. "We can’t stop nature, but nature has
mechanisms for regeneration that are rapid and effective,” says researcher.
"That’s why it’s not an environmental catastrophe, but the opposite:
volcanoes are life,” he says. As eruptions continued, the lava advanced at two
metres an hour and soon covered more than 30 hectares of sea.

Marine life will have a good future, on land the picture is grim. The lava
has destroyed a lot of buildings, hectares of land and buried miles of road.
About 20% of banana plantations have been lost.
The scientists say that marine areas with volcanic activity could be used
to understand how the climate crisis could affect oceans. Also, researchers say
that the biggest threat to the island’s marine life is human activity: the real
problem is overfishing.

1. After-effects – наслідки
2. Magnesium – магній
3. Nutrients – поживні речовини
4. Volcano’s cone – кратер вулкану
5. Iron oxidizes – залізо окислюється
6. Compounds – речовини
7. Marine reserve – морський заповідник
8. Overfishing – надмірний вилов риби

Ex. 11. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
The brain sensor discovery behind humans getting taller
The puzzle of why humans are growing taller and reaching puberty earlier
than ever before can be explained by a sensor in the brain, scientists say.
Average height in the UK rose by 3.9in (10cm) during the 20th Century, and up
to 7.8in in other countries, as nutritional health improved. But exactly how this
happens has never been understood.
The discovery could lead to drugs to improve muscle mass and treat
delayed growth, UK researchers say. Scientists have known for a long time that
humans with good diets and reliable access to food tend to grow taller, and
mature more quickly.

In South Korea, for example, adult height has rocketed as the nation
transformed from a poor country to a developed society. Yet in parts of South
Asia and Africa, people are only slightly taller than 100 years ago. It's known
that signals from food reach a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, telling
it about the body's nutritional health, and triggering growth.
This new study, published in Nature, and led by researchers from the
University of Cambridge alongside teams from Queen Mary University of
London, University of Bristol, University of Michigan and Vanderbilt
University, has discovered the brain receptor behind that process.
It's called MC3R and is the crucial link between food and sex
development and growth. "It tells the body we're great here, we've got lots of
food, so grow quickly, have puberty soon and make lots of babies," said Prof Sir
Stephen O'Rahilly, study author, from Cambridge.
"It's not just magic - we have the complete wiring diagram for how it
happens." When the brain receptor doesn't work normally in humans, the
researchers found people tended to be shorter in height, and started puberty later
than other people.
The team searched through the genetic make-up of half a million
volunteers signed up to the UK Biobank - a huge database of genetic and health
information - to confirm this was true. Children found to have gene mutations
which disrupt the brain receptor, were all shorter and weighed less than other
children, which shows the effect starts early in life.
The research team found one person who had mutations in both copies of
the gene for MC3R, which is extremely rare and damaging. This person was
very short, and started puberty after the age of 20.
But humans are not alone in this - researchers studied mice to confirm that
the same pathway is at work in animals. The discovery could help children with
serious delays in growth and puberty, as well as those who become frail with
chronic diseases and need to build up muscle.

"Future research should investigate if drugs that selectively activate the

MC3R might help redirect calories into muscle and other lean tissues, with the
prospect of improving the physical functionality of such patients," Prof
O'Rahilly said. Scientists had already identified a brain receptor which controls
appetite, called MC4R, and those who lack it are usually obese.
Can people keep growing taller?
There is a ceiling for height and it's reached when people achieve their
genetic potential. Factors such as health and diet have a huge impact on whether
that happens. When children from poorer families get enough food and calories,
they can grow to the height they inherit from their parents and grandparents.
Taller people generally live longer and are less likely to suffer from heart
problems, and may also end up earning more. But humans can't keep on growing
forever. Like many other countries in Europe, average height in the UK shot up
during the last century - but there are signs in the last 10 years that it's flattening.
Elsewhere, the largest height rises over the past century have been in
South Korean women and Iranian men. The tallest people in the world are men
born in the Netherlands (71.8in), while the shortest are women born in
Guatemala (55.1in).

1. Delayed growth – затримка росту
2. Sex development – статеве дозрівання
3. Complete wiring diagram – повне розуміння (контекстю)

Ex. 12. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Portugal bans bosses texting staff after-hours
Portugal has banned bosses from text messaging and emailing staff out of
working hours as part of new laws dubbed "right to rest". The move is part of
changes being introduced to improve work-life balance in response to an
expansion of working from home in the country.

Companies with more than 10 staff could face fines if they contact
employees outside their contracted hours. There are also new rules on allowing
staff with children to work remotely. Parents will be allowed to work at home
indefinitely without seeking prior approval from their employers until their child
turns eight. And companies may also have to contribute to higher household
bills from being home-based, such as energy and internet costs.
Measures to tackle the isolation remote workers can feel are also included,
with companies expected to organise regular face-to-face meetings. However,
some elements of the package were not approved by Portugal's parliament,
including a "right to disconnect" allowing staff to turn off all work devices out
of hours.
Portugal's Minister of Labour and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho,
told a conference in Lisbon last week that "telework can be a game-changer" but
its growth needs to be regulated. She also hoped the enhanced labour protections
would attract more foreigners to the country.
"We consider Portugal one of the best places in the world for these digital
nomads and remote workers to choose to live in, we want to attract them to
Portugal," Ms Godinho said.
Portugal already has a temporary resident visa scheme designed to attract
entrepreneurs and freelancers. The Portuguese island of Madeira has a "digital
nomad village", with free wifi and office desk facilities. Several other countries
have introduced so-called "digital nomad visas", as opposed to standard tourist
permits, including Barbados and Croatia.

1. Contracted hours – час, зазначений у контракті
2. Indefinitely – без поважної причини
3. Сontributes to household bills – частково сплачувати рахунок за
комунальні послуги

Ex. 13. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Місце України у продовольчих системах світу
Вересневий саміт ООН визначить місце України у продовольчих
системах світу
На саміті ООН, присвяченому світовим продовольчим системам, буде
визначено місце України в цих системах.
Як передає кореспондент Укрінформу, про це заявив заступник
міністра розвитку економіки, торгівлі та сільського господарства України –
торговий представник України Тарас Качка під час круглого столу
«Український агросектор в умовах Європейського Зеленого Курсу:
виклики та можливості», організованого Українською Асоціацією Бізнесу і
Торгівлі (UBTA) в партнерстві з Global 100% RE Ukraine та Міжнародним
інститутом менеджменту (МІМ-Київ).
«У календарі цього року нас чекають дві глобальні події, які
формуватимуть наше місце в дискусії про кліматичні зміни в сільському
господарстві. Перше – це саміт продовольчих систем ООН (у вересні цього
року). Друга – 26-та конференція сторін рамкової Конвенції ООН з питань
зміни клімату, яка відбудеться наприкінці року», - сказав Качка.
Він зазначив, що Україна є дуже вагомою у забезпеченні продовольчої
безпеки світу, адже за межами держави наші аграрії забезпечують
продовольчу безпеку 150 млн людей. Заступник очільника Мінекономіки
наголосив, що Україна має використати саміт продовольчих систем як
місце, де можна чітко вписати свою роль в глобальних продовольчих
системах і з точки зору продовольчої безпеки, і з точку зору розвитку
сільського господарства.
У рамках конференції сторін рамкової Конвенції ООН з питань зміни
клімату буде узгоджуватися визначений внесок держав у протидію змінам
клімату та зменшення викидів парникових газів.
«Екологи застерігають, що рілля є джерелом викидів парникових газів.
Оскільки в нас рослинництво є більш розвиненим, більшість ґрунтів є

розпаханими. І на наступні 10 років визначним буде питання ефективності

сільського господарства: ефективності використання добрив, ефективності
політики в сфері пестицидів, насіннєвого матеріалу», - підкреслив Качка.
Він повідомив, що наразі триває робота над підготовкою звіту щодо
оцінки викидів парникових газів в процесі виробництва олійних культур.
Від результатів цього звіту, за словами заступника міністра, залежать
умови торгівлі з ЄС уже з наступного маркетингового року, тобто з 1
липня 2021 року.
«Виходячи з того, які ми беремо зобов'язання по викидам парникових
газів в рамках Паризької угоди, будуватиметься наш діалог з Євросоюзом.
Ми бачимо, що зараз всередині ЄС ведеться бурхлива дискусія щодо того,
як забезпечити баланс між зменшенням викидів парникових газів та
ефективністю сільського господарства. Нам треба і стежити за розвитком
подій в ЄС, і доносити свою роль в європейських системах, доводити, що
українське сільське господарство доповнює сільське господарство ЄС, а не
є його конкурентом. Наше завдання – створити умови для нормальної
вільної безперебійної торгівлі аграрною продукцією із Євросоюзом»,-
підсумував Качка.
Як повідомлялося, наприкінці 2019 року Єврокомісія опублікувала
Європейську зелену угоду (EU Green Deal) – документ, який повинен
зробити європейський континент нейтральним до зміни клімату.

1. Виклики та можливості - challenges and threats
2. Ннас чекають - we will face
3. Сторони рамкової конференції ООН з питань зміни клімату - members of
UN Framework Convention on climate change
4. Дуже вагомий у забезпеченні продовольчої безпеки світу - make
important contribution to global food security
5. Заступник очільника мінекономіки - deputy head of Ministry of economy

6. Внесок держав у протидію змінам клімату та зменшенню викидів

парникових газів - contribution of the member states to countering climate
change and reducing greenhouse emision
7. Рослинництво - crop production
8. Насіннєвий матеріал - seed stock
9. Бурхлива дискусія - heated discussion
10. Умови торгівлі з ЄС - terms of trade with EU
11. Будувати діалог - construct the dialogue
12. Забезпечити баланс - strike a balance
13. Стежити за розвитком подій - monitor the development
14. Вільна безперебійна торгівля аграрною продукцією - free and smooth
trade in agricaltural products

Ex. 14. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
PR для малого бізнесу: міф або реальність?
Час і технології невблаганно рухаються вперед. Вже і Джефф Безос
встиг злітати в космос і повернутися назад, і віддалений формат роботи
став повсякденним явищем, і черговий айфон підкорює наш оцифрований
світ. При цьому багато власників малого бізнесу до сих пір впевнені в
тому, що PR можуть дозволити собі тільки селебріті і міжнародні
Насправді це не так. PR необхідний абсолютно всім компаніям
незалежно від їх масштабу, роду діяльності, кількості співробітників і
щільності конкурентів в радіусі 1 км.
Давайте розберемося, коли насправді необхідний PR маленьким
компаніям. І зупинимося на найпоширеніших помилках, які найчастіше
заважають просувати послуги власникам малого бізнесу.
Помилка перша. Тільки для великих!
Найчастіше синдромом самозванця страждають власники маленьких
бізнесів (кав'ярень, кафе, немережевих б'юті-салонів, барбершопов і т.д).

Саме у них найменше грошей для просування, і саме вони найчастіше

впевнені в тому, що PR це дорого. Крім того, він вимагає величезних
бюджетів та абсолютно не зрозумілий в плані вимірювання ефективності.
Ще я часто стикаюся з іншим поширеним і шкідливим міфом про те,
що PR можуть дозволити собі тільки публічні персони і великі корпорації.
Насправді, для успішного просування бренду або конкретної людини за
допомогою PR-інструментів не потрібні мільйонні кошториси. Досить
знати свою аудиторію і працювати з тими каналами, які користуються
попитом, не розпорошуючись на непотрібне. Тоді навіть самий маленький
бюджет дасть результат, і прийдуть нові клієнти.
До речі, для цього не обов'язково брати в штат дорогого PR-фахівця
або звертатися в агентство. Для маленького бізнесу це непідйомне і
невиправдане фінансове навантаження. Щоб зрозуміти свою цільову
аудиторію і ефективні канали комунікації, досить взяти одну-дві
консультації у фахівця-фрілансера і детально вивчити роботу своїх
Контент-маркетинг також відмінно просуває бренд і послуги компанії:
регулярно розміщуйте фото свого салону, фотозвіти майстрів, відео з
майстер-класами і т.д. Актуальними стануть і публікації на сторонніх
ресурсах: в ЗМІ, тематичних групах, соціальних мережах або у
Інформація про те, що розміщення статті про вашу компанію в
галузевому або локальному онлайн-медіа коштує нечуваних грошей, також
не відповідає дійсності. Звичайно, якщо ви не плануєте найближчим часом
розмістити інтерв'ю в «The New York Times» або в журналі «Rolling
Якщо серйозно, то прайс за розміщення публікацій в ЗМІ абсолютно
різний. Наприклад, на нашій платформі представлені медіа, публікації в
яких стоять від 8-10 у.о. до декількох тисяч доларів США. Тому навіть при

мінімальному бюджеті можна знайти для компанії максимально

відповідний в співвідношенні «ціна-якість» майданчик і формат контенту.
Помилка друга. Щойно створена компанія не потребує PR
Ще одна поширена і шкідлива омана полягає в тому, що, нібито, тільки
створена компанія або новий салон краси, над входом якого ще висять
повітряні кульки, не потребують PR.
Почну з того, що PR — це не чарівна пігулка, не метод вирішення вже
існуючих проблем і не інструмент відволікання уваги громадськості від
неприємного прецеденту. Перш за все, Public Relations — це процес
взаємовідносин певної персони або бізнесу з людьми.
На жаль, як і будь-які відносини, вони можуть більш культурними та
пасивними. Краще проявляти активну позицію і самому займатися
створенням іміджу компанії, буквально, з першого дня її діяльності. Або
можна нічого не робити і дочекатися, коли хтось (наприклад, конкуренти
або незадоволені сервісом клієнти) сформують образ і репутацію за вас. Не
факт тільки, що залишитеся задоволені результатом.
Насправді на те, як ваші послуги будуть сприйматися учасниками
ринку і клієнтами, впливають базові складові: правильний неймінг,
юридичне оформлення компанії, можливість у вільному доступі легко і
швидко знайти необхідну інформацію про бізнес і т.д.
Починайте з самого простого: створіть офіційні акаунти компанії в
соцмережах, розмістіть її на Google-Картах, заведіть Google Мій бізнес
(додайте туди картки товарів). Регулярно розміщуйте пости в соціальних
мережах, відповідайте на коментарі та постійно беріть участь в процесі:
адже інтернет-користувачі будуть шукати в інтернеті інформацію про вас,
читати новини про послуги, новинки, акції, відгуки. Саме ці прості і
абсолютно безкоштовні кроки є базовими цеглинками для створення
позитивного іміджу компанії.
Помилка третя. У нас немає бюджету і нам нема про що писати

Невеликі бізнеси, які працюють у висококонкурентному середовищі

(не пов'язані з роботою салони краси, барбершопи, косметологічні клініки і
т.д.) як правило, мають сильну SEO частину, таргет і рекламу. Для роботи
з PR у них часто не вистачає ресурсу. Проте, навіть з мінімальним
бюджетом, можна отримувати нових клієнтів.
Абсолютно всі ЗМІ заробляють двома шляхами. Або розміщують
рекламу на опублікованих їх виданням статтях або отримують гроші за
статті, які надіслали ви. Але якщо бюджет обмежений, взаємини з
редакціями та журналістами можна будувати по-іншому принципу, про
який знають не всі.
Створюйте і пропонуйте несподівані, якісні інформаційні приводи: тоді
ваш матеріал можуть розмістити безкоштовно, а ви отримаєте бажану
публікацію зі згадуванням своєї компанії або фахівців.
Немає сенсу писати про відкриття чергової кав'ярні на бульварі або
барбершопа: такий матеріал ставлять тільки на комерційних умовах.
Використовуйте більш нестандартний хід: розкажіть не про відкриття
барбершопа, а про відкриття першого музею Чоловік Бороди.
Пам'ятайте: аудиторія любить історії, а красиві історії любить ще
більше. Її увагу привернуть не стільки експонати, скільки захоплююча
історія з нестандартним візуалом. Захопити можна галереєю плакатів про
еволюцію чоловічих зачісок або бороди за останні 300 років, колекцією
вінтажних речей для гоління, дзеркал і ін.
Музей, як інструмент для створення новин, ефективно працює навіть в
тому випадку, якщо грошей вистачає тільки на кілька перших експонатів.
Такий контент відмінно і без додаткових витрат упаковується в відеоблог і
пости для соцмереж. Розвиваючи цю ідею, вкладаючи в неї зусилля і
невеликі кошти, можна регулярно привертати увагу медіа та аудиторії.
Є ще один популярний і бюджетний спосіб створення новин, який
ідеально підходить для маленького бізнесу — «заглянути за завісу» або
бекстейдж. З його допомогою можна яскраво і цікаво розповісти про

роботу б'юті-салону, барбершопа, косметологічного центру, команду,

експертів, інструменти і новинки, які ви використовуєте в професії.
Як? Легко, просто проявіть фантазію! Наприклад, ненав'язливо
розкажіть про те, що майстри салону регулярно навчаються,
удосконалюються, осягають хитрощі професії. Покажіть фото в форматі
«до» і «після», розкажіть про маловідомі новинки, найпопулярніші
стрижки і т.д.
Актуальним для невеликого бізнесу стане також метод Data Driven PR.
Він базується на зборі та аналізі будь-яких даних з вашої галузі.
Наприклад, чаклуючи над волоссям клієнтів, можна здерти ряд цікавих
цифр і підготувати статтю на тему «Місто N лідирує за кількістю
блондинок», «Як волосся городян пережили зиму» або «Від яких проблем з
волоссям найчастіше страждають українки». Збагатить його інфографікою
або фотографіями, коментарем фахівця-трихолога, це буде відмінний
контент як для медіа, так і для соцмереж.
Помилка четверта. Якщо з'явилися негативні відгуки, їх потрібно
Якщо з'явилися негативні обгрунтовані відгуки, доведеться
попрацювати над сервісом і якістю продукту вашої компанії. Вивчіть
прецедент і опублікуйте коректний розгорнутий коментар, якщо з боку
компанії була допущена помилка.
Якщо відгук фейковий, то напишіть обгрунтоване, логічне
спростування (коротко, у справі, коректно, дохідливо).
Негатив поширюється набагато швидше, ніж хороші новини — це
аксіома, тому компанії краще працювати на випередження і не чекати
ситуації, коли гряне грім (або онлайн-скандал). Якщо у вас правильно
побудована схема просування бренду в інтернеті і захист її онлайн-
репутації, то негативні відгуки, навіть фейкові, вам не страшні.
Правда, все відбувається не по клацанню пальців. Для цього потрібно
регулярно заповнювати інформаційне поле навколо імені вашої компанії

позитивними або нейтральними новинами. Готуйте і розміщуйте в медіа

прес-релізи, авторські колонки, статті, коментарі, опитування на актуальні
теми. Мине небагато часу і люди, коли будуть гуглити інформацію про
бренд за запитами «ваша компанія» або «ваша компанія відгуки», знайдуть
позитивні матеріали.
Не забувайте: основне завдання Google полягає в тому, щоб надавати
про кожну компанію інфосправку і видавати максимально різноманітний
результат (лінки на соцмережі, YouTube, Youcontrol, презентації, сайт,
рекламу та ін.) Чим різноманітніший контент, чим його більше, тим
негативу складніше потрапити у верхні строчки пошукової видачі про вас.
Помилка п'ята. Якщо економити, то саме на контенті
На контенті економити не можна! Я багато разів бачив, як компанії
купують на нашій платформі розміщення дуже дорогих статей, але при
цьому не беруть те, що за створення якісного контенту теж доведеться
По-перше, матеріал повинен бути правильно структурований, щоб його
дочитали до кінця. По-друге, це важливо для пошукових систем, які, по
суті, виступають посередниками в діалозі між компанією і аудиторією.
Тобто, пошуковик повинен проаналізувати сторінку з інформацією,
зрозуміти по її обсягу, структурі, наявності відео і фотоматеріалів, відгуків
та ін., наскільки цей матеріал цікавий. Якщо він релевантний ключовим
запитам, за якими компанію будуть шукати в мережі, то вона може зайняти
гідні позиції в пошуку. Тобто, чим краща публікація, тим вищою буде її
Тому для того, щоб люди прочитали або побачили цікавий, корисний
матеріал, в контент необхідно вкладатися. Він не повинен бути відпискою
для роботів або набором стандартних «фраз-красивостей» з мінімальним
інформаційним навантаженням.


1. Невблаганно рухатись – inexorably advance

2. Незалежно від масштабу та роду діяльності – regardless of scale and field
of operation
3. Зупинитись на помилках – we shall dwell on the misconceptions
4. Заважати просувати послуги – prevent from promoting services
5. Синдромом самозванця – impostor syndrome
6. Шкідливий міф – detrimental myth
7. Мільйонні кошториси – million-dollar estimates
8. Розпорошуватись – waste time and effort
9. Непідйомне і невиправдане фінансове навантаження – unaffordable and
unjustified financial burden
10. Сторонній ресурс – third-party resource
11. Коштувати нечуваних грошей – cost a fortune
12. Максимально відповідний в співвідношенні «ціна-якість» – most
relevant in terms of the "price-quality" ratio
13. Майданчик і формат контенту – platform and content format
14. Відволікати увагу громадськості – divert public attention
15. Учасники ринку – market players
16. Юридичне оформлення компанії – legality of the company
17. Розміщувати пости – publish posts
18. Базові цеглинки – basic building blocks
19. Висококонкурентне середовище – highly competitive environment
20. Інформаційний привід – newsbreaks
21. Зі згадування своєї компанії – with reference to your company
22. На комерційних умовах – commercially
23. Нестандартній візуал – unconventional design
24. Речі для гоління – shaving supplies
25. Без додаткових витрат – at no extra cost
26. Бюджетний спосіб – budget-friendly way
27. Ненав’язливо розказувати – to tell unobtrusively

28. Маловідомі новинки – little-known novelties

29. Обгрунтований відгук – sustained review
30. З боку компанії була допущена помилка – there was oversight on the
company’s part
31. Логічне спростування – logical rebuttal
32. Працювати на випередження – to be proactive
33. Коли гряне грім – when the thunder hits
34. На актуальні теми – on relevant topics
35. Мине небагато часу – in a short time
36. Пошукові системи – search engine
37. Займати гідні позиції в пошуку – to be ranked higher in search results

Ex. 15. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Nirvana sued by the baby from Nevermind's album cover
Spencer Elden, the man who was photographed as a baby on the album
cover for Nirvana's Nevermind, is suing the band alleging sexual exploitation.
The cover depicts Elden as a four-month-old in a swimming pool, grasping for a
dollar bill that's being dangled in front of him on a fishing line.
Now 30, Elden says his parents never signed a release authorising the use of
his image on the album. He also alleges the nude image constitutes child
pornography. "The images exposed Spencer's intimate body part and
lasciviously displayed Spencer's genitals from the time he was an infant to the
present day," legal papers filed in California claim.
Non-sexualised photos of infants are generally not considered child
pornography under US law. However, Elden's lawyer, Robert Y. Lewis, argues
that the inclusion of the dollar bill (which was superimposed after the
photograph was taken) makes the minor seem "like a sex worker".
The legal case also alleges that Nirvana had promised to cover Elden's
genitals with a sticker, but the agreement was not upheld. Elden alleges his "true
identity and legal name are forever tied to the commercial sexual exploitation he

experienced as a minor which has been distributed and sold worldwide from the
time he was a baby to the present day".
He claims he "has suffered and will continue to suffer lifelong damages" as a
result of the artwork, including "extreme and permanent emotional distress" as
well as "interference with his normal development and educational progress"
and "medical and psychological treatment".
He is asking for damages of at least $150,000 (£109,000) from each of the
15 defendants, who include surviving band members Dave Grohl and Krist
Novoselic; the managers of Kurt Cobain's estate; Cobain's former wife Courtney
Love; and photographer Kirk Weddle.
Representatives for Nirvana and their record labels have yet to respond to
the claims. Elden has recreated the album cover several times as a teenager and
adult - always wearing swimming trunks - to mark Nevermind's 10th, 20th and
25th anniversaries.
However, he has sometimes expressed ambivalence about the photoshoot. In
2016, he told Time Magazine that he "got a little upset" about his notoriety as he
grew older. "I just woke up already being a part of this huge project," he said.
"It's pretty difficult - you feel like you're famous for nothing.”
"It's hard not to get upset when you hear how much money was involved,"
he continued. "[When] I go to a baseball game and think about it: 'Man,
everybody at this baseball game has probably seen my little baby penis,' I feel
like I got part of my human rights revoked."
In other interviews, he has been more upbeat about the image. "It's always
been a positive thing and opened doors for me," he told the Guardian six years
ago. "I'm 23 now and an artist, and this story gave me an opportunity to work
with Shepard Fairey for five years, which was an awesome experience. He is a
huge music connoisseur: when he heard I was the Nirvana baby, he thought that
was really cool."
In 2008, Spencer's father Rick recounted the photo shoot to US radio
network NPR, saying he had been offered $200 to take part by Weddle, who was

a family friend. "We just had a big party at the pool, and no one had any idea
what was going on!"
The family quickly forgot the photoshoot until, three months later, they saw
the Nevermind album cover blown up on the wall of Tower Records in Los
Angeles. Two months after that, NPR's article said, "Geffen Records sent 1-
year-old Spencer Elden a platinum album and a teddy bear".
The album, which included the hits Smells Like Teen Spirit, Come As You
Are and Lithium, went on to sell 30 million copies around the world. Speaking
to the Guardian in 2019, Weddle said he was still in contact with Elden, and
acknowledged he was "conflicted about the picture".
"He feels that everybody made money off it and he didn't," the photographer
said. "I think he deserves something. But it's always the record labels that make
the money."

1. Alleging sexual exploitation – звинувачення у сексуальній експлуатації
2. A release authorising the use of – дозвіл на використання
3. Lasciviously display – хтиво зображувати
4. To be superimposed – біти накладеним (доданим до фото)
5. Minor - неповнолітній
6. Agreement was not upheld – домовленість була порушена
7. Lifelong damages – по життєві збитки
8. Interference with his normal development and educational progress –
порушення нормального процесу розвитку та освіти
9. Ask for damages of … – вимагати відшкодування збитку у розмірі…
10.Manager of estate – керуючий майном
11.Records label – компанія звукозапису
12.Express ambivalence – мати двоїсте (неоднозначне) ставлення
13.Notoriety – погана слава
14.Revoke human rights – порушувати права людини

15.To be upbeat about – ставитися позитивно до

16.Music connoisseur – знавець музики
17.To be conflicted about – мати суперечливе ставлення щодо

Ex. 16. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Nigerian students amass degrees to stay in Europe
After more than 200 unsuccessful job applications on LinkedIn alone,
Nigerian student Modupe Osunkoya knew time was running out for her to
extend her stay in Belgium.
With three months left on her student visa, she either had to get a job or
leave the country. But there was another option - enrolling for her third post-
graduate degree since leaving Nigeria in 2017.
"I never saw myself doing a PhD but if I go home now, there is no job
waiting for me," the 28-year-old told the BBC. High unemployment - one in
three young people are without work - and comparatively poor living conditions
mean many of Nigeria's brightest would rather take their chances abroad than
return home.
So last year Ms Osunkoya enrolled for a doctorate degree in Estonia which
is running concurrently with her second Master's degree in Belgium. She settled
for Estonia after receiving no job or PhD offers in Belgium. "The studies are
meant to an end, and if God says the end is a permanent residency, why not?"
she said.
Her PhD in Future Smart City at the Tallinn University of Technology is a
paid position. At the end of the four-year research she can apply for permanent
residency. She is planning to relocate to the eastern European country for the
course, which like those in Belgium, is taught in English.
Ms Osunkoya is just one of many Nigerian students from families who are
not part of the super wealthy elite to study overseas. Last year, around 100,000
Nigerians travelled abroad to study, according to ICEF Monitor, which focuses

on international student mobility. Many hope to become permanent residents of

their host country, and take one step at a time to achieve their goal.
Studying about Africa - in Belgium
Another Nigerian student in Belgium, Bonuola, who did not want her
surname to be used, said: "People complete a Master's degree, go back to do
some advanced diploma below their academic level, then some cheap certificate,
all in a bid to remain legal in the system."
Despite getting a degree in economics in Nigeria, she decided to start from
scratch when she arrived in Belgium, finishing a three-year course in business
management - to buy herself time - and then proceeding to a two-year Master's
degree course in management.
She has not ruled out the possibility of a second Master's degree and a PhD
if she is unable to find work that will open the way for her to get a permanent
visa. "I am an African studying African studies in Belgium and it makes me
mad," said a third student, Ifeoma, (not her real name) who is currently doing
her second Master's degree since arriving in the country in 2019.
"I am not taking it seriously, just killing time [while I] decide on what to
do," she added. Tuition fees as low as 1,000 euros ($1,200; £850) per year and
the relatively low cost of living for students in Belgium, compared to some other
European countries, have made it an attractive destination for many Nigerians
from average-income backgrounds.
"Living expenses are low - you can get accommodation for 300 euros per
month," said Ms Osunkoya. Like many others, she left home with only a
semester of tuition fees paid and enough pocket money to last a few weeks. She
financed her education by working up to 20 hours per week, as she is legally
allowed to do, earning up to 1,000 euros per month.
But the preferred destination for students from financially better-off families
is still English-speaking countries such as Canada, the UK and the US, where
there are more than 13,000 Nigerian students.
Canada preferred to UK

Interest among Nigerian students in the UK has been declining - from

18,020 in 2013/14 to 10,540 in 2017/18, a 41% decrease, according to ICEF
Monitor. One reason for this fall was the removal of a visa that allowed foreign
students to work for two years after finishing their studies.
That, along with cheaper tuition fees, less stressful visa processes, and
clearer pathways to postgraduate work and residency, made Canada a more
attractive destination for many students. But the UK government has since
reversed its policy, hoping to claw back its share of the lucrative global
education market.
Like most foreigners, Nigerian students typically pay more than three times
the fees paid by UK students or those from EU countries. But it can be hard for
Nigerians to get white-collar jobs in the UK, and even more so in places like
Belgium where language counts against them.
Flemish, French and German are Belgium's official languages and most
employers want candidates who can speak at least two of them. Like most other
Nigerian students, Ms Osunkoya is only proficient in English, although she has a
basic knowledge of Flemish. "Even if you have a post-study visa you will be
competing for jobs with locals who speak the languages better than you," she
Some students also complain of racial prejudice, while others say they have
become over-qualified and yet have no work experience. Last week, Belgium
revised its immigration policy to allow students to stay for up to a year on their
temporary visas to look for a job.
But Bonuola says she won't be taking up the option, as once signed up for it,
she would no longer be able to return to school for further degrees if she can't
find a job. "It's like being caught between a rock and a hard place," she said.

1. Amass degrees – накопичувати дипломи
2. Extend the stay – продовжити дозвіл на перебування в країні

3. Post-graduate degree – програма післядипломного навчання

4. Master’s degree – ступінь магістра
5. Run concurrently – відбуватись одночасно
6. Apply for permanent residency – подавати запит на отримання посвідки
на постійне проживання
7. ICEF (International College of Economics and Finance) – міжнародний
інститут економіки та фінансів
8. Take one step at a time to achieve their goal – крок за кроком йти до своєї
9. In a bid to remain legal in the system – намагаючись залишатись у
правовому полі
10.Start from scratch – починати з нуля
11.Rule out the possibility – виключати можливість
12.From average-income background – з середнім рівнем достатку
13.Financially better-off families – родини з кращим фінансовим
14.Removal of a visa – анулювання візи
15.Reverse the policy – переглянути політику
16.Lucrative global educational market – прибутковий глобалізований ринок
17.Language counts against them – існує мовний бар’єр
18.Flemish – Фламандська мова (одна з офіційних мов Бельгії)
19.Racial prejudice – расові упередження
20.To be caught between a rock and a hard place – бути між молотом та

Ex. 17. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
OPEC member urges oil producers to focus more on renewable energy

Iraqi minister and International Energy Agency chief urge countries to move
away from fossil fuel dependency. The finance minister of Iraq, one of the
founding members of the global oil cartel Opec, has made an unprecedented call
to fellow oil producers to move away from fossil fuel dependency and into
renewable energy, ahead of a key Opec meeting.
Ali Allawi, who is also the deputy prime minister of Iraq, has written in the
Guardian to urge oil producers to pursue “an economic renewal resources, along
with environmentally sound policies and technologies” that would include solar
power and potentially nuclear reactors, and reduce their dependency on fossil
fuel exports.
Along with the executive director of the International Energy Agency, Fatih
Birol, he wrote: “To stand a chance of limiting the worst effects of climate
change, the world needs to fundamentally change the way it produces and
consumes energy, burning less coal, oil and natural gas … If oil revenues start to
decline before producer countries have successfully diversified their economies,
livelihoods will be lost and poverty rates will increase.”
Ministers of the 13 Opec member states are scheduled to meet virtually on
Wednesday to negotiate potential curbs to production, as oil prices waver. Opec
had earlier agreed to boost production as economies recovered from the Covid-
19 pandemic, but slowing markets have led some to suggest a halt to the
The US president, Joe Biden, controversially called for Opec to increase oil
production further last month, to keep oil prices from rising and assist with the
US economic recovery. His plea was rejected.
The Guardian understands Wednesday’s Opec meeting may also discuss the
climate crisis, in an unusual move for the fossil fuel producers, before vital UN
climate talks called Cop26, scheduled for Glasgow in November. Allawi and
Birol suggested current oil price volatility, driven by the pandemic, was only the
beginning of problems for producers. The climate crisis will not only require a
move away from oil, but will strike the Middle East and north Africa

particularly badly, where rising temperatures are already causing severe

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) recent global roadmap to net zero
by 2050 found that global demand for oil was likely to plunge from more than
90m barrels per day to fewer than 25m by 2050, resulting in a potential 85%
drop in revenues for oil-producing economies.
“In a region with one of the youngest and fastest-growing populations in the
world, economic hardship and increasing unemployment risk creating broader
unrest and instability,” Allawi and Birol wrote.
An alternative to such a development and increasingly wavering oil prices
would be to invest in renewables, especially solar power. “The energy sector
could play a role here by making use of the region’s vast potential for producing
and supplying clean energy,” they wrote.
Iraq is a founder member of the cartel that includes many of the world’s
biggest producers, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates,
Venezuela, Nigeria and several other African oil-producing states. The Opec+
grouping also includes Russia and some smaller producers. Most have been
hostile to calls for action on climate change, while some have been dismissive of
climate science and Saudi Arabia, in particular, has frequently been obstructive
to UN negotiations on global climate action.
The IEA warned in May that for the world to stay within 1.5C above pre-
industrial levels, the lower limit set out in the Paris agreement – to which all
Opec members are signatories – then all new oil exploration must cease from
this year.
Asked about the findings, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the energy minister
of Saudi Arabia, told reporters after an Opec meeting in June: “I would have to
express my view that I believe it is a sequel of [the] La La Land movie … Why
should I take it seriously?”

In the past, Saudi ministers have flirted with climate action, for
instance suggesting that the country could power itself with solar energy in
future. But none have seriously suggested a policy to cease oil exports.
However, some oil producers have taken a more dovish stance. Oman,
which is no longer an Opec member, is pursuing hydrogen as a potential low-
carbon fuel for the future. UAE is also working on hydrogen, and boosting
renewables, and recently inaugurated a new nuclear plant. Egypt, Morocco and
Jordan are among other countries in the region with sizeable renewable energy
Birol, one of the world’s leading energy economists, told the Guardian:
“More than at any point in history, fundamental changes to the economic model
in resource-rich countries look unavoidable. Countries in the region have been
making some efforts on the energy transition. There are promising initiatives
[among oil producers], but as is the case for many other countries around the
world, reaching net zero emissions will require much stronger actions and much
greater international collaboration.”
He added: “The IEA has been warning for many years that countries that
rely heavily on oil and gas revenues need to move quickly to diversify their
economies away from fossil fuels to keep pace with the transition to clean
energy. The impact of Covid on the oil market last year gave us a fleeting image
of what the region’s economies could look like in the future in a world where
demand for oil and gas is structurally weaker – and where countries do not take
serious measures to diversify their economies and increase their resilience.”
On Wednesday oil prices fell slightly after analysts said they expected Opec
to stick to its plan of gradually increasing oil production.

1. International Energy Agency chief – голова міжнародного енергетичного
2. Fossil fuel – викопне паливо

3. Oil cartel – нафтовий картель

4. Ahead of a key meeting – напередодні важливого засідання
5. Deputy prime minister – заступник прем’єр міністра
6. Oil revenues – прибуток від видобутку нафти
7. Lose livelihoods – втратити кошти на існування
8. Curbs to production – способи скорочення виробництва
9. Waver – коливання
10.Boost production – нарощувати темпи виробництва
11.Assist with the economic recovery – сприяти відновленню економіки
12.Reject the plea – відхиляти пропозицію
13.The Guardian understands – на думку кореспондентів-аналітиків газети
14.Price volatility – коливання цін
15.Strike particularly badly – спричиняти значну шкоду
16.Roadmap to net zero – план зниження до нуля рівня використання
(викопного палива – контекст.)
17.Plunge – значно скоротити
18.Oil-producing economies – країни-виробники нафти
19.Broader unrest – значний безлад
20.Such a development – такий розвиток подій
21.Vast potential – широкі можливості
22.Be hostile to calls for action – ставитися негативно до закликів діяти
23. Be dismissive of climate science – зневажати науковими дослідженнями
щодо змін клімату
24. Be obstructive to negotiations – створювати перепони у переговорах
25.Set out in the Paris agreement – встановлено паризькою угодою
26.Flirt with climate action – пропонувати деякі заходи щодо попередження
змін клімату
27.Take dovish stance – займати послідовну позицію
28.Low-carbon fuel – паливо з низьким вмістом вуглецю

29.Boosting renewable – стимулювати використання відновлюваних джерел

30.Inaugurate a new nuclear plant – відкривати нову АЕС
31.Sizeable renewable energy programmes – масштабні програми з
використання відновлюваних джерел енергії
32.Leading energy economists – провідні експерти в галузі енергетики
33.Energy transition – зміни в галузі енергетики
34.Keep peace with – йти в ногу з
35.Fleeting image – приблизне розуміння
36.Demand for oil and gas is structurally weaker – попит на нафту газ суттєво
37.Increase economy resilience – підвищити стійкість та стабільність

Ex. 18. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
China cuts amount of time minors can spend playing online video games
Under-18s will be allowed to play online games for one hour on Fridays,
weekends and holidays. China has ordered its online gaming companies to
further reduce the services they provide to young gamers, in a move intended to
curb what the authorities described as “youth video game addiction”.
Under the new rule, young gamers are only allowed to spend an hour
playing online games on Fridays, weekends and holidays, according to the
official Xinhua news agency. The rules, published by the National Press and
Publication Administration, said users under the age of 18 would be able to play
games only from 8pm to 9pm local time on those days.
Online gaming companies would be barred from providing gaming services
to minors in any form outside those hours and would need to ensure they had put
real name verification systems in place, said the regulator, which oversees the
country’s video games market.

The latest move followed reports that children were using adult IDs to
circumvent rules. Previously, the authorities had limited young gamers’ playing
time to 1.5 hours a day and to three hours on holidays.
The National Press and Publication Administration also told Xinhua it would
increase the frequency and intensity of inspections for online gaming companies
to ensure they were putting in place time limits and anti-addiction systems.
The regulator said that the purpose of the new rules was to “effectively
protect the physical and mental health of minors”. It urged Chinese gaming
companies to “always prioritise the social good and actively respond to societal
“Beijing’s crackdowns on the gaming industry have been fairly consistent
about protecting minors. Historically, the authorities have always had the
intention to curb exposure from what they perceive to be a highly-addictive
habit,” said Rui Ma, a US-based China tech analyst. “It wouldn’t’ surprise me if
there were further regulations in the months to come to protect minors from
other harmful activities on the internet.”
The new rules came amid a broad crackdown by Beijing on China’s tech
giants, such as Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings, which has unnerved
investors, hammering Chinese shares traded at home and abroad.
Early this month, Tencent, the world’s most profitable video game company
by revenue, pledged to curb the time children spend playing its flagship game
after its shares were sent into a tailspin by state media attacks against the gaming
industry for peddling “spiritual opium”.
In July, Tencent rolled out a facial recognition “midnight patrol” function to
root out children masquerading as adults to get around a government curfew on
underage gamers. China’s authorities have had a long history in intervening in
the country’s booming online gaming industry. In 2018, regulators halted the
issuance of video game licences for more than eight months, triggering sell-off
among investors of Chinese companies that provide such services.

Still, until recently, online gaming was a hugely profitable business in China
due to the large number of young gamers across the country. But state media in
recent months have been highlighting concerns of “gaming addiction” among
Monday’s announcement is likely to trigger market reaction among investors
in China’s gaming companies. However, Tencent said in a recent earnings call
that minors only constituted a small portion of its online gaming revenue.

1. Minor – неповнолітній
2. National Press and Publication Administration – управління пресою та
3. To bar from – заборонено
4. Verification system – система перевірки
5. Oversee – контролювати
6. Circumvent rules – обійти правило
7. Put in place – впроваджувати
8. Social good – соціальне благополуччя
9. Crackdown on – приймати жорсткі заходи щодо
10.Fairly consistent – діяти достатньо злагоджено
11. To be fairly consistent – діяти достатньо злагоджено
12.Come amid – відбуватись на фоні
13.Unnerved investors – знервовані інвестори
14.Hammering shares – різкий обвал цін
15.Pledge to curb – зобов’язатись обмежити
16.Roll out a facial recognition function – запровадити функцію
розпізнавання облиння
17.Masquerade as adults – видавати себе за дорослих
18.Curfew – комендантська година

19.Intervene in the country’s booming industry – втручатись у

промисловості, що стрімко розвиваються
20.Issuance of licences – видача ліцензій
21.Trigger sell-off – провокувати розпродаж
22. Highlight concerns – висловлювати занепокоєння
23.Earnings call – аналіз шляхів надходження прибутків

Ex. 19. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Bitcoin crashes on first day as El Salvador's legal tender
Angry protests, technological glitches and a plummet in value marked the
first day of El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as legal tender. The price of Bitcoin on
Tuesday crashed to its lowest in nearly a month, falling from $52,000 (£37,730)
to under $43,000 at one point.
An opposition politician said the fall caused one of Latin America's
poorest countries to lose $3m. The rollout of bitcoin in El Salvador was far from
what President Nayib Bukele would have envisaged when he began his bold
Platforms such as Apple and Huawei weren't offering the government-
backed digital wallet, known as Chivo, and servers had to be pulled offline after
they couldn't keep up with user registrations.
But, as the day went on, Chivo began appearing on more platforms and
was accepted by the likes of Starbucks and McDonald's. The government has
even given Salvadorans $30 each of Bitcoin to encourage its adoption. It says
bitcoin could save the country $400m a year in transaction fees on funds sent
from abroad.
However, using data from the World Bank and the government, the BBC
calculates this to be closer to $170m.
"We must break the paradigms of the past," President Bukele tweeted. "El
Salvador has the right to advance towards the first world." Ed Hernandez runs a

family shop in San Salvador where customers buy essentials like rice, beans and
cleaning products. He's well and truly on board.
"During the pandemic, it will be nice not to use physical cash," he told the
BBC, adding that it protects him from customers paying with counterfeit notes.
What wasn't good timing for El Salvador though was the tumble Bitcoin took on
its first day as legal tender, falling 20% at one point.
"It was a very bad day for President Bukele, his government and his
Bitcoin experiment," opposition politician Johnny Wright Sol told the BBC.
"The majority of the population knows very little about cryptocurrencies. What
we do know is it's a very volatile market. Today that was surely made manifest."
Mr Wright Sol said Bitcoin was not an apt national currency and was
rushed through: "The Bitcoin law was approved in parliament with hardly any
debate. It took only about five hours to go through. "We're not cryptocurrency or
Bitcoin haters, but we don't believe that it should be compulsory that businesses
should be obligated to accept Bitcoin in payment.
"The state is backing these payments and assuming the risk but at the end
of the day us taxpayers are all the state." Mr Wright Sol isn't the only critic.
More than 1,000 protesters gathered outside the country's supreme court, where
fireworks were set off and tyres were burnt. Beyond financial instability, some
say the adoption of Bitcoin may fuel illicit transactions.
But Mr Hernandez, the shopkeeper, is not put off by the volatility: "I see it
as a risk yes - but like everything in life, there's a risk. When we own a shop,
sometimes we buy a product and we don't sell it. "When others see a crisis
though, I see an opportunity."

1. Technological glitch – технологічний збій
2. Plummet in value – різке падіння ціни
3. Adopting as legal tender – прийнять як законний платіжний засіб
4. Envisage – розраховувати на / передрікати

5. Government-backed – той що підтримується державою

6. Salvadorans – громадяни Сальвадору
7. Transaction fee – операційний збір / комісійні за транзакцію
8. Break the paradigms of the past – відійти від концепцій минулого
9. Advance towards the first world – стати економічно розвиненою країною
10.Be well and truly on board – повністю підтримувати
11.Counterfeit note – фальшива купюра
12.Tumble - падіння
13.Volatile market – нестабільний ринок
14.Assume the risk – брати на себе ризики
15.Fuel illicit transactions – сприяти незаконним торгівельним операціям
16.Put off by the volatility – боятись нестабільності

Ex. 20. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
China could mount full-scale invasion by 2025, Taiwan defence
minister says
Comments come as Biden and Xi agree to stick to Taiwan agreements
amid rising tension in Indo-Pacific. China will be ready to mount a full-scale
invasion of Taiwan by 2025, the island’s defence minister has said, describing
current tensions as the worst in 40 years.
Speaking to the China Times on Wednesday, Chiu Kuo-cheng said China
was capable now but would be completely prepared to launch an invasion in
three years. “By 2025 China will bring the cost and attrition to its lowest. It has
the capacity now, but it will not start a war easily, having to take many other
things into consideration,” he said.
Beijing sent about 150 warplanes into Taiwan’s air defence zone over four
days beginning on Friday, the same day China marked a key patriotic holiday, in
a record escalation of its greyzone military activity directed towards the island.
Beijing claims Taiwan as a province of China and has vowed to retake it,
by force if necessary, and accuses its democratically elected government of

being separatists. Taiwan’s government says it is a sovereign nation with no

need to declare independence. On Tuesday, Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen,
wrote that Taiwan would not be “adventurists” but would do “whatever it takes”
to defend itself.
While there is growing speculation that China may make a move on
Taiwan, the timing and nature of such action is strongly debated among analysts
and government figures.
The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said Washington’s
commitment to Taiwan was “rock solid”, describing China’s military activity
around Taiwan as “provocative” and “destabilising’.
“What I hope is that these actions will cease because there is always the
possibility of miscalculation, of miscommunication, and that’s dangerous,”
Blinken told Bloomberg News. The US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan,
held several hours of talks with his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, in Zurich
on Wednesday, as the two sides sought to manage rising tensions between them.
The White House said Sullivan had emphasised the importance of
“maintaining open lines of communication” and highlighted areas where the two
countries could work together.
But a White House statement added: “Mr Sullivan raised a number of
areas where we have concern with the PRC’s actions, including actions related
to human rights, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, the South China Sea, and Taiwan.”
Taiwan’s legislature is reviewing a T$240bn ($8.6bn) special defence
budget bill. About two-thirds would be spent on anti-ship weapons such as land-
based missile systems, including a T$148.9bn plan to mass-produce homegrown
missiles and “high-performance” ships.
In a preamble to the proposal, the defence ministry noted China’s
increased military spending, particularly on advanced fighters and amphibious
warfare ships, and the stepped-up Chinese air force and navy activity near
Taiwan. “The military threats and provocation are even more than before,” it
said, adding that any crisis was likely to escalate fast.

Taiwan is vastly outgunned by China’s military and so it has focused on

developing an asymmetric, or “porcupine”, defence system to deter or repel a
ground invasion. It has also lobbied for intelligence and logistical support from
other nations including Australia, Japan and the US – which also sells Taiwan
Earlier on Wednesday the US president, Joe Biden, said he had spoken
with the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and they had agreed to abide by an
agreement on Taiwan.
“I’ve spoken with Xi about Taiwan. We agree … we’ll abide by the
Taiwan agreement,” he said. “We made it clear that I don’t think he should be
doing anything other than abiding by the agreement.”
It was not clear what agreement Biden was referring to. Washington has a
longstanding “one China policy” under which it officially recognises Beijing
rather than Taipei, grounded in three joint communiques, six assurances and the
Taiwan Relations Act, which makes clear the US decision to establish
diplomatic ties with Beijing instead of Taiwan rests upon the expectation that
the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.
Jessica Drun, a non-resident fellow at the Project 2049, said it was not
clear whether Biden was “commenting on longstanding US policy towards
Taiwan or an earlier separate conversation with Xi”. Drun said if it was the “one
China policy”, she would not characterise that as an agreement.
“From my understanding it’s standard procedure in interactions with
Chinese counterparts for each side to convey its respective views. For
Washington, that is affirming its ‘one China’ policy – which is its own policy,
formulated independently, and which is assuredly not the same as Beijing’s ‘one
China’ principle.”
Beijing frequently claims that other governments are bound by its own
“one China principle”, which declares Taiwan to be a province of China.
Various other nations have their own “one China” policies, which lay out the
level of recognition their governments afford Beijing’s policy.

In his comments about Taiwan, Biden also appeared to be referencing a

90-minute call he held with Xi on 9 September, their first talks in seven months,
in which they discussed the need to ensure that competition between the world’s
two largest economies did not veer into conflict.

1. Mount full-scale invasion – здійснити повномасштабний наступ
2. Tension rises in Indo-Pacific – зростає рівень напруги у Індо-
Тихоокеанському регіоні
3. Bring the cost and attrition to its lowest – звести до мінімуму видатки та
4. Air defence zone – зона повітряної оборони
5. Record escalation of military activity – найбільша ескалація військових
6. Make a move on – напасти на
7. Secretary of the state – держсекретар
8. Cease actions – припинити дії
9. National security adviser – радник з національної безпеки
10.Seek to manage – намагатись впоратись
11.Open lines of communication – прямолінійність у спілкуванні
12.PRC (People’s Republic of China) – китайська народна республіка
13.Raise a number of areas – наголосити на ряді питань
14.Legislature is reviewing a special defence budget bill – парламент
розглядає спеціальний законопроект про оборонний бюджет
15.Anti-ship weapons – проти корабельна зброя
16.Land-based missile systems – наземні ракетні установки
17.Mass-produce homegrown missiles – масове виробництво вітчизняних
18.Advanced fighters – сучасний винищувач
19.Amphibious warfare ships – десантні кораблі-амфібії

20.Step-up air force – активізувати військово-повітряні сили

21.Crisis is likely to escalate fast – імовірна ескалація конфлікту
22.Be vastly outgunned by – мати значну перевагу
23.Porcupine – дикобраз
24.Repel a ground invasion – відбивати наземну атаку
25.Abide by an agreement on – виконувати домовленості
26.Longstanding – тривалий
27.Joint communiqué – спільне комюніке
28.Non-resident fellow – учасник нерезидент
29.Convey its respective views – висловити свою позицію
30.Assuredly – напевно
31.Lay out the level of recognition – частково визнати
32.Veer into conflict – перерости у конфлікт

Ex. 21. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
‘I’ve never been with a cripple’
A disabled woman who has been the victim of abuse both on the street
and online has said disability-related hate crime is happening ‘more than anyone
is ready to admit.’ Cassie Lovelock says the social consequences for treating
disabled people badly need to catch-up with other hate crimes such
as racism and homophobia. When two drunk men threatened to rape the 26-
year-old and pushed her wheelchair down a north London street earlier this
year, onlookers did nothing to help.
The PhD student at London School of Economics, who has a series of
complex neurological conditions – one of which leaves her with temporary
paralysis – said she did not immediately realise it was a hate crime.
When she reported it to police 10 days later an officer told her ‘there’s not
much we can do.’ Cassie, who lives in east London, said the incident –
and the response – left her feeling that any future report linked to her disability
will not be taken seriously.

She said: ‘There’s social sanctions to treating people badly, if you do it

because of their race or their gender or their sexuality, but those social sanctions
don’t exist for disability.’
‘I think it’s that stigma which needs to break for the police to understand
that “Oh, you can’t treat a disabled person like that, just because they’re
disabled” in the same way (that) “Oh you can’t grope a woman, just because”.
‘But I feel like disability hasn’t sort of got there.’ Cassie said aside from
the incident in March she had also experienced some ‘really awful’ and
threatening comments online. She said people had made comments on dating
sites such as ‘I’ve never been with a cripple.’ In July, a stranger tracked down
her phone number and called her after she posted a blog about how her condition
causes her to experience memory loss.
They repeatedly swore down the phone at her and then said they
would ‘get away with it’ as she would not remember the
conversation. Cassie said the experiences were ‘isolating’ and she wants to be
open like any other person without the prospect of harassment.
She said: ‘It really scares you and it makes you want to not be open about
these things…being disabled you’re sort of inherently vulnerable by how society
views you and how society treats you, whether your disability makes you
physically vulnerable or otherwise.
‘And then people take advantage of that and then you’re stuck in your
house and you’re like, “What if they find where I live, how am I going to get
away?” – all of these things. ‘Some people would say, “Oh,
you’re overthinking”, but then they already found your phone number – so are
Her advice to anyone that thinks they have been the victim of a hate crime
is: ‘If you think it’s a hate crime, it probably is.’ She is said she wanted society
to ‘stop blaming disabled people’ and to start addressing those who commit hate
crimes and for disability to be approached from a neutral ground rather than as
an ‘absolute negative.’

1. Cripple – каліка
2. Hate crime – злочин на ґрунті нетерпимості
3. Social sanction – суспільний осуд
4. Stigma to break – зруйнувати стереотип
5. Grope a woman – лапати жінку
6. Swear down at smb. – нецензурно лаятись
7. They would get away with it – це їм зійде з рук
8. Prospect of harassment – небезпека домагання
9. Inherently vulnerable – вразливий від природи
10. You are overthinking – ти накручуєш себе

Ex. 22. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Thailand reopens to vaccinated tourists from over 60 nations
Tens of thousands of travellers are expected to arrive in Thailand today as
the country reopens to tourists after 18 months of Covid restrictions. Vaccinated
tourists from more than 60 "low-risk" nations are allowed to enter the country
and avoid hotel quarantine.
Tourist numbers are forecast to jump to as much as 15 million next year,
bringing in more than $30bn (£22bn). However, much of country still faces
restrictions, with only around 42% of the population fully-vaccinated. Thailand
is still registering almost 10,000 Covid infections a day.
"It's like seeing a very dim light at the end of the tunnel - we haven't been
able to work in two years," tour guide Chaiyagorn Boonyapak told the BBC. But
he and his fellow tour guides haven't been contacted by customers and tour
companies yet and it could take a month until tours are back up and running
"We don't know if the government can really open the country smoothly
but I hope they can do it. We would very much love to get back to work again."

The coronavirus pandemic hammered Thailand's economy, which would

previously attract 40m tourists a year. Last year, tourist arrivals were down more
than 80%.
Airports serving Bangkok and Phuket are among those opening to
countries including UK, China, Japan, the US and most of Europe. The Thai
government predicts revenues to rebound to their pre-pandemic levels by 2023,
although many industry experts say China's ongoing border closures will hamper
the sector's recovery.
Before the pandemic, Chinese tourists made up the biggest number of
tourists, with some 12m visitors arriving from China in 2019. Wiwan
Siriwasaeree owns TALES Khaosan, a small hostel in the heart of Bangkok's
famous tourist street Khaosan Road. She isn't optimistic about the prospect of
tourism rebounding to pre-pandemic levels: "I thought to myself what would I
do if the situation in Khoasan doesn't get back to the way it used to be, I'm quite
fearful about that.”
"We fear that after we let the tourists in and the new Covid-19 cases spike
again, will we go into another lockdown? I'm not so confident about the
situation," she said. Peeti Kulsirorat, who owns a restaurant in the area, is also
fearful that visitors will lead to a spike in cases: "Then the tourism industry will
be blamed as the villain again. It will be the scapegoat just like the way drinking
alcohol is."
Mr Kulsirorat said ongoing restrictions - including the inability to sell
alcohol in much of the country - will have a negative impact on people's
holidays: "The complete tourism experience has to come in a package of both
ambience and convenience."
"If they come here and many things are banned and closed, what's the
point of coming here? It will eventually slow down and people will start to get
bored with all the restrictions."
Meanwhile, on the popular tourist island of Phuket, the pandemic has
brought the economy to a standstill. Dit, whose family owns a sun lounge and

juice bar on the island's Kamala beach said they were making about $150 a day
in 2019.
"We had to use our savings, grow vegetables and catch fish to survive,"
he said. Now, after months of closure the juice bar has reopened and is
generating about $30 each day: "We don't expect all the deck chairs to be filled
straight away."

1. Dim light – тьмяне світло
2. Hammer the economy – вдарити по економіці
3. Tourism rebounding – відновлення галузі туризму
4. Lead to a spike in – призвести до стрімкого зростання
5. Scapegoat – цап-відбувайло
6. Ambience and convenience – приємна атмосфера та спокій (конт.)
7. Bring the economy to a standstill – паралізувати економіку
8. Sun lounge – тераса
9. Deck chair – шезлонг

Ex. 23. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Women warned home working may harm their careers
Women who work mostly from home risk seeing their careers stall now
workers are returning to the office in large numbers, according to Bank of
England (BoE) economist Catherine Mann. She said office interaction was vital
to advance in companies, but many women were still tied to home working.
Ms Mann said it was a particular issue for mothers facing school
disruptions and difficulty accessing childcare. Earlier this year, Rishi Sunak
warned about young people's careers.
The chancellor said he doubted his banking career would have been
successful if he had started it in virtual meetings, and that being in the office
helped build skills. Ms Mann, a member of the BoE's Monetary Policy

Committee that sets interest rates, said online communication was unable to
replicate the spontaneous office conversations that were important for
recognition and advancement in many workplaces.
She told an event hosted by Financial News magazine: "Virtual platforms
are way better than they were even five years ago. But the extemporaneous,
spontaneity - those are hard to replicate in a virtual setting." Difficulty accessing
childcare and pandemic-related disruption to schooling meant many women
were continuing to work from home, while it had been easier for men to return
to the office.
"There is the potential for two tracks," she said. "There's the people who
are on the virtual track and people who are on a physical track. And I do worry
that we will see those two tracks develop, and we will pretty much know who's
going to be on which track, unfortunately," she said.
Ms Mann was an economics professor and chief economist at investment
bank Citi and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
before joining the BoE in September. Businesswoman Justine Roberts, co-
founder of the Mumsnet website, agreed that there was a risk women's careers
could suffer from not being in the office. But it was up to companies to be aware
of this.
But the flipside, she told the BBC, was that the flexibility of home
working was a huge benefit to women, and mothers in particular. Presenteeism
and long-hours culture had been eroded by new ways of working. "Let's not
forget that one of the best things to come out of [the pandemic crisis] is the
ability to work flexibly," especially for mothers juggling childcare and school
runs, she said.
According to a BBC survey, just over half (56%) of women said they
thought working from home would help them progress at work, as childcare and
caring duties become less of a hindrance to working full-time. In all, 65% of
managers felt that working from home helps advance women's careers.

However, a quarter of the women polled said homeworking was unlikely to

advance their careers.
Danielle Harmer, chief people officer at insurance giant Aviva, said
companies need to set out a framework to ensure that people working remotely
are not an afterthought for company bosses. Otherwise, she said, career
prospects and the gender pay gap would suffer.
"I think if organisations leave it up to their employees, you could have a
potential situation where those with caring responsibilities, who tend to be
female, tend to work from home more often, and we look back in two years and
think: hang on a second, why has the gender pay gap widened? Or why are
female promotions slowing down a little?" she said. "It's taken us a long time to
make progress on things like the gender pay gap, and I think it would be terrible
if we went backwards on it."
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said British businesses reported
that on average 60% of their staff were fully back at their normal place of work.
About one-in-six employees are estimated to be using a hybrid model of
working, the ONS said.
Vincent Keavney, Partner at the law firm DLA Piper and Lord Mayor of
London told the BBC's Today programme that he thought it was "important" for
younger members in the sector to be in the office in order get the training they
need. "The buzz around the office and the buzz around the city is fantastic."
"I don't think we should be micromanaging companies but there is a very
strong message the the city is open," he added. However, proportions vary
widely by sector. In professional services, 34% of staff are in the office, 24% are
fully working from home, and 35% are doing a mix, the ONS said.
Separate ONS data showed a slightly higher percentage of male workers
than females worked from home for at least some of the time in late October.
Previous ONS analysis showed women were more likely than men to say
working from home allowed them more time to work, with fewer distractions.

But men said working from home helped them come up with new ideas, while
women found it a hindrance.

1. Accessing childcare – отримати матеріальну допомогу по догляду за
2. Monetary Policy Committee –комітет з грошово-кредитної політики
3. Flipside – зворотна сторона медалі
4. Become less of a hindrance – стало простіше
5. Chief people officer – керівник відділу кадрів
6. Be an afterthought – між іншим / вважатись другорядним (контекст.)
7. Office for National Statistics (ONS) – управління національною
8. Lord Mayor – мер
9. Micromanaging companies – втручатись у внутрішню політико компанії

Ex. 24. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Black Friday: Which? warns over price offers
More than 90% of Black Friday deals were the same price or cheaper in
the six months before the sales event last year, a Which? investigation has
The consumer association told shoppers to make sure the discounts were
"truly genuine" ahead of this year's sales. It said 184 out of 201 items from six
retailers, which included Amazon and John Lewis, were priced the same or
cheaper before Black Friday in 2020. Trading standards warned a deal "may not
be what it's all cracked up to be".
Katherine Hart, lead officer at the Chartered Trading Standards Institute,
added the "prospect of scams rears its ugly head" during the sales event, which
takes place on Friday.

"It seems that the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales events get bigger
every year, and many bargains can be found; however, we all must remain
vigilant and practise shopping safety," she added. "Sometimes sellers raise their
prices before a sales period to make it look like a great deal is on offer during
the sale." Which? said popular items it found to be the same price or less before
Black Friday last year included washing machines, soundbars and TVs.
The 'worst deals'
It analysed items from Amazon, AO, Argos, Currys, John Lewis and
Richer Sounds by looking at the prices offered by the companies every day
during the six months before and after 2020's Black Friday, as well as on the day
"When looking at prices six months before and after Black Friday 2020,
just one of the 201 products was at its cheapest price on Black Friday alone," the
consumer champion said.
One of the "worst individual deals", it added, was a Zanussi washing
machine at John Lewis that was cheaper than its Black Friday price on 88
different days before the day itself.
"'Discounted' to £309 on Black Friday, customers could have bought it
£60 cheaper at £249 five months before and for £289 within just a month after,"
Which? said. Richer Sounds had the highest proportion of deals with four out of
14, that were not cheaper or the same price before Black Friday.
'Do your research'
Ele Clark, Which? retail editor, said it was important shoppers did
research before diving into the sales. "Take time to identify the products you
really want and check that the 'deal' you're seeing represents a genuine saving,"
she said.
In response to Which?'s investigation, Amazon said it sought to "offer our
customers great value thanks to low prices all year round" and that customers
could "easily compare prices, allowing them to make an informed purchase

Meanwhile, John Lewis said it monitored prices all year round and match
high street competitors as part of its "never knowingly undersold" policy. It
explained a portable music speaker advertised on last year's Black Friday was
the same price between 20 November 2020 to 12 January 2021 as "those days
were actually all part of the Black Friday promotional activity".
Richer Sounds admitted a Yamaha music speaker, which was priced in
last year's promotion at £159 with an RRP of £199, had actually been that price
or less on 277 other days and hadn't been for sale at its full price at the store
since 2018. Richer Sounds said the deal was a "mistake" and apologised to any
customers who were misled by it.

1. Prospect of scams – випадки шахрайства
2. Vigilant and practise shopping safety – бути обачним та помірковано
ставитись до покупок
3. Genuine saving – справжня економія
4. Recommended retail price (RRP) – рекомендована роздрібна ціна

Ex. 24. Look through the text and interpret it at sight. Memorise the glossary.
Форми та види перекладу.
Переклад – відтворення оригіналу засобами іншої мови із збереженням
єдності змісту і форми. Ця єдність досягається цілісним відтворенням
ідейного змісту оригіналу в характерній для нього стилістичній
своєрідності на іншій мовній основі.
За формою переклад переділяють на усний і письмовий. Усний
переклад використовують для обміну інформацією під час особистого
контакту фахівців під час укладання контрактів, на виставках,
міжнародних науково-технічних конференціях, симпозіумах, на лекціях,
під час доповідей тощо. На відміну від письмового перекладу усний

роблять негайно, не маючи можливості послуговуватися довідковою

Розрізняють такі види усного перекладу:

✔ Послідовний переклад. Усний переклад повідомлення з однієї мови

іншою після його прослуховування. Важливо, щоб переклад

здійснювався у паузах після логічно завершених частин, щоб був
зрозумілий контекст. Зазвичай перекладач знаходиться поруч з
оратором. Для комфортної роботи перекладача, виступ може ділитися
на короткі або довгі сегменти. Якщо сегменти короткі, то переклад
робиться по пам'яті, в той час, як при довгих перекладачі конспектують
повідомлення мовця.

✔ Синхронний переклад. Один із найскладніших різновидів усного

перекладу, за якого перекладач перекладає усну промову мовою

перекладу синхронно, одночасно зі сприйняттям на слух вихідної мови.
Синхронний переклад виконується, як правило, із застосуванням
спеціального обладнання для синхронного перекладу, іноді для
індивідуального слухача використовується техніка нашіптування.
Різновиди синхронного перекладу:

● синхронний переклад «на слух»: синхронний перекладач сприймає через

навушники промову оратора без пауз і здійснює переклад блоками, у

міру надходження інформації. Це найпоширеніший і найскладніший

● синхронний «переклад з аркуша»: синхронний перекладач заздалегідь

отримує письмовий текст промови оратора й виконує переказ

відповідно до наданих матеріалів, вносячи необхідні корективи у
процесі мовлення;

● синхронне читання заздалегідь перекладеного тексту: синхронний

перекладач, слідуючи за промовою оратора, зачитує заздалегідь

підготовлений текст і в разі потреби вносить корективи, якщо оратор
відступає від початкового тексту.

✔ Переклад з аркуша. Усний переклад, що здійснюється на основі

зорового сприйняття вихідного письмового тексту. Іншими словами,

під час перекладу з аркуша перекладач усно передає для аудиторії
зміст письмового тексту, який здебільшого був йому вперше
пред’явлений. Кінцевим продуктом роботи перекладача під час
перекладу з аркуша є усний текст, що сприймається аудиторією на
слух і оцінюється саме за критеріями якості усного перекладу.
Ідеалом перекладу з аркуша є переклад, за якого у слухачів
створюється враження, що перекладач просто зачитує заздалегідь
перекладений текст, при цьому темп перекладу можна порівняти з
темпом нормального мовлення доповідача.

✔ Абзацно-фразовий переклад. Інформація подається певними

частинами, тобто спікер розмовляє з паузами, після яких перекладач

має одразу перекласти конкретну частину. Тому такий вид перекладу
вимагає від перекладача швидкої реакції, володіння навичками
ведення перекладацького скоропису, значний обсяг фонових
лінгвокультурологічних знань.

✔ Реферативний переклад. Різновид перекладу, при якому

відбувається стиснення основного змісту

вихідного тексту однією мовою засобами іншої.
Виходячи з напрямків, переклад може бути :

⮚ Одностороннім, тобто здійснюватися в одному напрямку (на рідній або

іноземна мова) при перекладі монологічних публічних виступів


(лекцій, доповідей, презентацій і т. п.).

⮚ Двостороннім, що передбачає перемикання з однієї мови на іншу при

перекладі діалогічних висловлювань та дискусій (переговори, інтерв'ю,

допити, бесіди і т. п.).
Залежно від сфери застосування виокремлюють різні види усного

● Конференц – переклад – є переклад публічних виступів в рамках

великих міжнародних засідань при використанні двох і більше мов.

● Комунальний переклад – забезпечення міжмовного / міжкультурного

посередництва в судових, медичних, адміністративних установах.

Іншими словами, це вид перекладацької культурологічної допомоги
особам, що проживають в країні, але не володіють її мовою
(іммігрантам, біженцям, полоненим тощо).

● Переклад-супровід – міжмовне / міжкультурне посередництво в

побутових ситуаціях закордонних поїздок.

● Медіапереклад – переклад в засобах масової інформації (прес -

конференцій, інтерв'ю, теле - і радіопередач), виідеоконференцій,


● Телефонний переклад – переклад телефонних переговорів.

● Переклад переговорів – міжмовне / міжкультурне посередництво в

Емоційна складова. Перекладач перш за все людина зі своїм
характером, досвідом, настроєм та темпераментом. Виконувати усний
переклад зможе лише той, хто вміє зосередитися на поточному моменті,
відкинути всі емоції, бути безстороннім, вміє швидко реагувати та
тактовно і неупереджено передавати всі нюанси почутого. Усний

перекладач завжди пам’ятає, що він лише засіб, посередник, тому не

вступає в дискусії, не висловлює свою думку, а безоціночно перекладає
сенс почутого, навіть якщо воно суперечить його поглядам та
Часто буває так, що перекладаючи певний час, перекладач вже вловив
тенденцію розмови, зрозумів усі нюанси і може навіть сам відповідати на
питання чи вести дискусію. Саме цього не варто допускати, навіть якщо
дуже хочеться пояснити, уточнити, чи здається, що розмова зайшла в
глухий кут, адже перекладач є посередником, а не стороною переговорів.

1. Послідовний переклад – Consecutive Interpreting
2. Синхронний переклад – Simultaneous Interpreting
3. Синхронний переклад «на слух» - Simultaneous Interpreting “By
4. Синхронний «переклад з аркуша» - Simultaneous Interpreting Sight
5. Синхронне читання - Simultaneous Reading
6. Переклад з аркуша - Sight Interpreting
7. Абзацно-фразовий переклад - Paragraph & Phrasal Interpreting
8. Реферативний переклад - Abstract Interpreting
9. Одностороннім - One-Way Interpreting
10. Двостороннім - Liaison / Two-Way Interpreting
11. Конференц – переклад - Conference Interpreting
12. Комунальний переклад - Community Interpreting
13. Переклад-супровід - Assistant Interpreting
14. Медіапереклад - Media Interpreting
15. Телефонний переклад - Telephone Interpreting
16. Переклад переговорів - Negotiation Interpreting
17. Перемикання з однієї мови на іншу – language shifting
18. Відтворення оригіналу – reproducing source information

19. Єдність досягається – unity is achieved by

20. Стилістичній своєрідність – stylistic features
21. Укладання контрактів – signing contracts
22. Довідкова література – handbooks and directions
23. Техніка нашіптування – whispering technique
24. Відступати від початкового тексту – make amendments to the original
25. Зорове сприйняття – visual perception
26. Кінцевий продукт – and-product
27. У слухачів створюється враження – listeners have the impression
28. Конкретна частина – specific part
29. Володіння навичками ведення перекладацького скоропису – proficiency
in note-taking
30. Значний обсяг фонових лінгвокультурологічних знань – substantive
back-ground knowledge
31. Стиснення основного змісту вихідного тексту – source text compression
32. Монологічний публічний виступ – monologic public address
33. Допит - interrogation
34. Адміністративна установа – official institution
35. Біженці - refugees
36. Полонені - prisoners
37. Побутова ситуація – domestic situation
38. Міжмовний – interlingual
39. Міжкультурний – cross-cultural
40. Емоційна складова – emotional component
41. Бути безстороннім – to be impartial
42. Посередник - mediator
43. Безоціночно – judgment-free
44. Суперечить його поглядам та переконанням – contradict his views and

45. Розмова зайшла в глухий кут – conversation has come to the dead-end /
discussion is deadlocked / there is nothing to discuss

Consecutive interpreting
Ex. 1. (Level I) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
Trends in the world of work
We are living in a time of change and I believe that everyone needs to be
aware of how we can best cope with the challenges of the future. There are
many scenarios, but here are some of my personal visions for the future - a
future for a strong economy. We need to try to make it easier for people to find
good jobs by giving them the education and training they need in order to
succeed. It is a well-known fact that a successful working life usually begins
with a good education. This is even more true as our economy changes.
Moving on to my next point, getting and keeping a good job is not only
the responsibility of the employee. Employers also need to play their part by
offering help and encouragement. Employers have to be regularly reminded that
they need to do more in order to keep their workers, for example, by ensuring
that there are adequate opportunities for advancement. Central to this is a good
programme of on-the-job training, one which allows and encourages people to
achieve their potential.
If we look for a moment at the wider context we can say that one of the
great virtues of this country is the value we place on hard work and the respect
we have for those who work hard. It is important that hard-working people see
how their contributions have helped to make this country grow stronger and
stronger. And, of course, this hard work must be rewarded. The financial
benefits should guarantee everyone an acceptable standard of living.
Of course, financial benefits are not everything. We also need to make
sure that our social welfare system continues to provide essential services such
as health care and education. Finally, the end of one's working life should not be
the beginning of worry and hardship. Employees should be encouraged to build

up reserves for their retirement. With an ageing population, we need to be aware

of the impact on pensions.
This will inevitably cause strains on state budgets and people need to
realize this and make appropriate plans. When I look at the range of companies
which operate in our economy, there are many emerging trends which I could
mention. Here are just two. Firstly, organisations are becoming flatter, leaner
and more flexible. Those companies which have taken out layers of management
see many benefits. They are better able to keep up with technological advances
and are more competitive. Secondly the job market itself is changing. In the past
an employee could expect to spend a large part of his or her working life with
one or two employers. Today, the job market, as well as the jobs themselves,
require workers to be more mobile and more flexible. Again, we must ensure
that a balance is maintained between the needs of our companies to make profit
and the needs of their employees to lead fulfilled lives.

1. Adequate opportunities for advancement – гідні можливості для розвитку
2. On-the-job training – корпоративні курси
3. Great virtues of this country – провідна якість цього народу
4. Financial benefits – виплати
5. Social welfare system – система соціального захисту
6. Essential services – базові послуги
7. Inevitably cause strains on state budgets – неминуче спричинить
напруження у державному бюджеті
8. Take out layers of management – зменшити кількість рівнів управління
9. Keep up with technological advances – не відставати від передових
технологічних досягнень

Ex. 2. (Level I) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the

Annual General Meeting
Welcome to the AGM. Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is
Carola da Silva and I am currently chairman of Pharma Diagnostics. However,
as many of you know I have now had five eventful years on the Board; so my
duties will be completed at the end of the month. Therefore, one of the tasks for
this meeting will be to elect a new chairman. But more on that later. The
business of the day is shown on your agendas, which all of you should have
received, together with the minutes from the last meeting. As you can see from
your programme, there are four items of business: firstly, approval of the
minutes from last year's AGM; secondly, the approval of the accounts; thirdly,
the changes to the constitution of the Board; and finally, the re-appointment of
Zapata and Meribel to prepare our accounts next year. After the conclusion of
the main business, we will deal with any other business.
Let me briefly explain the documents that you will find in your file.
Firstly, the Profit and Loss statement for the year just gone. This year is
consolidated and presents the results for our worldwide operations. However,
the Asian companies, which are totally independent are not shown in this
document. Secondly, the balance sheet as of 31st December. This shows the
figure for the company's European operations, so it excludes other territories.
Just a word on the procedures for voting. This is really for those who have
not attended our AGM before. According to our constitution, voting will be by a
show of hands and decisions will be by majority voting. For a motion to be
approved, it needs a minimum of 50% of the total votes including those who
cannot be here today. In fact, there are 453 registered voters here today and we
have received the voting intentions of another 64.
Moving on. As I am due to stand down as Chairman on 31st January, we
will need to appoint three new members for your Board, in other words, a
chairman and two other members. You have all received details of the seven
candidates, standing for election. However, Markus Obermeier has since

withdrawn his nomination. So, we will be making a choice from six candidates
for three posts.
The accounts have been prepared by the firm of Zapata and Merribel. This
was their first year in this role. The final point on the agenda will be to vote on
their re-appointment.
I'd now like to invite you to contribute items for the AOB slot. If we
could spend ten minutes or so collecting any issues for the afternoon session. I
see we have some hands. Yes, the gentleman in the red shirt. Could you stand up
and give us the item you'd like us to consider?

1. Minutes from the last meaning – протокол минулорічних зборів
2. Constitution of the board – слад ради директорів
3. Profit and Loss statement – рахунок прибутків та витрат
4. Balance sheet – баланс активів та пасивів
5. Motion is approved – рішення прийнято
6. Stand for election – балотуватись на виборах
7. Withdraw his nomination – зняти свою кандидатуру
8. Voting intentions - голоси
9. AOB slot – інші питання на повістці дня

Ex. 3. (Level I) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
Company Structure
Good evening, everyone and thank you all for staying on this evening. I'd
like to get straight down to the issue in hand. As I‘m sure you're well aware, the
current increase in business has put a severe strain on our company structure.
Increases in business are precisely what we need, but coping with them presents
certain, shall we say challenges. So, I’d like to look at how we can best face the

future. This will involve major changes and, as change is sometimes painful, I
propose to introduce these through a measured programme of modifications.
The first thing to be said is that our current hierarchy is not really well
adapted to market conditions. As we've all seen over the last couple of years,
we're expected to respond ever more quickly to clients' orders. In my opinion,
the best way to do this is by introducing a flatter structure. Too many layers of
managers and supervisors slow down the whole proces. This is a general issue
that we need to act on, but one that is particularly serious in the area of sales. So
we need to remove some of the bottlenecks caused by having too many
departments involved in the same process. That's one area that we'll need to
focus on.
Next, I have noted that the Purchasing Department has been very active -
however, not always in the best interests of the company. We must be able to
take advantage of the opportunities provided by business-to-business purchasing
by buying more of our standard materials on-line. We need to embrace the new
technologies, not stick to our old ways, simply because they’re more
comfortable. With our new IT system, we have the technology to make
significant savings by buying on-line. In fact more and more of our existing
suppliers can provide us with on-line purchasing. I will therefore be bringing in
an e-purchasing consultant, someone who can advise us on the opportunities, as
well as the risks, of buying on-line. This person will then work with our team to
analyse our current procedures and advise the department on streamlining them.
I’m sure we can both simplify our purchasing procedures and make savings by
using the opportunities to buy on-line.
Moving on. The next area is finance. I've decided to bring in a new
controller to work alongside our current Finance Director. As you all know,
Greg Barnes is due to retire next year and we need to consider how to replace
him. This, therefore, will be the first step and I hope that this will lead to a
smooth handover when the time comes for Greg to step down.

Finally, a few words about our IT department in general I know that the
last few years have seen radical changes in the way that we do our business. And
the IT department has come to play an increasingly central role in our activities.
First of all, I’d like to assure you that IT will continue to be a support function in
this company. We are not an IT business, but we do need to maximise the
benefits of the electronic revolution.
I've already spoken about purchasing, but I would like to see this company
at the cutting edge of new developments. At present, I sense quite a lot of
opposition to new trends, and this will need to be addressed. Therefore, I'm
proposing to set up an interdepartmental working group, consisting of all heads,
to look at how we can improve our ways of sharing information. Of course, this
need not be limited to computer media. We also need to introduce more
information meetings, where we can exchange ideas, opinions and details about
how to improve our ways of working. The objective of this exercise will be to
establish proposals for a new company structure twelve months from now. At
that point we will look again at how the company is organised ...

1. Get straight down to the issue in hand – перейти безпосередньо до
розгляду питання
2. A measured programme of modifications – програма помірних змін
3. Introducing a flatter structure – запровадження більш плоскої
організаційної структури
4. Act on - прорацювати
5. Remove some of the bottlenecks – усунути деякі негативні фактори
6. Take advantage of the opportunities – використовувати можливість
7. Business-to-business purchasing – торговля между различными
8. Embrace the new technologies – торгівля між різними компаніями
9. Stick to our old ways – дотримуються старих методів роботи

10.Bring in an e-purchasing consultant – залучити консультанта із закупівель

11.Streamlining - раціоналізація
12.Smooth handover – плавна передача повноважень
13.At the cutting edge of new developments – в авангарді передових
14.This will need to be addressed – над цим треба попрацювати

Ex. 3. (Level I) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
Leonardo DiCaprio (UN Messenger of Peace) at the opening of Climate
Summit 2014
“I stand before you not as an expert but as a concerned citizen – one of
the 400,000 people who marched in the streets of New York on Sunday and the
billions of others around the world who want to solve our climate crisis.As an
actor, I pretend for a living. I play fictitious characters, often solving fictitious
problems. I believe that mankind has looked at climate change in that same way,
as if it were fiction, as if pretending the climate change wasn’t real would
somehow make it go away.
But I think we all know better than that now. Every week we’re seeing
new and undeniable climate events, evidence that accelerated climate change is
here right now. Droughts are intensifying. Our oceans are acidifying with
methane plumes rising up from the ocean floor.We are seeing extreme weather
events and the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets melting at
unprecedented rates, decades ahead of scientific projections.
None of this is rhetoric and none of it is hysteria. It is fact.
The scientific community knows it. Industry knows it. Governments know
it. Even the United States military knows it. The Chief of the US Navy’s Pacific
Command Admiral Samuel Locklear recently said that climate change is our

single greatest security threat. My friends, this body, perhaps more than any
other gathering in human history now faces this difficult but achievable task.
You can make history or you will be vilified by it.To be clear this is not about
just telling people to change their light bulbs or to buy a hybrid car. This disaster
has grown beyond the choices that individuals make. This is now about our
industries and our governments around the world taking decisive large-scale
action. Now must be our moment for action.
We need to put a price tag on carbon emissions and eliminate government
subsidies for all oil coal and gas companies. We need to end the free ride that
industrial polluters have been given in the name of a free market economy. They
do not deserve our tax dollars. They deserve our scrutiny for the economy itself
will die if our ecosystems collapse.The good news is that renewable energy is
not only achievable but good economic policy.
This is not a partisan debate. It is a human one. Clean air and a livable
climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of
politics. It is a question of our own survival.This is the most urgent of times and
the most urgent of messages. Honored delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend
for a living but you do not.The people made their voices heard on Sunday
around the world and the momentum will not stop. But now it is your turn. The
time to answer humankind’s greatest challenge is now.We beg of you to face it
with courage and honesty.
Thank you.

1. We all know better than that now – ми знаємо чим це закінчиться
2. Oceans are acidifying – океани окислюються
3. Methane plumes rising up from the ocean floor – метанові шлейфи
піднімаються з дна океану
4. None of this is rhetoric – це вже не риторичне питання

5. The Chief of the US Navy’s Pacific Command – головнокомандувач

військово-морськими силами США
6. We will be vilified by history – історія нас розсудить
7. Large-scale action – широкомасштабні дії
8. Put a price tag on carbon emissions – обкласти податками викиди
вуглекислого газу
9. End the free ride – покладе край безкарності
10.In the name – в ім'я
11.This is not a partisan debate – це не предмет міжпартійних суперечок
12.Inalienable human rights – невід'ємні права людини
13.The momentum will not stop – цей імпульс вже не зупинити

Ex. 3. (Level I) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
UN Don't choose extinction
Listen up people! I know a thing or two about extinction. And let me tell
you, and you kind of think this would be obvious, going extinct as a bad thing.
And driving yourselves extinct? In 70 million years that's the most ridiculous
thing I've ever heard. At least we had an asteroid. What's your excuse?
You're headed for a climate disaster. And yet every year governments
spend the hundreds of billions of public funds on fossil fuel subsidies. Imagine if
we had spent hundreds of billions per year, subsidizing giant meteors. That's
what you're doing right now! Think of all the other things you could do with that
Around the world people are living in poverty. Don't you think helping
them would make more sense than I don't know, paying for the demise of your
entire species? Let me be real for a second. You got a huge opportunity right
now, as you rebuild your economies and bounce back from this pandemic. This
is humanity's big chance!

So here's my wild idea. Don't choose extinction. Save your species before
it's too late. It's time for you to humans to stop making excuses and start making
changes. Thank you.

1. demise entire species – знищення цілого виду
2. bounce back from – оговтатись від

Ex. 3. (Level II) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
Speech by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the general debate
of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly
Part I
Вельмишановний пане Голово! Distinguished Mr. President!

Ваші високоповажності! Пані та панове Your Excellencies! Ladies and


Від імені України маю честь привітати On behalf of Ukraine, I have the honor to
Вас, пане Бозкир, з обранням Головою congratulate you, Mr. Bozkır, on your
75-ї сесії Генеральної Асамблеї ООН. election as President of the 75th session of
the UN General Assembly.

Вам випало керувати Асамблеєю в You happened to steer the Assembly in

непрості часи, коли навіть традиційні hard times, when even traditional
міжнародні інструменти та формати international instruments and formats may
можуть не працювати. Тому хочу not work. Therefore, I want to assure you
запевнити, що Україна була, є й буде для that Ukraine has been, is and will be a
вас та ООН надійним партнером, навіть reliable partner for you and the UN, even
попри те, що сьогодні нас розділяють though today we are separated by
тисячі кілометрів. thousands of kilometers.

Рік тому в Нью-Йорку ми обговорювали A year ago in New York, we discussed

загрози світовому майбутньому, будували threats to the international future, made
плани, робили прогнози. Та чи міг тоді plans and forecasts. But could anyone at
хоч хтось уявити, що 2020-й влаштує least imagine that 2020 would stage such
планеті такий краш-тест? a crash test for the planet?

Країни закривають кордони, літню The countries lock down their borders, the
Олімпіаду перенесено, а засідання Summer Olympics postponed, and the UN
Генеральної Асамблеї ООН відбувається General Assembly is taking place online.
онлайн. Рік тому ми сказали б, що це A year ago, we would say that this is a
сценарій апокаліптичного блокбастера, а script of an apocalyptic blockbuster, not
не реалії 2020 року. the realities of 2020.

У такий тривожний для світу час доречно At such a disturbing time for the world, it
згадати відчуття лідерів країн-засновниць is appropriate to remember the sentiments
ООН 75 років тому. Людство пережило of the leaders of the UN founding
найстрашнішу війну. Світ нагадував countries 75 years ago. Humanity has
солдата, що рухається скривавленим survived the most horrendous war. The
полем, де ще хвилину тому гриміли world resembled a soldier moving through
вибухи. Знесилений, спустошений, a bloodstained field one minute after the
розгублений, але живий. explosions stopped. Exhausted,
devastated, at a loss, but alive.

Друга світова стала планетарним World War II was a planetary

«землетрусом», що приніс десятки "earthquake" that claimed tens of millions
мільйонів жертв. Та людство змогло of lives. And humanity was able to
оговтатися. І 24 жовтня 1945 року, на recover. And on October 24, 1945, at a
конференції у Сан-Франциско, країни – conference in San Francisco, the founding
засновниці ООН, серед яких була й members of the United Nations, including
Україна, відкинули всі протиріччя та Ukraine, rejected all contradictions and
об’єдналися, щоб разом побудувати united to build a better world together.
кращий світ.

Безперечно, за ці 75 років сталося чимало Undoubtedly, in these 75 years, many

досягнень щодо економічного розвитку, achievements have been made in terms of
подолання бідності, мінімізації воєн та economic development, overcoming
катаклізмів, які могли б трапитися без poverty, minimizing wars and cataclysms
існування ООН. that could have happened without the UN.

Людство підкорило космос і навіть може Mankind has conquered space and can
проводити засідання ООН дистанційно, за even hold UN meetings remotely, using
допомогою сучасних технологій. modern technology.

Мовою тих самих технологій, ООН стала Speaking the language of the same
«програмним забезпеченням», яке technology, the UN has become
вберегло світ від критичних помилок. "software" that saved the world from
critical error.

Водночас маємо визнати, що система все At the same time, we must recognize that
частіше починає давати збій. Її атакують the system is increasingly failing. It is
нові «баги» та «віруси». І протидія їм не attacked by new "bugs" and "viruses".
завжди є ефективною. And countering them is not always

Я кажу про це як Глава держави, у якої у I speak of this as the Head of State in
21-му столітті Російська Федерація which the Russian Federation annexed the
анексувала півострів Крим. Держави, яка Crimean peninsula in the 21st century. A
сьомий рік стримує її військову агресію state that has been deterring its military
на Донбасі. aggression in Donbas for seven years.

Які почуття були б у засновників ООН, What sentiments would the founders of
якби вони дізналися, що 75 років потому the United Nations have had they known
у центрі Європи буде йти війна? that there would be a war in central
Europe 75 years later?

Що в Криму брутально порушуються That in Crimea human rights are

права людини, відбуваються flagrantly violated. That Ukrainians and
переслідування українців і кримських Crimean Tatars are being persecuted. That
татар. Посилюється мілітаризація militarization of the peninsula and sea
півострова та акваторій поруч із ним, що areas around it is intensifying, which
порушує безпековий баланс breaches the security balance of the Black
Чорноморського регіону. Sea region.

Чи змінили б вони щось у Статуті та Would they change anything in the UN

механізмах ООН, якби знали, що через 75 Charter and mechanisms had they known
років унаслідок війни на Донбасі буде 14 that in 75 years as a result of the war in
тисяч загиблих і майже півтора мільйона Donbas there would be 14 thousand dead
людей втратять свої домівки? and almost one and a half million people
would lose their homes?

Безперечно, за останній рік ми довели, що Undoubtedly, over the last year we have
Україна дійсно прагне миру. Нам вдалося proved that Ukraine really strives for
розблокувати діалог, ми відновили peace. We managed to unblock the
зустрічі лідерів країн Нормандського dialogue, we resumed meetings of the
формату, досягли суттєвого прогресу у leaders of the Normandy format countries,
взаємному звільненні утримуваних осіб. we made significant progress in the

А з 27 липня розпочався режим mutual release of detainees. And on July

всеосяжного припинення вогню, який, 27, a comprehensive ceasefire began,
попри спроби його зірвати, все ж дає which, despite attempts to disrupt it, still
надію на досягнення стабільної «тиші». gives hope for a stable "silence."

І вона вкрай необхідна, щоб продовжити And it is essential to keep moving towards
рух на шляху до миру. peace.

Наступними кроками на цьому шляху The next steps in this direction should
мають стати: виведення незаконних be: the withdrawal of illegal armed groups
збройних формувань і озброєнь з and weapons from the occupied
окупованих територій, повернення territories, the return of control over the
контролю над державним кордоном і, state border and, finally, the restoration of
врешті-решт, відновлення територіальної Ukraine's territorial integrity within
цілісності України в межах міжнародно internationally recognized borders.
визнаних кордонів.

Ми дякуємо нашим міжнародним We are grateful to our international

партнерам за допомогу та підтримку на partners for their assistance and support
цьому шляху. Сподіваємося на подальшу along the way. We hope for the further
єдність міжнародного співтовариства в unity of the international community on
цьому питанні. Впевнений, що у this matter. I am convinced that the UN
відновленні суверенітету та should play an important role in restoring
територіальної цілісності України, а з нею the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
– й авторитету міжнародного права Ukraine, as well as the authority of
важливу роль має відігравати саме ООН. international law.

Для цього слід удосконалювати наявні To do this, the existing mechanisms

механізми. Неприпустимо, коли should be improved. It is unacceptable

суверенітет незалежної держави порушує when the sovereignty of an independent

один з постійних членів Ради Безпеки state is violated by one of the permanent
ООН. Це остаточно доводить – механізми members of the UN Security Council.
зразка 1945 року сьогодні This finally proves that the mechanisms
of the 1945 model are not fully
працюють не до кінця.
operational today.

Все це може призвести до подальшого All this could lead to further depreciation
знецінення Ради Безпеки. Україна of the Security Council. Ukraine will take
братиме активну участь у процесі її an active part in the process of its reform.
реформування. Цей орган має стати більш This body must become more
представницьким, збалансованим, representative, balanced, transparent and
прозорим та ефективним. В інтересах efficient. It is in the UN's interest to have
ООН мати дієвий інструмент, якщо хтось an effective tool if someone abuses the
зловживає правом вето та статусом veto and the status of a permanent
постійного члена. member.

Vocabulary – part I
1. Ваші високоповажності! – Your Excellencies!
2. Керувати Асамблеєю – steer the Assembly
3. Тривожний для світу – disturbing time for the world
4. Скривавленe поле – bloodstained field
5. Знесилений, спустошений, розгублений – еxhausted, devastated, at a
6. Країни – засновниці ООН – the founding members of the United
7. Відкинути всі протиріччя та об’єднатися – reject all contradictions and
8. Система все частіше починає давати збій – the system is increasingly

9. Протидія – countering
10.Стримувати її військову агресію – deter its military aggression
11.Брутально порушуються права людини – human rights are flagrantly
12.Переслідування – persecutions
13.Порушує безпековий баланс – breach the security balance
14.Статут та механізми ООН – UN Charter and mechanisms
15.Прагнення миру – strive for peace
16.Досягти суттєвого прогресу у взаємному звільненні утримуваних
осіб – make significant progress in the mutual release of detainees
17.Режим всеосяжного припинення вогню – comprehensive ceasefire
18.Попри спроби його зірвати – despite attempts to disrupt it
19.Виведення незаконних збройних формувань і озброєнь – withdrawal
of illegal armed groups and weapons
20.Відновлення територіальної цілісності України в межах міжнародно
визнаних кордонів – restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity within
internationally recognized borders
21.Єдність міжнародного співтовариства в цьому питанні – unity of the
international community on this matter
22.Порушується суверенітет незалежної держави – sovereignty of an
independent state is violated
23.Постійні члени Ради Безпеки ООН – permanent members of the UN
Security Council
24.Цей орган має стати більш представницьким – this body must become
more representative
25.Зловживати правом вето – abuses the veto

Part II

Крім того, користуючись нагодою, хочу In addition, I would like to take this
запросити наших друзів до участі у opportunity to invite our friends to
створенні міжнародної Кримської participate in the creation of an
платформи з метою спільних дій задля international Crimean platform for joint
захисту прав кримчан та деокупації action to protect the rights of Crimean
півострова. people and the de-occupation of the

А також закликаю підтримати оновлену I also call for support for the updated
резолюцію «Ситуація з правами людини в resolution "The situation of human rights
Автономній Республіці Крим та місті in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Севастополі, Україна», яка буде винесена and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine",
на розгляд Генеральної Асамблеї до кінця which will be submitted to the General
цього року. Assembly by the end of this year.

Найголовніше: питання Криму та Most importantly, the issues of Crimea

Донбасу не мають стати звичними and Donbas should not become customary
елементами міжнародного пейзажу, де elements of the international landscape,
лише доповіді, тематичні зустрічі та where only reports, conferences and
протокольні заяви до роковин окупації protocol statements on the anniversary of
будуть вважатися достатньою формою the occupation will be considered a
міжнародної реакції. sufficient form of international response.

Навпаки – допоки рана в центрі Європи On the contrary, as long as the wound in
кровоточить, біль відчуватиме весь світ. І central Europe is bleeding, the whole
єдиним рецептом дієвого лікування є world will feel the pain. And the only
лише деокупація Криму та Донбасу. recipe for effective treatment is the de-
occupation of Crimea and Donbas.

Розумію, що з 2014-го в ООН чують про I understand that since 2014 the UN has
все це кожного року. Але саме в цьому і є been hearing about all this every year. But
найбільша проблема. І це стосується не this is the biggest problem. And this
лише українського питання, а й усіх applies not only to the Ukrainian issue,
глобальних загроз для планети, доповіді but also to all global threats to the planet,
про які щороку стають усе довшими й reports of which are getting longer and
довшими. longer every year.

А найстрашніше, що катаклізми стали And the worst thing is that cataclysms

буденністю. Світ звик до жахливих have become commonplace. The world
новин. Вони все ще шокують, але швидко got accustomed to terrible news. They are
забуваються, коли у глобальному порядку still shocking, but are quickly forgotten
денному вибухає нова інформаційна when a new information bomb explodes
бомба. on the global agenda.

На Асамблеї торік я сказав: більше немає At the Assembly last year, I said: there is
поняття чужої війни. Наша планета вже no longer a notion of someone else’s war.
не така велика. Our planet is not so big anymore.

Це доводить справа МН17. Це доводять This is proved by the case of MH17. This
кліматичні загрози. Проблеми з доступом is evidenced by climatic threats. Problems
до їжі та питної води. with access to food and drinking water.

Це доводять інформаційні загрози світу. This is proved by information threats to

Коли дезінформація та фейк-ньюз можуть the world. When misinformation and fake
впливати на світові ринки, біржі та навіть news can affect world markets, stock
виборчий процес. markets and even the electoral process.

Україна як одна з держав, яка з 2014-го Ukraine, as one of the states that has been
активно протидіє пропаганді та actively opposing propaganda and
інформаційним атакам, готова ініціювати information attacks since 2014, stands
створення в Києві штаб-квартири ready to initiate the establishment in Kyiv
міжнародного офісу з протидії of the headquarters of the International
дезінформації та пропаганді. Office to Counter Disinformation and

Те, що наша планета більше не така The fact that our planet is no longer so big
велика, остаточно довів 2020 рік. Пожежі was finally proved by 2020. Fires in
в Австралії, які сколихнули всіх. Або Australia that shook everyone. Or the
збиття «Боїнга-737», коли над територією downing of a Boeing 737, when a
Ірану було збито український літак, де Ukrainian plane carrying citizens of
перебували громадяни України, Канади, Ukraine, Canada, Iran, Afghanistan, Great
Ірану, Афганістану, Великої Британії та Britain and Sweden was shot down over
Швеції. Iran.

І, звісно, пандемія COVID-19, And, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic,

розповсюдження якої відбулося which spreaded at a lightning speed.
блискавично. Людство не встигло навіть Mankind did not even have time to search
загуглити слова COVID та «Ухань», як the words “COVID” and "Wuhan" in
коронавірус уже стукав у двері кожного Google, as coronavirus has already been
дому. knocking on the door of every house.

Зверніть увагу на інше. Коронавірус Pay attention to another thing.

нещадний до будь-кого. Coronavirus spares noone.

Йому байдужі наявність у країни It is indifferent to the availability of

ядерної зброї та рівень її ВВП. Входить nuclear weapons in the country and the
країна до G-7 чи G-20. Сповідують у ній level of its GDP. Whether the country is
християнство, іслам, іудаїзм чи інші part of the G7 or G20. Whether
релігії. Це все не має для нього значення. Christianity, Islam, Judaism or other
religions are professed in this country. It
doesn't matter to COVID.

COVID-19 показав, що глобальний світ – COVID-19 has shown that the global
це не тільки світ без кордонів. Це і world is not just a world without borders.
глобальна відповідальність, коли до This is also a global responsibility, when
протидії спільним загрозам має бути not seven, not 20, but at least 193
залучено не сім, не 20, а щонайменше 193 countries should be involved in
країни. counteracting common threats.

Сьогодні стає зрозуміло, що боротьба з Today it is clear that the fight against
COVID-19 триватиме не один рік. Навряд COVID-19 will last more than one year.
чи це остання пандемія, через яку нам This is hardly the last pandemic we will
доведеться пройти. Тож всі ми маємо have to go through. So we all need to get
вийти з нинішньої кризи більш сильними out of the current crisis stronger and better
та підготовленими. prepared.

Це іспит для всіх держав. Гонитва за This is a test for all states. The pursuit of
доступ до обмежених ресурсів лише access to limited resources will only
поглибить проблеми. Ми потребуємо exacerbate the problems. We need
щирості в діалозі та дієвої солідарності, sincerity in dialogue and effective
бо саме в цьому полягає цінність solidarity, because this is where the value
багатосторонності. of multilateralism lies.

Потрібно разом долати найсерйознішу Together we must overcome the most

економічну кризу останніх років. serious economic crisis of recent years.
Очікувані цифри падіння ВВП подекуди – The expected figures for the fall in GDP
двозначні. Це не просто статистика, are sometimes ambiguous. These are not
цікава лише вузькому колу експертів. Це just statistics, interesting only to a narrow
– зниження якості життя мільярдів людей, circle of experts. It is reducing the quality
зростання загрози голоду для мільйонів. of life of billions of people, looming
threat of hunger for millions.

Об’єднання зусиль усіх держав є Uniting efforts of all states is an absolute

абсолютною вимогою часу. Україна не requirement of the time. Ukraine cannot
може залишитися осторонь і готова stay aside and is ready to make its
зробити свій внесок у забезпечення, contribution to ensuring, in particular,
зокрема, продовольчої безпеки людства. food security of mankind.

Пане Голово! Mr. President!

Щороку заклик до дій замість розмов Every year, the call for action instead of
лунає в Генеральній Асамблеї все talks is getting louder in the General
потужніше. Це свідчення кризи, у якій Assembly. It testifies to the crisis in the
перебуває ООН, безпекова архітектура, United Nations, the security architecture,
здоров’я людства, наші економіки та світ humanity health, our economies and the
у цілому. world as a whole.

75-та річниця заснування ООН має стати The 75th anniversary of the founding of
стимулом для перетворення Організації the United Nations should be an incentive
на більш динамічну та ефективну to transform the Organization into a more
структуру. dynamic and efficient body.

Я дуже хочу на початку своєї промови у At the beginning of my speech in 2021, I

2021 році констатувати, що 75-та would very much like to state that the
Асамблея увійде в історію як приклад 75th Assembly will go down in history as
повернення до дієвої багатосторонності an example of a return to effective
та ефективної міжнародної солідарності. multilateralism and efficient international

Яка не тільки пригадала цілі та принципи Which not only recalled the goals and
Статуту ООН, а й почала постійно та principles of the UN Charter, but also
неухильно дотримуватися їх. began to constantly and strictly adhere to

Яка відродила істину, що була Which resumed the truth that was
фундаментальною при заснуванні ООН: у fundamental when the UN was founded:
нас немає запасної планети. Ми живемо we don’t have a reserve planet. We live
тут і лише один раз. here and just once.

Це і є саме те майбутнє, якого ми хочемо, This is the future we want, this is the UN
і саме та ООН, якої ми потребуємо. Щиро we need. I sincerely wish to achieve this
бажаю досягти цього Вам, пане Голово, to you, Mr. President, and all the
та всім зацікавленим. Переконаний, що це stakeholders. I am convinced that these
193 держави – члени ООН. are 193 UN countries.

Дякую за увагу! Thank you!

23 September 2020

Vocabulary – part II

1. Оновлена резолюція – Updated resolution

2. Виносити на розгляд Генеральної Асамблеї – be submitted to the General
3. Звичні елементи міжнародного пейзажу – customary elements of the
international landscape
4. Достатня форма міжнародної реакції – sufficient form of international
5. Катаклізми стали буденністю – cataclysms have become commonplace
6. Коли у глобальному порядку денному вибухає нова інформаційна
бомба – when a new information bomb explodes on the global agenda
7. Дезінформація – misinformation
8. Впливати на світові ринки, біржі, виборчий процес – affect world
markets, stock markets, the electoral process
9. Готова ініціювати – stand ready to initiate
10.Збиття «Боїнга-737» – downing of a «Boeing 737»
11.Протидія спільним загрозам – counteracting common threats
12.Гонитва за доступ до обмежених ресурсів – the pursuit of access to
limited resources
13.Поглиблювати проблеми – exacerbate the problems
14.Цінність багатосторонності – value of multilateralism
15.зЗостання загрози голоду – looming threat of hunger
16.Стимул для перетворення Організації на більш динамічну та ефективну
структуру – an incentive to transform the Organization into a more dynamic
and efficient body
17.Увійти в історію – go down in history
18.Ефективна міжнародна солідарність – efficient international solidarity
19.Постійно та неухильно дотримуватися їх – constantly and strictly adhere
to them
20.Відродити істину – resumed the truth

Ex. 3. (Level II) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special
event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations Headquarters
New York, 20 September 2014
Your excellencies, UN Secretary General, President of the General
Assembly, Executive director of UN Women and distinguished guests. Today
we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe.” I am reaching out to you
because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality—and to do that we
need everyone to be involved.
This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and
galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change. And we
don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible.
I was appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador six months ago and the more I
have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s
rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I
know for certain, it is that this has to stop.
For the record, feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and
women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the
political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” I started questioning
gender-based assumptions long time ago when at eight I was confused at being
called “bossy,” because I wanted to direct the plays we would put on for our
parents—but the boys were not.
When at 14 I started being sexualized by certain elements of the press.
When at 15 my girlfriends started dropping out of their sports teams
because they didn’t want to appear “muscly.”
When at 18 my male friends were unable to express their feelings.
I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me. But my
recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word.

Women are choosing not to identify as feminist.

Apparently I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen
as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men and, unattractive even. Why is
the word such an uncomfortable one?
I am from Britain and think it is right that I am paid the same as my male
counterparts. I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my
own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies
and decisions that will effect my life. I think it is right that socially I am
afforded the same respect as men.
But sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world where all
women can expect to receive these rights. No country in the world can yet say
they have achieved gender equality.
These rights I consider to be human rights but I am one of the lucky ones.
My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn’t love me less because I
was born a daughter. My school did not limit me because I was a girl. My
mentors didn’t assume I would go less far because I might give birth to a child
one day. These influencers were the gender equality ambassadors that made me
who I am today. They may not know it, but they are the inadvertent feminists
who are changing the world today. And we need more of those.
And if you still hate the word—it is not the word that is important but the
idea and the ambition behind it. Because not all women have received the same
rights that I have. In fact, statistically, very few have been.
In 1997, Hilary Clinton made a famous speech in Beijing about women’s
rights. Sadly many of the things she wanted to change are still true today. But
what stood out for me the most that less than 30 per cent of her audience were
male. How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or
feel welcome to participate in the conversation?
Men—I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal
invitation. Gender equality is your issue too. Because to date, I’ve seen my

father’s role as a parent being valued less by society despite my needing his
presence as a child as much as my mother’s.
I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help
for fear it would make them look less of a men—in fact in the UK suicide is the
biggest killer of men between 20-49 years of age; eclipsing road accidents,
cancer and coronary heart disease. I’ve seen men made fragile and insecure by a
distorted sense of what constitutes male success. Men don’t have the benefits of
equality either.
We don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes
but I can see that that they are and that when they are free, things will change for
women as a natural consequence.
If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted women won’t
feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t
have to be controlled. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive.
Both men and women should feel free to be strong… It is time that we all
perceive gender on a spectrum not as two opposing sets of ideals.
If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining
ourselves by what we are—we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is
about. It’s about freedom. I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters,
sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so that their sons have
permission to be vulnerable and human too—reclaim those parts of themselves
they abandoned, and in doing so be a more true and complete version of
You might be thinking who is this Harry Potter girl? And what is she
doing up on stage at the UN. It’s a good question and trust me, I have been
asking myself the same thing. All I know is that I care about this problem. And I
want to make it better.
And having seen what I’ve seen—and given the chance—I feel it is my
responsibility to say something. Statesman Edmund Burke said: “All that is

needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men and women to
do nothing.”
In my nervousness for this speech and in my moments of doubt I’ve told
myself firmly—if not me, who; if not now, when. If you have similar doubts
when opportunities are presented to you I hope those words might be helpful.
Because the reality is that if we do nothing it will take 75 years, or for me
to be nearly a hundred before women can expect to be paid the same as men for
the same work. 15.5 million girls will be married in the next 16 years as
children. And at current rates it won’t be until 2086 before all rural African girls
will be able to receive a secondary education.
If you believe in equality, you might be one of those inadvertent feminists
I spoke of earlier. And for this I applaud you. We are struggling for a uniting
word but the good news is we have a uniting movement. It is called HeForShe. I
am inviting you to step forward, to be seen to speak up, to be the "he" for "she".
And to ask yourself if not me, who? If not now, when?
Thank you.

1. UN Women Goodwill Ambassador – посол доброї волі «ООН Жінки»
2. UN Secretary General – генеральний секретар ООН
3. President of the General Assembly – голова генеральної асамблеї ООН
4. Executive director of UN Women – виконавчий директор «ООН Жінки»
5. I am reaching out to you – я звертаюся до вас
6. Galvanize – об'єднати
7. To be advocate for change – бути прихильником змін
8. It is tangible – це реально
9. For the record – для довідки / для протоколу / до слова (контекст.)
10.Equality of the sexes – рівність статей
11.Questioning gender-based assumptions – сумніватися у гендерних

12.Direct the play – ставити п'єсу

13.Drop out of sports team – припинити заняття спортом
14.It seems uncomplicated – це не здається надскладним
15.To be among the ranks of women – знаходиться серед жінок
16.Isolating and anti-men – відштовхуючий і мужененависний
17.Male counterpart – колега чоловічої статі
18.To be afforded the same respect as men – мати такі ж права як і чоловіки
19.Sheer privilege – чистий привілей
20.Mentor – наставник
21.Inadvertent feminist – випадковий фемініст
22.Feel welcome to participate in the conversation – відчувати себе бажаним
учасником розмови
23.Because to date – тому що на сьогодні
24.Make him look less of a men – зробити його менш мужнім
25.Eclipse road accidents – перевершувати (за кількістю) ДТП
26.Coronary heart disease – ішемічна хвороба серця
27.Fragile and insecure – тендітний і невпевнений
28.Distorted sense – спотворене почуття
29.Imprisoned by stereotypes – зажатий стереотипами
30.Feel compelled to be submissive – відчувати примус до покірності
31.Feel free to be sensitive – вільно висловлювати свої почуття
32.Perceive gender on a spectrum – сприймати стать як спектр
33.Take up this mantle – йти під цим прапором (просувати цю ідею)
34.Reclaim parts of themselves – сприймати частину себе
35.Secondary education – середня освіта
36.Uniting word – єдина назва

Ex. 3. (Level II) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the

Secretary-General’s address to the 76th Session of the UN General

António Guterres
21 September 2021
Mr. President of the General Assembly, Excellencies, I am here to sound
the alarm: The world must wake up. We are on the edge of an abyss — and
moving in the wrong direction.
Our world has never been more threatened. Or more divided. We face the
greatest cascade of crises in our lifetimes. The COVID-19 pandemic has
supersized glaring inequalities. The climate crisis is pummeling the planet.
Upheaval from Afghanistan to Ethiopia to Yemen and beyond has thwarted
A surge of mistrust and misinformation is polarizing people and
paralyzing societies. Human rights are under fire. Science is under assault. And
economic lifelines for the most vulnerable are coming too little and too late — if
they come at all. Solidarity is missing in action — just when we need it
most. Perhaps one image tells the tale of our times. The picture we have seen
from some parts of the world of COVID-19 vaccines in the garbage, expired and
On the one hand, we see the vaccines developed in record time — a
victory of science and human ingenuity. On the other hand, we see that triumph
undone by the tragedy of a lack of political will, selfishness and mistrust. A
surplus in some countries. Empty shelves in others. A majority of the wealthier
world vaccinated. Over 90 percent of Africans still waiting for their first dose.
This is a moral indictment of the state of our world. It is an obscenity. We
passed the science test. But we are getting an F in Ethics.
Excellencies, the climate alarm bells are also ringing at fever pitch.The
recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was a code red
for humanity. We see the warning signs in every continent and region: scorching

temperatures, shocking biodiversity loss, polluted air, water and natural spaces
and climate-related disasters at every turn.
As we saw recently, not even this city — the financial capital of the world
— is immune. Climate scientists tell us it’s not too late to keep alive the 1.5
degree goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. But the window is rapidly closing.
We need a 45 per cent cut in emissions by 2030. Yet a recent UN report made
clear that with present national climate commitments, emissions will go up by
16% by 2030. That would condemn us to a hellscape of temperature rises of at
least 2.7 degrees above pre-industrial levels. A catastrophe.
Meanwhile, the OECD just reported a gap of at least $20 billion in
essential and promised climate finance to developing countries. We are weeks
away from the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow, but seemingly light years
away from reaching our targets. We must get serious and we must act fast.
Excellencies, COVID and the climate crisis have exposed profound
fragilities as societies and as a planet. Yet instead of humility in the face of these
epic challenges, we see hubris. Instead of the path of solidarity, we are on a dead
end to destruction.
At the same time, another disease is spreading in our world today: a
malady of mistrust. When people see promises of progress denied by the
realities of their harsh daily lives. When they see their fundamental rights and
freedoms curtailed. When they see petty — as well as grand — corruption
around them. When they see billionaires joyriding to space while millions go
hungry on earth. When parents see a future for their children that looks even
bleaker than the struggles of today. And when young people see no future at all.
The people we serve and represent may lose faith not only in their governments
and institutions — but in the values that have animated the work of the United
Nations for over 75 years. (1 частина)
Peace. Human rights. Dignity for all. Equality. Justice. Solidarity. Like
never before, core values are in the crosshairs. A breakdown in trust is leading to
a breakdown in values. Promises, after all, are worthless if people do not see

results in their daily lives. Failure to deliver creates space for some of the
darkest impulses of humanity. It provides oxygen for easy fixes, pseudo-
solutions and conspiracy theories.
It is kindling to stoke ancient grievances, cultural supremacy, ideological
dominance, violent misogyny, the targeting of the most vulnerable including
refugees and migrants.
Excellencies, we face a moment of truth. Now is the time to deliver. Now
is the time to restore trust. Now is the time to inspire hope. And I do have
hope. The problems we have created are problems we can solve. Humanity has
shown that we are capable of great things when we work together. That is the
raison d’être of our United Nations.
But let’s be frank. Today’s multilateral system is too limited in its
instruments and capacities, in relation to what is needed for effective governance
of managing global public goods. It is too fixed on the short-term. We need to
strengthen global governance. We need to focus on the future. We need to
renew the social contract. We need to ensure a United Nations fit for a new era.
That is why I presented my report on Our Common Agenda in the way I
did. It provides a 360 degree analysis of the state of our world, with 90 specific
recommendations that take on the challenges of today and strengthen
multilateralism for tomorrow.
Our Common Agenda builds on the UN Charter, the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
and the Paris Climate Agreement. It is in line with the mandate I was given by
the UN75 Declaration to seek a pathway to a better world. But to reach that land
of our promises, we must bridge Great Divides.
Excellencies, I see 6 Great Divides — 6 Grand Canyons — that we must
bridge now. First, we must bridge the peace divide. For far too many around the
world, peace and stability remain a distant dream.
In Afghanistan, where we must boost humanitarian assistance and defend
human rights, especially of women and girls. In Ethiopia, where we call on

parties to immediately cease hostilities, ensure humanitarian access and create

the conditions for the start of an Ethiopian-led political dialogue. In Myanmar,
where we reaffirm unwavering support to the people in their pursuit of
democracy, peace, human rights and the rule of law. In the Sahel, where we are
committed to mobilizing international assistance for regional security,
development and governance. In places such as Yemen, Libya and Syria, where
we must overcome stalemates and push for peace. In Israel and Palestine, where
we urge leaders to resume a meaningful dialogue, recognizing the two-State
solution as the only pathway to a just and comprehensive peace. In Haiti and so
many other places left behind, where we stand in solidarity through every step
out of crisis. (2 частина)
Excellencies, we are seeing an explosion in seizures of power by
force. Military coups are back. The lack of unity among the international
community does not help. Geopolitical divisions are undermining international
cooperation and limiting the capacity of the Security Council to take the
necessary decisions. A sense of impunity is taking hold.
At the same time, it will be impossible to address dramatic economic and
development challenges while the world’s two largest economies are at odds
with each other. Yet I fear our world is creeping towards two different sets of
economic, trade, financial, and technology rules, two divergent approaches in
the development of artificial intelligence — and ultimately the risk of two
different military and geo-political strategies. This is a recipe for trouble. It
would be far less predictable than the Cold War.
To restore trust and inspire hope, we need cooperation. We need
dialogue. We need understanding. We need to invest in prevention,
peacekeeping and peacebuilding. We need progress on nuclear disarmament
and in our shared efforts to counter terrorism. We need actions anchored in
respect for human rights. And we need a new comprehensive Agenda for Peace.
Excellencies, second, we must bridge the climate divide. This requires
bridging trust between North and South. It starts by doing all we can now to

create the conditions for success in Glasgow.

We need more ambition from all countries in three key areas —
mitigation, finance and adaptation. More ambition on mitigation — means
countries committing to carbon neutrality by mid-century — and to concrete
2030 emissions reductions targets that will get us there, backed up with credible
actions now.
More ambition on finance — means developing nations finally seeing the
promised $100 billion dollars a year for climate action, fully mobilizing the
resources of both international financial institutions and the private sector, too.
More ambition on adaptation — means developed countries living up to
their promise of credible support to developing countries to build resilience to
save lives and livelihoods. This means 50 per cent of all climate finance
provided by developed countries and multilateral development banks should be
dedicated to adaptation. The African Development Bank set the bar in 2019 by
allocating half of its climate finance to adaptation. Some donor countries have
followed their lead. All must do so.
My message to every Member State is this: Don’t wait for others to make
the first move. Do your part. Around the world, we see civil society — led by
young people — fully mobilized to tackle the climate crisis. The private sector is
increasingly stepping up.
Governments must also summon the full force of their fiscal
policymaking powers to make the shift to green economies. By taxing carbon
and pollution instead of people’s income to more easily make the switch to
sustainable green jobs. By ending subsidies to fossil fuels and freeing up
resources to invest back into health care, education, renewable energy,
sustainable food systems, and social protections for their people. By committing
to no new coal plants. If all planned coal power plants become operational, we
will not only be clearly above 1.5 degrees — we will be well above 2 degrees
and the Paris targets will go up in smoke.

This is a planetary emergency. We need coalitions of solidarity -- between

countries that still depend heavily on coal, and countries that have the financial
and technical resources to support their transition. We have the opportunity and
the obligation to act. (3 частина)
Excellencies, third, we must bridge the gap between rich and poor, within
and among countries. That starts by ending the pandemic for everyone,
everywhere. We urgently need a global vaccination plan to at least double
vaccine production and ensure that vaccines reach seventy percent of the
world’s population in the first half of 2022.
This plan could be implemented by an emergency Task Force made up of
present and potential vaccine producers, the World Health Organization, ACT-
Accelerator partners, and international financial institutions, working with
pharmaceutical companies. We have no time to lose. A lopsided recovery is
deepening inequalities.
Richer countries could reach pre-pandemic growth rates by the end of this
year while the impacts may last for years in low-income countries. Is it any
wonder? Advanced economies are investing nearly 28 per cent of their Gross
Domestic Product into economic recovery. For middle-income countries, that
number falls to 6.5 per cent. And it plummets to 1.8 per cent for the least
developed countries — a tiny percentage of a much smaller amount.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, the International Monetary Fund projects that
cumulative economic growth per capita over the next five years will be 75
percent less than the rest of the world. Many countries need an urgent injection
of liquidity.
I welcome the issuance of $650 billion in Special Drawing Rights by the
International Monetary Fund. But these SDRs are largely going to the countries
that need them least. Advanced economies should reallocate their surplus SDRs
to countries in need. SDRs are not a silver bullet. But they provide space for
sustainable recovery and growth.

I renew also my call for a reformed and more equitable international debt
architecture. The Debt Service Suspension Initiative must be extended to 2022
and should be available to all highly indebted vulnerable and middle-income
countries that request it.
This would be solidarity in action. Countries shouldn’t have to choose
between servicing debt and serving people. With effective international
solidarity, it would be possible at the national level to forge a new social
contract that includes universal health coverage and income protection, housing
and decent work, quality education for all, and an end to discrimination and
violence against women and girls.
I call on countries to reform their tax systems and finally end tax evasion,
money laundering and illicit financial flows. And as we look ahead, we need a
better system of prevention and preparedness for all major global risks. We
must support the recommendations of the Independent Panel for Pandemic
Preparedness and Response. I have put forward a number of other proposals in
Our Common Agenda — including an emergency platform and a Futures Lab.
Excellencies, with real engagement, we can live up to the promise of a
better, more peaceful world. That is the driving force of our Common
Agenda. The best way to advance the interests of one’s own citizens is by
advancing the interests of our common future.
Interdependence is the logic of the 21st century. And it is the lodestar of
the United Nations. This is our time. A moment for transformation. An era to re-
ignite multilateralism. An age of possibilities.
Let us restore trust. Let us inspire hope. And let us start right now.
Thank you.

1. I am here to sound the alarm – я тут, щоб висловити занепокоєння
2. To be on the edge of an abyss – бути на краю прірви
3. Cascade of crises – лавина кризисов

4. Supersize glaring inequalities – загострити кричущу нерівність

5. Upheaval has thwarted peace – потрясіння, які підривають зусилля,
спрямовані на відновлення миру
6. Surge of mistrust – хвиля недовіри
7. Science is under assault – наука піддається нападкам
8. Economic lifelines – економічна допомога
9. Miss in action – пропасти безвісти
10. Human ingenuity – людська винахідливість
11. Triumph is undone by a lack of political will – тріумф перекреслено
дефіцитом політичної волі
12. Moral indictment – моральне звинувачення
13. Obscenity – непристойність
14. Climate alarm bell – тривожний сигнал про зміну клімату
15. Ring at fever pitch – звучати не перестаючи
16. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – Міжурядова група експертів
зі зміни клімату
17. Code red for humanity – протверезний сигнал для людства
18. Scorching temperatures – зпепеляюча температура
19. The window is rapidly closing – ця можливість скоро зникне
20. National climate commitments - національні кліматичні зобов'язання
21. Condemn us to a hellscape – приректи нас на пекельну ситуацію
22. OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development –
Організація Економічного Співробітництва та Розвитку
23. We are weeks away from – кілька тижнів відокремлюють нас від
24. Expose profound fragilities – висвітлити глибинні проблеми
25. Epic challenges – епохальні проблеми
26. We are on a dead end to destruction – ми рухаємося в тупиковому
напрямку, що веде до руйнування
27.Malady of mistrust – біч недовіри
28. Progress is denied – прогрес зводиться нанівець

29. Fundamental rights and freedoms are curtailed – основні права та свободи
30. Bleak future – похмуре майбутнє
31. Struggles of today – негаразди сьогодення
32. Values that animate the work of the United Nations – цінності, якими
керується ООН
33. Core values are in the crosshairs – основні цінності наражаються на
34. Breakdown in trust – криза довіри
35. Easy fixes and conspiracy theories – необдумані псевдо-рішення та теорії
36. It kindles to stoke ancient grievances – це розпалює старі образи
37.Violent misogyn – жорстоке женоненависництво
38. Now is the time to deliver – настав час діяти
39.Inspire hope – відродити надію
40. Raison d’être – сенс існування
41. Тoday’s multilateral system – нинішня багатостороння система
42. Effective governance of managing global public goods – успішне
управління глобальними суспільними благами
43.To be too fixed on the short-term – надто зациклений на короткочасній
44. Renew the social contract – відновити суспільні договори
45. 360-degree analysis - всебічний аналіз
46. Take on the challenges of today – спрямований на вирішення
сьогоднішніх проблем
47. Universal Declaration of Human Rights – загальна декларація прав
48. Agenda for Sustainable Development – порядок денний у сфері сталого
розвитку на період до 2030 року
49. It is in line with the mandate – відповідає мандату

50.Land of our promises – земля обітованна

51.Bridge Great Divides – подолати великі розломи
52. remain a distant dream - залишатися недосяжною мрією
0. Boost humanitarian assistance - збільшити обсяги гуманітарної
0. Call on parties – закликати сторони
0. Cease hostilities - припинити бойові дії
0. Ethiopian-led political dialogue - політичний діалог під керівництвом
0. Reaffirm unwavering support to the people - заявити про непохитну
підтримку народу
0. Rule of law - верховенство права
0. We are committed to mobilizing international assistance - ми прагнемо
залучити міжнародну допомогу
0. Overcome stalemates - вийти з глухого кута
0. Push for peace - боротися за мир
0. Urge to resume a meaningful dialogue - закликаємо відновити
конструктивний діалог
0. We are seeing an explosion in seizures of power by force - ми
спостерігаємо за спробами, захопити владу силою що почастішали
0. Geopolitical divisions - геополітичні розколи
0. Limit the capacity - обмежити потенціал
0. A sense of impunity is taking hold - укорінюється почуття безкарності
0. Address dramatic challenges - справлятися з найважливішими
0. Creep towards - рухатися до
0. Divergent approaches - протилежні концепції
0. This is a recipe for trouble - це гарантія проблем
0. Peacekeeping and peacebuilding - підтримання миру та

0. Nuclear disarmament - ядерне роззброєння

0. We need actions anchored - наші дії повинні будуватися на
0. Bridge trust - восстановить доверие
0. Mitigation - пом'якшення наслідків (зміни клімату – контекст)
0. Committ to carbon neutrality - зобов'язується досягти вуглецевої
0. Concrete emissions reductions targets - конкретні цілі щодо
скорочення викидів
0. Back up with credible actions now - засновані на заходах, які можна
вжити сьогодні
1. Live up to promise - виконати обіцянки
0. Credible support - надійна підтримка
0. Build resilience - підвищення стійкості
0. Multilateral development banks - багатосторонні банки розвитку
0. Set the bar - встановити високу планку
0. Allocate finance - виділити фінансування
0. Follow their lead - наслідували приклад
0. My message to – я звертаюсь до
0. Tackle the climate crisis - вирішити кліматичну кризу
0. Summon the full force - мобілізувати всі можливості
0. Sustainable green jobs - стійкі зелені робочі місця
0. Become operational - ввести в експлуатацію
0. Be clearly / well above - явно перевищити
0. Planetary emergency - надзвичайна ситуація планетарного масштабу
0. Emergency Task Force made up of - силова група з надзвичайних
ситуацій у складі
1. Lopsided recovery - нерівномірне відновлення
0. Deepen inequalities - посилювати нерівність
0. Plummets to - падати до
0. Sub-Saharan Africa - країни Африки на південь від Сахари

0. Cumulative economic growth per capita - сукупний економічний ріст на

душу населення
0. I welcome - я радий тому, що
0. Surplus of Special Drawing Rights – надлишкові спеціальні права
0. It is not a silver bullet - це не панацея
0. I renew my call - я знову закликаю
0. International debt architecture - міжнародна боргова архітектура
0. Debt Service Suspension Initiative - ініціатива щодо припинення
обслуговування боргу
0. Highly indebted vulnerable and middle-income countries - вразливі
країни з високим рівнем заборгованості та із середнім рівнем доходу
0. Forge a new social contract - укласти новий соціальний договір
0. Include universal health coverage - загальне надання послуг з охорони
0. Reform their tax systems - провести податкові реформи
0. Tax evasion - ухилення від сплати податків
0. Illicit financial flows - незаконні фінансові потоки
0. Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response - незалежна
група із забезпечення готовності до пандемій та реагування на них
0. Emergency platform - механізм реагування на надзвичайну ситуацію
0. Driving force - рушійна сила
0. Advance the interests of citizens - захищати інтереси громадян
0. The lodestar - провідна зоря / путеводная звезда

Ex. 3. (Level II) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
Director Wray Reflects on 9/11

Steve Lewis: The morning of September 11, 2001, remains one of the
most pivotal points in American history and for the FBI. The attacks and the
large-scale investigation that followed led to far-reaching changes to the Bureau.
Terrorism was elevated to the greatest threat against the US and preventing it
continues to be the top priority for the FBI.
With us in the studio is the FBI's assistant director of public affairs, Сathy
Milhoan. She is here with FBI Director Christopher Wray to take a look back on
9/11 and discuss not only what he experienced on that day, but also how the
Bureau has evolved since then. I'm Steve Lewis and thanks for joining. This is
Inside the FBI.
Сathy Milhoan: FBI Director Christopher Wray became the 8th Director
of the FBI when he was sworn in on August 2, 2017. Today, he leads an FBI
that has seen a dramatic shift in the threat space in our country. And we are
pleased to have him with us today as we mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Director Wray, thanks for joining us.
Director Christopher Wray: Happy to be here.
Milhoan: Director, anyone old enough to remember 9/11 has very vivid
memories of that day: what they witnessed, the emotions that they felt. Would
you mind taking us back to that morning and sharing with us what you
experienced that day?
Director Wray: Well, certainly for me, 9/11 was by far and away the
most significant moment in my career. And I have memories of it both on a
personal level and a professional level.
On a personal level, I grew up in Manhattan in New York City; my
parents still live there. My mom worked just a couple blocks away from the
World Trade Center. I remember interviewing for a job once in the World Trade
Center. So, from a personal perspective, it literally hit close to home. And I
remember the shock, the horror, at seeing the footage of the planes hitting the
towers and the destruction and the loss of life.

But then on a professional level, I was working as, at that point, a

relatively new senior justice official, having been a line prosecutor before that.
And I was actually in FBI SIOC — which is for those listening who don't know
what that is, it's essentially the FBI's operation center at Headquarters. It's sort of
a gleaming complex of screens and workspaces and exactly what you would
imagine the FBI would have.
But I was in that center on the day of, with the, at that point, new FBI
Director at the time Director Mueller, Attorney General John Ashcroft, and
others, and the place was packed to the gills. I mean, and literally, you had
people sitting on floors, people at every seat they could find, and there was this
kind of buzz of activity. You could feel almost the adrenaline kind of coursing
through the place as people were focused on: What do we need to be doing?
How do we get on top of this? What's next?
And it's that what's next part that I think was really permeating people the
most. And I think it really, for me, the other thing that I remember from that day
— which went into the night, which went into the next morning and the next
day, and so on — was this kind of sense of resolve and solidarity that people not
just all across the FBI and the Justice Department, but all of our partners were in
there, too. Everybody focused on one goal, which is never again.
I think the other memory that I have of that day was not on the day itself
but was very much about that day, which was a couple of years later when I was
the assistant attorney general. I participated in a presentation that we'd put
together for hundreds of family members of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. And
we were all packed into this gigantic sort of ballroom at a hotel. And, you know,
I talked for a little bit, and then I went to the back of the room as the line
prosecutors did this kind of minute-by-minute presentation on what we knew
about each of the four flights.
And then there was an opportunity for the family members to ask
questions. And you could feel in the room even two years later, the grief was
almost palpable in the room. It had this kind of weight to it that packed

throughout the room, and I remember, for example, this one gentleman, very
distinguished-looking, who stood up to ask a question, and his daughter had
been on one of the flights.
And he got up, and he only really got through the first couple words of his
question before he just suddenly collapsed. I mean, literally knee-buckling grief.
I remember another guy who had worked some night shift job, and his
wife had been on one of the flights, and she, like so many of the victims on
flights, tried to call him, as she knew she was going to be dying, to speak to him
and say goodbye. And because he was sound asleep, having just come back
from his night shift job, he didn't wake up in time to take the call.
But she called back again just a few minutes later. And this time he did
wake up, and so they got to have their conversation, and she was able to say the
just unbelievably heart-wrenching goodbye.
But then what really struck me was that the guy, you know, he then went
off for the next few days to attend to her affairs, the funeral, etc, and was staying
with another family. And he came back to his house, whatever it was three, four,
five days later, and went to listen to his new messages. And of course, one of the
messages he heard was the voice of his wife with that first phone call saying
goodbye. And it's always stuck with me, I just — the emotions you must be
feeling at a moment like that.
But there were 3,000 victims. So, every single one of those people has
some story like that. And that's kind of what I think about the most when I think
about 9/11.
Milhoan: It's been 20 years… And for some, that may seem like a
lifetime ago, and as you just shared, I'm sure for many of the victims and their
families, that emotion and that day feels like it just happened. What are your
thoughts today as the FBI Director? Right, things have changed for you as well.
So what are your thoughts today as we mark this somber anniversary?
Director Wray: Well, certainly the 20-year anniversary is a milestone
anniversary in its own right. I will say that it's never, for me, even as a guy who

was a prosecutor at the time and not a victim or a family member of a victim, it's
never been far from my thoughts ever since. And every day in this job, I'm quite
confident that every day I think about 9/11 in some way.
My first thought is of course, about all the really good innocent people
that we lost that day, and in the years since, and their loved ones. It's about the
suddenness with which the whole world changed, not just the whole world, big
picture, but the whole world for each of those people and everybody working on
the mission.
I think about the bravery and the sacrifice of all the first responders. I
think we lost over 400 first responders that day, including two members of the
FBI family, Special Agent Lenny Hatton, and very recently at the time retired
former Special Agent John O'Neill, both of whom, in finest FBI tradition, ran
towards the danger to try to help others. So, thinking about those people for me
was, of course, part of the motivation is coming back into service as FBI
Director. And so, I kind of knew that I'd be thinking about victims in taking on
this job.
What I don't think I had fully bargained for was the fact that we would
still be accruing victims from those attacks a couple of decades later. And that's
because of the long-term effects of the illnesses incurred by all those, including
quite a number of FBI agents, who responded to the scene and helped go
through all the evidence at the scene.
So, the long-term effects of that work meant that we're still having victims
in real-time today from those attacks. In my first year as Director, I attended not
one, not two, but three memorial services of FBI employees who we lost to the
9/11 attacks from 9/11-related illnesses. Special Agents Melissa Morrow, Dave
LeValley, Brian Crews. And these are people that I spoke to in their final
moments before they died, spoke at their funerals. And of course, unfortunately,
we have others who are sick even now, and others who haven't stepped up yet,
but we know are sick.

And it just raises the importance of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund,
the World Trade Center Health Program, and the importance of getting those
people registered for their sake and for their family's sake. And so, when I think
about the 20th anniversary, it always comes back to the victims, both past and,
unfortunately, present and future.

1. Pivotal point – переломний момент
2. Large-scale investigation – великомасштабне розслідування
3. FBI's assistant director of public affairs – заступник директора ФБР у
зв'язках із громадськістю
4. Far-reaching changes – радикальні зміни
5. To be sworn in – прийняв присягу в
6. See a dramatic shift in the threat space in our country – стати свідком
радикальних змін, які загрожують миру та стабільності
7. Vivid memories – яскраві спогади
8. Far and away – безперечно / поза всяким сумнівом
9. Footage – відеоматеріал
10. Senior justice official – старший співробітник органів системи
11. Line prosecutor – прокурор
12. FBI SIOC – Strategic Information & Operations Centre – Оперативний
інформаційний центр з питань безпеки (OІЦБ) у ФБР
13. Attorney General – Генеральний Прокурор
14. Be packed to the gills - битком набит
15. Really permeat people the most – найбільше вразити людей
16. Resolve – рішучість
17. Justice Department – міністерство юстиції
18. Ballroom – банкетний зал
19. Minute-by-minute presentation – похвилинна реконструкція

20. Grief was almost palpable in the room – скорбота в приміщенні була
практично фізично відчутною
21. Knee-buckling grief – горе, що збиває з ніг
22. Heart-wrenching goodbye – щире та емоційне прощання
23. Somber anniversary – похмура річниця
24. Milestone anniversary – важлива віха в історії
25. First responders – служби екстреного реагування
26. Incurred – виникнути внаслідок
27. Memorial service – поминальна служба
28. Step up – проявиться
29. World Trade Center Health Program – програма реабілітації потерпілих
від теракту 9/11
30. Registere for their sake – зареєстровані для їхнього блага

Ex. 3. (Level II) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice
Mel Fleury: Maybe you’ve heard the terms “global poverty” or “extreme
poverty” before and don’t know what they actually mean. Poverty is a broad
concept that seems hard to define. Reports show numbers and percentages about
it around the globe, but what does it actually mean to be extremely poor?
Welcome to the Poverty Podcast, produced by the World Bank’s Poverty
and Equity Global Practice. I’m your host, Mel Fleury.
On today’s episode we’ll be looking at extreme poverty around the globe
through the lens of the Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report, produced by the
World Bank every two years. This year, poverty economists faced an important
challenge when tallying numbers, accomplishments and downfalls in the
development scenario: that challenge was COVID-19.

But first, let’s start with an overview. From our headquarters in

Washington, D.C, it’s hard to see poverty from my window, or even during my
commute to work. But being born and raised in the capital of Brazil, I am used
to seeing poverty daily.
Lack of access to clean water, to proper food, to sewage systems, to
clothing and footwear and baby formula. Crowded buses full of commuters,
standing for over two hours while the bus speeds through potholes on the road.
Kids selling candy at every traffic light or asking to “guard” your car while it's
parked on the street.
Carolina Sánchez-Páramo: Poverty is not a poor country phenomenon;
there are poor people in every country. There are poor people in rich countries,
there are poor people in Europe, in the U.S. – countries that we usually don't
associate with the idea of poverty, even though I think COVID, you know, has
made us realize that a lot of people are actually very vulnerable right now.
Mel: That’s Carolina Sánchez-Páramo, the Global Director of the Poverty
and Equity Global Practice here at the World Bank. Carol helped me understand
extreme poverty a little better. I’ll walk you through what we talked about.
According to guidelines set by the World Bank, anyone living on less than
one dollar and ninety cents per day is in extreme poverty. They may be unable to
afford basic food, shelter, health care, and clothing. So when we say extremely
poor, we are talking about people living on less than one dollar and ninety cents.
Over the last 30 years, there has been remarkable progress toward
eradicating extreme poverty. Data for 2017 show that almost 690 million people
were still living under the poverty line around the world. But, for a few years
now, economists have been seeing a slowing trend in poverty reduction. Global
extreme poverty had dropped by around 1 percentage point per year between
1990 and 2015. But between 2015 and 2017, it fell by less than half a percentage
point per year. So poverty reduction has been slowing down for a few years

Carol: And that's very worrisome to us. Even more worrisome is the fact
that it's slowing down the most in the countries where we have either high levels
of poverty or large numbers of poor. And those are primarily countries in Sub-
Saharan Africa. And this is in contrast to what has happened in the rest of the
world, where we've seen extreme poverty declining very fast. So as a result, we
now live in a world that it's almost like a two-speed world, with huge progress in
some areas and very limited progress in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Mel: Of course now, on top of that, we have to consider the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic, which is already having a dramatic effect in global
poverty. The crisis is still evolving, but so far, the World Bank is predicting that
COVID could push an additional 88 to 115 million people into extreme poverty.
That represents almost one third of the population of the United States. This
means that COVID-19 is expected to cause the worst setback in global poverty
reduction in a generation: it is the first increase in world poverty since 1998.
Carol: We also see that these impacts are materializing really fast, much
faster than during any other economic crisis that we’ve experienced in recent
years. Like financial crisis in 2008. Economies are being closed down. And
that's putting a lot of people out of work overnight. And you know, when you
are a poor family, you don't have savings, or when you are a vulnerable family,
you don't have savings. So if you can't work, your income immediately goes to
zero. You don't have money in the bank that now you can use to continue to buy
food or clothes or to pay your rent. And that's why we have seen these
immediate poverty impacts, right. You can think of this as you're closing a tap
and the moment that the water stops flowing, you know, everybody's
immediately falling into poverty because they don't have any, any other sort of
cushion that they can rely on.
Mel: But the coronavirus is also bringing a new kind of poor into the
picture. Most people falling into poverty because of the pandemic look different
from the existing poor. In 2017, the poor were predominantly rural, young, and

undereducated, with four out of every five people below the international
poverty line living in rural areas.
But people coming into poverty because of the pandemic tend to be more
concentrated in urban areas. These people are more likely to be employed in the
non-agricultural sector, in informal jobs or to be self-employed, in contrast with
the extreme poor before COVID, who are traditionally employed in agriculture.
Many of the new poor will be concentrated in countries that are already
struggling with high poverty rates, but middle-income countries will also be
significantly affected. The two countries with the highest projected number of
new poor due to COVID-19 are India and Nigeria, both lower-middle-income
countries. And this brings extra challenges to governments around the globe.
Carol: Safety net programs and other programs that governments use to
provide support to the poor, obviously in the past have tailored the existing poor
and have tailored and targeted areas where these existing poor lived, which
means that these programs are better suited to provide support in rural areas and
to those that are employed in the agriculture sector, but not necessarily to
provide support to these new poor that are likely to emerge from COVID. So we
have a dual challenge of, you know, a large number of new poor, and poor that
look different from the existing poor. And therefore, that may undermine the
effectiveness of existing policies to provide them with quick support.
Mel: But thinking about global poverty is not as simple as coming up with
a number. Poverty is not just a monetary value or simply the inability to afford
food. In 2018, the World Bank introduced a multidimensional poverty measure,
broadening the concept of poverty around the world to include more dimensions
of well-being.
During surveys, when economists asked monetarily poor people how they
felt poor, the answers broadly focused on a wide variety of deprivations. Many
said they felt poor by not having enough to eat, eating the same kind of food
often, having inadequate roofing material, being sick, having limited or no

formal education, having no work, living in unsafe neighborhoods, not engaging

in recreational activities.
And this is what we will be exploring in this podcast: the multiple faces of
poverty and what we can do about it as citizens of the world. The numbers are
here to help us come up with strategies and policies, but our actions matter the
Carol: We live in a world with enough resources, in fact, more than
enough resources and [if] those resources were adequately distributed, we could
end poverty tomorrow, right? So, this is not a dream. I mean, it could be a
If I imagine that world, I think it's a world where, you know, everybody
has enough to eat and they can drink clean water and have access to health
services. Where all children can go to school and receive a high-quality
education where working adults have access to economic opportunities. You
know, the kind of economic opportunities that are created by economic growth,
where we started our conversation. And that those who can’t work, for exsmple
the elderly or people who are sick or disabled, that they receive income support
that allowes them to do all the other things that we’ve been discussing. And then
it’s a world where families are protected against risks.
Mel: A world where people are protected against risks. This is our
episode for today. Make sure to follow us on Twitter for regular updates, at
WBG_ Poverty. We’ll be back here soon with more updates on poverty, stories,
data and analysis from the World Bank Group and its staff around the globe.
Make sure you never miss an episode by subscribing to us wherever you get
your podcasts.
Stay safe.

1. Look through the lens of smth - дивитися через призму чогось

2. Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report - Звіт про бідність та загальний

3. Tally numbers - підраховувати дані
4. Accomplishments and downfalls - досягнення та невдачі
5. Sewage system - каналізація
6. Baby formula - дитяче харчування
7. Potholes on the road - вибоїни на дорогах
8. Guidelines set by the World Bank - рекомендації Світового банку
9. Eradicate extreme poverty - викорінити крайню бідність
10.Live under the poverty line - жити за межею бідності
11.Setback in reduction - регрес у скороченні
12.Cushion that smb. can rely on - подушка безпеки
13.Safety net programs - програма соціального захисту
14.Tailor the poor - створювати з урахуванням потреб незаможних
15.Multidimensional poverty measure - багатоаспектний (комплексний)
показник рівня бідності
16.Monetarily poor people - бідні у фінансовому плані люди

Ex. 3. (Level II) Listen to the text and interpret it consecutively. Memorise the
What is OSCE?
With 57 participating States in Europe, Asia, and North America, the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is the world's largest
regional security organization. The OSCE is an inclusive forum for dialogue on
security issues and a platform for joint action to improve the lives of individuals
and communities throughout the OSCE area.
The OSCE's approach to security is comprehensive, and its engagement
covers many relevant areas, from hard security issues such as conflict prevention
and arms control to fostering economic development, ensuring the sustainable

use of natural resources, and promoting full respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms.
The OSCE traces its origins to the Conference on Security and
Cooperation in Europe, which led to the signing of the Helsinki Final Act in
1975, a groundbreaking agreement that established ten fundamental principles
for governing relations between States, focusing on cooperation and the peaceful
settlement of disputes.
Today, the OSCE is an Intergovernmental organization in which all 57
participating States work as equals. Decisions are taken by consensus on a
politicallybinding basis. Each year, a different participating state chairs the
organization, with that country's foreign Minister serving as chairperson in
office. A Ministerial Council meeting is held annually to review OSCE activities
and provide overall direction, while ambassadors meet each week in Vienna at
the Permanent Council and the Forum for Security Cooperation.
The OSCE has several structures, each with its own area of competence
and mandate. The OSCE Secretary General acts as the representative of the
chairperson in office and supports him or her in all activities aimed at advancing
the goals of the OSCE. The Secretary General is also the organization's chief
administrative officer and heads to Secretariat, based in Vienna, which directly
supports the chairmanship. As a tool of conflict prevention the High
Commissioner on National Minorities, based in The Hague, uses quiet
diplomacy and early action to seek resolution of ethnic tensions that might
endanger peace, security and stability.
The Representative on Freedom of the Media, based in Vienna, provides
early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and
promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom.
The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, based in
Warsaw, promotes respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule
of law, strengthens Democratic institutions and promotes tolerance and non-
discrimination, and acts as the OSCE contact point on Roma and Sinti issues.

The Parliamentary Assembly brings together more than 300 lawmakers from the
Parliaments of OSCE participating States to promote interparliamentary
dialogue and cooperation. Most of the OSCE's staff and resources are deployed
in field operations that support their host countries in the implementation of their
OSCE commitments or, like the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, are
engaged in crisis management or conflict prevention activities. The OSCE helps
to bridge differences and build trust. At no time in recent history has this
mission been more vital for European security than it is today.
In times of growing division within Europe and increasingly complex
transnational and global threats and challenges, the OSCE remains a key
regional platform for inclusive dialogue and joint action.

1. Inclusive forum – всеосяжний форум
2. Comprehensive approach – інтегрований підхід
3. Hard security – жорстка безпека
4. Arms control – контроль над озброєнням
5. Full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms – повне
дотримання прав людини та основних свобод
6. Final Act – заключний акт
7. Groundbreaking agreement – революційна угода
8. Peaceful settlement of disputes – мирне врегулювання конфліктів
9. On a politically-binding basis – є політично - обов’язковим
10.Chairperson in office – діючий голова
11.Ministerial Council – рада міністрів
12.Overall direction – загальне керівництво
13.Forum for Security Cooperation – форум з співпраці в галузі безпеки
14.Be aimed at advancing the goals – спрямований на досягнення цілей
15.Chief administrative officer – головний адміністративний співробітник

16.High Commissioner on National Minorities – Верховний Комісар у

справах національних меншин
17.Early action to seek resolution – врегулювання на ранніх стадіях
18.Ethnic tensions – етнічні непорозуміння
19.Representative on Freedom of the Media – представник з питань
свободи ЗМІ
20.Freedom of expression – свобода висловлення власної думки
21.Promote full compliance – сприяти повному дотриманню зобов’язань
22.Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights – бюро з
державних інституцій та прав людини
23.Rule of law – верховенство права
24.Be deployed in field operation – залучений до польової місії
25.Be engaged in crisis management – працювати над врегулюванням
кризових ситуацій
26.At no time in recent history – як ніколи раніше

Paragraph & Phrasal Interpreting

Ex. 1. (Level I) Listen to the dialogue and interpret it in Paragraph & Phrasal
mode using interpreters note-taking. Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Маріанна Бойко, екоблогер: Як підкачати екологічні м’язи
Це інтерв’ю «Нового дня» і сьогодні у нашій студії ми говоримо про
екологію, про корисні звички, які допоможуть поліпшити наші відносини
із довкіллям. І в нашій студії є Маріанна Бойко. Вона є екотренеркою,
екоблогеркою та авторкою книжки «104 дні без поліетилену». Добрий
Добрий день! Я до речі тримаю цю книжку нині в руках. Але ж ми
вас покликали не просто так. Ми вирішили один тиждень пожити, ну так,
начебто, без сміття, ну ми намагалися, і, ну да, у нас є певні перемоги. Але
коли ти, по-перше, бачиш, що інші цього не роблять, по-друге, що державі
байдуже, по-третє, що ти можеш викинути, а вони твоє відсортоване, якось
не туди відвезуть, то в тебе… Чи нікуди не відвезуть взагалі… Так.
Опускаються ручки, і ти не хочеш нічого робити, бо це якось тебе в
депресію вганяє. Чи взагалі має сенс щось робити одній людині, коли
державі так байдуже?
Сто відсотків потрібно, сто відсотків. Взагалі це, про це навіть не
потрібно говорити. Однак все ж поговоримо. Як вам така ідея? Чудова.
Давайте. Окей. Одна пляшка пластикова відправилась на сортування, а
сорок людей, які живуть зі мною в одному під’їзді, пішла в загальний бак.
Ну, але ж, не завжди ви живете з такими ж самими людьми, як і ви. Вони
можуть бути в інших містах, в інших країнах взагалі, але такі люди точно
є. І ситуація зараз в країні, в світі показує про те, що правильна тенденція,
бо я цим займаюся вже 7 рік, і повірте, в мене, я вже думала мені вже на
пенсію пора, вже все екологічно, ні, роботи ще вистачає, повірте.
А що, от особисто вас, мотивує в таких ситуаціях? Ну за 7 років
точно ж руки опускалися хоч раз і думали, що там, ну, навіщо я це роблю,

якщо воно не допомагає глобально у світі. Ну, перші три роки це в мене
була така ідеологія в чистому вигляді, і я трималася за рахунок зворотного
зв’язку. Тобто журналісти, які весь час брали інтерв’ю, я розуміла, що це
важливо й актуально, і люди, які писали мені, ставили запитання, і яких я
мотивувала. Ось це найголовніше. А через три роки я зрозуміла або це
стане моєю професійною діяльністю, або вже мотивація впаде, тому що це
досить складно, тобто, ти вигораєш.
Ну то ви бачите якісь перемоги, щось очевидний бонус, який дає
такий стиль життя? Сто відсотків! Для мене показово було, що у
супермаркеті, в якому, умовно 6 років назад, на мене так дивно дивилися,
ти що зі своєю баночкою прийшла? І не знали що робити. То на цей
момент, ось нещодавно мені навіть подякували і сказали «Дякуємо, що ви
взяли торбочку!». І я думаю «ЙЕС, все таки в цьому є і моя робота!».
Тобто, тут вже йдеться про те, щоб виховувати ці звички не тільки в
собі, але виходить і в інших людях. Так? Мотивувати їх робити так само.
Але чому в Україні досі, на вашу думку, так складно слідувати цим
принципам, ну тобто, потрібно десь окремо вивозити батарейки… В
Німеччині ти орендуєш квартиру і тобі кажуть «Не викидай сміття сюди,
бо мене оштрафують», в Швейцарії - те саме. Ти просто не можеш
орендувати квартиру без лекції про те, що куди викидати. Це квест! А
Ну, я тільки що хотіла зробити такий приклад, і саме про Німеччину.
Дивіться, вони все там так правильно, чітко роблять тому, що в них є
штрафи і це дуже сильна мотивація. В нас поки що немає таких
нормативів, але ми українці – інші. Ми зі своєю ідеологією, бо здебільшого
зараз всі екологічні рухи починаються і тримаються, в першу чергу, на
волонтерах, на громадянських активістах, і потім влада підтягується.
Подивіться, скільки зараз екомерів в нас хочуть бути. Еко вже три партії,
щонайменше про які я знаю. Поки я їхала, мене ще запрошували на

дискусію, поговорити про виборців у кандидати в мери. І ми на ідеології

можемо зробити більше, але все ж таки штрафи нас все одно потрібні.
Але ж немає інфраструктури..ну тобто, якщо штрафи, то з іншого
боку мають бути можливості, так? – Так! Якщо я хочу викинути певний
тип сміття в певний тип урни, то її ще пошукати треба. Так, але зараз
ситуація набагато краща, ніж було 7 років назад. Я вже бачу таку
тенденцію, з’являються баки, альтернативи, з’являються нові компанії,
знову, активісти, які допомагають, і влада, щоб не думали, все одно
змінюється. Зараз у другому читанні обговорюються законопроект по
поводженню з відходами. Влада не стоїть на місті. Це ж актуальна тема.
Що він дасть, коли його можуть прийняти? Він дасть оце саме
розуміння. Я весь час схрещую пальці, щоб це відбулося. Там з цим
законопроектом працюють так само ті люди, які і активні дуже у своєму
житті, це дуже важливо, щоб там були люди, які розуміють про ті процеси,
які мають відбуватися. Якщо все буде добре, то ми матимемо оцю більш-
менш зрозумілу схему, але все одно її потрібно буде налагоджувати. Так
само, повірте, в Європі все, якщо ви пригадуєте історію, коли в них сміття
під ногами було і там жахіття, що було, і каналізації не було, то вони якось
зараз по іншому все. І в нас так буде.
А заборона поліетилену в тому законі є? Ну от дивіться, Грузія
заборонила, ще там якісь, наші сусіди вже починають забороняти, в
Україні, мені здається, зараз до цього ще так далеко. І навіть, якщо ти
вирішив ходити з торбочками, «нєт, нєт, да і візьмеш пакет, бо доступно».
Дивіться, про поліетиленові пакети. За це прийнятий окремий
законопроект. Він був у першому читанні, але розумієте, так, це процеси:
він в першому читанні приймається, а потім мають бути якісь
допрацювання, тому він зараз триває. Щодо відмови, ви розумієте, що не
можна в один момент «ХОПА» і зробити так, щоб цих пакетів не було.
Потрібно замінити на щось: що це? яким він має бути? з якого матеріалу?
Ось цим зараз і займаються.

А які вже є варіанти? Що розглядається? Цей законопроект у

наступному читанні. Знову, кожен приносить свої допрацювання, це
обговорюється, тоді вже буде якісь нормативи до поліетиленових пакетів.
А ось взяти чи ні, це вже ваша особиста відповідальність.
Клас. А давайте про те, що ми - одна маленька людина, що може
зробити для одної великої планети? Саме про це ми поговоримо в
наступній частині. Маріанна Бойко – екоблогерка, екотренерка, авторка
книги «104 дні без поліетилену». Хто краще може розповісти про це,
правда? Лишайтесь з нами.
І в інтерв’ю «Нового дня» сьогодні маємо в гостях екоблогерку,
активістку, Маріанну Бойко, яка нам розповість зараз кілька таких
прикладних речей, що кожна людина може змінити у своїх звичках, щоб
менше забруднювати планету. Як створювати менше сміття? От давайте
тільки не такі радикальні, а таки прості, що я не дуже заморочуючись, але
можу бути корисною цій планеті.
Ну, зараз знову, людей більше мотивує можливість зекономити
гроші. Бо насправді, екологічність – це економічність. Вибирати
багаторазові речі, наприклад, торбу багаторазову – це значно дешевше, ніж
купувати поліетиленові пакети по 3 гривні. Проте, купуєш її за 50-100
гривень один раз, а потім 3 гривні не витрачаєш на пакет, якщо ти її не
Так, якщо не забув, то там окремо є в мене прям такий чек-лист, що
потрібно робити, ну, але зараз не будемо на це витрачати час. Отже, заміна
одноразових речей багаторазовими. Ще такий приклад: є така жіноча,
крута штука, яка називається «капа». Вона заміняє велику кількість
одноразових засобів для гігієни. Це, до речі, описано в моїй книжці. Капа
це що таке? – Менструальна капа, менструальна чаша. – Ааа, я знаю.

Силіконова, багаторазова. Ось я користуюся нею 6 років і, ще не рахувала,

але можна порахувати скільки коштує …
Ну це дійсно дуже круто, і, до речі, можна замовити від $1, це засіб
гігієни революційний. Я рекомендую від $1, там потрібно вибрати кращу,
подивитися сертифікати, матеріали. Я не рекомендую брати кольорові,
тобто, вибрати найкращу, не жаліти грошей, але воно надовго вистачить.
Ну давайте такі ще поради для тих, хто хоче зберігати планету, хоч трошки
бути більш екологічним. Окей, багаторазове, це що? От у вас в арсеналі?
Сумка, пляшка для водички, в мене багата така, велика, не велика,
але колекція різних горняток, які закручуються/не закручуються, для
холодного/для гарячого, вони дуже стильні. До речі, бачите ви теж у
тренді. – Нас не пускають у студію з відкритими чашками. Що робити? –
Але вона в мене не тому, вона в мене давно, бо я її давно хотіла. Я, бачите,
я можу навіть показати, отам тримала внизу, але на вході мені дали
водичку, я розумію чому, тому, що не можна у відкритому стаканчику
давати, ми бережемо апаратуру. Але, наступний момент, якщо я знаю, що я
не можу взяти в даний момент багаторазову річ з собою, а беру
одноразову, я одразу аналізую: я цю пляшку зможу здати на переробку чи
ні? Я точно знаю, що можу, тому я взяла. Якщо ви дали мені водичку в
якійсь чорній пляшці або жовтій одноразовій, я б її не взяла, тому що вона
зараз в наших реаліях не переробляється.
А як от виховати в собі цю звичку запам’ятати, що переробляється, а
що ні? Мені здається, що мені потрібно ходити зі списком таким, знаєте,
десь і собі відмічати кожного разу. Так, я рекомендую все спрощувати. По-
перше, все спрощувати. По-друге, не робити того, що для вас важко, не
насилувати себе і не насилувати своїх друзів/рідних, і бути тільки
прикладом. Це, до речі, велика проблема. Я відкрила зараз на вашій книжці
шостий день, тут є така цитата «Даша я розплакалася через те, що я купила
їй печиво у магазині не в тому пакуванні.» Я згадую себе, це відчай! Ти
стоїш у крамниці, і ти дуже голодний, і ти роздратований, і воно все в

пластику. І якщо ти вже намагаєшся бути екологічним, ти просто в

депресії, в апатії якійсь в якийсь момент.
В цій самій книжці написані правила як правильно ходити до
магазину, до супермаркету. І правило номер 1: «Не ходити до магазину
голодним!» Тому що, по-перше, накупиш зайвого, зайвих продуктів,
відповідно потрібно зайвого пакування. І я рекомендую розробити ось все,
що є одноразовим , наприклад, все, що ви купуєте, там м’ясо, м’ясо в
коробочці можна купити, не знаю там, сир, сир теж можна на вагу в свою
коробочку, цукор можна в свій мішечок. І коли ідете до магазину одразу
скласти план: що потрібно купити? Я не розумію чому нас цьому не
навчають в школі. План, що потрібно купити і напроти кожного: що,
скільки і у що покласти.
Ти так робиш? – Я тепер спробую так зробити, тому що воно так
виглядає дуже логічно. І повернусь до запитання «Як же це навчити?» Для
мене це, знаєте, такий челендж. І, якщо ви колись платили за якісь квести
800 гривень, якась там кімната. Я вам пропоную квест безкоштовно, не
потрібно платити 800 гривень, просто «Даю». – Ну да, але в тебе око
сіпається. Ти приходиш, а там 400 видів пластику, і ти думаєш «Та ну
може цей…ой..нє…». Купуйте ще прості продукти. Не купуйте щось таке,
коли йогурт, а до нього приклеєне щось одне, а друге, а ще третє
примотане скетчем, акція – це все накручено. – А який пластик купувати?
Хочу йогурт. На що звернути увагу?
Дивіться, знову, для наших український реалій, найцінніший
матеріал це ось такі пластикові пляшки з напоєм. Вони прозорі і це цінно.
Тобто, я, наприклад, молоко купую у таких пляшках, а кефір, наприклад, в
білих. Білу пляшку складно здати, тому що там інші реалії поки що з цими
пляшками. Тобто, трохи потрібно піти від зворотнього. Зрозуміти куди ви
зможете подіти цю зібрану вторсировину. Куди? Спитати що вони
приймають, у якому вигляді. І в магазині купувати або в скляній тарі, це,
до речі, дуже дорого, але це для здоров’я, повірте, це ваш вклад в те, щоб

ви потім не купували ліки. – А потім у тебе 30 скляних пляшок, і з ними

що робити? – Здати або, дивлячись що ви пили, якщо пиво, то можна здати
на бій, або просто викинути, або є люди,які збирають такі пляшки і
роблять соки, вареннячка.
Ну, насправді, знову ж таки, виглядає як план, але є отака історія, що
іноді екологічно це дорого виходить. – А що саме? Що саме ви маєте на
увазі? – Ну, наприклад, все у скляних пляшках.Ну, не все у скляних
пляшках, тому що, дивіться, щось в скляному, щось в багаторазовому,
щось в коробочці. Зрештою треба ще накупити собі цих судочків, і
торбочок, і усього. Ну навіть оці мішечки для різних круп або для овочів,
для ще там чогось, ну вони ж теж коштують грошей, тому багато хто й не
починає ходити зі своїм, бо думає «нащо я буду витрачатися, краще візьму
безкоштовний поліетиленовий пакетик?»
Я хотіла поговорити про відповідальність бізнесу: чи допомагає він
нам чи ні? Але зробити це в наступній частині, нагадаю, що в нашій студії,
студії “Інтерв’ю нового дня”, Мар’яна Бойко- це еко блогерка і авторка
книжки “104 дні без поліетилену”. Їй вдалося- може й вам вдасться?
І у нашій студії є авторка книжки “104 дні без поліетилену”, еко
тренерка, еко блогерка Мариана Бойко і ми говоримо про те, як кожен із
нас може бути більш екологічним і у цій частині програми будемо ще
говорити про те, як бізнес може ставати більш екологічним.
Чесно кажучи, бачила серіал «адам руйнує все». І там була серія про
те, що вся ця екоактивність - це замилювання очей, бо насправді, якби
бізнес не пакував у так в пластики безкінечні, то ми б його не купували і
тому бізнес сказав, бавтися будь ласка, ось воюйте з нами, ось вам
інструментами, ми там по трошки буду поступатися. Чому я маю вирішити
цю проблему, а не бізнес, одним своїм рішенням змінити все просто у світі

Ну це не так просто змінити. По-перше, потрібно зрозуміти, що цей

бізнес він не відокремлений від нас. Бізнес змінюється під наші потреби. І
коли щось купуємо, віддаємо хоча б одну гривню, ми віддаємо голос свій.
Ось давайте візьмемо бренд газованих напоїв, не буду називати, але
зрозуміло найбільше забруднювачі наприклад пластиковими пляшками. І у
вас є можливість не купувати це. Ви можете не купувати. Крім того…
Але це інше. Це смачненько, я хочу. Реклама спрацювала. Але знову
це ваше критичне мислення і ваше думки про своє здоров'я. Тобто
дивіться: бізнес не окремий за склом, він з нами взаємодіє. Дивіться, зараз
всі говорять про якийсь альтернативи, упакування, вже мені приходить з
соцмереж, що ми робимо в багаторазовому свою косметику, ми робимо
щось таке. Бізнес підлаштовується, тому що у нас зараз дуже швидкий тем
і якщо, крім того, що це екологічно, це правильно для планети, для
довкілля, для людей, а що це тренд. І магазини хочуть бути в тренді, для
того щоб в них купували. І це теж спрацьовує.
Й тому з'являється пластик, пляшка, яку легше переробити і в якій
менше це використовується. Насправді навіть по супермаркетах я бачу
наскільки під клієнта. Тобто вже зараз вголос просто я ходжу повз
прилавки і чую: там якісь ведучий тих супермаркетів і він розповідає не
беріть пакети, візьміть багаторазову торбу, візьміть пакети з кукурудзяного
крохмалю. Ось, бізнес рухається, але ми маємо його підштовхувати.
А є в Україні, або які бізнес в Україні найбільш активно
допомагають боротися зі сміттям? Це ж, я так розумію, приватна
ініціатива. В законі й справа. В тому що якщо вона нічого там не роблять,
не сортують, викидають, не компостують, вони не порушують закон. Якщо
в законі буде прописано що вони відповідальні і будуть наприклад там
якось покарання, одразу все зміниться. Тому зараз працюють над цим. В
ЄС саме так виглядає бізнес: несе відповідальність за пакування.
Зараз виходить, що є компанії, які не чекають, поки на них ось це
впаде. Вони вже починають це все робити. Я просто насолоджуюся кожен

раз, що таких компаній стає все більше і вони починають це продумувати,

як поводитися зі своїми відходами. Найпростіше, що завжди працювало, це
економічний момент. Коли проходять, наприклад, великий товар
запакований в такі щільний поліетилен, його багато. Повірте 100% здають
на переробку, а потім це їм повертається грошима. Тобто воно доцільно.
Є ще одна складова, власне на підприємствах не тільки саме
виробництво зробити більш екологічним, а й просто навчити там персонал,
наприклад, великої компанії, як продукувати менше відходів. Ви ж робите
такі консультації? – Так, це моя улюблена робота. – Розкажіть, чому ви там
навчаєте? – Ну, по-перше, дивіться: коли власник якоїсь компанії і в них є
ця ідеологія, яка, ну на цей момент не можу сказати, що приносить їм
гроші, але це внутрішня цінність людини. – Але це репутація. Коли 6 років
назад, коли я пропонувала такі лекції, мені чесно в лоб казали, що ми його
заробимо. «Мар’яна, Ну прийдеш до нас, розкажеш нам про екологію, про
пакетики, не має ніякого сенсу. І що?» – Тепер стало модним.
Але дивіться, здебільшого взагалі такі компанії, які не афішують,
розуміють, вони не роблять с цього піар, вони спокійно, монотонно
роблять свою роботу, розраховуючи гру надовго. І я приходжу, тобто я
окремо від цієї компанії. Тобто я не власник. І розповідаю людям, спочатку
свою справжню історію, по-друге як це змінюється, а це змінюється,
інакше ви б мене сюди ніколи не запросили, і книжка б не вийшла цьому
місяці тиражем в 1000 штук. І це означає, що цінності мають дійти до
людей, які там працюють. І що таке компанія, корпорація? Це окрема
кожна людина, в якої є свої цінності. А вони є, тому що кожен потім
розповідає, що я щось зробив, я щось компостував.
Можеш навести приклад, які конкретні кроки супер радикально
змінюють екологічну картинку України? – Супер радикально не буває.
Наприклад, я йду до вас на ефір і думаю, так я зараз прийду на ефір, мене
всі послухають, такі в мене круті будуть співрозмовниці. – Які тоді
яскравіше для тебе приклади бізнесу, який дійсно своєю поведінкою

зменшував негативний вплив на екологію? – Зменшує, я б сказала. Тут є

багато кроків. Для мене це гра довга. Це прям покроковий план, як
зменшити кількість упакування, як замінити знову на багаторазове, як ці
поставки, логістика має бути екологічною. Тобто ось ці всі на кожному
кроці руху цього бізнеса, та як цей крок зробити. І потім все в великому
об'ємі дасть такий результат. Щось такого зверх не вийде зараз пригадати.
А щоб не порадила будь-якому офісу, який хочу бути більш
екологічними, але не думав про те? – Ну, це звички, які в принципі і в
квартирі, і вдома, і де завгодно. Ну я не можу поїхати в космос там, знаю
якийсь зроблять такой укольчик, і все, ми будемо супер екологічним.
Змінювати, працювати нон стоп. Так само як ходити до зали і підкачувати
свої м'язи. Я рекомендую м’язи екологічності підкачувати. – Разом
розбираємося як підкачати ці екологічні м'язи. І у нашій студії автор книги
“104 дні без поліетилену” - еко активістка та екоблогеркою.

Продовжуємо розмову про екологію. Ми мріємо про кращий світ,

думаємо про те, як ми можемо вписатися зі своїми корисними звичками у
цей кращий світ. Мар'яна бойко еко тренерка в нашій студії. – А я хотіла б
запитати про омани. От коли тобі здається, що ти робиш щось екологічне,
але воно таким не є. На які краще не потрапляти?
Це псевдоекологія. Ну насправді будь-яка вона яка з'являється і вона
дуже так голосно прям б'є по голові, особливою мене. Я не люблю коли
кажуть: «хочеш врятувати планету? Купуй ці навушники!» стоп, друзі!
Якщо така агресивна подачі інформації, я вже розумію що тут щось не те. І
потрібно розбиратися. Вибачте, але без критичного мислення ну ніяк не
впоратися. Зараз багато інформації і я пропоную перш ніж будь-яку
інформацію схопити і вшерати в соцмережах, потрібно прочитати: хто це
написав, чому це написав, хто за цим стоїть. Є різні варіанти як будуть

розгортатися події. І повірте я за свій досвід за 6 років що тільки не бачила.

Наприклад, зробили який сайт і сказали, що все, ми вам допоможемо, це
було 4 роки назад, ми доможемо. Реєструйтеся на цьому сайті. Все
сортуємо, комплектуємо, все робимо. А в мене шок. Як то вони зараз на
наших реаліях, це роблять, якщо активісти які нічого не змогли б змогли
поки що зрушити. І заходиш на той сайт, а вони кажуть, що так ви маєте
зареєструватися - 200 грн давайте. Є такі бізнеси, які хочу йти швиденько.
Паразитують просто на цих трендах. Вони зникають, тому що на цьому
швиденько не зробиш.
Якщо говорити про якісь штуки, які вважаються екологічними.
Давай так, список в мене є. Я собі придбала за цей тиждень який я
намагалася бути екологічно правильною. Я купила собі багаторазово
трубочку. Ти як? – А з чого? – Ну з пластику, але такого міцного. – Ну я
взагалі не розумію навіщо ці трубочки. – Мені вирвали зуб мудрості, треба
було не жувати. – Зрозуміла. Ну якщо багато разів користуватися, не
загубити її, не забути, брати з собою, то так, супер. – Вушна паличка з
силікону, багаторазова. Вона ще прикольна, стильна. Для вилазки, склянки
багаторазові. З пластику. Просто прийшла в великий супермаркет, що
було, то я взяла. Моя була тема взять просто багаторазовий будь-що і от я
Ну знову там в мене в книжки є й такі поради, як краще вибрати таку
пляшку. Але якщо вона якісна. Сходу так якийсь пораду дати, то якщо ми
не можемо купувати речі, це потрібно змиритись, і наше життя взагалі не
екологічне. Тобто наші існування на планеті це вже для планети на
екологічно. Не потрібно собі одразу німб. Все будете робити ідеально.
Ідеально не вийде. Заспокоїлися, видихнули і дозволили собі бути не
екологічними. Але робити те що можна зробити. Якщо купити якісь речі,
будь ласка, вибирайте якісні. Вкладіть в це гроші. Щоб всі речі ви могли
користуватися щонайменше три роки. Це моє правило, щодо одягу, взуття,
ну там білизну не враховуємо.

По типу, не купуй праску за 130 грн. – Сумнівного виробника, яка

погано пахне. – Електронна чи паперова книжка? – Ось, наприклад, мене,
я не люблю шопінг і мені легко відмовлятися від зайвих покупок, але є дві
речі від яких я не можу собі відмовити. Паперові книги тому що це просто
любов, відкривати її електронну це зовсім інше. І купувати квіти з
корінцями та без - це те, що я не можу. Але екологічніше, так, електронна.
Я читала, що на виробництво електронної книжки іде стільки
ресурсів, скільки ніколи не піде, якщо ти навіть будеш читати кожного дня
нову книжку. – Оце для мене нова інформація. Дякую. Мене там закидали
щодо купувати, не будемо купувати, попробую електронну. – До речі, це
питання і переробки. Тому що ну мабуть усі бачили коли-небудь кадри зі
звалищ десь в африці, де розбирають старі електронні різні прилади. Його
утилізувати важче ніж паперові. – Так, їм туда завозять і складають. До
речі, моя книжка немає жодного пластику. Там її можна використовувати,
але краще продати і прочитати комусь.
А я ще хотіла запитати про zero waste. Я знаю, що ти займалася
адаптацію сервісу для українського. – Так, в мене є ця книжка, це джонсон.
– Зрозуміла, що в українських реаліях так не вийде. Може кілька порад, як
адаптований zero waste якийсь, що в ньому? – Що таке zero waste? Це
робити, жити таким чином, щоб не залишалось сміття. Тошеба. Створив
своє виробництво, таким чином щоб не було на виході дефекту. Ось тобі
джонсон, француженка, яка поїхала в америку. Вона придумала надягнути
цю філософію на домогосподарство. Потрібно зрозуміти, що все одно в 0
не вийде в нас. Тобто взагалі, що вона взагалі немає сміття. Я робила
експерименти , спілкувалася з різними експертами, але можна зменшити.
Тобто zero waste? – це така, утопія до якої потрібно йти і зменшувати цю
відстань до цього нуля.
До речі наші пляшечки здаються потім на переробку. – Так,
здаються. До речі джонсонс приїжджала до нас в Україну і я слідкувала за
нею. Просто є відео в ютубі, вбийте johnson києві. І я від неї не відходила.

– Там буде, що на задньому плані, тb дихаєш в потилицю. Чи не викинула

вона добра якогось шматочок. – Само ось ця допомога про українські
реалії. Про наш менталітет, про нашу радянське дитинство. – У нас ж
насправді 40 секунд залишається. Український zero waste?, що особливого
в ньому? – Це наше минуле, це те, як ми берегли речі і як в нас були якісні,
багаторазові речі. – Отже вміємо, вміємо насправді. Просто треба трошки
Наші бабусі, які зберігали крупи м'яко в поліетилені, а в звичайних
льняних мішочках. Як вони стригли старий одяг на килимки
різнокольорові. Ось це наші істоки. Знай свою історію, повторюй її в
найкращих її проявах і це тобі допоможе врятувати планету. Ми говорили
з еко-блогеркою, еко-тренеркою, автором книжки «104 дні без
поліетилену» Мар'яною Бойко.

1. Законопроект – draft law
2. Прийняти у першому читанні – adopt on first reading
3. Каналізація – sewerage
4. Багаторазові речі – reusable things
5. Одноразова річ – one-and-done thing
6. Одноразові засоби гігієни – disposable hygiene products
7. Вистачить на довго – last for long
8. Око сіпається – eye is twitching
9. Скотч – duct tape
10.Це все накручено – it’s just swirling round
11.Піти від зворотнього – reverse the science
12.Втор сировина – recyclable material
13.Поводження з відходами – waste menegement

14.Книга опублікована тиражем 100 шт. – book has been released at

circulation of 100 copies

Ex1. (Level I) Listen to the dialogue and interpret it in Paragraph & Phrasal
mode using interpreters note-taking. Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Interview with health & safety expert
A: Marina, you've been involved with health and safety issues at a number
of large international companies and recently you've been working on a project
to analyse European accident statistics. Your report is about to be published.
What exactly do these statistics on workplace accidents show us?
B: Well, first of all, let me explain the starting point for our calculations.
The measure that we use is based on the accident rate per 100,000 workers.
A: Right.
B: And then we make a distinction between fatal and non-fatal accidents.
So, that’s the basic framework.
A: Ok.
B: Right. if we look first of all at fatal injures, we can see that the rate is
A: That’s per 100,000 workers.
B: Yes, exactly. And this is contrasted with non-fatal accident rate…
A: …which I expect is much higher.
B: Yes of course. The corresponding figure is 648.1.
A: And how many accidents are we talking about in each category?
B: The number of fatal accidents last year was 295 in total; and that
represented an increase of 75 on the previous year.
A: I suppose that these figures increase year on year.
B: No, not at all. The number and rate of fatal injury to workers generally
fell during the 1990s. So, the increase in the rate last year was quite unexpected.
A: Any specific reason?

B: No, but we haven't completed our analysis yet. But what we can say is
that the numbers and rates of fatal injury are higher in all the main industrial
sectors, especially agriculture, manufacturing, construction sectors, and the
service sector.
A: And can you say what specifically caused the accidents?
B: Well, we can see substantial increases in the number of fatal injuries
due to workers being hit by moving or falling objects, hit by a vehicle, or being
trapped by something collapsing or overturning. But that is what we see each
year, namely that the most common kinds of fatal accidents are caused by falling
from a height, being struck by a moving vehicle or being struck by moving or
falling objects.
A: I see.
B: Now, if we look at non-fatal injuries, we can see a similar downward
trend during the first half of the 90s.
A: With an increase in the second part?
B: Actually, no. Since the mid-90s, the number of reported injuries has
remained more or less stable.
A: I see. And do you think that this trend will continue?
B: Too early to say. But we certainly hope so.
A: And are there significant differences between men and women?
B: Our figures show that overall, in other words for all kinds of accidents,
the rates of both fatal and non-fatal injury are higher in men than women. And
the highest rates of fatal injury in terms of age are for older male workers.
A: Any significant difference based on age?
B: Yes and no. First of all, our evidence shows that there is no difference
in rates of non-fatal injuries for younger and older workers. However our figures
show that the rate of less serious injury is higher in young men if we compared
them with older men.
In fact, workers in the first few months with their employer have the
highest rate of injury; and the workers on the low number of weekly hours have

substantially higher rates of injury then those working longer hours. And the rate
gets lower as the number of weekly hours increases.
A: We’ve mainly talked about the rate of death or injury. Where is the
lowest risk?
B: Very difficult to answer. Although, there are clearly industries which
have a higher incidence of injuries, the main cause of accidents is through not
having sufficient knowledge to do the job properly. This means that if you know
how to do the job, your risk should be lower. I think that this is what our
research shows. The more you train people, the lower the risk of an accident.

1. Starting point – відправний пункт
2. Basic framework – основні параметри вибору
3. Fatal accidents – летальний нещасний випадок
4. Be contrasted with – у порівнянні з
5. Increase year on year – підвищуватися рік у рік
6. Construction sectors – галузь будівництва
7. Downward trend – тенденція до зниження

Ex1. (Level I) Listen to the dialogue and interpret it in Paragraph & Phrasal
mode using interpreters note-taking. Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Short messages

I've divided this talk into three main parts. First, we'll look at the markets.
Then I want to address the current staffing arrangements; and finally I'd like to
consider the challenges for next year. I aim to talk for about fifteen minutes. If
you have any questions, I'd be grateful if you could wait till the end.

Let me just outline the plan. First, I'd like to give you a brief description
of the company, so that you have a better idea of where the position of Network

Coordinator fits in. Then I'd like to find out more about your track record to
date. It looks like you have a lot of relevant experience. In particular, I'd like to
look at your responsibilities in your last job. And then you'll have a chance to
ask me any questions about the position. Is that OK?

A: I'm afraid I can't accept your current offer. We have done a few sums
and we feel that for the quantity that we are interested in, your price is too high.
B: OK, then we shall need to look again at our figures. But before we do,
could you give me an idea of how reached your proposed buying price?
A: Yes, of course. The calculation was based on an order of 50,000 items
to be supplied in twelve regular installments.

I'm delighted to be able to tell you all that we have had another excellent
month. In fact, sales have reached an all-time high and we seem to have
managed to reduce our costs slightly. Of course, this has not been easy. So, I
would like to congratulate you all on your performance. So, that's the
background to this meeting. I'd also like to ask Klaus Hoffman to fill in the
details for us.

A: I don’t know why you can't just send the information in a letter. I mean
I'm sure that Janice will want to have a written record of the decision.
B: Yes, of course she will. But as this is a sensitive matter I think I should
call her.
A: And what about putting it in writing?
B: No, I don't think so at this stage.
A: OK if you feel that that's the best way, then go ahead and do that.

The key question is how to provide our own people with opportunities to
develop their own knowledge and skills. As you know, we already have an
extensive collection of materials for self-study, but I believe we need to increase

these resources. So, over the last few weeks, I have collected a lot of
information on e-learning provided by different suppliers. After I have collated
all the details I suggest that we sit down together to review the different offers.
Can we just look in our diaries to fix a date for that?

A: I spoke to Susan on the phone earlier today about the figures. Naturally
she was quite shocked.
B: Yes, I can imagine they came as quite a surprise. So, what's next?
A: Well, we discussed how best to inform everyone about the results,
Susan's suggestion was to call a meeting.
B: I don't think a meeting at this stage would be the right forum.
A: Yes, I agree entirely. So I finally persuaded her to give a short talk to
everyone to outline the current position.
B: Good.
A: And she agreed to talk to us next Monday at two o'clock.

A: Oh dear, I think I've deleted the message.
B: Don't worry, you can always retrieve it from trash. If you click on
‘trash’ here, you'll find it.
A: Oh! There it is. Good. That's a relief!
B: So now you know what to do.
A: Yes, thanks. So, I'll send him a confirmation about the meeting right
B: Yes, and please send a copy to me. And don't forget to attach the file to
the message.

A: How are you going to present the results?
B: I was thinking of putting them into a memo to send round to everyone,
but now I'm having second thoughts.
A: Why’s that?

B: Well, first of all it's much too long. So, I plan to put the information
into a report. Then the tables and the graphics will look more dynamic.
B: But you'll need to send it to a lot of people.
A: I know, but I think it needs to be in the right format. I'll decide later on
how to get it to people.

1. Sensitive matter – делікатне питання
2. Collate – звіряти
3. Outline the current position – охарактеризувати нинішню ситуацію
4. Retrieve from trash – відновити з «Кошика»
5. Send round to everyone – зробити розсилку
6. Have second thoughts – сумніватися
7. Staffing arrangements – штатний розклад
8. Track record to date – послужний список на даний момент
9. We have done a few sums – ми провели деякі розрахунки
10.Proposed buying price – пропонована закупівельна ціна
11.Regular installments – стандартна партія

Ex. 1. (Level I) Listen to the dialogue and interpret it in Paragraph & Phrasal
mode using interpreters note-taking. Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Employee Training
A: Fabiella, your company has built up an enormous resource for training.
When did you get involved with Global Training?
B: I started off as a trainer myself working within the human resources
department of a large multinational organisation. While I was there, I soon
realised that companies were not really well served with quality information
about external training products. And in today's competitive environment,
training is critical for success. For example, it can improve job performance, it
can increase sales, it can even protect employees. But these things don't just

happen. Training has to be planned, encouraged and implemented. So our aim at

Global Training is to provide a complete service for companies that want to
organise training, and trainers that have the skills to design and deliver training
A: So how does it work?
B: Well, we are involved in three main areas. Firstly, there are the training
courses themselves, that's the main service we provide bringing together clients
and trainers. Secondly, we provide training products; and finally, we can help a
client to run a training course or conference anywhere in the world by providing
information about facilities.
A: So, if someone comes to you with a training request, how is the
enquiry processed?
B: We hold very extensive databases of courses, of trainers, of
consultants, of training seminars and workshops, of computer labs and
classrooms, and of keynote speakers. Of course, we get requests not only from
the corporate world, but also from the public sector and from professional
associations. So, if someone from company background (an HR manager or a
training manager, comes to us with a specific training request) we would
identify the specific objectives for their training programme. That has to be the
starting point for any course. This is usually carried out by a detailed interview
together with an in-depth questionnaire. The results are then put into a course
proposal. If the client is happy with what we propose, then we would move on to
the next stage.
A: Which is ...?
B: Which is to look for trainers with the expertise to run the course.
A: I see. You said that you get requests outside the corporate world.
B: Mmm, yes, about 25% of our business comes from the public sector -
schools, colleges, etc. and from professional organisations for doctors,
architects, and so on.
A: So, what areas can you organize training for?

B: We cover a very wide range. To enable professionals to search our

database, our training is categorized under 50 headings.
A: Can you give me an example?
B: Of course, let me give you examples from different sectors. If we take
the public sector, we can provide courses for adults in basic reading, writing and
maths skills and general job skills. At the other end of the spectrum, we run
courses for professionals in manufacturing who need to improve their skills in
computer design, materials management, and production planning. So, we
would receive an enquiry for a particular type of training, usually something that
is specified in one of our categories. And we would discuss the specific
requirements with the client, as I explained earlier.
A: And once the course objectives and content are agreed, you would
search your database to find a trainer.
B: A suitable trainer. That is very important. Apart from subject
knowledge, our trainers have experience of all delivery media, including
instructor led on-line courses, computer based training, videos, and so on.
A: So, let's imagine that the client has agreed the course content and the
profile of the trainer, what happens next?
B: Next, we need to find the right location for the training. If the client
doesn't have their own premises, we search for a suitable venue and that can be
anywhere in the world. Again, our database has details of facilities that are
available for training and conference-related events.
A: So, if I wanted to run a course in the Bahamas, could you find me a
suitable location?
B: Yes, in fact we just organised a conference for a major client out there
a couple of months ago. There were 350 delegates who stayed for a five-day
sales meeting. The venue provided a conference hall, complete with small
seminar rooms, a library, recreation rooms and lounges. Participants were
housed in five hotels all with the use of a gymnasium, and many other
recreational facilities.

A: Sounds ideal.
B: Yes, it was a great success. Of course, not all the requests involve such
grand plans. At the other extreme, we get requests for training products. For
example, a client running a language training course might like some material as
follow-up to the course. Again, our database will identify suitable materials.
A: Well, you've already built up Global Training into a very successful
company. Good luck for the future.
B: Thanks

1. Companies are not really well served with quality information – у компаній
немає доступу до достовірної інформації
2. External training products – програми зовнішньої професійної підготовки
та підвищення кваліфікації
3. Improve job performance – підвищити продуктивність праці
4. Encourage and implement – мотивувати та впроваджувати
5. Complete service – повний спектр послуг
6. Design and deliver training programmes – розробити та провести
7. Training products – навчальні матеріали
8. Facilities - локації
9. We hold very extensive databases of courses – наша база даних містить
широкий вибір курсів
10.Keynote speaker – основний доповідач
11.Public sector – державний сектор
12.Professional association - профспілка
13.Starting point – відправний пункт
14.In-depth questionnaire – детальна анкета
15.Trainer with the expertise to run the course – викладач із відповідною
кваліфікацією для проведення курсу

16.Training is categorized under 50 headings – курси поділені на 50 категорій

17.Basic reading – основи читання
18.At the other end of the spectrum – з іншого боку
19.Materials management – управління матеріально-технічним
20.Delivery media – способи подання інформації
21.Instructor led on-line courses – онлайн курс з інструктором
22.Computer based training – комп'ютерні навчальні програми
23.Conference-related events – конференція та пов'язані з нею заходи
24.Recreation rooms and lounges – кімнати відпочинку та лаундж-зона
25.House in hotels all with the use of a gymnasium and other recreational
facilities – розміщувати в готелях зі спортзалом та іншими
рекреаційними об'єктами
26.Follow-up material – наступні додаткові матеріали

Ex1. (Level ІI) Listen to the dialogue and interpret it in Paragraph & Phrasal
mode using interpreters note-taking. Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Biden and Putin’s personal chemistry
- Now Steve, when you’re watching that meeting in Geneva between the
two leaders, do you think that’s going to be any kind of personal chemistry at
- I don’t believe so, no. I mean Gorbachev and Reagan now they had
personal chemistry. Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin personal chemistry. Biden
and Putin? I don’t think so. No personal chemistry. Joe Biden is a fifth U.S.
president, who Vladimir Putin will deal with. They’ve all have different ways of
dealing withVladimir Putin. We saw that George W. Bush inviting a Putin to a
barbecue. We’ve seen Donald Trump lavishing praise on Vladimir Putin. We’ve
seen a tough attitude from Barack Obama. But steadily the U.S. and Russia
relationship has kept getting worse despite these different approaches.
-On the scale of 1 to 10, what would you give it?

- I think I’d give it minus two because you know one senior Russian
official said recently that in many ways the relationship between the East and
West right now is worse than during the Cold War and that’s saying something.
What about you? How would you score it?
-You know, if it was positive, I’d give it a plus one, but since you’ve gone
to minus territory, I’ll be at minus 1-2. I mean it’s pretty extraordinary, isn’t it?
Senior U.S officials are saying that they regard Vladimir Putin as having a
superpower of disruption.
- We will not hesitate to raise the cost on Russia.
- President Biden is saying he’s going to tell the president Putin what it is
that he wants him to know, which is the U.S. is displeased with Russia on a
number of fronts. So, Steve, let’s talk about friction between the two countries.
-First of all it is important to say that this friction didn’t appear overnight,
right? It’s built up. These frustrations and this mistrust between the two sides.
On the one hand you have Russia which is frustrated with America. It believes
that America is basically doing its own thing, doing what it wants on the worlds
stage pulling out of international agreements. It points to the Iraq war. On the
other hand, you have America which is angry at Russia basically adopting the
role of bad boy in Europe. Doing all kinds of things from cyber attacks from
America meddling the U.S. elections. There is concern about possible Russian
aggression, president Putin basically cracking down on Russian democracy
jailing of Alexey Navalny. All these things you put it to the pot. It’s going to be
a difficult conversation I think.
- Diplomacy is back.
- Lets try to talk about what a successful summit might look like. What do
you think Steve?
-You know, if Vladimir Putin was sitting here and you asked him that, I
think he’d probably say “Well, it’s already been a successful summit”. Even
before Putin arrives at Geneva, he’s already got what he wants. He’s got the
summit, the big meeting that he’s been looking for. You know, in Geneva he’ll

be center stage in the geopolitical spotlight and that’s what he wants. He wants
Russia to be seen as a superpower, great power, the equal of America. What
about Joe Biden, Laura? What does he want from this summit?
- You’re exactly right. President Biden has been criticised for granting
president Putin this previlige of the summit with the U.S. leader without actually
getting anything specific in return beforehand and as one U.S. officials said “if
you are waiting for the deliverables from this meeting, you’ll be waiting for a
long time”. He’s cast this whole first foreign trip on his presidency as a battle for
the forces of democracy against those of autocracy. So here you have president
Biden about to go toe-to-toe with Vladimir Putin, the man who represents
autocracy at least in the eyes of President Biden.

1. Personal chemistry – емоційний зв'язок
2. Lavish praise – нахвалювати
3. Senior official – високопосадовець
4. Raise the cost on Russia – змусити Росію заплатити
5. Be displeased on a number of fronts – не погоджуватися з низки питань
6. Friction between the two countries – охолодження відносин між двома
7. Pull out of international agreements – розривати міжнародні угоди
8. Meddle the elections – втручатися у процес виборів
9. Crack down on democracy – придушувати демократію
10.Be center stage in the geopolitical spotlight – бути в центрі геополітичної
11.Deliverables from the meeting – результати зустрічі
12.Go toe-to-toe – кинути виклик

Ex1. (Level ІI) Listen to the dialogue and interpret it in Paragraph & Phrasal
mode using interpreters note-taking. Memorise the glossary. Transcript:

IFC Creating Markets. From refugee to entrepreneur

Getaw Cherinet (Tulip Addis Water Filter): I was really shocked. They
took us to a camp in New Zealand and the camp is too old. We were given a
blanket. It was a really old blanket. We were given a meal like oatmeal and one
banana and milk. That night I really cried.
Jasmin Bauomy (host): Getaw Cherinet will never forget that night. He
had just been resettled to New Zealand from one of the largest refugee camps in
the world: Kakuma camp in Kenya. His dream had finally come true, but the
reality of resettlement hit him like a brick. That was back in 1997, and today
Getaw owns two businesses in Ethiopia: a big farm and a water filter company
called Tulip Addis Water Filter. And this is the story of how a former refugee
became a multiple business owner in Ethiopia, and why he decided to start a
water filter business.
GC: Actually, I didn't have any intention whatsoever to start a water filter
JB: So, how did it happen? You're listening to Creating Markets, the
show where we meet investors, entrepreneurs, and other people from the private
sector to talk about the investments and opportunities in emerging markets. And
I'm your host, Jasmin Bauomy.
News clip: Good evening. The headlines at six o'clock...
JB: It's 1991. And international news is dominated by the Gulf War...
News clip: Waves of allied aircrafts have been bombing targets in Iraq
and Kuwait all day long...
JB: ...the dissolution of the USSR.
News clip: After six and a half years in power, Mikhail Gorbachev
confirmed his resignation on television tonight.
JB: And for the first time the Internet is made available for everyone,
even if it doesn't really make the news. Meanwhile, in Ethiopia, Getaw Cherinet,
a university student, is recruited to join the military to fight in a civil war, but
armed groups are advancing against the military.

News clip: After three decades of war, rebels are approaching the
Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.
JB: Getaw's unit retreated South. And he ended up in his first refugee
camp, just across the border with Kenya.
GC: The first camp we were residents in as refugees was Walda refugee
camp. Over 10,000 university students and the military themselves had left the
JB: At first Getaw was hopeful. Kenya's then-president had visited the
camp and told the refugees:
GC: “Don't feel like you are a refugee. You're not immigrating
somewhere. You came home. We will send you back to school, no matter
where.” That was the biggest hope we had. That promise was never delivered.
JB: Getaw's hope for an education never materialized. Instead, in 1993, he
was transferred to what would become one of the biggest refugee camps in the
world. Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. These days, more than 200,000 people
live in Kakuma and a nearby settlement. But back in the early nineties, around
65,000 refugees found shelter in Kakuma. They were running from conflicts in
East Africa, just like Getaw.
GC: Then, when we reached Kakuma, it was totally deserted and in the
middle of nowhere .
JB: So, Getaw started working as a social worker in the camp. It’s what
he'd studied. He helped new arrivals connect with other sections of the camp.
The living situation was rough for everyone.
GC: The living situation...we were given a ration. We had a tent. We
lived in the tent and the hard part was having malaria every week. It was a really
painful situation and a painful moment as a young man over there, and we had
no experience whatsoever. All those young students had a lot of issues, a lot of
problems. And finally we coped with it. And we started a business in the camp.
JB: Wait, how does one start a business in a refugee camp?

GC: When you are looking for a way to get out, you do everything you
can. And I asked the district officer. He knows me. I'm a social worker over
there. The first thing I asked him for was the travel document.
JB: Finally, Getaw found a way to use the system. He got permission to
deliver a truck to Eldoret and travel there.
GC: Then I assessed: what could I really do? In the evening, I was
searching. What could I bring from the camp to Eldoret to do business? Then
finally, I found one hotel owner. We talked. And he said you could bring a
sufriya. You know those pans, frying pans, the refugees are selling and sleeping
JB: And so, that’s what he did. He returned to Kakuma and collected pans
and sleeping mats and anything else the refugees could spare. And then he
traveled back to Eldoret and sold all those things. That was his first business
deal. And oh, it felt so good.
GC: I was so excited. I was so happy and privileged when I came back.
Then I wanted to do it again. I wanted to do it again.(1 ЧАСТИНА)
JB: Getaw returned to Kakuma and started to use the connections he'd
built as a social worker to build a network for his business. And soon he began
traveling to Nairobi and to Uganda to trade goods. He also quit his social worker
GC: I became a trader, brought goods in, rather than taking them out.
Also brought back clothes from Nairobi, from Uganda, and electronics. Then,
finally, I opened a shop with hard electronics. I brought tapes, radios and I
brought films and shoes. Finally, I was a really known trader in the camp. And
finally I bought a matatu. It's a local transport with loud music.
JB: Matatus are buses used for public transport in Kenya. They're pimped
in every imaginable way. With disco lights, huge graffitis on the outside, big
screens on the inside. And the most important thing is blaring music. Now,
imagine our young refugee trader with his new bus. He was so proud. Getaw
hired a driver and continued managing his shop and other trading activities. It's

actually quite common for people within Kakuma to start a business. At least
these days, it is.
IFC collaborated with UNHCR on a study in 2018 and found that the
camp’s informal economy was thriving. The study, titled “Kakuma as a
marketplace,” showed that more than 2,000 businesses try to meet the daily
needs of the camp's residents, providing food, cosmetics, mobile phones, and
many, many other things. Here's what Raouf Mazou, a representative of
UNHCR told IFC about businesses in Kakuma back in 2018.
Raouf Mazou (UNHCR): What’s most important for us in Kakuma now
is just to change the mindset, and for all of us to see Kakuma as a different
place. As a place where there are business opportunities, where people create
JB: However, not many refugees have the funds or the financial literacy
to start their own business. These days, some residents have access to business
and language training, but back in the early nineties, when the camp was first
established, it was a different story.
GC: I did everything on my own. I started it. I think I wanted to do
business because there was no way to get out. You cannot go back. You cannot
go forward. So you need to really dig to get somewhere and do something. I did
it on my own. Nobody trained me about business. They will give you the
rations. You wait for the resettlement.
JB: Resettlement. That was everyone's dream. Getaw's too. After three
years in Kakuma, New Zealand accepted his application. And six weeks later, he
landed in Auckland where all the new arrivals attended language courses and
cultural awareness courses. That first night was hard. Nothing looked like the
movies Getaw grew up watching.
GC: I was really shocked. They took us to a camp in New Zealand and
the camp is too old. We were given a blanket. It was a really old blanket. We
were given a meal, like oatmeal and a warm banana and milk. That night, I
really cried.

The camp is isolated. You cannot go out. And after four days we met
people. The fellow Ethiopians who came before us and they came and asked:
“Where are you from? How do you feel? Don’t worry. You’ll be ok. This is how
we felt, too, and no one would comfort us. How do you see it?” That's the
encouraging part. They told us what New Zealand looks like. It's a beautiful
country. It has nice people. “You guys are very very lucky.”
JB: His fellow countrymen put Getaw at ease. This wasn't so bad after all.
He transferred to Wellington where he started volunteering and he volunteered
everywhere he could.
GC: I worked for refugee migrants as a volunteer. I worked for the
Citizens Advice Bureau as a volunteer. I worked for Newtown Union Health
Service to translate for my fellow refugees for doctors and for Capital & Coast.
JB: After all that volunteering Getaw started working as an ethnic liaison
officer for the city council and a year and a half later...
GC: To be honest, when I was given citizenship, it was a surprise. Then I
had the privilege to come back home to see my family.
JB: Getaw has lived many, many lives. So let me fast forward: after
visiting his family in Ethiopia, he went to Los Angeles, California to pursue an
old flame. It was somebody he had met in Kakuma. He lived in the US for four
years. And during that time, he got a taxi license, a taxi, and then several taxi
cars, which he then sold to return to Ethiopia, where he ended up leasing 185
hectares of land from the government. Having never worked in agriculture
before, he had such a steep learning curve. So, why then did he end up starting a
water filter business on top of all of that?
GC: Then during harvesting and weeding time, we had almost over a
hundred people working on my farm. I saw a lot of people were off sick. It
doesn't take much to identify what the problem was, because my farm is up
JB: While we speak Getaw gestures showed me that his farm was up on
higher land.

GC: The river we had is on the bottom and all of them are using their
latrines in the ‘up’. And they fetch their water from the bottom. You can
imagine. It's all contaminated water .
JB: Okay. So let me just make this clear. People live in the Highlands, in
higher lands. That means their wastewater flows down into the valleys, but then
they go down to the valleys to fetch drinking water, and that's how they got sick.
Getaw was wracking his brain about how he could fix this. And on one of his
trips to the US, he sat in a cafe and overheard a man pitching a water filter
GC: It was a Monday morning then we were drinking coffee. There was
this freelance adviser who promoted this Tulip [water filter].
JB: Getaw holds up one of the product boxes of one of his Tulip water
filters into the laptop camera, just so I could see. And so back then, when he was
eavesdropping, he got so excited that he crashed the meeting at the table next to
him. He ended up buying 20 Tulip water-filters from the guy and brought them
back to Ethiopia where they were a huge hit. The deputy governor at the time
heard that he was providing clean water for his employees. And...
GC: He said: “I want you to expand this. We are looking at your
technology transformation. What you did is what the government is
expecting.”We want you to do with assistance. We will assist you. We want you
to do this business parallel [to the] agriculture business because it's life-saving.
What you did in your farm is great. And we want to expand it to the rest of
Amhara societies.”
JB: And that's how it started. Getaw, got in touch with a person who sold
him the first filters, and he started importing them on an exclusive license for
Ethiopia. It was a Dutch company. But at one point, Getaw wanted to produce
the filters in the country. He submitted his idea to a competition, which was
organized by the NGO SNV Netherlands development organization. It's an
organization that aims to fight poverty worldwide.(2 ЧАСТИНА)

Mesfin Tadesse: Currently, and, three years ago, we have a program

called, innovation against poverty. Which is basically focusing on the poorest
community to solve their real problems with local innovation and local
JB: This is Mesfin Tadesse. He's SNV’s deputy country director for
Ethiopia. I called him up to talk about Getaw’s water filter project. Tulip Addis
Water Filter won the competition for the grant a bit more than three years ago.
MT: We gave him €120,000 for expanding his investment and to improve
the access to the water filters, especially with affordable prices for the poorest
community. At that time, he was selling, he was distributing his product through
different humanitarian NGOs and partly with the government’s utility authority.
JB: Since Getaw received the grant, his company has grown a lot.
MT: We have seen a lot of expansion, a lot of sales. At that time he was
having 12,000 water filter sales per year. And then, last September from our
report, we saw that his sales have increased to 150,000.
JB: Not only sales increased. Getaw also decided that he could make his
product even more affordable if he produced it in the country. And so he bought
some land. He built a factory, which is almost ready to go into production, but
things have been stalled because of the ongoing pandemic. However, not long
before the pandemic hit, another great opportunity came knocking. Here's Getaw
GC: SNV with the Dutch embassy [in] Addis Ababa [came up with]
another idea. They wanted [to] give job opportunities [to] urban refugees,
because there was a lot of crime, a lot of drugs and there were no job
opportunities. They approached almost all businesses, big big businesses to
employ refugees. Just everybody said no. SNV knew that I have a refugee
background. They asked me: “Will you be happy to employ refugees?” I never
hesitated. I said yes. It's a privilege for me. It's a give back situation for me
because I know what the refugee life is [like].
JB: Here’s Mesfin again, the SNV deputy country manager.

Mesfin Tadesse: In that project also, he supported us. We funded him

some money, because of that story he has. He's very passionate [about]
supporting the refugees. And he has really supported many of the refugees to
establish their own shops while he's supplying them, you know, on credit, his
own product to sell - for Yemenis, Somali[s], Eritrean[s], and South Sudan[ese].
And in that [project], it was €300,000 because it was a pilot project. It has a lot
of investment. He had to open, you know, shops, outlet shops in many areas.
Training had to be provided for these refugees, including soft skills and business
skills. That has already ended. It was a 6month pilot. Now we are consolidating
the impact, and hopefully, we are looking for additional funding for that.
JB: Over the years, Getaw has worked closely with the Ethiopian
government to expand his business. Financially and in terms of infrastructure,
this has been a really beneficial partnership for him. These days, he's also
working on receiving a bank loan to expand his business, and he's looking for
private investors.
GC: I want to expand my business. We could do it, exporting for the rest
of Africa because this product is highly demanded and I would grow if I had
successful and energetic partners.
JB: There's a lot of potential for the water filter or business in Ethiopia
and surrounding regions. Mesfin Tadesse of SNV agrees.
MT: Ethiopia, is a big country, with a population of more than 110
million, with a big gap in terms of access to clean water. So the potential is huge
even, in the next 10, 15 years. I would presume, even by himself, he wouldn't,
address the whole demand. So 60 to 70 percent of the population is not receiving
access to clean water. So this is really a very important product and it has huge
potential for additional investments.
GC: So it's a very good sector to start because people are starting to now
filter [their water], and drinking filtered water. It’s often expensive but we
brought a solution and affordable technology to all.

JB: By now, Getaw's water filter products are helping around 300,000
households get access to clean drinking water. And there's huge potential for
growth. Meanwhile, in Kakuma refugee camp, the place where Getaw started off
his journey to becoming a business owner, new business continues to thrive.
The 2018 study estimated that the business in Kakuma refugee camp
contributes 29 percent of the area’s total consumption. It's a significant market
for Turkana County, where the camp is located. But there is a need for more
jobs for refugees and more opportunities for them to start their own businesses.
And to fill that gap, there’s a fund.
Luba Shara (IFC): So Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund aims at
attracting or facilitating the entry of private businesses, private firms to that area
so they can hire people. They can give jobs to people. They can improve
services and they create other secondary opportunities for entrepreneurs who are
already there.
JB: This is IFC’s Luba Shara.
LS: My name is Luba Shara. I'm the project manager of Kakuma
Kalobeyei Challenge Fund based in Nairobi.
JB: The Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund is an IFC initiative, where
we work with the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, the Turkana County
government and UNHCR to create more jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities
in the camp.
The fund is starting the private sector and social enterprise sector competition
windows. So, basically competitions for private and social enterprises who want
to start or scale up their businesses in Kakuma and the Kalobeyei settlement.
LS: The competition we have just launched is for businesses, more
established ones, registered ones that already have some history and
JB: There are some fairly big grants up for grabs. You’ll find the website
for the fund in the show notes as well. And that was it for this episode of
Creating Markets. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode,

feel free to rate us on Apple podcasts. Tell your friends and family about us, and
find IFC on social media if you have any good ideas for who else you think we
should talk to. Thank you to Getaw Cherinet, Luba Shara and Mesfin Tadesse
for taking the time to talk.
This episode was produced by the IFC comms team. Special thanks to the
Youth Voices of Kakuma and the Filamujuani foundation for providing some
audio from Kakuma Refugee Camp and Matatu buses. Other sound effects were
added for storytelling purposes. Nicholas Alexander is the sound editor for this
episode. I'm Jasmin Bauomy. And I'll talk to you again soon.

1. Gulf War – війна у Персидській затоці
2. Allied aircrafts –авіація союзників
3. Dissolution of the USSR – розпад СРСР
4. Unit retreated – військовий підрозділ відступив
5. Deliver promise – виконувати обіцянку
6. Rough living situation – скрутне життєве становище
7. District officer – співробітник районного відділу поліції
8. International Financial Corporation (IFC) – Міжнародна Фінансова
9. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Управління
Верховного Комісара ООН у справах біженців
10.Change the mindset- змінити уявлення
11.Citizens Advice Bureau – відділ роботи з населенням
12.Union Health Service – служба охорони здоров’я профспілок
13.Liaison officer –офіцер зв'язку (аташе)
14.Pursue an old flame – зустрітись зі старим другом
15.Steep learning curve – швидке навчання
16.Latrine – вбиральня
17.Wrack one’s brain – розмірковувати

18.Utility authority – житлово-комунальні служби

19.Country manager – регіональний менеджер
20.Soft skills – базові соціальні навички
21.Address the whole demand – покрити весь попит
22.Scale up business – розширити бізнес

Abstract Interpreting
Ex. 1. (Level I) Whatch the given video, write down specific information
with interpreter’s note-taking, then interpret the text into your native tongue.
Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Royal Racism
Morning to you. It's a Tuesday the 9th of March. Our main story – the royal
family remains silent more than 24 hours after the duke and duchess of Sussex’s
explosive interview with Orpah Winfrey.
In the broadcast watched by millions of people around the world Megan
raised allegations of racism and a lack of support from within the institution.
Keith Doyle has more:
Viewers in the UK got to watch the full interview last night and the fallout
this morning is nuclear. The headlines could not be worse for the palace:
‘turmoil and crisis’. They are no less forgiving on the other side of the Atlantic.
Tonight Orpah’s interview with the duke and duchess of Sussex just aired for
the first time in the UK. Now Britain braces for fallout.
Despite being previewed, teased and dominating the news, the claims made
and heard in the context of the full two-hour interview are still able to shock.
Claims that Megan was driven close to suicide and that a member of the royal
family discussed the skin color of the duke and duchess's soon to be born child.
“In those months when I was pregnant all around this same time, so we have
in tandem the conversation of he won't be given security, he's not going to be

given a title and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might
be when he's born.”
Throughout the interview the picture painted was one of an uncaring and
unsupportive institution, at odds with the image of being at the head of a
multicultural country and commonwealth.
In America this summer we just went through "the black lives matter"
movement and the killing of George Floyd, and what we see is, when we see
this monarchy, we see an institution that we revered, and now we find out that
you, guys, have the same issues of racial and racism and systemic racism, that
we do in the United States, so yes it does hurt us it almost seems like a fairy tale
shattered for many of us.
Overnight there's been no comment from Buckingham palace, which is sure
to be reeling from such explosive claims by those at the very heart of the royal
family. All eyes and the media’s spotlight are on here today to see how or if it
“Well I can’t see the Buckingham palace as being like the Kremlin, and on
the whole, they're, you know, a very civilized organization because of… And I
also don't think that they are likely to engage in some kind of war between two
parties, which, of course, the tabloid press would greatly enjoy.”
The Harry and Megan love story was a fairy tale and brought young, modern
vitality into the royal family. This interview has brought up real issues, that can't
easily be ignored: security, mental health and trust. Just a few years on from the
fairy tale and for Buckingham palace all that has turned to crisis management on
an epic scale.
Keith Doyle BBC news.

1. Explosive interview – сенсаційне інтерв'ю
2. Raise allegations – висловити звинувачення

3. Fallout is nuclear – мати шокуючі наслідки

4. Turmoil - заворушення
5. Brace for fallout – готуватись до наслідків
6. Drive close to suicide – довести до самогубства
7. Soon to be born child – майбутня дитина
8. To be at odds with the image – не відповідати образу
9. Revere – поважати
10.Issues of racial and racism – проблеми расової дискримінації та расизм
11.Seems like a fairy tale shattered for many of us – здається, що мрії
багатьох із нас розбиті
12.Reel from – оговтатись від
13.Media’s spotlight – об'єкт уваги ЗМІ

Ex. 1. (Level I) Whatch the given video, write down specific information
with interpreter’s note-taking, then interpret the text into your native tongue.
Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Новини України: на Подолі загорівся будинок для людей
похилого віку
Будинок для літніх людей зайнявся вранці в столиці. У момент
пожежі в приватному пансіонаті на Подолі перебувало 80 людей, що з
пожильцями нині, з подробицями вже повернулась Олена Гущик.
Пансіонат для людей літнього віку на околиці Києва, вогонь
спалахнув близько шостої ранку на покрівлі триповерхового будинку. Цей
пансіонат і консультаційний центр в Подільському районі столиці входить
до мережі будинків для літніх людей. Збудований за підтримки Швеції, і
повсюди оснащений великою кількістю камер. Вогонь, який здійнявся на
покрівлі у сто квадратних метрів, вогнеборці загасили швидко.
На момент пожежі в будинку перебувало 65 людей похилого віку, ще
15 працівників пансіонату, які разом з рятувальниками евакуйовували
мешканців самотужки. Нині усіх пожильців розмістили на першому

поверсі будинку, тим часом працівники одне за одним перекладають стоси

Завідувач пансіонату не на камеру пояснює: пожильців перевозять до
інших будинків: «Все живы до единого, у нас сеть пансионатов, мы их
сейчас развозим по другим пансионатам. Никто не надышался угарным
газом. Пожар был извне.»
Горять такі приватні пансіонати вже не в перше. Наприкінці січня в
одному з нелегальних будинків на Харківщині живцем згоріло
п’ятнадцятеро літніх людей. Найстаршому був 91 рік, наймолодшому – 71.
На вікнах приміщення були решітки, тож неходячих пенсіонерів довелося
виносити через усю палаючу будівлю до єдиного існуючого входу. 18
людей тоді врятували, 4 людей затримали.
У Літочках, що на Києвщині, в такому самому будинку для літніх
людей вже у травні 2016-го вогонь убив сімнадцятьох. Взимку президент
доручив перевірити усі заклади для літніх людей в Україні і, як кажуть
рятувальники, саме пансіонат, який горів на околиці Києва, місяць тому
«Було виявлено 44 порушення. І складені відповідні штрафи. Подано
заяву до суду та про застосування запобіжних заходів у вигляді зупинення
експлуатації пансіонату для людей літнього віку.»
У поліції вже відкрили кримінальне провадження за статтею про
порушення вимог пожежної безпеки. Що стало причиною пожежі
рятувальники говорити кажуть рано, але зараз на місці працюють слідчі,
які з’ясовують усі обставини і результати цієї перевірки обіцяють
оприлюднити уже невдовзі. Олена Гущкик, Володимир Черенков, ТСН,

1. Будинок для літніх людей – retirement home
2. Вогонь спалахнув – fire broke out

3. Консультаційний центр – counseling center

4. Загасити вогонь – extinguish fire
5. Пожильці – tenants
6. Стоси документів - stacks of documents
7. Завідувач пансіонату – manager of the boarding house
8. Надихатися угарним газом – get carbon monoxide poisoning
9. Згоріти живцем – burn to death
10.Неходячі пенсіонери – disabled elderly
11.Виявити порушення – find violations
12.Скласти відповідні штрафи – draw up respective fines
13.Подати заявку до суду – institute legal proceeding
14.Запобіжні заходи – precautionary measures
15.Зупинити експлуатацію – cease the operation
16.Відкрити кримінальне провадження за статтею – start criminal
proceeding under article
17.Слідчий – investigator

Ex. 1. (Level I) Whatch the given video, write down specific information with
interpreter’s note-taking, then interpret the text into your native tongue.
Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Covid-19 UK isolation grows as more countries ban travel
More and more countries are applying travel bans with the UK after it
reported a more infectious and out of control variant of coronavirus. Denmark,
Italy and the Netherlands have already also detected the new variant. EU
ambassadors will meet for emergency talks later to agree a common strategy.
France has banned arrivals from the UK by most roots and including some
freight. Other countries stopping flights from the UK include Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Turkey and Hong Kong. The British
Prime Minister is also due to chair an emergency meeting to address the
country's growing isolation.

Mark Lebel reports:

Lorries isolated, passengers grounded. Many in the UK now stuck. European
Nations try to protect themselves from this fast spreading covid-19 variant. The
Netherlands was the first to ban all passenger flights from the UK until the 1st of
January and now ferry passengers too. Belgium has suspended flights and train
arrivals from the UK for 24 hours. Ireland announced a 48-hour ban on flights
arriving from the UK. France has suspended all travel links that's air, sea, rail or
road for 48 hours including freight. Germany has banned planes landing from
the UK. Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria until the 31st of January.
In a breathless and ever-growing list Turkey has too. As well as banning flights
from Denmark, the Netherlands and South Africa.
“For the travel industry this is devastating. The UK government has got to
build confidence, not just with these countries, our neighbors, but also with the
traveling public and indeed the travel industry.”
In Madrid, where they're strengthening tests, at this airport for UK arrivals
there's concern. “I was really scared because I thought they might cancel my
flight this week, so bought the last seat on this flight to Manchester”.
“Some relatives warned us that flights from London and all the south were
being cancelled. And we were worried that it might affect our trip”.“It's just a
shame that it's happened over Christmas. You know it's such a shame, that we
can't go and see family, especially over Christmas time”.
Further afield. Kuwait has banned flights arriving from the United Kingdom,
as has Canada. Since the new virus variant was detected here, in the UK, in
September, it has also been detected in the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and
This all comes at a bad time not just for Britain, days away from the end of
its transition period with the EU, but for the wider world. Days after getting on
the front foot with a vaccine rollout now days later battling to contain this sting
in the tail.

1. Freight – вантажні перевезення
2. To be due to chair – повинен буде очолити
3. Further afield – далеке зарубіжжя
4. Get on the front foot – приступити до роботи
5. Vaccine rollout – розповсюдження вакцин
6. Contain this sting in the tail – впоратись з наслідками

Ex. 1. (Level I) Whatch the given video, write down specific information
with interpreter’s note-taking, then interpret the text into your native tongue.
Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Why it takes 30 years to buy a house in Canada?
This is a house in Toronto. It has two bedrooms and one bathroom. It was
listed for sale last summer just of one million dollars. If that seems like a lot,
you should know that it sold for eight hundred thousand dollars more than that.
That is just one property in a housing market that has become more out of reach
for many Canadians with each passing day.
"I've probably seen between 15 to 20 condos like approximately". After
renting for seven years, Ryan is nearing a purchase of a condo in
Toronto. "There is a lot of like blind bidding as an example that takes place. You
know, there are other bidders but there's no transparency in terms of what the
other bidders are actually offering. There is a drive to bring up prices as much as
possible so you kind of have to blindly put in an offer without knowing what
your competition is".
Housing affordability was a big issue during the recent federal election
campaign. " The supply of homes to own as well as to rent is not keeping up
with our growing population."
Over the past six years things have just gotten so much worse. People cannot
find a home that's in their budget. "It's not ok that the communities you grew up
in are not in places you can build a life, raise a family or grow old."

"I think there is still ways to go to actually make it affordable. And I say that
as someone who considers himself privileged. I have a master's education. I feel
like I have a relatively solid job, so I have a lot of advantages and it is still very
A combination of low interest rates, limited housing supply and ongoing
foreign investment have all played a part in driving up prices. Canada has the
highest house price to income ratio out of any G7 county. The amount of
disposable income the average Canadian has available is no match for what the
housing market demands. This year has seen a housing affordability in Canada
take its deepest dive since the mid-1990-s.
Let's say you're starting from scratch. You make the medium income and
want to put away some money every month to save up for a down payment. In
Toronto putting away 10 percent monthly, it would take you more than 26 year.
In Vancouver it would take you even longer - 34 years to save up for a down
payment. Simply put, buying a house in those major Canadian cities requires
more capital and more wealth than simple monthly savings. The average price
for the Canadian house has jumped 13 percents since this time last year. But
medium incomes haven't nearly kept up.
"You're just doing whatever you can to get into the housing market but it's
not really making a sound. It's not conducive to make it sound informed
decisions. It's kind of very impulsive and I don't think it's really healthy like a
long-term basis.”

1. Be listed for sale – виставлений на продаж
2. Condo – будинок кондомініум
3. Blind bidding – сліпі торги
4. Housing affordability – доступність житла
5. Solid job – стабільна работа
6. Income ratio – коефіцієнт доходу

7. Disposable income – чистий дохід

8. Down payment – розстрочка / перший внесок за кредитом
9. Simply put – простіше кажучи
10.Housing market – ринок нерухомості

Ex. 1. (Level II) Whatch the given video, write down specific information with
interpreter’s note-taking, then interpret the text into your native tongue.
Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Power of Facebook
Facebook is pervasive. The world's population is over 7 billion close to 3
billion of us are active Facebook users and that scale creates power, the power to
turn off the news.
In breaking news, this morning social media giant Facebook has followed
through on its threat restricting people in Australia from viewing news content.
The power to turn off those in power.
Facebook has extended their block on Donald Trump's accounts for at least
the next two weeks until Joe Biden's inauguration accusing the president of
using the platform to incite insurrection.
And the power to change, how we connect how we communicate. For better
- says Facebook, for worse - says this former employee.
“We have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society
Facebook is powerful, but it's Facebook too powerful. Well, this is how
Mark Zuckerberg sees its role. “Facebook is an idealistic and optimistic
company for most of our existence we focused on all the good that connecting
people can do”.
Idealistic, optimistic, focused on the good, let's keep those words in mind as
we consider three stories, the news banned in Australia, the storming of the
capital in Washington and first the coup.

This is Myanmar’s military moving in to stop protesters gathering on the

streets in early February. It had removed Aung Sang Suchi’s civilian
government from power and the man controlling the military is commander in
Chief Min Un Ley. He's a fan of Facebook. It's been an active user for years, not
so much now.
Facebook has taken down some of the military's pages because, of it says:
“repeated violations of our Community Standards, prohibiting incitement of
violence and coordinating harm.”
This looks straightforward if you launch a military coup and threaten
peaceful protest, you lose your Facebook page, but the story of Facebook's
power in Myanmar is not straightforward.
Here is why this is a country of 54 million people and over half of them have
a Facebook account. That didn't happen by chance, one-third of people in
Myanmar live in poverty and to help people get online Facebook removed all
data charges and organized for the Facebook app to be pre-loaded on many
phones. It worked.
Listen to this technology reporter from The New York Times: “The entire
Internet is Facebook and Facebook is the Internet. Most people don't necessarily
know how to operate or get on and navigate regular websites. They live, eat,
sleep and breathe Facebook.”
Soon, though, Facebook was accused of playing a determining role in grave
crimes. In 2017 range of Muslim Villages were ransacked people were
murdered, hundreds of thousands fled into Bangladesh and the UN says
Facebook's platform helped create this.
“We know that the ultra-nationalist Buddhists have their own Facebook, and
really inciting, a lot of violence and a lot of hatred against the rohingyas or other
ethnic minorities. And I'm afraid that Facebook has now turned into a beast than
what it was originally intended to be used.”
Facebook was the main platform for sharing horrific content that incited
violence against the rohingyas. Mark Zuckerberg was asked about this in 2018,

and he said what is happening in Myanmar is a terrible tragedy and we need to

do more. It has done more to remove content and now it’s closed the military’s
pages after a coup, but this is the same military that attacked the rohingyas and
which continued to use Facebook . The point being in Myanmar Facebook
dominates how information is shared and decides who gets to share it. That's a
lot of responsibility for one company.

1. Pervasive – всюдисущий
2. The power to turn off those in power – право блокувати можновладців
3. Incite insurrection – підняти повстання
4. Rip apart the social fabric – розривати суспільство на частини
5. Commander-in-Chief – головнокомандувач
6. Community Standards – правила суспільства
7. Incitement of violence – підбурювання до насильства
8. Coordinate harm – організація протиправних дій
9. Launch a military coup – організувати військовий переворот
10.Data charges – плата за передачу даних
11.Grave crime – тяжкий злочин
12.Ransack – розграбувати

Ex. 1. (Level II) Whatch the given video, write down specific information with
interpreter’s note-taking, then interpret the text into your native tongue.
Memorise the glossary. Transcript:
Український всюдихід «Шторм» в ОАЕ
Він може і їхати і пливти. Це надсучасний броньований електромобіль
а ще всюдихід, здатний перевозити одразу два десятки пасажирів. Обидві
ці машини українського виробництва і вже викликали ажіотаж на
міжнародній Зброярській виставці в Абу-Дабі. Чим ще вражають українці,
Антон Страшко бачив на власні очі.

Серед усієї військової техніки на виставці в Обеднаних Арабських

Еміратах він ніби спорткар серед автомобілів середнього класу. Ось цей
броньовик Шторм родом із Києва має електродвигун і здатен плисти по
Він стоїть поруч з іншим броньованим транспортом, але увага глядачів
прикута саме до Шторма - роздивляються, запитують і звісно
Головний розробник броньовика - українець Олександр Кузнецов
розповідає: ідея створити гібридний всюдихід з'явилася кілька років тому.
- Я решил такую машину создать и мы хотели отправить ребятам, вот,
на фронт.
Створив прототип який навіть встиг протестувати в Україні і на суші і
на воді перепливав Дніпро. Далі почав шукати підтримки у держави і
спонсорів щоби почати серійне виробництво, утім бажанного не отримав і
подався до Об'єднаних Арабських Еміратів. Тут вдалося, уклав контракт и
менше ніж за півроку створив ось цей - перший гібридний всюдихід.
- И это гибридная машина, означает что у нее очень маленький расход
топлива, то есть он составляет всего максимум 16 литров в час. По
сравнению с другими боевыми единицами, то есть, с ее массой или более
массы, это начинается от 100 литров.
На його борту потужна електростанція - без зупинки Шторм може
їхати 18 годин.
- Она может быть и медицинской, она может быть грузовой, она может
быть снабжением, она может быть десантной, она может быть
А от футуристичний вигляд конструктор пояснює бойовою
необхідністю щоби під час обстрілу відбувався рикошет.
- Чтобы если снаряд попал в нее бронебойный до 12 мм, чтобы был
шанс что он отскочит.

Нині українець який перебрався до Еміратів має замовлення на більш

ніж 10 машин. Поруч зі Штормом є ще один всюдихід з українським
корінням ось цей Шерп, ви їх бачили вже неодноразово в наших сюжетах
про рятувальні операції в Карпатах або мандрівки по внедоріжжям
Чорнобиля але то були маленькі, 4-х колісні Шерпи, а цей має аж 10
коліс. Зроблений цей Шерп у Києві.
- Полностью все 10 колес находятся в постоянном приводе, на этой
машине можно перевозить до 4-х тонн груза, практически по воде, по
болотам, по тем поверхностям где невозможно, в принципе, ни пешком
пройти, ни чем переехать.
Щоправда якщо маленькими Шерпами активно користуються в Україні
то цей, який вміщує 22 пасажири поки купують закордонні компанії и
приватні особи.
- Машина сейчас находится в пользовании у Канье Уэста – у рэпера
американского, находится в компаниях по добыче нефтегаза в Канаде, в
Америке они используются.
Такий транспорт , кажуть інженері нерідко замінює гелікоптери там, де
неможливо пройти чи проїхати. В Україні зараз Шерпом навіть рятують
людей, цієї зими його використовують під час пошукових операцій у
Український ОборонПром на цій виставці озброєння представив
зокрема бронеавтомобіль Козак, танк Оплот, ракетні комплекси Вільха та
Нептун, ударник-безпілотник Сокіл 300, а ще ось цей БТР, Харківського
заводу. За 3 дні виставки Україна вже уклала 3 контракти з іншими
країнами на постачання зброї та запчастин. Із Абу-Дабі Антон Страшко та
Павло Бориско. ТСН. 1+1.

1. Надсучасний броньований електромобіль – state-of-art armored
electric car

2. Міжнародна Зброярська виставка – International Arms Exhibition

3. Серійне виробництво – mass production
4. Гібридний всюдихід – hybrid all-terrain vehicle
5. Головний розробник – lead developer
6. Маленький расход топлива – low fuel consumption rate
7. Грузовий автомобіль – cargo truck
8. Десантний автомобіль – assault vehicle
9. Бронебійний снаряд – armor-piercing round
10. Бойова необхідність - combat necessity
11. Рикошет - ricochet
12. Рятувальна операція - rescue mission
13. Пошукова операція - search operation
14. Мандрівка по бездоріжжю – drive off-road
15. Ракетний комплекс - missile system
16. Ударник-безпілотник - drone striker
17. 10 колес находятся в постоянном приводе – have permanent 10-wheel
drive system
18. БТР – APC (armored personnel carrier)

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