Questions of Exam 604

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Questions of Exam, “Phundamental of Physics”

(group 604.21E) – computer science

1. The ideal gas and kinetic Theory. The ideal gas Law.
2. The Maxwell distribution.
3. Barometric formula. Boltzmann distribution.
4. First law of thermodynamics and its application. Work in thermodynamics.
5. Internal energy and heat capacity of ideal gas.
6. The number of degrees of freedom of molecules. Equipartition theorem.
7. Adiabatic process.
8. Second law of thermodynamics. Carnot cycle.
9. Electric field. The electrostatic potential.
10. The electric field flux. Gauss' law.
11. Conductors and insulators. The capacitance of a single conductor. Capacitors.
12. Potential energy of a system of point charges. Energy of electric field. Energy density.
13. Direct current. Electromotive force. DC circuits. Ohm's law for an inhomogeneous
section of a circuits.
14. Kirchhoff's rules.
15. The magnetic force on a moving point charge. Lorentz’ force.
16. The Biot-Savart law.
17. The magnetic field of very long conductor with current.
18. The magnetic field of circular circuits.
19. The magnetic force on a conductor with current. Ampere’s force.
20. The Hall Effect.
21. Full current law. Ampere’s law.
22. Full current law application. The magnetic field of a solenoid with current.
23. The magnetic flux. Electromagnetic induction. Lenz' law.
24. Self-induction. Inductance. Solenoid inductance calculation.
25. Magnetic field energy.

26. Pressure. Hydrostatic Pressure.

27. Pascal’s Principle.
28. Archimedes’ Principle.
29. Streamlines and Equation of Continuity.
30. Bernoulli’s Equation.
31. Viscosity and Poiseuille’s Law.
32. Stokes’s Law.
33. Terminal Velocity.
34. Laminar and Turbulent Flow.

Topics of presentation
№ Students’ names Topics
1 Aslanzadə Məhəmməd 1. Solids. Types of deformations. Hooke's Law
2 Ağayeva Arzu 2. The law of gravity. Gravitational forces. Space velocity
3 Ağazadə Sevanə 3. Galileo's principle of relativity. Einstein's theory of
relativity. Lorentz transformations and its consequences.
4 Babayeva Aysel 4. Real gases. Joule-Thomson effect.
5 Bayramova Nəzrin 5. Macro and microstates. The statistical weight. Entropy.
The law of entropy increase.
6 Bədirov Hafiz 6. Phase equilibria and transformation. The phase diagram.
Critical state.
7 Cəfərov Elgün 7. Dielectrics. The polar and non-polar molecules. Related
charges. Polarization of dielectrics.
8 Dənziyev İlkin 8. Conductors. The equilibrium charges. The conductor in
an external electric field.
9 Fətullayev Tural 9.Semiconductors. Own and impurity conductivity of
semiconductors. The semiconductor diodes and transistors.
10 Hakimi Thuraya 10. Classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals.
Joule’s law.
11 Məmmədova Rəşidə 11. Accelerators of charged particles.
12 Qasımov Baloğlan 12. Frame rotation in a magnetic field. Eddy currents
(Foucault currents).
13 Quluzadə Firuzə 13. Mutual induction. Transformers.
14 Quluzadə Qasıməli 14. Free harmonic oscillations in an electric oscillatory
15 Sevdimli Jalə 28. Nuclear reactions and their main types.
16 Tərlanov Rəvan -

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