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1) I love how you see the best in me

2) I love how gorgeous you are even without your makeup (yes)
3) I love spending time with you
4) I love how you’re so passionate about music
5) I love how talented you are
6) I love how you make my heart flutter when you make those cute sounds
7) I love how you yassified me
8) I love the feeling of holding your hand or arm
9) I love how proud I am to be your boyfriend
10) I love how you accept me for me (being socially awkward and everything)
11) I love playing ML with you
12) I love how you and I both love ducks
13) I love how you’d still say I’m cute or handsome despite looking like a trash LOL
14) I love your cuddles (I wish we had more)
15) I love how you put in the effort to befriend my close friends
16) I love you for introducing me to your favorite music I never would have heard
17) I love you for choosing me despite having better options elsewhere
18) I love you because you allow me to be goofy around you
19) I love the face you make right before you sleep (your telebubbles; cute)
20) I love you for because you’ve made my life so much better by being in it
21) I love how you named me as “mi amour”, with a little heart, in your contacts
22) I love you for always being there for me
23) I love how you’d post cute things about me on your CFL
24) I love how you make me feel so loved everyday
25) I love how you tolerate my “sick” dancing moves (uncle Raymond *cough*)
26) I love you because you make great cookies
27) I love how much effort you put into dressing up

28) I love how you look with your specs 😊

29) I love how supportive you are for your friends
30) I love you because there’s no one else like you in the world
31) I love how we’d say goodnights and goodmornings everyday
32) I love how you introduced me to all your ducks
33) I love how smart you are

34) I love how we call each other love, babe and even bro… 😊
35) I love watching barbie movies with you (let’s watch it again)
36) I love you for your voice because it warms my heart every time I hear it
37) I love how proud you are for being my girlfriend
38) I love to make or buy things for you, then see your reactions afterwards
39) I love how we’d call each other on discord every night even if you’re tired
40) I love the way you ruffle my hair
41) I love getting hugged by you
42) I love how happy I am when I’m with you
43) I love kissing you
44) I love how you’d never give up on your students
45) I love how you’d make me do things that I’d never would have done (like what I’m doing now)
46) I love your “essay” and long messages
47) I love how thoughtful you are to your friends (making cards for your friends, and even Kehui)
48) I love sending you home
49) I love how you’d rest on my shoulder when you’re falling asleep

50) I love the way we met, from online strangers to online friends, to friends in real life, and to now 😊

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