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Higher Institute for Engineering

and Technology - Kafr Elsheikh

Graduation project

Enhancement of Wireless
Communications Using MIMO
and RIS Technologies
Submitted in the fulfillment requirements for the award of
degree of bachelor of Electronic and Electrical Communication

Prepared By:
Ibrahim Mohamed Abouelenen Ebrahim Mohamed Esa
Eslam Mohammed Bakr Tarek Ezzat Gaballah
Abd Elrahman Refat Abbasy

Supervised by:
Dr. Ibrahim Zewail
Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, Higher Institute
of Engineering and Technology, Kafr El-Shiekh, Egypt

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First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His
showers of blessings throughout our graduation project work to complete
the mission successfully.

We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our project
supervisor, Dr. Ibrahim Zewail for giving us the opportunity to do the
project and providing invaluable guidance throughout this project. His
dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired us. He
has taught us the methodology to carry out the project and to present the
project works as clearly as possible. It was a great privilege and honor to
work and study under his guidance. We are extremely grateful for what
he has offered us.

We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring and
sacrifices for educating and preparing us for our future.

We would like to say thanks to our friends and colleagues, for their
constant encouragement. We express our special thanks teaching
Assistants for their genuine support throughout this project work.

We thank the management of H.I.E.T Institute of Engineering and

Technology (Kafr Elshiekh) for their support to do this work.

Finally, we thanks go to all the people who have supported us to complete

the research work directly or indirectly.

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With every generation of communications technology, the focus of the
network changes. The 2G and 3G eras centered on human-to-human
communication through voice and text. 4G heralded a fundamental shift
to the massive consumption of data, while the 5G era has turned its focus
on connecting the Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial automation
systems. In the 6G era, the digital, physical and human world will
seamlessly fuse to trigger extrasensory experiences. Intelligent knowledge
systems will be combined with robust computation capabilities to make
humans endlessly more efficient and redefine how we live, work and take
care of the planet. Even though there is still a lot of innovation in 5G with
the 5G-Advanced release of new standards, Nokia Bell Labs has already
begun the research work on 6G to make it commercially available by
2030. And we present the prospects of using a Reconfigurable Intelligent
Surface (RIS) to aid wireless communication systems have recently
received much attention from academia and industry. Most papers make
theoretical studies based on elementary models, while the prototyping of
RIS aided wireless communication and real-world field trials are scarce.
In this paper, we describe a new RIS prototype working at 2.4 GHz band.

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Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................................... 4
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 5
List of Figures.................................................................................................................................. 8
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. 11
List of symbols .............................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Preamble ............................................................................................................................. 14
1.2 Background of the Problem .................................................................................................. 14
1.3 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................... 15
1.4 Objectives of the Project ...................................................................................................... 15
1.5 Scope of the Project ............................................................................................................. 16
1.6 Significance of the Project .................................................................................................... 16
1.7 Organization of the project report......................................................................................... 18
Chapter 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 19
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 20
2.2 Literature Review for MIMO............................................................................................ 20
2.2.1 Four-Port Wide-Band Cavity-Backed Antenna with Isolating X-Shaped Block for Sub-6 GHz
5G Indoor Base Stations ......................................................................................................... 20
2.2.2 16-ports indoor base station MIMO array for sub-6 GHz 5G applications .................... 25
2.2.3 Sub-6 GHz Dual-Band 8×8 MIMO Antenna for 5G Smartphones ........................................ 31
2.2.4 Multiband 10-Antenna Array for Sub-6 GHz MIMO Applications in 5-G Smartphones......... 33
2.2.5 Wideband MIMO Antenna System for Sub-6 GHz Cell Phone ............................................ 38
2.2.6 Eight-Element Dual-Band MIMO Antenna System for Sub-6 GHz 5G Smartphone
Applications........................................................................................................................... 39
2.3 Literature Review for RIS................................................................................................. 41
2.3.1 Design and application of a reflective programmable meta surface element in C Band 41
2.3.2 RIS-Aided Wireless Communications: Prototyping, Adaptive Beamforming, and
Indoor/Outdoor Field Trials .................................................................................................... 43
2.3.3 Design and Evaluation of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Real-World Environment
2.3.4 High-Resolution Programmable Scattering for Wireless Coverage Enhancement: An
Indoor Field Trial Campaign .................................................................................................... 49
Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 52
3.1 Introduction:........................................................................................................................ 53

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3.2 MIMO system ...................................................................................................................... 53
3.2.1 SISO (Single Input Single Output) .................................................................................... 53
3.2.2 SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output) ............................................................................... 54
3.2.3 MISO (Multiple Input Single Output) ............................................................................... 55
3.2.4 MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) .......................................................................... 56
3.3 Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface......................................................................................... 58
3.4 Concept, Principle, and Composition of RIS............................................................................ 59
3.5 Operation Mode of RIS ......................................................................................................... 61
3.5.1 Wavefront manipulation ................................................................................................ 61
3.5.2 Information modulation ................................................................................................. 62
3.6 RIS Resource Allocation Examples and General Formulation: .................................................. 63
3.6.1 Phase shift models ......................................................................................................... 65
3.7 Review on Optimization Methods under Continuous Phase Shift ............................................ 67
3.8 RIS Project Methodology: ..................................................................................................... 68
Chapter 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 69
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 70
4.2 Proposed Antenna Array Design ...................................................................................... 70
4.2.1 Array Structure .............................................................................................................. 70
4.2.2 Antenna Element........................................................................................................... 72
4.3 Antenna prototype and measurement results........................................................................ 73
4.3.1Antenna fabrication ........................................................................................................ 73
4.3.2 Reflection coefficients.................................................................................................... 73
4.4 Results and Discussion.......................................................................................................... 77
4.4.1 S Parameters ................................................................................................................. 77
4.4.2 Radiation Performances ................................................................................................. 79
4.4.3 MIMO Performances ............................................................................................... 84
4.5 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 85
Chapter 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 86
5.1 Proposed Antenna Array Design............................................................................................ 87
5.1.1 Array Structure .............................................................................................................. 87
5.1.2 Antenna Element........................................................................................................... 88
5.2 Antenna Prototype and Measurement results........................................................................ 93
5.2.1 Antenna Fabrication....................................................................................................... 93
5.2.2 Isolations and ECCs ........................................................................................................ 95
5.2.3 Total Antenna Efficiency................................................................................................. 97
5.2.4 RADIATION PERFORMANCES .......................................................................................... 97

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5.3 Performance comparison ....................................................................................................103
5.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................105
Chapter 6 .....................................................................................................................................106
6.1 Proposed Antenna Array Design...........................................................................................107
6.1.1 Array Structure .............................................................................................................107
6.1.2 Antenna Element..........................................................................................................109
6.2 Antenna Prototype and Measurement results.......................................................................115
6.2.1 Antenna Fabrication......................................................................................................115
6.2.2 Reflection Coefficients ..................................................................................................115
6.2.3 Isolations and ECCs .......................................................................................................119
6.2.4 Antenna Efficiency ........................................................................................................121
6.2.5 RADIATION PERFORMANCES .........................................................................................122
6.3 Performance comparison ....................................................................................................127
6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................128
Chapter 7 .....................................................................................................................................129
7.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................130
7.2 Proposed RIS Design............................................................................................................131
7.2.1 Reflective Element Design .............................................................................................131
7.3 RIS controller ......................................................................................................................137
7.3.1 Control Method............................................................................................................138

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List of Figures

Figure 1-1 RIS-embedded smart infrastructures for future 6G .......................................................... 15

Figure 2-1 a) T-shaped monopole; b) Initial design with the squared................................................ 21
Figure 2-2 S-Parameters of the initial design, where S21 = S41 and .................................................. 22
Figure 2-3 S-parameters of the final design. Due to the design symmetry, S21 = S41 ......................... 23
Figure 2-4 Total Efficiency (red-left axis) and Gain (blue-right axis) of port P1. Grey area (operating
band 1.55-6 GHz). ......................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 2-5 Simulated (solid) and Measured (dashed) radiation pattern when Port P3 is excited. Plane θ
= 0 ◦ (blue) and θ = 90◦ (red) at: a) f = 1.6 GHz, b) 3 GHz, c) 4.5 GHz and d) 6 GHz .............................. 24
Figure 2-6 Geometry and dimensions of the proposed indoor 16- BS MIMO array. a Top view and b
Detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures.............................................. 26
Figure 2-7 a Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 1 at 5.25 GHz ......................................... 27
Figure 2-8 Detailed structure of the BS antenna element................................................................. 27
Figure 2-9 Simulated S-parameters Transmission coefficients .......................................................... 28
Figure 2-10 Measured S-parameters. a Reflection coefficient, b Isolation (for Ants 1, 2 and 3) ........... 29
Figure 2-11 Simulated total efficiency of the proposed system.......................................................... 30
Figure 2-12Geometry and dimensions of the proposed 8×8 MIMO and detailed dimensions of a single
antenna element with neutral line ................................................................................................. 32
Figure 2-13 Simulated versus measured results for the orthogonal mode pair, Ant1- Ant2. (a) |Sii|. (b)
|Sij |............................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 2-14 The effects of the model on the S-parameters of ant1-ant2 are shown in Figs. the antenna
covers well both bands with isolation better than 12.5 dB. .............................................................. 32
Figure 2-15 Geometry and dimensions of the proposed MIMO antenna array. (a) Overall structure. (b)
Detailed structure of the slot antenna element (Ant 1). ................................................................... 34
Figure 2-16 Simulated S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients. (b) Transmission coefficients. ......... 35
Figure 2-17Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients, ....................................................... 36
Figure 2-18Measured total efficiencies for Ants 1 through 5 ............................................................ 37
Figure 2-19Measured ECC values.................................................................................................... 37
Figure 2-20The perspective view of the proposed MIMO system...................................................... 38
Figure 2-21 The configuration of the dual-band 8 x 8 MIMO antenna (a) broad view (b) side view and
(c) single antenna unit. .................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 2-22 Structure of the unit cell and the simulated setup.......................................................... 41
Figure 2-23(a) The equivalent circuit model for the varactor diode (b) reflection phase of the proposed
element under different Cv ............................................................................................................ 42
Figure 2-24 Reflection phase and amplitude verus the capacitance Cv at 5GHz ................................. 42
Figure 2-25 Structure of a RIS element............................................................................................ 44
Figure 2-26 The equivalent circuit description of the varactor diode................................................. 45
Figure 2-27 The phase response of the RIS element under different voltages from 0 to 19 V .............. 45
Figure 2-28 Layout of the RIS unit cell ............................................................................................. 47
Figure 2-29 The layout of the 160-element (16 x 10) antenna array used in the proposed RIS. ........... 48
Figure 2-30 (a) Reflection Phase Response. (b) Reflection Magnitude Response ................................ 48
Figure 2-31 Multi-bit unit cell design .............................................................................................. 49
Figure 2-32 Simulated (dashed curves) and measured (solid curves) reflection response for 8 digital
states ........................................................................................................................................... 51

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Figure 3-1 Block diagram of SISO .................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3-2 Block diagram of SIMO................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3-3 Block diagram of MISO................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3-4 Block diagram of MIMO ................................................................................................. 56
Figure 3-5 RIS enabled non-line-of-sight (NLOS) transmission........................................................... 59
Figure 3-6 (a) Conceptional illustration of RIS (1-bit digital coding meta-surface).(b) Geometry and
reflection phase spectra of the RIS element. (c) Working flow of RIS with digital logic devices. .......... 61
Figure 3-7 (a) Secure beamforming for MISO systems. (b) MISO uplink communication networks. (c)
Computation offloading in IoT networks. ........................................................................................ 64
Figure 3-8 (a) Total network cost versus the number of users under the number of BS antennas RIS. (b)
Average computation time versus the number of reflecting elements when N = 10. .......................... 67
Figure 4-1Geometry and dimensions of the proposed mobile 14-element MIMO array. (a) Top view
and (b) Detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures (c) It shows the shape of
the antenna with the ground ......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 4-2 Detailed structure of the mobile antenna element .......................................................... 72
Figure 4-3 Simulated S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients and (b) Transmission coefficient......... 74
Figure 4-4 Main antenna element (a) efficiency at antenna 8 (b) efficiency at antenna 1 ................... 75
Figure 4-5 a, b Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 1 at 5.6 GHz c, d Simulated surface
current distributions of Ant 8 at 3.5 GHz ......................................................................................... 75
Figure 4-6 Photograph of the fabricated prototype mobile 14-element MIMO array. (a, b) Front view
(c, d) Back view ............................................................................................................................. 76
Figure 4-7Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficient, (b, c, d) Isolation (for Ants 1, 2 ,3,4,5,6
and 7). .......................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 4-8 Total efficiencies of the 5G MIMO antennas. ................................................................... 79
Figure 4-9 Simulated radiation patterns of the proosed 14 port MIMO array at resonant frequency.. 80
Figure 4-10 Simulated radiation patterns of the proposed 14 port MIMO array at resonant............... 81
Figure 4-11 Simulated 3D radiation patterns ................................................................................... 82
Figure 4-12Simulated 3D radiation patterns,................................................................................... 83
Figure 4-13Simulated envelope correlation coefficient (ECC). .......................................................... 84
Figure 5-1Geometry and dimensions of the proposed indoor 20- BS MIMO array. (a) Top view. and (b)
detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures. ............................................. 88
Figure 5-2Figure 2: (a),(b) detailed structure of the BS antenna element .......................................... 89
Figure 5-3 (a), (b) Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 1 at 3.572 GHz ............................... 90
Figure 5-4 Simulated S-parameters. (a),(b) Reflection coefficients and (c),(d) transmission coefficients
.................................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 5-5 photograph of the fabricated prototype indoor BS 16-element MIMO array. (a) front view
(b) back view................................................................................................................................. 93
Figure 5-6 Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients, (b) isolation (Ants 1, 2 and 3) ........... 95
Figure 5-7 Simulated envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) using S-Parameter................................ 96
Figure 5-8 Simulated total efficiency of the proposed system........................................................... 97
Figure 6-1Geometry and dimensions of the proposed indoor 22- BS MIMO array. (a),(c) Top view and
(b),(d) detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures ...................................109
Figure 6-2 (a),(b) detailed structure of the BS antenna element ......................................................111
Figure 6-3 (a), (b) Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 1 at 4.435 GHz ..............................112
Figure 6-4 Simulated S-parameters. (a),(b) Reflection coefficients and (c),(d) transmission coefficients
Figure 6-5 photograph of the fabricated prototype indoor BS 22-element MIMO array. (a) front view
(b),(c) back view (d) elevation......................................................................................................117

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Figure 6-6 Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients- (b),(c) isolation (Ants 1:9 and19:20) .119
Figure 6-7 Simulated envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) using S-Parameter ..............................120
Figure 6-8 Simulated total efficiency of the proposed 22 port BS MIMO structure............................122
Figure 6-9 the simulated 3D radiation pattern for each Ant at its resonant frequency.........................124
Figure 6-10 the simulated E-plane and H-plane radiation pattern for each Ant at its resonant frequency
Figure 7-1The topology of an RIS element. Each element contains two varactor diodes, and the
parameters are marked in the figure. ............................................................................................132
Figure 7-2. An equivalent circuit description of the varactor diode. It can be modeled as a series RLC
circuit. .........................................................................................................................................133
Figure 7-3 .The simulated reflection amplitude and phase response of the RIS element under different
voltages from 0 to 19 V. This region represents the range where the maximum phase difference is larger
than 180 degrees. The orange region will be used for. .....................................................................136
Figure 7-4 (1The simulated reflection amplitude and phase response of the RIS element under
different voltages from 0 to 19 V. This region represents the range where the maximum phase
difference is larger than 180 degrees. The orange region will be used for communications in
the field trials 137
Figure 7-5 The simulated reflection amplitude and phase response of the RIS element under different
voltages from 0 to 19 V. This region represents the range where the maximum phase difference is larger
than 180 degrees. The orange region will be used for . .....................................................................138
Figure 7-6 The top view of fabricated 20 × 20 RIS, each element capable of 1-bit phase shifting. (b) The
Perspective view of fabricated 10 × 10 RIS ....................................................................................140

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List of Tables
Table 0-1 Description of mentioned notations................................................................................. 12
Table 2-1Dimensions of the initial design (unit: mm). ...................................................................... 21
Table 2-3 Slot parameters of each antenna element .......................................................................... 34
Table 2-4 THE STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF AN RIS ELEMENT........................................................ 43
Table 2-5 The equivalent circuit parameters of the varactor diode ................................................... 44
Table 2-6 Dimensions for multi-bit unit cell ..................................................................................... 50
Table 3-1Comparison of SISO, SIMO, MISO & MIMO........................................................................ 57
Table 3-2 Comparison of optimization methods for continuous phase shift RIS ................................. 67
Table 4-1 Dimension of system....................................................................................................... 71
Table 4-2 Dimensions of one element............................................................................................. 72
Table 5-1 performance comparison between the proposed array and other previous work ..............104
Table 6-1 performance comparison between the proposed array and other previous work..................127
Table 7-1 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PARAMETERS OF VARACTOR DIODE .............................134

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List of symbols

Notation Description
M number of reflecting elements in RIS
K number of users
e vector of RIS coefficients
βm amplitude for RIS’s mth reflecting element
θm phase shift for RIS’s mth reflecting element
Pk limited transmission power
ℱ the feasible set of RIS coefficients
Table 0-1 Description of mentioned notations

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Chapter 1


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1.1 Preamble

This chapter presents an introduction about the project where the

background of the problem in Sec. 1.2. while Sec. 1.3 and 1.4 show the
problem statement and objectives, respectively. Finally, the scope of the
project and the organization of the project are demonstrated in Sec 1.5 and

1.2 Background of the Problem

Fifth-generation wireless technologies, such as massive multiple-input

multiple-output (MIMO), millimetre wave (mmWave) communication,
and ultra-dense networks, was expected to boost data rates into an
unprecedented level. Yet, those technologies rely on the postulate that the
wireless channel is uncontrollable, and hence its detrimental effect can be
mainly compensated by sophisticated transmission and reception
schemes. So, the effect of these problems will be aggravated in the 6G
with the THz and mmWave propagation characteristics and will require
innovative solutions. The controllable and programmable radio.
environments can unleash the full potential of future 6G networks. In this
respect, RISs have emerged as a promising greener physical layer
technology for reconfiguring the propagation environment and providing
supplementary links to assist transmissions, thereby improving both the
QoS and radio connectivity. With passive reflecting elements, a typical
RIS reflects the signals independently using controllable phase shifts and
enables directional signal enhancement or nulling. Through intelligent
placement and passive beamforming, RIS provides extraordinary benefits
to the 6G wireless paradigm, including signal boosting, interference
suppression, secure transmission, and wireless information and power

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Figure 1-1 RIS-embedded smart infrastructures for future 6G

1.3 Statement of the Problem

To design and implement a communication system consist of
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) and indoor base station MIMO

1.4 Objectives of the Project

The objectives of this project are as follows:

1. To identify the system components and hardware architectures of

the Intelligent reflecting surfaces.

2. To design an Intelligent reflecting surface at 2.4GHz.

3. To design a control circuit for Intelligent Reflecting Surface.

4. To Build an algorithm to optimize the phase shift coefficients, for


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1.5 Scope of the Project

In light of the rapid development of technology that keeps pace with

our current time, we started to focus on the technology of the RIS and

where the scope of our project is to design a full part of RIS unit cell and
Full control automatically at any time and everywhere.

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) aided wireless communications

is a hot research topic in academic and industry communities since it can
enhance both the spectrum and energy efficiency of wireless systems by
artificially reconfiguring the wireless propagation environment.
Furthermore, since RIS is a complementary device, it can be readily
integrated into current wireless networks (both cellular network and
WIFI) without many standardizations’ modifications.

Due to these appealing advantages, RIS-aided wireless communications

is envisioned to be a revolutionary technique, and one of the key
technologies for the sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks.

1.6 Significance of the Project

Following are the benefits or advantages of Reconfigurable Intelligent

1. Wireless subscribers or mobile phones which are behind any blockage

are not served by Base Station or eNB directly. RIS with N elements

serves these blocked subscribers by varying the channel.

2. Meta surfaces outperform SISO (Single Input Single Output) system

with same distance.

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3. It offers better beamforming gain compare to massive MIMO. The

received power is increased by factor 'N' in massive MIMO where as it

is increased by factor 'N2' in RIS.

4. It enhances spectrum efficiency by providing extra spatial diversity


5. It extends network coverage or BS (Base Station) coverage by serving

cell edge users or subscribers.

6. It improves energy efficiency as RIS does not require energy hungry

hardware. It offers low energy consumption which is better than relay,

massive MIMO and backscatter technologies.

7. It uses low-cost passive reflecting elements. It does not require

ADC/DAC and amplifier devices as used in classical relay. Hence

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces are available at affordable cost.

8. It is hard to design and build conventional arrays for operation above

100 GHz. RIS can address this issue.

9. It is easy to implement, flexible to deploy and extend.

10. RIS integrates large number of antenna elements in compact space.

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1.7 Organization of the project report

Chapter 1: presents brief introduction about the project and statement of

the project problem, objectives, scope and significance.

Chapter 2: discusses the previous work which is related to the Intelligent

reflecting surface.

Chapter 3: describes the phases of developing in the project and the

proposed system block diagram and explain each block shortly.

Chapter 4: Design of 14 × 14 Massive MIMO Array in Sub-6 GHz Smart


Chapter 5: 20-ports Indoor Base Station MIMO Array for Sub-6 GHz.

Chapter 6: 22-ports Indoor Base Station MIMO Array for Sub-6 GHz.

Chapter 7: Design of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS)

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Chapter 2

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2.1 Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of our research on wireless

communication and technologies. It introduces the framework for the case
study that comprises the main focus of the research described in this thesis.

2.2 Literature Review for MIMO

2.2.1 Four-Port Wide-Band Cavity-Backed Antenna with
Isolating X-Shaped Block for Sub-6 GHz 5G Indoor Base
The antenna is composed of a square open cavity with an X-shaped
isolating block and 4 feeding monopoles symmetrically and orthogonally
arranged in the aperture of the cavity. As a result of this analysis, an X-
shaped isolating block placed at the center of the cavity is proposed for
increasing the isolation between ports. A wide-band four-port antenna
with unidirectional radiation patterns is obtained with a measured
impedance bandwidth (S11<-10 dB) ranging from 1.55 to 6 GHz (118%),
covering most of the sub-6 GHz 5G bands. The proposed antenna provides
four independent radiation patterns, with 16 dB of measured minimum
isolation between ports and an efficiency higher than 84%. Multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) compatibility is confirmed with a 4 x 4 MIMO
simulated system with an envelope correlation coefficient (ECC)<0.5 in
different propagation conditions. The antenna is easy to fabricate and
presents a compact size of 129.5 × 129.5×28.2 mm³ (0.682x0.682×0.152,
at a frequency f = fmin = 1.55 GHz). Moreover, the antenna has the
advantage of avoiding complex feeding structures with baluns or
directional couplers.

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Table 2-1Dimensions of the initial design (unit: mm).

Figure 2-1 a) T-shaped monopole; b) Initial design with the squared

As shown in Fig. 1(b), the first element is a squared cavity that may
exhibit unidirectional and wide-band behavior if properly excited. Taking
advantage of the symmetry of this cavity, 4 independent feeding elements
are placed in a symmetric and orthogonal arrangement in the middle of the
four edges at the top aperture of the cavity (see Fig. 1(b)). A wide-band
excitation is necessary to attain a wide-band operation of the cavity.
Therefore, T-shaped planar monopoles (shown in Fig. 1(a)) have been
chosen for the design, since they are easy to construct and they present
large impedance bandwidth.

21 | P a g e
Figure 2-2 S-Parameters of the initial design, where S21 = S41 and

Fig. 2.2 shows the simulated S-parameters of this initial antenna. As

observed, this cavity is a promising four-port wide-band solution with the
drawback of low isolation between ports, specially between adjacent ports
P1 and P2 at 1.35-2 GHz (see red area and S21 in Fig. 2.2). This isolation
is not high enough for the antenna to be installed in an indoor base station.
Consequently, a modal analysis using TCM is going to be performed next,
in order to get insight into the reason for the high coupling between ports
and overcome the problem. Notice that the minimum matched frequency
is fmin = 1.55 GHz, hence the analysis will be focused at 1.55-2 GHz,
which is the band with coupling issues in the operating impedance

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Figure 2-3 S-parameters of the final design. Due to the design symmetry, S21 = S41

Fig. 2.3 presents the simulated (solid curves) and measured (dashed
curves) S-parameters of the final design. And Fig 2.4 presents the
simulated and measured total efficiency curves where total efficiency
values are higher than 84% for simulated results and higher than 81% for

Figure 2-4 Total Efficiency (red-left axis) and Gain (blue-right axis) of port P1. Grey area (operating band 1.55-6

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Fig. 2.5 depicts measured and simulated radiation patterns in XZ plane.
At low frequencies, the radiation pattern presents a single lobe and as the
frequency increases, side lobes appear.

Figure 2-5 Simulated (solid) and Measured (dashed) radiation pattern when Port P3 is excited. Plane θ = 0 ◦ (blue) and θ
= 90◦ (red) at: a) f = 1.6 GHz, b) 3 GHz, c) 4.5 GHz and d) 6 GHz

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2.2.2 16-ports indoor base station MIMO array for sub-6
GHz 5G applications

A typical 5G multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system must

combine a high number of antennas at both the transmitter and receiver to
realize spatial multiplexing capability. In this paper, a wideband 16-
element indoor base station (BS) antenna array that can cover 3.3–6.0
GHz is proposed for 5G applications. A π-shaped monopole antenna is
designed to cover the Lower band (LTE bands 42/43–N77–N78), the
intermediate band (N79), and the higher band (LTE 46). The antenna
elements are arranged in a limited space printed on a substrate take the
Hexakaidecagon Polygon shape. As the antenna elements are arranged
with good isolation, achieving good polarization diversity. The proposed
BS array is simulated, fabricated, and tested. The typical results, S-
parameters, antenna efficiency, and radiation patterns are investigated.
Moreover, to validate the MIMO performances, a very low envelope
correlation coefficient (ECC) below 0.02, high antenna efficiency of
about 82–93.2% are achieved. The calculated ergodic channel capacity of
the 16 × 16 MIMO system reached up to 85 bps/Hz. The proposed antenna
array was compared to some other 5G MIMO indoor base station
antennas. As this design is made up of four T-shaped monopoles that are
grouped in an orthogonal and symmetrical pattern. The BS antenna array
consists of eight isolated MIMO antennas that cover a frequency range of
3.4–7.1 GHz.

A 16-element BS MIMO antenna array is presented. As shown in Fig. 2.6,

the system circuit board (substrate) is a Hexakaidecagon Polygon shape
fabricated from FR4 material (with relative permittivity 4.4 and loss
tangent 0.02). The FR4 substrate has a dimension of 140 m × 140 mm ×
1.5 mm.

25 | P a g e
Figure 2-6 Geometry and dimensions of the proposed indoor 16- BS MIMO array. a Top
view and b Detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures

Fig. 2.7 illustrates the simulated surface current distribution of a single

antenna element at 5.25 GHz. The current distribution is shown to have a
peak value at the antenna’s line and a null at the antenna element’s
margins. Also, the current distribution is shown to be dispersed around the
slot. The resonance frequency is considered as the fundamental mode
generated by the antenna shape and the slot.

26 | P a g e
Figure 2-7 a Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 1 at 5.25 GHz

The structure and dimension of the BS antenna element are shown in

Fig. 2.8. A conventional multi-branch monopole is used as the BS antenna
element, fed with a 50 Ω micro strip line. The antenna track is formed to
produce a new π-shaped. The various radiators’ resonant modes can be
coupled to cover a frequency range of 3.3–6 GHz.

Figure 2-8 Detailed structure of the BS antenna element

The simulated S-parameters (reflection coefficients and transmission

coefficients) are shown in Fig. 2.9. Only the reflection coefficients of Ants
1–3 are presented due to the symmetry of the array structure. As it
represents. In Fig. 2.9b, the isolations between any two non-adjacent
antennas are acceptable (> 17.5 dB), This is due to sufficient separation
between the antenna elements, where the simulated S31 is even lower than
27 | P a g e
− 16 dB, − 15 dB, and − 17.5 dB, through (LTE bands 42/43–N77–N78),
N79, and LTE 46 respectively. Also, the isolations between two
neighboring antennas are provided. Where S21 and S32 are symmetric and
lower than − 12.57 dB, − 12.5 dB, and − 12.29 dB, (LTE bands 42/43–
N77–N78), N79, and LTE 46 respectively. This behavior is reasonable
because the angle between any two adjacent antenna elements is 22.5°
which yields polarization with angle and thus achieves the feature of dual-

Figure 2-9 Simulated S-parameters Transmission coefficients

28 | P a g e
Fig. 2.10a shows that the proposed BS antenna array may operate in the
ultra-wideband range of 3.3–6 GHz with a return loss of more than 6 dB
of 49% (3.75–6 GHz), 70% (3.75–7 GHz) and 57% (3.3–5.925 GHz) for
S11, S22, and S33 respectively. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 2.10b the
proposed isolation for S21 and S32 of more than 15 dB and 12.7 dB
through the lower band and higher band respectively.

Figure 2-10 M easured S-parameters. a Reflection coefficient, b Isolation (for Ants 1, 2 and 3)

29 | P a g e
Fig. 8, the efficiencies for all antenna elements are near each other.
Where the efficiency in the lower band (LTE bands 42/43–N77–N78)
ranges from 89% to 93.2% and in the intermediate band (N79) ranges from
88.2% to 92.1%, and in the higher band (LTE 46) ranges from 82% to

Figure 2-11 Simulated total efficiency of the proposed system

30 | P a g e
2.2.3 Sub-6 GHz Dual-Band 8×8 MIMO Antenna for 5G
In this letter, a dual-band 8×8 MIMO antenna that operates in the sub-6
GHz spectrum for future 5G multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
smartphone applications are presented. The design consists of a fully
grounded plane with closely spaced orthogonal pairs of antennas placed
symmetrically along the long edges and on the corners of the smartphone.
The orthogonal pairs are connected by a 7.8 mm short neutral line for
mutual coupling reduction at both bands. Each antenna element consists
of a folded monopole with dimensions 17.85×5 mm2 and can operate in
3100-3850 MHz for the low band and 4800-6000 MHz for the high band
(|S11| < -10 dB). The fabricated antenna prototype is tested and offers
good performance in terms of Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC),
Mean Effective Gain (MEG), total efficiency and channel capacity.
Finally, the user effects on the antenna and the Specific Absorption Rate
(SAR) are also presented. The detailed dimensions of the proposed MIMO
antenna. The size of the system ground plane is 70 mm×150 mm, typical
for the dimensions of a 5.3-inch handset. The substrate used for the
antenna is FR-4 with dielectric constant of 4.3, loss tangent of 0.025. An
FR-4 loop frame with thickness of 0.8 mm and height of 6 mm is found on
the edges of the ground plane and the antenna elements are located on the
outside surface of the loop frame.



31 | P a g e
Figure 2-12Geometry and dimensions of the proposed 8×8 MIMO and detailed dimensions
of a single antenna element with neutral line

Figure 2-13 Simulated versus measured results for the orthogonal mode pair, Ant1-
Ant2. (a) |Sii|. (b) |Sij |.

Total efficiency is calculated using the S-parameters in equations (2)

and (3). As shown in Fig. the antenna efficiency has been calculated for
ant1, ant2. The measured efficiency at the LB and HB considering any
mismatch and coupling losses is 65%-75% and 60%-71% respectively.

Figure 2-14 The effects of the model on the S-parameters of ant1-ant2 are
shown in Figs. the antenna covers well both bands with isolation better than
32 | P a g e 12.5 dB.
2.2.4 Multiband 10-Antenna Array for Sub-6 GHz MIMO
Applications in 5-G Smartphones

A multi-band 10-antenna array working at the sub-6-GHz spectrum

(LTE bands 42/43 and LTE band 46) for massive multiple-input multiple-
output (MIMO) applications in future 5G smartphones is proposed. To
realize 10 × 10 MIMO applications in three LTE bands, 10 T-shaped
coupled-fed slot antenna elements that can excite dual resonant modes are
integrated into a system circuit board. Spatial and polarization diversity
techniques are implemented on these elements so that the improved
isolation and mitigated coupling effects can be achieved. The proposed
antenna array was manufactured and experimentally measured. Desirable
antenna efficiencies of higher than 42% and 62% were measured in the
low band and high band, respectively. Vital results, such as the envelope
correlation coefficient, channel capacity, and mean effective gain ratio,
have also been computed and analyzed. The calculated ergodic channel
capacities of the 10 × 10 MIMO system working in the LTE bands 42/43
and LTE band 46 reached up to 48 and 51.4 b/s/Hz, respectively. The
substrate used for the antenna is FR-4 (relative permittivity = 4.4 and loss
tangent = 0.02). The substrate has a typical size of 150 mm × 80 mm × 0.8
mm, which is compatible with a 5.7-inch smartphone. In this design, each
antenna element can fully cover the 3400–3800 MHz band and 5150–5925
MHz band, which are the combination of the uplink and downlink
frequency ranges of the LTE bands 42, 43 and 46. Fig. 2.15 presents
geometry and dimensions of the proposed MIMO antenna. And Table 2.3
shows slot parameters of each antenna element.

33 | P a g e
Figure 2-15 Geometry and dimensions of the proposed MIMO antenna array. (a) Overall
structure. (b) Detailed structure of the slot antenna element (Ant 1).

Table 2-3 Slot parameters of each antenna element

34 | P a g e
Figure 2-16 Simulated S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients. (b) Transmission coefficients.

The simulated S-parameters (reflection coefficients and transmission

coefficients) of the proposed MIMO antenna array are addressed in Fig.
2.16, also measured S-parameters presents in Fig. 2.17.

35 | P a g e
Figure 2-17Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients,

Total efficiencies of Ants 1 through 5. The measured antenna

efficiencies across the low and high bands were 42%–65% and 62%–82%,
respectively. In the low band, the two HAs (Ants 1 and 5) yielded the
worse radiation performances, because of higher coupling losses. In
general, the obtained antenna efficiencies are still better than 40% and
60%, respectively, in both bands, which are desirable for achieving low-
capacity loss.

36 | P a g e
Figure 2-18Measured total efficiencies for Ants 1 through 5

The results of the ECC are given in Fig. 14. It is seen that the calculated
ECCs were less than 0.15 and 0.05, respectively, across the low and high

Figure 2-19Measured ECC values.

37 | P a g e
2.2.5 Wideband MIMO Antenna System for Sub-6 GHz Cell

In this paper, a novel MIMO antenna system is proposed and studied

for the application of 5G cell phone in the Sub-6 GHz frequency band. The
configuration of the designed antenna consists of four resonators operating
at the Sub-6 GHz 5G band. Each antenna element is composed of a planar-
inverted F antenna (PIFA), a monopole antenna and a slot by defected
ground structure (GDS). These four compact resonators are located in four
corners, representing a smartphone board in practice. All radiating
elements are etched on a low-cost FR4 substrate (sy=4.4 and loss tangent
0.02) with an overall size of 150x75x7 mm3. Under the impedance
matching (Sii < -10dB) of 3.3-5.8 GHz, the designed MIMO antenna has
good total efficiency of 55%-87%, sufficient maximum gain of 3.5-6.0 dBi
and ports isolation < -15dB. The bandwidth of the presented antenna
covers Sub-6 GHz 5G band of some current research hotspots including
n77(3.3-4.2GHz), n78(3.3-3.8GHz), n79(4.4- 5.0GHz) and others. The
calculated antenna envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) is less than 0.03
and total active reflection coefficient (TARC) are low over the whole
band. Moreover, the proposed design exhibits very small specific
absorption rate (SAR) values at the reflection zeros of user-head.

Figure 2-20The perspective view of the proposed MIMO system.

38 | P a g e
2.2.6 Eight-Element Dual-Band MIMO Antenna System for
Sub-6 GHz 5G Smartphone Applications

In this paper, an eight-element dual-band MEMO antenna system for

future sub-6 GHz 5G smartphone application is proposed. The proposed
MEMO antenna is consisting of a coupled-fed inverted-L and F-shaped
monopole elements with a small size of E2.5 x 5.2 mm2 which are printed
on two longer side frames of the smartphone. The dual-band 8 x 8 MEMO
antenna is designed to cover both 3.5 GHz and 4.9 GHz operating bands
with the antenna efficiencies over 76% at first resonant band and 49% at
second resonant band are obtained respectively. Good isolation of -12.60
dB for the lower band LTE 42/43 (3.4-3.8 GHz) and -17.95 dB for the
higher band (4.8-5.0 GHz) without decoupling structure are achieved. The
calculated ECCs and diversity gain (DG) is less than 0.1 and 10
respectively which shows a favorable candidate for MEMO diversity
performance within sub-6 GHz 5G smartphone applications. Index
Terms—MEMO, 5G smartphone, dual-band, sub-6 GHz, LTE 42/43
band, ECC, DG. Each array elements having a compact size of 12.5 x 6
mm2(0.145AoX 0.07Ao at 3.5 GHz) which are symmetrically printed on
both the long side FR4 substrates having a 0.8 mm thick, dielectric
constant (cr) of 4.4. The dimensions of the side frames are chosen as 150
x 5.2 x 0.8 mm3. Total three PCBs including main PCB of dimensions 150
x 75 x 0.8 mm3 and the two long side frames and the whole dimension of
the smartphone PCB looks as 150 x 75 x 7 mm3. On the top of the main
PCB the 50- f2 microstrip-line feeds are stamped. On the bottom surface,
the 150x75 mm2 ground plane is etched.

39 | P a g e
Figure 2-21 The configuration of the dual-band 8 x 8 MIMO antenna (a) broad view (b) side view and
(c) single antenna unit.

40 | P a g e
2.3 Literature Review for RIS

2.3.1 Design and application of a reflective programmable

meta surface element in C Band

The programmable meta surface element is able to achieve continuous

controllable responses by loading controllable electronic devices. In this
work, a reflective programmable element working at 5GHz is
implemented with varactor diodes. By tuning the biasing DC voltage
loaded on the varactor diodes, the capacitance can be changed, and then
the reflected phases can be tuned. Simulated results show that the reflected
phase can cover the 360° and amplitude of the reflective wave is more than
0.7. In order to verify the property of the proposed element, a reflective
electronically controllable metasurface is designed based on theproposed

The metasurface is able to steer the reflective wave from -30° to 30°. The
proposed element possesses distinctive features such as simple ultrathin
structure, programmable control, and subwavelength, thus exhibiting the
promising prospects in agile antennas.

Figure 2-22 Structure of the unit cell and the simulated setup.

41 | P a g e
Figure 2-23(a) The equivalent circuit model for the varactor diode
(b) reflection phase of the proposed element under different Cv

Here, varactor diode (SMV2019-079LF, Skyworks Solutions Inc.) is

actualized with the gap of the metallic patch as Figure 2-23 shown. The
external voltages are imposed to the diodes through two metallic vias. By
tuning the bias voltages, the reflection phase can be controlled. In FDTD
simulations, the varactor diode was replaced by a series resonant tank with
inductance Lv =0.7nH, resistance Rv=4.8Ω, and capacitance Cv(0.30pF-
2.22pF), which sensitively depends on the voltage V imparted on it
through a Cv~ V curve provided by data sheet of SMV 2019-079LF.
Figure 2-24 depicts the reflection phase and amplitude verus the
capacitance Cv at 5GHz.

Figure 2-24 Reflection phase and amplitude verus the

capacitance Cv at 5GHz

42 | P a g e
2.3.2 RIS-Aided Wireless Communications: Prototyping,
Adaptive Beamforming, and Indoor/Outdoor Field

The prospects of using a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) to aid

wireless communication systems have recently received much attention
from academia and industry. Most papers make theoretical studies based
on elementary models, while the prototyping of RIS-aided wireless
communication and real-world field trials are scarce. This paper contains
describe for a new RIS prototype consisting of 1100 controllable elements
working at 5.8 GHz band.

This paper proposes an efficient algorithm for configuring the RIS over
the air by exploiting the geometrical array properties and a practical
receiver-RIS feedback link. In indoor test, where the transmitter and
receiver are separated by a 30 cm thick concrete wall, This RIS prototype
provides a 26 dB power gain compared to the baseline case where the RIS
is replaced by a copper plate. A 27 dB power gain was observed in the
short-distance outdoor measurement. The authors also carried out long-
distance measurements and successfully transmitted a 32 Mbps data
stream over 500 m. A 1080p video was live-streamed and it only played
smoothly when the RIS was utilized.


43 | P a g e
Figure 2-25 Structure of a RIS element

The power consumption of the RIS is around 1W. This paper is vivid
proof that the RIS is a very promising technology for future wireless
communications. parameters are listed in Table 2-4 and their meaning are
shown in Figure 2-25. Each reflecting element consists of three layers.
The top layer contains two pairs of rectangular metallic patches, each of
which is connected by a varactor diode with the junction capacitance
controlled by the external bias voltage. The middle layer is a ground plane
for reflecting impinging waves. The ground plane is connected to the
patches on both sides of the top layer through four via-holes serving as
ground, for design convenience. The bottom layer contains direct current
(DC) biasing lines that regulate the varactor diodes on the top layer.

Table 2-5 The equivalent circuit parameters of the

varactor diode

44 | P a g e
Two via-holes connect the central patches to biasing lines. The copper
thickness of the patches and biasing lines of the elements are all 35μm.
The equivalent circuit description of the varactor diode. can be modeled
as a series RLC circuit as shown in Figure 2-26 and Table 2-5 showing
parameters of equivalent circuit under different biasing voltage.

Figure 2-26 The equivalent circuit description of the varactor diode

Figure 2-27 represents the simulated reflection amplitude and phase

response of the RIS element under different voltages from 0 to 19 V. The
yellow region represents the range where the maximum phase difference
is larger than 180 degrees.

The orange region in the middle of Figure 2-27 represents a 20 MHz

bandwidth around the central frequency of 5.8 GHz which will be used for
communications in the field trials.

Figure 2-27 The phase response of the RIS element under

different voltages from 0 to 19 V
45 | P a g e
2.3.3 Design and Evaluation of Reconfigurable Intelligent
Surfaces in Real-World Environment
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have promising coverage and
data rate gains for wireless communication systems in 5G and beyond.
Prior work has mainly focused on analyzing the performance of these
surfaces using computer simulations or lab-level prototypes. To draw
accurate insights about the actual performance of these systems, this paper
develops an RIS proof-of-concept prototype and extensively evaluates its
potential gains in the field and under realistic wireless communication

In particular, a 160-element reconfigurable surface, operating at a

5.8GHz band, is first designed, fabricated, and accurately measured in the
anechoic chamber. This surface is then integrated into a wireless
communication system and the beamforming gains, pathloss. And
coverage improvements are evaluated in realistic outdoor communication
scenarios. When both the transmitter and receiver employ directional
antennas and with 5m and 10m distances between the transmitter-RIS and

the developed RIS achieves 15-20dB gain in the signal-to-noise ratio

(SNR) in a range of ±60◦ beamforming angles. In terms of coverage, and
considering a far-field experiment with a blockage between a base station
and a grid of mobile users and with an average distance of 35m between
base station (BS) and the user (through the RIS), the RIS provides an
average SNR improvement of 6dB (max 8dB) within an area > 75m2.

Thanks to the scalable RIS design, these SNR gains can be directly
increased with larger RIS areas. For example, a 1,600-element RIS with
the same design is expected to provide around 26dB.

SNR gain for a similar deployment. These results, among others, draw

46 | P a g e
useful insights into the design and performance of RIS systems and
provide an important proof for their potential gains in real-world far-field
wireless communication environments.

Figure 2-28 Layout of the RIS unit cell

The RIS comprises 160 (16 x 10) unit cells that contain a passive
antenna, a radio-frequency (RF) PIN diode (switch), and biasing lines, as
shown in Figure 2.28. Depending on the applied voltage across the diode
terminals (reverse bias: OFF, forward bias: ON), the antenna re-radiates
the received signal with a phase difference that depends on the current
distribution. Typically, such a phase shift is enabled either by changing the
resonant frequency of the antenna or by providing extra path to the current
on the feed of the antenna. The latter approach requires a short
transmission line terminated to the ground. Such topology would require
a via, thus, to minimize fabrication complexity, the authors opted for the
resonance approach by adding a parasitic patch next to the antenna
connected through the PIN diode. Additionally, biasing lines are needed
for both diode terminals, therefore, two narrow lines are connected to the
antenna and the parasitic patch respectively narrow

47 | P a g e
Figure 2-29 The layout of the 160-element (16 x 10) antenna array used in the proposed RIS.

Figure 2.30 represents the simulated reflection magnitude and phase

response of the RIS element under two different states (ON/OFF). For an
acceptable phase modulation range of 180° ∓ 20 between the two states,
the expected bandwidth is approximately 150 MHz.

Figure 2-30 (a) Reflection Phase Response. (b) Reflection M agnitude Response

Figure 2.4.3: (a) Reflection Phase Response. (b) Reflection Magnitude Response

48 | P a g e
2.3.4 High-Resolution Programmable Scattering for Wireless
Coverage Enhancement: An Indoor Field Trial
presents a multi-bit reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) with a high
phase resolution, capable of beam-steering in the azimuthal plane at sub-
6 Gigahertz. Field trials in realistic indoor deployments have been carried
out, with coverage enhancement performance ascertained for three
common wireless communication scenarios. Namely, serving users in an
open lobby with mixed line of sight and non- line of sight conditions,
communication via a junction between long corridors, and a multi-floor
scenario with propagation via windows. This work explores the potential
for reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) deployment to mitigate non-
line of sight effects in indoor wireless communications. In a single
transmitter, single receiver non-line of sight link, received power
improvement of as much as 40 dB is shown to be achievable by suitable
placement of a RIS, with an instantaneous bandwidth of at least 100 MHz
possible over a 3 to 4.5 GHz range. In addition, the effects of phase
resolution on the optimal power reception for the multi-bit RIS have been
experimentally verified, with a 2.65 dB improvement compared to a 1-bit

The unit cell employed in this work is the multi-bit column driven
planar design depicted in Figure 2-31.

Figure 2-31 Multi-bit unit cell design

49 | P a g e
Table 2-6 Dimensions for multi-bit unit cell

Table 2-3 contains dimensions for multi-bit unit cell. Each unit cell
consists of 5 patches connected by 3 PIN diodes and a capacitor, mounted
on a 5mm PTFE-based F4BM-2 substrate with relative permittivity εr =
2.65 and loss tangent tanδ = 0.001. Unit cells are biased in a column-
wise fashion by applying DC voltages to 3 of the patches, with the
remaining two patches connected to DC ground. The components used in
this unit cell design are Skyworks SMP1321-040LF PIN diodes and an
AVX U-Series 3.6 pF 0402 capacitor. In order to increase the accuracy of
simulations during design, the S-parameter data from the manufacturers of
the PIN diodes and capacitors were incorporated in the simulations. The
logic 0 state was simulated as that of 0 V PIN diode reverse bias voltage,
whilst the logic 1 state refers to a forward biased condition with a current
of 3 mA.

50 | P a g e
Figure 2-32 Simulated (dashed curves) and measured
(solid curves) reflection response for 8 digital states

Figure 2-32 represents the simulated and measured reflection

magnitude and phase response of unit cell element under different states
of each cell.

Plate Dimension in
Reference Dimension of element(mm) No of element

Proposed 14.3×10.27 20×20 28.6 × 20.54

[7] 12×12 1×15 1.2 × 18

[8] 14.3×10.27 55×20 80.08 × 31.30

[9] 22.7×25.85 16×10 36.32 × 25.9

[10] 22.5×15 55×20 79 × 31

51 | P a g e
Chapter 3

52 | P a g e
3.1 Introduction:

This chapter briefly discusses The MIMO and RIS systems where in
sech-3.2 and sech-3.3 discuss how the Concept, Principle, and
Composition of RIS. Operation Mode of RIS in sech-3.4. Operation Mode
of RIS

RIS Resource Allocation in sech-3.6. While Review on Optimization

Methods in sech-3.7. Finally, sech-3.8 presents RIS Project Methodology.

3.2 MIMO system

Massive MIMO, as one of the core technologies of 5G, is key to meeting

the high-performance requirements and new service requirements of this
amazing new era.

Though Massive MIMO does offer great promises for highly capable 5G
with wider bandwidth, more connections, lower latency and better
reliability, realizing its full potentials requires effective responses to the
challenges of network coverage, user experience, and network capability,
which is relevant to all the mobile network operators and system vendors.

There is a number of different MIMO configurations or formats that can

be used:

3.2.1 SISO (Single Input Single Output)

In SISO type of antenna, there is only one transmitting at the transmitter

end and one receiving antenna at the receiver end as shown in Figure 3-1.
This makes SISO the simplest to implement and easiest to design amongst
all the four types of antennas available.

53 | P a g e
Figure 3-1 Block diagram of SISO

3.2.2 SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output)

In SIMO technique, there is only one transmitting antenna and multiple

receiving antennas at receiving end as shown in Figure 3-2; this helps to
increase the receiving diversity at the receiving end as compared with

Figure 3-2 Block diagram of SIM O

SIMO has found out his applications in encountering the effects of

ionosphere fading for listening and receiving short waves. The advantage
of SIMO over SISO is that it gives improve diversity than SISO and due
to this SIMO can give a better BER analysis than SISO we will see this in
results section further. In SIMO, the receiving antennas are mostly placed

54 | P a g e
in devices like mobile phone and due to this the performance of the
systems will be restricted the some of the physical parameters of the
mobile used like battery, shape and size, etc.

3.2.3 MISO (Multiple Input Single Output)

In MISO, there can be multiple transmitting antennas from which the

signal can be sent, and there I only one receiving antenna to receive the
signals coming from multiple transmitting antenna as shown in Figure 3-
3, which means there are different sources available but there is only one
destination available

Figure 3-3 Block diagram of M ISO

MISO has got wide range of applications (due to high diversity gain)
like W-Lans and Digital TV. The advantage of using MISO over SISO is
that if the receiving antenna is placed in mobile phone that multiple signals
may get received with different time delay and this can be completely
overcome by using MISO since there is only one receiving antenna and
therefore a complete signal will be received at the receiver, this is due to
the reason that the coding redundancy is moved from receiver to
transmitter. Also, it does have any impact from the physical parameters of
mobiles phones as is it is in SIMO.

55 | P a g e
3.2.4 MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)

In MIMO, there can be multiple transmitting antennas from which the

signal can be sent, and also there are multiple receiving antennas through
which the signal can be received as shown in Figure 3-4. In MIMO, since
there can be multiple transmitting antennas the signal can be transmitted
by any antenna and therefore the signal can follow any path to reach to
receiving end and this path followed by the signal depends on the position
of the antenna i.e., if we move the antenna by small position the path will
get change. The fading introduced in the signal from multiple paths can be
termed as multipath fading.

Figure 3-4 Block diagram of M IM O

As MIMO system gives the best capacity amongst all the four its has
got wide range of applications like in MIMO signals can be transmitted
via different spatial domains by employing Spatial Multiplexing using
MIMO, MIMO is used in almost all the advanced wireless communication
systems like LAN, WAM, MAN, 3G (OFDM - CDMA), 4G (OFDM –
IDMA / LTE). The advantage of using MIMO is that it can give the best
results when compared with the rest three since it has got the best
throughput and efficiency of signals transmissions by the using multiple

56 | P a g e
Table 3-1Comparison of SISO, SIMO, MISO & MIMO


1 BER It gives the The value is better than Better than SIMO since Optimized
lowest BER SISO due to multiple loss of signal is less. value of
value due to antennas at receiving BER is
only one end. observed,
antenna. due to
antennas at
both the
2 Throughput It is observed to Even though there are Slightly better than It is observed
be very less than multiple antennas at MISO since there is to have the
all the others. receiving end, it is only one receiving best capacity
observed to be less due antenna. amongst all,
to the complexities at which allows
receiver end due having MIMO to
multiple antennas. have a wide
range of
3 Transmitting Since there is Here, the signals are The signals are Here
(Processing) only one received by multiple transmitted using transmit
of signals antenna at Tx & antennas and they are transmit beam forge receive
from Tx to Rx end, the then combined by the and space time coding, diversity is
Rx and signal is technique of Maximum there is only one used where
transmitted from Ratio Combining receiving and multiple multiple
one end and (MRC) and Equal Gain transmitting antenna. antennas are
received at Combining. present at
another end. both Tx &Rx
4 Quality of The quality of It uses the concept of It is implemented by Signal can be
signal signal is quite switched diversity Space Time Coding transmitted
received at weak as there is (selection diversity) for (STC) technique where using Spatial
the output. only one implementation, where signal can be Multiplexing
transmitting & the receiver can choose transmitted in both time which allows
& space i.e. data can be the signal to

57 | P a g e
receiving the stronger antenna for transmitted by multiple be
antenna. receiving the signal. antennas; this increases transmitted
the gain & signal across
quality. different
therefore it
gives the
best signal
quality and

3.3 Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

With the rapid development of wireless communication technology,
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) has been recognized as an
innovative approach for the electromagnetic (EM) wave manipulation,
signal modulation, and smart radio environment reconfiguration. It is a
two-dimensional (2D) ultra-thin artificial surface composed of
periodically or a periodically arranging sub-wavelength elements, which
possess dynamic controllability of the EM waves with the superiority of
low loss, ultra-thin thickness, and easy fabrication. Such unique attributes
are believed to bring in fundamental influence on the wireless
communication framework due to the potential to construct controllable
radio environments for EM signals, without relying on those complex
signal processing techniques.

In fact, the concept of RIS in the communication community was

evolved from the programmable meta-surface in the EM community. In
the past 10 years, meta-surfaces have been well studied owing to their
powerful capabilities in controlling the EM waves. However, the passive
meta-surfaces have fixed functions once they are fabricated. while the
58 | P a g e
reconfigurable meta-surface can realize different functions by switching
the active device, but the number of realized functions is very limited. In
order to obtain many different functionalities by a single platform, digital
coding and programmable meta-surface has been proposed with the aid of
field programmable gate array (FPGA), which can switch many different
functions in ultra-fast speed by manipulating the digital coding patterns on
the meta-surface. This advantageous feature of the programmable meta-
surface makes it a perfect platform of RIS. More importantly, the digital
coding representation of meta elements makes it possible to modulate the
digital information directly on the meta-surface. Hence, a more general
concept of information meta-surface was proposed to bridge the EM
physical world and the digital world.

3.4 Concept, Principle, and Composition of RIS

n RIS is a 2D artificial surface composed of tens to hundreds of sub-
wavelength elements, which can be employed like wallpaper to cover parts
of walls, ceilings, buildings, and even traffic tools, and is capable of
manipulating the parameters of the EM waves impinging upon it in a
controllable and programmable manner. Therefore, it can be concluded
that reconfigurability,

Figure 3-5 RIS enabled non-line-of-sight (NLOS) transmission.

59 | P a g e
programmability, and discretization are the prominent properties of
RIS, among which reconfigurability dominates. Here we first take a 1-bit
digital coding meta-surface as a simple RIS example. As shown in Figure
3-6(a), consider an RIS comprising M × N elements, each of which is
encoded as ‘0’ or ‘1’ with a phase difference of 𝜋. With the integration of
tunable devices like diodes, the states of elements can be further controlled
in real time. The geometry and reflection phase spectra of the element
embedded with PIN diode (Skyworks, SMP-1320) are illustrated in Figure
3.6(b), in which the states ‘0’ and ‘1’ correspond to ‘OFF’ and ‘ON’ of the
diode, respectively. A dielectric substrate (F4B, 𝜖r=2.65, 𝛿=0.001) is
sandwiched by two metal layers, on top of which a PIN diode is mounted
and two electrodes are, respectively, connected to the bottom metal layer
through metallic vias. The bit depth of element can certainly be extended
by increasing the number of digital states. For example, a 2-bit digital
coding meta-surface contains four digital states ‘00’, ‘01’, ‘10’, and ‘11’
that, respectively, represent four distinct phase responses of 0, 𝜋∕2, 𝜋, and
3𝜋∕2, and higher-bit also follows similar strategies. With the help of many
digital logic devices, the exhibited EM functions of digital coding meta-
surface can be switched in real time by pre-designed coding sequences, as
demonstrated in Figure 3.6(c).

60 | P a g e
Figure 3-6 (a) Conceptional illustration of RIS (1-bit digital coding meta-surface).(b) Geometry
and reflection phase spectra of the RIS element. (c) Working flow of RIS with digital logic

3.5 Operation Mode of RIS

Based on the above content, RIS shows the great potential to use
different operation modes generate multifarious functions in wireless
communications. Broadly speaking, the operation mode of RIS can be
classified into two categories according to the role RIS plays in the
wireless networks.

3.5.1 Wavefront manipulation

In this mode, RIS focuses on manipulating the EM wavefront by

synthesizing various spatial distributions of its element states. It requires
the control chip and biasing network to have as many ports as possible to
obtain precise control of the RIS, preferably for each sub-wavelength
element, thereby realizing finer re-configurability of EM wavefront. As
61 | P a g e
the straightforward application of RIS, this mode helps construct the smart
radio environment that allows RIS to directly reconfigure the propagation
behavior of EM waves by software. Unlike uncontrollable natural
propagation environments, the smart radio environment can optimize the
scattering properties of the built-in RISs to obtain adaptive programmable
wireless channels, thereby maximizing the performance of the entire
communication network. In addition, this mode of RIS can help the
wireless signals bypass physical obstacles in the propagation path and
establish virtual links among the base stations and the users, which shows
great attractiveness for the coverage extension of wireless networks.
Furthermore, it is also able to resist fast fading lead by the multi-path
effects due to the promotion of multi-path mitigation, which finally
improves the quality of the received signal.

3.5.2 Information modulation

In this mode, RIS is responsible for modulating information into EM

waves by generating corresponding temporal sequences of its element
states. This operation mode raises high claims of modulation speed for the
control board to achieve wider signal bandwidth, which is able to
implement wireless communications with faster message rates. Owing to
the unique capability of RIS for EM spectral regulation, it provides a
promising method in constructing new wireless communication systems
with greatly simplified architecture. Such an idea enables direct
modulations and transmissions of information without using the traditional
RF components, which is considered to be low-cost and power-saving.

In this report we are focusing on the first operation mode (Wavefront

manipulation mode).

62 | P a g e
3.6 RIS Resource Allocation Examples and General
In wireless resource allocation involving an RIS, there are two types of
resources. One comprises the conventional communication resources,
such as a beamforming vector, artificial noise, transmit power, and
computation time. The other consists of the RIS coefficients. Each type of
resource has its own constraint, and there are possibly additional
constraints coupling the two types of resources. Below are three
application examples and their problem formulations. In each of the
examples, it is assumed that there are M reflecting elements, and the RIS
coefficients are expressed in a vector e ∶= [e1 , … . , eM ]H ∈ ℱ, With ℱ
being the feasible set of RIS coefficients, and the specific form of ℱ will
be discussed after the three examples.

 Secure beamforming for multiple-input single-output (MISO) systems:

As shown in Figure 3-7(a), the BS communicates with a single-antenna
user with the help of an RIS in the presence of a single-antenna
eavesdropper. The goal is to maximize the achievable secrecy rate by
jointly optimizing the beamformer at the BS and the phase shift
coefficients of the RIS under the transmit power constraint at the BS.

63 | P a g e
 (b) MISO uplink communication networks: There are a number of
single-antenna mobile users transmitting signals to a multi-antenna BS
with the assistance of an RIS as shown in Figure 3-7(b). The objective is
to minimize the total uplink transmit power by jointly optimizing the
phase shift coefficients of the RIS e, the transmission power xk of the
user k under the limited transmission power Pk , and the signal-to-
interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR) constraints.

Figure 3-7 (a) Secure beamforming for M ISO systems. (b) M ISO uplink communication networks.
(c) Computation offloading in IoT networks.

 (c) Computation offloading in Internet of Things (IoT) networks: In the

downlink transmission of an RIS-aided cache-enabled radio access
network, a multi-antenna BS transmits signals to a number of single-
antenna users as shown in Figure 3-7(c). The goal is to minimize the total
network cost that consists of both the backhaul capacity and the
transmission power by adjusting the caching proportion of the file
requested by user k, the precoding vector Pk ∈ ∁M×1 at the BS for user
k, and the RIS coefficients. In addition, the constraint on the RIS

64 | P a g e
coefficients, we also have a constraint on the size of total cached content
to be smaller than the local storage size Smax at the BS.

In the above three applications and beyond, we can see that most of the
constraints in the resource allocation problems are decoupled in the sense
that constraints for the RIS coefficients e do not involve other resources,
and vice versa. After these operations, without loss of generality, we
consider a general resource allocation problem appearing in the form

⏟ f(x, e), s.t x ∈ X , e ∈ ℱ

min (1)

Where f(x, e) is a continuous objective function, and x represents the

conventional communication resources with the set X representing the
constraint on x, such as the maximum transmit power, limited cache size,
operation time limitation, etc.

With the decoupled constraints for x and e, the optimization problem is

tractable under the commonly used block coordinate descent (BCD)
framework, which alternatively solves for x with e fixed and solves for
for e with x fixed. In particular, when the phase shift coefficients of the
RIS e are given, the resource allocation problem reduces to a standard
communication problem without the RIS. On the other hand, when x is
fixed at a certain value, say x (n) , the subproblem for optimizing e is

⏟ f(x (n) , e) ,
min s.t e ∈ ℱ (2)

3.6.1 Phase shift models

Before discussing various methods for solving (2), let us review the
modeling of the constraint set ℱ on the RIS coefficients. Depending on
whether the phase is modeled as a continuous or discrete variable, the
feasible set ℱ is defined differently:

65 | P a g e
 Continuous phase shift: Each RIS coefficient has infinite phase
resolution, i.e., em = βm eⅈθm with i being the imaginary unit, and θm
as a real number. For βm , there are three variations in the literature.
 C1. βm is a known constant, which is the ideal phase shift model.
This is the most popular model at the time of writing, and ℱ is
represented by modulus constraints |em |2 = 1.
 C2. βm is an unknown variable and is independent of θm . This
model leads to a convex set ℱ, described by |em |2 ≤ c for some
constant c.
 C3. βm. is a function of θm . This is a relatively new model and
takes the hardware properties into consideration. For example,
one of the recent models states that

sin(θm − ∅)
βm (θm ) = (1 − βmⅈn ) ( ) + βmⅈn
Where βmⅈn , ∅ and ∝ are known constants related to the specific
circuit implementation.
 Discrete phase shift: Each RIS coefficient em can only take one of the
L possible phase shift values.
Among the three continuous phase shift models, C2 is a convex set, and
thus its treatment is similar to conventional resource allocation problems.
Another way to view C2 is by treating the optimization of βm and θm
separately, so that C2 is equivalent to 0 ≤ βm ≤ √c and |eⅈθm | = 1. If
we regard the optimization of βm as part of conventional resources, the
remaining constraint |eⅈθm | = 1 reduces to model C1. For C3, although
it is non-convex, it can be handled by gradient descent on θm (to be
detailed in the next section). For C1, even though βm is known and fixed,
due to the modulus requirement, its handling is non-trivial, and there are a
number of methods with different solution qualities for tackling this

66 | P a g e
3.7 Review on Optimization Methods under
Continuous Phase Shift

Currently, the major techniques for optimizing the continuous phase

shifts are the SDR method, penalty method, MM method, GD method,
manifold method, and CR method. All the reviewed methods are primarily
developed for C1 and can be applied to C2 if βm and θm are optimized
separately. For C3, this is handled by the GD method due to the
complicated dependence of βm on θm . Table 3-2 provides a quick
summary of the reviewed methods in this section.

Table 3-2 Comparison of optimization methods for continuous phase shift RIS

Figure 3-8 (a) Total network cost versus the number of users under the number of BS
antennas RIS. (b) Average computation time versus the number of reflecting elements
when N = 10.

67 | P a g e
3.8 RIS Project Methodology:

The following steps summarize the project methodology of the proposed RIS
 Design our unit cell which will form the RIS plate.
 Design a control circuit Which will control each cell in the plate to form the
required scattering beams.
 Build an algorithm Which will optimize the performance of the RIS plate.

68 | P a g e
Chapter 4
Design of 14 Port Massive
MIMO Array in Sub-6 GHz
Smart Phone

69 | P a g e
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, a design of 14 port array for 5G Massive Multi-Input
Multi-Output (MIMO) applications in the mobile phone is presented. The
designed array is proposed to cover the sub-6 GHz bands (LTE bands
42/43 and LTE band 46). To realize MIMO operation in these three LTE
bands, fourteen patch antenna elements are integrated into a limited space
cell phone circuit board. Due to the implementation of spatial diversity
techniques on the antenna elements, good isolation has been obtained. The
proposed array was simulated using the CST electromagnetic simulator,
fabricated, and measured. It achieved Envelope Correlation Coefficient
(ECC) lower than 0.22. Moreover, it exhibited good isolation below -10
dB This project involves careful considerations in terms of array layout,
antenna selection, beamforming techniques, and power consumption to
achieve an optimal balance between performance and device constraints.
By exploiting the advantages of massive MIMO technology, this
smartphone design can contribute to unlocking the full potential of 5G
connectivity and enabling a more seamless and connected world.

4.2 Proposed Antenna Array Design

4.2.1 Array Structure

In this section, a 14-element mobile MIMO antenna array is presented.
As shown in Fig. 4.1, the system circuit board (substrate) fabricated from
FR4 material. The FR4 substrate has a dimension of 140 mm × 70 mm ×
1.58 mm. The mobile antenna elements namely, antennas (Ants) 1–14, are
identical and arranged on the front surface of the substrate, As depicted in
Figure 4.1 (a) each antenna is printed there are two sides of the shape
containing 7 elements and the other sides contain 1 element. A ground
plane is also printed on the back surface of this substrate. As shown in
Figure 4.1 (b), the ground plane is formed by slots. Moreover, forming the
70 | P a g e
ground plane helps to mitigate the mutual coupling between antenna

Figure 4-1Geometry and dimensions of the proposed mobile 14-element MIMO array. (a) Top view and (b)
Detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures (c) It shows the shape of the antenna with the

Table 4-1 Dimension of system

71 | P a g e
4.2.2 Antenna Element
The structure and dimension of the mobile antenna element are shown
in Figure.2. A conventional multi-branch monopole is used as the mobile
antenna element, fed with a 50 Ω microstrip line. The various radiators'
resonant modes can be coupled to cover a frequency range of 3.4-6 GHz.
The proposed antenna's bandwidth is sufficient to facilitate MIMO
operation in most sub-6 GHz 5G channels, including the LTE bands 42/43
(3.4-3.8 GHz), LTE 46 (5.15-5.925 GHz), also the new radio bands N77
(3.3-4.2GHz), N78 (3.3-3.8 GHz), and N79 (4.4-5.0GHz). The proposed
antenna introduces a compact size as compared to the conventional printed
monopole antenna.
Table 4-2 Dimensions of one element

Figure 4-2 Detailed structure of the mobile antenna element

72 | P a g e
4.3 Antenna prototype and measurement results
4.3.1Antenna fabrication
A prototype is fabricated to test the feasibility of the proposed mobile,
14-element MIMO antenna array, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1.

4.3.2 Reflection coefficients

Due to fabrication errors as misalignment between the antenna element
and its slot in the ground plane, antenna elements are very similar to each
other but not a replica, Fig. 7a shows that the proposed BS antenna array
may operate in the ultra-wideband range of 3.4–6 GHz with a return loss
of more than -6 dB

As shown in Fig. 4.3b the proposed isolation for S21 and S32 almost at
-10 dB and -11 dB through the lower band and higher band respectively.
The isolation for the non-adjacent antennas S31 is more than 15 dB and
23 dB through the lower band and higher band, respectively. Due to the
structure symmetry, the reflection coefficients (S11, S22, …) are
measured of Ants 1–7.

Figure.4.3 shows the simulated S parameter of the designed antenna

array, using the full-wave Microwave Studio of Computer Simulation
Technology (CST), Release 2021. Figure.3(a) shows the S parameters of
the nine-antenna array of fourteen antennas. For brevity, the radiation
patterns of other antenna elements are not presented here due to the
symmetrical arrangement of MIMO antenna systems., where the reflection
coefficients of Ant. 1, Ant. 3, Ant. 5, Ant. 6, Ant. 7, ants. 8, ants. 9, ants.
11, Ant. 13. The -6 dB bandwidth covers LTE Band 42/43 and Band 46.
Figure 4.3(b) shows the isolation between the 8 adjacent antennas, where
good isolation is obtained. Also, good spatial diversity was achieved,
isolation values varied between -10 dB and -31 dB for LTE band 42/43,
and values also varied between -10 dB and -27 dB for LTE band 46.

73 | P a g e
(a) (b)

Figure 4-3 Simulated S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients and (b) Transmission coefficient

Figure 4-4 illustrates the simulated surface current distribution for two
antenna elements, one at 5.6 GHz and the other at 3.5 GHz. The current
distribution is shown to have a peak value at the antenna’s line and a null
at the antenna element’s margins. Also, the current distribution is shown
to be dispersed around the slot.

The resonance frequency is considered as the fundamental mode generated

by the antenna shape and the slot.


74 | P a g e

Figure 4-5 a, b Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 1 at 5.6 GHz c, d

Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 8 at 3.5 GHz

Figure 4.5 shows the efficiency of the main element. The proposed
antenna element covers

(a) (b)

Figure 4-4 Main antenna element (a) efficiency at antenna 8 (b) efficiency at antenna 1

75 | P a g e
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 4-6 Photograph of the fabricated prototype mobile 14-
element M IM O array. (a, b) Front view (c, d) Back view

76 | P a g e
4.4 Results and Discussion
The proposed fourteen-antenna MIMO system was fabricated as shown
in Figure. 4-6 and tested. SMA connectors added for measurement
purposes only. But, in real cell phones, it will not be found. Measurements
were made for 6 antennas only (for ants 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6 and 7).

In this section, the performance of the proposed MIMO antenna elements

will be presented by comparing the calculated and measured results. where
the measured S parameters (isolation and reflection coefficients) will be
discussed, followed by an evaluation of the envelope correlation
coefficient (ECC) of the antenna elements. Next, the radiation properties
(total efficiency and radiation pattern) are examined.

4.4.1 S Parameters
Figure 4-7 shows the measured S parameters of the proposed prototype, in
this figure it is seen that the measured S parameters are in good agreement
with their simulated counterpart. Despite this, some slight differences
were observed between the measured and simulated results. This could be
due to slight manufacturing tolerance/inaccuracy, and the introduction of
the SMA connector. Figure 7(a) shows the measured and simulated
reflection coefficients for the proposed mobile MIMO antenna array.

77 | P a g e


Figure 4-7Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficient, (b, c, d) Isolation (for Ants 1, 2
78 | P a g e ,3,4,5,6 and 7).
The bandwidth variation over different antennas in LTE band 46 seems
too large. Where the antenna element is a patch antenna, covers two
frequency bands, the lower band (LTE 42/43) and the higher band (LTE
46). The bandwidth may be affected by the surrounding areas and the
separation between the array elements.

Figure 4-7 (b) shows the corresponding isolations between the adjacent
antennas elements at LTE 42/43 and LTE 46 bands. As shown in this
figure, the isolation was below - 10 dB Generally speaking, the
measurement results show that the proposed MIMO design has good
isolation and reflection coefficient performances that can fully cover the
LTE bands 42/43 and LTE band 46.

4.4.2 Radiation Performances

Figure 4-8 shows the simulated total efficiencies of a 14 x 14 MIMO
array for the fourteen antenna elements, but due to the similarity of the
layout, only nine antennas are represented. As shown in this figure, the
overall efficiencies varied roughly between 60%–85% for the lower band
(LTE bands 42/43). Moreover, the overall efficiencies of the higher band
(LTE Band 46) ranged from approximately 80% - 87%. Noting that mutual
coupling losses, mismatches, and radiation affected the evaluation of the
overall efficiency.

Figure 4-8 Total efficiencies of the 5G MIMO antennas.

79 | P a g e
(a) resonant frequency 5.6 (b) resonant frequency 5.6 (c) resonant frequency 5.6

(d) resonant frequency 5.6 (e) resonant frequency 5.6 (f) resonant frequency 5.6

(g) resonant frequency 3.6

Figure 4-9 Simulated radiation patterns of the proosed 14 port MIMO

array at resonant frequency

At Figures 4-9: (a) Ant 1, (b) Ant 2, (c) Ant 3, (d) Ant 4, (e) Ant 5, (f) Ant
6, (g) Ant 7

80 | P a g e
Figures 4-9 & 4-10 show The Simulated E-plane and H-plane radiation
pattern (1D) in the x-y plane of the proposed 14 port MIMO design at
resonant frequencies.

(a) resonant frequency 3.5 (b) resonant frequency 5.6 (c) resonant frequency 5.6

(d) resonant frequency 5.6 (e) resonant frequency 5.6 (f) resonant frequency 5.6

(g) resonant frequency 4.9

Figure 4-10 Simulated radiation patterns of the proposed 14

port MIMO array at resonant
At Figures 4-10: (a) Ant 8, (b) Ant 9, (c) Ant 10, (d) Ant 11, (e) Ant 12, (f)
Ant 13, (g) Ant 14

81 | P a g e
(a) Ant 1 at 5.6 GHz (b) Ant 2 at 5.6 GHz (c) Ant 3 at 5.6 GHz

(d) Ant 4 at 5.6 GHz (e) Ant 5 at 5.6 GHz (f) Ant 6 at 5.6 GHz

(g) Ant 7 at 5.6 GHz

Figure 4-11 Simulated 3D radiation patterns

At Figure 4-11: (a) Ant 1, (b) Ant 2, (c) Ant 3, (d) Ant 4, (e) Ant 5, (f) Ant
6, (g) Ant 7 at 5.6 GHz

82 | P a g e
(a) Ant 8 at 3.5 GHz (b) Ant 9 at 5.6 GHz (c) Ant 10 at 5.6 GHz

(d) Ant 11 at 5.6 GHz (e) Ant 12 at 5.6 GHz (f) Ant 13 at 5.6 GHz

(g) Ant 14 at 4.9 GHz

Figure 4-12Simulated 3D radiation patterns,

At Figure 4-12 (a) Ant 8, (b) Ant 9, (c) Ant 10, (d) Ant 11, (e) Ant 12, (f)
Ant 13, (g) Ant 14 at3.5, 4.9 and 5.6 GHz

83 | P a g e
4.4.3 MIMO Performances
In this section, the MIMO performances such as ECCs for the proposed
fourteen MIMO array are investigated and discussed to validate and
evaluate the diversity performances.

The ECC between the adjacent antenna pairs are calculated for 5G
antenna as shown in Figure 4-13

Figure 4-13Simulated envelope correlation coefficient (ECC).

In Figure 4-13, it is seen that the calculated ECC values are lower than
0.22 in the LTE bands 42/43 and lower than 0.05 in LTE band 46, which
are acceptable criteria of ECC that should be lower than 0.5. From these
results, the proposed 14 x 14 array can achieve desirable diversity

84 | P a g e
4.5 Summary
In this chapter, a design of 14 port MIMO antenna array for 5G
applications was presented to cover the sub-6 GHz bands (LTE bands
42/43 and LTE band 46). Due to the implementation of spatial diversity
techniques on the antenna elements, better isolation was achieved. The
proposed array was simulated, fabricated, and measured. The measured
results demonstrated good fraction bandwidth. achieve good MIMO
performances through Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC).
Moreover, it exhibited good isolation below -10 dB.

85 | P a g e
Chapter 5
20-ports Indoor Base
Station MIMO Array for
Sub -6 GHz

86 | P a g e
5.1 Proposed Antenna Array Design
5.1.1 Array Structure

In this section, a 20-element BS MIMO antenna array is presented. As

shown in Figure 1, the system circuit board (substrate) is a square shape
fabricated from FR4 material (with relative permittivity 4.4 and loss
tangent 0.02). The FR4 substrate has a dimension of 140mm × 140mm ×
1.5mm. The BS antenna elements are identical and arranged, on the front
surface of the substrate. This design consists of 5 main elements repeated
in each corner of the square.


87 | P a g e

Figure 5-1Geometry and dimensions of the proposed indoor 20- BS MIMO array. (a)
Top view. and (b) detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures.

As depicted in Figure 5-1 (b) each BS antenna is printed there are two
sides of the square containing 6 elements and the other sides contain 4
elements. A ground plane is also printed on the back surface of this
substrate. As shown in Figure 1 (a), the ground plane is formed by slots.
Moreover, forming the ground plane helps to mitigate the mutual
coupling between antenna elements.

5.1.2 Antenna Element

The structure and dimension of the BS antenna element are shown in
Figure 5-2 (a). A conventional multi-branch monopole is used as the BS
antenna element, fed with a 50 Ω microstrip line. The antenna track is
formed to produce a new HIET-shaped. (b) shows ground formed slot
dimensions. The various radiators' resonant modes can be coupled to
88 | P a g e
cover a frequency range of 3.4-6 GHz. The proposed antenna's bandwidth
is sufficient to facilitate MIMO operation in most sub-6 GHz 5G
channels, including the LTE bands 42/43 (3.4-3.8 GHz), LTE 46 (5.15-
5.925 GHz), also the new radio bands N77 (3.3-4.2GHz), N78 (3.3-3.8
GHz), and N79 (4.4-5.0GHz). The proposed antenna introduces a
compact size as compared to the conventional printed monopole antenna.



Figure 5-2Figure 2: (a),(b) detailed structure of the BS

antenna element

89 | P a g e
Figure 5-3 illustrates the simulated surface current distribution of a
single antenna element at 3.572 GHz. The current distributions are shown
to have a peak value at the antenna's Line and a null at the antenna
element's margins. Also, the current distributions are shown to be
dispersed around the slot. The resonance frequency is considered the
fundamental mode generated by the antenna shape and the slot.




Figure 5-3 (a), (b) Simulated surface current distributions of Ant 1 at 3.572

90 | P a g e


91 | P a g e (c)
Figure 5-4 Simulated S-parameters. (a),(b) Reflection coefficients and (c),(d)
transmission coefficients

The suggested BS MIMO antenna array's simulated S-parameters

(reflection coefficients and transmission coefficients) are shown in Figure
5-4. We can realize the matching between the results of antennas from
1:10 with the results of antennas from 11:20 which caused due to the
symmetry of the array structure. It is revealed that the suggested antenna
array has good return losses of more than 6 dB over the entire bandwidth
of 3.4-6 GHz.

In Figure 5-4 (b), the isolations between any two adjacent antennas are
acceptable (-<11.5 dB), This is due to sufficient separation between the
antenna elements, where the simulated S3,4 at the maximum point is even
lower than −14 dB.

92 | P a g e
5.2 Antenna Prototype and Measurement results
5.2.1 Antenna Fabrication
A prototype is fabricated to test the feasibility of the proposed indoor
BS, 20-element MIMO antenna array, as illustrated in Figure 5-5.
Reflection Coefficients

Due to fabrication errors as misalignment between the antenna element

and its slot in the ground plane, antenna elements are very similar to each
other but not a replica, figure 5-6 (a)&(b) shows that the proposed BS
antenna array may operate in the ultra-wideband range. Moreover, as
shown in Figure 5-6 (c)&(d) the proposed isolation for S21 and S32 of
more than 15 dB and 11dB through the lower band and higher band
respectively. The isolation for the non-adjacent antennas S31 is more than
25 dB and 18 dB through the lower band and higher band, respectively.

(a) (b)

Figure 5-5 photograph of the fabricated prototype indoor BS 16-element MIMO array. (a)
front view (b) back view

93 | P a g e



94 | P a g e

Figure 5-6 Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients,

(b) isolation (Ants 1, 2 and 3)

Due to the structure symmetry, the reflection coefficients are measured

of Ants 1–10 as shown in Figure 5-6 (b). There is a slight difference
between the measured and simulated results may due to minor fabrication
errors, misalignment, the insertion loss of the SMA connector, and

5.2.2 Isolations and ECCs

The envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) and channel capacity (CC)
of the proposed wideband 20-element BS MIMO system will be
examined to further show the performance of the proposed system. For
simplification, to compute the ECC value, the multipath environment is
considered to be isotropic in terms of both polarizations and power
density [1]. As a result, the complex radiation far field may compute the
envelope correlation between two antennas i and j as follows:

|∯ Aij (θ,φ)sⅈn θdθdφ|
ECC(i, j) = (1)
∯DAii (θ,φ)sⅈn θdθdφ⋅∯ Ajj (θ,φ)sⅈn θdθdφ

∗ ∗
Aⅈj (θ, φ) = Eθ ,ⅈ (θ, φ) ⋅ Eθ,j (θ, φ) + Eφ,ⅈ (θ,φ) ⋅ Eφ,j (θ, φ) (2)

95 | P a g e
Fig. 5-7 illustrates the simulated ECC of the proposed MIMO system.
Where the value of ECC is computed from the complex radiation far-field
of the antennas acquired directly from CST for every two adjacent
antenna elements.



Figure 5-7 Simulated envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) using S-

As demonstrated in Figure5-7, the simulated ECC value is less

than 0.035 over the whole band 3.4-6 GHz, and very close to 0 across 3.5

96 | P a g e
-4.75 GHz and across 5.5 - 5.925 GHz which is sufficient for 5G MIMO

5.2.3 Total Antenna Efficiency

Fig. 5-8 shows the simulated total efficiency of the proposed 20 port
BS MIMO structure. Due to the symmetry structure, only the simulated
efficiencies of Ant1, Ant2, Ant5, Ant 6, Ant 8 and Ant 9 are shown for
brevity. As shown in Figure 8, one can note that the efficiencies for all
antenna elements are near each other. Where the minimum efficiency is
55% at 4.33 GHz and the maximum efficiency are 85% at 5.26 GHz

Figure 5-8 Simulated total efficiency of the proposed system


In this section, we investigate the radiation patterns of all 20 Ants.

Where the below figures depict the simulated 3D radiation pattern for
each Ant at its resonant frequency.

97 | P a g e
(b)Ant 2 radiation at 3.516 (c)Ant 3 radiation at 3.512
(a) Ant 1 radiation at
3.572 GHz

(d) Ant 4 radiation at 3.512 (f) Ant 5 radiation at 3.516 (e) Ant 6 radiation at 3.572

(g) Ant 7 radiation at (h) Ant 8 radiation at 4.512 (i) Ant 9 radiation at
5.992 GHz GHz 4.512 GHz

(j) Ant 10 radiation at (k) Ant 11 radiation at 3.572 (l) Ant 12 radiation at 3.516
4.584 GHz GHz GHz

98 | P a g e
(m) Ant 13 radiation at (n) Ant 14 radiation at 3.512 (o) Ant 15 radiation at 3.516
3.512 GHz GHz GHz

(p) Ant 16 radiation at (q) Ant 17 radiation at 4.584 (r) Ant 18 radiation at 4.512
3.572 GHz GHz GHz

(s) Ant 19 radiation at (t) Ant 20 radiation at 5.992

4.512 GHz GHz
below Figures depicts the simulated E-plane and H-plane radiation
pattern for each Ant at its resonant frequency.

99 | P a g e
(b) Ant 1 radiation at 3.572 GHz (b)Ant 2 radiation at 3.516 GHz

(c) Ant 3 radiation at 3.512 GHz (d) Ant 4 radiation at 3.512 GHz

(e) Ant 5 radiation at 3.516 GHz (f) Ant 6 radiation at 3.572 GHz

100 | P a g e
(h) Ant 8 radiation at 4.5 GHz
(g) Ant 7 radiation at 5.9 GHz

(i) Ant 9 radiation at 4.5 GHz (j) Ant 10 radiation at 4.584 GHz

(k) Ant 11 radiation at 3.572 GHz (l) Ant 12 radiation at 3.516 GHz

101 | P a g e
(m) Ant 13 radiation at 3.512 GHz (n) Ant 14 radiation at 3.512 GHz

(o) Ant 15 radiation at 3.516 GHz (p) Ant 16 radiation at 3.572 GHz

(q) Ant 17 radiation at 4.584 GHz (r) Ant 18 radiation at 4.512 GHz

102 | P a g e
(s) Ant 19 radiation at 4.512 GHz (t) Ant 20 radiation at 5.992 GHz

5.3 Performance comparison

Table 5-1 shows a detailed comparison of the proposed antenna array
and some 5G MIMO indoor base station antennas. The proposed array
design consists of 16 antenna elements, which is twice the number of
elements in [40] of the same size, with an acceptable isolation value. By
comparing the antenna efficiency, the proposed antenna element has an
efficiency of 85 %, which is better than other antennas in [40], [41], and
[42]. In terms of Isolation, the isolation between any two adjacent
antennas is 11.5 dB which is lower than [40] and [41]. This is because the
number of antenna elements used in the proposed design is much greater
than the designs in [40], and [42]. By comparing the antenna element
sizes, the antenna element of the proposed MIMO array has a low planar
size of 12.75 mm × 14.35 mm, which is much smaller compared to the
others antennas in [40], [41], and [42].

Considering the MIMO order, the proposed array can support 20×20
MIMO applications, The proposed antenna array possesses an ECC value
of 0.035 which is very good compared to the antennas reported in [41],
[42]. But, is higher than the reported in [40], due to the number of array
103 | P a g e
Table 5-1 performance comparison between the proposed array and other previous work

Bandwidth Efficiency Isolation No of
Reference Ground size (mm3 ) element size ECC
(GHz) (%) (dB) Elements
(mm x mm)

Proposed 140 x 140 x 1.5 3.4 - 6 55 - 93.2 -11.5 12.75 x 14.35 20 0.35
[40] 140 x 140 x 0.8 3.4-7.1 55 - 83 -15 dB 14 x 16.5 8 0

[41] 129.5×129.5×28.2 1.55-6 84% -16 23.15 x 20.8 4 0.5

[42] 75 x 75 x 18.75 3-5 67% -11 dB 4.31 x 14.22 4 -

104 | P a g e
5.4 Summary
In This paper, a novel wideband 20-element indoor BS antenna array that
can cover 3.4–6.0 GHz was proposed for 5G applications. A HIET-shaped
monopole antenna was designed to cover the Lower band (LTE bands 42/43
- N77 - N78), the intermediate band (N79), and the higher band (LTE 46).
The antenna elements were arranged in a limited space printed on a substrate
takes the square shape achieving polarization diversity. Both simulation and
measurement validated the performance of the 20-antenna BS MIMO
system, and good MIMO antenna performance was attained. The proposed
BS MIMO system show quite high isolation, antenna efficiency about 55%
- 85%, and ECC below 0.035, which were good enough for a practical 5G
MIMO indoor base station.
Chapter 6

106 | P a g e
6.1 Proposed Antenna Array Design
6.1.1 Array Structure
In this section, a 22-element BS MIMO antenna array is presented. As
shown in Figure 1, the system circuit board (substrate) is a square shape
fabricated from FR4 material (with relative permittivity 4.4 and loss tangent
0.02). The FR4 substrate has a dimension of 140mm × 140mm × 1.5mm
and the upper design is 80x80x1.5 above the lower design by 1.5 cm. The
square substrate has 4 sides also the upper has 4 sides. The BS antenna
elements are identical and arranged, on the front surface of the substrate.


107 | P a g e


108 | P a g e

Figure 6-1Geometry and dimensions of the proposed indoor 22- BS MIMO array. (a),(c) Top view
and (b),(d) detailed structure of the ground plane and the decoupling structures

As depicted in Figure 1 (a),(c) each BS antenna is printed there are two

sides of the square containing 5 elements and the other sides contain 4
elements. A ground plane is also printed on the back surface of this
substrate. As shown in Figure 1 (b),(d) the ground plane is formed by slots.
Moreover, forming the ground plane helps to mitigate the mutual coupling
between antenna elements.

6.1.2 Antenna Element

The structure and dimension of the BS antenna element are shown in
Figure 6-2 (a). A conventional multi-branch monopole is used as the BS
antenna element, fed with a 50 Ω microstrip line. The antenna track is

109 | P a g e
formed to produce a new particular-shaped. (b) shows ground formed slot
dimensions. The various radiators' resonant modes can be coupled to cover
a frequency range of 3.4-6 GHz. The proposed antenna's bandwidth is
sufficient to facilitate MIMO operation in most sub-6 GHz 5G channels,
including the LTE bands 42/43 (3.4-3.8 GHz), LTE 46 (5.15-5.925 GHz),
also the new radio bands N77 (3.3-4.2GHz), N78 (3.3-3.8 GHz), and N79
(4.4-5.0GHz). The proposed antenna introduces a compact size as compared
to the conventional
printed monopole


110 | P a g e

Figure 6-2 (a),(b) detailed structure of the BS antenna element

Figure 6-3 illustrates the simulated surface current distribution of a single

antenna element at 4.435 GHz. The current distributions are shown to have
a peak value at the antenna's Line and a null at the antenna element's
margins. Also, the current distributions are shown to be dispersed around
the slot. The resonance frequency is considered the fundamental mode
generated by the antenna shape and the slot.

111 | P a g e
Figure 6-3 (a), (b) Simulated surface current distributions of
Ant 1 at 4.435 GHz


112 | P a g e


113 | P a g e

Figure 6-4 Simulated S-parameters. (a),(b) Reflection coefficients and (c),(d)

transmission coefficients

The suggested BS MIMO antenna array's simulated S-parameters

(reflection coefficients and transmission coefficients) are shown in Figure
6-4. We can realize the matching between the results of antennas from 1:9
with the results of antennas from 10:18 and matching between the results of
antennas from 19 - 22 which caused due to the symmetry of the array
structure. It is revealed that the suggested antenna array has good return
losses of more than 6 dB over the entire bandwidth of 3.4-6 GHz

In Figure 6-4 (c) & (d) the isolations between any two adjacent antennas
are below -13.5 dB, This is due to sufficient separation between the antenna
elements, where the simulated S3,4 at the maximum point is even lower than
−20 dB

114 | P a g e
6.2 Antenna Prototype and Measurement results
6.2.1 Antenna Fabrication
A prototype is fabricated to test the feasibility of the proposed indoor BS,
22 element MIMO antenna array, as illustrated in Figure 6-5.

6.2.2 Reflection Coefficients

Due to fabrication errors as misalignment between the antenna element
and its slot in the ground plane, antenna elements are very similar to each
other but not a replica, figure 6-6 (a) shows that the proposed BS antenna
array may operate in the ultra-wideband range of 3.4-6 GHz with a return
loss of more than 6 dB of 49 %. Moreover, as shown in Figure 6-6 (b) the
proposed isolation for S12 and S32 of more than 15 dB and 12.7dB through
the lower band and higher band respectively. The isolation for the non-
adjacent antennas S42 is more than 25 dB and 18 dB through the lower band
and higher band, respectively.

115 | P a g e


116 | P a g e

Figure 6-5 photograph of the fabricated prototype indoor BS 22-element M IM O array. (a) front view (b),(c) back view (d)

117 | P a g e


118 | P a g e
Figure 6-6 Measured S-parameters. (a) Reflection coefficients - (b),(c) isolation (Ants 1:9 and19:20)

Due to the structure symmetry, the reflection coefficients (S1,1:S9,9 and

S19,19 : S22,22 ) are measured of Ants 1:9 and 19:22 as shown in Figure 6
(b). There is a slight difference between the measured and simulated results
may due to minor fabrication errors, misalignment, the insertion loss of the
SMA connector, and tolerances.

6.2.3 Isolations and ECCs

The envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) and channel capacity (CC) of
the proposed wideband 22-element BS MIMO system will be examined to
further show the performance of the proposed system. For simplification, to
compute the ECC value, the multipath environment is considered to be
isotropic in terms of both polarizations and power density [1]. As a result,
the complex radiation far field may compute the envelope correlation

119 | P a g e
between two antennas i and j as follows:
|∯ Aij (θ,φ)sⅈn θdθdφ|
ECC(i, j) = (1)
∯DAii (θ,φ)sⅈn θdθdφ⋅∯ Ajj (θ,φ)sⅈn θdθdφ

∗ ∗
Aⅈj (θ, φ) = Eθ,ⅈ (θ, φ) ⋅ Eθ,j (θ, φ) + Eφ,ⅈ (θ, φ) ⋅ Eφ,j (θ, φ) (2)


Figure 6-7 Simulated envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) using S-Parameter

120 | P a g e
As demonstrated in Figure 7, the simulated ECC value is less than 0.035
over the whole band 3.4-6 GHz, and very close to 0 across 3.5 -4.75 GHz
and across 5.5 - 5.925 GHz which is sufficient for 5G MIMO operation.

6.2.4 Antenna Efficiency

Fig.6-8 shows the simulated total efficiency of the proposed 22 port BS
MIMO structure. Due to the symmetry structure, only the simulated
efficiencies of Ant1 – Ant22 are shown for brevity. As shown in Figure 8,
one can note that the efficiencies for all antenna elements are near each
other. Where the efficiency in the lower band (LTE bands 42/43 - N77 -
N78) ranges from 89% to 97% and in the intermediate band (N79) ranges
from 88.2% to 95%, and in the higher band (LTE 46) ranges from 82% to



121 | P a g e

Figure 6-8 Simulated total efficiency of the proposed 22 port BS MIMO structure


In this section, the radiation patterns of all 22 Ants are investigated in
figure 6.9. Where the below figures depict the simulated 3D radiation
pattern for each Ant at its resonant frequency.

Ant 1 at 4.435 GHz Ant 2 at 4.456 GHz Ant 3 at 4.421 GHz

122 | P a g e
Ant 4 at 4.4455 GHz Ant 5 at 4.4035 GHz Ant 6 at 4.484 GHz

Ant 7 at 4.3265 GHz Ant 8 at 4.3055 GHz Ant 9 at 5155 GHz

Ant 10 at 4.414 GHz Ant 11 at 4.4245 GHz Ant 12 at 4.393 GHz

123 | P a g e
Ant 13 at 4.4175 GHz Ant 14 at 4.3755 GHz
Ant 15 at 4.491 GHz

Ant 16 at 4.302 GHz Ant 17 at 4.3405 GHz Ant 18 at 4.512


Ant 19 at 4.1025 GHz Ant 20 at 4.442 GHz

Ant 21 at 4.1025 GHz

Ant 22 at 4.106 GHz

Figure 6-9 the simulated 3D radiation pattern for each Ant at its resonant frequency

124 | P a g e
The below Figures depicts the simulated E-plane and H-plane radiation
pattern for each Ant at its resonant frequency.

Ant 1 at 4.435 GHz Ant 2 at 4.456 GHz Ant 3 at 4.421 GHz

Ant 4 at 4.4455 GHz Ant 5 at 4.4035 GHz Ant 6 at 4.484 GHz

Ant 7 at 4.3265 GHz Ant 8 at 4.3055 GHz Ant 9 at 5155


Ant 10 at 4.414 GHz Ant 11 at 4.4245 GHz Ant 12 at 4.393GHz

125 | P a g e
Ant 13 at 4.4175 GHz Ant 14 at 4.3755 GHz Ant 15 at 4.491GHz

Ant 16 at 4.302 GHz Ant 17 at 4.3405 GHz Ant 18 at 4.512 GHz

Ant 19 at 4.1025 GHz Ant 20 at 4.442 GHz Ant 21 at 4.1025 GHz

Ant 22 at 4.106 GHz

Figure 6-10 the simulated E-plane and H-plane radiation pattern for each Ant at its resonant

126 | P a g e
6.3 Performance comparison
Table 1 shows a detailed comparison of the proposed antenna array and
some 5G MIMO indoor base station antennas. The proposed array design
consists of 22 antenna elements, which is larger than the number of elements
in [1] by 14 elements of the same size and larger than number of elements
in 2 and 3 by 18 elements, with an acceptable isolation value. In terms of
Isolation, the isolation between any two adjacent antennas is 12.7dB. By
comparing the antenna element sizes, the antenna element of the proposed
MIMO array has a low planar size of 10.2 mm × 11.2 mm, which is much
smaller compared to the others antennas
Table 6-1 performance comparison between the proposed array and other previous work

Bandwidth Efficiency Isolation No of
Reference Ground size (mm3 ) element size ECC
(GHz) (%) (dB) Elements
(mm x mm)

Proposed 140 x 140 x 1.5 3.4 - 6 89 – 97 -15 10.2 x 11.2 22 0.02

[40] 140 x 140 x 0.8 3.4-7.1 55 - 83 -15 dB 14 x 16.5 8 0
[41] 129.5×129.5×28.2 1.55-6 84% -16 23.15 x 20.8 4 0.5
[42] 75 x 75 x 18.75 3-5 67% -11 dB 4.31 x 14.22 4 -

127 | P a g e
6.4 Summary
In This chapter, a novel wideband 22- element indoor BS antenna array
that can cover 3.4–6.0 GHz was proposed for 5G applications. A particular
shaped monopole antenna was designed to cover the Lower band (LTE
bands 42/43 - N77 - N78), the intermediate band (N79), and the higher band
(LTE 46). The antenna elements were arranged in a limited space printed
on a substrate takes the square Polygon shape achieving polarization
diversity. Both simulation and measurement validated the performance of
the 22-antenna BS MIMO system, and good MIMO antenna performance
was attained. The proposed BS MIMO system show quite high isolation,
antenna efficiency about 89% - 97%, and ECC below 0.02, which were good
enough for a practical 5G MIMO indoor base station.

128 | P a g e
Chapter 7

129 | P a g e
A new type of relaying technology has appeared inspired by recent
advances in electromagnetic metamaterials. It is known as a Reconfigurable
Intelligent Surface (RIS) or Intelligent Reflecting Surface. In a nutshell, an
RIS is a two-dimensional surface that can be electronically tuned to interact
with electromagnetic waves as if it had another physical shape; for example,
if one wants the transmitted signal to be reflected towards a certain location,
the RIS can synthesize a metal plate that is rotated and bent to focus the
incident waves on that location. Practically speaking, an RIS can be built
using artificial electromagnetic metamaterial, which consists of periodic
arrangements of specifically designed subwavelength-sized structural
elements. Such metamaterials have unique electromagnetic properties that
do not exist in nature, such as, negative refraction, perfect absorption, and
anomalous reflection/scattering. In order to realize the aforementioned
relaying feature, the RIS must contain a large number of elements (to obtain
appreciable gains) that have controllable properties. By varying the
reflection coefficient (e.g., phase shift) of the elements, one can in theory
control towards which location an incident wave is beamformed. The
number of discrete states that an element can have been often measured in
bits, because an element with 2Nstates can be controlled using N bits. We
will put the concept of RIS to practice by designing an RIS-enhanced

130 | P a g e
wireless communication prototype and using it for indoor/outdoor field
trials. A previous prototype was described in. It was designed to modulate
the impinging signal, which is very different from our work, where we
passively reflect/relay information-carrying wireless signals towards the
receiver. In, an RIS prototype with 256 2-bit elements was presented. It
achieved a 21.7 dBi antenna gain for a fixed configuration and no adaptive
beamforming was reported. The power consumption was around 153 W.
proposed RFocus, which is a system that moves beamforming functions
from the radio transmitter to the environment.

7.2 Proposed RIS Design

7.2.1 Reflective Element Design
In this section, we describe the details of our new large-scale RIS
hardware prototype, which consists of 400 elements. We designed a meta
surface tuned by varactor diodes for operation in the C-band. Fig.7-1 shows
a varactor diode tuned structure, whose central working frequency is 5.8

131 | P a g e
(a)Top view (b) Perspective

(c) side view

Figure 7-1The topology of an RIS element. Each element contains two varactor diodes, and the parameters are marked in
the figure.

Each reflecting element consists of three layers. The top layer contains
two pairs of rectangular metallic patches, each of which is connected by a
varactor diode with the junction capacitance controlled by the external bias
voltage. The middle layer is a ground plane for reflecting impinging waves.
The ground plane is connected to the patches on both sides of the top layer
through four via-holes serving as ground, for design convenience. The
bottom layer contains direct current (DC) biasing lines that regulate the
varactor diodes on the top layer. Two via-holes connect the central patches
132 | P a g e
to biasing lines. The copper thickness of the patches and biasing lines of the
elements are all 35 µm.

The properties of the proposed element were first evaluated with the
commercial electromagnetic solver CST Microwave Studio 2021, using
periodic boundary conditions to quantify the reflection spectra for different
bias voltages. The varactor diodes integrated into the element are Skyworks
SMV2019- 079LF, which can be modeled as a series Resistor-Inductor-
Capacitor (RLC) circuit (i.e., it consists of a resistance, a capacitance, and
an inductance connected in series) as shown in Fig. 7-2. The equivalent
circuit component parameters are shown in Table. The varactor diode is
modeled by a lumped port in the simulation. The amplitude and phase
responses of the reflection under different bias voltages are shown in Fig.

Figure 7-2. An equivalent circuit description of the varactor diode. It can be modeled as a series RLC circuit.

133 | P a g e

where different voltages result in widely different phase shifts over the
considered frequency range. For any given frequency within the yellow-
marked band from 5.5 GHz to 6.0 GHz, varying the bias voltage from 0 to
19 V is sufficient to modify the phase-shift by at least 180 degrees. The
amplitude variations are substantially smaller within the considered band
and the largest losses appear when the phase is close to zero.


134 | P a g e

Figure 3 (a), (b), (c) The
simulated reflection amplitude and phase response of the RIS element
under different voltages from 0 to 19 V. This region represents the range where the
maximum phase difference is larger than 180 degrees. The orange region will be used for
communications in the field trials

135 | P a g e
Figure 7-5 .The simulated reflection amplitude and phase response of the RIS element under different voltages from 0 to 19
V. This region represents the range where the maximum phase difference is larger than 180 degrees. The orange region will
be used for.

We can conclude from the figure that the considered element structure
can achieve a 180-degree phase difference in this region, for example, using

136 | P a g e
0 V and 16 V as bias voltages, for which the phase shifts are around − 43.38
and +136.6 degrees, respectively. Moreover, the reflection coefficients are
approximately constant within the considered bandwidth, thus the RIS
element has a frequency-flat response.

To limit the complexity of the prototype, we used two voltages to

represent the phase states of −43.38 and 136.6 Based on the proposed
element structure, we designed and fabricated an RIS board. It has the form
of a Uniform Planar Array (UPA) with a 20 × 20 element grid. The front
view of the RIS board is shown in Fig. 4. The size of the fabricated RIS is
28.6 cm × 20.54 cm.

(a) Top view (b) Perspective view

Figure 7-6 (a)The top view of fabricated 20 × 20 RIS, each element capable of 1-bit phase shifting. (b) The Perspective
view of fabricated 10 × 10 RIS.

7.3 RIS controller

Specifically, an RIS is a software-controlled planer surface consisting of
a large number of low-cost passive reflecting elements.

137 | P a g e
Each element, of size smaller than the wavelength, has the capability to alter
the phase of the impinging signal, creating a favorable wireless environment
between the transmitter and the receiver.

The RIS reflection adaption is programmed and controlled via a smart

controller, such as a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), which acts as
a gate-way to communicate and coordinate with the BS through a separate
wireless or a wired link.

Figure 7-7 RIS with controller

7.3.1 Control Method

RIS receives a signal from the base station (BS), and then reflects the

138 | P a g e
incident signal by inducing phase changes, adjusted by the controller.

Consequently, the reflected signal can be added coherently with the

direct signal from the BS to either boost or attenuate the overall signal
strength at the receiver. Although RIS is theoretically passive, since it
reflects the signal without power amplification, however, in practice, it has
minimal power requirement for the operation of smart controller and
reconfiguration of the elements for controllable reflections

The specific control methods can vary depending on the implementation

and system requirements.

Here is a general overview of how to control an IRS:

1. Channel State Information (CSI) estimation: The controller needs

to estimate the CSI between the IRS and the be feedback

2. Beam CSI estimated, the controller optimal shifts to control the)

optimization control the adjust of.

3. Feedback and adaptation: The controller continuously monitors the

system performance through feedback from the
receiver(s)/transmitter(s) and adjusts the phase shifts accordingly.
This adaptation can be done dynamically to optimize the reflection
patterns based on changing channel conditions

139 | P a g e
It's worth noting that the exact control mechanisms and algorithms used
may vary in different implementations of IRS technology, and ongoing
research is being conducted to further enhance their performance and

Figure 7-8Schematic of the RIS control circuit. A codeword is generated and parsed to the RF PIN
diodes through a microcontroller

140 | P a g e
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