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Topic 11-1 Example No.

Calculate the temperature at which the reading of a Fahrenheit and a Celsiusᴼ thermometer are the


T (ᴼF) = T (ᴼC) = T

T = 9/5 T + 32

( 9/5 – 1) T = -32

4/5 T = -32

T = 5/4 ( -32) = -40 ᴼ of same ᴼC and ᴼF ans.

Topic 11-1-1 Temperature: Thermal Expansion

A. Linear Expansivity or the Coefficient of Linear expansion is defined as the change in length per unit
length per degree rise in temperature.

Where : ΔL = Change in Length of a material ( Bar)

α = Linear expansivity of the material

L0 = initial length expressed in the same unit length.

Δt = Change in temperature

Derived from the Following:

α 0 = L1 - L0 / (L0 [t- t0 ]

where : α 0 = Average linear expansivity for the region about temperature t0 and L0 and L1 are the
initial and final length respectively.

Example No.11-1-1

A copper bar is 8.0 ft long at 68 ᴼ F and has an expansivity α 0 = 9.3 x 10 6 / ᴼ F. What is its increase in the
length when heated to 110ᴼ F.

Solution : ΔL = L α Δt = (8.0 ft long) (9.3 x 10 -6 / ᴼ F) (110-68 ᴼ F) = 0.0031 ft

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