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Kong Fu Xi, famously known as Cunfucius, was born in 551 BC.

Despite being born into a

noble family, the downfall of the empire into feudal states led his family to poverty. Born in an
era where education was only for nobility and royals, to learn, he worked for a nobleman,
which allowed him to travel to the imperial capital and gain knowledge. Eventually, he
became known as the most learned man of his time.

Confucius values virtue and tradition, propriety, and humility. Twenty-five hundred years
later, his ideas about education, government, right behaviour, and compassion continue to
inspire millions every day, making him one of the greatest teacher. He believed that
everyone possessed feelings of pity, shame, and moral goodness. Yet, external influences
could lead people to engage in evil deeds. Thus, Confucius established education and self-
cultivation as the ways for individuals to overcome individual contention and gain self-
discipline. By making education accessible to all, Confucius revolutionised education. He
claims that there is no class distinction in education. All people are teachable and
improvable. It is important to educate everyone who wants to learn. Every person has the
beginnings of goodness within him or her, all people are born equal, and it becomes
imperative for every person to cultivate and develop what is innately good in him or her into
an ever greater realm and onto an ever higher level.

Character development was the major purpose of Confucian education. Its goal was to teach
people how to be humane and responsible members of their families, communities, and the
world. While personal character development was important, Confucius emphasised the
significance of using one's knowledge and virtues to help others and society as a whole. His
emphasis on the pursuit of personal strength and commitment to societal responsibility is still
relevant today, making Confucianism a timeless guide for ethical behaviour and education. It
encourages people to not only better themselves but also to contribute to the well-being of
the larger community, establishing a culture based on respect, harmony, and shared ideals.

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