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Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1046/j.1474-7766.2003.09117.x on 1 April 2003. Downloaded from on October 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.

The mitochondrion
and its disorders
nalling and apoptosis (programmed cell death),
Patrick F. Chinnery and they have a crucial role in metabolism.
Department of Neurology, Regional Neurosciences Many metabolic enzyme systems are contained
within mitochondria, including components of
Centre, Newcastle General Hospital and the tricarboxylic acid (Krebs) cycle enzymes, and
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Email: the fatty acid β-oxidation pathway. However,
the term ‘mitochondrial disorder’ usually refers to a primary abnormality of the mitochondrial
Practical Neurology, 2003, 3, 100–105 respiratory chain.
Secondary mitochondrial dysfunction is seen
as part of normal ageing and also in neurode-
Mitochondria are ubiquitous intracellular generative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease,
organelles that play a pivotal role in cellular but the significance of these changes is not clear.
energy metabolism. It therefore should come as Mitochondrial dysfunction also plays an im-
no surprise that mitochondrial dysfunction can portant part in the pathophysiology of a group
cause neurological disease. These disorders are of inherited neurological diseases that includes
not rare; each UK neurologist will have at least Friedreich’s ataxia, Wilson’s disease and heredi-
20 patients with mitochondrial disease within tary spastic paraparesis. Although related, these
their catchment area of about 200 000 people. are not thought of as ‘primary mitochondrial
This short article will focus on the basic science disorders’ and will not be considered here.
that underpins our current understanding of
mitochondrial disease. It will stick to the bare WHAT DOES THE MITOCHONDRIAL RESPIRATORY
essential facts that will help the busy neurolo- CHAIN DO?
gist to identify, investigate and manage these The mitochondrial respiratory chain is a group
fascinating and challenging patients. of five large enzyme complexes that sit within
The tables should serve as a useful reference. the inner mitochondrial membrane (Fig. 1).
Table 1 illustrates the clinical relevance of the Each enzyme complex contains multiple
basic science described in this article, but the subunits, and the largest is complex I with over
reader should be aware that it will soon be out 70 components. The metabolism of carbohy-
of date. Table 2 lists the features associated with drates, fats and proteins generates intermediary
well–recognized mitochondrial ‘syndromes’. metabolites that feed electrons in to the respi-
ratory chain. These electrons are passed from
MITOCHONDRIA AND MITOCHONDRIAL DISORDERS: complex to complex, and this energy is used to
WHAT ARE THEY? pump protons out of the mitochondrial matrix.
Rather than thinking of mitochondria as dis- This generates the mitochondrial membrane
crete membrane-bound structures, they prob- potential, which is harnessed by complex V to
ably form a budding and fusing reticulum that is synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the
integrated into the cellular network. Mitochon- principal intracellular energy source. The de-
dria have a number of interrelated functions. tailed biochemistry of the respiratory chain is
They are involved in intracellular calcium sig- not important clinically, but it is worth remem-
© 2003 Blackwell Science Ltd
APRIL 2003 101

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Table 1 Mitochondrial disorders bering that complex II is also called succinate
Nuclear genetic disorders Inheritance pattern dehydrogenase (SDH) and complex IV is usu-
Disorders of mtDNA maintenance ally called cytochrome c oxidase (COX).
Autosomal dominant external ophthalmoplegia
(with 2° multiple mtDNA deletions) MITOCHONDRIAL BIOGENESIS: A TALE OF TWO
Ant 1 mutations AD
POLG mutations AD or AR GENOMES
Twinkle (C10orf2) mutations AD The respiratory chain has a dual genetic basis.
Mitochondrial neuro-gastrointestinal encephalomyopathy The vast majority of the respiratory chain
(with 2° multiple mtDNA deletions) complex subunits are synthesized within the
Thymidine phosphorylase gene AR
Myopathy with mtDNA depletion cytoplasm from nuclear gene transcripts (mes-
Thymidine kinase deficiency AR senger RNA molecules transcribed from genes
Encephalopathy with liver failure within the cell nucleus). These are delivered
Deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency AR into mitochondria by a targeting sequence that
Disorders of mitochondrial protein import enters through the mitochondrial protein im-
Dystonia-deafness port machinery. Thirteen of the complex subu-
DDP1/TIMM8a mutations XLR
nits are synthesized within the mitochondria
Primary disorders of the respiratory chain themselves from small circles of DNA called the
Leigh’s syndrome
Complex I deficiency – mutations in NDUFS2,4,7,8 mitochondrial genome (mtDNA; Fig. 2). In ad-
and FV1 complex I subunits AR dition to the protein coding genes, mtDNA also
Complex II deficiency – mutations in Fp subunit of complex II AR encodes for 24 RNA molecules that are needed
Leukodystrophy and myoclonic epilepsy for intramitochondrial protein synthesis. As
Complex I deficiency – mutations in NDUFV1 complex I
subunit (Scheulke et al. 1999) AR a result, genetic mutations of nuclear DNA
Cardioencephalomyopathy (nDNA) or mtDNA can affect respiratory chain
Complex I deficiency – mutations in NDUFS2 AR activity. MtDNA defects fall into two groups:
Optic atrophy and ataxia rearrangements (large chunks of deleted or du-
Complex II deficiency – mutations in Fp subunit of complex II AD
plicated mtDNA) and point mutations (single
Disorders of assembly of the respiratory chain base changes). These mutations can affect the
Leigh’s syndrome
Complex IV deficiency – mutations in SURF I AR RNA genes and lead to a general defect of pro-
Complex IV deficiency – mutations in COX 10 AR tein synthesis within the mitochondria, or they
Cardioencephalomyopathy can affect the protein-encoding genes them-
Complex IV deficiency – mutations in SCO 2 AR selves. MtDNA duplications are often found in
Hepatic failure and encephalopathy
Complex IV deficiency – mutations in SCO 1 AR patients harbouring mtDNA deletions, but the
Tubulopathy, encephalopathy and liver failure duplications are not thought to be pathogenic.
Complex III deficiency – mutations in BCS1L AR Mitochondria cannot survive on their own,
Mitochondrial genetic disorders and there are many nuclear-encoded factors
(mtDNA nucleotide positions refer to the L-chain) Inheritance pattern that play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy
Rearrangements (deletions and duplications) respiratory chain. Over recent years we have
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) S
Kearns–Sayre syndrome S learned that these factors are important clini-
Diabetes and deafness S cally. The nucleus maintains healthy mtDNA
Point mutations thoughout human life. Disruption of the
Protein-encoding genes mtDNA polymerase-γ (POLG), or the balance
LHON (G11778A, T14484C, G3460A) M
NARP/Leigh syndrome (T8993G/C) M of nucleotides (DNA building blocks) within
tRNA genes the mitochondrial matrix, leads to the forma-
MELAS (A3243G, T3271C, A3251G) M tion of many different secondary mutations of
MERRF (A8344G, T8356C) M mtDNA throughout life, or the loss (depletion)
CPEO (A3243G, T4274C) M
Myopathy (T14709C, A12320G) M of mtDNA (Table 1, disorders of mtDNA main-
Cardiomyopathy (A3243G, A4269G) M tenance). Finally, specific proteins are needed
Diabetes and deafness (A3243G, C12258A) M to assemble the various components of the
Encephalomyopathy (G1606A, T10010C) M respiratory chain into the complete complexes,
rRNA genes
Non-syndromic sensorineural deafness (A7445G) M and disruption of these processes can also lead
Aminoglycoside induced nonsyndromic deafness (A1555G) M to severe respiratory chain deficiencies that usu-
ally present in childhood (Table 1, disorders of
AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; M, maternal; S, sporadic; assembly of the respiratory chain).
XLR, X-linked recessive. Two other mitochondrial components
also need mentioning. Co-enzyme Q10
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1046/j.1474-7766.2003.09117.x on 1 April 2003. Downloaded from on October 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2 Clinical syndromes associated with mitochondrial disease


Chronic progressive External ophthalmoplegia Mild proximal myopathy
external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) and bilateral ptosis
Infantile myopathy and lactic acidosis Hypotonia in the first year of life Fatal form may be associated
(fatal and nonfatal forms) Feeding and respiratory difficulties with a cardiomyopathy and/or the Toni–
Fanconi–Debre syndrome
Kearns–Sayre syndrome (KSS) PEO onset before age 20 with Bilateral deafness
pigmentary retinopathy plus one of Myopathy
the following: CSF protein greater than Dysphagia
1 g/L, cerebellar ataxia, heart block Diabetes mellitus
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy Subacute painless bilateral visual failure Dystonia
(LHON) Males:females approx. 4 : 1 Cardiac pre–excitation syndromes
Median age of onset 24 years
Leigh’s syndrome (LS) Subacute relapsing encephalopathy Basal ganglia lucencies
with cerebellar and brain-stem signs
presenting during infancy

Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy Stroke-like episodes before age 40 years Diabetes mellitus

with lactic acidosis and stroke-like Seizures and/or dementia Cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic leading
episodes Ragged-red fibres and/or lactic acidosis to dilated)
(MELAS) Bilateral deafness
Pigmentary retinopathy
Cerebellar ataxia
Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibres Myoclonus Dementia
(MERF) Seizures Optic atrophy
Cerebellar ataxia Bilateral deafness
Myopathy Peripheral neuropathy
Multiple lipomata
Neurogenic weakness with ataxia and Late childhood or adult onset Basal ganglia lucencies
retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) peripheral neuropathy with associated Abnormal electroretinogram
ataxia and pigmentary retinopathy Sensorimotor neuropathy
Pearson’s Syndome Sideroblastic anaemia of childhood Renal tubular defects
Exocrine pancreatic failure

Figure 1 Nuclear – mitochondrial interactions and

the respiratory chain. The mitochondrial respiratory
chain consists of five enzyme complexes that
use the products of intermediary metabolism (of
proteins, carbohydrates and fats) to synthesize Complex A

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is shuttled mtDNA subunits ATP


out of the mitochondria by adenine nucleotide V

transferrase (ANT). MtDNA is maintained by a Q
number of nuclear encoded factors. Nuclear factors Q
e -
also regulate the transcription of mtDNA (forming a e e

Carbohydrates Factors for mtDNA

messenger RNA template) and the translation of the
Proteins maintenance,
transcripts into proteins within the mitochondrion. Fats transcription and
Complex subunits & translation
Nuclear DNA also codes for most of the respiratory
assembly proteins
chain subunits and the complex assembly factors.
MtDNA codes for 13 essential respiratory chain
subunits and part of the machinery needed for nucleus
protein synthesis within the mitochondrial matrix.
e–, electrons; Q, coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone).
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The human mitochondrial genome
Figure 2 The human mitochondrial genome. The
16S RNA P human mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is a small
E ND5 16.5kb molecule of double stranded DNA. The D-
loop is the 1.1kb noncoding region that is involved in
the regulation of transcription and replication of the
molecule, and is the only region not directly involved
I in the synthesis of respiratory chain polypeptides.
Q MtDNA encodes for 13 essential components of
M the respiratory chain. ND1-ND6, and ND4L encode
ND2 A seven subunits of complex I. Cyt b is the only mtDNA
N encoded complex III subunit. COX I to III encode
W C ND4 for three of the complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase,
or COX) subunits, and the ATPase 6 and ATPase 8
OL S(UCN) genes encode for two subunits of complex V. Two
ribosomal RNA genes (12S and 16S rRNA), and
ND3 22 transfer RNA genes are interspaced between
CO III the protein-encoding genes. These provide the
ATPase 6 necessary RNA components for intramitochondrial
protein synthesis. OH and OL are the origins of heavy
ATPase 8 and light strand mtDNA replication.

(ubiquinone) has an important role shuttling drial disorders can affect any organ system this
electrons between different respiratory chain is not strictly true, and certain tissues seem to be
complexes, and which adenine nucleotide preferentially involved. In simple terms, tissues
transferrase (ANT) exchanges ATP and ADP and organs that are heavily dependent upon
across the mitochondrial membrane. ATP appear to be preferentially involved in
patients with mitochondrial diseases. Neurones
MITOCHONDRIAL DNA, HETEROPLASMY AND THE appear to be particularly vulnerable (including
THRESHOLD EFFECT the retina and optic nerve), followed by skeletal
Mononuclear human cells contain only two and cardiac muscle, and endocrine organs (par-
copies of each nuclear gene, but many thou- ticularly the endocrine pancreas). However, a
sands of copies of mtDNA. At birth all the wide range of tissues may be involved including
mtDNA molecules are identical (a situation the cochlea, the gastrointestinal tract, the skin
called homoplasmy). Patients with pathogenic and haematological tissues.
mtDNA defects usually harbour a mixture of Patients with mtDNA disease have the added
mutant and wild-type (normal) mtDNA within complexity of mtDNA heteroplasmy. Different
each cell (heteroplasmy). The proportion of levels of mutant mtDNA in different tissues,
mutant mtDNA can vary between 1 and 99%, coupled with tissue specific thresholds, partly ex-
and the cell only expresses a biochemical defect plains the pattern of clinical involvement. How-
when the proportion of mutant mtDNA exceeds ever, if it were that simple then all patients with
a critical threshold (typically 50–80% mutant, mitochondrial disease would look the same in the
depending on the exact genetic defect). clinic – something that is clearly not the case.


Perhaps the most difficult thing to explain is To pick an example, the A3243G point mutation
the relative selectivity of clinical involvement. of mtDNA characteristically causes mitochon-
Although the traditional view is that mitochon- drial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1046/j.1474-7766.2003.09117.x on 1 April 2003. Downloaded from on October 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
stroke-like episodes (MELAS). This mutation neurological disorder along with multiple ad-
affects a mitochondrial tRNA gene that im- ditional organ involvement.
pairs the synthesis of respiratory chain proteins
within mitochondria and it is invariably hetero- PROBLEMS WITH MAKING A MOLECULAR
plasmic. The A8344G point mutation of mtDNA DIAGNOSIS
causes myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibres If a patient has a suspected nuclear mitochon-
(MERRF) and also affects a mitochondrial tRNA drial disorder, then DNA analysis can be carried
gene with a consequent reduction in intramito- out on a blood sample. In some patients with a
chondrial protein synthesis, and it is also in- mtDNA mutation it may be possible to identify
variably heteroplasmic. Although there is some the genetic defect in a blood sample (for exam-
clinical overlap in the phenotypes associated ple, in patients with Leber’s hereditary optic
with these two mutations, they often cause quite neuropathy where most patients have only
different disorders (Table 2), despite the fact that mutant mtDNA – homoplasmic mutant). Un-
the molecular defects are strikingly similar. fortunately a simple blood sample may not be
Unfortunately there is a poor relationship sufficient when investigating every patient with
between the clinical features of mitochondrial suspected mitochondrial disease. This is because
disease and the underlying genetic and bio- the level of mutant mtDNA may be very low in
chemical abnormalities. Different genetic de- blood (below the threshold of detection), or
fects can cause a similar clinical phenotype (for not present at all. This is almost always the case
example, a mutation in mtDNA or nDNA can in patients with sporadic chronic progressive
cause clinically indistinguishable Leigh’s syn- external ophthalmoplegia or the Kearns–Sayre
drome), and yet the same genetic defect can also syndrome, which is usually due to a mtDNA
cause very different clinical features even within deletion, but it also applies to point mutations
the same family (for example A3243G can cause such as the common A3243G mutation. Thus,
MELAS, but more often causes a milder disorder whilst it is entirely reasonable to send off a blood
with deafness, diabetes or external ophthalmo- sample for molecular analysis in patients with
plegia with ptosis). It is becoming clear that suspected mitochondrial disease, if the blood
additional mitochondrial and nuclear genetic mtDNA test is negative the patient should then
factors modulate the expression of the primary have a muscle biopsy.
mtDNA defects, and that these interact with the
environment. We clearly do not have all the CLUES FROM THE HISTOCHEMISTRY
answers at present. Routine muscle histochemisty includes a re-
Despite the complexities, there are, however, action for COX and SDH (Fig. 3). COX has
a number of well recognised syndromes that are both nuclear and mtDNA encoded subunits.
usually due to mitochondrial disease (Table 2). A generalized decrease in COX in all muscle
However, mitochondrial dysfunction should be fibres suggests that the genetic defect is in the
Figure 3 Skeletal muscle considered in any patient with an unexplained nuclear genome, probably involving a COX
histochemistry from a patient
with a pathogenic mtDNA defect.
COX (cytochrome c oxidase;
complex IV) showing a mosaic COX muscle histochemistry SDH muscle histochemistry
distribution of COX negative
fibres. The COX negative fibres
contain a high percentage of
mutant mtDNA (above the critical
threshold level, 80% for the
mutation in this patient). SDH
(succinate dehydrogenase;
complex II) showing
mitochondrial proliferation. The
subsarcolemmal proliferation
corresponds to the ‘ragged-red’
COX negative fibre “ragged-red” fibre
appearance of muscle fibres with 17% 38% 55% 85% 90%
the Gomori trichrome stain. Scale
bar = 70 µm. mutant

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APRIL 2003 105

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assembly gene. Patients with mtDNA defects MITOCHONDRIAL DISORDERS – SOME FACTS TO REMEMBER
often have a mosaic COX deficiency (Fig. 3) • Mitochondrial disorders are primary disorders of the respiratory chain.
because different muscle fibres contain differ- • Mitochondrial disorders can be due to genetic defects in either the nuclear
ent amounts of mutant mtDNA and only some genome or the mitochondrial genome.
fibres contain supra-threshold levels. SDH is • Nuclear genetic mitochondrial disorders are inherited as autosomal domi-
the only respiratory chain complex that is en- nant, recessive or rarely as X-linked traits.
tirely encoded by nuclear genes. Patients with • Most adults with mitochondrial disease have an underlying defect of mito-
mtDNA mutations usually show up-regulation chondrial DNA (mtDNA).
of SDH in affected fibres (thought to be a com- • In many patients there is a mixture of mutant and wild-type (normal)
pensatory mechanism) and proliferation of mtDNA (heteroplasmy).
mitochondria (corresponding to ragged red-fi- • The level of mutant mtDNA heteroplasmy may be undetectable in blood, and
bres, Fig. 3). Unfortunately some patients have patients with suspected mtDNA disease should have a muscle biopsy if blood
a biochemical defect that does not involve SDH DNA tests are negative.
or COX, and these patients have normal muscle • MtDNA disorders are transmitted down the maternal line – males cannot
histochemistry. As luck would have it, the most transmit the genetic defect.
common heteroplasmic mtDNA point muta- • The recurrence risks for most mtDNA disorders are not well established.
tion (the A3243G ‘MELAS’ mutation) does Some are sporadic and some are transmitted.
just this. So, normal muscle histochemistry • There is no effective treatment for mitochondrial disorders – management
does not mean no mitochondrial disease. If a is supportive.
mitochondrial disease is still high on the list
of differential diagnoses, then the next step is ANY TREATMENTS?
to measure individual respiratory chain com- There are currently no established disease mod-
plexes in muscle. This is only done well in a few ifying treatments for mitochondrial disease.
specialist centres. Patients are often given ubiquinone (coenzyme
Q10) because it is innocuous and there have
INHERITANCE been reports of improvement in some cases.
The nuclear genetic mitochondrial disorders Various vitamins and cofactors have also been
are inherited as autosomal dominant, auto- used, and there is a clinical trial of dichloracetate
somal recessive or rarely as X-linked recessive currently in progress. Management is largely
traits (Table 1). By contrast, mtDNA is inherited supportive, with particular attention being paid
down the maternal line. This means that a male to genetic counselling.
cannot transmit the defect to their offspring
– information that is always received by families CONCLUSION
with great relief. The offspring of women with a Although mitochondrial disease is confusing, it
mtDNA defect are at risk of inheriting the dis- is relatively straightforward to avoid the clinical
order. Approximately one-third of pathogenic pitfalls if a few basic facts are kept in mind (see
mtDNA defects are deletions, and the risk of text in box). We may have no treatments, but
women transmitting mtDNA deletions is low a precise diagnosis has important implications
(< 1%, the reasons for this are not known). Ap- for the management of these patients who are
proximately one-third of pathogenic mtDNA being increasingly recognized.
defects are homoplasmic (i.e. all of the mtDNA
is mutant). In this situation, a woman will pass ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
on the defect to all her offspring who will also be PFC is funded by the Wellcome Trust
homoplasmic (this is usually the case for Leber’s
hereditary optic neuropathy, where about 40% FURTHER READING
of male offspring and 10% of female offspring Genetests: a medical genetics information resource.
become affected). For the remaining one-third,
Mitomap: a human mitochondrial genome database.
the mutation is heteroplasmic and a varying
proportion of mutant mtDNA may be passed DiMauro, S and Schon, E.A. (2001) Mitochondrial DNA
on to the offspring. The inherited mutation mutations in human disease. Am. J. Medical Genet,
load roughly correlates with the likelihood of 106, 18–26.
becoming clinically affected. There are no ro- Suomalainen, A and Kaukonen, J. (2001) Diseases
caused by nuclear genes affecting mtDNA stability
bust counselling guidelines available for women
Am. J. Medical Genet, 106, 53–61.
with heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations. This is Servidei, S. (2002) Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies:
an area of current study. gene mutation Neuromuscul Disord 12, 101–110.
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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