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tnit-e @ “hetiy ob Tolpeule fa_stalament Grloulus: the Hain atin dy degice. 18 ‘te Provide vale ob ‘nlerena te iolge a Cnclusion kom Gelain Premites. the theBy arsociaks with vules ol, ferent means Set 4 A, Wy krocn as “inlgien® they. Premines AbBUMPH ons, Axioms Gee VaPotne nis - a a Conclusion iS dexved brem OX et + Prem bes by Using actepled ruler ob Reasoning, them Gach a Pwcest of dewvabiee iS Called a deductin or a bomal Prook aud the Aaxqamexh iS GMled a Nalid argument O Grclusion \¢ Called a valid Guclumion. aud Premises Mean’ fet ob AARumptiaws, aaciom’ Wy [othe 213» yes A, B be too Atal meu frnulas, foe 5B Ys valid ahh hole, > fos tat “Bp logtGalbs Kellocer. Krom a” Cor Gaclasion GnteAucnc’) ch Ka Premize “A” ASP IS a fautslegy te A> B- te cebemine Bhether Ke Gnclusion legiclly follows trom the Poca Premines, © use the Ppllowtas Hath oda: 1) Fath Fgbte vated — ©) ctthout OF frath table Hetted Paoblenss . \s Delerrnine whether “the Goelasion “c’ fpllows legtcally bom the hypothesis Ae Mas w Wy P>@. ci PO @ra) aes) @ev 2 totva) PG PrQtH png. PR ERAD'E “ — " T +r rad + fF F € re er e a Pe 7 F 7 becouee 2, did, Uh vows ‘e {plows brow tka Peemit Ky , th value WT * CS vodue 1ST | Re concluBion XS valid , p Qa oP T r Fe * " € - T ep T T TT F e ct. F =the Concluaion iS valid, c. fellows foe Preeines RAL HV PSQ HytoP > c=P Pw PG (PS) TO Tr OF r f f FR e Fe x T 2 e& F T T fe Conchasion in vote Valid - Sar oes vot flood Hi, He abue tS e Ya RAK WD Hy, Ha TST bat ¢ Vi b= SM 4. PQ HyrP Cig a Hs Pq HieP C18 Gi) Hs PG Hatetend) Cho Hg: Pog , CF oLPAS) ey) Hy. oP ( a wi poe BIg > OP ; a Pp @ Pes PAQ wv (PAB) prone - - i . e Sy tes a cert T # " , + FT . r : e € 2 - e & F | Pom my pee Bek SR by raf 4s Valid + ne obsewe thak a 1% row 18 He ony "09 a Valls The Couctess inn alio has te Vales T Vy sp ad * : dy BAe +8 T ohsewe had aye, UHR 8 Te coclosioe at is vebid pe as wee. Hout tas Guoltian fe Gis Fiusonly itt, ord“ CP wp HL Pq Hat PAG . we 4 is 2 fa eben the nd uh reat “Re coucnan ye Valid « ig We Ww there a sows Hene a NS Lah Hy PEA cH la & wy at oe valid INR oe nie pena tn cahich both Premize, owe tht Value THC Comedurt'ar CRAG) has Wet T inthal'oe uw) yr Paq@ Hag cP cael. TE IB wot Valid : obsewe Tw oat Bi Ged, Keak oe Pv Rea ony Yq 8h yoo, but wot in ark Yoo f heute tac Careline ‘Tb not Valid - Rates be Tole ends (wotthout Ubhg ruth tole) “Pere axe tase tales dp Itpene wht qules PAT | we \ollocorng ave Yea0 Ya Poco ~ules ds vfpreuded Rafe Pale P- & Premise WOH be Wht Pont w deviekion « fule T° A fprmule ‘g! may Re cd, rve Proceeding bomular jw the dated oF Od aryedued bg OF ore or More deviabior . B Tw PliQdir formulas ay PAS * stot ftabion mM) PAG DY Ta} P=>> ev9 (aaaition) TMH? QP PVP L5:~P > p28 re :Q => P98 Ty } o(P28)>P Te? ©COPSH9D WO rq! P,Q => PAg Te i pyg D4 ( distundive sgfsgisey Ulgizrs) my. PB, PEO DO Cmodes Pores) Tig @8, P29 =P (modus tollens) 13 P39, goa DRoe hypethetical (ellegians) Ty: Pva, ~ag 1898 De delsemua (delienma’) 1b Noy vu - Eruivalert Braulae E,° Ea: Ea: Fa: 6: & | Ey eg ey a Ep - Eu * Ela * Els? Bu ' bis ° Ele: En: E\g >: It Ls él sa(pvg) G oP Ass (wp) E>P couble neqahian laws 9 pa on Commeartative laws pva &ave Pv CQuk) © BHOYE (oni lawe Patgne) & Q@agyn e PA (Que) > Pray v (Pre) t pias bubine lou evan) © @va) aCPve) o(Png) © ~Pves 4 Demorgor $ daut bye > P jdewePstent law. Pap S&P RV (Pan) 2 F RA Cover) OF RV (pve?) eT BA (Pact) @ F pra & wPvQ W(PaQ) & PANS pr2g & egaer p> (qe) 2 Gor. pe Whether the folloccing 16 @ Valid argumect-- > I Sadi bi wr) dads ts a Clam then he aslo. ve Br WH) Sachin hit a Cerlsary therefre Sachin et o- bree Gr. a Pp) Sachin Wh & Cedars” ie Q: Solin Get a free Gr- = &d P>s. jy ® _. ResBSeP P, PO oq (Hodes Ponens ) at is Yalid - pablea engl + day then 7 dovst han fn tho Examindhion . ty ab Q do ack hor l An Hae Srxaminabin then 4 father it a toro Wheeler 49 me: ‘oot a i lady dren my father aikta a fase caheelec oe py 9 sody Q»~ 9 dovet foal we te Extominahion. er we hather gibt 0 ben Wheatarte me - x Pa. Qe a p ek 39, Got EsPrk (hyfothetioal $4 llegi' m0) ~ Problen goog em become hemneiid ov Gi) g Gill become a muBicion therehBie py 9 will be Cane famous @: 9 will became & Hubldida. it nob beCome & musician, NUT betaue. fomou8 . gol Ppyverg a Q, pveg => P ibibe J will ise osttas oavf =QoP 9 LP Crtecat Perens) Poblems se R fellows Lica trom he Premitet pre, ot = O>R EF Hy P— Robe? gata aoe bel: gag a: POR eur BOO hyphal slliien, She Pp Qulr-P- ging pute La) Med? Yosh gt 3g, P28 aot Sih 8 Bet Say 2 9 tale” Sia 3 oP Raber , (909 me bets ellen 0G, P3Q > ea of bpllows \ogialls {gem Yha Premises % 2 (PAPA), HAVE, OF St} 1 parma) RHP Sak 8. PV. Rube wo gy 3 PAS pub-t (2) By 4. wave Rute P Fey 6 Ge ale (OY gis 6 PF ralet (6) wre ae 7 Suyry & oF jypothebed aullegim Rulol” Qutet (tT), Medes bike: SVR iS baulblegially Implied by WE AlParyA (Qs) , St (> Sd. Gwen Poa, FR, 85 Sth 1. Pvg@ Rule —P Sky a. a P58 Rule TW. w@dDP (34 O55 Rub-P PsQeoPvg, Ruler (42) PAE, Qa o POR Suh &. sPAS yay SSDP Pula-T (4) pra @raect .. ? Coyatia Pont!) ooh & PoR WhP S364 a. weap Rut (Hb poe & oPvG, sae gins) 8 SVR puter Cn) [Ste NP gr PVs blow? logically Lrrom the PremiBel CVD, GvdD)JDeH, wi @neB), @nw8)Rvs- Sih Cevp) amon Role P xy Qs wh 3 Knws) Rule P Say 3 Evrae) Pal-r C7) Say & AnewB>DRVS Rul-? Sua S- a) > avg Pula~T (2,4) 964 6 ce pule— P Wao} Tr RS Rul SG) i \ wy gs 9 & ST Rn (ev is a Valid Cuchurion bcm “the. Premises Qvay, Q>e, Pon & 0% , SYR PvqQ Rab? Sy a opag Pule-T CO Saye Ak Rule P Suey G. oPek Rule-T (2)(3) sey 8 poy Rule-P 6. ot Rul-P 483 ts) (6) (recut lallens) 55,64 4 of Rule T $13.83 e ® Qula- T (8G) (Hodes Ronen’) Pes gua sid g. RALPYA Ruler $C) ar ok OD (apert), MENS pas, 2 DTP. Wy [. OPS Rule P Sy a PN S. Rub -T CD) S37 3: oRVO Rule-P 93h Gg RQ Rul-7 (3) $83 Sr ag Rule P , gash 4 ok Rubs (45 Crodus tallons ) Hy WR9RSxT) Rul P- Rule (OD) Credus Ranens) 35th Bo Ss SS tT 135 . : Wasay cae ey, foler tats ) Grapathetil sella) . & Peewid tnd (4 Desi ) - | Poblen. @ ‘ oetabl ety 9 will Get grade Aw shia Coutte oF g willed J qu Qh, 3 donot Graduates 3 ail Towt ava: ees T det grade A- Herehde g ail eh Sn Pr 9 Get gvode # Oo: =z do not groduake * This Court - QR 3 oan the OAM Ss pve pa D> AvP: we 4 ~KQ>P- . 3 mpowg (oko yve) _& core ak. P Dok ake Craminabian . podlen., of 3 slay 9 cill net fal Go qk 9 doret wabch tv in the evening? bailed Yoho Eromi nahin. ~tRevelre g rusk Neve lobeheg Nin te evenivgs - g will shay: Si. dt Ps 7 Sead Q: 2 foil in Heo Praminaion. Qs £ wobch TW tn He exenings - =f, qiow argument “eads P28 oR => P wo OR she axguinent is dogiGally crinellut™ PA ag & vlwa) SF ok SP Gd w~Pre. gact pak & ae 8 a 2b £. _— " acgumest ag Nalid * Peden feat the valet H Pas p> (Q>®) x 7 ¥. oa * ‘gus both erd axe Tur pis ra & P (A>8) © ~ @>& bos % be ~ eww £050 fae, BR hos 1p be Fue axgum eet is Valid. Meu we Give aby he follsig, oxgument ea ane = Err Ser Heung oe com ; Goo eee ls (eorve) al (wg ve) ttn k d (avernl (aves la. ou. +b Rv (Paes) ty & ev © (pve) fy Dene 2 mcpva)¥* “bh Sb vg) 2k- legiG) Ett valene ghewr § 16 valid - Pete P28 R25 _ PME wy Q@VS oe Gos) 0 HadNH® bm yen bho baby Coe : ah 0. domds bas 1 han po apie baby \8 rot read then he ba doa ot Co" ba babs a, ren ke has a eS! ves haa Hovet 8 a iS hungry, then he basa weé ba Ls dav Pi A baby 's ae Bs A baby Guez R: A toby is wad ond &: -& baby haga red hace P38 wk 0G ms) ve PS nes ®&: PIO ~PvaQ, ah aes is te Gulva baits d Q>ek ~ PQ Q> ®e _@35 ta8 4; ao Rad argles AB TE ~eat 4 jibes fa. ong ALG ae €5ual- tons We oles YY ys a Vota agument {rem tus Premias P98, pres we Genk: tlen -ST 5 Gaaut) 6 CoA), sted Sy pag Rabf Ry a Gaueyal er) Rule? py a, wave Rule-T Simo Poti 2) gay gor kT Pe ag verve ©) bor GW, P28 ,9°F gaPoe Sis 5 Pe Qu £3 6 eo(opas) Rule P ; ACwPrarces) RuleT ors =S Geo (Pogj\O@ # [ Pande SOF e. oC w(orann) Rule T Ca) — 6} 9. wCatns)) RalaT o(Prghaso @) 36} te 8 Rule T POSES CB) Cdeutt) Condrékacy & Premminds cad ‘eclivert vtcthod_ 4 fi, Hay-o- Hm Aad jp be. Goriilet ib the Contunction nas the Truth volun T obs ate Frat Vadlaes te the atta vojables oP Hy Haro * Kin gat dy rms Hie Ha . sf the | Maa Aa Hin nrnent & Some ani) appearing m SeCant Seu Nolue iS © Trckyeot wectbod 4 Pred whe. notion 4 fncaa istonty 8 aned we Procedure Called Proof bY j rerel oh. rook « whe fachni@ue ot jndivect Gabedi ctinn OF Indivec! sed b Prof YS {plbws- ih order 4, Show that & Carclu tion “ce! follows ° dogr@bly Jyom the Premises Hy ay a Him: BE assime that ce” 19 bale gud. Casider eo additiaal Premises: a gh He ved get oly Preminet te incausistend imply Culradection Arerehse ‘ Kyun whenever ¢ tpen they *% Hyd, 0 aA - -- AMna is 7 “hen “e! follseas legiclly frou ta Prensa HH, Hy Hae ~ Hem (2) saaivect yethed 9, pos, Pur DR Pbles * Prove by | gl 3} wk Carsomttion | . PvR Bade P Pak aber G Galea Poulos oR PP Bale , o * pubes OF $18 : - sey 6 PS me ule T (5) (e) 4. 8 Suk bY 6 Rule-P Qno8 follows legicalls Poblen By ast , J Endiveck Heethodl ST 3g, ose, PRAR. > 93, wR RegumPlion gay a OE Pale P ° gay > pe Ret (2) By & ape Reet (2) Caike Positive 31, a¥ g & Rul cate) sey 6. P28 Rub-P $yaey Qule-T (5)(b) Cocks Perens) sey B87 gule- ? Sy2eeh q. jub-t (1S) Goda Poreos) lo- Rvck® Rala-t (9) ben. ® folleco’ Qe 6,8 § nor 1s 08% agers lograalls \yore a qe Qe mired. sr the felleeseg get oh Premiser ave tm GuniAleut * Petes, P26, Pare, Grok, P ely 1 P38 Ralo-P a gay a. P Qule-P- Vox lagicolly brow oPneg HY Ca (era) ) additional Premined gry a PAB Rule TOD S14 3 Pas fale T (7) $4 Uys. PPAR Pula P Guy Se aed gals -t (4) Say & pawP gol -r (8) praP 38 Cehedictia, our cally bum «Pass. aasun Prion \se- peue (Pag) bella leg Problen Skew That a the falbirig ase incnasislent ack mips re a ‘ , ~ of Chsses th 5 4 : he Leals highsched « wee . / : yack bails hightchoet then WD gh dock veodk bh tot ob uneducelled” ' me ne® au a) Fock mises ward Clansed thou Pl Xeade oO lot by book - ) gooR jo 6 ares he 18 wat di p5q. WwgorP ic Seok pq Rule? Say 8 Qa Bala F gay > poe pub © san} fs 28 Rulo- P ie ee guls-T Cwkolpaitien (4) Shaul g t= pat OO S34 4. PAS Rule? oa . e Ralo- T 3) ayy = Rl 8 any | rh Os Bes Role Gls) hy) pa) & ~ 9 PQ) is Wue 2 Qa) pur 76 (2) is Loder. (WH PCH V Leararos) POO 243 Pew: Ged False - is \yus Qa. xx! 1S odd Oey: wt 18 falat - RCD? KTO eed: ane Gots -- pC) v (QOD ARCO): Bs pate F) (yet ve Fale . EE Qaris Fale ee yest pce (QOOv ed). \alae » yo pean (9 wR(2)) POO: 1S? etait aS» (x08). Quy? e+) ys odd Q Oz Or xs odd (tus) ROX)? KIO fe ap. 27° Ss “Hus RC2> 5, Pola Qlo)v © RL) Zz VE ce Wuett) So PAA Lata vor) + AT =f a pera (atsyverd) is ‘yas * wold = Ha dvder in which the names OY eco appenr in ta Statement aswel a? in ta Predtate is im PStanb- Frome Phaneendbor te taller thon sohons plat Pedi Ge - <1. Pha Predicate” 1S taller thon SO Giver gtatemeat 40 Syrabo lic kom ye TCP) i $8 taller thon pr Phanesdhar me rohan. gb Suman sth betwee Robust and. eit 5 det oF Gusidey gs ots between: $e» gomen S (si ») bridge. agains whe within Sa wblic ah & KorttOls ge ogpintt played Corsv0?) S . Siva- (vi wit) ac Predicalé retires Wane’ An v- pl axed. Positions “in Order aol ol obseck te be inrerted mh ts oblain @ stoleroeds the Position a Names or obtect is mPattanc - xk ve named 4 obseds: ple. ether on, 2nj-- Gn OE -the a (0, ,01,-n an) 18 o ataleinent- \ Quart? era ~rfe phrase nich endicabei the Quantity - iS Giled 2 Quodtibier ; ats Quadibies ane ay (hott) & s (there exyti) geanct, tabirbicd fA alt & 4h, Pers? v > yon 5 Ru gowex Ab POL) Heand WMH Prediate P 4 Quoatifped glaternent ‘- A Proposition “pvoluing Guards ier SS S Galled is Quoot'tied atelement - ~thee are tio types aguante Uciverdal Quastchier ars Colle uawevtal uae ber: Fasten Quastitiee! FF ales existtal Gui Free Nowable_',- fh \awablee, pbtch ave net bounced by the Quast kecs axe Called the bres Variables Eran les pay 2 Gtx, hee © 8% bows Variable Bounded Variable cafe. Varobles. rbich ave bounded by Quowi'bies One Colled the bounded Variables Eran y 1ex, pra, HAE A, yO) tere KS & bounded Variables: Tt aoe goth Seb_- ple set ob bath values af a Prediqte Wx) 1S Glled Ho Huth det & coatlen'aa “1(P) re Jeciin ok Guovti hed: Slatement ' . “Te fond “the wegation ok a Quactibied etilement, chonge the Quart bier brew univertal 1, Custendral Avie Verba: : en, eo) = 44, (oP) ) 2 (dx, Pw) = atk [oe Pood) ele ee, HF (3) aey 2% (PD), 4s, a5 0) Aw ax PCs) ja \ pA grad = 4x (pag) pv¥xgo) = ¥ x (Pvgew) tw pcx) Ba wer oP ap em) = = 0 4a a PCL) Eromplen All Rone ae Red. gh xis a Rote, then % 18 red. det a denote Rex); x 1S & Rote. Q piyi % sa ved. then % Ga wie ax COR > PL) Cay (Rtxd) > PSD ye also eaten ay oh ag cey ( D> eco ) : Te Sym bels Cx a GX) ave Galled goiversal Quanlibiers Etow Pls @all wen Are movtal det oF Paxa Phacte thebe “m the the, * 18 @ Wo ave ah fpllecss - belleoirg manner - For alt *, if % 1S A man, tal feb ud Casider Statement Bet Faubes, Hee) LTS aman , Hen): is a Hortal > @ ( He > HOO) @D Evey apple 1s #4: en Hig ted. Ga x ab x 8 aa apple tH Acx) 1 % iS am apple » Rex): % 1s aves. ® (Ai Rw) e or -VE~ @ Any inkeger is Positri forall, ib % is an inléger, then % JS either ve 81 ve z . : * . OO. % is an inlegex Pex: 2 1s CM her +R -ve . @w (xx) > Pv) pole ste ctlement ( (vitw) Gn be (rain lasted a8 Fa alte, 1% IS aman . EA every er, HTS A mA eveds thing iS & man PR Cah, KIA may “iB Symbol “(Jx)! Galles “he ~the Symbol =" fag been ued. 7 “hy att least om - cxstectial Quantibier tr denete Ha Phrases “i Bona 2 ‘hee exi/ a ieee savolving fa Univertal Or the exiglenti Quantehier iS Giled a Quactifped stilemart For the universe ob all ‘degen, det —_ PLD, RPO, Geshe LS even, KUL)? LISS Perf Sire SCHiL is divided bys, TEL)? tT dioi gills by 7. OO wattle down He Gellaing @ tehied sblene , Sym bolic kaw ‘ Gy AG length one “eleger 48 Even . G2) 8 ) stRereexist a ve antyer Gx) (PHA ac) ; sae divisible bY > Beal that VS Even. (i) Some — Ever iwtey a (2 (quwor $C). a ee 6 Coe \nleer (wd Even ‘alge ys eather eye add. @ +o (ome acd) AB W gh urs rer ** fedgat Stee" they cows Awihi (te Re Pedgct Sta anes a § diane wen (awd a we) yo scx)) @ a x 38 odd or 1% Tet dror able by 1, thee x TS divisive by 2° o% iy ar: divibi Tn Lesa thesty of Pxe dtate Colrnlus Role us’ cunivertal SPecikiation cr) instant ilabion CO ACA DAW Fem COHEH), one arconclade Aly) Pale ES existestial Speer bitatbin. Gv AG) eat) Rola EC Cristeniad geneebizettin AG\ & (4s) aly) Pala UG. Lnivertal generahizathion AG) 2 AU) EWivolerte Pamulas “fine Quat'bied ctatements CUivalexts: whenever thes have the al fopsibe ctteatbras. yap era Ged] & (en. a) anf pravacs]® @? 3 As f vex) anus Bit [ ores) veer] k. ofGoacn) B Gost) — Pale be gation _ bs Nm lb, POX] = shu frsptn) 5 a (MAW) & (4x)~ AG) © [daporle (uns) are peay) 0 (2900) oo) v Cat au) 1 Voile te ality of He following argues é AW Men Oe wrovtal Sotralas 18 @ Mons Paekde = 1S Qrovtel * ae is too sr ew Le ps uenla Ho NO det He? % IS a HOW Fea) > TS Moved © 2) Socrates be have te or (ae) (#0) 1% ye BD (HC wep) le? us CO -suexy) 6RO? =e qa #9 His) anh gah 2 ns) Ral P° Suos ue ew) OH BS gah 4 “ta fulat (@) Oe oe ger (0) (Px 9UH)) AO) (SIRE ) > Ga CDR) gy msec) ft gy p(y) > : os 0) gay * CD (D> RM ale P gah" 4 ain 2 FD us a oe i Rule + p>g ,4> aPpoar rs ae ped > ee) ee gay 6 © (parre)} 08 Poi in ths deavabiar Ruler A bemula ‘so’ way be fabiadulad) 0 0. devin th B15 estalagiclly “implied by one 7 NON Ho Pre@dng fbmabs Ha deviation . Rob All ‘tepcs one rotibal number» Some ‘nteges ae Poster? sy a ferebiie » Some rational war berB O¥e Pour ob a dt T(r)? x is an wwiger ° Bexry i wo xotsoual punber Rule f : Prema i ee A Premige max be ietinduad at ow pea) 2% 1s a Power Cos sy Gen: sn oral =) (3x) G0 00) S\}pe ft wen (ren —> Roo). ey 4» Ctmary) > (9 (Rex) apo) Sy 1 Go EMsrm) mF Say a- GO GS Apc) Rabe P ay > ri) > RY) Rulous cy Qe ye ED A PO) Rule Es (2) gay S Td kel t G4) Sia & Rl) Rule + (305) Hodes Ponens l99 ej . 2 1. Pes) Rr iD Siay B- RW)A PLY) ular (@ () Suay 9 OD (Pexyaita) Bele EG gat fathers one voles- Gme sudeds others: —s Some Stadest ane 2 ete + eM father Hoos eS reale gtd: x 1S dudes * ren (FO wend) este) ( ston ec) > (49 (seo Hoo) Bp LOO (een a noo) por ay Q- ed) 2 KO) Rule us.) ga} > &9 facaaces) Bb F say nee pole 6509 gay Bo ed gule -7 4) 1,336 vo gale + EP) $3} 4 8e) Rulo- T (4) gay a saan) pak Cl) Rule EG- Sua 3. (gy (S04 ww) & Some. chqs ae aniwoll. Some ah we animals. S Some dogs ae @a- pis): 2S @ dog Aci? x is animals @fxyr UE WO Gi- (49 ¢ pix) Ancw) (3x) (econ ace) 2 se I (49 arn & Sy a DUA Awd) ule E50) (ay ea c+) gay 3 So (ctw acs)) Pols ? sah 4. ctsya Wd) Qule £503) ay Ss Dy) Qual 72) Say & cy) pale 7 (4) Say 7 did A ecy) pol tT SO gals EG. Siay a. (4 ( nonce) a (Br) Hor fleas barally bem te Prern ites Ay (#10) 7) GS WOX) Sty). GY BING) Que? Sy ae BY nc) gule YS i @Y) Ha) Qala ? Say &. FD gla 653) say 5° NG gu TY Fah 6 (Sw Hor) pals EG. Z All Hen aie fautrble A ings ore ene “ay pings oe battle - a aun) OR ys Hen . een) 2 NS boitible eid 2 HOS Hinge seca) (WG-7 Fa 0) ; : 4) ( eaten EO 1 [VND ay (EOF Sy} a(n) (un > ect) guls P gy nes) 3 FY) glo 4 Say 4) (KO apa) fale P Ky) KD Puls VS gol TO Guver@ + Sy £y) > Won tule T (2) Guvew * Sy 8 gay 6 Ke _> «W) _ guia FO ey te TOW aieien: Gauls TUT) Gwe ny > Guay 8 Geo) (emseon) Syay fule UG. 4 vest livieg thing, VS 0 Plant evan animal David's deg is alive aud it iS wt @ Plast - All animals have heart * Vy David's dag ha’ eh heoxt Pend: x is 3% Plant - ACH) YX TS an animal: HR). KH hove & bheort DE)? Daridl's Ded (00) (pen v AO w PC dr. ai) LA) 2D #2) > 4) oy | ae ( POY FvESD) fuls P Sih 8. pcd) v ACD) gu us YD Say a PCD) Rule P Sy5a3 & ACD gua T (ID vals P Ssh 5 fen) (a 2HOo) est 6 Aco) DHCD ule us (5) $, 454 7 Heo) el r rile the pllecieg Shite mene jn Symbolic By. y Something is good « we denote tx % 18 God: - ‘fee iS atleast one % such trek % iS god (4%) ( Ge) W Eveg thing tS fend ¥ bi alt x, * 1S dard”. Cex) C60) {ii niotbing 18 good , * bh ol) (a) (eo G00) (iv) Sorne thing \ fort jee is atleast (4%) ( Goo) (a) AL men axe Gend der rex) IS amen Gta) % 1S fod, “holt a, ib & WS aman, k(x) (xz) 2 Goo) then % 1S Good , Ub) NOMEN. KE Good “bf ow ok cis aman. tien 2 ot fod tog, T Hd > eden) (C) Some men ate God - \ Ape IS an L, Sark ttt % 1S aman & x iS ged GO (Hon G00) C8 Some men axe rot good thee is an x, Sash that % 1s aman 2x is nob God”? C4 (teed a wav) Front lati Soh. oh the folbocoing hte ink Stonbeds, 85 Guenther, Vana @ feat Sguele (AN bids Gu ble Bed, we 1S % bred Foy. % ae bh . kh att tL 1 xe 1s a bied then * Con bY. eon) ( BCA) > FOO) w web ait birds Con bly, ~ >a) X(6P ~ fro , ®&)> Far] ee wa who , OBA Fadl Hx, Taca r Fas) © Al babies ave iUlegical . seen [ Gex)~> 2¢x)). A) Some. babies are ilegiaaS Gey) Lewin a) (2) AW meta Hahician ae vehi! , Ho? IS a Hattabtabiiclar Rew? 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