A Survey of Modelling and Smart Management Tools For Power Grids With Prolific Distributed Generation

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A survey of modelling and smart management tools for power grids with
prolific distributed generation

Nouha Dkhili, Julien Eynard, Stéphane Thil, Stéphane Grieu

PII: S2352-4677(19)30092-X
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2019.100284
Reference: SEGAN 100284

To appear in: Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks

Received date : 3 March 2019

Revised date : 16 September 2019
Accepted date : 20 November 2019

Please cite this article as: N. Dkhili, J. Eynard, S. Thil et al., A survey of modelling and smart
management tools for power grids with prolific distributed generation, Sustainable Energy, Grids
and Networks (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2019.100284.

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Journal Pre-proof

A survey of modelling and smart management tools for power grids with prolific
distributed generation

Nouha Dkhilia,b , Julien Eynarda,b , Stéphane Thila,b , Stéphane Grieua,b,∗

a PROMES-CNRS (UPR 8521), Rambla de la thermodynamique, Tecnosud, 66100 Perpignan, France
b Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, 52 Avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan, France

Over the past few decades, the proliferation of distributed generation (DG), fuelled chiefly by environmental concerns,
has brought about fundamental changes to the structure and behaviour of the power grid. These changes have spawned

new challenges in the way with which the power grid should be managed. As a result, the development of new modelling
approaches, as well as management techniques deemed “smart”, is called for to better monitor and control this increasingly
complex system by taking into account the specificities of distributed generators (DGs) and their impact on the grid.
This paper explores the evolution of power grids into “smart grids” in the light of the penetration of distributed generation
and the features that ensue. Then, it gives an overview of notable works in the literature aimed at the modelling and
control of power grids within this framework. The reader is provided with an in-depth analysis of a variety of methods
through the lens of the applications for which they are most suited. Though well-established methods that have been
in use for infrastructure planning for decades, such as optimal power flow (OPF), remain reliable tools, cutting-edge
research in the field of multi-agent systems (MAS) opens the door to putting a myriad of complex numerical algorithms
in the service of power grid monitoring and control. In addition, a special interest is paid to demand-side management
(DSM) techniques.
Keywords: power grid, smart grid paradigm, distributed generation, modelling and smart management, power flow
analysis, model-based predictive control, multi-agent systems, demand-side management.

1. Introduction To do so, voltage levels are decreased through step-down

transformers. As a result, the sub-transmission grid can be
The power grid was historically conceived for electric made up of both HV lines and medium voltage (MV) lines.
power to flow in a single direction: from large central- It has redundant pathways for operational security rea-
ized power plants towards end-users. For several decades, sons. It also dispatches electricity to various substations

European power grids have comprised three main parts: that supply the distribution grid, which connects to end-
transmission, sub-transmission, and distribution grids. Al- users (mainly small industries and the household stock).
though they can be recognized by the roles they fulfil, The distribution grid is almost entirely made up of low

these parts are commonly categorized by the voltage levels voltage (LV) power lines. The cost of construction and
of their power lines. The transmission grid, directly con- maintenance of meshed structures proves too high and its
nected to large centralized power plants, transmits energy operation too complex to warrant its implementation for
over very long distances. At this level, permanent supply distribution grids. Therefore, rural distribution grids take
of electricity is paramount and is therefore ensured by the on a radial structure with relatively small branches. Urban
complex mesh structure of the grid. This allows for en- distribution grids are operated radially but still have loop
ergy exchange with neighbouring countries and reinforces structures for reliability reasons. This undermines their
the robustness of the grid [1]. Up to thousands of kilo- robustness but is a cheaper choice.

metres of lines are needed to reach electrical substations Be that as it may, this structure has been undergoing
[2, 3]. In alignment with this goal, its power lines carry major changes in recent years. Driven by environmental
very high voltage (VHV) and high voltage (HV) electric motivation, desire to decrease fossil fuel dependency, and
power in order to minimize energy losses. increase in power demand worldwide, the penetration of
The sub-transmission grid is the next stage of electricity distributed generation in power grids has been on the rise.
transport. It ensures the supply of electricity to big con- Electric power is “injected” at both ends of the network,
sumers, such as railway companies and heavy industries. resulting in a bidirectional power flow [4]. Moreover, in-
jections of distributed generators connected to distribution
∗ Correspondingauthor grids are irregular and often uncontrollable. The most no-
Email address: grieu@univ-perp.fr (Stéphane Grieu) table examples are solar and wind energy resources which
Preprint submitted to Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks September 15, 2019
Journal Pre-proof

fluctuate depending on weather conditions and geograph- operation and control techniques dedicated to power grids.
ical locations. Therefore, grid operators, that are contrac- The merits and shortcomings of these techniques and the
tually obligated to maintain steady and reliable service applications for which each technique is most suited are
to their customers according to national and international discussed. The paper ends with a conclusion summing up
regulations, are faced with a growingly complex system. the main points made beforehand (Section 7).
The behaviour exhibited by such a system could lead
to several issues [5, 6]. For the time being, operational 2. The rise of renewable energies
problems have been avoided, at least to a great extent, by
reinforcing or adapting the existing infrastructure in order The rise of renewable energies has been fast and mas-
to cope with increasing penetration levels of distributed sive in scale. In this section of the paper, we briefly present
generation. These solutions are very costly and difficult common forms of renewable energies, address the reasons

to implement. They also lack adaptability and require the behind their surge, and give a glimpse into the laws and
new infrastructure to be over-dimensioned to accommo- regulations that promote the penetration of renewable en-
date future deployment. As a result, grid operators must ergy sources into the distribution grid.
be equipped to handle this increased deployment by de-

veloping smart and non-invasive monitoring and operation 2.1. Motivation behind the transition to renewable energy
techniques compatible with the grid’s new challenges.
The regulations by which grid operators must abide 2.1.1. Depletion of fossil fuels
mainly concern voltage constraints, current levels and volt- Ever since the industrial revolution, fossil fuels have
age drop gradients. However, the decentralization of power been the backbone of the world’s energy supply. Oil, for
generation is expected to make compliance with these con- instance, provided 32.9% of the world’s total primary en-
straints increasingly difficult and trigger a large number of ergy supply in 2016 [12]. In 2017, 41% of overall net energy
stability, quality, and safety issues: short-circuits, equip- generation in Europe was fossil-fuel based [13]. As high-
ment damage, and power outages to name a few [7, 8, 9]. lighted by Table 1, its composition differs from one Eu-
The penetration of distributed generation into power grids ropean country to another. The share of fossil-fuel based
creates planning issues as well as legal and regulatory ones generation, though decreasing in most countries, still rep-
[10]. The backflow of power in periods of peak photovoltaic resents a significant share in many of them. Table 1 also
(PV) generation, for instance, is a major concern for dis- shows an increase in the share of solar and wind in net
tribution grid operators in the light of the multiplication generation capacity across the board. Even with the intro-

of household installations. duction of alternative energy sources, many sectors remain

As a result, the models used by grid operators must be dependent on liquid fuel, such as the transportation fleet
adapted to account for distributed generation and improve whose energy is over 90% oil-based [14]. It follows that
the estimation of physical quantities of interest (voltage the oil price has a drastic impact on global economy and
levels, injected power, consumed power, etc.), thus en- oil lobbyists continue to gain more power and profit. The
abling a better operation of power grids. This estimation fossil fuel industry therefore continues to develop more ef-
is propelled by the deployment of an advanced metering fective drilling techniques. As a result, studies show that

infrastructure that allows for data collection in real time, giant heavily exploited oil fields are being depleted [15, 16].
providing improved observability of the grids. To uphold The replenishment of these fields is not a viable option at
all, as the rate of creation of fossil fuels is far slower than

the balance between supply and demand without violat-

ing stability constraints, grid operators must develop new its rate of extraction. The International Energy Agency
tools to manage their resources efficiently. A lot of meth- (IEA) has declared in 2010 that the peak of conventional
ods have been elaborated for this purpose and will be de- oil production occurred in 2006 [17]. From here onwards,
tailed and contrasted in the present paper with regards to more energy and money are needed to extract fossil fuel
their theoretical basis and their applications. as fields are becoming fewer and less accessible. On this
It is important to stress that the composition and reg- account, renewable energy sources are becoming increas-
ulations of the power sector may differ to varying degrees ingly attractive, as they offer the prospect of clean and
sustainable electricity production.

between countries [11]. The paper gives the reader an

overview of the state of the art of modelling and control of
power grids with prolific distributed generation. Section 2 2.1.2. Global warming
is about the rise of renewable energies. Section 3 presents The scientific community has overwhelming evidence
technical constraints imposed upon traditional power grids that mankind’s industrial activity is the principle contrib-
and issues due to the violation of said constraints. In Sec- utor to the observed global warming. The concentration
tion 4, a definition of the smart grid paradigm within which of main greenhouse gases has increased in the atmosphere
modern power grids equipped with distributed generation due to human activity, namely those of carbon dioxide,
operate is given. The main modelling approaches for power methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. On its own,
grids are presented and evaluated with regards to various carbon dioxide is responsible for 64% of man-made global
applications in Section 5. Section 6 gives an overview of warming. Its concentration has risen by 40% compared to
Journal Pre-proof

Table 1: Overall net energy generation in European countries in 2017 and its evolution between 2014 and 2017 in percentage point [13].

Energy Nuclear energy Fossil fuels Hydraulic energy Solar energy Wind energy

Belgium 50.6% (-3.2%) 29.8% (-3.3%) 1.7% (-0.4%) 3.7% (-0.5%) 7.8% (+1.2%)
Finland 33.6% (-1%) 19% (-6.3%) 22.8% (+2.6%) – 7.5% (+5.8%)
France 71.9% (-4.9%) 10.3% (+5.2%) 10.2% (-2.4%) 1.7% (+0.6%) 4.6% (+1.5%)
Germany 12.1% (-4.6%) 52.4% (-3.4%) 4.3% (-0.1%) 5.9% (+0.4%) 17.3% (+7.2%)
Italy – 61.6% (+1.7%) 13.7% (-8%) 9.1% (+0.4%) 6.4% (+1.2%)

Portugal – 57.9% (+21.7%) 13.5% (-19.5%) 1.6% (+0.4%) 22% (-2.2%)
Spain 21.4% (+0.8%) 45.2% (+8%) 7.9% (-8%) 5.3% (+0.4%) 18.4% (-0.7%)

Sweden 39.8% (-1.3%) 1.7% (-0.4%) 40.4% (-2.5%) – 10.9% (+3.3%)
Switzerland 32.5% (-5.2%) 1.4% (-1.6%) 61% (+4.6%) 1.7% (+1.7%) 0.2% (–)
United Kingdom 21% (+5.5%) 53.6% (+4.8%) 2.4% (-0.3%) 3.3% (+3.3%) 14.1% (+4.4%)

pre-industrialization era levels [18]. The disastrous reper- and non-binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
cussions of anthropogenic climate change are being ob- sions and to limit the dependency of the energy sector
served all over the world and on different planes, ranging upon fossil fuels.
from extreme weather conditions to the extinction of en- At the European scale, we mention the 2030 climate and
tire species and the rise of sea levels. This has brought energy framework, a binding legislation set by the govern-
about the urgency of taking measures to limit greenhouse ment leaders of the European Union (EU) in 2014 and re-
gas emissions. The production of electricity has long been vised in 2018, that has three key objectives by 2030: a 40%
largely reliant on the burning of oil, gas and coal. It follows cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the 1990 lev-

that, in order to limit greenhouse gas emissions, electricity els, a 32.5% improvement of energy efficiency, and reaching
generation must be released from its fossil fuel dependency a 32% portion of the EU energy supply originating from
and switched to environment-friendly energy sources. renewable energy [20]. EU member states have also taken
on annual national targets within the framework of the
2.1.3. Growth of energy demand Effort Sharing Decision (ESD), where countries define and
The scientific and technological progress over the last are responsible for the implementation of their own bind-
few decades has spawned a drastic improvement in the ing annual greenhouse gas emissions targets for the period

standards of living across the globe and indirectly sparked of 2013-2020.

an increase in the population due to better healthcare and On the global scale, examples include the Kyoto Pro-
tocol, an international legally binding agreement linked

safer lifestyles. In addition, human activity keeps getting

more energy-intensive. As a consequence, the energy de- to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
mand is constantly growing. The U.S. Energy Information Change (UNFCCC), first conceived on December 11, 1997
Administration (EIA) estimates in its 2017 report that the and amended in 2012 to set new greenhouse gas emissions
world energy consumption will increase by 28% in the time reduction targets, a revisited list of greenhouse gases, and
frame between 2015 and 2040, while the net electricity gen- a second commitment period. Another notable example
eration will increase by 45% over the same period [19]. Es- is the Paris Agreement [21], brought about by the UN-
timates show that the rate of energy consumption increase FCCC and coming into effect on November 4, 2016. Its
main objective is keeping the global temperature rise be-

will continue to grow rapidly across the board, in every re-

gion of the world and from virtually every energy source. low 2◦C. The commitment, signed by government lead-
In the face of aforementioned environmental concerns and ers, aims to construct a new technology and financial flow
the depletion of fossil fuels, the growing electricity demand framework to enhance countries’ resilience to the impacts
must be met with viable alternative sources, hence the re- of climate change and limit greenhouse gas emissions. A
course to renewable energy sources. global stock-take will be carried out every five years to as-
sess the progress of the efforts. The agreement emphasises
the principle of “equity and common but differentiated re-
2.2. A regulated transition
sponsibilities” by promoting the definition of nationally de-
Driven by the preceding dilemma, the international com- termined contributions.
munity has put in place a number of binding regulations In 2017, 1260 climate change laws were in effect world-
Journal Pre-proof

wide, which is a 20-fold increase from 1997 [22]. These ini- – Current constraints. In addition to upholding volt-
tiatives have vitalized the renewable energy business and age constraints, the current levels are also regulated.
fuelled its progress along several axes. The IEA predicts A MV/LV transformer is considered under constraints
that the share of renewable energy sources in electricity when it is overloaded with respect to its nominal load
production will continue to increase steadily to reach 30% value for longer than a prescribed time period. Elec-
of the total power generation in 2022 [23]. trical wires have a predefined maximum current inten-
Faced with the challenge to uphold requirements for sity value which changes with temperature conditions,
environmental protection and balance demand and sup- whether the wires are underground or aerial, and their
ply, governments and companies alike are leaning towards proximity to other wires.
the path of reinforcing the use of distributed energy re-
sources (DER), and more particularly, renewable-energy- – Gradient constraints. The addition of a load to the net-

based power generation. Notable renewables comprise work generates an extra voltage drop dubbed a voltage
solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy, hydropower, and drop gradient. In order to ensure good service quality,
geothermal energy. The booming of these alternative en- the voltage drop gradient must stay under a prescribed
ergies gave birth to the notion of distributed generation threshold.

(DG). Although different types of DER are set to play
key roles in the power grids’ transition into the smart grid 3.2. Emerging issues
setting, such as batteries and electric vehicles, the scope The respect of the aforementioned constraints becomes
of the present paper is primarily focused on renewable- increasingly challenging as the rate of renewable energy
energy-based DG, and on occasion storage systems. DG is penetration in distribution grids, notably household PV
an interesting solution for the problems facing the future panel installations, climbs [7]. In fact, solar energy is in-
of power grids, but also comes with its own set of issues, herently intermittent [24]. It depends on the time of year,
due to the unreadiness of grid operators to manage the the time of day, and atmospheric conditions which are ex-
power grid’s new configuration. tremely difficult to forecast, resulting in irregular injec-
tions of electric power into the distribution grid. As a
3. Constraints and emerging issues result, distributed generation could lead to several issues
compromising the grid, described below.
According to national and international norms, elec-
tricity providers are contractually obligated to maintain – Power outage. Two types of power outages can oc-
steady and reliable service to their customers. However,

cur: a voltage drop in the electric power supply called a

the decentralization of power generation has triggered a “brownout” or a complete loss of power to an area called
large number of stability, quality, and safety concerns. In a “blackout”. The former results from a high current
this section of the paper, we will briefly mention the qual- draw at one or more nodes of the grid, while the latter
ity constraints set for distribution grid service and present can either be the result of a sudden peak in current draw
the phenomena arising from the shift in grid configuration, or too much power being injected into the grid over a
and some of the issues it generates. short amount of time, triggering circuit breakers whose

purpose is to keep the electricity levels within prescribed

3.1. Technical constraints
Distribution grid operators are facing three types of con-

straints, described below: voltage constraints, current con- – Harmonics distortion. The connection of distributed
straints and gradient constraints [4]. generators to the distribution grid requires the use of
power electronics converters. The latter comes with har-
– Voltage constraints. Slight variations of voltages from monic distortions caused by non-linear electric loads.
the nominal value are permitted. This is almost always When they draw current from the grid, the waveform
the case due to electromagnetic phenomena along the of the aforesaid current can be quite complex depend-
electrical wires. That being said, voltage means within ing on the type of load and its interactions with other
the power grid must at all times remain within pre- electrical components. However, it can be decomposed

scribed margins. In cases where distributed generation through Fourier series into a sum of simple sinusoids
is high and the grid load is low, voltage levels rise and occurring at integer multiples of the fundamental fre-
overvoltage is observed. Symmetrically, when the grid quency, called harmonics. Current harmonics also cause
load is too high and distributed generation is not enough voltage harmonics. Current increase, equipment heat-
to balance it out, the voltage levels plummet, leading to ing, and electric motor losses might ensue.
undervoltage. Both scenarios are problematic. The aim
of algorithms dedicated to the management of LV distri- – Short-circuit current. The addition of distributed gener-
bution grids is to anticipate such discrepancies and pre- ator modules throughout the distribution grid modifies
vent them, making sure that voltage levels stay within its global impedance, hence the variation in short-circuit
the aforemetioned margins no matter the decentralized power and short-circuit current values accordingly. That
production and the grid load. being the case, the dimensioning of the protection gear
Journal Pre-proof

becomes erroneous. This leads to malfunctions such as The term “smart grid” thus refers to modern reactive
the triggering of circuit breakers in the absence of faults power grids that intelligently integrate these distributed
or the failure to respond to cases of faulty circuits. generators with end loads and efficiently reroute power
flows to balance supply and demand in real time with re-
– Islanding. A distributed generator is often directly con- spect to stability, quality, and safety constraints. They
nected to an end-user (PV panels on the rooftop of a must offer the possibility of energy storage, adapt grid
house, a biogas plant to power a farm, a hydraulic engine protection equipment to handle bidirectional power flow
connected to a workshop, etc.). In the case of a power and be capable of serving non-traditional loads [28]. A
outage, the distributed generator continues to power the cornerstone of power grids in the smart grid paradigm is
above-mentioned end-user as long as its energy source is improved observability, enabling real-time monitoring of
available and sufficient for power generation. Although the system states. This is achieved through state-of-the-

islanding may be intentional to render part of the grid it art instrumentation and deployment of the next genera-
powers autonomous, it can also pose a threat to utility tion of advanced metering infrastructure capable of bilat-
workers who may not realize the portion of the grid is eral communication with grid operators. Smart meters
still under power, or prevent re-connection upon restora- record data pertaining to customers’ consumption and re-

tion of the power. port them for treatment and billing purposes. Communi-
cation may be wireless or via existing infrastructure like
4. Towards the deployment of smart grids PLC (power line communication). Smart meters send out
data packets at regular time intervals containing active
Faced with the issues detailed in the previous section
power, reactive power, apparent power, energy, voltage,
of the paper, the structure and procedures of operation of
current values, and other relevant information for the cor-
power grids must evolve. This need has given birth to the
responding household. In particular cases, they could al-
idea of a flexible and interactive power grid, baptised a
low grid operators to turn electricity on and off remotely
“smart grid”, that successfully integrates distributed gen-
to prevent blackouts or prioritize some loads when turn-
erators and efficiently manages its resources for smooth
ing the power back on gradually. Thanks to smart meters,
and continuous balancing of both supply and demand.
clients can access detailed information regarding their elec-
In the present section, the basic knowledge needed to
tricity consumption over a day, load curves for a given
grasp the concept of a smart grid and the characteristics
period, and other statistical informations to help manage
that such a grid demonstrates are introduced. Then, an in-
their consumption.

vestigation of the relationship between the physical topol-

Last but not least, the intelligence of a modern power
ogy of the grid and the communication pathways between
grid resides in the advanced management techniques that
its elements is carried out.
allow autonomous and real-time monitoring and optimiza-
tion of its operation. These techniques aggregate measure-
4.1. The smart grid paradigm ments and forecasts in order to better manage the grid re-
During the past few decades, the power grid has been sources and maintain balance between supply and demand
undergoing drastic changes in its infrastructure and oper- while ensuring grid stability.

ation mechanisms. These evolutions are referred to as the A key marker of the power grid’s evolution is the pos-
deployment of smart grids by the scientific community. A sibility of demand-side management (DSM), which is the

single, universally agreed upon definition of a smart grid governance of consumer energy demand through financial
has yet to be reached, but there is consensus about the incentives and behavioural changes in order to influence
primary concepts of the smart grid paradigm. First and customers’ electricity consumption profiles [29, 30]. It en-
foremost, power grids in this paradigm are characterised compasses a set of techniques utilized to achieve a load
by the prolific use of distributed generators. They can be shape objective, either directly or indirectly. Active DSM
defined as electricity generation units based mainly on re- can be defined as “the combination of automated controls
newable energy sources, that are decentralized and directly with demand-side management, which causes changes in
connected to the distribution grid or on the customer side the consumer load curve” [31]. The DSM planning frame-

of the meter [5, 25, 26]. Examples include wind farms, work can be decomposed into five main elements [32]: ob-
solar plants, household PV panel installations, and biogas jective setting, alternatives identification, evaluation and
plants. The first two are connected to transmission grids selection, implementation, and monitoring. The objectives
whereas the second two are connected to distribution grids. of a DSM planning framework are defined in three stages:
The penetration of distributed generators into LV distri- broad utility objectives (reducing energy consumption, in-
bution grids impacts the latter with regard to power flow, creasing earnings, etc.), that lead to operational objectives
voltage regulation, system efficiency, and fault detection. (reducing the need for new infrastructure, improving ser-
The interaction of these installations with their host net- vice quality, etc.), which in turn spawn ideal load shapes
works is governed by a set of rules to be taken into account that drive the grid towards the fulfilment of upper-level
by distribution grid operators for planning, operation, and objectives. To meet these objectives, an evaluation of al-
maintenance procedures [27]. ternative actions is performed, starting with the identifica-
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tion of end-users most susceptible to be targets for DSM 4.3. Grid topology and control architecture
programs. Afterwards, the choice of adequate technolo-
gies for each program is made. An examination of possi- The topology of power grids is constantly evolving with
ble implementation methods is done. The selection of the technological advances and the rise of alternative energy
method follows from an evaluation based on multiple cri- sources, spawning a shift from their rigid centralized struc-
teria including customer and supplier considerations and ture to more flexible configurations: decentralized and dis-
cost-benefit analysis. Implementation methods include: tributed grids. In a centralized grid, all units are directly
customer education, direct customer contact, trade ally or indirectly connected to a central unit that aggregates
cooperation, advertising and promotion, alternative pric- the information it receives from the entire network and
ing, and direct financial incentives [32]. issues controls. In a decentralized grid, remote generator
Finally, monitoring of customer behaviour and system units are connected directly to end-users, separately from

impacts after the implementation of DSM frameworks al- the main power plants elsewhere. These units have little or
low for the quantification of errors and better planning for no connection to the main power grid and operate based
future programs. on information pertaining to their immediate surround-
ings. A distributed grid, however, is one where units have

4.2. Smart grid features a pack mentality; they share information and resources in
order to reach a consensus, based on a set of prioritized ob-
In the smart grid paradigm, power grids acquire several
jectives and constraints. The resulting emerging behaviour
interesting features, listed below.
pushes the ensemble towards a common goal. This ratio-
– Observability. Communicating sensors throughout the nale falls within the framework of cooperative game theory
grid and advanced metering infrastructure report the [33, 34, 35].
evolution of its state in real time (or near-real time). Regarding the control scheme, it can be either decen-
tralized or distributed. A decentralized control scheme is
– Flexibility/modularity. Being able to plug in or plug where the system is decomposed and each of the subsys-
out a distributed generation module at any given time tems has its own set of state variables, inputs, and outputs
or point in the grid without destabilizing it. The mod- [36]. The local regulators solve their own problems and
ularity of the system model means that the addition or interaction between the subsystems stems solely from the
removal of one or more modules does not require start- states’ effects on one another. No information exchange
ing over modelling and optimization. between the regulators is witnessed in this scheme. On

the other hand, a distributed control scheme is where local

– Scalability. This characteristic derives from the flex- regulators do communicate. When they solve local model-
ibility/modularity of the system. The modelling and based predictive control (MPC) problems, for instance,
optimization algorithms are adaptable to small grids of they exchange predicted controls and/or state variables
a few tens of nodes up to large-scale grids made up of computed locally, allowing them to predict the effects of
thousands of nodes. future controls or coupled variables over a finite forecast
– Reliability. The core objective of grid operators is to horizon. Distributed control algorithms can be partitioned

maintain the balance between supply and demand at all with respect to several criteria; they can either be fully or
times, and provide a high quality of service to their cus- partially connected algorithms, iterative or non-iterative,
independent or cooperative, etc. Centralized systems have

tomers, according to contractually binding standards.

long been the status quo for power grids, but they’re los-
– Self-healing. In theory, a smart grid is a power grid ing ground to more flexible configurations that are less
able to autonomously detect and find fast and efficient vulnerable to disturbances and better suited to cope with
solutions to its problems. the evolution of the grid. A case can be made for a fu-
ture power grid where both centralized and decentralized
– Minimization of hardware stress. The predictive na- aspects co-exist, allowing for a multimodal operation [37].
ture of the measures taken in the framework of a smart It is plausible to differentiate the communication topol-
grid leads to the minimization of costs originating from

ogy of the sensors from the physical topology of the grid

equipment wear, failure or damage. [38], notably since the latter is planned over several years
– Automatic voltage regulation. Voltage regulation pro- and lacks flexibility for obvious reasons (high financial cost,
cedures have long been administered manually or semi- geographical constraints, customer connection requests, so
manually by technicians. The connected network of sen- on and so forth), while the former can be adapted to the
sors and actuators through which a smart grid operates type of communication channels available, the technolog-
renders this operation automatic. ical advancements of electronic devices and the adopted
monitoring and control techniques. Because not every
– Security. The preceding features make smart grids a node in the grid can be fully instrumented, sensor place-
safer choice in terms of technical issue avoidance, finan- ment is of the utmost importance to have a view as com-
cial costs, and service reliability. prehensive as possible of the system’s state.
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5. Power grid modelling such an approach that rapidly surfaces upon examination
is its susceptibility to various errors and algebraic loops
Power grid modelling has been the subject of exten- [42].
sive work, spanning a large array of tools and techniques. Object-oriented programming [43] defines components
Herein, the most prominent power grid modelling ap- of power grids as objects sorted by their electrical be-
proaches are displayed in an effort to flesh out their speci- haviour (energy producers, consumers or pro-consumers)
ficities and an emphasis is put on the type of applications and the physical laws by which they abide. As a result,
for which the models are constructed. this approach facilitates the formalisation of interactions
These approaches can be classified into two main cate- between grid elements. Power grids are essentially a set
gories. The first category is technology-free models, which of nodes and links. Therefore, the model avails itself of
enable the simulation of the power grid’s behaviour with- the organisational principles upon which object-oriented

out specific knowledge of its physical and technical inner- programming is built [44].
workings. The accessibility, scalability, and interoperabil-
ity of these approaches is making them an increasingly i. Classification. Classes, which can be either physical
appealing choice, especially with the remarkable evolu- items of the grid or data packets in a monitoring sys-

tion of dedicated software. The second category, by far tem, are defined.
the more prolific and well-researched of the two, is power
flow analysis methods. A glimpse is provided into well- ii. Inheritance. Subclasses share common features while
established numerical methods used in the literature to having particular attributes that set them apart
solve power flow equations. Then, optimal power flow (equipment type, accuracy, etc.).
(OPF) and its applications are introduced. Emphasis is
iii. Association. It represents the links between different
put on modelling applications since power flow analysis
classes, an association can be defined between a PV
is a thoroughly-researched reliable tool for infrastructure
panel and an inverter, for instance.
planning, electrical system dimensioning, and risk assess-
ment. The lesser prominent control applications are men- iv. Aggregation. Objects built from different component
tioned without warranting their own subsection among the parts are modelled as aggregations.
monitoring and control ones.
The notable works highlighted in this section of the pa- Even though the use of these methods to simulate power
per are then recapitulated in Table 2. grid behaviour is relatively recent, it has been gaining pop-

ularity. This is a result of the rapid progress in software

5.1. Technology-free models technology and the growing need for simple yet efficient
Technology-free models cover any black box modelling ways to study the power grid’s behaviour within the smart
method that doesn’t require physical and technical knowl- grid context. These tools offer the possibility of construct-
edge of the system’s components and behaviour. Such ing flexible and scalable models without requiring a deep
models have been proposed for DSM applications [39], understanding of the inner workings of the grid’s compo-
putting forward a modelling approach with minimal data nents, in order to test control algorithms and DSM pro-

requirements as physical characteristics of generators, grams. The rising interest in modelling and smart man-
loads, and power lines aren’t explicitly present. Basically, agement of power grids has also fuelled the development
of dedicated simulation software [45, 46]. These methods,

an electrical circuit can be represented simply by both its

efficiency and time-dependant power flow. Agents in a however accessible they may be, are not without shortcom-
smart grid are perpetually exchanging power. As a result, ings. Their black box nature relinquishes, partially and
each node can be modelled as a linear combination of in- sometimes completely, the ability to have access to inter-
coming and outgoing power flows. Using this paradigm to nal system parameters and adjust them for specific tech-
model various distributed generators (wind turbines, wa- nical applications. Their “user-friendly” attribute could
ter pumps, etc.), a simple self-contained microgrid model indeed become a limitation once the desired application
is proposed to test DSM algorithms in [39]. strays from the tasks the model was specifically designed
to fulfil.

Because of the heterogeneity of power grid components,

it is sensible to use energy as the lingua franca of the
model. Dispensing with differential equations to depict 5.2. Power flow analysis
energy conversion at various nodes, the model describes Applications whose aim is infrastructure planning in the
energy flow or power flow throughout the grid by having light of the power grid’s evolution [47, 48, 49] demand fur-
recourse to graph theory [40], particularly bond graphs ther inquiry into the power flow between grid components
[41]. The main selling point of bond graphs is their abil- and along grid lines. More accurately, numerical meth-
ity to integrate several subsystems from different physi- ods are elaborated to calculate distribution grid power
cal domains into one comprehensive homogeneous model flow. These methods range from deterministic algorithms
seamlessly, by relying entirely on power flow to depict the [50, 51] to probabilistic ones [52, 53], incarnating a state
system’s behaviour. However, an important drawback of observer for the grid’s key parameters.
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Power flow analysis is the oldest method for modelling tions depicting the behaviour of power grid components. It
the behaviour of power grids in terms of energy transfer be- is simple to implement and basically boils down to writing
tween elements, and can be viewed as a centralized scheme the equations describing the system in the format f (x) = 0
originating from Kirchhoff’s laws that model power flow and then iteratively searching for the best approximation
and inequality constraints for lines’ capacity limits. It of the function’s roots within a reasonable margin of error
can be broken down into three main stages: the reduc- [62, 63].
tion of the grid into an equivalent electrical circuit, the NR is widely used for power flow estimation in transmis-
construction of an equation set to describe the evolution sion grids. Distribution grids, however, prove challenging
of the system’s key parameters such as voltage, current, in this respect due to the high resistance/reactance ratio
and power at each node, then the resolution of the equa- which leads to difficulties in inverting the Jacobian ma-
tion set at each step to update the estimation of the pa- trix and therefore creates convergence problems for the

rameters’ values. The first step is reducing the intricate algorithm. Lured by the algorithm’s straightforward for-
electrical schemes of power grids into more basic ones in mulation, several attempts have been made to bypass this
order to fast-track the computation and eliminate unneces- issue, the simplest being the inversion of the Jacobian ma-
sary details. Complex electrical circuits can be modelled trix using chain rule [64].

using simpler equivalent ones [54] that exhibit the same
behaviour as their more sophisticated counterparts while 5.2.2. Backward forward sweep
maintaining visual and computational intelligibility. As a BFS is more widely used in distribution grids than NR
result, voltage drop estimations become simpler and faster. [65, 66, 67, 68, 69]. Equally simple and robust, it can
Obviously, equivalent circuits are inherently less detailed handle three-phase unbalanced networks. The backward
but the margin of error is acceptable when they are used sweep consists in applying kirchhoff’s laws to find voltage
for MV grids’ planning [55]. and current values starting from the farthest load up to
All types of loads linked to the power grid can be ap- the MV/LV station to compute the currents flowing in the
proximated by a simple load model. In a distribution grid, network, followed by the forward sweep where the same
each node has four associated variables of interest: the process is conducted in the opposite direction in order to
active power, the reactive power, the voltage amplitude compute the voltage drops in all the branches. The it-
and the phase-shift. Once the equivalent scheme of the LV erative process goes on until the difference between the
distribution grid is contrived, the next step is the construc- voltage mismatch is within a reasonable margin of error.
tion of the equation set that describes it using Kirchhoff’s Formulation of the matrices BIBC (bus injection branch

laws, and then its resolution using numerical algorithms current) and BCBV (branch current bus voltage) – both
to be briefly introduced below. A prominent stimulus for matrices deal with the connection between branch and in-
grid operators’ probing into LV distribution grid models jection currents, and voltage drops and branch currents,
is the desideratum for MV grid planning. In this context, respectively – is required.
work has been carried out by Électricité De France (EDF)
to build simplified models for the estimation of voltage 5.2.3. Probabilistic algorithms
variations in LV distribution grids and their accurate pre- NR and BFS are deterministic approaches in solving

sentation in MV planning studies. The main idea is to the power flow estimation problem. However, demand
perform an LV feeder reduction by extracting the electric- and generation in modern distribution grids are both af-

ity path causing maximum voltage drop, that would later flicted with high uncertainties due to the stochastic na-
on contribute to prediction of worst-case scenarios and MV ture of human behaviour and the inherent irregularities of
grid assessment [55]. renewable-energy-based power generation. Consequently,
An extensive record of papers tackling power flow anal- probabilistic algorithms emerge as an improved solution
ysis in distribution grids is conducted in [56]. Simulation to take into account the stochastic nature of certain sys-
software such as RAPSim [57], which is an open source tem variables. They can either be numerical or analytical.
tool, have been developed with the purpose of facilitating On one hand, numerical methods run a large number of
power grid simulation based on power flow equations. As simulations with random state variables, then extract the

a matter of fact, power flow contains direct-current power needed information through a statistical analysis of the
flow (DC-PF) [58, 59, 60] and alternating-current power results. The most prominent numerical method in the lit-
flow (AC-PF) [61]. Hereinafter, emphasis is placed on erature is the Monte Carlo one [70], which can be applied
the Newton-Raphson (NR) and backward forward sweep to assessment of DG penetration [71] and harmonic power
(BFS) algorithms, which are used to solve AC-PF prob- flow simulations [72], among others. On the other hand,
lems, due to their widespread use in distribution grid mod- analytical methods resort to linearisation of power flow
elling. Probabilistic algorithms are also presented. equations [73, 74] to avoid the convolution brought about
by their non-linearity when formulating a probabilistic al-
5.2.1. Newton-Raphson algorithm gorithm. Uncertainty is taken into account by considering
NR is one of the most commonly used algorithms to system variables as random and providing their probability
solve equation sets, in the present case non-linear equa- distribution functions.
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5.2.4. Discussion convex linearised problems widely used for transmission

As opposed to more sophisticated algorithms, NR and grid planning [81, 82]. They are an approximation of AC-
BFS are abundantly used in existing works concerned with OPF, whose assumptions make them faster and reasonable
real-time monitoring and control. Several upgrades have for application to very large systems [83]. On the other
been made over the years to boost their performance and hand, AC-OPF is primarily used for optimization of oper-
adapt them to unbalanced three-phase electrical networks ation and control strategies. It is a non-linear non-convex
[75, 76]. There also exists a number of other deterministic problem that uses full AC power flow equations, includ-
algorithms used to solve the problem of state estimation ing reactive power flow, and therefore takes losses into ac-
in distribution grids such as fast-decoupled algorithms [68] count. AC-OPF methods are better suited for distribution
and fixed-point methods [77] to name a few. power grid modelling and operation [84, 85, 86, 87]. A re-
Although probabilistic algorithms offer flexibility in the view of AC-OPF is given in [88].

face of variable sets plagued with uncertainties, they come The penetration of renewables in distribution grids has
with a significant computational burden and an added not been without its challenges when it comes to OPF
level of mathematical complexity, which explains why their algorithms. Distributed generation adds a degree of com-
use remains limited despite their aforementioned virtues. plexity to an already intricate power grid and boosts the

While the laborious task of estimating power consumption inherently unbalanced nature of loads. In addition to high-
per household can be made worthwhile by the capacity of lighting protection system concerns, the repercussions of
probabilistic algorithms to cope with unpredictable human large-scale integration of DG into distribution grids on
behaviour and erratic renewable energy production, power their stability and operation is thoroughly examined in
flow estimators whose goal is infrastructure planning and [89] and an overview of voltage rise mitigation techniques
DG allocation can forego meticulous modelling in favour is given. OPF is one of the most well-researched fields of
of simplicity. State estimators preceding voltage regula- constrained optimization of power grids. Its efficiency for
tion algorithms juggle accuracy and simplicity with speed. worst case assessment and contingency planning explains
Overvoltages in a distribution grid need to be halted fast, its prolific use for infrastructure planning and system di-
at most in the span of minutes, to avoid equipment dam- mensioning. However, it remains ill-suited for real-time
age, blackouts and safety issues. As a consequence, a com- monitoring and control because of its computational chal-
promise must be made to ensure swift reaction to voltage lenges. Discrete settings of control devices such as on-
variations. In this case, deterministic algorithms, although load tap changers in the grid make the problem a mixed-
relatively crude, are a better fit than fine-tuned but slower integer non-linear one, which complexifies its resolution.

probabilistic ones. A comparative study of objective functions, constraints,

and OPF algorithms in the service of smart grids is given
5.2.5. Optimal Power Flow (OPF) in [90] and a comprehensive survey of numerical methods
OPF encompasses all algorithms that concern them- used to solve OPF problems can be found in [91].
selves with constrained non-linear optimization of power
systems deeply rooted in power flow equations derived 5.3. In a nutshell
from the physical laws governing these systems. A compre- This section takes a closer look at two of the main poles

hensive overview of the OPF theory from an operational of methods concerned with the modelling and simulation
research perspective defines it as “any optimization prob- of power grids in the literature. Technology-free models,

lem that seeks to optimize the operation of a power system simple and easy-to-use, provide a suitable tool for non-
subject to the physical constraints imposed by electrical specialists to simulate the grid’s behaviour and to test
laws and engineering limits” [78]. operation and control schemes, namely for demande-side
Further exploration of OPF algorithms can be found in management applications. This approach has benefited
[79], along with a literature review of associated modelling greatly from the progress made in software development.
techniques. OPF algorithms’ use includes, but is not lim- In contrast, power flow analysis and OPF take a much
ited to, infrastructure planning and distributed generator more in-depth approach to modelling the behaviour of
dimensioning. They enable risk assessment by identifying power grids by using physical power flow equations. These

worst-case scenarios and critical paths in distribution grid methods have been thoroughly researched for decades and
lines. They can also be used for operation and control of available literature about them is extensive. They are ef-
power grids. An example of OPF being used for operation ficient for infrastructure planning and risk assessment. In
purposes is illustrated in [80], where a “day-ahead” predic- recent years, they have been increasingly used for opti-
tive management scheme for distribution power grids with mal dimensioning and allocation of distributed generation.
photovoltaic generation and storage systems, taking into OPF, which can be viewed as an application of power flow
consideration the ageing of batteries, is proposed. equations for optimisation purposes, has some applications
Similarly to power flow analysis, OPF also includes sev- for electrical grid control, which are acknowledged in this
eral varieties, ranging from Direct Current-Optimal Power section. However, they remain a minority compared to
Flow (DC-OPF) to Alternate Current-Optimal Power OPF’s prolific use for infrastructure planning, optimal sys-
Flow (AC-OPF). On one hand, DC-OPF algorithms are tem dimensioning, and risk assessment.
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6. Power grid operation and control decision (either request or command) is determined
by the hierarchy of the system.
In this section of the paper, the methods undertaken in
the literature to monitor and control power grids are ex- 6.1.2. An interactive environment
amined in order to deduce their merits and shortcomings Multi-agent systems possess invaluable attributes that
and make an analysis of their suitability to different ap- facilitate modelling and control of power grids [93, 94].
plications. First, the multi-agent paradigm is introduced. They offer flexibility in the face of dynamic situations.
Although it might be viewed as a modelling framework, it For example, they can detect the connection of a new
is used primarily for operation and control purposes. Sec- DG to the distribution grid and make the necessary al-
ond, model-based predictive control is studied, which is a terations without operator intervention. The inclusion,
control scheme able to into account data from an evolving replacement, or removal of new agents can be done on-

environment and adapt accordingly. Then, a special inter- line without compromising the grid. Furthermore, the ex-
est is paid to demand side management and the different tensibility of MAS allows straightforward addition of new
methods it encompasses. Lastly, a discussion is carried functionalities to the system or the upgrade of existing
out around technical and regulatory aspects of flexible as- ones. For instance, state of the art sensors or data analy-

set management. sis algorithms can replace outdated ones seamlessly. As a
The notable works highlighted in this section of the pa- corollary of these features, the system becomes fault toler-
per are recapitulated in Tables 3 and 4. ant: the failure of one part of the system shouldn’t hinder
the proper functioning of the rest. So, if a PV panel on-site
6.1. Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) voltage control unit fails and the amount of PV power gen-
6.1.1. Definition eration injected into the grid is no longer controlled, this
The modern distribution grid is composed of heteroge- does not provoke a system-wide failure. Equally crucial is
neous elements (regular households, pro-consumers, biogas the autonomy of the agents that make their own decisions
plants, hydraulic stations, etc.), which explains the pop- in service of their goals, licensing them to deny requests
ularity of MAS in the field of power grid modelling [92]. from other agents if they do not respect certain criteria and
Analogously to object-oriented programming, multi-agent alter or postpone actions when needed, to prioritize tasks
systems provide a modular and scalable representation of such as time or resource consuming calculations or safety
the grid, where the inner dynamics and physical proper- protocols. The design and implementation of MAS models
ties of each element are put into a “packet” labelled an for distribution grids is discussed thoroughly in [95].

agent. Then, rule-based agent behaviour and inter-agent The examples provided in the present paper fall within
interactions are defined. the realm of power engineering to highlight the use of MAS
Countless definitions of agents and multi-agent systems for such applications. Nonetheless, it should not escape the
are given in the literature. An attempt is made hereinafter reader that the scope of MAS applications extend to many
to extract the guideline shared by these definitions and other fields: social behaviour [96], electricity markets [97],
provide a concise explanation of the basic knowledge one finance [98], urban development [99], etc.
needs to grasp in order to use MAS for operation and con- Researchers are flocking to MAS for the modelling of

trol of power grids. Then, recent works tackling modelling power grids because of its ability to reproduce complex and
and control of distribution grids using MAS are browsed. sometimes unpredictable interactions between grid com-
An agent is a free-standing entity situated in a partially

ponents with relative ease. A modern power grid is com-

or totally observable environment to which it is able to posed of high numbers of agents with heterogeneous dy-
react. An agent is, controversially so, characterised as “in- namics governed by a set of physical laws and technical
telligent”. This refers to its ability to perceive changes constraints, whose objectives are dissimilar and sometimes
in its environment and make decisions autonomously. An conflicting. Complexity aside, this results in emergent
agent’s cyclic behaviour consists of three stages, listed be- properties for which the MAS framework is well equipped
low. [100]. The challenge resides in exhaustively defining the
laws that govern the considered system. As a matter of
i. Perception. The agent receives data from other

fact, the design and implementation of MAS models is by

agents and sensors depicting the state of the system no means an easy feat [101] and relies heavily on successful
and changes in exterior parameters. An awareness of agent communication.
its environment is established. In centralized schemes, agents communicate solely with
ii. Decision. Taking into account the information gath- hierarchically superior entities (be it a grid regulator or
ered during the perception stage, the agent uses its agents of upper levels) and have limited to no decision
“knowledge” to assess the possibilities and decides making capabilities. On the other hand, in decentralized
which actions to take. or fully distributed schemes, agents on the same hierar-
chical plane can communicate with one another and are
iii. Action. The agent enacts its decision by transmitting authorized, to varying degrees, to participate in the deci-
it to other agents and actuators. The nature of the sion making process.
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Several pieces of software have been developed in order in [112], where the structure is comprised of four types of
to simulate the interactions between power grid agents and agents: transformers, feeders, houses, and devices. The
test operation and controls schemes using the paradigm of method is an APC-based (active power curtailment) load
multi-agent systems. They can be either open source – control for cases where the PV power generation exceeds a
GridLab [102], and Repast [103] – or licensed tools – Any- predefined threshold, while taking into account customers’
logic [104] –, allowing the assembly of power grid models comfort [113]. Device agents report consumed and gen-
from predefined blocks complete with their electrical char- erated power, voltage levels, and temperature to corre-
acteristics and behavioural rules. sponding upper level house agents that coordinate them
and act as interfaces between households and external en-
6.1.3. A coordination framework tities. Transformer and feeder agents monitor their respec-
Efficient communication and coordination between tive loading. The synchronous communication between

agents is the centrepiece of control schemes in the frame- agents lays a solid ground for scalability and interoperabil-
work of multi-agent systems. The communication topol- ity of the model. The scheme combines congestion man-
ogy and the hierarchy of decision-making shape the control agement with low-voltage control. The former is ensured
strategy. The structure of a LV distribution grid as a hier- by controlling households’ heat pump loads [114] to reduce

archical MAS is on display in [105]: a market-based control congestion at the transformer level, whereas the latter is
method is applied to a two-level hierarchical architecture in handled either through sensitivity-based control to trim
order to promote the successful integration of electric vehi- PV power injections or through droop-based active power
cles into the grid. The upper level is the distributed system curtailment [115]. APC was first developed to avoid re-
operator that coordinates the fleet operators’ power sched- peated tripping of overvoltage relays and incarnates the
ule and the lower level is composed of fleet operators allo- customer comfort aspect of the method. In fact, PV pro-
cating charging power to individual electric vehicles. Fleet ducers share the financial fallout endured as a result of
operators submit power schedules to the market operator APC. On the downside, APC is a suboptimal solution for
who determines the shadow price which takes into account both grid operators and distributed generators: it inhibits
the interest in solving grid congestion, conforming to dis- the exploitation of renewable energy resources as it forces
tributed systems operator’s preference. The optimization production to stay under a predefined threshold. More-
problem is solved in a few steps in MATLAB [106] and over, this strategy is non-predictive. A resource as erratic
the coordination between agents is done through JACK as solar irradiance can provoke multiple disconnections of
[107], a cross-platform environment for integrating multi- a PV panel from the distribution grid over a day and in

agent systems. It is worth noting that by giving electric the long run, this may damage the circuits and shorten
vehicles the possibility to respond to price changes individ- their lifespan.
ually, they tend to choose the time slots with lower prices, At the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse (France),
contrasting the global aim of mitigating congestion in the research into MAS dates back to the early 2000s, where a
power grid. This calls into question the validity of giving tool was developed [116] and baptised ADELFE (Atelier de
agents decision-making capabilities. Développement de Logiciels à Fonctionnalité Emergente),
Multi-agent systems have proven efficient for the man- aiming to elaborate adaptive multi-agent systems and the

agement of LV distribution grids in both urban areas [108] incorporation of emergent behaviour. This tool was there-
with upcoming penetration of distributed generation and after used for the design of an Adaptive Transmission of

rural ones such as isolated West African regions with self- Energy and Network Analysis framework [117], dubbed
sufficient hybrid electrical systems [109], offering potential ATENA. It is a completely distributed approach put in
for a load shifting scheme relying on the flexibility of loads service of two main goals: load flow analysis and state es-
with different priority levels. With similar load shifting timation of distribution grids. The technique solves the
objectives, a MAS model with demand side integration load flow problem through applying the Newton-Raphson
(DSI) is developed in [108], using the open-source plat- algorithm at the micro-level. Network state estimation is
form JADE [110]. The simulation is run on a typical LV carried out through agent cooperation using the same al-
distribution grid in Italy (an urban area). The scheme gorithm and the voltage values provided by the measure-

is founded on a master-slave communication between au- ment nodes. Every agent is assigned three types of data:
tonomous agents: the load aggregator aggregates demand a state vector containing its key parameters, the voltage
and operates a master agent, which in turn operates in- and phase shift of its neighbours and the characteristics
dependent agents. Ideas of Nash’s game theory [111] are of the lines connected to it. The emerging global function
used in terms of agents having access to local information guides the system to its equilibrium state. The authors
(their own dynamics) as well as global information (energy claim that the required cycles to reach an acceptable so-
prices, average state of all other agents, and technical con- lution evolves logarithmically and that the complexity in
straints). Agents try to maximize their benefit, but their time evolves linearly on a succession of 1000 resolutions.
deviation from the mean behaviour is penalised to favour The notion of “criticality”, as defined in [117], is the dis-
global optimization. satisfaction of an agent regarding its own goals. Therefore,
A slightly more complicated 4-level scheme is adopted acceptance of the solution’s suboptimality is clear. This is
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reminiscent of Nash equilibrium, an inherently suboptimal Another example of consensus algorithms used for power
approximation of the global objective function that calls grid control applications is DC microgrid control: in [123],
for an a posteriori verification of compatibility between an undirected weighted graph to model the electrical cir-
the computed solution and the application [118]. Put cuit is combined with an undirected unweighted one to
simply, at time step t, each agent optimizes a quadratic model the communication network. Then, they build a
cost while assuming that the neighbouring agents will use non-linear consensus system of differential algebraic equa-
the variables computed at time step t − 1 to optimize tions. The system is analysed through Lyapunov func-
theirs. A Nash equilibrium is reached when this process tions inspired by the physical laws governing the power
converges. One could argue that agents’ criticality values grid. Controllers exchange information regarding the in-
can be used to estimate the suboptimality gap of the op- stantaneous injected power and ensure proportional power
timization problem global solution but this does not seem sharing.

to carry weight in the context of the work presented in
[117]. This stems from the fact that the application, i.e. 6.1.5. Gossip algorithms
solving problems in distribution grids, does not call for Gossip algorithms are distributed and asynchronous al-
an optimal solution. The main focus is put on avoiding gorithms, inspired by the communication protocol they

congestion, respecting technical constraints, and keeping promote: a node communicates with one random imme-
service quality above a contractual threshold. Agents are diate neighbour during each time slot and thus, the infor-
able to identify critical situations in their neighbourhoods mation spreads across large and arbitrarily connected grids
and act accordingly using a bargaining-like behaviour and [124]. Changes in the state of a node that can be computed
considerate control [35], which refers to agents in a neigh- through system dynamics are anticipated in a distributed
bourhood always helping the agent with the highest criti- manner and do not deteriorate performance. Gossip al-
cality. gorithms are inherently fault-tolerant and suitable for all
In order to solve the multicriteria constraint optimiza- grid topologies, as well as nodes with limited connectiv-
tion problem that is “smart grid” management, the deci- ity and computational and energy resources. The model’s
sions made by the agents can be computed using a multi- asynchronous nature means that nodes do not necessar-
tude of algorithms. The following subsections of the paper ily communicate at the same time. Intuitive applications
focus on consensus-based algorithms, gossip algorithms, of gossip algorithms include the computation of aggregate
and game theory and puts into the foreground their use in information [125] and geometric random graphs such as
service of modelling and control of distribution grids. wireless sensor networks [126].

The suitability of these algorithms for smart grid ap-

6.1.4. Consensus-based algorithms plications have not escaped researchers when honing their
Distributed computations in multi-agent systems call monitoring and control tools in the face of power grids’
for consensus between agents: an agreement upon agent transition into fully fledged smart grids. An extension of
roles and objectives, and a willingness to participate in distributed gossip algorithms with self-stabilizing proper-
the prescribed control strategies to reach the global objec- ties is presented in [127]. The scheme relies on the propa-
tive. A consensus algorithm defines rules for the exchange gation of a locally computable minimum value which serves

of information between neighbouring agents. Two types to detect and prevent cascading failures in operational
of consensus problems emerge: unconstrained consensus power grids. To do so, a robustness metric is constructed

problems (i.e. alignment problems), where a consensus for better monitoring of the grid in near real-time, with
is reached when all agents converge asymptotically to the convergence time scaling logarithmically with the grid size.
same state, and constrained consensus problems when that The flexibility and scalability inherent to such approaches
state is a predetermined function. An insight into con- is invaluable to modern power grids because nodes are in-
sensus problems in distributed decision-making systems is cessantly being added to the network structure, intention-
given in [119], with respect to various applications such as ally removed from it, or disconnected due to equipment
sensor fusion and formation control. The use of consensus- failure, communication congestion, or exterior factors.
based algorithms for smart grid applications is scarce but Optimal power flow has also attracted the use of gos-

it manifests itself in some recent works [120, 121]. sip algorithms in an interesting way. The optimal power
Congestion problems in distribution grids are taken on flow problem can indeed be formulated as a distributed
by converting the power balancing problem into a leader- semi-definite programming one: each agent solves a local
follower approach where a direct spanning tree originating optimization problem with its own cost functions, phys-
from the leader is required to ensure the asymptotic con- ical constraints, and decision constraints shared with its
vergence of flexible asset outputs to its issued set points neighbourhood to ensure the compatibility of the agent’s
[122]. A state machine enables the transition between decisions with those of its neighbouring agents [128].
controllers in accordance with the congestion level of the
network, determined by measurements of round trip time 6.1.6. Game theory
(RTT). The algorithm is, however, only tested on star-like Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics used
topologies, due to the spanning tree requirement. to tackle a multitude of problems where the components
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of the system have evolving interdependent relationships. demand. On top of jeopardizing equipment and service
It models the behaviour of agents of subsystems involved quality, these disturbances can lead to system failure. LV
in strategic situations where the outcome of a player’s ac- distribution grids are especially prone to cascading fail-
tions is function of its choices, those of other players, and ures because of their weakly meshed, often radial struc-
exterior factors. In the light of the transition into a free ture, favoured for its cheaper cost and easier installation.
electricity market with multiple suppliers and the deploy- Economic convenience edged out the extra layer of safety
ment of distributed generation, game theory can be put at the planning stage of LV distribution grids, but this
into use for the modelling and smart management of mod- choice has not aged well in the era of distributed genera-
ern power grids. This is one of a wide variety of research tion. Consequently, the aptitude to predict future issues
fields in which game theory is thriving: economics [129], facing the system is a valuable tool to prevent them ahead
psychology [130], social behaviour [131], etc. of time.

Depending on the scheme’s goal, the game modelling
the power grid operation can either be cooperative or non- 6.2.2. Relaxation techniques
cooperative. From the point of view of a distribution Large MPC problems are computationally expensive.
grid regulator, the game can be modelled as a coopera- To reduce the computational load, several solutions are

tive one where all agents prioritize balancing supply and possible for both linear and non-linear systems. In case of
demand and ensuring grid stability over maximizing their a linear problem, one proposal is to implement MPC by
own profit. From an economics point of view, a free in- solving a multi-parametric quadratic optimization prob-
ternational electricity market is a non-cooperative game lem [137]. On one hand, this alleviates the on-line com-
where multiple electricity suppliers compete to maximize putational complexity because the MPC implementation is
their profit and the end consumers seek to maximize theirs done through a piecewise linear function evaluation instead
as well [132]. A highly influential approach which consists of actual real-time optimization. On the other hand, the
in a distributed demand-side management strategy formu- off-line complexity of the algorithm increases dramatically
lated as an energy consumption scheduling game has been and so does the number of constraints. It goes without
proposed in [133]. More recently, a non-cooperative game saying that this approach lacks flexibility as the piecewise
approach for dynamic pricing – with dynamic pricing, end- function cannot be updated online.
users are usually given an hour-by-hour breakdown of elec- Price-driven coordination also allows the simplification
tricity costs for the next day so they can take advantage of of a complex centralized MPC problem, for example by
low-cost energy during off-peak hours – in order to reduce reformulating it as a large-scale quadratic problem with

peak demand with fast convergence to a Nash equilibrium linking equality constraints [138]. Another option is the
has been introduced in [134]. A comprehensive overview decomposition of the global MPC problem into local ones
of the potential of game theory applications to microgrid for each agent and using the price vector to penalise agents’
systems, demand-side management, and communication deviation from the common goal of maintaining grid sta-
protocols can be found in [135]. bility [139]. To circumvent the complexity of a global
optimization problem concerning the entire power grid,
6.2. Model-based predictive control distributed MPC comes forth as an appealing proposal,

heavily anchored in a multi-agent framework [35]. Agents

6.2.1. Suitability for LV distribution grid control are each given a local optimization problem such that the
The premise of model-based predictive control (MPC) is

emerging system behaviour leads to the resolution of the

to use a dynamic model of the system to predict its future global problem. This alleviates the algorithmic complex-
behaviour and solve a constrained optimization problem ity and produces a scalable control strategy fitting for a
over a finite time horizon. During each timeslot, the first power grid with an evolving composition and structure.
step of the control strategy is implemented, then new in-
formation about the system’s behaviour and external vari- 6.2.3. Distributed scheme vs. hierarchical scheme
ables is incorporated into the optimization problem to be A distributed MAS scheme, whose goal is to couple an
solved over the predefined time horizon once more. The information sharing model with an MPC method to ensure
particularity of the rolling horizon allows the controller to

power supply and demand balance is presented in [38]. It

account for an evolving environment. divides agent energy demand/production into a flexible
In recent years, interest in MPC applications for power part and an external part. An agent in such a framework
electronics has been mounting [136] due to the advances communicates, at first, with immediate neighbours to meet
made in electrical and mechanical system modelling that its own energy demand and also accommodate theirs be-
provide more accurate representation of systems’ be- fore widening the search in case no acceptable solution is
haviour and leaps in microprocessor technology that make found. The interesting angle introduced in this work is
MPC implementation worthwhile. The suitability of MPC that the information topology is not necessarily identical
to distribution grid monitoring and control is plain. A dis- to the physical topology, which raises the question of deter-
tribution grid is in fact a fragile system subject to volatile mining the optimal information topology for each physical
quantities such as distributed generation and stochastic topology. Future work could focus on doing so in order to
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minimize grid losses, congestion at the transformer level, being said, when it comes to field implementation, con-
and convergence time of the algorithm. trol strategies involving several possible scenarios require
Just as the problem can be completely distributed, a a degree of flexibility the installations rarely have. The de-
more conservative approach is a hierarchical scheme. The terministic approach, though rudimentary by comparison,
system is decomposed into n subsystems. The first layer can generate a fixed storage device planning over a prede-
regards interactions between subsystems and local regu- fined time horizon, which is more suitable for third-party
lators: each subsystem solves a local optimization prob- storage device operators.
lem with respect to information about the states of other
subsystems and instructions it receives from the associ- 6.3. Demand-side management
ated regulator. It then communicates its future state to DSM has been defined in Subsection 4.1 as an integral
other subsystems and the computed output to the regula- part of the smart grid paradigm. As opposed to strate-

tor. The second layer concerns the local regulators and the gies that predict demand and tailor fitting energy supply
central coordinator: upon receiving the computed outputs (optimal power flow or flexible asset management), DSM
from the associated subsystems, local regulators transmit consists in adapting need for electricity on the grid to avail-
the local solutions to the central coordinator that aggre- able supply, which can be done indirectly by dynamically

gates them and generates electricity prices for the next adjusting electricity prices to influence customer energy
timeslot. The regulators then use the prices to compute consumption (time-of-use pricing, real-time pricing, etc)
the local commands to be injected into the subsystems. [141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146] or directly by remotely con-
A hierarchical approach is arguably a more realistic way trolling customer-side equipment to fit an optimal load
to go about implementing MPC to the power grid than curve (demand response) [147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152]. A
fully distributed schemes. The operator retains some con- recent comprehensive literature review of DSM is given in
trol over the grid and can at all times intervene to steer the [153]. Hereinafter, focus is put on demand response as a
agents in extraordinary circumstances while giving them valuable tool for supply/demand balance in the context of
leeway to make individual decisions with respect to their a power grid with prolific distributed generation. It cov-
local constraints. The fully distributed approach relies ers a variety of control schemes including, but not limited
heavily on coordination between agents without the help to, load shifting, valley filling, and peak shaving. These
of a regulator. However, this is not always possible in light tools are presented in this subsection and references are
of a highly centralized communication infrastructure in the provided for further details. Demand response tools are
power grid. uniquely positioned to benefit from the flexibility added

The development of wireless communication technolo- to the power grid by the deployment of distributed gener-
gies paves the way for inter-agent data exchange but there ation and the accompanying storage systems.
is still a long way to go before the implementation of a fully According to [154], demand response “includes all in-
distributed MPC scheme in the power grid, especially in tentional electricity consumption pattern modifications by
distribution grids, becomes a reality. end-use customers that are intended to alter the timing,
level of instantaneous demand, or total electricity con-
6.2.4. MPC with stochastic inputs sumption”. Research into demand response techniques is

Predictive control’s selling point is its capacity to antic- plentiful, thanks to their considerable potential for real-
ipate problems that may emerge within the next few min- time control of power grids with high levels of renewables’

utes or hours. To further improve upon the performance penetration to avoid congestion and balance supply and
of MPC, the demand forecast fed to the controller can demand.
be made into a stochastic variable to take into account the Load shifting consists in moving the operation of cer-
unpredictability of human behaviour. Consumption curves tain loads in a grid to different time slots within a pre-
are no longer assumed to be exactly known, they can be defined control horizon in order to approximate a desired
replaced with scenario trees where each node is assigned a load curve without affecting the grid’s total energy con-
demand and a probability of occurrence. Ergo, MPC be- sumption over the specified time interval [133, 155, 156].
comes SRHC (stochastic receding horizon control). The In a modern power grid setting, tasks that are not time-

latter can be found in the literature in an attempt to sensitive can be rescheduled to alleviate the burden of the
use grid operator-owned storage devices for peak reduc- grid. This is primarily done through financial incentives
tion [140]. Performance of the resulting algorithm is com- (i.e. dynamic prices) that penalise consumption in peri-
pared to that of a classic setpoint controller and that of ods of peak demand and rewards it in periods of peak
a controller based on perfect demand forecast. It is found renewable-energy-based production met with a dip in de-
that SRHC is indeed more accurate than the setpoint con- mand. Load shifting is built on voluntary customer par-
troller. It moves closer to the perfect forecast controller ticipation. Grid operators use financial incentives, but
than conventional MPC but does not outperform it. The also raise awareness of the environmental stakes of suc-
same approach can be employed to integrate uncertainties cessful integration of distributed generation in the power
regarding renewable energy sources, most notably house- grid. The limitation to be taken into account here is that
hold PV power generation, into the control scheme. That electricity providers do not have free reign to alter prices,
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of which a significant portion is subject to national and used later on in the day. Challenges regarding the effi-
international regulations. ciency of electric power storage and storage system design
The idea behind the valley filling technique is to create restrain the potential of this approach for large-scale de-
loads in time slots where consumption plummets, in order ployment, but it is still reasonably efficient for small-scale
to “fill the valley” in the load curve [157, 158, 159]. An use. Several works in the literature address the optimal
example of this is electric vehicle charging, which can be dimensioning and allocation of distributed generation and
strategically scheduled to absorb excess production from storage units in distribution grids [163, 164, 165, 166]. An
distributed generation when household power demand is extensive survey on the optimal allocation of distributed
not sufficiently high. Another option is to shift loads that generation with regards to constraints, objectives, and al-
use fossil fuels to electric power to absorb the excess power gorithms is given in [167].
injected into the distribution grid by PV producers, for The regulation of voltage levels in the power grid can be

instance. Several works in the literature explore such an carried out by operating strategically-placed distributed
idea. generators and storage units to fill the supply-demand gap
As opposed to valley filling, peak shaving aims to reduce and store the local power excess, respectively. Though this
power demand during peak periods [158, 160, 161]. This technique has yet to achieve field implementation, it has

can be done through adjustment of electricity tariffs to already been investigated in recent literature: smart in-
discourage power consumption in periods of high demand verters are used in [168] to pilot small battery buffers at
during the day and reduce stress on the grid, for instance. local production sites to prevent overvoltage in a Belgian
DSM techniques, particularly demand response, are fit- rural distribution grid, a control technique using customer-
ting for power grids with high penetration of distributed owned energy storage systems is introduced in [169] to
generation for numerous reasons [30]. They make localised solve voltage fluctuation in distribution grids with high
interventions possible by shifting loads in small-scale dis- PV penetration, an approach for energy resource manage-
tribution grids in order to absorb excess renewable-energy- ment in residential microgrids is put in place in [170] using
based generation or alleviate stress during peak-demand a grid-connected building equipped with production and
timeslots without altering the overall power demand of the storage units, etc.
day. Operating flexible loads during peak PV generation While scientific and technical aspects of flexible asset
or wind generation periods takes advantage of the momen- management are still an active research field, it is equally
tarily surge of available power on the grid that may oth- important to address the hurdles of regulatory frameworks
erwise compromise its stability. As a result, grid stability within which such schemes would operate. The most ob-

issues are mitigated and demand is met through cleaner vious question is who would operate these facilities: the
and cheaper electricity. In addition to solving operational grid operator, the facilities operators/owners, or a third-
issues without having recourse to infrastructure reinforce- party coordinator. And more to the point, the identity
ment, DSM also has a societal impact. As a matter of fact, of the operator will influence both dimensioning and op-
making end-users decision-making partners in grid opera- eration of the installations. In France, for instance, the
tion raises awareness and changes the social and cultural French Energy Code requires water towers connected to
perception of the stakes and inner-workings of the grid’s French distribution grids to be managed by concession

energy transition. holders [171]. Legislation also stipulates that grid oper-
On the flip side, demand response deployment is not ators must sign purchase contracts with entities operating

without its challenges [162]. Privacy issues and uneasi- renewable-energy-based distributed generators connected
ness surrounding the capabilities of grid operators to shift to the distribution grid under the “purchase obligation”
end-user demand are an important issue, which further article [172]. For a broader outlook on this issue, the regu-
highlights the importance of properly educating end-users latory and policy challenges of operating power grids with
concerning DSM and its benefits to all parties involved. prolific distributed generation are discussed in [173]. A
The regulatory framework is not yet comprehensive on thorough study of electricity markets and technology poli-
the matter. Furthermore, successful implementation of cies for renewable electricity is given in [11].
demand response techniques requires a mature and reli- Grid operators and distributed generator owners have

able advanced metering infrastructure. Finally, long-term different, sometimes clashing, priorities. This setting refers
investment costs and return on investment prospects of back to concepts of mechanism design [174, 175], where in-
these techniques remain unclear. dividual rationality requires that the system be incentive-
compatible for the flexible asset owners to enter in an
agreement with the grid operators. In plainer terms, on
6.4. Flexible asset management
one hand, grid operators need the cooperation of flexible
In distribution grids, the intermittent PV power gener- asset owners in order to implement the aforementioned
ation causes surges of voltage levels that could engender control schemes. On the other hand, asset owners will not
system instability and equipment damage. To curb this participate if they stand to gain less by cooperating than
phenomenon, local PV power generation can be stored they would by declining the grid operator’s offer. As a
using on-site batteries in peak production periods to be result, contracts must be established between parties to
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stipulate the terms of a -presumably- mutually beneficial manage flexible assets to inject and store energy at oppor-
operation of distributed generation and storage units. To tune times with the aim of maintaining grid stability and
make this happen, proper incentives could be pledged to proper functioning.
flexible asset operators. They can be direct methods, in With regard to smart grid management goals, two dis-
the form of financial incentives [176], or indirect ones such tinct rationales transpire: planning and dimensioning of
as discounts and positive discriminatory rules [177]. power grid infrastructure in advance to respond to projec-
Upon examination, flexible asset management emerges tions of demand and cope with decentralized power gener-
as a particularly interesting path to explore for the op- ation, and applying control and monitoring techniques to
eration and regulation of distribution grids with prolific existing infrastructure to tackle the issues birthed by the
distributed generation. That being said, two main obsta- transition of the power grid towards a decentralized gen-
cles stand in the way of the large-scale deployment of such eration configuration. Whereas the first option is valid for

schemes: the scientific and technical barriers slowing down cases where new power lines are scheduled in the area of
the development of efficient power storage systems and the study or for the planning of optimal distributed generation
legal frameworks that need to be established to regulate allocation, grid operators oftentimes prefer less expensive
the ensuing market. solutions by implementing smart management techniques

to existing infrastructure with minor equipment upgrades.
6.5. In a nutshell
An overview of control schemes for smart management
of power grids is given in this section. In order to solve con- The authors would like to thank the French Environ-
gestion problems in power grids, an abundance of methods ment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) for its
have been developed, stemming from a variety of theoreti- financial support. The authors also thank all the Smart
cal concepts and therefore apt to counter a large spectrum Occitania consortium members, in particular ENEDIS, for
of issues jeopardizing the smooth running of power grids.
their contribution to this work.
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Table 2: Applications of modelling techniques in the literature. DSM, DG and DER stand for demand-side management, distributed generation and distributed energy resources,
DSM applications Infrastructure Assessment of DG harmonic power Optimisation of Optimal Risk assessment Notable works
planning penetration flow simulations power systems dimensioning of
of Technology-free models


pro –



Journal Pre-proof

X X X – – X – [44]
X – X – X X X [45, 46]
Power flow analysis

X – X – – – X [47, 48, 49, 50, 51,

52, 53, 54, 55]
– – X – –
a X X [71]




X urn –


[56, 57]





Jo [58, 59, 60]
[61, 65, 66, 67, 68,
– X X – X X X [78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
83, 84, 85, 86, 87,
88, 89, 90]
Table 3: Applications of control approaches in the literature, part I. DER stands for distributed energy resources.
Real-time monitoring
and control
Optimal scheduling Risk aversion Optimal DER
Notable works
Multi-agent systems
X X X – – – [92, 101]
– – – – – [97]
Journal Pre-proof

X – X – X – [103, 108, 109]

X – X – – – [105, 133]

– X X – – X [114]
X X – – X – [127]
X X – – –
a – [117, 122, 123]
– X – –
Model-based predictive control urn
– – [112, 113, 115, 178]






Jo [136, 137]
[138, 139]
Table 4: Applications of control approaches in the literature, part II. DER stands for distributed energy resources.
Real-time monitoring
and control
Optimal scheduling Risk aversion Optimal DER
Notable works
Demand-side management
X X – – – X [141, 142, 143, 144,
145, 146]
Journal Pre-proof

X X X – – X [148, 158, 159, 160]

X X – – – – [150, 179, 180, 181,

– – X – – X [151, 155, 161]

– X X – – – [156, 157, 183, 184,
a 185]
– – X

Flexible asset management

X X [163, 164, 165, 166,





Jo [168]
Journal Pre-proof

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■ All authors have participated in (a) conception and design, or analysis and

interpretation of the data; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important
intellectual content; and (c) approval of the final version.

■ This manuscript has not been submitted to, nor is under review at, another journal or

other publishing venue.

■ The authors have no affiliation with any organization with a direct or indirect financial
interest in the subject matter discussed in the manuscript.

■ The following authors have affiliations with organizations with direct or indirect
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Author’s name Affiliation
Nouha Dkhili PROMES-CNRS



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