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University of Management and Technology,


Program: Human Resource Management


Group Members

Sonia Kanwal s2022277014

Samina Nawaz s2022277023
Daraskhan Tariq s2022277022
Sidra Butt s2022277012
Farhan Akhtar s2022277027

Submit to: Prof.Farhan Qadir

Section to: ( A)



All the praises for Allah almighty, the lord of the world, the most gracious and ever merciful.

We were not complete our project without the support of Allah (SWT), and with the help of my
all mentor who inspiration have continuously maintain our spirits high. Our attention were
dedicated and finished extremely in the working process because we have the support of our
professor Farhan Qadir. Regarding that we are going to express the appreciation to resource
person for monitoring us. Sir Farhan Qadir will give us the guidance; it was very helpful for the

We should like to thank Sir Farhan Qadir who were share their knowledge with us and providing
us useful information. At the end, of this point, we will thank to our families and friends for their
never ending encouragement.


Project Objective
The main objective of our project investigated the challenges face by transgender communities
the research has highlighted the initiatives to the transgender community the research has two
stages,firstly analysis and finding reviews and secondly, collect the data to fulfillment the gap at
primary level. The transgender identity is psychological condition and gender disorder identity.
We are collecting the data in national and international information basis and set up the different
standard and bench mark. This project is effected for transgender society they will be able to
enhance their skills and talent and make profit by satisfying their future requirements and wants
through the value innovation process. We are given new technological techniques and study
opportunities which has been grown more active and enhancement in their society. We will
create such type of organization which will help the transgender persons to be came an
entrepreneur because we will give them SKC’s, expertise and developing them and motivate
them to enhance their confidence and solving their problems through the skills the best thing in
our project is that we will focus are unique idea with the help of new technologies and develop
the structure of our organization. That was really needed in transgender community and also they
will achieve many benefits from our organization, we have learned lots of new things that were
improving the knowledge also. In the conclusion it’s were extremely motivated for them. It will
help to improve the critical thinking for their community.
The different elements of the project are explained as follows;
Explain the background
Explain the major section including in the project;
Describe the Business

Describe the Industry of the project

Explain the Human Recourse Requirement plans

Listed the Recruitment Plan

Design the Training Plan

Set the Compensation Plan

Construct the Organizational Plan

Make a short Summary


Transgender community has existed from many times. A large range of society has been
traditional from the third gender rules. This history is the difficult because of the modern concept
in transgender, the gender in general did not develop it. Transgender is the term of individual in
past centuries who will appear be transgender from the conceptualized the lives in different
ways. Today they have the opportunity to describe their abilities as a transgender, but they could
not choose the variety of reasons including the perception of whole world.
The transgender is the used for the people those have the gender identity, expression and
behavior is totally different from the assigned sex at the birth time. It was believe that some of
the greater blur gender insides. They are consider very special with an extra senses traditionally
gender like men and women people. Civilization some time transforms the culture, religion and
society. The education level of transgender community is very low. They mostly are illiterate. In
the research 80% of that community individual was unmarried. The source of income of the
individual are dancing and begging. Many transgender are female sides from the early childhood.
They were like to playing with dolls and in the character of girls. They were feeling like a girls
when they are in childhood but they are expose the term khusara when they grow up, they take
up the hijra identity. There are very less respected words existing in spoken language in Pakistan
for them. Transgender individual are create a sense that they are different from men and women
Supreme coat of Pakistan past the judgment in 2009, that they will give the authority to third
gender identification cards and include their name in elections. Nadia issue the identification
cards to transgender community with the sex as male khawajasira, female khawajasira or
mukhanas. These three are the sexes which were unclear and from that time they have no legal
clarity. They also change their fathers name with their guru’s name. Supreme coat does not grand
the social security and the protection of the human rights, they may feel that judgment does not
produce positive result.
“Nature Inspired”
The business plan will be the consist of following major component.
Business summary: Nature Inspired is the business of five partners (Sonia Kanwal, Samina
Nawaz, Daraskhan Tariq, Sidra Butt and Farhan Akhtar). Our target area is model town. There is
not having a one organization on or comparison. Our project is unique and new innovation in
educational sector.
We are building an institution for specially transgender community. We will provide them
different and knowledge and working to enhance their abilities. We will provide new

technological techniques and giving them proper training to using the new tools for enhancement
in individuals to build a strong entrepreneurial techniques.

Mission: The purpose of “Nature Inspired” institute is to prepare the transgender with the
promise to enhance their intellectual, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and artistic growth so,
that they may realize their power for good as citizen of Pakistan.
Opportunities Statement: Our traditional education system are making more inclined toward
getting more competencies. It is creating more stress in society; ignoring the creativity and
intellectual abilities of transgender individual Nature Inspired institute has a proper coaching
system for the transgender develop their strong intellectual abilities to prepare themselves for
Mentoring by young mentors with more focus on practical approach to understand the
transgender community by enhancing their intellectual skills by paying individual intention to
the all transgender students.
Career counseling session help and inspired the transgender students to choose their field of
interest through spiritual, emotional and artistic growth that they can acknowledged empowered
the youth of their community.
Product/Service: In our product including coaching classes, training sessions, build the
confidence level and give the strong grip of new techniques and tools in the latest technology.
We will also provide computer trainings and working on soft skills. Our mission is that all the
individuals in transgender community which are our students in our institute, they will be
prepared their mind with the conceptual way.
Features: Nature Inspired Institute aimed to give transgender and all around offering the
education according to the skills and abilities for enhancement in their future career. A caring
environment with the strong academic foundation and exclusive focus on individual transgender
a balance between local and global standard with modern approaches service to the transgender
community and the nation. We have giving the free of cost courses for their growth in their
community in our society. We are opening a foundation where transgender communities have a
right to learn and build their professional skills.
Value Proposition: We focus on personal growth, development and ethical enrichment. The
purpose of all foundation is to prepared the transgender students with the promise of enhancing
their physical, intellectual, social, emotional and growth are artistic so, that they realize their
power for good as citizen of Pakistani.

Industry Analysis: We believe that learning is the basic right of all human beings living on this

planet regardless of their social background. And educated nation is the social background and
stable and consistent in its economic viability. Basically our foundation is fall in a education
industry. A of learn through the passion for learning and achieving the goals.

Industry Profitability: The financial analysis through the success and the large volume of the
business. We can calculate the performance score of institution measuring multiple factor,
including revenue longevity and stock.

Industry Size: It is located in model town and it’s on one canal building.

Growth Rate: From five faculty members, five to six field of study at a time of its founding.
Industry Trends: Nature Inspired Institution using the technology to provide strong innovative
and proper information technology service to the guidance, faculty as well to verify their
connectivity with the Nature Inspired foundation. Recent consequences face by Pakistan in the
form of COVID-19 because of the lackness of the employment and faced critical situation.
Unemployment is on the peak not in the transgender community so, we will provide proper
classes to train them how to use technologies in every crises it’s becoming more relevant for
them. And also necessary for the all students and it is also for helpful for future connecting them.
Market segmentation and target market selection
Competitive Analysis:
 Writing Guests Articles
 Conducting Awareness Session
 Marketing Via:

Social Media (Face book, Instagram, linkedin)

Key partnership:
Startup Name: Nature Inspired

Founder/Co-Founder Details:

Nature Inspired co-founder system

Sonia Kanwal
Samina Nawaz
Sidra Butt
Farhan Akhtar

Contact information: 03094124282 and 03054175670

Marketing strategy:
Pricing strategy and reason why we choose this strategy: They are highly profiled foundation
for transgender because unfortunately, cannot find a good institute for transgender. Local tutors
are available in the market, and they cannot be highly educated. It’s a huge GAP we can find in
the market and tutors are charged 20k per hour. So, I have highly preferred best future provide
for transgender community.

Method of teaching:

We are very polite to our students. We are fixing discussion hours after the class if any student
has any query they can come and talk about their problems.
Placement of services:

We provide conceptual activities. We talk presentations to build our enhanced IQ level and

Management team:

Organizational chart (what will do in our institute)

We are highly trained in our faculty members, and they trained our students.
Board of directors:

There are five directors because both are equally partner’s names Sonia Kanwal, Daraskhan
Tariq, Samina Nawaz, Sidra Butt and Farhan Tariq.

Business mentors with contact details:

Mr. Haider Raza mentor head


Contact no: 0321-9840001

Human Recourse Requirements Plan

We are selected and creating seven steps of human requirement plan in our institute of Nature
Inspired to run my business.

Analyze Objectives: Firstly, in this process starting with the identification of the objectives of
the different departments in the Nature Inspired organization each department are related to
human resources so, needed time they are recruiting for new employees.
Inventory Current Human Resources: In this process focusing the change of planning team
because focus the available employees are capabilities and abilities or not so creating the internal
and external recruitment with the help of these factors.
Forecast the demand and the supply of employees: In this process we are focusing the
different departments of Nature Inspired foundation and the human resources planning team can
forecast the demand of the employees.
Estimate Gaps: we are identifying the gaps of transgender community training center with the
helping this factor and apart from the gaps can be used an indication training and development
requirement for the employees
Formulate Plan: After the finding gaps are estimated the human resources planning can be
including formulation of plan for the recruiting because we are hiring best quality employees
Implementation Plan: After formulating we are implementing the plan in the Nature Inspired
because we are aligning the goals and objectives as well for transgender community.
Monitor, Control, and Feedback: The necessary controls will be focused and put in the place
of departments needed and also accepted the feedback should be obtain and measuring any
defected implementation and necessary changes should be apply after feedback.
Recruitment Plan
We are used seven steps of recruiting strategy for new hiring in our Nature Inspired foundation.
Every step can useful for hiring and identifying best employee. This strategy focus two factor of
our organization firstly, looking for a qualified applicants and secondly, looking for the potential
emplacement opportunities.

In-house: We are recruiting the special trainers who have outsourced techniques and abilities,
Company Image: We will create the high performance institution whom to build the genius and
SK C's from transgender training recruiters.
Training recruiters: Firstly, we are arranging the proper training and guidelines for our staff.
Regular Vs Flexible staffing: We are focus on regulatory of our faculty members and we will
give the flexibility to our transgender community respondents.
Recruiting and Diversity: We are open the doors for other genders also but we will work to
enhance the skill of transgender individual because the reason in behind that after they completed
this they are better place and they are three types of diversification in transgender.
Recruiting Non-traditional workers: We are also hiring from other nation also.
Internal Vs External: We are focus on internally on our strength and weaknesses of our
institutions and we will give opportunities and deal with the threats at external level.

A good selection process is critical for finding talent and serves as the foundation for effective
performance management. In this post, we will look more closely at the selection process and
demonstrate the best practised for building a process that will help you locate the best candidates
while also providing a positive candidate experience.
Selection Process
The purpose of an organization's recruiting and selection process is to locate and hire the best
candidates for job openings. This procedure follows a funnel form. Assume you're looking for a
new employee since your existing employee has opted to pursue another opportunity. You must
find a suitable replacement. Your job posting receives 50 applications. You choose five of them
to interview, and finally, one individual is offered the position.
The candidate selection process in your organization always begins with a job opening. Every
job posting should provide a detailed function profile. This could include criteria such as how
many (if any) years of work experience are required, educational background, and expertise in
specific abilities.Candidates will hopefully flood in after you publish and market your job
position. This is the beginning of the selection funnel. The HRM selection process consists of a
set of phases that candidates must complete. A typical funnel has seven phases. Of course, not
every contender advances to the next step. Let's go over each level one by one.
The 7 stages follow the Nature Inspired for selection process
Application: After you've prepared and double-checked a job advertisement, it's ready to be
posted. Candidates can now apply, however the amount of applications, their quality, and

diversity can vary greatly.
Some of these variables are external and beyond your control as an HR professional, such as the
current Covid-19 pandemic. Depending on your country's infection rates and government rules
governing work, health, and immigration, the pool of applicants may be less than it was pre-
pandemic. The industry in which you work in human resources will also have an impact. When
seeking to attract nurses for a public hospital, your HR department's involvement will be more
Candidates will hopefully flood in after you announce and market your job position. This is the
beginning of the selection funnel. The HRM selection process consists of a set of phases that
candidates must complete. A typical funnel has seven phases. Of course, not every contender
advances to the next step. Let us go through these stages one by one.more difficult than a video
game firm looking for graduate devs who can work remotely. However, the number and quality
of applicants are also affected by the job advertisement. The way a job advertisement is worded,
that is, how informative, interesting, and inclusive it is, has a direct impact on the people you
attract. All job postings should utilize gender-neutral language, and you should assess if higher
education is a must for applicants.How is your application process going? Is it responsive and
fast? Or, on the other side, do you require candidates to manually enter all of the information
from their C Vs into your system? Always put your application process through its paces to see
where your applicants could struggle. This manner, you can ensure that your application runs
Channel and tools: Where you post and market your job advertising is also important. It is not
enough to simply post it on your company's website. Requiring candidates to build a profile on
your employment site and neglecting to optimism the site for mobile are both practical web
design components.
Screening and Pte-Selection
The initial screening of candidates is the second step in the recruitment and selection process.
This second phase's purpose is to narrow the pool of candidates from a huge number to a
manageable group of 3-10 people who can be interviewed. This can happen in a variety of ways.
Resume Screening: The most well-known method is resume or CV screening. Resume
screening assists in determining whether candidates meet the employment requirements. If you
demand 5+ years of job experience and a college graduate applies, you may easily rule this

individual out. CV evaluation might be time-consuming if you work in a large company's HR
department. Using software to manage this difficulty is an efficient and cost-effective solution.
Options range from ATS-integrated resume screening solutions to resume screeners that employ
artificial intelligence to predict hiring quality. But be careful not to misuse this type of
technology. You must ensure that it is checked for bias on a regular basis.
Phone Screening/Chat-dots: Following the resume screening, a phone (or video) screening is
often conducted. This helps to align the expectations of the candidate and the company.
Following the assessment of resumes, the recruiter may ask prospects any questions they may
have. A checklist can be used by the recruiter to go over subjects such as wage expectations, full-
time or part-time hours, flexible working alternatives, starting date, and other potential deal-
breakers. Because this is a very regular technique, it is also possible to have a chat bot ask these
questions.As previously said, technology now allows us to perform these checks automatically.
Chat bots ask questions to candidates and make the interview more interactive. A multinational
engineering firm, for example, employed a chat bot to optimist the recruitment process and keep
prospects interested. According to the data, after the chat bot was introduced, completion rates
increased from 74% to 96%.
Pres election or Pre employment assessment: Pre-selection is an effective screening strategy
for weeding out probable mismatches. Dedicated Pre-selection tools include assessments such as
cognitive testing, job simulations, and other tests that aid in predicting the quality of the
incoming hire. Resume screening is sometimes included in these tools. A job simulation
simulates the actual job. This demonstrates both the most pleasurable and intriguing aspects of a
role as well as the most difficult aspects, resulting in an authentic perspective. This helps to
harmonise expectations between employer and employee, resulting in better-fitting hires.
Another facet of AI technology's growing importance in the recruitment environment is Pre-
selection tools. These Pre-selection tests are frequently employed in high-volume recruiting
(roles with a high number of applicants). A sales representative, for example, might be evaluated
on their customer service skills. These screening tools eliminate obvious mismatches, leaving
only the most qualified individuals. Remember that not all per-selection methods and screens are
completely correct, so choose your vendor with caution.
The third and most obvious step in the candidate selection process funnel is the job interview. A

job interview involves the candidate being interviewed by their direct boss or a recruiter (or
both) to determine how well-suited they are for the role. The interview provides some
information into a person's verbal fluency and sociability. It also allows you to ask the candidate
questions about the job and pitch the position to them. Interviews can be conducted virtually via
the internet or in person. Many firms now conduct a first stage remote interview, followed by a
final in-person interview as the final round of evaluation. Lowering costs and more efficient time
management help both the organization and the candidates. The epidemic and shelter-in-place
orders have compelled many businesses to do all interviews remotely, which will most certainly
continue indefinitely.
In the second phase, we briefly covered assessments. The whole evaluation is usually more
accurate when per-selection, or screening, is performed to roughly clear out the least appropriate
applicants. A General Mental Ability (GMA) exam (often known as an IQ test) and a Five-Factor
Model of Personality test are two common evaluations. Faster learning and higher peak
performance are related with higher IQ. This suggests that candidates with high IQs have a
shorter Time to Optimum Productivity and are more likely to perform well. While these tests can
be used as part of your pre-selection process, many organizations prefer to use them later in the
employment process.When it comes to personality, diligent applicants outperform others.
Conscientious candidates are generally regarded as hardworking, dutiful, achievement-oriented,
and detail-oriented. According to research, conscientiousness is the most powerful non cognitive
predictor of job performance.Work sample exams, integrity tests, and job knowledge tests are
examples of other examinations. According to the scientific literature, assessments in the form of
work sample tests are among the best indicators of job success. Having candidates do a case
study or address a real-world problem during their interview is a good practise. The quality of a
candidate's work can be compared to that of other applicants as well as to the desired, or ideal,
Reference and Check Background
You should have limited the enormous list of contenders to a shortlist of one to three people by
this time. Reference checking is an important phase in the applicant selection process. Reference
checks corroborate the veracity of what a candidate has told you and your perceptions of them.
Request references from the candidate and follow up on them. If you have any doubts about a

certain ability or talent during the interview, the reference check is a wonderful approach to
acquire further information from a different perspective.

Making a decision is the next phase in the recruitment and selection process;
choosing the candidate with the most potential for the organization. Sometimes this
means selecting someone who is less qualified at the time but is committed to
improving and remaining with the organization for a longer period of time.To
ensure that your hiring process is as fair as possible, you should employ a data-
driven strategy. In practise, this refers to per-defined criteria against which each
candidate is evaluated during the selection process. The top candidate is then
chosen and offered a position. The hiring manager usually makes the final
decision. It may also include suggestions from other managers and colleagues.

Training Plan
We are selected effective training plan based on seven steps for providing transgender
community for highly performance to achieved goals.

Job Offer& Contract

The selecting process does not end when your organization makes a decision. The
(perfect) candidate must still accept the offer! At this point, the organization should have
all of the information necessary for the candidate to say yes. This information should have
been acquired from the various screenings (if relevant) and employment interviews.

Types of Training Programs: There are many different methods for training that
managers can use separately or in connection with other strategies. The strategy you chose
can create opportunities for important learning and growth, allowing people to
continuously improve in what they do. Matching training to the needs of a team will make
sure that it obtains the information it requires.

So, Yousaf Broast Restaurant can choose the training design process method may take
depending on what type of work is being done in the workplace and the learning mentality
of the workforce.

Need Assessments: The first stage in designing a training plan is determining what training
the organization need. Organizational assessment, occupational (job) assessment, and person-to-
person evaluation are the three levels of education and training assessment;

1. Organizational assessment: In this stage Nature Inspired foundation trainer

Haider can identify the skills, knowledge and abilities required by a organization to
achieve it’s business goals using this form of requirements assessment. The trainer
can use this type of evaluation takes into factors such as evolving demographics
and technology changes. Overall, this form of analyze evaluates how the
foundation can manage its weaknesses while promoting its strengths. In this
restaurant included such as money available for training programs, person power
analysis, planning resources, employee relation and attitudes and also organization
resources available for training purpose.

2. Person Analysis: In this stage the trainer Haider can a one-on-one evaluation
checks an individual employee's performance and specifies what training should be
completed for that individual. During interviewing employees can also be used
to identify skills that are needed or desired by employees, so as can skill and
knowledge test. The final way a person analysis can be conducted is to evaluate
and review critical incident report that have filed in personnel. These incident can

pinpoint specific skills like customer services, assembly etc, that specific
employees or departments need to improve.

3. Task Analysis: This type of evaluation investigates exactly the tasks, knowledge,
and talents required to perform roles inside the restaurant. In Nature Inspired
included job analysis is a basically just an examine of a job and listing of a
minimum duties and skills that are required to successfully perform the job for
example, job title: Secretary so this position skills are required typing 55-65,10 key, word processing, phone skills, spreadsheet skills etc.

Professional training, safety training, quality training, and professional training are all
examples of kind of training that may be needed to perform a work. Each of them should
be regarded as a separate training system, with a unique framework for each kind of
training. An employee training framework, for example, Nature Inspired trainer will
appear very different from an in-house technical training environment. There are several
methods for researching training needs. One alternative is to survey employees employing
an online tool like Survey with the help of google form to find out what types of training
they would like to see offered. When you analyze performance assessments submitted by
your managers, you may notice a pattern indicating that employees are failing to fulfil
expectations. As a result, this could provide information about where your training is
weak.Professional training, safety training, quality training, and professional training are
all examples of kind of training that may be needed to perform a work. Each of them
should be regarded as a separate training system, with a unique framework for each kind
of training. An employee training framework, for example,Nature Inspired trainer will
appear very different from an in-house technical training environment.

So, in Nature Inspired organization employer expectations must be related to training. Any and
all training developed should be directly applicable to the talents of that specific individual.
Evaluating the HR strategic plan and various job analyses can help you to decide what type of
training should be generated for certain positions in your foundations.

Ensuring Employees Readiness for Training:

1. Motivation: The trainee's of Nature Inspired desire to learn the content of the
training programme is used as motivation to learn.

2. Attitude: Employees' self-confidence refers to their confidence that they can

successfully learn the material of the training plan.

1. To increase employees' self-efficacy level: Nature Inspired trainer inform

employees that the goal of training is to enhance performance, not identify areas
in which people are unable to learn.
2. Communicate the training success of other workers to employees.
3. Provide staff valuable recommendations.

i) Learning is under their control

ii) They have the ability and responsibilities to overcome the the
program's learning challenges.
4. Basic Skills: Nature Inspired trainer Haider can focus basic skill of employees
means a physical movement that is;
1) a learned response to a challenges
2) To established movement pattern
3) Perform with minimum and maximum effort

Cognitive Ability Reading

• Perception Ability
• Attention
• Memory
Level of difficulty
• Logical
of writing

Cognitive Ability:

Perception: Nature Inspired Trainer also focus the trainee employees the way one
understand the world through the sense.
Attention: They can focus a mental process of concentrating effort on a challenge
Memory: Focus the employees retention of learned materials because sometimes some
memories only for few seconds and others last for hours,days months,years together.
Logical Reasoning: Yousaf Broast trainer can focus of trainee’s which type of way
proper and reasonable thinking about understanding something like inference involve
conclusion based on evidence or argument consists of a conclusion and it’s supportive

Reading Ability;
Level of difficulty of writing;Nature Inspired trainer Haider must focus trainee employee easy
to writing and reading understand clearly what it is the customer you are saying and also focus
during training reading abilities of employees matched to customers.

Creating a Learning Environment:

1) Learning Objectives; Haider trainer of Nature Inspired organization after choosing the type
of training that should take place, the learning goals for the training should be established. They
also focus what you want the learner to be able to perform, explain, or show at the end of the
training time can be described as a learning objective. A good goal for learning is performance-
based and clear, and the ultimate result can be observed or evaluated in some way.

The following are some examples of learning objectives of Nature Inspired foundation;
 Be able to describe the company's sexual harassment policy and provide
examples of sexual harassment.
 Be able explain how to properly take a customer's order.
 Using company programming, do a range of customer needs studies.
 Learn how to use and understand the new expense tracking technology.
 Teach the explanation of the safety practice.
 Explain the many forms of communication styles and solutions for dealing with

each one.
 When dealing with customer problems, show integrity.
 Ability to give others successfully to employees

Once we have determined our learning objectives,we can use knowledge on

learning styles to decide the most suitable way of delivery for our training.

2) Meaningful Material: In Nature Inspired foundation the select training material

depending on the nature of the skills of employee,should be written out in a manner
that is easy to understand and easy to follow,they can step by step instructions should
be written out for job,no matter how insignificant it may seem to the employer.An
instruction sheets should include:
a) The skill title
b) When it is to be performed

c) Who is to perform it

d) What supplies are needed and where they can be found

e) Step by step instruction,and

f) What to do with the end service

Evaluation material as an important to the training program as an actual training
materials,they will let know how effective our training materials in Nature Inspired
institute. During evaluation the trainer Haider focus following factors;evaluation form for
employees,evaluation form for employers (managers) and also responses, professional
organizational form,approval form and also expense form.
2) Practice: In this stage trainer can make different professional activities create for the
trainee’s employees for improvement basis.
3) Feed back: After conducted training the trainer collected the feedback of their
trainee’s and to other seniors employees for which factor must needed to more
improved in their employees.
4) Community of Learning: In Nature Inspired can create community of learning,in
this concept they are a group of people who shares a common goals,works

together,respect different opinion,promote opportunities for active learning and
create a collaborative environment for enhancing new knowledge of information.
5) Modeling: During this approach behavior Modeling the trainer can focus desired
behavior and gives trainees the chance to practice and role play in their position
6) Program Administration:The trainer Haider administrate,subject should include
guidelines at which the program will function/apply like prioritizing,tracking and
responsibilities,and also suggested that your near miss program be outlined on paper.

Developing an Evaluation Plan:

After an employee has completed a training program we will want to to have them fill out the
evaluation form of the program that goes over how well the information was presented, if they
found the training helpful, if they are any areas of restaurant of Nature Inspired that seemed
unnecessary and any other skills that they feel they are added in their program. The next stage is
to create a method for evaluation.

Identify Learning Outcomes: The trainer of Nature Inspired can focus a learning
outcomes like they measurable,observable,and specific statement that clearly indicates
what a employee should know and be able to do as a result of learning after training, and
written learning outcomes included;action verb, subject content, level of achievement and
condition of performance.

Choose Evaluation Design: We want to ensure that our training targets were met when
we finish the training programme. The Yousaf Broast restaurant trainer can should used
Kirkpatrick model (Kirkpatrick, 2006), created in the 1950s, is one paradigm for
measuring training efficacy. His model is divided into four levels:

1) Reaction: How did the participants react to the training program?

2) Learning: To what extent did participants improve knowledge and skills?

3) Behavior: Did behavior change as a result of the training?

4) Results: What benefits to the organization resulted from the training?

Each of Kirkpatrick’s levels can be assessed using a variety of methods.

The Nature Inspired evaluate the performance of employees who are able to training, as
well as, if feasible, the performance of those who did not. For example, if one of the
learning goals in your orientation training was to be able to request time off using the
company intranet, and several employees who attended the training come back and ask for
clarification on how to perform this task, it may indicate that the training did not work as
well as you thought. In this instance, it is critical to revisit the learning objectives and
content of your training to ensure that it is more effective in the future.It can be easy to
forget about this step in the training process because usually we are so involved with the
next task: we forget to ask questions about how something went and then take steps to
improve it.
Offering rewards when employees fulfil training goals is one strategy to boost the
effectiveness of a programme for education. For example, if funds are available, a person
may be given a wage rise or other incentive for completing each level of training.

Plan Cost Benefit Analysis: In this restaurant of Nature Inspired organization our
employee training can be a challenging investment to assess for many businesses. On the
one hand, there are some clear costs involved. The longer it takes to prepare new hires for
their tasks, and the less flexibility the business has in controlling workplace turnover, the
more time they spend in training.Employers that invest in staff training, on the other hand,
not only improve the capabilities of their workforce, but they also increase job
satisfaction, which can lead to increased productivity turnover. Employee training, on the
other hand, might entail a wide range of situations. Knowing;
 Time to complete training. A training program that can be reduced from a
month to two weeks, or from a week to a few days, without sacrificing the
material or learning outcomes, can be a big cost saver.
 Positive outcomes in emergency scenarios. In crisis response situations,
training is of the utmost importance. The more learners can prepare for
emergencies, the more likely it is they’ll be able to respond well.
 Number of qualified employees. Your total number of workers who have
achieved certification can affect your capabilities, and add to the flexibility of
your organization.
 Reduction in costly mistakes. Poorly-trained employees can contribute to
production errors, or can lead to customer service complaints
 Have you improved communication between employees? Training provides
cost benefit plan of trainee’s in their restaurant.

Action Plan

Item Target
# Strategy/Task Responsibility Completion Date

1 Land Procurement CEO 25/10/2023

2 identification of rural women group HR 25/10/2023

3 Training of farmers Trainer 15/11/2023

4 Procurement of Raw material Postcommute 15/11/2023

5 Product development Women folk 10/12/2023

6 License CEO 30/9/2023

7 Branding/Packaging 15/10/2023

8 Marketing already in process

9 Selling 15/12/2023

Financial progress:

How much money is needed?

Almost 3.5million we will arrange to accommodate all the expense in initial stage. We will
arrange finance through our selves because we are three partners, and we will arrange it
according to all needs and demand

Items (With Unit Cost Number of Units Budget allocated (PKR)


Nature 23,00000 1 time 23,00000


Rent of Land 400000 2month 200,000

Utility 50000 1months 50,000


Computer 100000 3 100000


Camera's 50,000 3 50,000

Furniture 200000 200 chairs and 10 200,000

Per student
10% pay to
head office
50 students'
1000 50000


Employee 1;
30000 1 150000
20000 6

Employee 2; 48,000
Helper 8000 6

Employee 3; 9,000
office Boy 9000 1

Extra expenses 5000

5000 1

Training 42,000
7000 6

Marketing 24,000
6000 4

White board's 40,000

5,000 8

Packaging & 60,000

Label etc. 10000 6

Misc/office 12,000
3000 4

Total 1,270,000

Revenue stream/streams:
This Nature Inspired would help to generate multiple revenue streams. Personal grooming
sessions and creative competition along with educational mentoring would be an additional
source of income. These sessions would also be available to those young members of society
who have completed their education and are struggling in their career of transgender

Ensuring Transfer of Training:

Trainers of Nature Inspired organization can should ensure that learners apply the training
information to their employment at this stage. They should implement self- management, peer
and manager support, and support training in their workplace. This step entails teaching the
trainee how to manage skill progress and obtaining coworker and manager support. Employees
play a powerful role in whether or not training will transfer, and are thought to account for a
majority of the variability in training outcomes because the most common employee
characteristics that impact training transfer are attitudes, motivation, and perceived utility.
 Attitudes:In order for training to be successful, and to maximize transfer,employees
must have positive attitudes towards the training.Employees must be prepared to learn
and must also have the necessary prerequisite/abilities to learn the new behaviors. If

the employee doesn’t feel ready or able to master the training content, then their
learning and transfer will be negatively impacted.
 Motivation: Transfer is facilitated when employees are motivated to learn and transfer
knowledge throughout the whole training process. Employees need to believe in their
ability to learn, transfer the knowledge, and increase their job performance in order
to be motivated to commit to the process and get the most out of training.
 Perceived utility: Employees who understand the use and value of the training are far
more likely to be engaged during the training and work to apply their new KSAs on
the job later. If employees don’t see how they are going to use the training, they won’t
put the work in to apply or maintain the information gained.

1) Self-Management:A self management is an important skill to have and developed in

a busy changing world where there is so much noise and distraction,so the trainer can
train to set ability short term and long term goals,say on task and achieved them.In the
institute trainer can focus following steps of trainee employees;
Stress management: In stress situation they trained how to deal with accurately.
Motivation: They trained their employees you can do best any type of work.
Self-discipline: They trained employees you can on track and focus doing best.
Setting goals:They trained to setting goals and achieving them honestly

2) Peer and Manager support:The trainer of institute can preparing peers to assist
peers in preparing for and recovering from mistakes of trainee’s employees,they can
support and improve the mistake.Improving interpersonal communication skills of
trainee’s and comprehensive their knowledge of roles and functions of their employees.
Traditional Method:The Yousaf Broast restaurant can focus and used method of
training according to situation like they used-traditional techniques allow direct contact
with the trainer and a chance to clear doubts in person. Modern procedures are less
expensive and can train a big number of people regardless of their location. Trainers
recreate the experience of a classroom or face-to-face session when providing online
1) E-Learning Method:In Nature Inspired we have providing can used this method.

Here comes the role of E-learning in employee Training. E-learning is the
method of engaging in an educational course in an online setting. E-learning courses can
use various techniques, for example, audio and video recordings, presentations, quizzes,
surveys, games, discussion groups, and more.
Depending on the type of training required, you will most likely select a different form
of delivery. An orientation may be best suited for vestibule training, whereas instruction
on sexual harassment may be more suited for web-based training. It is critical to take
into account the audience and the budget when selecting a delivery mode.
but,there are many types are included training delivery methods;

On the job Mentor Brown bag Web-based Job Vestibule

Coaching lunch shadowing training

Technical Technical Quality Technical Technical Soft skills

training training training training training training
Soft skills Quality Quality Professional
Skills training Skills training training training training training
Managerial Managerial Professional
training training training Skills training Skills training Team training

Safety Safety Safety Soft skills Safety Managerial

training training training training training training

In this table can explained both methods types the used of Nature Inspired,so this reason
their food are more famous in Lahore because they are hardly trained their employees
professionally before hiring.

Mentoring and Evaluating the Program:

This last step the trainer of restaurant Haider can involves evaluating the programme and
making modifications to it in order to improve the programme so that learning, behaviour,
change, and other learning objectives are met.Evaluating your mentoring plan could help
you in making required changes and ultimately determining its effectiveness. This stage the
trainer lays out a step-by-step method for evaluating a mentoring programme and includes
some sample worksheets to help with the process.

1)Conduct Evaluation:In this step the trainer of institute planning of evaluation identify
the problem,and renew program of goals.Identify the stakeholder as their needs identify and
identify the contact stakeholders
 Determine the evaluation purpose, revisit the purpose and objective of the institute
can be evaluate for last stage because they can make accurately.
2) Make Changes to Improve the Program: In our organization can should take steps
of improvement for career developed basis.A career development plan usually includes
a list of short- and long-term goals that employees have pertaining to their current and
future jobs and a planned sequence of formal and informal training and experiences
needed to help them reach the goals.
The Nature Inspired can should used these factors for making changes because,to help
develop this type of program, managers can consider a few components like following;

a) Talk to employees. Although this may appear clear, it does not always occur since
they can spot problems and accept suggestions for modifications. Talking with
employees about their objectives and what they expect to achieve might be an
excellent starting point for building a formal career development programme.

b) Create specific requirements for career development. In this institute can

allow employees to see that if they do A, B, and C, they will be eligible for
promotion. For example, to become a supervisor, maybe three years of experience,
management training, and communication training are required. Perhaps an employee
might be required to prove themselves in certain areas, such as “maintain and exceed
sales quota for eight quarters” to be a sales manager. In other words, in career
development there should be a clear process for the employees to develop themselves
within the organization.

c) Use cross-training and job rotation. They used Cross-training is a method by

which employees can gain management experience for change their program, even if
for short periods of time. For example, when a manager is out of the office, putting an
employee “in charge” can help the employee learn skills and abilities needed to
perform that function appropriately.
Through the use of job rotation, which involves a systematic movement of employees
from job to job within an organization, employees can gain a variety of experiences to
prepare them for upward movement in the organization.

d) Utilize mentors. Mentor-ship can be a great way for employees to understand what
it takes to develop one’s career to the next level. A formal mentor-ship program in
place with willing mentees can add value to your career development program.

After changing the institute can development process can help retain good employees. It
involves creating a specific program in which employee goals are identified and new
training and opportunities are identified and created to help the employee in the career
development process.
Selecting Training Methods:

In Nature Inspired foundation we providing Haider trainers will select a training approach
based on the learning objectives and learning settings during this step. This step may
comprise traditional face-to-face instruction with a trainer or e-learning via CD-ROM or
web- based training, because they can used both training method according to the situation,
and many methods like such as following;

Presentation Methods
• Instructor-led classroom instruction
• Distance learning, teleconferencing & webcasting
• Audiovisual techniques
• Mobile technologies
Hands-on Methods
• On-the-job training
• Self-directed learning
• Simulations
• Business games and case studies
• Behavior modeling

• Interactive
Compensation Plan
We will compensate our faculty members by providing annual bonuses and also we will give
benefits medical insurance retirement plan and also we will compensate our participants who
were comes for learning abilities. We will compensate transgender community individuals with
very less fees.

Availability: First and for most requirement are focus on the high performance availability of
the compensation. Low compensation does not motivate the employees to do best work.
Employee mostly wish for high compensation but we don’t fulfil it in the staff. We are available
some course free of cost and some are very low price it is available for transgender community.

Timeless: We will compensate all faculty members on the time because untimely or all duration
for payment of compensation may produce less results. We will also compensate the new
admissions in first three month totally free for transgender to enhance their capabilities.

Performance Related: We will design the compensation plans according to the performance all
faculty. It will motivates the faculty members and convey the right message to other members of
the institute.We will also compensate the transgender individual after watching their
performance. We will line up the strategy to give the different type of compensations to all
trainee’s after determined their abilities and SKC’S.

Durability: We have different types of compensations plan which are more valuable and having
a long lasting effect rather than the others. For example, compensation such as challenges task,
accountability create the long lasting effect compare to the monitoring compensation.

Visibility: We will firstly in short that the system of compensation is more visible in all

institution, that were making a perception, it is very important that the different participant are
given important assignments and important task in a leading community. This will creating a
competitive and positive environment for the faculty and trainee’s in our institution.

Flexibility: We will given the compensations at intervals to our employees. It could be designed
in a different ways that will covered the quantitative and qualitative aspects of satisfying of the
employees. We will also create the flexibility for transgender community, because we want to
focus to build a professionals from transgender individual.

Cost Effective: In the planing of compensation, it could be keep in all mind that compensation
will required funds of the institution. Therefore, compensation will be distributed in a cost
effective way. That is the one reason we can build a foundation under the institution.

Organization Plan
Our organization is centralized and we are follow the functional and divisional structure and also
we are follow moderate culture.

Planning : The Nature Inspired institute Planning is the fundamental managerial activity that
involves deciding ahead of time what will be done, when it will be done, how it will be done, and
who will do it. It is an intellectual process that establishes an organization's objectives and
determines potential courses of action to attain those objectives. It outlines precisely how to
achieve a given goal to the transgender community.Planning is nothing more than thinking
before acting. It enables us to see into the future and plan ahead of time how we will deal with
circumstances that may arise in the future. It necessitates logical reasoning and sensible decision
Characteristics of Planning

Managerial function: In this step planning is a primary and foremost managerial function that
forms the foundation for other management tasks such as organizing, staffing, directing, and
controlling, which are carried out within the scope of the plans produced.

Goal Orientated: It focuses on defining the organization's goals, finding different courses of
action, and deciding on the best action plan to achieve the goals.

Pervasive: It is frequent in the sense that it is present in all segments and is necessary at all
organizational levels. Although the extent of planning differs depending on the level and

Continuous Process: Plans are developed for a specified time period, such as a month, quarter,
or year. After that time period has passed, new plans are developed, taking into account the
organization's current and future needs and situations. As a result, it is a continuous process in
which plans are framed, executed, and followed by another plan.

Intellectual Process: It is a mental exercise because it requires the use of one's mind to think,
forecast, conceive wisely, and innovate, among other things.

Futuristic: During the planning phase, we get a glimpse of the future. It entails looking into the
future in order to understand and forecast it so that the organization is able to successfully face
future issues.

Decision making: Decisions are made on the alternative courses of action that can be pursued to
achieve the goal. The ideal option should be the one with the fewest bad outcomes and the
greatest amount of positive outcomes.

Establishing objectives and targets, as well as devising a plan to achieve them, are all aspects of
planning. The activity assists managers in analyzing the current situation in order to identify
future paths to the desired position. It is both an organizational requirement and the
responsibility of managers.

Planning can be found in all types of organizations, homes, sectors, economies, and so on. We
must plan because the future is highly uncertain, and no one can foresee it with 100% certainty
because conditions might alter at any time. As a result, planning is a fundamental prerequisite for

any organization's existence, growth, and success for transgender community. We will focus to
involving a different steps in the planning for establishing or organization.

Steps involved in planning in organization:

The planning process not only provides an organization with insights into the future, but it also
assists the business in shaping its future. Effective planning entails the plan's simplicity, i.e. the
plan should be clearly defined and easy to grasp because a complicated plan would produce
disorder among the organization's members. Furthermore, the plan should meet all of the
organization's needs.

Organizational Structure

In Nature Inspired all decisions and processes are specified and managed by senior management
in this form of organizational structure. Employees and management are accountable for decision
implementation and must adhere to them. Employees at the bottom of the chain of command
have little say in decision-making. Army, firms like Flip-kart, Apple, McDonald's, and others are
examples of such organizations where decision-making power is controlled at the top level and
there is a large chain or hierarchy of managers and subordinates. As a result, the centralize
organization employs a top-down decision-making style.

centralized Organization Structure

In such organizations, senior management outsourced day-to-day tasks and decision-making

procedures to supervisors at the middle and lower levels in order to make quick and effective
decisions and boost efficiency. By allowing medium and lower level executives to participate in
decision-making, top management can focus on other key decisions. This also raises the
employees' responsibilities and accountability.
Organizational Design
In terms,"Organizational Design" refers to the process of identifying, developing, and
restructuring an organization's structure. The process of organizational design is intended to
identify any flawed or dysfunctional features connected to an organization's system, structure,
process, and work culture. The identification of these factors leads to their correction so that they
can better serve an organization's goal.
It clarifies multiple problems such as authority, task responsibilities and constraints, reporting
structure, information flaws, and so on. With the help of organizational design, it is possible to
identify and eliminate any type of duplicity in work, inefficient work, poor customer service,
blame games, obstacles in the decision-making process, shortfalls in systems and processes that
result in decreased employee efficiency, lack of trust among superiors and subordinates, and so
So, while organizational design and organizational structure are similar, they differ slightly. The
organizational structure represents organizations in a fixed or static form that can be represented
by a diagram known colloquially as a "Organogram." These diagrams or organization charts
make it simple to understand the various functions of organizations and their links. They also
display a staff hierarchy, such as managers, leaders, other team members, and supervision levels.
Elements Of Organizational Design
A well-designed organizational structure not only defines functions, hierarchy, roles, and duties,
but it also ensures that staff/teams' organizational goals are aligned. Poor organizational design

or structure can lead to major organizational problems such as ambiguity of responsibilities, loss
of trust in team and superiors, inflexible work environment, delayed and ineffective decision-
making, and so on. The aforementioned reasons are also to blame for low productivity and
turnover.As a result, it is critical to seek organizational design and structure that meet the needs
of the company. Furthermore, certain aspects of organizational design are referred to as
important factors. There are six major elements of organizational design and structure.

Chain Of Command/Line Of Command

In this, authority and power are delegated from top to bottom, i.e., top management gives orders
to the bottom team and all employees at each level in an organization.Furthermore, an
employee's work accountability goes upstream to management. It clarifies an organization's
reporting structure. Let us examine the chain of command using a visual diagram:

Span of Control
"Span Of Control" shows how broad the area of direct control of supervisors over their
subordinates is, which is directly tied to how many subordinates (in numbers) report to a senior
or supervisor, which, in turn, depends on the number of tasks completed at different levels.
When there are additional tasks, the breadth of control expands. Other factors include
geographical location, team and superior ability, work complexity, and so on.

Sub tasks are defined in separate tasks since large organizations divide some of their functions
based on specialized areas. These sub tasks are assigned to certain job roles.

Formalization is the process of management outlining or mentioning rules, procedures, and tasks
to employees as individuals as well as to teams, departments, units, and the entire organization in
writing form. Formalization denotes an organization's goals and vision, tasks, structure and
relationships, authority and responsibilities, various processes, and work methods.
A formal organization focuses on job duties, responsibilities, and assigning tasks to individuals
based on their roles. These are governed by policies and procedures.
An informal organization focuses on individuals, and job tasks are established depending on
individual employee skills and preferences, regardless of department. Individuals can be
assigned to different departments based on their self-interest, skills, and so forth.
"Departmentalization" is the practise of splitting organizational functions into various

departments based on job specializations or responsibilities so that common activities can be
performed by specialized teams, as the term implies.There is almost minimal interaction between
different teams in rigorous departmentalization, and each team works in their area of
specialization. with contrast, teams with flexible division are free to engage with one another and
can collaborate on common activities.
Functional Organizational Structure & Design
Different duties and activities are divided to different roles and departments in
these types of organizations, such as sales and marketing, finance, production,
purchase, HR, IT, and so on. These departments have their own workforce to carry
out duties and hence play separate roles.
In these organizations, there are two job authority or roles, namely line and
staff/function. Line authority is analogous to the direct chain of command of
supervision, and orders are issued to subordinates in a vertical chain by
supervisors. Staff authority, on the other hand, empowers specialists to assist and
improve the job efficiency of line-of-business employees. Line managers have
direct power over employees; staff or functional authority has indirect
responsibility over employees in certain but narrowly specialized duties.
Devisional Organization

Nature Inspired organization can be used divisional organizational structure is

found in huge organizations that have more than one product, function in numerous
territories, or engage on distinct projects with separate teams. The various roles of
organizations are classified in these by geographic locations, goods, projects, or a
mix of these. Each division has its own set of functions and resources, such as
manpower and other resources for the products or geographic area to which it
In a product- or project-based divisional organization, all activities such as
marketing, purchasing, production, quality, and so on are overseen by a single

leader who is the department head. For example, in the geographic division, all
operations are merged based on certain geographic areas such as the east or west,
or international places such as the Middle East, and so on. This split exists in
organizations that work in more than one territory or geographic area, have various
market strategies, and sell products based on consumer needs in that geographic
Project based
Project-based organizations are transient in nature and are created to achieve a specific set of
project results. These organizations have team members with diverse skill sets from various
functions or sectors. Budget, time, and labour are all allotted to a certain project until it is
completed. After the project is completed, the project's manpower is returned to the appropriate
departments. For instance, in the case of IT firms, where there are numerous tasks such as
designing and developing software for any college. To deal with this, several teams from the IT
department's various functions such as planning, designing, programming, testing, and so on are
assigned appropriate tasks.
Implementation in our Organization of Nature Inspired
Implementing organizational re-design is a difficult endeavour since it necessitates changes
throughout the organization. Many items have been rearranged, such as equipment types,
facilities, and so on. Employees, including top management, are trained in innovative design and
in-demand skills. There is a change in several systems such as PMS, incentives and recognition,
MIS, decision-making process, and so on.

We will construct the organization for transgender community to enhance their skills and
abilities for betterment of their future we are focus to generate the entrepreneurs for transgender
community we also give employment and also focus training and development of the transgender
community. Redesigning an organizational structure always results in significant improvements
in terms of quality, customer happiness and improved customer service, lower employee
turnover and absenteeism, increased productivity, and so on. Organizational design is useful in

all types of organizations, regardless of size or industry. The amount of time necessary to
redesign any organization is determined by its size, structure, commercial nature, and available
resources. Large organizations with complicated structures require a significant amount of time
and resources to redesign, but tiny organizations can be redesigned in significantly less time and
with far fewer resources.


Project Nature Inspired foundation process description: We will provide major steps in
project development process there generally among all the states. The information we will
provided about our institution who are unfamiliar with these processes, a understanding of basic
procedures that can better understand the frame for development of the project may be lengthy
and the stream lining may be different from the previous actions.

The project development process is based on business description, industry analysis,

organization plan. Design of environmental permits and plan specifications and estimates. These
appendix focus on the both steps because it is measure to promoted and under taken our institute.


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